8 UIMBB OUT NEW SCHEME Proposes Radical Change in Existing Methods of State and County Government. BIG POWER FOR GOVERNOR Executive Appoints All Other State Officer Modification for In itiative "Business Man agers" to Be Named. OREGON CITY, Or., Aug. 14. Special.) Revolution In the existing form of gov ernment tor the state and counties of Oreiron is contemplated In a bill .that will be presented to the voters of Oregon for their approval or rejection at the general election in November, lSia The scheme was made public this afternoon by W. S. T Ren. of this city, who has been wotk lns; on the plan to the exclusion of everything else for many months. Under the provisions of this new bill, which is In the form of an amendment to the constitution of Oregon, the Governor and State Auditor are the only elective officers in the state government The Attorney-General. Secretary of State. State Treasurer, State Printer. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Secretary of Labor and State Business Manager are all to be appointed by the Governor, and they shall constitute his Cabinet and hold office .during hla pleasure. The salaries of these officers are to be fixed by law, except that of the State Printer, who shall receive H00O per annum. With the exception of the 6ta:e Business Manager, they must have been citizens of Oregon for live years before their election or appointment. Much Power for Governor. Direct responsibility for the government or practically every department of the state is placed upon the Governor. He has the power to appoint not only all of the other officers of the state, except the Auditor, but he will name a Sheriff and District Attorney for each county, with power to suspend or remove any officer he appoints, and all local offfeers shall be subject to the recall by the people of their county or district. Complete control of the organization and management of all state institu tions, state business and public func tions now wholly or party governed or managed by 47 boards and commissions. Is placed in the hands of the Governor, who shall take over such control from time to time and before September 1, 1911. He may retain such boards and commissions as he desires as coun sellors and advisers, but he shall have full power to manage and organize, and shall be wholly and alone responsi ble to the people for results. No new boards or commissions shall be created by law, unless the law shall first be approved by the people. Only the Board of Railroad Commissioners Is retained. Proportional representation Is a feature of the measure, and political lines are largely abolished. No ap pointments or removals shall be made for any reasons of partisanship, except in the case of the members of the Gov ernor's cabinet. Business Manager Under Governor. The state, business manager shall re ceive such salary as may be determined by the Governor, who shall also define the duties of that official, who shall so organize, consolidate, supervise, direct and manage the business departments and affairs of the state as to obtain the highest possible efficiency In the state's service and full value for the public money. All of his acts shall be subject to the approval of the Governor, who is authorised to makeVuch rules and regulations as may be expedient to obtain these results. The state auditor shall be chosen by the legral voters of the state at the gen eral election in November, 1912. to serve two years. At the next biennial elect tlon the state auditor shall be elected for six years, and this shall be his regular term of office. His duties and salary are to be fixed by law. The Governor shall be elected by the people in November. 1914. and shall serve for six years. He must have re sided in the state five years prior to the date of his election, and shall not be eligible to office more than 12 years in any period of 18 years. Legislature to Be Shaken fp. Sweeping changes are made in the election and prerogatives of the mem bers of the Legislature, which shall be composed of 30 Senators and 60 Repre sentatives. The power is reserved to the people un der the Initiative, to propose legislative raeasures. resolutions, laws and amend ments to the constitution and to ena:t or reject the same at the polls inde pendent of the legislative .assembly. Ini tiative petitions for all but municipal leg islation shall be filed with the Secretary of 'State not less than ten days before any regular session of the Legislature, which shall meet annually at Salem. These petitions shall be transmitted to the House of Representatives as soon as it convenes and organises, and such ini tiative measures shall take precedence over all other measures except appro priation bills. Initiative measures en acted rby the Legislature shall be subject to the referendum or they may be in ferred by the legislative assembly to the people. The Legislature may reject any initiative measure and propose a different one on the same subject, and in such event both measures shall be submitted to the people. If conflicting measures submitted to the people shall be approved, the one receiving the highest number of affirmative votes shall thereby become law as to all conflicting provisions. The referendum may be ordered on any measure or resolution passed by the leg islative assembly, but no legislative body or council shall order the referendum on more than 15 measures at one election. The emergency clause may be used when deemed necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety that a law shall become ef fective without delay, and the measure will become a law by receiving three- fourths vote of all of the members of both houses on a separate roll call, sucn an emergency bill will remain a law, even though a referendum petition be filed against It, until it may be rejected by the people. In case of laws partly local, as the creation of additional Judges' or other officers, referendum by petition hall be for approval or rejection by the people of the local districts interested. The veto power of the Governor or Mayor shall not extend to measures lnltia'.ed by or referred to the people. Six Tears for Legislators. The term of office for Senators and Representatives shall be six years, both beginning with the general election of 1911, at which time all offices shall be vacant, and SO Senators and 60 Repre sentatives shall be chosen. The right is reserved to the people to dissolve either or both houses and at the same time elect a. new House or Senate, or both, as the case may be. The manner of proceeding with the dissolution of either or both branches of the legislative assembly is provided- rot less man per ceni ui i' legal voters of the state shall file a dls- --. : with Yim RlTt H TV O t BUIUUUU .- - . .. " ... State, who shall order a special election to take place tnrougnoui tiie bihio am leas than 60 nor more than 90 days from .1 n.. .v.. ...tlilnn The filing of such a petition shall operate as a com plete suspension irom onice oi mi edi tors and Representatives. Plan Proportionate Representation. Senators and representatives shall be chosen by such method of proportion ate representation of an the voters that any one-sixtieth of all the citizens of the state voting for one person for rep resentative and any one-thirtieth, for senator shall ensure his election. Can didates for the office of senators or representatives may be nominated in districts, but they shall be chosen by the electors from the state at large. Each candidate's name shall be printed on the official ballot in the district where he is nominated, but in no other. Any elector in any district may vote for a candidate in any other district by writing or. sucking on his ballot the name and political party of the candi date voted for. Every elector may vote for one candidate for representative and one candidate for senator and no more. The whole number of votes cast in the state for all candidates and represen tatives shall be divided by 60, and the quotient will be the number of votes necessary to ensure the election of one representative. Proportional represen tation is carried out in detail by the following section: . The whole number of votes received in the state by all the candidates for each party and by Independent candi dates for representative shall be sev erally divided by said Quota of election; the quotients will be the number of ,.n..nttlva seats to which each party is entitled, and that number of the party candidates who have received, each for himself, shall be thereby elected. Any individual candidate who receives for himself a quota of votes shall be thereby elected. The seat or seats which cannot be alloted to any party or independent candidates for full quotas shall be given to the several political parties or Independent candi dates having the highest remainders, in the order of such high remainders, until the 60 seats are filled. The votes for candidates for senators shall be treated In the same manner as the votes for representatives, save only that the whole number of votes cast in . . ..nHi.Ai for senators me mw iui v,.- . r . . , shall be divided by 80 to obtain the quota necessary to ensure mo t-""" of a senator. Candidates for senator or representative must have resided in the state for five years. Appropriations for the maintenance of the state government and all exist ing public institutions and aU in stitutions aided by state funds not exceeding the amount of any previous appropriation for the same purpose, shall be available at once, but any increase in appropriations shall be subject to the referendum. No Legislator to Preside. The presiding officers of the Senate and House shall not be members of either body, but shall be chosen by their respective houses. They shall have no voice on legislative business and shall not appoint the standing committees. Member of the legisla tive assembly shall receive a salary of 1350 per annum and the amount of nec essary fares he shall actually pay. The presiding- officers shall receive 8500 per annum. Bills introduced after the tenth day of any session shall not be passed at that session, unless they are emer gency measures. Ten dollars shall be deducted from the salary of any mem ber for every time ne tans to vum 1 1 Anii nniui -.Yenned bv a ma jority of all the members of his house. Every citizen shall have a right to bring an action in the Circuit Court at the seat of government against any measure within ten days after its pass- -1 . : - . Vi o t h rattia was nassed Kgo, iiiflue I- - by bargaining, trading, logrolling or other forms or undue mnuence. im Attorney-General shall defend the ac tion, but Senators and Representatives may employ assistant counsel. The case shall be tried witnin zu uay u the close of the session, and the verdict of the turv shall be on the preponder ance of evidence. If the verdict is in imical to the measure it snau nave mo same effect as a petition for the referendum. Governor to Participate. 9TV a "!-. vtt- nr art A hl Cabinet shall have seats on the floor of both houses of the legislative assembly, ana n snau be the duty of the Governor to lntro- J . annrnnHlltlon tlillS. and he shall have the right to introduce any measure or resolution, tie anu nis au lnet shall have the right to speak and .rfnlnlflrrfttlnn m P , IS 11 TP 8. and the Governor may appeal from the ac tion of the legislative assemuijr i." people, through the referendum, and he is authorized to order a referendum in such cases. - ' If the proposed amendment is adopted the several state .officers-who shall be .- . Knvumhnr. 1910. election shall be members of the Governor's cabinet during the time wr which ... I all tVitr rp. snail oe eietieu, Liu- - -- spects the amendment shall be in forcer from the tniruein aay aiiei u tlon by the people. The conduct of county business is turned enmDletely over by the proposed hleh nrovides that a board of three directors shall be chosen to serve for four years from November, 1915. and to serve six years there after, beginning with November. 1916. They shall be subject to the re call, and shall receive the same com- i- una tiald to the County Commissioners. They shall employ a county business manager, and in seea- - ,, fnr that nositlon they shall , v.-' limits to the state of Oregon. The business manager's salary shall be determined by the Board of Directors, who shall not have Jurisdiction over the County Judges, justices nu wuu stables. Salaries of county officials shall be fixed by the people of their respective counties, and not by the Leg islature. Officers who may be elected in November. 1910. and those who are now in office, shall serve until 1912, but shall do so under the direction of the county business manager. Courts to Be Reformed, Too. The courts do not escape in the pro posed constitutional amendment, but few changes are made in this branch of the government. No bill with the emergency clause attached shall be en acted to change the salaries of Judges, or diminishing or increasing the num ber of Judges, or changing the terra of any Judicial officer. Only such opinions of the supreme uoun simn oe iimiucu as decide new questions of law. If the Supreme Court shall be of the opinion, in considering an appeal, that the Judg ment of the court appealed from was such as should have been rendered In the case, such Judgment shall be af firmed, notwithstanding any errors committed during the trial; or if. in any respect, the Judgment appealed from should be changed, and the Su preme Court shall be of the opinion that It can decide on what Judgment should have been entered in the court below. It shall direct such Judgment to be entered in the same manner and with like effect as decrees are now entered In equity cases on-apjial to the Supreme Court. .' The bill provides a board or Jhree -people's Inspectors of Government." and thev shall be editors of the Oregon Offi cial Gazette, which shall be published quarterly and contain such matters as DISCOURAGED MEN Don't you know that frequently a heart-to-heart talk with someone that you can regard as a friend Is often a greater comfort than anything else could be? Somebody that can ap preciate matters from TOUR viewpoint, and who can get away from the money side of it long enough to do a little golden rule thinking and advising with you. whether you have a dol lar in your pocket or not? Money Is not everything in this world, and the man without any other attribute is poor Indeed. Of course. It takes a certain amount of money to run anything, but there la a difference between fulsome sordldness and legi mate needs. Half the people I treat commence without a dollar in their pocket or In sight, and there is not a man In Portland who can say he had to forego my treatment for want of money. Come In and get acquainted understand usjietter and you will like us better. ' . DOXT LET MONET MATTERS OR FAX8B PRIDE KEEP TOtJ AW AT I CURB FOREVER CASES OB" VAKICOSE VEINS, BLOOD DISEASES, NERVOUS DEBILITT, PILES, ECZEMA, FALLING HAIR, FAILING MEMORY, OBSTRUCTIONS, NERV OUS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS. I don't care who has failed, if you come to me I will CURE you of anVSf the above-named ailments or not charge you one" penny for my services. Don't give up before seeing me. For years I have been talking through the columns of this paper on matters of health, and thousands have profited by my advice and consultation, many of whom needed nothing ir .the way of treatment but good, wholesome advice, which X alwa s giVInCgetingyand maintaining health there is nothing : more uncommonly displayed by the average man than good, common sense. They seem determined to never know the worth of water until the well runs dry. They throw away their health by indiscretion and neglect as though their bodies were ma chines that could never wear out. Today I want to impress upon you the importance of looking after your healthy Don t let the canker worm of delay hypnotize you into neglect but get the "today habit." Come over today and let us exa mine the nerve tensions and have a free, confidential, heart-to-heart talk about your health. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED lb ONLY SCIENTIFIC METHODS CURE S,"" m't titl D n 111. 5 . .P.CUUI, .1 Ji M lh. -I ltl.. ' treat no other class of ailments. , NEVER DISAPPOINT MT PATIENT'S, I 1"" HOLD OUT FALSB CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Every afflicted man is earnestly Invited to come to my office, where I will explain to him my method, and whfre Z will receive private counsel, a careful personal examination and an honest and scientific opinion of his disorder absolutely free of oost. I have ELEVEN WELL-EQUIPPED OFFICE ROOMS And if you will be wise enough to compare notes when seeking treatment my large business will become i.rLl an lisannointments to the public will become fewer. I handle cases In my line on any plan In the worid that f. saCacTory'to the parent and an honest business proposition to myself You can arrange to Ly the whole fee when cured, or In small payments as you are satisfied with the benefits. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CO. INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAW CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STS., PORTLAND, OR. . i : . i may be necessary to keep the voters of the state lnrormea as iu iu The Gazette shall be mailed to all voters. The Board of Inspectors snau i V. ful for any defect or imperfection in the state and local systems of government. and It shall bo tneir urny uj the management of every public office . . .K11 institution suoDorte.d anu ui " -- . , , by public funds. They shall criticize and report through me umouo. " jt v. mifeiin nervine and In formation of the citizens, without motive or desire for personal or pari.uKi.ii -vantage. . ,i , miiimIv and state officers ah icjiuiii v. - shall be published in the Gazette and any citizen or onicer may iio "J communication Inserted therein by pay- . ., . ... i ttm nnhlication. ing lor lap ftttui" wo, , No general news or commercial adver- .... Ltt.i 1 i ,ka Havattjl tlslng snau do puduiuw " The board shall be chosen at the Novem ber 1912, election to serve two years, and at the November, 1914, election, and there after they shall be chosen for a term of six years. Their salary shall be 3000 per annum, and traveling expenses, pay able quarterly. The Order of Grangers and Patrons of Husbandry of Oregon, the Federated Trades Convention of Oregon representing organized labor, fenfl. the as sembled presidents of the Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce In Oregon may recommend to the Governor the names of three persons for appaait ment. to serve until November, 1912. Mr. U'Ren gives out the names of the following as his associates in framing the measure: Thomas G. Greeme, Will Daly Henry H. McGinn, Henry Hahn, F. MoKercher, E. S. J. McAllister, W. P. Olds. C. H. Chapman, G. M. Orton, H. Parkinson, B. Lee Paget and C E. 8. Wood, of Portland; Frank Williams, of Lents: F. M. Gill, of Dufur, and W. A. Huntley and C. Schuebel. of Oregon City. John Barrett Is Coming. -WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. Director Bar, rett. of the International Bureau of American Republic, left here today to at tend the Trans-Mlssippi Congress to be held next week at Denver. .He will be joined there by General Carlos Garcia Velez the Cuban Minister to the United States. Afterward they will go to Seattle to attend the exposition, and they may make official visits to San Francisco and Portland at the request at commercial bodies of those cities JURY REP0RTCR1TIG1SED DETENTION HOME DEFENDED BY SUPERINTENDENT. CGeeWo THE CHINESE DOCTOJ This crest Chinas doctor Is w.U knows throughout the Northwest because ef his wondertol snd marrtion cures, and is today her alded by U bis oatleats as th. erratnt of his kind. He treats any and all diseases irlth powerful Chtnw roots, berbs and barks that ar. .ntlr.1T unknown to tt. medical sclenc. of thU country. With tbM. harmleM remedies b. ruxrantees to cor. catarrh.' asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, errousaem. stomach, liver and kidney troubles, alas private disease of men and womca. CONSULTATION FBEX. Patient, outsld. of city writ, for blank, and circular Inclos. 4c .tarns. The C Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16!H Firs St.. Near Morrison, , Fort Una. Or. Jj. H. Baker Declares Figures Cited In Report Do Not Conform to Facts. "Ths report of the grand Jury does the Detention Home an injustice," said L. H. Baker, superintendent of that in stitution yesterday. "It is charged by the members of that body that it costs t flD a mnnth n TT11tltaill this HOR16 where only from nine to. twelve boys are cared for. The facts are that the average monthly cost of sustaining the tm csip. go while on an aver age 19 boys are provided with a home. rne total expenses ui vno m the last year, Including bills and sal aries, was M566.80. From this total should be deducted the following Items: Fuel on hand. $60; permanent improve ments, 167.60, and cash received for board of the charges, $505. This makes a total of $732.60, which, being deducted from the total of $4566.80, shows that the actual expenses of the institution for 12 months were $3834.20. or an av- nf 9t.t19.SA. These Diagii .in... ."j , expense items include everything but the cost for water, which is slight. "There are, on an average, 19 children at the Home. At times there are not more than 12, while at other seasons of the year the attendance will reach 35. In adltion to the regular wards of the Home,, we receive and care for, on an average, 100 transients "unng the year. Bach of these children remains at the Home from two days to six weeks. The minimum cost per capita for table ex penses is $4.40 a month, while the max imum cost has not exceeded $5.50. It does not seem that a cost of 15 cents - j i nnv rn mlllh. "The scope of the work of the Home Includes the apprenension oi i boys and returning them to their homes. During the last year we have taken into custody many lads and returned them to their homes, in one case a boy being cut, f Wisconsin. I do Bent iu luc! - - - . , i v. -Tinear r criticise trio grand 11UL " 1 1 1 Jury, but I feel that ' its report was based on insumcient n.uuwicu6 work of the Home and the actual cost of maintaining it. Seven Get Honor Medals wisnrvRTOIT. Aug. 14.-For gallant conduct while under fire of the enemy in the Philippines or in Cuba, five officers two enlisted men yesterday were awarded medals of honor by the . War Department. Those tnus nonurcu ' Major James Church and Major Paul Btraub. of the Medical Corps; Lleuten- LQ' fiHSCHESTER'S PILLSi J21 Toe DIAMOND iBRAXO.. T1 tti. in Bi sad Avoid tccalUcX botes. SOftled with Bias RibboV 1 T--.L.. How mt von Irrrr1-t. AV frc C lfl IiF8-TEBS DIAKOXO BRAND PILLS, for S ron as B-st. Safest. Always Reliable SO'J BY DRUGGISTS E-IRVnilESSi 1? NATURE'S MEDICINE Will Make Yon Strong Wouldn't you like to have your friends point to. you and say: "There SgWvVbeeS tHed Vn'd hfaHef You f now that; but Eieotro- k k' which -ssc? ar"ft SaUtSnlSr lo -rve force. Electro- Vigor will restore you to perfect health. DOCTOR'S BOOK FREE! - To any man or woman who will mail us this coupon I will send free (closely sealed) my finely il lustrated book regarding the cause. and cure of disease. This book is written In plain language, and explains many things you should know. It tells how you cure yourself in the privacy of your own home without the use of drugs. DR. S. a HALL CO. 1314 Second Ave., Seattle, Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your tree 8-15-09 100-page illustrated book. Address I AM MASTER OF MEN'S AILMENTS Consult Me Today The study of medicine is as broad as life and as complex as Nature. It is there fore impossible for any individual to master the treatment of all human Ilia. The man who attempts to do so is able to cure only the most- simple ailments. The ordinary physician is like the man who attempts to master every branch of mechanics, from watchmaking to shipbuilding. Such a man becomes neither a good watchmaker nor a successful shipbuilder. The general medi cal practitioner knows as much about one disease as he does about another and he has no Intimate knowledge of any. The cures he performs when he Is fortunate enough to cure are usually purely accidental. The oatient srets well, not because of the phy sician's efforts, but In spite of them. When . rjR, TAYLOR, the ordinary physician treats men's diseases, HE RARELY EFFECT S A CURE. , The Leading Specialist. I AM A SPECIALIST IN MEX'S AILMENTS. My practice is confined wholly to the ailments of men, and the fact that 1 Invariably cure every case that I accept for treatment FKOV ius that my methods are correct Indeed. I have for twenty-five years made a specialty of men's ailments and have so closely studied them tnat I am able to meet every phase and condition of each individual case, and to effect a permanent cure in a very short time. I am never for a moment in doubt as to my course. I know Just V HAT to do and HOW to do it, to obtain satisfactory -RESULTS. This explains why my practice has grown to be by far the largest in the western part or America. So confident am I that I can effect a thorough and LASTING CURB in each case that I accept for treatment, that I will gU-e a W rltten and Binding GUARANTEE TO CURE YOU, AND YOU M.ED SOT PAY MB ' A DOLLAR UNTIL YOU ARE WELL. . . Bear in mind that I could not afford to do this if I dli ii. "Jo that my treatment would not fall. 1 am the. only J""" make such a proposition. Under no circumstances do I ever take cae for treatment that are doubtful. Hence, if I accept your case for treat ment you may absolutely rely upon it that I will cure you. MY METHODS ARB ORIGINAL. My methods are entirely original with me, and arc the "s"'1 ! many years of special study and experience. Instead of J1"'". JT.y. tients lip with powerful drugs and stimulants, as do other specialists, I apply soothing, healing and absorbent medicines .D1RkCTLY to tne DISEASED REGION, and thus aid Nature in overcoming the 'trouble The best that human skill can do is to ASSIST NATURE. It is Nature that performs the cures. Powerful drugs taken through the. stomach do n ot tore. They merely set up a new disturbance in the system, which, for a time, diverts the energies from the old disease to the " attack. This process is Invariably attended with a reaction, and in cons uen" le,fvef the patient in a worse condition than before treat en ""VfSrer with employed by another class of physicians is to dose the matte J" wn tonics, which exhilarate the patient so that he actually hbneJ'e? J11?'! improving under such treatment. But after a very short time these stimulant medicines cease producing the desired effect, when the dis ease gains a new and firmer grip upon the patient, , HOW I CUBE, My methoO of treatment overcomes inflammation and eo"SJon aiding the tissues of the diseased region to throw off the Pso"B secretions and the deadly toxins caused by d'ease-t ?' toxins are more poisonous than the virus of . t he rati tiesna Thousands of the cases of sudden death vlcbcTtli"n". frequency in every city in the land, are 7 '? '.c. Phea?t "dfs though such cases are usually pronounced heart fa I1", or"e" 'sd ease. My treatment completely eliminates every trace of disuse and accumulated poisons from the system, and thus allows Nature to perfect a COMPLETE CURE. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. My methods have revolutionized the treatment of ments J;?"t" to men, and consequently altered former medical theories. Imitetors of my system of practice have sprung up W"- p?0n success in any field of human endeavor begets Imitators. I "',nS BY MY METHODS. My treatment is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GEN UINE Direct-Method Treatment for the Diseases of Man. MY MODERN and up-to-date methods effect a certain and speedy cure Of CONTRACTED AILMENTS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, NERV OUS DEBILITY, PROSTATIC TROUBLES, and all reflex ailments. Examination and Advice Free T ffr not onlv FREE CONSULTATION and" ADVICE, but of every case tnat comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. It yon cannot call, write for Dlna-nosls Chart. My off flees are open all day from 8 A- M. to 9 P. SL, and Sunday from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 MORRISON STREET. CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. ants George Shaw and Charles Beck roan. Twenty-seventh Infantry; Lieuten ant Charles IS. liuoourne, msnm and H. T. R. Quinn and Seth Ewald, privates, , Tickles Spoil Greek Dance. Trr-inn Aiie. 14. Young women o! the Fine Arts Society of Oak Park, who are to aid in interpreting the Grecian drama, "The Ladies of Athens,' August 28 have tried dancing in tneir pare ieeu They do not like it. Therefore, although absolute fidelity to the ancient Greek period will be observed In the stage set tings and costumes, in tnat iinrutuiar artistic traditions will be violated. They declared the grass tickled their bare feet. At rehearsals their giggles quite upset the orchestra, and their efforts to get away from thetickle on the soles of their feet interfered with the stateliness and grace of the rythmic Greek dano. Manss to Buy Interest? CTNCINNATI, Aug. 14. Harry Mans, a wealthy manufacturer, and member of the City Board of Public Service, is said to be negotiating for the Interest in the Philadelphia National League club held by the late President Israel Durham. I AM EOK MM SB fwanyU tTcalf iXe a show you why I can and do cure cases after all others have trieu nav tailed. I Can Cure Quickly Safely and Privately Forever VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD POISON CONTRACTED AILMENTS TISSUE WASTE Mt New System Treatment restores weak, nervous men. BLOODOlsoN. Sores. Ulcers and Skin Eruptions, poisonous mat ter inthe blooa scatters the seed of disease through the .body. nnstiiloT- ernntinns. oimDles. rashes, sores, ulcers, falling hair, sore mouia and'hroImplird Vitality and strength Neglected or taproper.y treated cases generally end in Ataxia or sudden Paralj sis and the ex istence of the unfortunate victim is sad indeed. -n Our Kerr System Treatment forces out the Impurttie. i and . soon all signs and symptoms disappear completely, the b'? Vrhfeled flesh, the pores and the whole system is cleansed and purified. VARICOSE (or knotted) Veins is always a serious condition The , m perfect circulation causes reflex comp,icatlons . steadily .lowers v'tal and nerve forces. Our New System Treatment has cured many Patients notice improvement from the very beginning. No cutting or detWECUREmMEN-Don't lose your grip on life. Many menare now suffering from sedentary habits and dissipation Their strength and vitality are falling and will soon be gone. Vey?' destroy your happiness and your future life will be misery, distress ana failure. Our New System Treatment restores to perfect health " intended. Associate diseases of men quickly cured By our new Oscillator Treatment. DON'T L,ET MONEY MATTERS OR FALSE PRIDE KEEP YOU AWAY Free Museum for Education of Men ,fp -SSESSS- lUkr, . A. M. to 8 R M. daily. Sundays, 9 to 12 only. , OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 1-2 Morrison St. Bet. Fourth and Fifth, Portland. Oregon