THE STJXDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTXAU, AUGUST lo, 1909. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAX TELEPHONES. pc States. Home. Countlng-Room MMn 7070 A GOBS City Circulation Vain 70.0 A 6 Managing Kduor HulnTOiO A '5 Fundiy F.ditor Main 7070 A 6;5 . -vi..,n 7:170 A '15 City Editor '. '. V. a:n 7070 A Sum. Buildings Main jOiO A ou5 AMUSEMENTS. SrKBlLOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor- phahI E1rt..k Thomnaon'a nrodUCtion of the drama. "Polly of the Circus." Tola afternoon, 2.13; tonlgnt s:id. OP.PHEUM THEATER (Morrison, between filxta and seventni Advancea rinut- Tills. Matinee at 2:13. Tonight at 8:15. GRANT) THEATER (Washington, between Seventh ar.d Park) vaudeville ae luxe. 2 SO. 7:30 and P. M. piv'Tir.rfl thrattr (Fourth and Stark) Continuous vaudeville, 2:S0, 7:30 and :30 P. M. l:Tn m V kT tr? Movlnr-nlcture show evory afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o'clock. OAKS r w. P. carllne.) Conceit by Donatelll's Italian band. This afternoon at 2:Z0 and tomcat at 8:15- RECREATION" PARK. (Twenty-fifth and Vauk'hn Haaeball. vernon vs. ruri" Thla afternoon at J: 30. : j OREGONIANAT RESORTS J j Fer ajaickest service) sabserlbe i itor The Orenonlon at Summer resorts t k r n tc h ke follavrtns; T areata and avoid walling- in line T at Ike poafp'rice. City r a t e a. I SDbarrlptlooa by mail iavarlably I f la idmcc. t w r- T. mil I Urrakrra. . .".".".".".'..Hotel Breakers Lui Beach .Stranhal Co. .ceavievr Straobal l Ilwaro Railway Co..Nevra Agent I rolnmhla Beacb Mlas Sannders J Oearhaxt Severin Harkaom i eaid- ". Dreeeer A Co. rvtport Ceoraje Sylvester .Weoaha Siprinisa J. A. Barle Shipbrrda Sprincs... Mineral Hotel J Wllholt Sprlnsra. . .F. W. SIcLfran I Caseadla G. SI. Gelendorfer Collins Springe. Collins Hotel a i t Made Associatb Pastor. Rev. Francis 1 Cook has been called to oe associate pastor of the Central Christian Church, East Twentieth and East Salmon streets, and will assist Rev. J. F. Ghormley. Mr. Cook has had extended experience as pastor, having been associated with Dr. H. O. Breeden. of Dea iloines, la., and Xr. J. S. Myers, of Dedalia, Mo. Mr. Cook also attained considerable promin ence as a singing evangelist. Erection of the mone edifice and the growing work of the Central Christian Church made It necessary that Dr. Ghormley should have an associate. The walls of the stone church ar5 rising rapidly and probably the basement will be occupied this Fall. Mr. Cook's family consists of his wife, on daughter and son. He has already entered on his work and his family will soon arrive. Miss Rena Kadt. sister of Mark T. Kady. died at her brother's residence, 63 Wiberg Lane, at noon Friday, after a hort Illness of only 24 hours, due to a general collapse of the- system from anemia. Mise Kady was picked up un conscious on Sixth street, near Washing ton, at noon Thursday. She was taken to her brother's home, but never re covered from the shock. She is survived by one brother. Mark T. Kady, and two filters. Mrs. William Wahlstrom, of Green Bay. Wis., and Mrs. Delia Coetello, of Baltimore. Md. She has been a resi dent of Portland ttn years, where she he!d the position as private secretary to her brother who is President of the Union Pacific Life Insurance Company. Mehsner Discharged. Fred W. Mess ner. the barber arrested early last week on a complaint sworn to Deputy Coroner Dunning, charged with the murder of his 6-months-old Infant son was arraigned before Judge Bennett in Municipal Court yesterday morning and waa ordered difl ml5?ed from custody because of want of evidence to substantiate the charges. Band Will, Give Concert. The Penin sular Band will give a public concert this afternoon in the North Albina Park, at i:30 o'clock. The North Albina and Arbor Lodge volunteer Are companies will play a game of baseball In the afternoon In tho park. There is much rivalry between these teams and a warmly contested game Is expected. Jttdoe Morrow Goes to Michioah. Judge R. G. Morrow, of the Circuit Court, left yesterday for Michigan, where he will attend a family reunion at his mother's home, at Niles. He will spend a few days at the University of Michi gan, at Ann Arbor, and will return to Portland about September 7. The Law Department. University of Oregon, meets the wants of ambitious young men. Night classes. Faculty of 17 Instructors composed of leading Judges and lawyers. Fall term opens September J Catalogue on application. Walter H. Evans, secretary, 611 Corbett building. Sot-iaust Meetings Tonight at 8 o'clock, at Marxian hall, 20Si Stark street, Hubert Langerock will speak on "The Law of Life." Admission free, all welcome, Tuesday, at 8 P. M., J. Can frell. of Iola. Kan., will speak on "Social ism and Its Purposes," In the same hall. Oreoon Crrr Boat. Sunday Trips. Leave Tatlor-Street Dock 9 A. M.. 12 M. and 3 P. M, RotJND Trip 46 Cents. Tickets Good ox O. W. P. Car. Wi Sni.l. hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 80 pound beds from 87 50 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger, pro prietor. Front St., Main 474. A 1374.e J NO. A. ROIBLTIO'S StNS CO. Majci-tacturkrs or Wire Rope, Iron &rmri. and Copper Wire. Removed From SI First Street to 89 Fifth Street, LtruaERUENs Bum.' Job Hayes begs to Inform his friends and public that he has associated hlm pelf with Union Guarantee Ass'n., in the capacity of city solicitor for California Ice Co . of San Francisco, Cal. Wanted. Five or six-room, modern house or bungalow. In good residence dis trict; small payment down. Price and particulars to O SOT, Oregonlan. WHrN In Seattle patronise the Golden Rod Inn. next to subway on ray Streak. It is operated by Acme Mills Co., manu facturers of Golden Rod Oats. Sewkd Soles, 75 Cents. Best Oak Leather. While you wait, or sent for. Jacob SVhwind, 367 Stark, near Park. Phone Main 73i. A 8211. For Rext or Sale. Quarter block N. Av. cor.. l!th and Clay Ms. Inquire 516 Lumbermens bldg.. cor. F.fth and Stark. Warnino. George D. De Morris is no longer connected In any capacity with the Anglo-American Discount Ass'n. "Lefferts" pure gold seamless wedding. Tings, all sizes; eneravins free; price. 85 to 8:i ITS Washington etneet. Try a good luncheon at the Woman's Exchange, 1S6 Fifth street. Delicious, home-cooked delicacies. GiLT-ErcE Investment, will sell, SMOOl Portland Home Telephone gold bonds, at "9. B 80S. Ortgonian. Dr. Haotard. veterinary surgeon. B. & O. T. Stables. th and Davis. Main 10T7. Brandes" Grill. I S S.xth, serves an elegant 7-course French dinner, all day. Rosenthal Sisteiis. Hairdressers and manicurers, !"0 7th. bet. Stark and Oak. "Viavi Hyoitine," science of hea'th, 400 Cages, free. Write 6t Rothchlld bldg. Bhipherd's Springs is the place for rou. E. L Sliipherd. manager. ria. HaRhia. dunUst, retur&s, A.u- ii. 6tstm in EtrsDAT School Work. At J meeting of pastors, superintendents and Sunday school specialists, held In i .i 1 1 . i - -wr II" il A rtn lire auauonuiii ui lijc i - " - - -- Monday evening, Angust , It was de cided to call another meeting and In clude all assistants and department su perintendents for Monday evening. Au gust 23. at the same place. The com mittee In charge has begun the biggest thing in a Sunday school way mat nas I ever bpen undertaken In the West. It ifl , r.rotoae. to organize a class of 600 In union teacher training worn, m uxi u Monday evening from September IS, 1903, to June 13, 1&10. J. Albert Emrich, a specialist in Bible school work, will teach the class. An opportunity Is now given for the Sunday schools of Portland and vicinity to get trained teachers for their schools. The association extends an invitation to pastors, superintendents and workers to be present and help to complete arrangements. Such classes are quite common In the East. Business Men Will, Go. Advices have been received by the Chamber of Com merce that elaborate preparations are being made by the citizens of Marshneld and North Bend for the entertainment of delegates and visitors at the Oregon Idaho Development Congress which will convene in those cities next week. The Portland Chamber of Commerce will send a representative delegation to- the convention. Many other Portland )usr nes3 men are also to participate and will leave here on the special steamers to Coos Bay. Special transportation facili ties have been arranged on the Break water and the Alliance. Cornerstone to Be Laid. The corner stone of the new Mount Tabor Metho dist Church will be laid, tomorrow eve ning at 7:15 o'clock, by Bishop Charles W. Smith, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. D. L. Rader, of the Pacific Christian Advocate, and President Homan, of Willamette Univer sity. The structure will be built at cost of 812.000 and the furnishing will cost about 85000. It will be made of con crete blocks and will measure 70 feet bv 90 feet. This will add another to the already large number of stone churches on the East Side. Ruppner Case Dropped. Owing to the non-appearance of Thomas C. Devlin receiver of the defunct Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, in Municipal Court to press his charges against R. R. Ruffner, who Mr. Devlin avers threatened his life, the case was ordered stricken from the docket by Police Judge Bennett yes terday morning. The case called for trial yesterday morning was the sequel to a fistic encounter several weeks ago m Devlin's office. Ruffner was subsequently taken into custody on the charge of as sault and battery. A Jury acquitted him. Road in Good Condition. The recent dry weather has put the Mount Hood road from Sandy In good condition. Quite a number of automobiles left- yesterday for the various resorts near Mount Hood witk loads of pleasure parties, who will return today and Monday. When the roads are dry automobiles make the run to the Toll Gate in a few hours. An Income for Ladles. To women of refinement who are In touch with people of standing who would be Interested in an Investment of character and merit. we offer an excellent opportunity to secure a splendid income from a few minutes occasional effort. Replies strictly confidential. V 314, Oregonlan.- Will Discuss Vaccination. "Vaccina tion and Vivisection vs. Kindness and Cleanliness" will be the subject to be discussed at the Portland branch of the International Ethical Educational So ciety, at 8 o'clock next Tuesday, at 601 Yamhill street. The public is invited to take part In the discussion. Miss Lenora Conkelman, who ' has been East or the past six weeks in the interest of Fraley Bros. Millinery, re turned Thursday. Miss Conkelman wishes to assure the patrons of this establish ment a goodly number of deslgDs out of the ordinary in Fall hats. , Wanted. A butcher who is looking for good location in city; have a proposi tion that will Interest you. AX. 301. Oreg'n. Lecture and Messages. Mrs. Edith Cobb, today. First Spiritual Society, 11th and Xamlilll. Free. Plug Team Wranted- Suitable for camp and farm. Hawk, &$ 3d. Both phones. Skamania Co. Land See new today. CAR EMPLOYES TO FROLIC Third Picnic of Season Will Be Given Monday at Estacada. B. S, Josselyn, president of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company, has granted to the employes of the road holiday, to be taken tomorrow, when picnic will be held at Estacada. This Is the third of a series of picnics given this Summer by the management to the employes. The offices forces, shopmen, general electric men and all train serv ice men who can be spared will be given the day to amuse themselves. ' Two special trains of eight cars each will carry the 1100 employes, leaving East Water and Morrison streets at 8:50 A. M. and going to Estacada, where the day will be spent. Donatelli's band will be taken along to furnish music and to play for dancing in the pavilion. There will also be various athletic events, in cluding a baseball game between the married men and the single. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladles. 305 Wash., near Fifth. .Vhen at the A.-T.-P. Exposition, Se attle, dine at Oregon restaurant, in Ore gon building. W. F. Watson, Prop. Don't fall to try the new Imperial Kantong Cafe. 458 Washington. Special Sunday chicken dinner with ice cream, 40 cents. Merchants lunch dally. 25 cents. All boxes decorated in Oriental style. A special 60c chicken dinner today at Hall's restaurant. 830 Washington St. ROOF GARDEN. Nortonla Hotel, Eleventh street, off Washington. Dinner parties arranged for. Phone Home A 6021. Main 7161. MANTELBRICK. Eight varieties. P. L. Cherry Co., 310 Lumber Exchange. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg, Main, A 1635. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. B. L. Saunders wishes to thank the friends, neighbors and linemen for the beautiful, floral offerings and the kindness and sympathy shown her in her recent bereavement. MHS. K. L. SAUNDERS. CARD OF THAA'KS, We wish to thank our friends for the many expressions of sympathy and kindness extended to us in our sad be reavement in the death of our daughter. MK. AND MKS. S. E. REHNSTRuM CARD OF THAXKj. Robert P. Lyle wishes to thank his friends for their floral decorations and sympathy at the funeral of Mrs. Mamie A. Lyle. - Clearance sale fine shoes at Rosenthal's means mony saved. For trunks 0 to the Harris Trunk Co. ' MANYVISITORSHERE Commercial Club Will Do Much Entertaining. FARMERS PLAN JUNKETS Three Conventions to Be Carried On at Same Time Worcester Board of Trade Excursion With 100 in Party Comes Tuesday. This week Portland will be visited by a host of agricultural enthusiasts from all parts of the Union and Canada. Three distinct conventions will be held in this city during the week, each with the, aim of bettering the agricultural Interests throughout the country. The Commercial Club will be headquarters of all the delegates and visitors to the trio of conventions and elaborate plans have been made for their entertainment while here. Since late yesterday delegates to the American Association of Farmers' Insti tute workers, which will open its ses sions tomorrow at the convention hall of the Commercial Club, have been ar riving in the city. Tuesday . the Asso ciation for the Promotion of Agricul tural Science will open its initial ses sion, to be followed by the three; days' sessions of the American Agricultural Colleges and experimental stations. which will open on Wednesday and continue until Friday. - On Saturday the delegates of the three conventions will mobilize and participate in various sightseeing Jaunts arranged by the commerolal bod ies. A trip through the apple orchards at Hood River will consume the greater portion of the day at Hood River on Saturday. On Monday the visitors will journey to Dundee and Independence, where the hopfields will be viewed. Upon -the arrival of the party at Cor vaills a tour of the Oregon Agricultural College will be made, after which the delegates will be entertained by the cit izens of that place. Tuesday the Jaunt will be resumed and the state capital at Salem will be visited. Albany and Chemawa will be touched before the return to Portland. Worcester People Tuesday.i Portland will, welcome Worcester, Mass. business men next Tuesday. On- that date the special train bringing almost 100 business men from the Eastern city whl arrive in town and much attention will be shown them here. It is realized the Worcester people are a long way from home when -they are on this shore of the continent and everything .possible will be done to dispel any trace of homesick ness. The visitors upon their arrival at A. M. on Tuesday will be escorted to the Portland Hotel for breakfast. A special trolley ride will be given from the hotel at 10 A. M. that will show the visitors the principal points of interest about the city. Luncheon will be served at the Commer cial Club at 12:15. During the afternoon the wishes of the visitors will govern their entertainment. : The Worcester spe cial leaves the same night at 6 o clock. The visiting party includes many who are known to former New England peo ple nving in and about Portland and In order to give these an opportunity to visit with old friends, time will be afforded at the Portland Hotel between 8:80 and 10 . IS. The Worcester special has attracted a great deal of attention all over the Northwest, partly because of the fact that It carries 'along a glee club of 40 voices, all members of the Worcester Board of Trade, under whose auspices the excursion is being run. This glee club re cently Bang at the National Irrigation Congress at Spokane and will also sing at the Commercial Club here. Governors to Meet. Governor Benson, accompanied by his staff, will extend' a welcome to Governor Shallenberger, of Nebraska, when he reaches Portland on the morning of August 21. Arrangements are now being made through the Commercial Club whereby Nebraska's executive will be re ceived in a fitting manner. The distln gushed viBltor will be accompanied by bis staff. Governor Benson wrote Manager Richardson, of the Commercial Club, yes terday that he will take part In the en tertainment now being arranged In Gov ernor Shallenberger's honor. The Ne braska executive, together with his of ficial family, la making a tour of the Pacific Coast that will include all the principal cities. The visiting party will arrive on the morning of August 21 at 7 A. M., and will leave the following day at 8:15 A. M. CONSULAR WORK .TAUGHT Tniversity of Oregon Will Fit Young Men for Service UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or, Aug. 14. (Special.) One of the courses of study that Is to receive spe cial emphasis at the University of Ore gon during the coming year will be that given in preparation for . the consular service. The demand for young men for this branch of Government employ ment has Increased greatly during the past few years, and many Oregon boys are asking that the instruction neces sary for passing the required examina tions be given. The young man who is looking for ward to the consular service as a ca reer no longer finds It possible to seek out members of Congress and ask them to forward him, with recommendations, to the Department of State at Wash ington. Instead he must be preparing himself for the examination, which is the initial test of his fitness. All of the subjects necessary for the examination have been given for some time at the University of Oregon, but they have not heretofore been grouped with reference to the consular service. The subjects required in the course in clude modern languages, higher mathe- Lmatlcs, chemistry, Latin, anthropology. sociology, political science and econom ics, constitutional law, general history and English composition. ' The general direction of the course under the chnree of the department of economics FOREIGN BOOKS "We carry German Text-Books, Ger man Fiction find Novels, German Mag azines; also French Text-Books and Novels, -and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kind3 o books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 First Street t, 1 , The Diamond Question What Kind of a Diamond to Buy and Where to Bur Itf- W have ana were d this ques tion a thousand times and every one of our diamond customers fieem so well pleased that they send their friends to us. THAT IS why we are doing such a larpe diamond business. YOU Hl'K NO CHANCES in buying: diamonds of us. We are In huMlness to stay. Oiu stCCEjis surely ousht to demonstrate that we understand, our business, and our methods certainly have met with the ap proval of the public. Others have found this out, why not youf Out Solitaire Diamond Ring's ra n grl n a: in. prices fro m to fl(M have been bis sellers. We enenKe only expert dia mond setters. Ail work done by us. Our Diamond Mountings are all 3 4 and 18 karat handmade and we have an extra large selection to choose from. ' Have yon seen our 910 Dia mond Rlna; for misses? Regular price $15. A bo at 25 left so hurry. Let us show vou our new style of mountings, the kind that make your diamonds look larger. Jaeger Bros. leading- Jewelers and Opticians, 2116 MORRISON ST, Between Third and Fourth. The Lara-eat Jewelry Star. In the .City. and political science. The Indications are that a large number of students will register for this work. Good For Yon. If yon have rheumatism or an impure system, take Bark Tonic It does the -work, 76c a bottle. Clemenson Drug; Co.. cor. Fiont and Morrison sta., Port land, Or. Shoe bargains at Rosenthal's sale. The power of your money, the quality and style of our mer chandise are the essential points for your consideration. F. P. Young 2UO MORRISOJT ST, CORBETT BLDG, COR. FIFTH ST. . Ladies' Haberdasher. TOMORROW'S SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. AD Parasols Half Price Smart Gloves 50c to $4 Pr. New Neckwear 25c to $25 Women's and Children's Hosiery 25c to $3.50 Pr. Chic Veiling 25c to $2 Yi Spun Silk Auto Veils $4.50 The New Thing-. Florshein Waists $1.4$ to $4.25 Travelers' Accessories Are' a Special Feature at Our Store. 415 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 11th Drake & Swan Co. STORE CLOSED ALL WEEK TO BE ENTIRELY REMODELED Drake&SwanCo. 415 WASHINGTON ST, COR. lllb THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. A Boren Av. SEATTLE f!i !st- is IS (5, Abeoloter fWrroof Enroaeaa FUa CattedWlnlM Statloa The HltfheM Graoe Erary Hedeta Coarealeaol Centrally located and oonnnandtea' a Tiew of th Olympic. Cascade Mountain. Mt. Rainierand ftuat botxna. auio- nui mci umuw u oa direct cartir.e to tho A.-T.-P ExpoalUea Advance Suits The Question of Protection AGAINST FIRE -is settled by the "DICK" STEEL SAFE-CABINET Btzllt en acl&ntlflo llnea, -which en ables them to protect their content when tnvutrht to a whit heat. THEV ARE LIGHT CAPACIOUS ADJUSTABLE INEXPENSIVE HANDSOME PORTABLE CONVENIENT SAFE Mahogany and Oak Finiahei Card Trays, Document Files Etc, Furnished if Required . . . - - Bxcfaatv Areata TII II A M STATIONERY iULIlAlfl Printing Co. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS RHEUMATISM Call for Free Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland; or write to Uricsol Chemical Co., Los An geles, Cal. DO NOT DELAY , Hare the matter of a atrit able memorial attended to. We earry the largest and moat artlatio stock to select from, and a call at our show room will surprise you with our work and low prices. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ' 2S4-2M FOURTH ST, Opposite City Hall. THE PORTLAND SHOE REPAIR CO. 39 YsmkUl, ketwaes Third and Conrtk. Bauer At Stooper, Props. Phone Main 7655. Shoes called for and delivered tree- Work Dona ' WhiU V lIF-a l ' V aa CCHWAB PRINTING CO. OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 2t-7& STARK, STREET Display of New Fall and Overcoats -the new Fall suits are excep tionally fine. You'll find some very catchy new ideas in models and a very rich display of new weaves, and patterns. Some especially good things in Fall overcoats to show you. Our Mr. A. B. Steinbach left Portland for the New York market early in April, to buy and supervise the make of our Fall suits and overcoats: By so doing: he was able to purchase all our Fall lines prior to the rise of the tariff, thereby enabling: us to sell our goods at the regular prices; there will be no advance on any of our Fall g-oods SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES It will pay electrical contractors to see us before buying elsewhere. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS No. 61 Sixth Street. Phones. Main 1696, A 1696. Portland, Oregon. CHICAGO Now In its NEW HOME r - ' ACTING OPERA J New Chicago Musical College Building Mn-7-(U Michigan Bonlerard. Chicago NOTB Applications for the SO free and ISO partial Scholarships -will ba received until Sept, 1st, CD ILLUSTRATED CATALOO MAILED FREE , ' ' American Kimball Halt 239 to 2B8 Wabaak Are, QAicego. 1U Conservatory The Laadiag School of Manic tad Dranatle Alt. ievmrr asmiaam innasmiss Uasospaaaad ensaM ef endy. Tear eWs Train!- Damwnsiit. Fettle school Masic Kkxay Oan, Phraictl Cnrtste. Moaea Langaagrs. School of Acting--Hart Cotrwar, Director. AfeflT Frte WdvewrstrM. 30 Frtm ScJMmrtMpi iaa-Jii TtlmttJ PwptU afUmtiud Aisaaa. AWS Scomsi fe tes Tkmtitj, Sept. . Calaor Frtt tm ApplutHn. JOHN J. HATTSTAEDT, Faxident. NORTH PACIFIC COLLEGE BcbooU of DENTISTRY and PHARMACY Unsurpassed In equipment and advantages, i The regular- session begins October 4tn- For. illustrated catalog of either school address DH. HERBERT C MUM. Comer Fifteenth and Couch Streets, Portland. Oregon. r,lQ!0ALjoF D E P A RT W E 1 1 TUNivnurrrFOMONy HIGH BTAJfDABD, THOROUGH COURSES Session Begins Sept. 13,1909. For ..t.tulnw Dean. Dr. S. E. JOSEPHI. 410 Dokum Bldg., Portlajtd, Orsoom j Jewel All-Steel Gas Range (Ebony finish.) Spring-balanced oven door, remov able top burners, asbestos-lined ovens, galvanized steel top of body and tray under burners, needle valves, with in dicator; most durable and economical gas range built; 68 designs to choose from. Prices from $12.15 up. Portland Gas Appliance Co. 143' Seventh. . OSIOAL COLLEGE Facing the Lake Front Park The finest bnildlne of lis kind In the world. Valua tion tlOOOjOOO.-OO. Hominjf the larg-eit of all Initita tlons ol MuslcaLLearaing-. Containing ZIEGFELD HALL An Ideal Aeditorinm offering nnsnrpeseed facilities for rehearsals and pnbllo appaaranoea of students in Concert. Opera and the Drama. Available for a num ber of first-lass bookings. I BOARD OF MUSICAL DIRECTORS Dr. F. Ziegfeld Dr. Lotus F.Ik Alexander Sebald Herman Devriei Felix Borowtki Maurice Denies School of ' All Branches of Hani Ten Schiller Anton Foerster Un. 0. L. Fox School of C EXPRESSION MODERN LANGUAGES ACQUISITIONS TO THE FACULTY ANTON FOERSTEB-The Balneal Flanlat and Instrae. tor of Berlin. -ALEXANDER SF-BAliD Famous Hungarian Violinist, MAURICE DEVRIE8 The Renowned Vocal Instraotor. Formerly Leading Baritone. Paria Grand Opera ad Metropolitan Opera Co. of New York. Founded 1867 44th Season Begins Sept 13 DR. F. ZIEGFELD, Pre. ISStfgltS a rtrvm afrtAol for th train tn c manly, boy. Instruction thorough and p" aonal. A thistles wncouraged, opn-ir drills. A healthy country school life, modern build ings, pure water, wholesome food. Prepares for colleges and business lifs. Bpsetal col leirs preparatory courses and Instruction m lana-uaa-ea. Fall term begins Spt. 1, 1009. Located on Lake Btsilacoom. eight mile outh of TacomaV. For full Information addrew D. S. P0LFORD, Principal Sooth Taeome, Wash. MANZANITA HALL ' A School for Boys. Palo Alto, Cat A practical fitting- school for college. Special attention given to preparation for Stanford University. Individual In struction and promotion as rapid as work will warrant. A separate house under competent care for small boys. Send for Illustrated catalogue. W. A. SHEDD, Head Master. YiU2ibV BeattlS and Isootns- ACAVtAlJ' vry Adrantaes for Boym, Young Man mnd Ymurtgr Mtomsn (Spring Water, Steam Heat, Klectrio Lights Write for 32-pase Illustrated catalog - V. O. PARKFA Proidiit UURTOrr, VA&HOM AIA.M, WAAHIWItMl