13 10 THE ffUXDA! OREGONIAN, PORTLASD. AUGUST 11 FOR BENT. Apart neiu. THE RE-U-KAX. :4 Marshall Street. The rnet EXCLUSIVE furnished apart -r-nt tn the city: .'I -room suites. PRI VATE BATH 3 and reception halls; both p.n.nes FREE '.n each apartment; electric elevator; nice large veranuas both front nnd back: large lawn and beautiful anatie tre.-s; low Summer ratea Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEI.NZ APAKTM BNTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 btocks from Morrison St.. new brick building. coxnplei;y first-claaa. furntahea Ir. 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; prKate baitt. reception halL sieam beat. )0t water, eievator. fre phone, com p-essed-air Oanlng. Janitor service, from $25 up month: some unfurnished; cc-m look a ad we surprised- THE IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room resi derwe I'-artmcniP, each having: private vestibule and bath, electric eva:or. hoi and cold water. gas rarge. haic and screens, telephone. Janitor atr.lce. Apply Janitor. 57 Com h - THE BERYL Just opened; three rooms, large and well ventilated, three large closets and two folding beds in eeiy apartment: choice location and low rates. V.". Lovejoy at. Take W car. MADISON PARK apartment. Pr.rk and Madison Unfurnished apartment: hot and cold water, electric elevator and Janitor service; 5 minutes' walk from Portland Hotel. Phone Main 6505. STEPHENSON COURT. Northeast cor. 18th and Mill ta.. 2. 3. 4 and 3 -room unfurnished aiartmenta; hot water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 5110. FURNISHED apartment. August 1, 1 or 4 (room modern, heat and light. 5 min utes' walk, for couple; no children, phone Mam ?Q-. - THE HANOVER. ICS King, near Washington Modern three-room unfurnished apart ment; wall bed. private bath and porch; reasonable. COLUMBIAN Furnish and unfurnished; al! cool outside suites;- private phore free. 11th and Columbia. Main 1911. A 2720. THE nih'ToPA.. Modern 4-room unfurnished apartments. THE WESTMINSTER. th and Madison st. Furnished and unfurnished apart men ts. la ta. FLATS. Fine -room. on Kearney, near 2Cd St.; wiM tint lo suit. $4o ttfta Mod-m 6-room on Irving St.. near 23d, $4h. .Vronm upper fiat. RHran t.. near 2"d, iit Hened and tinted. Seo ur for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FOR RENT To responsible parly, without children, elegant new tint 1 on Nob Hilt, convenient to nil kinds of first-class stores. Urc lawn i ownr takes care). Address AH 313. Oregonian. MOd'ern. A-room upp-r and lower flat. nar Wee Hide II irth S-'hooi. I a me attic and sleeping porches. Inquire 17 5 IHtn. corner Yamhl'l. ' UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, hall and alrove. modern conveniences. 34t l Mont iromerv st. t all 34rt Montgomery. Phone A 2.:.. Main W1X GOOD apartment for rent; good furniture lor sale; d se In. West Side: this Is a hnrgiir. Main Call any day be 'ore J o'ciot k. V KRT desirable -room flat. Nob Hill dis-irl.-t; best location: rent $33. Apply 66 19th st. North, near Davis. MuDERN up-" six-room flat. 126 North ! Slh ft., between Glisan and Hoyt. $.10. l.nald Woodward. 104 2d st. Main 13o. HKFoRE you niove see those brand new Hat n East 24th and Burnstde. Phone NICE, modern, lower 5-room flat. East Alder st.: vacant Sept. 1. Inquire 305 Tay lor ft. Phone Mnlu &535. ft-RnriM unfurril-hed fat wlrh gas- stove, both g.n and electric Heht ; nine blooka from l.frtoffire. Key at 344 lj. 344 Montgoroery. L'ornf.R flat, windows all around, strictly private and modern. Sixth and Mill; key upstair-, or phone C lti78. NFWLY tinted lower 5-room flat at 10th and Clnv. W. H. Powell. !22 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 24 v FURNISHED apartments, strictly modern: a loo single rooms; close In. Phone Main 6474. FINE, mod-rn 7-room upper flat, choice lo , ration. 1"'-23d. near Johnson at.; rent $:i.Y C. H- Korell. 251 Washington. MODERN fl-room lower flat, large, pleasant rooms, porch, grate, furnace; cheap. Main 21. MODERN fiats. l2i and 1!M4 McMillan .-t . near Steel bridge. Inquire 1SS Mc Millan st. NORTHEAST flat, modern eonvertencee -light r-oms. overlooking Multnomah Field. 6P2 Salmon. FLAT rour rooms, complete, modern; also beautiful sinrie room. 207 14th st. MODERN 6-room flat. 77 S, Kearney; tinted to suit tenant. Key 712 Kearney at. PLEASANT small flat, modern. -ay walking d'stuiicc; reasonable rnt. 23." Hail st. FLAT of fl room and bath. T.1S lj Hoyt at. Inquire UIJ ttth st. Main tt7S. V OM upper flat, modern. J'lume East FIAT. furnished or unfurnlsh-d. Inquire E. Drake. Graves Music Co. Main 1433. FOR iENT New flat!. 12th and Belmont. li H. Bowman. NEW. modem lower 6-room flat; rent rea eona;e. Call 314' Eugt-ne mi. FIVE rooms; steam heat, hot water, close In; no children. 5o4 Couch. SIX -ROOM corner flat : aJo three-room ilau Inquire 4S." Jerferson. 1 7 -room fiat. Apply Haverstlc Galle gcr. Lumber Kxcbanee bldg. NEW and 7-room flats. 10 minutes' walk from Postofm-e. Call 434 Mill at. Hoaekeepuig Kooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall ata Newly furnished for housekeeping, ln clud.r.g gas range, elect r.o lights, ho maier. bat 1:5. laundry, reception-room, ail free; furnished apartment $IS per mnih t.p; .ala housekeeping rooms i5f week up: best In citv for money: short dis 4 tanoe frm Union Depot Take "S or l;h-st. cars nortn, rret ore at jaarsnati at. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS. B31 h Uhirnin, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping- rooms : pas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, botn floors; n-f suites from $12 up. WFI.I-KUR VISIT ED houekeeptng rooms. t fu'.v rivt-r: 2 rx)mr $7 m -nth; Z f"r $12; .-..Mace 2; flat 4 r-on . Ap,dy 3i North 2tiih; W car to 26th. biock north. Nl "FLY furalehd suite, stiltahie f.T two iie can be rented fwr two weeks; light Jviheeplng privilege; very central. Main t 1 ..:. TftE MERCEDES, corner of 20th and Wnsh inci in si.. 1 nicely furrished 2-room hoos keeping anartmtnt; all modern con- cnii-nres, on ly $-H. 4I EAST MoMRlSON. or. East Sh. com-i-ie'y furnished housekeeping rooms; rea- BEAT'Tl FULLY Seated t and three-room unfurnished bay-winow aultes. 3o5 Jef ferson a:id Filth. XirKI.V furnished 2-room, steam heated apartment. . 6S Tourn bldg.. 2d and 'I ay lor. SANGERT. cor. Washington and Trin ity P:a.-e. near ivih; pleasant houekei-ping . apartment. $ 1 25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 20.1 Stanton st U. car. THE M1LNTCK, 35tfe Morrison, cor. Park, home apartment a all convenleneea. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and suites. The Newcastle. 3d and Harrison. $1 50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 1&4 Sherman. BWEI.L housekeeping rooms In new concrete building. Phone C 14:i2. THE ELMS 2 and J -room apartments, com pletely furnished, bath, phone. 191 4th st. CORNER flat. 4 rooms. bth. vell furnished. - reasonable. 42I. .1effer.:iv Hoirrkeplng Rooms tn Trivate FamUy. ONE? alove front hjuspkplng room; walk ifiS ajianos; Iwlh. phqce, gas. 23 14th au ONEONTA. 17 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at dvpot; furnished 2. 1 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week o 70. Vy month 20 and up: hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4&7. A 47J0. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Room in Private Family. TWO furnfshea housekeeping rooms, pri vaie family; also 2 furnished sleeping rooms. rw. modern house. C32 E. 13th st. Sell wood. 31. TWO or three nice housekeeping rooms, ground floor; outside doors, yard and alj conveniences; only one In the house, lot N. 13-th sC WANTED Permanent adult tenants; 3 scrupulouslv clean, furnished rooms. p arete entrance; ga. sink, walkinv dis tance. oi'O Fr-nt a;. SINTI.E housekeeping room suitable for one PL-rnnn: larKe1 closet, valk'n? disiance; 2.. :xr week. -41 1t h FUONT alcove romn. furnisoed for light housekeeping: altio single room. 4."i Yam hill. HOUSEKEEPING room-, clean, v. ell fur-ri-ihed. rumilns waier. ga?. 14. ltith or 2:td -st. cars. N. 24th st. FURNISHED housekeeping room and two sie-ring rooms, very rvaaonable. 4-1 Grand rvettue. FOR RENT Suit ct neatly furnished house keeping room; gas range and private en trance. 44 E. Ankeny. 43 YAMHILL. Three rooms, furnished com plete for housekeeping. Please call after Sunday- SLRRPi N1-ROOM and kitchen, 14 per ninth: also one single room; clean, pleas ant place, f-23 Morrison. HI'JH-CLASS suite rooms, suitable 3 adult?; can. quiet, modern reslJence, nice yard. "2H Morrison, near lflth. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, phone, per week. 17 7th. Can be fs.-en after noon. 7 MD.N'TGOMERY st.. housekeeping suite, 113 50 pr month; ga. yirii sink, central. Main 44U. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern conveniences; rent elo. Phone Main 7773. LARCB, well-fumlfhed housekeeping room, suitable for two; b;h. gas una" phone; rea sonable. 117 N. IMh t- TWO rooms, suitnble for shop girls; fret lights pnd water; private entrance, clrse lu busine-s center. Main 6i:i. FUR N ISHED housekeeping rooms, lovely a rounds, bath and phone. Main 22H& o7 First. ONE ntre!y furnished housekeeping room, all ci nvenienccs. $ltl. o4iLs Morrfson t. TWO larje rooms with alcove, furnished for housekeeping, reasonable. "si itTli st. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms; ground floor. 3!4 Third s(. COM PLETKI.Y rumis-hed front haujekeeplng roni; bath, gas and phone. 6V7 Everett ft. TH REE nicely f-irnlhed. clean, housekeep ing rooms. Phone Main '4". NICE. large. single housekeeping room; eas w alktng 'distance. 407 Tth : $10. 3SS JEFFERSON 3 furnished basement rooms; no children; reference. CLEAN, light furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, yard, reasonable. 6!2 Front. :WO light housekeeping rooms; also sleep ing rooms. 2iS Park at. 2 OR 3 desirable rooome, completely furnished for housekeeping. 541 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING, furnished rooms, all mod ern, iitb Front su Main 451. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 4J?i E. Ash t. Phone E. 107. VE It Y deslrabTe housekeepln g rooms, no children or dogs. 347 Market. FRONT suite of two housekeeping rooms, bath. gas. phone. "15 Yamhill. UNFURNISHED housekeeping roorrw. private family, reasonable. "w 5th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, reason able walking distance: gat, bath. TDl 2570. 37S 14th st. Furn'ahed housekeeping rooms. Phono Main 345d. SINGLE furnished housekeeping room. 61 Washington st., cor. Elia. TWO fumiflhed housekeer.lng rooms; writer and sink In kitchen. 2tJ'a Columbia. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, clo-e In. 613 Yamhill. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, reason able. 13th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 395 tith st. 2 FRONT housekeeping rooms, water and sink In rooms. 511 h Gllaaast. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; rea sonable rent. 312 4th sL HOUSE S rooms. 77 Marshall. $40; house. U rooms. 7 til Marshall. $40. C. H. Korell. 2."1 Washington. 10-ROOM house for rent; suitable for room ers; carpeted and some furniture for sale; rent $5. Phone A 5123. 5-ROOM. modern house. large yard. 2 blocks from rarllii and iK-hooihouse. 211 East 4 'Jth st., cor. Salmon. 5-KOOM cottage. 41 N. 30th St.; price $40 furnished, or 30 without furniture. Apply 55 N. 2uth st. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, gas, bath, large ard. 2 th and Northrup. Inquire (M Nor thrup. between 2m h and 21st. S-ROOM house, gas, bath. 5 bedrooms, near I" car; good place for roomers, $J0. Phone Kiclimoiid i!)l. mornings. MY "RESIDENCE, partly furnished or unfur nished, for years or less: large grounds. TiGth and Alameda. Rose City Park. FOR RENT Sept. I, almost new, modern, 7 room house, fireplace, furnace, etc., in good part of city. Call 441 11th St. TWO-STORY ".-room house. walking dis tance; rent $1&. Inquire 52G Clay. MODERN 5-room cottage. nice location. i;s24 East 8th South. Phone Sell wood 77S. FOR RENT Sept. 1. new 5-room flat, porch, rtieplace, etc. Call 441 11th st. 6-ROOM modern house, duplex, vacant Sept. I. $2i. S27 fcJ. Alder. A:u!iA. XIW house of 6 rooms and bath. 09 East Iftth. near Everett, inquire 132 6th st. 5-ROOM house for rent, all modern con ven fences. 32 N. ISth. Apply 213 N. ISth. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, fine yard. N. W. corner Tenth ard Alberta sis. 32-ROOM house, modem. East 2-d street, by owner; terms. AN '.Tm. Oregonian. 5-ROoU cottage end b rn. near car. $15. Hat- field. Itfc, 4th art. ! 7-ROOV house for rent on 10th st. N. Apply ; ccond t. FOR RENT 3 rooms and bath. In Fulton Psrk. Xl."- Phone Main 7."Mi- 435 WILLIAMS AVE. !-room house for rent. Key at 430 Williams ave IRVINGTON Rent $23. nearly new modern fi-n-om o.ttage. 440 East 11th st. North. MOlBHN fi-room hotrse on 22d, Main. Phone -RtOM house, $1.'. walking distance. Call 4!4 JfTerson si. 4-ROOM house. University Park, near P. O. Apply 449 Third st. 6-ROOM house with basement, 17th sL, near Raleigh. Apply 440 Third st. NH'E 6-room house. No. 229 Gibbs st.. be tween First and Second. A 4-ROOM modern cottage, one block from car. SKKt Mif3ltippi FOR RENT -room- modern home. 48 Washington st. Phone Main 527 or 7311. 12-ROOM house; prlvPege of buying or ex chanpimr. Phone Seilwood 3ft. FOR RENT New. modem 5-room house. In quire 71 11th s:. MODERN? house. 8 rooms, between 2 carllnea. 2ZI Morris st., comer Rodney ave. $22.50 MODERN 4-room cottage. Cly St.. wr 7ih. rhone Main 3431. 7 ROOMS. 4t K. Sta'k. corner 2Mb. 2o; water and phones included. FOR RENT Two modern 5-room cot tag ea. Just completed. Inquire 700 Quimby bu, TO RENT Housekeeping suite to couple". a'o nicely ,'urnijhed front room to gentle man, private home of young couple ; all modern conveniences. Phone A 21H4. Call :S'j Davis St.. between ISth and liJth ts. f OR KENT. HOUSES. a . AN ideal home of C rooms, modem ana just painted and tinted; Wasco sL. near E. 27th. S2.Y SOUTH Portland, modern house of e rooms, fine neighborhood. $27.00. 5-room, 2I2 N. 20th St.. only $20. 5-room on Oay st near luth, neat and clean, only $10. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. - RENT A HOUSE FROM US. 966 E. Gilsan. 7-room modern house. $25.00 407 E. Eerett. 6 rooms, modern and good as new ;"5 11th and Rex. Seilwood. 6 rooms. . 16.00 103 Flanders, storeroom 4-room flats at Hall and L'd st.... 17. o0 THE DUNN-LAW itENCE CO.. 248 Alder Stiet. COTTAGE 7 rooms, unfurnished. $20; fur nished. 2": -ottage. 3 rooms, unfurnished. $14: furnished. SJO. Fiat 4 rooms, unfur nished. 12: furnished. 16. F0 pr,J cottage, with porch, furnished. 18. AH West Side river. Apply 3154 North 2btn. W car west to 26th. b.'ock nortlu FOR RENT. . 6-room house. 10 E. 18th. N I-'O.OO 8-room house. 104 E. ISth. N 27.00 fi-room mod.jin. b79 N. Union --'I'V fi-room house. 845 Front 22. oO J. C. STRUBLE. IU5 Lumbermen's Bldg. 8-KOUM house. 76" York st., near N. -3d. $2". ::-room flat, 454 Larrabee st.. near Steel bnuee, $15. LOUIS SALOMON & "CO . 233 Stark St.. near 2d. FOR RENT Suburban 4-room house. 3 acres; fruit. garden, good well. new chicken-house, yards, outbuildings; 1 block west Courtney station. Oregon City car; 8c fare. Phono Red 4L 8-ROOM. modern house, with gas. electric light, city water, large attic, cement base ment, furnished, garden, one block from carline and schooiliouse; rent $36. 131H) E. Taylor st.. near 49th. NEW 7-room house. East Seventh and Ore lion sts.. close in; accessible to 4 different carl!nes; rent $37. 5o; in good repair. In quire bS.'t East Taylor t.. corner 29th. Phone labor 1S0. $17.50 FIVE rooms. 22 Crosby st. $25 1 ro-ms, 171 E. Third st. $25 425 Tttvift'n St.. near Hall, ft rooms. SENGSTA K E & LYMAN, i Fifth St. HOUSES snd Summer cotta-ces guarded at-i.mst lire; "better be Insured than sor ry." Columbia Trust Company. Board of Trade bldg. A MODERN 7-room house, between two car lines. 15 minutes to center of city; A-X location; rent $25 per month. 330 Graham avenue. MODERN 8-room house, one of the nicest suburban homes in Portland; will lease to desirable tenants for a year. Phone Main tilol. MODERN" 5-room cottage at Seilwood; $1B per month. Inquire Room 1, 205V Mor rison, M on day morning. SEPT. 1. modern 7-room house, shades, gas. nwplaee, stationary tubs, large lawn, cTioice location 71S East Burnside. MODERN 5-room flat for rent, furniture for sule. cash or terms. Inquire 153 6th st. North or phone A 1S10. FOR RENT Eight-room house, modern con venience, beautiful view. Willamette Heights. Main 8019. or 1103 Thurman st. WILL lease for two years. $15 per month, modern 6-room house; good neighborhood. 515 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house in Irvington, very reasonable. Phone East 1820. "Furnished Houses. GOING East for few months and will rent to responsible party without children our ground-floor 6-room flat, furnished com plete, Willamette Heights, finest view In citv; price, $50 a month. Phone Main 4716. NU'ELY furnished S-room house In Plea mont, fine large lawn with choice roses, full cement basement, furnace, wood or coal kitchen range; owner leaving the citv will lea.e for a year. Phone Main 1HL $1 Furnished cottage; el eel and gas range, water furnished : take Union ave. car to si tth land, one block eaet. 1014 Grand ave. North. NINE rooms, completely furnished, modern. A-l location; will rent for Winter or longer to rrsponsible parties AG 301. Oregonittn. FOR KENT In Sunnyside, newly furnished modern 6-room cottage, gas, electricity, cheap to responsible parties. Call Tabor 5S8 for particulars. FINE modern fi-room bungalow, furnished, rent for the Winter to responsible- parttee. no children, $24. S50 Montana avenue, near Shaver st. Russell-Shaver car. PART of newlv furnished home, modern, pi ano, gas range, choice location, Willamette Height; no children. Main 223. UsSU Vaughn t. COMPLETELY furnished. 6-room house; phone, nice law n. fruit, flowers, bath, electric light; excellent car service. Main 759. MODERN furnished house, corner East Yam hill and East 2ftth sta.. 7 rooms. Particu lars at 410 Failing bldg. FOR RFJNT Modern six-room cottage, fur nished. East Side, one block car; no chil dren. AB 301. Oregonkm. U-ROOM furnished house, fine corner. West Side; handv, reasonable, oulet. Room 503, Marquam bldg. Main 1049. TO RENT, Very reasonably, modern, well finished. 6-room house, good location : best of references1 required. X 36. Oregonian. FLAT of 6 rooms, newly furnished. 557 Taylor, cor. Chapman. Apply Graves Music Company. $25 MONTHLY, furniehed flat, 4 rooms; cen tra 1. gas, bath, clean and desirable. Main 4469. NEAT furnished flat; walking distance; terms moderate for neat couple. Main S255. DESIRABLE furnished four-room flat, gas, bath. 514 East 21st. W. R. car. NICELY furnished G-room house .at E. 8th and Shaver. Key at S57 E. 8th. North. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house. Par ticulars Woodlawn 644. FURNISHED house on Portland Heights; 1G month. Main 851 S. FURNISHED house for rent; fine location. S. W. corner Tenth and Alberta Sis. FOR RENT Furnished house. Inquire 70 Quimby st.. North Portland. FOR RENT 8-room house. Call Sunday after o" clock, 134 Grand ave. North. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. SMALL ROOMING-HOUSE cheap, leaving town. Owner, 1324 Grand ave.. cor. Mor rison. 274 COLLEGE ST. Large outside room for 1 or 2 persons: all modern conveniences; pleasant surroundings. Main 32SO. FURNIT URE of 9-room house, everything first-class, close in. $350, part time; rent $25. G 3)K). Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat, will sell all or part; rent $27.50. Inquire 251 Clay St. FOR SALE New furniture of new 5-room Hat for sale by owner. Apply mornings bet. to and 11 A. M. 424 College St., West Side. NICE furniture 5-roomed flat: snap at $250; close in on West Side. Main 6S9S. MODERN S-roora flat. Inquire at 547 Yamhill. NEW furniture of 6-room house for sale cheap; rent cheap. East 3286. 87 E. 9th. FURNITURE sale by piece, cheap. Call &03 East Stark st. FURNITURE of 4-room flat for sale, cheap for cash- Phone C 1122, 4-ROOM furnished bungalow. 1123 E. Alder street. INVESTIGATE Furniture 5 modem rooms cheap if taken at once. 535 Everett. Fl R VITURE of 3-room cottage for sale, 261 Wheeler st.. cor. Wasco. B ROOMS, housekeeping: nice place, close In; go. m1 income. Owner. 314 6th. FURNITURE 6-room flat for sale. $225, $50 dou n. terms to suit. 12S l"th st. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale: 3 rooms pay rent. 133 12th fit. Price $200. MODERN 5-room flat to rent, furniture for s!le. Inquire 153 N. 6th St., or A 11Q. FURNITURE of 0 housekeeping rooms, ail rented; a bargain. 4U J 0th ate FOR RENT. Houses for Rent. Furniture tor Sale. BEAUTIFUL newly furnished Tat of two large rooms, pantry, ba,th and sink, all riodern. five minutes' walk from Fostofflce; rent only $15. Call between 10 and 12 A. M.. -Monday or Tuecaay. 3u6!s Montgomery et., near Fifth. NEW furniture and household goods of 5 room fiat. W. O. ex. table, rockers, chairs, dresser, chiffonier, bed, mattress, springs, stair caroet, Asminster and Brussels rugs, articles sold separately or all. FLAT FOR RENT, 330 ft MILL- ST. BEST CIASS handsome furniture; elegant carpets, rugs, china. finest combination range, at bis discount; used only few months, perft-ct condition: new. thoroughly modern. 8-room house; select neighborhood. H93 E. Couch, near 20th. Phone E. 47bl. NEW FURNITURE of 14 fine, large, light rooms: gas, electricity, bath, stationary washbowls and fireplaces; rent $44; full; clearing $55 per month; cheap for cash. AH 314. Oregonian. MODERN nine-room dwelling. Nob HIM, on block Washington, walking distance; bar gain in furniture; fine home; owner leav ing city. D 263. Oregonian NICE furniture of a 5-room residence. 1 block from Washington; rent $24; leaving the city; wiil sacrifice for $350. Call 404 Buchanan bldg. BARGAIN New furniture of a modern five room bungalow for sale; bungalow rents for $17.50. 108 E. 35th st.. between Alder and Washington. Sunnyside car. GREAT BARGAIN Party going to Europe, must sell new furniture five-room flat, val ued $650 for $250 cash: must be seen . . . ' . Bll-Ht III II 1. lflth 10 De appreciaita. - 3 NEW furniture 6-room houee for sale: rent $25: bath, gas phone, furnace, sleeping porch; walking distance. West Side; leaving city on account of death. A 7721. NICELY furnished 8-room boarding-house for sale; house for rent; very cheap. 77 West Park st. Summer Resorts. AUTO TO THE MOUNTAINS. A 50-mi!e trii. be?t ever; round trips daily; booklet tells all. Inquire It. R. ROUTLEDGE. 169 Second St. Phone M. 5956. FOR RENT for balance of season, nice 5 room cottage, well furnished. 1 block frrnn the ridge between Seaview and Newton's station ; will rent reasonable. Call at 291 Morrison st. COTTAGES, rooms, tenting space cheap for rest of season; camping- lands on monthly payment.':. Address Business Chances, Box :;i. Long Beach. Wash. FOR RENT Completely furnished tents and housekeeping rooms; make reservations now. Miss Emma Shepard, Seaview, Wash. TWO beautiful lots In Gearhart Park: make me an offer, as I must sell. X 305, Ore gonian. Mount Hood Stage Line, connects O. W F. car leaving Portland 8:45 A. M. for Bor ing. BETTER investigate Columbia Beach, the seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade bldg. SEA"SIDI5 Rooms $7 week, on shell walk, op posite Moore Hotel. The American. ROOMING-HOUSE furnished. Ocean park, for season. 393 14th st. Main 7317. FOR RENT, at Seaview. 4-room cottage, on ridge. Phone Main 7610. St o reft. FOR LEASE That new building. Fifth and Flanders. 6 rooms above. 7 stores below, electric lighted and steam heated. ALSO Four stores. Second and Yamhill. haFe ment barber shop and poolroom, all thor oughly modern. Three stores. 225-7 and 9 Second, large and roomy, low rent. JACKSON & DEER1NG. 246 Stark St. TO RENT From January 1. 1910. fine store In heiirt of retail business center, suitable for any line, with targe room above If desired. SSxfto. on second floor, which may be connected with it. AB 29D. Oregonian. FOR RENT Four-srory brick store building, with cement basement 40x100: 31 Front St., N., lately occupied by American Chicle Co. Apply to Fred Bickel, 75i Park ave Main 2035. THREE stores', business center ot Bset Side, Wiiliams ave. and Russell St.; new brick building; ready Sert. 1. See E. Hill at building. Tel. East 2209. 106 FIRST ST.. near Washington, 25x125, 2 floors, galleries and cellar; abundant floor space for almost any business; immediate possession. Apply 449 3d st. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. STORE BUILDING for rent; corner store building, with living rooms, and barn, for ront; on carline. AK 312. Oregonian. WE have a good 2u-foot front space on Grand ave.. corner Belmont, $50. Hartman St Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. SPACE suitable for machinist or light manu facturing, in cool building, reasonable. Phone East 514. week days. STORE 23x94 on prominent street, West Side; new building, $25. 324 Worcester bldg. PART of my store for rent; can be used for anything good; long lease. AL 304, Ore gonian. STORE wanted for nickelodeon; downtown location. W 276, Oregonian. STOREROOM on East Clay and Union ave. Phone East 4257. FOR RENT Store building, living rooms, fine location (corner). See owner, 203 E. 34th. 2 STORES for rent in new concrete building. Main 1505. W. F.eldt, 401 Hothchlld bldg. 40x4O AT 477 Williams ave.: good store, only $40 per month. Sengstake & Lyman. LADIES' ready-to-wear shop for rent, long lease, good location. AM 307, Oregonian. Offices. OFFICES, $13.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician. All night' elevator service. Best Location. 303 Swetlaud Bldg. . GROUND FLOOR office, adjoining new home. Chamber of Commerce; bath phones, stenographic service, reasonable. Room 3, Commercial Club. LIGHTEST, nicest modern office rooms In the citv at reasonable rates at the Drexel. 246H Yamhill, bet. d and 3d. Main 2. '05. DESK ROOM, with use of 2 phone, in comer office; best location in city; $12.50. Room 5, 23 Washington, cor. 3d. STOREROOM. 90 1st St.. 25x100 feet. J. R. Rogers, 90 1st st. CHOICE business location for doctor and den ttst. Phone C 1342. CHOICE outside office room for rent- Call 416 Commercial Club bidg. GOOD office room, excellent location, first class building. Fletcher, 225 Ablngton bldg. OFFICES or commercial sample rooms. Phoenix bldg., S. W'. cor. 5th and Oak. OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale, 329 Marquam bldg.. or see Supt. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. Judge Not your own failure by the other fellow's success in this way. Don't say he's one of the lucky ones, while I'm always unlucky. There's a reason and if you dig down you'll find that he's b, regular reader of Ore gonian 'J want" ads, while you arc only an occasional reader. BUSYNESS OPPORTTJTSTTTE9. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTET.S. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 201-2 Merchants Trust Bldg.. 326H Washington, bet. 6th and 7th sts. A FEW .'KniCE SELECTIONS; LOOK THEM OVER; THEN SEE US; WE HAVE OTHERS. HERE YOU GET EVEN. 60-rooni hotel with bar, furnished com pletely, ground floor office, doing big busi ness, leas 4 years, rent $150; this place pays $5u0 a month profit and you can in vestigate It all you like; price $6000, terms HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT. 20-room apartments, entirely modem, furnished fine, private baths; we can sell it to you at a reduction of 50 per cent; if you ever saw a snap here it is; clears $100 a month. A SUMMER BARGAIN. 24 rooms, apartments on Nob Hill, close In. well furnished, full of good paying roomers: rent only $S5 ; profits $100 a month over all expenses; price $1500. $000 oath required. HERE IS ANOTHER. 21 rooms, near Hoilig Theater, good fur niture and carpets, all Iron beds, rent only if.'if with lease; clears $125 a month; price $1400. YOU WILL BUY THIS ON SIGHT. lit rooms in business block, center of citv. fine transient house, well furnished; It is verilv a gift at $400. V WORKINGM EN'S HOTEL. 60 rooms in excellent location, well fur nished and your pay is sure; dining-room, office and room for bar. which can be added with little cost; here is a chance to make something: rent $100. long lease; price is a snap; $1500 cash required. C.VLL BEFORE YOU BUY. We have every desirable place that is on the mar ket. Terms can be arranged on any. 201 and 202 Merchants Trust Bldg. 326 !i Washington St. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 3.000 Alaska Pet. & Coal, treas., snap. 500 Almeda Con., bargain. 2 Black Eagle (Santtam), 10c. ::0 Bonville Pub. co., big bargain. 5.OO0 B. C. Amal. Coal. bid. 15 Burlingame T. & T.t $4.50. 2'h Clarks Wireless T. & 1., 55c, terms. IMO Collins Wireless $1.50. payments. .VW Com.--tor k Golden Gate, 35c. I.Oon Fidelity Copper, bargain. 1,950 Gold Creek (Santiamt, 4Vje if taken Monday. 3,001 Improved Smelter, make a bid. 5 MaYconi Wireless (England) and 1000 Clark vVirele.s, all $100, 2n Midway Oil (Oregon), 20c. 2.O0(r Morning (Meta!ine, 3c. 2.0A National Copper. Sr. Sfrtl Oregon Diamond Coal, sacrifice, 5.o(rO Oriole (Metaline'l. 4c. 50 Portland Tel. stork, hid. 5.000 Prince Extension, market. 9 50ft Washousal Gold & C. sacrifice. All other stocks and bonds- See me be fore buving. may be able to do better. I WANT Alaska P. & C National Copper. Bonville Pub. Co. Portland Coal & Dev. Fidelity Copper. Portland Concrete Pile 225 Ablngton Bldg. THE CLARK COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CO., of Vancouver. Wash., owners of the electric railway system now being ex tended to a point about 6 miles northeast of Vancouver, in Clark County, have plat ted a townsite on their property at the terminus of the electric line; the county roads from all directions lead to this townsite. which will be electric lighted and a splendid opportunity will be open for all kinds of business; no locations have aa vet been sold, and applications will be given prefereure in the order of their receipt; state business for which lo cation la desired and address all communi cations to MURPHY & CASWELL. AGENTS. 230 Stark St., Portland, Or., or 712 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. CONTRACTOR WANTS PARTNER. Mr. M. R-, an experienced contractor, now employed as engineer for a large general contracting company located in Chicago, wie-hing to form a contracting company to have headquarters and do business In the Northwest, wants a partner who can put $147,000 or $15,000 in the business. Mr. M R. can furnish about $TO0u, and as he has charge of several contracts in this state now for his company amounting to about $2OO00. is prepared to show hie- ability and trustworthiness. No experience necessary, but no one need apply who is not prepared to stiow their trustworthiness and ability to do cr learn ordinary office work. Can show any one where they can make tetter than 100 per cent on their money. AD 297, Ore gonian. A SNAP A general store for sale, stock will invoice about $3000; will sell cheap; daily sales average $40; In a prosperous countrv town; no delivering; man and wire can run business: Rood monthly pay roll In town. P. O. address. Box 43, bcotts Mills, Or. - I HAVE a good grocery, restaurant, bakery and country store, all good buys, and If vou are in the market call and see me be fore buying, as business opportunities are mv specialties. Chapman, 408 Gerlinger bldg. UNITED WIRELESS preferred. 7 per cent stock, transfer guaranteed; money can be put in anv Portland bank, awaiting trans fer Certificates from 10 to 100 shares at $15 to $22.30 per share. Hurry. Portland P. O. Box 540. $600 WILL buy nice Iiffht grocery, cigar and confectionery store; has good so"a foun tain and ice cream plant; also living rooms; good locaxion. low rent. Apply 1024 Vlaw thorne ave., cor. 34th e:. 54-ROOM rooming-house, modern brick, cor ner elegant location, permanent business all year round, good furniture; bargain this week only; no agents. AK 300, Ore gonian. WANTED Partner In good real estate busi ness; if you are looking for something pood, look this up: will sell all or half interest. Room 721 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or exchange for acreage, home, 16-room hoiwe. brick building; everything new; price $1500. See owner. 307 Main st., Vancouver. RELIABLE man wants partner In old established real estate office; good open ing; needhelp. 3261 Washington St., room 405. MAN that can nvake business, with money enough to consider himself a partner and rush same; painter preferred; investigate. 1H&14 Morrison, room 1. WE WISH to huv stock of Oregon-Gold Hill Minlng Co. (Gray Eapl- mine of Gold Hill). Address, giving amount and lowest price, P. O. box 25, Go'.d Hill, Or. $50O BUYS half interest in a growing busi ness paying a salary of $3 a day, guaran teed, and half the profits; work is easily learned. Particulars 40S Gerlinsrer bldg. BAR fixtures, safe, register, stock and li cense paid for quarter; rent reasonable, including bar. rear room and 8 living rooms upstairs. 52 6th st., corner Ankeny. 22-ROOM rooming-house. $1S00. cash; own er muHt sell; everything in good condition; house just papered and painted. F 294, Oregonian. or phone A 28S2. FINE little grocery and confectioner-.-, will clear from $5 to $S per day; tand fullest In vestigation. CHAPMAN, 23m Morrleon. ON account of sickness will seil or trade for town lots, my cigar and confectionery and poolroom. 287 First st. Phone Main 8128. WILL sell your rooming-house, business or get you partner without publicity. Room 320 Lumbermen's. Fifth snd Stark. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Inv. Co., 125 Abington. GROCERIES and home bakery: doing good business; good reason tor selling. G. W. Gridley. SO 4th st. A 3220; Main 5463. BARGAIN SmaH hardware store, living -rooms and furniture; good location: no com petition: no agents. C 294. Oregonian. TO LEASE or for sale A new hotel In Washington; reason for selling, other inter ests. Address O 301. Oregonian. MERCHANDISE Good country town, doing good business, can be increased. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Ohrap: good home "oakery, con fectionery, man and wife, restaurant. C21 Umatir.a. Seilwood. GENERAL merchandise store, near Oregon City, at invoice. 272 Stark st. MAN with $450. manufacturing business. 4s3 Washington st. TEA and coffee stand tra.e, $250 a week; price. H'tni. 272 Stark s.. WANTET partner with $500; good thing. B 312, oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE for aala hjf owner. 45 Aider at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST MENT IN LA KGB LOCAL FTA NT. READY FOR BUSINESS IN SEPTEMBER; WILL ERT NOT LKSS THAN 10 PER CENT FROM THE START AND MORE W H EN If BUSINESS IS WELL 17NDWR WAY: ONLY 7 OF ITS CAPITAL OF $lX.0vo REMAINS UNSOLD: THOROUGH IN VESTIGVriON DESIRED AND HIGHEST REFERENCE. BANKING AND INDIVID UAL SUPPLIED. FOR P A RT IC ULARS ADDRESS AK 21S. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Half Interest In branch store. - controls territory Oregon. Idaho and Southern Washington of 3 factories: $10O per month and hair of entire profits from territorv; only live man need apply. See Pres of corporation here; $35rtO needed. See J. A Hancock, 371 East -Morrison st. APARTMENT-HOUSE BARGAIN. 35 rooms, modern apartment-house, ar ranged in 2 and 3-room suites, with hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences: very fine location: Axmin srer and velvet carpets: G. O. furniture; place in find condition and clearing over 5100 per month net; 5 yenrs lease at very low rent. Can be handled on $1500 cash. DEVLIN & F1REBAUGH. 510-311-51;! Swetland Bldg. $500 INVESTED IN THESTOCK OF OUR COMPANY TODAY WILL BE WORTH $PM10 two years hence, besides a guaran teed dividend of 8 pr cent from the be ginning and an additional dividend of 12 per cent. This is a manufacturing project that has twice been compelled to increase its capacity within a short time; bank and o;her first-class .references. AN 308, Ore gonian. ARE YOU energetic and trustworthy? Are vou looking for a permanent, profitable, po sition and investment? Have you $s00 cash at your command. I-f so. wriie for interview, stating former occupation. We are looking for active man superintend branch office at Portland; remuneration, $1800 and expenses. V 3t9. Oregonian. WE DESIRE THE SERVICES OF A FIRST class ml Urn an who can take charge of certain parts of the work and competently handle same without constantly looking to the superintendent for instructions; to the right kind of a man with $2ouO to invest we can make a tempting offer; bank and commercial references. AL 314. Oregonian. PA RTIES with some capital to, help de velop Oregon orchards; have several good tracts started.- half of one tract sold; we have the land, need more help and money; references or bonds required ; good re turns insured ; large tracts of good fruit land will soon be scarce; now is the time to be buying. W 201, Oregonian. BUSINESS, neat, clean and desirable, will clear $500 monthly; half interest for sale for $2800. most of which goes back into business; If you have the money we will show you an unusual opportunity. Poulsen RatcHffe Co., 320 Lumbermen's bldg., 5tb and Stark. A COMBINATION OF PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN, ASSOCIATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF HANDLING A PROJECT OF CONSIDERABLE MAGNITUDE DE SIRES TH E ACQUAINTANCE OF A SIXTH PARTY OF AFFLUENCE. AL 312, OREGONIAN. WILL secure half section of land for you in British Columbia, 7 miles from railroad, for $2.50 per acre; best investment In the world ; r;ood climate, will raise anything suited for stock. dairying and fruit; vear's time. R Butler, 228 Stark st. FOR SALE Cigar store, billlarfd and pool hall In Western Washington. bet city; 2O.i00 inhabitants; $12,000 nets 20 per cent ; the leading and best place in the city; owners retiring. Address AM 314, Oregonian. j REAL ESTATE BROKER. Alone, has more work than he can do, wants an energetic man to help him; little monev buvs a half interest; no experience required; can make $100 to $150 a month. Cad 40S Gerlinger bldg. FOR 5s ALE -Owing to Ill-health, a long-e-taihlifhed and excellently located wholesale and retail business in S'edj, garden, or olierd and poultry supplies. Apply to J 306. Oregonian. GOOD man with little cash can get half Interest in real estate firm that can show results- in fact, doing fine business in city and farm property. Call room 201, 32tf& Washington st. PROFITABLE Investment openings wanted; capital in large or small blocks for stocks, bonds or business opportunities. Address In first instance Attorney, Box 648, Bridgeport. Conn. REAL estate business; owner want's steady, sober partner to show land, etc.; will pay good salary, also share profits; little money required, secured. Particulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg. MUST SELL HOTEL. Here is a Willamette Valley hotel In live town, doing big business, that must be sold at once, $5000, part cash; full in formation address X 25, Oregonian. ENTIR-B stock of tooat supplies. Including 1 10-h. p. gas engine, one oil tank, boathouse, tool and all other supplies. Madison Bridge Launch Co., foot of Madison bridge, West Side. OLD reliable firm in Portland wishes man or lady to manage business; requires some money and reference. State all about your self. AM 306. Oregonian. WANTED Party with $1500 to $2500 to be come interested in established Portland re tall business; money secured. A G 201, Oregonian. WANTED Partner In ice. fuel and real es tate, little cash required, but must be a rustler, business shows for Itself. Call and investigate. Roswurm & Co., Forest Grove. WANTED Capable party with $2000 to $5000 to take active interest In live manur facturing company doing a good business. B 291, Oregonian. WANTED 'Man with $600 take working In terest large corporation ; steady work, good wages, paying business. Address X 290, Oregon rah. STOP working for salary and make some thing out of yourself; $1800 to $5000 year; no vending. Write Immediately. Everett Dufour & Ce., Washington D. C. PARTNER wanted to check goods, etc.; don't require experience and will pay you $4 dav; little money required. Particulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg MILLINERY for sale;- best location In the city good business and a clean stock; rent cheap. AM 304. Oregonian. WE want, quick, rooming-house. 25 to 40 rooms, that can be leased to Japanese, 3 years or more. 444 Sherlock bldg. FINEST location for department store in this city; will remodel to suit tenant. AM 301, Oregonian. CASH grocery and confectionery; across st. from fichool building; rooms In rear. 192 35th at. YOUNG business man from East wants to locate In Portland or vicinity, either salary or small investment. AK 304. Oregonian. GROCERY STORES. None but the best. See us. 42S Lum bermen's bldg. FOR SALE Drug More In live city, averaging $1000 a month sales; invoice about $6500; terms. Address Y 297, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to show land, etc.; pay $150 month. Call 248 Stark st. 2 AND 5 acres at Jennings Lodge: terms. 272 Stark st. WANTED Attraction. September Carnival. Address Box 61. Bandon. Or. ONE acre and 6-room house on riverfront, elope to car. 272 Stark St. HOTEL BAR for sale cheap. Inquire 365 Morrison st. 5, 10 AND 15 Cent Store; good location: will ' Invoice. 272 Stark t. $2 FOR 1000 business carets; 100, 50c. Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d st.. near Taylor. REAL ESTATE partner wanted. 272 Stark t. FINE boarding-house proposition, only $250. OH A I'M AX. 231 Morrieon. MUST SELL 100 shares Oregon Diamond Coal: make best bid. T 30S. Oregonian. SELL or rent, real estate office, cheap. Room 8. 221" Morrison St. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and ice cream par lor. Owner, 227 First at. DENTIST'S CHANCE Office and practice; owner leaving city. N 302, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale cheap to right party; . 1 1 t- -n';U iilli -V Ail. 10-ROOM boarding-house, newly furnished; J 4 boarders- A 1725. C VDY-MAKING outfit for sale; leaving town, must sell. K 307. Oregonian. $400 Mftcnres Interest In a mfg. business; aalar) aod proXiCs; lovi rent. A 1968, forenoon. 'Oku :? DEVELOPED COAL FFOPERTT FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN TF TAKEN AT ONCE On main line of N. P.: midday between Seattle and Portland; this is a cash prop osition and will bear closest ln cMigatlen. Address X. care Advocate, Chenalt, Wash. PORTLAND MANUFACTURER OFFERS TO SET YOU UP IN BUSINESS WHERB YOUR INCOME WILL AVERAGE 250O PER YEAR. UNDER A 5-YEAR CON TRACT THE WORK IS DIGNIFIED, GENTEEL AND EASY. YOU TO ACT AS DISTRICT SALES MANAGER AND TTEVD TO COLLECTIONS. IT WILL REQUIRE $."0o Tt CARRY THIS AC COUNT. APPLY AT OFFICE "OF COM PANY. 202 MARQUAM BLDG. 4. COM PAN V engaged in the manufacture of furniture, composed solely of local men, of furniture experience, compelled through the increase In business to enlarge its factories, offers a limited amount of its preferred stock at $50 per share, guaran teeing 8 per cent beside participating in. the general earnings. Full information, upon application along with banking ref erences. AF 307. Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCE DEPARTMENT Th A met Mercantile Agency lostabllshed ltvil2). Inquiries on openings in mercan tile and manufacturing lines received, dailv. Information on locations for mer chants and on investments 01 ail kind. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abington Bldg. AM desirous of meeting a reliable man seek ing lucrative returns from his investment, combined with safety for his capital, be fore whom I may place a proposition worthy of such a man's attention. This ta deserving of inquiry. Your communication will go direct to the principal. AG 311, Oregonian. PATENT secured or fee returned: illlustrated Kuide book and list of inventive- mailed free to any address; patents secured for us advertised free in World's Fronrees; sample copy free. Evans. WHkin & Co., Washing ton, D. C. GOOD BUSINESS CHANCES; Confectionery and cigar stores. Good country stores. Rooming-houses and hotels. Manufacturing business. ' Investigate if you want a good business, F. FUCHS, 2:la Morrison Street. PHYSICIAN'S opportunity, old profit abla practice, fine Oregon town, for lo?s than value of real estate; fine residence and office combined, :;.V; buying of real es tate takes practice: terms given. Poulsen Ratoilffe Realty Co., 320 Lumbermen's bldg. A NO. 1 carpenter with $2000 cash wishes partnership with general contractor, the money to be managed by the same, no fake, quirk return; this Is a very good, honest proposition. Address R 306, Oi;o nfan. MINING, oil or Industrial corporations We are prepared to contract -for the pte 01" your bond or stock tesiK-s; no advance fee. no printing and poag coin mission only Hunter & Crane. Investment brokers, Broad, st., Newark. N. J. I KNOW OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF A PROFITABLE INTEREST, FIT FOR REASONS BEST KNOWN TO MYSELF I CANNOT TOUCH IT. WOULD IT INTER EST YOU? K 310, OREGONIAN. SHARE Alaska's wealth; Investigate our water-right system; army of men working there now; stock 50c now, will be dollar this Winter. Inquire Alaska I. &. D. Co., 617 Board of Trade. INVESTIGATIONS Titles. accounts and business transactions thoroughly and sat isfactorily Investigated: all business strictly confidential; 10 years' experience; best of references. AC 302. Oregonian. WE WANT a capable man to handle our ac count in Washington; territory covering 10 towns: $2400 a year to the right party; $500 necessarv as security on shipments. Address Manufacturer, AC 311, Oregonian. A GOOD partner for tea, coffee and spice, business; a good established business; no otber but an honest man need apply. If you mean business call at 402 Gerlinger blcig., 2d and Alder. GOOD clean stock general merchandise; in voice about $4000; good town, big payroll, permanent resources; long lea.se. low rent; 1 time on part; good reasons for selling, Owner, Box 167 Falls City, Or. AN ACTIVE and energetic man wanted to share half Interest in an established real estate and business chance office ; would like to" talk to auch a person. AN 300, Oregonian. WE have a party who wants a good location) 4 which to establish a first-class ladies outfitting store. Anyone having such ft place for rent please report to us at once, The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder st. , CASH! CASH If wanting to sell your but!- 1 ness quick for cash, or wanting reliable partner, call or write us. Have buyers . with money; business confidential. Allison Wood Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg. RESTAURANT FOR SALE SNAP. Well-equipped and beautiful restaurant for sale; central, down-town location, one of the best; good lease. See owner; no agents. Phone Main 2&74. BRIGHT, intelligent, unencumbered woman to take half Interest and manage ladies department In new. fine paying business soon to open; $750 required. K. 300, Ore gonian. WANTED Small well-located cash grocery in Portland or vicinity that will stand Investi gation; prefer one with living-rooms in connection: give particulars.; owners only, Y 291, Oregonian. IF YOU want to know of a matter that will make you big money answer this and I will communicate; I picked up the infor mation incidentally. N 312. Oregonian. WILL sell my modern 60-room house at a sacrifice ; good reason for sel M ng ; see me at once; no agents. Main 4032. M. L. Butler. BEST business chance In city, corner cigar stand; small, but a good one; bargain for cash or trade. What have you? 201 Burn side St., corner Front. Call Sunday P. M. SAWMILL. 40.000 capacity, unlimited tim ber, has bent location for local and ship ping business, both rail and water; good terms. AH 305. Oregonian. BEST rooming-house buy in the city. 30 rooms, lease, Washington st., rent $87.50; price 2100. CHAPMAN, 221 Morrison. $400 ONE-THIRD interest in plant; one-half profits and position; man with vfni and good habits, nothing better. AN 300, Ore gonian. I HAVE stock In good manufacturing conipnv worth par; ,will trade for a IfthS or 1!:9 touring car; prefer the Cadillac; Inveetl gate. R 302, Oregonian. 18 ROOMS, furnished complete for house keeping, at a bargain on account of sick ness. Phone East 4't70. BUTTER and egg store cheap: a good busi ness where active man can clear $ 175 month. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. SPECIAL $2t. with seirices. will pay ener getic man 4 day as partner in reliable business. Call 248 Stark -rt. FIRST-CLASS rooming-house. 10 rooms, lo cation idal; this is a money-maker; cash or terms, phone A 5317. MUST sell at once at a sacrifice, grocery, confectionery and lunchroom, $350 cash. Owner. 2d and Jefferson. FOR SALE Old established grocery store; splendid location; cheap. See Money weight Scale Co., 5 1st st. FIRST-CLASS ROOMING HOUSE for sale; Is a fine dining room proposition. 389 3d. JILL sell 20 shares Bonville Pub. Co., on installments. T 30y, Oregonian. WILL trade timber claim for roomlng-hous or city property. V 307, Oregonian. SPLENDID location for exclusive shoe store. AL 300, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY; best In town; corner; money maker. 272 Stark st. CEMENT business; reliable partner wanted; duties easily learned. Call 248'j Stark st. ONLY hotel. Cove, Foye. Cove, Or. Or.; good business. Grac GCROCE3RY, delicatessen and -confectionery toro with Uving roomsv 6e owsex 334 31 a Bl SI.NjS