The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 15, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 19

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Four a;trct.-fi at the bea-n. $2X. room
ri tvard; tj wairrese for country hotel.
S3.V room and heard.
We hav a large list of work for cook.
rvk' helper, wait . chambermaid.
bo;nkwp-ii. huse glr. etc., etc.
We -"-ivaitc f.tre on rk nt of tha city.
Ladf' Dept. 2u6S Morrison 6L
COKP. citv. mtintry. hotel, restaurant and
farr'Iy; waltreiwes, city, coast; chamber
msnli. dUnnuiifr. 'paatry women, house
keeper, nurf-i. maids and other. 325
Washington at., room 3o7.
I.ADT to run rwt aurant, nearly furnished.
i:i hcte!; ro.tM or; ft'r pfnt; !wi,!r.?-l)orn
tr"l-ji; .ncp. Anply 3i4 North 2th; W.
car 10 I'tlt, north .-n biock.
UA'il GIRLS wanted: must be 1 year of
ar-": permanent portions. Inquire Ban-n-n
A o.. 2 and E. Morrln at.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
hj.eork; good wanes. Call 305 Hassalo.
rornr Grand-
LESWOM EN Two flrst-cTass, Worrell
a.v.i- Oak- and Suits. 13-4 6'h at-, c?r.
Dp'.j:te org --mian. T
PTEN'iGPAPHKH. with some know led ge of
bica to f-uPMttute- for one or two week a,
1 hone Fufi.lav, 1 to 2 P. M.. Main 3113.
COAST waltrew. $2ft Tare): others
pantry, "dlsheraV $4V. "Drake a. 204 ,
VHA?rTd Bright, capabl glrle in the
wrapping department. Apply MoAllen
McDonnell. Reference required.
girl; two in family; cut of city, fare paid.
Phone 8elIwool 87$.
GIRL attending school, to work for board
In fami'.v of two; live aa one of family.
Phone Tabor 122.
WANT neat wurg lady waitress for short or
der houe; miut be wide-awake. Oall today.
10 to 12, room 3bi Wash. at.
WANTED Sfen,-"apher for out-of-town law
office: state experience and Eaiary expect
ed. R iHxi. Orffionian.
MATt'RR woman as assrtFtant to take man-axenie-ir
Sept. 1. App.y at Onre. G 295,
Oregon ian.
THERE Is an office position awaiting young
ladv willing to make $100 investment;
call Sunday. 5-0 Swetland lldg.
PO!fF,WOT:K Woman to awist In light
n.iework forenoons only: pay by the month.
For particulars) call l'JJi 1st t.
COACPETENT wait re wranted; hours 11 to 3.
tea rMii. Olds. Wormian A. King. Apply
Mrs. Spender, morning. 5lh floor.
YOUNG ladlea to take private lesions In
shorthand and typewriting; easy method;
reasonable terms. 34 12th St.; M. 690.
3201 Washington St.. Ro.-.rn 307.
Main 8M0 or A 3200.
WANTED Performers, comedians, singers,
musicians and all kind of vaudeville and
dramatic act, call 520 H Washington L
WANTED RefineC. cPbie wnmm for re.
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 909 Roln
cfaild bidg.. eth and Washington.
H:"I"PEKEEFER for three gentlemen on
nnh. one child, agreeable home. E 30
i reEtintan.
WANTED Young :a!y to aing at moving
pi'Tiire theater; muft be able to p'ay. Ad
.)r C. D. Nuke:s"n. IImmI River, Or.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, hours 9 to 5;
address in own handwriting, stating ex
perience; salary 4U. G 30u. Qregonian.
Nl'RSEM AID. competent, willing to assist
at second work, good wage. Apply t5 N.
2 let St.
GIRL to do llgM housework and car for
ba by : m usk j,et-p at home. Apply Mon
oay. 84 T. nth st.. near
TOI'NO lady to work 3 hours dally In ex
change f'r leson In shorthand and t'p
writing. Phone evenings M UyO.
PREISER wanted: very competent lady
! r on ladie' garmenta at Kat Port
land Dye works. H Grand ave.. city.
OEKti'K position awaits young lady willing
to Invest JlwO. Si Swetland bldg.
WM EN to rIlolt subscriptions. BonvlIIe'
Western Monthly. 4-7 llarquam bldg.
WANTED Cook nd second girl. Girls
Clubhouse. Eugene. Phone Tabor liil.
WANTED School girl to take care of 2
jear old child during ttie day. 300 13th st.
REM A BLE girl or woman for general
housework. Apply B33 E. ISth t. N.
PANTRY girl. Apply at once. Union Depot
BORD!NG-HOCSE Good girl to work;
irotKl wages. V13 Morrlwm. cor. 17th st.
iTlRLtf to work on hirta Mt. Hood fac
tory. 2i3 Couch at.
WANTED citrl for general housework. $15.
Sr.v Santlv road.
WANTED Eiperlent-ed office girl; tate ex
perience. G rJl. OregonUn.
OA N V A S S E K S Gord selling artic lea ; large
commimon. Phone C 19-
GIRL to aaslst with housework. Apply 747
iinan st.
COM PETE NT girl for general housework.
14 North 24th st.
OEFIt'E position open to young lady making
lfh Investment. 5-0 Swetl;ind bldg.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
and Cftuking; reference. 621 Johnson at.
PHIKTMAKKK3 wanted. Jacob Shirt Co.,
191 S;ark.
ArPRKNTP'K ExperW-nced ; apply dress
making parlors, 131 W. 1-th St.
TA1 T.OREr-S Stead v work. Acheson & Co.,
A-hen bldg.. MS Mh st.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper.
A pply 110 North 4 th.
COOK on farm for li men. Call Monday
morning. JfM McKay bldjr.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught in
ft weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder.
WAITRESS wanted. Great Northern Hotel,
MO 21st at. S tar north. Main 75S.
IRON ERS Wanted two good Ironera at
State Laundry Co.. 3;5 Broadway.
LA DY rtenocrapher with $20 w anted for
partner and treasurer. Y ;;!. Oregonlan.
WOMAN to take tare of lS-rn"nthr-old baby;
g--od pay. X SI 2. Oregonlan.
Gi PL to do general h-m9work. Woodlawn
1' f i.
EXPERIENCED waltrcs Talace Restaurant,
12 4th eX.
GT?L:RAL houork girl. App:y Cor
nea real, head of Love Joy.
CK w anted In private boarding-house,
.rjl YeFt Tark.
J A N TT K ES vi i n t M at once :
woman. 1 West Prk.
H"rsK,W(RK ;frl fr grnrral; small waah-
!:. N. i3d. Main fiS43.
W A ITR ESSES First-class,
ra n. i"i j N. tith at.
yoi'M'. Isdy wanted to manage rooming
hou of ; Doms. AK 2i:. Oregonlan.
H'M'SKWOtlK Girl wanted for general. 6P2
!!Rnc.i,k t.. Irvingti'n.
li TSKWOKK G t rl for genera
2'.' I st . cor. NVrthmp.
25 T North
GIRLS- at pepr ho factory. F. C. Stettlcr.
toh anl Ghssn ats.
Cf?o'OLATT5 DIPPERS wanted: teady
work; best waces. B 3P. Oregonlan.
1 wo experienced dining-room girl. 46 X.
2 !t rl.
CvrpETRNT r'r! for gorera! houaework. Ap
ply Mnduy. 743 Kearney at.
GIRL for general housework: a-od cook,
mall family, good wage. $51 Hoyt.
H'T SEH ORK Girl to av.t In general
housework. 52 Gllsan.
GIRLc WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand nve and East Taylor.
GIRL for general housework. Call Monday
morning. 21 rtth
WAlTRfW J Morr!sn t.
W'HITH voman cook. 24 Mala c
I -
GIRLS. 1 year of aye and over, to work In
bag factory. Apply at once.
5th and Davis Sts.
CAMP COOK. $75; boarding-house. J40:
'chambermaids week, pantry girl. 120;
nurse girl. $.'5; laundry girl, L10 tout of
cltvt fare paid: second girls, .ia; waitress.
$s." Ja. $lu week; hotel waltrt-ds. $30 ana
315 (out of ciivi fare paid; family cook.
40; dish wasn-TB. $B. General house
work girls and girls to assist
Washington St.
SALESWOMEN The Meier Frank Store
has vacanci' In several department for
competent saleswomen ; also can place a
number or bright glri itf year of age
and over, to learn the business; rapid ad
vancement and permanent position for
satisfactory service. Apply to Supt, bet.
b and 10 A. M.
- - 4
ELDERLY Christian lady to care for 4-year-oid
child and do eome light housework
with small family; one who wishes good
home more than high wages. Call Sunday
or evening Taka s- tr uth
7i2 Ctorbett .
HOUSEWORK Girl to assist In light house
work; would take girl that la studying or
going to school. For wage and particulars
call 314 East Wheeier. Good home for right
HOUSEWORK Girl for genera! housework,
experienced plain cock; gd home and good
wag- to the r'.gr-t party. Phone E. tit
Sunday before 12 P. M. Call at 3WI Grand
ave.. cor. Hancock. Monday morning.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
enow you how to secure the Mine, and will
prepare you at small cost. Oall or write
C C. S. S., 425-420 Lumber Exchange. Port
land. Or.
STENOGRAPHER of experience can have
use of nlcelv furnished office In one or
principal ofnee buildings in hfart of city,
exchange for letter work occasionally.
HOl'PE-TO-HOfSB demonstrators on a
high-grade, guaranteed woman's article,
splendid opportunity for beginners. Lall
10-11. 2-4. room 204. Wells-Fargo.
WOMAN (Scandinavian preferred) to work
In small rooming house; good home; good
wage; wanted at once. 1271 Hood St.
Take Fulton car to Sweeney ave.
FIRST and serond girls, cooks, waitresses,
chambermaids, etc. If you are capable,
we can place you. E. Bloom A Co., room
41:0 Lumber Exchange.
LADIES at heme day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.50 dox. upward;
steady, reliable work. Call 224 Marque ra
LADY to travel, to aaeist gentleman demon
strating, soliciting, etc.; expenses paid; ex
perience unnecesaury. Good money. X So0,
WANTED On West Side. 4 to room, mod
ern home, anv size lot. not to exceed $4ioo,
or will lake vacant lot if price 1 right.
AN 3u3, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young ladles to enter training
cbool for nuni;s. Willapa Harbor Hospital.
South B"nd and Raymond. Address Mary C.
Drain, Raymond. Wash.
CANVASSERS and solicitor in every town
on tne Coast; beat paying proposition ever
offered. National Supply Co., 61 S. Sth at.,
Portland, Or.
THE Columbia Laundry Co.. East SOth and
Morrison sts.. are advertising daily for
exj?rlenced laundry help; If you are out
of a Job. better call and see them.
YOl'NG lady, good appearance, with 4100,
act aa cashier evening.-. 8 until 12 o'clock.
Apply 1120 Board Trade bldg. today be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock.
FINISHERS of cloaks and suit; teady
work. Acheson Cloak Co., Acheeon bldg.,
148 5th St.
HOt'SEWORK Girl at Roae City Par 'for
light houaework; two In family. Call 411
GIRL for general housework; home priv
ileges; with small family. Telephone East
6K4. 440 E. sth t., North, near Tilla
3434 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstair.
Phone Main 2602.
ETENOGTR AiPHBR, competent In real estate
o'fire for 2 weeks. Call today from 11
A. M- to 3 P. M. Room 611 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Salesladle on high-grade spe
cialty. Call room 34. 152 Vj 2d mt.
WANTED School teacher; term, months,
salary ti9 per month. Apply to Frank Kob
lltr. Clerk. District No. 11, Ekamokawa,
Wahkiakum County. Wash. Don't answer
except prepared to take up work at once.
HOPPICKERS 40O families hoppickers;
best hopyard. camping grounds, good
water. Apply to Andrew Kan A Co..
24d Washington st.
SEVEN first-clas solicitor today. 2 to 4;
money maker. Room 73, Ockley House,
10th and Morrison.
STUDIO Music. German. French, English
literature, 452 Morrison. Main 2)y7.
ENERGETIC sttlee party for educational work.
AK. 313. Oregonlan.
F1SK Teacher' Agency helps good teacher
to better positions. 514 Swetland bldg.
Bookkeeper and Clerk
MIDDLE-AGED German-American, excellent
general offi.-e man and bookkeeper, very
active, reliable and of great adaptability,
want pcettton In a concern where he would
b employed for office aw well a manual
work; fine Eastern reference. A J 3u3,
I HAVE one friend a on legman not an order
taker. but aH experienced, long-headed
ealfcman; employed now. but determined to
make a change. If you can use a sc-IIer
communicate confidentially with me. F. I.
GoKehur. Chapman Advertising Company.
EXPERIENCED hfokkeepfr and office man
ager oj-en to engagement Sept. I, desire
high-class position with reputable concern;
best reference as to ability and character.
AC 7. Oregonlan.
Gent'eman having thorough knowledge of
bueinee and accounts wishes to act as
private eecretary to rtrm or individual: bank
references. Addles AL 295, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and swenographer or office
man : best of references ; steady and re
sponsible; young married man 27 year of
ape; 7 years' experience. AF 290, Ore
gonlan. AN experienced clothing, furnishings and
hoe salesman, desires to make a change
ptenJ'er 1; steady; prefer outride; can
make good. AH 31.-4. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper, general
office and credit man; years' experience
varied lines. Phone Main 6444. A 2133.
G 2i. Oregonian.
CIVIL ENGINEER, graduate of a techni
cal exhool, with experience and reference,
waii is a field or office position. AC 313,
WANTED Position In general merchandise
store by thoroughly experienced man.
country preferred; best references. N. S.
Berg. Portland. Or.
TRAVELING position wanted for wholesale
house, selling farm Implements. Address
William Col liver, Suuth Bend, Wash.
BOOKKEEPER Thorough ; several years
experience, want position with wholesale
house. D SOS. Oregonian.
AN experienced bookkeeper and office man
wants a set of book to write evenings. E
.111, Oregonian.
WANTED Sttuatioi as co-lector, part or all
the time. Main 43.i8.
YOUNG MA N. good all-around salesman,
wants position inside or outside. R 3(a.
IF rmi want an experienced and reliable
chauffeur, call up Main 7M3.
TO architect or contractor; wanted, a
situation as superintendent of works or
similar position of trust by young man
with 20 veara' experience In all branches
of the building trades, capable of super
vising anv contract and a thorough good
manager of men. Apply AC 04. Orego
nian. WANTED Situation as coachman by an all
around horseman; drive four-in-hand or
tandem; can teach riding in up-to-date
how-rlng style. Address C Hyland. care
Kramers N. Y. Club Stables, city
DRAFTSMAN on bridges, water works,
damn, sewers and reinforced concrete
would like to get a potinon with some
contracting company In this city. AB 303,
MIDDLE-AGED man of general buslnees ex
perience desire a permanent or temporary
position: has administrative ability and i5 not
afraid of rep.Honeibility: position a aseistanr.
preferred. AJ lbS, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, hard, conscientious worker,
employed as salesman and stock clerk,
wholesale, would like to make change; no
objection to leaving city; Al references.
AK. SOL Oregonlan.
WANTED Pciton aa superintendent or
foreman of construction of water work: ix
vears' experience; can furnish reference and
bond. AK 2W. Oregonian.
MAN. owner of automobile, wishes to travel:
will advertise for salary or sell good article
on commieelon ; references. L. H. D., tfltt
3d, McMlnnville, Or.
BY man of 33 vears, ood business educa
tion: ao ateam and gas engineer; will go
anywhere. Phone Main SS-'ti, or address
AK 302. Oregonlan.
CH AUFFEUR Expert city and mountain
driver; safo, competent, sober, reliable; no
accidents when you ride with me; city
or touring. AG 25. Oregonlan.
AD-WRITER, experienced, with thorough
knowledge of general merchandise, tem
porarily or permanent. AB. 30O, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED and trustworthy machinist
desires position with g-xid factory or com
pany as maehijiiM or millwright; excellent
reierences. 401 West Park st.
A YOUNG man of good address and prac
tical experience wishes a position as
credit man : capable to take full charge
of office If desired. AN 207. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gardener wishes steady
work at private residence. Address P.
Mlckrlson, 215 Spencer st., Mont a villa.
Tabor 735.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, pareful driver,
good repair man. best references, desires
citv or country position; reasonable sal
ary. AC 303. Oregonian.
CIRCULAR sawyer and general mlllman
desires position; able to file and take care
of jaws; best references. " V. 305, Ore
gorrfan. EXPERIENCED. all-around groceryman
must have work; thoroughly competent,
full of energy and hard worker. A-l city
business references. O 308. Oregonian.
GOOD carpenter want employment by day
contract: all kinds of repairing. 374 2d
at. C. Hansen. Main 2220.
JAPANESE by hour worker; cooking, house
cleaning. Sellwood 1122. Cloas to Madison
POSITION ae warehouseman.- wharfinger or
watchman; am competent office man. -N 303,
FIRST-CLASS mason want any kind of
brick work; prices reasonable. 065 Wash,
st. Phone Main 4007.
ETAELEMAN Situation wanted by a
ruber, industrious man; can do Janitor
work. ,AJ 2i0. Oregonian.
the East, wants position immediately. W
2W, Oregonian.
want position a private exchange operator.
G 801, Oregonlan.
FOREMAN wanted; position as foreman on
stock ranch ; cattle preferred; best of ref
erences. W 210. Ortgonlan.
MAN, with family, wants position to manage
ranch either on salary or share. Address
CD 311, Oregonian.
HOUSE and window cleaning, new house a
specialty ; or janitor work. "by O. A.
Thompson. Phone Main 3030,
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position,
any kind of housework, every morning, AC
218, Oregonlan.
FIRST cook, Japanese, wants position, hotel,
boarding; $70 up. D 3UJ. Oregonlan.
GERMAN young man wants work of any
kind. Address 9i$ E. 20th st., .V.
ALL-ROUND candymaker wants position.
Address Albert Gale, 426 Burnside ave.
EXPERIENCED man to do clearing. Smith,
1140 E. 27th N
WANTED Position by experienced shipping
clerk. Addrea AN 304, Oregonian.
OLD AND NEW Empty and now house
cleaning. Main 6573. Thomas.
WANTED Wood to put in: big Jobs pre
ferred ; references. R 2it, Oregonlan.
NEW and old house and window cleaning.
D. J. Henderson. Main 3910.
POSITION for boy going to. school wanted, on
farm. S 2&0, Oregonlan.
WINDOW-CLEANING, aleo house and odd
Jobs; reference. Main 3003.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer,
AMBITIOUS young lady Just finished high
school would like so mo kind of office work
with view of advancement. N 314, Ore
gonlan. STENOGRAPHER Bright, neat appearing
young lady, not afraid of hard work,
trustworthy, reliable. H 310, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Experienced, desire po
sition, permanent or substitute; accurate
and reliable. X 308. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Experlerrced stenographer
desires permanent position ; references.
Phone A 5C84.
EXJT-TRIENOED bookkeeper and comptometer
o;erator wishes permanent position. AC 209,
lOUNG LADY wishes office work a stenog
rapher and typewriter; good reference. AO
304, Oregonian.
LAW Monographer, high school education,
moderate salary. S 20O Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED boofckee-per and typtet; state
atlary. N SoS. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT and experienced young lady
LAW stenographer wishes light work, $35.
O 3t'9. Oregonian.
WIDOW, with one boy, wants position as
housekeeper for widower or bachelor;
good reference required. Address Mra.
Viola Patterson, Eatonvllle, Wash., Route
No. 1.
WIDOW lady wishes position as managing
housekeeper in widower's home, whore
there are one or more children: a renned
home, where maid Is kept; highest refer
ences. AN 313. Oreuonian.
REFINED, educated woman, 32, desires po
sition as housekeeper for bachelors' club
or widower's family; references given, AK
2S3, Oregonian.
WANTED Light housework or care of
small respectable rooming-house, by neat,
capable, middle-aged woman. West Side
preferred. AN 301. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow would like house
keeper's position; take full charge; public
or private. O 310. Oregonian.
WIDOW wishes housekeeping situation In
rooming-house: capabV? taking full
charge. W -OS. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER capable of taking charge of
hotel or rooming-house; must be first-class;
references. G 208. Oregon lan.
YOUNG lady deetres management of flrst
CiaJts rooming-house. C 2H7. Oregonian.
DRESSMATCER will go out; $175 per day.
or take work at home: satisfaction guaran
teed. 40S Clay. A 4549.
WANTED Dressmak !ng b v t he da y . Ad
drea 411 Hlbbard St. Mies O. Carter.
FIRST-CLASS dre.tsmakinr at lowest price.
Mr Angeles, 3o a Wash. St., room 216-
DRESSM AKTNG and plain sewing ny oay.
Miss CMshoJra. Phone M. 672. ,
DRESSMAKER wishes to fo In ladlea home);
fine work; low prices. 208 Union ave.
Drem a ken.
WANTED Plain sewing to take home;
steaiiy employment preferred. Phone Ta
bor 4$. Mention Mrs. Haysany.
DRESSMAKER and tallores. experienced,
will ma Re engagements In families; refer
ence. Tabor 1701. B 2355.
MAN-TAILORED SKIRTS. $3; your own ma
terial; sui:, coats, habits. Elite Ladles'
Tailors, 540 Washington St., near 18th st.
DRESSMAKER, experienced, will take sew
ing, either by day or at home. Phone
Main 272-S '
DRESSMAKING of all kinds done out or at
home; $1.75 per day. A 370. 326 Park et.
REFIN ED and educated practical nurse,
late of San Francisco, wants position as
companion to invalid; best city reference.
Mrs. J.. Colonial. 105 10th st.
CALL UP MAIN 4400 for experienced nurse.
"A Worker." WilL take any case; terms
CHILD'S nurse or companion, experienced
Eastern ladv; Christian Science family
preferred. Main 2139
BY refined young girl. he care of chil
dren during parents absence. AE 80S,
Oregonian. Phone A 4413.
PRACTICAL nurse at 176 Russell st. Call or
EXPERIENCED middle-aged practical nurse.
A 201S. -
PRACTICAL nurse want position; good
seamstrett. AB 30S, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Swedish chambermaid wants
work where she can board and room her
self: wages $10 a week. AC 30ft. Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED colored cook, $40 to $50 per
month, $2 per day. Mrs. Parker, Main
EXPERIENCED cook. husband licensed
chauffeur. repair automobile. garden,
housework. Parker. Main 1101.
IF YOU NEED domestic help call E. Bloom
& Co., Main 8345. A 4035.
POSITION by experienced business woman in
wholesale or mall order houee; salary no
object to start with; want to work into
permanent position: can give referencea.
Phone Woodlawn 2102.
LACE curtains beautifully laundered; fine
sun-drying and grass-bleaching facllitles.
Phone Tabor 1530.
LADY companion desire position to Invalid
or lady living alone, or one traveling.
Phone Main 41(05.
RELIABLE woman wants housework by the
day or hour. Address 3SS Everett at.
Phone Main "2651.
hour; experienced inner, eteady work want
ed every week. K 308, Oregonlan.
WOMAN experienced in managing rooming or
apartment houee desires a position. A G
303. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by neat young lady,
speaking German and English, in store or
bakery- W 205, Oregonlan.
WANTED By man and wife, work on farm,
wife to help with housework. Y 313,
GERMAN girl wants position; second work
in privnte home; pay $30 month. G 313.
DAY WORK -Woman wants day work for
Monday and Thursday, washing and house
cleaning. Main 2220.
STRONG GIRL would like to assist In board?
ing-houae; all-around work. AM 310, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes posi
tion in rooming-house or hotel; wages $8
to $10. Phone Woodlawn 310.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Phone Woodlawn 310.
WOMAN wants laundry to take home.
Phone East 2039.-
WOMAN wants work by the day; references.
Phone East 2030.
WOMAN want work by day housecleanlng,
etc. B. 4813. Room D.
LADY would like work by day or hour.
Main S427. Room 10.
FIRST-CLASS launderer wishes work by day,
also will take it home. Phone Tabor 309.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched; 5
years' experience. E. 6337. C looS.
COMPETENT woman wants day work, laun
dry or cleaning. Main 3313.
LACE curtain washed and etretched, 40c
pair. Main 550$. A 4' 02.
LAUNDRESS, experienced, would like work
by day. Phone East 40? 2.
Phone Woodlawn 1050.
LADY wishes work by the day. Phone Main
A LADY wishes to get In business. E 309,
WOMAN wants washing to take home.
Phone Main 1199 Sunday and Monday.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position In
bakery. AC 310. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position; pastry,
short order or any. AC SOP, Oregonlan.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered; 40c pair. Tabor 15-07.
WANTED -Day work. Oa!l Main 1009.
IN EVERY town on the Coast; we have the
best paying and easieet eeKing article ever
on the market; territory for sale. National
Supply Co.. 81 N. th at.. Portland, Or.
SALESMEN to sell bank check protector;
sells every store and office; remarkable
novelty; sample 5c; circulars free. Terry
Mfg. Co.. 121 Michigan St.. Toledo, O.
DO NOTHEVG till you hear from us; our
goods go like wildfire; 400 per cent profit;
sanrple free; we give credit, protection and
pay freight. Noxocfor Co., Chicago.
MAK E S10 A DAT Agents wanted every
where to sell Hartwell mall box. Write
for branch office in your territory. Cres
cent Mfg. Co.. 712 L St., Sacramento, CaL
AGENTS 5 daily selling our handy tool. 32
articles In one; lightning seller; sample free.
Thomas Mfg. Co., 40& Barney block, Day
ton. O.
WANTED Agents in every city and town
in Oregon and Washington; big money to
hustlers. New York Cosmetique Co., 673
E. Ankeny St.. Portland, Or.
AGKNTS Splendid opportunity to make money
selling nureery stock; outfit free; cash week
ly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS wanted for Jumbo gas- burners; big
money, ewmple 25c. Luetig, 750 Jefferson
s-t.. Oakland. Cal.
WANTED Men and women to work on
commission hig money to hustlers. New
York Cosmetlque Co.. 673 E. Ankeny at.
LADY SOLICITOR for high-class articles;
good commission. 47 Jefferson, Flat A,
HAN DT home fast en er ; every h nrse owner
buy at eight: 2(o ' per cent profit. Thomas
Tatener Co.. 8ai5 Barney block. Dayton, O.
will give the man or wo
man of limited means as
well as the heavyweights
an opportunity of getting
a foot-hold this Fall that
will mean a foundation for
Are you reading the
business opportunity ads
in The Oregonian each
morning. The opportuni
ties are many as -you will
soon learn.
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life & Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life Insur
ance in Portland and in other citie and
towns of Oregon. Washington and Idaho;
former experience not necessary; splendid
opportunities; flrst-class reference a to
character required. Addresa the company'
horn office. Lumber Exchange bldg.. Port
land, Or.
FOUND A new moneymaker. a houeehold
necessity; every home buys; G. Hanley.
New York, sold 131 first two days, made
$S2; sells Itself when shown; people bor
row money to buy; costs 40c, sella $1; 3fto,
000 sc!d in New Turk since September.
Write for your county; catelogue free. U.
6. Co., 764 Main. Lelpslc, O.
AGENTS, stores, streetmen, 2O00 different
novelties for fairs, carnivals, old home
and firemen's celebrations, etc.; badges,
canes, whips, pennants, confetti, ticklers,
postcards of all kinds, Xmas and holiday
decorations; all up-to-date goods. Cata
logue free. Miller, 15S Park Row, New
AGENTS wanted for most wonderful money
maker sold today for agents, street men. dis
tributing agencies, etc.; biggest success on
record; w-hen operated people eLop. look,
li.?ten. become fjfwinated, buy; demand
world wide; agents making SIO to $ a
Oay; get "next" quickly. Write Handy
Things Co., Ludlngton, Mich.
WE manufacture over 250 new patents, a
full line of kitchen cutlery, 8 comb,
kitchen sets, razors, and a complete line
of Kropf improved tension shears; we
want local agents and a general agent in
e erv county ; we trust you ; you pay us
every 30 dayB. Bm Edgren Co., Milwau
kee. Wis.
HUSTLERS in every town in state for swell
est non-friction shoe polish on market;
something new and unequaled; cheap,
quick and durable; agents making big
money everywhere; sells on sight; send 25c
for sample and particular. Easy Shine
Pollbh Co., 333 Chamber of Commerce.
SEIjL our Pray -Ball picture; funniest ever;
eei:e to every fan, cigar store, saloon, ate;
sample prepaid, 10c pair, or dollar a dosen;
vou get 25c each; be first in your field; coin
6 to 12 daily. Flavoral Co., St. Louis,
AGENTS wanted to sell the new 'AladdIn"
incandescent kerosene mantle lamp. The
newest and most perfect kerosene mantle
lamp "f today. Sells at sight; exceptional
opportunity offered agents. The Mantle
Lamp Company, Dept. 21, Portland, Or.
WANTED- Salesman accustomed to selling
securities to Investors, S100 amounts and
upwards; we have a very profitable and
attractive high-grade business proposition,
amply secured by deed of trust; also
profitable for salesman. W 292. Oregonlan.
.VBW Invention, best yet, self-heating flat
iron; beats them all; no tank in the way,
no pumping; when housewives see ne oper
ated they buy. CaH after 4 P. M-, or write
for rterrltory. Yale Block 291 Grand ave.
P. O. Box 2023, Station A.
MAN or woman to sell hosiery and under
wear from "mill to wearer; agents selling
direct to consumer; investigate; perma
nent, profitable. International Mills, 3038
Chestnut. Philadelphia.
HOW'S THIS? Newest and best seller out;
wanted In every home and office bldg.: no
competition, repeat orders; you can't lose.
Schendel & Hynes, 407 Pine t., room 5, San
Francisco, Cat.
AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly selling latest
styles Mexican and Swiss- embroidery wa!H
patterns, drawn work, etc.; catalogue free.
iNatsonal Importing Co., Deek D. OHO,
Broadway, N. Y.
LARGE, old-tine health and accident imnir
Biice company wants general and dleitrict
agents; big contract; new,, lrberal quirk
eeMing policies; choice territory. Royal Cas
ualty Co., St. Louis.
MANAGER wanted every city and county,
handle best paying tuMnees kntwn ; leglti-1
biate, new, exclusive control ; no Insurance
or book canvassing. Address Chasu Halstead.
43 West 34th St., N. Y.
WANTED Successful nursery salesmen;
choice territory, big commission; good repu
tation behind our goods makes sales easy.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem,
TO MEET poul-trymen and farmers; big pay;
send name on card today; will send you full
particulars? of blggeet money maker today.
Roupine Co., D 3, 1700 Terry ave., Seattle,
THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apart
ment, convenient for housekeeping. AH
295, Oregonlan.
FOUR or five-room modern cottage, close
In, by August 29, or three unfurnished
rooms In modern home for housekeeping;
must be reasonable; no children. AC 312,
A NICELY furnished house, close In: must
have 3 bedrooms and modern; no children;
will pay good rent for right place. Phone
A 2301. Address 23 Russel bldg.
WANTED To rent, on or before Oct. 1, a
modern 5 or 6-room house or bungalow In
good neighborhood; 2 in family; will pay
good rent and take lease. Phone C 1884.
WANT TO RENT 6, 7 or 8-room furnished or
unfurnished houee on Portland Heights, No"5
Hill or Willamette Heights; must be mod
ern; give location, etc. S 307. Oregonian.
FURNISHED house or flat of about four or
five rooms, in South Portland; must be mod
ern, well located and reasonable. Phone
B 1728.
WANTED Strictly modern cottage, bunga
low, or apartment In good neighborhood for
family of twx. Addrtas P. O. Box 239,
Portland. Or.
WANTED To rent furnished steam-heated
fiat, about 6 rooms. West Side; must be
reasonable. Box 400. city.
THREE houeekeeping rooms, unfurnished or
partly furnished, wtinted for adults; etate
location and price. X 202, Oregonian.
TWO unfurnished rooms and board for two
ladles; must be near car line. AM 295, Ore
gonian. WANTED By October 3. house of 5 or 6
rooms, on West Side; must be modern; 2
In family. AM 302. Oregonian.
THREE or four furnished housekeeping
rooms, with bath. In good neighborhood,
by couple, no children. AK 305, Oregonian.
BY YOUNG marrted couple without children,
four or five-room furnished cottage, ref
erences exchanged, D 3fi3. Oregonian.
WANTED, by responsible party, to rent fur
nished rooming-house in city or country
town. 209H Montgomery st.
WANTED Furnished house for 2 adults. 5
or 0 rooms. Phone East 1116. Call morn
ings. LADY will pay 1.50 a month for privilege
of piano practice near 13th and Columbia,
X 310. Oregonian.
REFINED lady, employed, desire rKm and
board within city limit. AH 311, Ore
gonian. WANTED to rent small furnished farm on
ehares; state particulars. F 271, Oregon
lan. WANTED, by Sept. 1, 2 room, with board;
3 adults; state location and price. F 272,
MODERN 7-room house, close in; adults; state
location, price. Phone C 1247. W 297, Ore
gonian. WANTED By 3 adults, furnished housekeep
ing rooms, close In; send terma, etc., to
P. O. Box 718.
WANTED Three furnished or unfurnished
rooms for care of rooming-house; three in
family. 640 Williams ave.
TO LEASE for year or more, eight-room
hou?e. targe grounds, fruit or garden, near
carllne; adults. A J 308. Oregonian.
MECHANIC wants home for girl 9 years old
and room In Fame houee; walking dletance;
staUa terms. B 314. Oregonian.
FARM, with or without stock and equipment;
would prefer share; rent for term of years.
Address CD Slit, Oregonian.
WANTED Home In refined family for child
of 3 year. C SOL Oregonlan.
YOUNG stranger in city wants his room and
board in private family. AJ 311. Oregonian.
WANTED 3 or 4-room cottage, furnlsned
for housekeeping. C 200, Oregonian.
WANTED By 2 young mn : room and
Vard, clc in. AC 314. Oregonlan.
LADY teacher of dancing desires to rent hall.
AM 297, Oregonian.
WANTED Small furnished house or flat.
Phone East 031.
SIX or 5-room houee in good section; no chil
dren. AN 310, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a small suburban place,
uear carllne. AJ 304, Oregonian.
WE have a part y who want a good lo
cation in which to establish a first-class
ladle' outfitting store; anyone having
such a place for rent, please report to us
at once. Ihe Dunn.-Lawrence Co., 248
Alder t.
WANTED A home for a girl 8 years old,
w here she can receive a mother's care
and go to school; prefer a place where
there are no othr children; state price,
location and phone number. AE 810,
WANTED To rent a small fHrm. stock
ranch preerred. Address C. O Sturgess,
Umpqua. Douglas Co., Oregon.
LADY, employed, wishes furnished or un
furnished room. H 312, Oregonian.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, suit
able for gentlemen. Kamm bldg.. First
and Pine.
Furnished Rooms.
Corner loth and Washington St.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnalde
Everything brand new. homelike and
comfortable: rates reasonable. Fre bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, 52.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths fre.
LARGE corner front room, elegantly furnish
ed; heat, phone, bath and all modern con
veniences; very suitable for two person;
walking distance. The Mercede, 20th and
Washington sts.; $25.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, modern con
venience, walking distance. The Genevieve
Is now under new management. 445 Co
lumbia t. phone Main 7410-
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047, M. 5047.
THE MERTARPER, 120 13th, cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water In
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
Washington and 17th, new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
w aier, steam nem, ciuuiijuio jji 'vm.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main st., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern convenience. Opposite
the Plaza.
812 OAK ST.. COR. OTH.
Just opened ; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rate reasonable.
214 Columbia at.; Summer rates; run
ning water in all rooms transient SOo to
$1 day; one call mean another.
FINE rooms for sleeping, suitable 3 or more.
8 blocks from P. O. 420, Main. Phone A
2S82; also housekeeping rooms.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; J2
to $4 per week; nice yard and surroundings.
A&ter Hou, 7th and Madison.
THE HANOVER. 105 King, near Washington
Large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed, private bath; something swell.
THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington sta;
elegantly furnished single rooms, with all
modern convenience; only lO and up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, teiepfione and baths free. 327
Stark, corner Ot'a. Mrs. Maud J. Lates.
COUPLE will share steam-heated furnished
apartment with others or let elngle rooms;
West Bide; walking distance. Phone A 2209.
205 13TH. everal newly furnished rooms, very
central, on carllne.
THE "BRAE-SIDE. 42 Alder Modem, cen
tral, $3. $4. $5 per week: transient.
207 6TH. nicely furnished room. gas. bath,
phone; centrally located, near Postoftlce.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 305 Stark, cor. Park.
THE RANDOLPH. Sd nnd Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to Jl day. $2 to $4 week.
Famished Rooms In Private Family.
FURNISHED room with use of phone and
piano, for $2 per week. 309 Market at.
Phone Main 9470.
NICELY furnte-hed front parlor bedroom, suit
able for two gentlemen: breakfast If desired,
use of plaao. MMn 2293. 1009 Vaughn at.
213 13th Nice furnished rooms, modern con
veniences, suitable two or more person;
DON'T stop until you get to 391 7th st.
and see what a nice place it Is to get a
furnished room.
WELL-FURNISHED room; all conveniences;
strictly private family; walking distance.
Main 9002.
LARGE front alcove room, choice location,
houee modern, suitable for gentleman. 388
Salmon, bet. West Park and 10th.
215 12TH ST.. near White Temple, modern
newly furnished rooma. sleeping porch ;
private family; gentlemen only. A 5092.
LARGE, well-furnished room for gentlemen;
0 minutes' walk from poetofflce. Phone
Main 900O, forenoons.
FURNISHED rooms; all conveniences: rea
sonable; walking distance. 41 Ella St.,
near Washington.
SUITE of 4 nicely furnished rooms; hot and
cold water, electric lights and piano; 25.
207 Knott. East 3300.
BY WEEK or month, nicely furnished room,
all modern convenience. 649 Washington,
Flat A.
404 Vt PARK Very desirable, newly fur
nished suite for 2 gentlemen, all conven
iences; also single rooma Phone A 3721.
ELEGANT room, ground floor, suitable for
1 or 2 gentlemen, close In. 335 Madison,
cor. 7th.
FRONT parlor and bedroom, close in; gent
onlv; use of piano, gas, bath and phone.
Main 7124.
ELEGANTLY furnished large front rooms,
single or en suite, in modern apartment. 404
Clay. Main 9425.
THREE nice rooms, close in, partly fur
nished. $40: free u of piano and phone.
0th. near Harrison. A 190H, forenoon.
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent to couple without children. 472 Yam
hill st.
ON second floor, furnished, kitchen, with one
or two furnished rojms: nice yard: no ob
jection to one child. 003 Johnson et.
NEWLY furnished rooms, all modern con
veniences: reasonable. 621 Flanders. Phone
Main 7615.
NEWLY furnished large front room, all
conveniences, walking distance. Phcne
East 4018.
LARGE front room with alcove, newly fur
nished, free bath, phone, for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen; also single rooms. 294 14th st.
FOR RENT Nice light rooms at 30C Grant
atreet, near 5th at.
02 12TH Pleasant fmnt room for two; also
single; running water; central.
PLEASANT furnished room, suitable for gen
tleman, $1.50 a week. 262 14th st.
PLEASANT, large, modern furnished room,
near R. S. and L- carlines. 52 Mason St.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms. 1 small,
1 large. 474 Alder at. Phone Main 1273.
NICELY furnished single and double rooms,
modern, reasonable. 387 Vj t.
FURNISHED. large front room; breakfast
If desired. 655 Irving st.
424 SIXTH ST. Newly urnished large
room with sleeping porch; walking distance.
ONE modem furnished room, S2 a week, with
private family. 4?0V Second st.
NICELY furnished front room, close In,
private home. 531 Everett. Phone A 7737.
NICELY furnished room, modern and phone,
$9 per month. 165 N. 17th st.
CLEAN furnished rooms with bath and
phone. 92 E. Powell.
NICELY furnished room, close In; bath and
phone. 473 Alder.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, mod
ern house. 532 Kearney st. Phone A 7738.
FURNISHED room. Call 131 W. 12th C
Furnished Room In Private Family.
A couple large, cheerful front room In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one block
Alexander Court; walking d:?.:ance. Call 09
N. 21st st.
FOR RENT Six room of partly furnwhed
house, close In. on West Side, to respect
able man and wife, no children ; refer
ence. Address p. O. box 250, city.
$10 Furnished front room In modern s'-am-heated
apartment ; aiso front r--m anv! al
cove, second floor. Flat D. 409 Jeft'ern
32.50 PER WEEK, newly furnished front
room, modern, private re.-dle!i;-e. 75o Love
joy, across from Good Samaritan Hospital.
Aleo rooma on 3d floor. $0 per month.
TO RENT Large front parlor in good res
idence district, on 3 carlines. 15 niinu cs'
ride to business part of city; tine locmlnu
for doctor or dentist. Phone Main '.M4'..
N I C E f ron t room, quiet p ia cc. 1 5 imnuif s
walk to P. O.. with board. Bt-;w-:rn Wil
liams ave. and Union ave.. near Bro.idwa;
reasonable term-. Eubi 3S2.
ELEGANT corner room. private lv me,
choicest West Side lnc-.n ion. e- sv walking
distance and near caiiine. Pnone Main
FURNISHED room In a modern private
.home, suitable for two, 57 Trinity place,
near Washington, bet. 19th and 2th. Main
6337, A 4744.
WILL rent half of my home for Winter
very reasonable by September l; suitah.e ,
for 2 or 4; completely furnished. 032 K.
NEWLY furnished rooms, 10 minute' walk,
modern conveniences, reasonable. 333
Montgomery, cor. 7th.
VERY desirable, nicely furnished room,
fronting on street, modern conveniences;
references., 303 lth st. Phone A 3040.
FURNISHED room for gentleman ; bath, five
minutes' walk of Portland Hotel; no other
roomers; references. Tel. M. 73 J 3.
WELL furnished front room, downstairs,
suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, modern con
veniences; reasonable rent. 407 Columbia. ,
NICELY furnished room, close In, modern
conveniences, gas, bath and phone; rea- ,
sonable. 303 11th st.
FURNISHED room. 235 13th t.
a Unfurnished Rooms.
Modern unfurniehed rooms; single or en
miite; reasonable; no housekeeping. The
Drexel, 240 f. Yamhill. Main 2905.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, walking
distance, near carline. J 35 N. J8:h at.
THREE unfurnished room and alcove. biVl
Couch St., I or housekeeping.
Rooms Wit h Board.
Modern in every respect ; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington st., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished ; every room has a
pri ute bath, telephone ; the maximum nt
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best in the
. city for the money, call and Inspect; in connection.
THE MAGNOLIA'S Kearney t., bet. Jfllh
and 20th. Elegantly furnished rooms for
couple, private bath, best hrme eonit lug ;
J.M swell rooms for gentlemen; breakfaL
and riinner, $'.ii per month; beauaful
1 very large light and airy Jiving-roam,
with alcove bedroom, partially furnished, or
will furnteh to suit parties; private tele
phone, hot and told water, elotriu light,
steam heat.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and 11
brarv, 510 Flanders at.. Alias Francca N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange. 133 10th,
at. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. upt.
SMALL 5-room apartment; steam hrat. hot
water and Janitor Her vice; ail outside room;
nice building. Cull Janitor at 454 1Kb. an.
The Jackson bungalow.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 1G7 10th St. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason,
able rate for transient guests W car to
and from depot passes the door
THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds,
elegant furnished rooms. conservatory,
dining-room. Filth and Jefferson.
THE LIN DELL, 209 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking dletance.
ONE large double room and 2 single rooms,
with board, rates reasonable. 147 13th U
Phone Main 2118.
ROOM and board at the Sterling, 535 Couch ,
THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097.
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison; American
plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water.
Rooms. With Board ia Private Family.
Large corner room, strictly modem, homa
cooking, two carlines, easy walking dis
tance. ONE large front room suitable for man and.
wife, or fine for 3 gentlemen, with table
board; also table board given; term rea
sonable. 173 16th st. South.
LARGE room with board, suitable for on
or two people ; also smaller room, near
carllne, reasonable. Cor. East 52d and
Tavior t., Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 207.
A DESIRABLE furnished room, centrally lo
cated with flrst-clase board for one or two
parties. Inquire 3 SO Main t.
NEWLY furnished room with board; use of
piano. 191 11th, near Yamhill. Phona
Main 5003.
LARGE front corner room, with board, for
two. In private family; all conveniences. 93
17th t.. North. Main 4220.
ROOM and board suitable for two, 2 block
from East Side High School; modern,
private family. 105 E. 11th. B 2308.
FIRST-CLASS board and room In private
family for two young men; beat of home
cooking. Main iS10. Call before 12 o'clock.
FURNISH ED room, with board, in privnto
family, for two gents or man and wife;
modern; 6 minute' walk. 230', 10th st.
NICELY furnlshe-l room with board for on
or two gentleman; Scandinavian preferred,
at 11 North 10th.
LADY living alone will roard and room 3
or 4 gentlemen or married ci.upUs. Y 312,
ROOM and board, walking dlManre, Fnrso
bldg.; private family preferred ; staLe prl e.
Box X 291. Oregonian.
NICE room, stylish new house, walking dis
tance; choice reasonable. Phona Main
2219 -
FURNISHED room with board. 355 11th st
A 1030.
NICE rooms and good board for 2 or 4 gen
tlemen. 574 GJisan. corner of IHth.
TWO large furnished rooms, board if de
sired. 8 East 7th et
ROOM and board for 2 young men. 005 0th
st. Phone Main 3::i4.
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. 54 North
Kith, cor. Davis.
ROOM, with or without board at 095 Wilson
NICE newly furnished front room, suitable
fur two. 595 East Oak, cor. 15th.
168', 10TH. pleasant room with board, suit
able for young man.
ROOMS with board. 149 15th St.. between
Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 3412.
THE MILNER. 350l4 Morrison, cor. Park,
modern apartment, furnished or unfur
nished. THE GUILD. 304 Guild st., near Thurman
3-room modern apartment, free phone,
large lawn. $22.50 month. Main 3705.
THE BUELL, 14th and Salmon Furnished
apartments; new bidg., steam heat, ele
vators. THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and 6-room apart
ments; 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill dis
trict; very convenience. Main 7516
NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat, modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Abington bldg.
SWELL 5-room apartment. $20, close to
Portland Academy. M, Iua