The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 15, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 18

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    . - . tttt? eTTvniv nurnnvTAY. PORTLAND. AUGUST 1
5, 1909.
i " i - I .-rc- xncT-'T t a WAFfl f .WTLT.T U'AVTFD MALE. I KELP WANTED MATE.
Well-established LIVERY AND "BOARD
If Tmi want the best paying proposition
in the city In tnle lln. for tne amount in
vested. t;e us once. This is tne BEST
NUALLY from $io0 to $SOi0; has a 10
year leave; business now shows over $15.0u0
lnvaausd and can be had for $sio: or will
trad lor good farm or city property.
31 Ab-nsion iildg.
One of the best h'.il farm in Washing
ton County; good buildings good soil; over
K4 acres in cultivation, more than one and
a hs-f rcililcn feet of good saw timber; an
abundance of living- water, farm lnrp.ements
and stock, everything goes; for aale at a
sacrifice or will excl-arge for city property;
ttaeon for diposir.g ot this farm Is that
the owner got him r broken last Monday
and will be unable to look after the p.ace
t-v some time; bis ioes la your gm-n. For fur
ther partttu.ans ee
211-1S12 Auingtoo Building.
1;4 Third Street,
Portland. Oregon.
i XT A NT ED TO BXrHASfGK A piece of
warehouse property for a farm near Port
332 Chamber of Commerce.
300 ACRES bottom land. well fenced. good
farm b.dgs., small orchard. near electric
lin and within 16 miles of Portland; 2
y-ars crop of onions or potatoes will pay
for property; price 415.0OO; small cash
payment and long time on balance, or will
' consider residence in Portland a part
payment and rive terms on baiance. See
r owner at room 23. J-iayette bids., tttn
and Washington sts.
fcO-skcre ranch, for ciry residence or In
come property; 10-acre plaoe for small
house and lot; 7-room house for ranch;
13-cre place for smafler ranx-h ; 13-acre
place for dairy or stock ranch.; some ousi
nru chance for ranches or other Invest
I Room 1 7, 563 Stork st.
lflO acres, 40 acres la cultivation, good
7-room houne, good barn. 10 artres orchard.
F Jiving water, spring at house, all farm
Implements; price $35 per acre; will trade
fur - house and lot.
132 Chamber of Commerce.
iT'-s ACRES of lmru-d lend. In fruit, near
Fan Diego, Cal.; value. $-0O; also 3 acres
adjoining' Vancouver. Wash.. n-ar carllne;
pienty of watr; value $250 per arre; can
b- sold readily in five-acre tracts' for $40n to
per sere. 326 Wash. St., room M3.
1-hone Main IW- ,
10 ACRBS, all cleared and In hich state of
cultivation; 8-room bouh?, large barn,
outbuildings. fruit and shrubbery, beauti
ful home. 9 miles west of Courthouse. W
mile to station. Price only J.OiM). Wul
consider home In city from $0u to $10.
00. Address A 310. Oregonian,
640 AHiES No. 1 what land to -achange
for Portland property or for ranch within
,V or miles of tne -lty: this is all good
land and, on the Hamnmn R. R. urvys.
When R R. is hni.-htl this land will be
orth $-' to an a re. L. K. Clark &
Co.. 411 Couh MdK- lai"
8- room house. nioiirn, ltf acre mf
arousd "0 bearing EruJt trees on W-W
rarline. 2 mlnutos rule; value $4.0i:
r err a ce. must be near carllne within 1
mlle of Portland. J. blelnmeia t LO.,
11.3 Morrton st.
40 ACRES very best fruit land, right close to
Moeier. fine -Traveled road. beinK the
cliolcest p.rt of the famous Cameron tract,
cheap at $4.0: no incumbrance: would ex
change for good residence or bungalow in
Portland. Call ftlit Chamber of Commerce.
72rt-aAire ti het ranch. & milt-si eai Oold
t endale. in KitckitAt Valley; will cell che.p
cr exchaxa t--r Portland real emate. Ad
drfw J. L. Or Iff i Us. 667 East IWrlsua st.
Ihone East 20M.
WILL trad 23 acrea of unimproved land
near Portland for house and lot or other
property to vsUue of 1:0. phone Tabor
i WH Sunday or morning and evening, or
address Arlea. Box liOti.
We hv verv choice farms rang
ing from 4oo.) to 12.O00 In value to trade
for city pnpy. What have your 6ee
Wallace 4s. Flyctn. 228 btark mi.
20 ACRES at l2.f. Pr acre. 5 miles from
station on the Oorvallia A Toledo R- R
This Is burnt-over lnd eaelly cteared, fine
f.r dairy, fruit or hay; wUl exchanca for
Portland property. Y SV. Oregonian-
I HAVE 80 acre in Crow Wine County.
Minnesota, rommj tron country, 2 mlnrs
working now. many drills working; will
exchantce for Oregon land or sell cheap.
It T. Green, U4 Wotrcestor bldg.
WILL exchange , lnfrest in one of th-e
largest rooming-houses' and office buildings
in Portland for city property; owner
wishes partner to take cbargft. 7 Board
of Trade bldg.
WILL trade 4 clear lots In Riverside. Cal..
' f. r roomlng-houee. clear mand, or what
have you? Room S4. Union ave.. fcaat
Side. .
I HAVE giod rltv property. also small
place In th-a country to tirade for 8-pas-e-nger
automobile: must be in good con
dition. Call 611 Swetland Bldg.
WILL exchange my ?L'V ecrulty In modern
It-room hnuKo and S lot in reetrlcted dis
trict for 5 or tJ-room house In North Last
'rortland. See owner. 4u8 Crerlinger bldg.
IF YOU have g"d f-rm or residence, or
business of merit, thit vou deire to ex
change for something e'.e. call or write
Ma Chamber of Commerce.
TO EXCHANGE 40 acres choice orchard
and gertieu land. 1 mile from Dayton.
Wah . for Portland property. Call or
add C. W. VauK"n I'nlon ivX.
T-ROOM house or vacant iot cheap. ca.h c
lr.Allment; near rver oj-ixUe OaK. or
tru!e fr Ios Angel rrperty. Address
U. B. Wllltajn. U'4 Jlasniiun road.
HOMV. built on your lot: easy j.3.ymMVts
will accept monthly payment mortgage as
pa rt rv ; In veutigate. iw i uuug.
Pox 4U04.
STOCK xnnch. with three mil'ion feet tim
ber, will trade far cly property, rooming
house or auto. V. 3.ti. Oregonian.
: ! ACRF- timber. Douglas County, to trade
fog portland prrrty. Owner, 615 Board
of Traue u.iig. i our cjuii
Fn.TTN 1 "I r farm at Woodlrarn. Or.; 2 mln
ute- wak nation, city property. 1Z,
, (Lumber Exx-tange blt!g.
OOOD lnm b.rtne comer In Vallex town
for h-ue anJ lot or farm; pas 10 per oect
en 3.u0. J rita:an.
TWO corner lots; will trade and pay to boot
fnr U..iging-houS4S. Merchant Traders
Excnanxt. -w Lumber .xciiaug vmg.
s.rt acre; t'Uahle land. Eastern Oregon
land to trade for Portland property, or
what have you 7 a.n hi.
WILL SELL or exchange to contractor to
bu.M house. 10 acres on Base Line road.
J. E. Johnston. 315 Tillamook St.
LOTS to exhane for automobile, rooming-r-ouf-a
or ouetlilr.g good. Louck A Rabb,
ir i:h st.
2 CHOICE East Side lots to trade for close
In acreace or f:irn:: wtU assume difference.
:7 Board of Trade b;dg.
1.0i DIAMOND to exchange for a lot or
bungalow; wlil assume the difference- A
31. Oregonian.
LOT in a progrej-slve Oregon town, cash
value f 7.V to ex.-hanre for a roll-top
dosk. AB Sua, Oregonian.
2a ACR Est vellow pine WheeJer Count,
trade for house, lot. What have you? AJ
Sit J. Or-egonian.
HOOD RIVER npp: orchard. S-year-old
trees, for Portland property or close-la
acreage. J 30 7. Oregonian
I HAVE Improved property and lots to
trad. What hav you? Brace. SuS
Board of Trade bidg.
-r - 1 1
TOU can trade any kmd of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
SMALL, f-m for ene or ex-barge for oot
iag; terms. Owner. Tabor HiA.
44 XCREii. Harney County, for good lot er
en house. W TH. Oregonian.
XI . VOND wanted In rxchang fr Ocean
1 Far: lots and cash, li 11. Oregonian.
I .sara ! v FOR flALE. FOR SALE. I ' I - : "
12 ACRES on Kalem Electric; all tinder
cultivation; 4-room house and outbuild
ings; price S25K); will exchange for house
and lot tn Portland. Kaulmana & Moore,
3i:5 Lumber Exchange. .
30 ACRES on 0"pia Creek, near Watta Walla,
to trade for gr very store or Portland prop
erty. Owner. 615 Board of Trade bldg.
Splendid land.
LAUNCH arupply asd hardware company to
trade for something I can hold; have other
bujingsts; this is eplendid business propo
sition. Owner, 615 Board of Trade bldg.
NEW FURNITURE of 14-room house, mod
ern; clearing SG0 per month; would like
acreage or small farm and assume dif
ference. AL '810, Oregonian.
360 ACRES, over 5.000.000 feet of timber,
loamy soil, line dairy country; close to
I sawmill and town; owners only; for Port
land property. AM- 300. Oregonian,
100-ROOM apart m en t-house to trade for gro
cerv store or Portland property, rent only
15'); long leaee.; S4fJu, terms. Owner, 615
Board of Trade bldg.
160 ACRES of timber in Coos Connty to trade
for Portland home. Owner, 615 Board or
Trade b:iig.
EXCHANC-E Eight iots in MarsfcftVId, Or.,
and some casn ior acreage i
near Portland. AK aiO, Oregonian.
WILL GIVE 5 acres of choice fruit land
nar Forest Grove for first-class piano.
iu3 Corbett bldg.
100x100 AS first payment on house. 519
Shetland bidg.
EXCHANGE Team of horse for lot value
of AM 313, Oregonian.
TO EXCHANGE 50x100 lot for launch- R
3ul, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE Square Steinway piano for de
sirable lot. U. 300. Oregonian.
I WANT a small farm with some stock, a
cow. horse, chickens, close to Portland
or good town; about $2500; can pay fl00
down; give full particulars. Y Bu6. Ore
gonian. .
PRAOTLCAL, up-to-date farmer wishes to rent
fumi-died hog ranch; cash or eaiare rent. An
31, Oreigonian.
Horsetf. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day. week, or
month. Phones East 72. B l3t9. . Haw
thorne B ', 420 Hawthorne avs.
FOR BALE or trade, fine young regitered
siallhri, beet bred stajlton in Oregon; al&o
frfst Ironing regitersd mare; prize winners
wherevtr ahown; these are ciassy individuals;
1 have no use for them. 6u5 Commercial
VERY stylish 7-year-old horse and harness
for sale; in good condition; will ride or
drive; also a snow white pony 4 years old,
perfectly gentle for a boy or girl to ride,
afraid oX nothing. Call at 49 N. 4th st-
AN exceptionally nice pair of roadsters, 5
and 7 years of age. weigh H00 each, both
drive single, absolutely fearless and a
belter mannered ,air cannot be found In
city, lb.',1? Madison st.
SHETLAND pony for a.!e. pure bred, gentle.
t -WT-oughlJ" uroKe to nut nr uni. uv..-better-
can be seen at stable. 15th and
Alder. For terms call 373 YambiU. Phone
Main 1
TEAM of good work horses, suitable for ranch
t.r cltv purpo-?e. ior aie cneap. --j
Mr. Kans team. 0lumbia tabls. cor.
Front and Columbia sts. Phone A lilS.
BEAUTIFUL young pony, thoroughly gen
tle broken to ride or drive; pet for chil
dren; only $26. 11T6 Ockley Green. isL
John car.
Fl N tX 1 arge team. IK 0 noun ds. for fa m I ly
delivery or ranch; gntle for lady; buggy
and harness peparnte; cheap; must sell.
Room 24. 23 Union ave.. East telde.
STOR-IUE RIGi? Camping, laundry, grocery,
butcher, m;lk and ba-kery wagons. al bug
gies, harness and saddle; rigs for rent.
No. 1 stable. Front and Market st.
FOR HALE Oeneral purpose team horses
8 and 9 years old, sound and good workers,
weight -'400 lbs.; also good set heavy
breechen harnees. Call at once. 3:t0 Front.
EIGHT bad of young horses; must be sold;
weight from 900 to 12oo; some good sad-lie
hor-s, well bred. Opposite Fulton Post
office. HANDSOME Shetland pony: very gentle and
peneouy saie tor vnim ui an "
seated Eng 1 ish cart and harness. 1242
Garfield ave.
BEAUTIFUL 8-year-old mare, well broken
for riding or driving; also rubber-tired
trap in excellent repuir. Inquire Hughes
Stable, 16th and Jefferson.
PAIR blacks, weigh 11M lbs.: so-md, ride or
drive, single or douoie. new sicKej-piaieu
tu-buler hame harness and new . truck; sell
separate. y. 606 Washington at.
FOR SALE ft-year-o!d registered mare,
stvlish and broke to drive or ride; lots of
speed ; with buggy and harness. See
Hughes' Stable, cor. 16th and Jefferson.
BARGAIN Nice pair of matched mares, full
sisters, very stylish, suitable for livery;
no reasonable offer refused; owner has
no use for them. 204 Montgomery st.
TEAM, harness and gooseneck wagon with
job. cheap If taken at once. See owner,
S47 East Stark.
PAIR of bay horses, weight 26o0. sound and
true, age 7 and years; price $140.
Little fctahle. foot of iladison.
16 HEAD of farm or dell-ery horses at
prices that cannot be beat in city. Madi-scn-St.
Stable, ISO Madison.
6-YEAR-OLD bay htrse. city broke and gen
t ; also new "harnfw a nd new business
buggy. East 100. Reasonable.
f XTED Low-wheel, rubber-tire buggy;
must be rea-wnabW; state price. AJ 311.
FOR S4.LE CHFAP-A children's pony for
ricing or driving, ape 6 years, weight about
75o ib. Foster & Kleiser, 6O1 and Everett.
THE finest In city. Shetland pony and cart.
Call 10"1 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 34th at.
Tabor ilS.
BAILEY hike-buggy and harness and brown
horse that can beat three-minute clip.
Phone Main or N 305. Oregonian.
FOR SALE cheap, horse, harness and ex
press wagon; make an offer. Call Monday
at North 6th st.
PAIR OF BAY GELDINGS. 4 and o-rear-olds.
weigh 260o. sound, true and will bo
guaranteed every way. -D4 Montgomery.
PAIR OF BAY GELDINGS, ft and 6, with
harness, $175: suitable for express or
camp team. I'M Montgomery St.
WANT E 1 1 or 1 teams of black h orses.
weigh. ns from 13Q0 to liOO lbs. Call at
lt;h and Vaughn.
LIC.HT TEAM OF MARES, good driver, also
r early new double harness and light wagon.
Phone TUbor 170.
I HAVB 10 acres near Oregon City which will
nuke an lucai home. Look this up. Room
721, Board of Tvade blug.
$lf BUYS big rough tim, weiphs 'J? rbs.;
r.cht out of hard work. Exposition Stable,
at-k for Mr. Barney's team
:,'; BirYS team and -barnee; team, weighs
iva; true rullem. Exposition Stabie,
lwth and Wahlr.gun st.
1 165 BUYS pair "bay mares- arl harness; fine
I arm tem. iimuuiiuu
UOHSES. mare, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 94 Montgomery.
HUBERT St HALL, Front, buy. sail, rent
nerves, vehicles; low rates on business rig
FOR SALE Mare snd olt. 1 German coach
gt-Mli.g. Inquire 1T0 Front.
ON E- HORS E wagon, good top. cheap. Ore
gon at;d 1st sis. North. -
BY MARE, 7 years old. weight 1500, bar
gain. 5th and Montgomery st.
FOR SALE Team, harness) and light wasoo,
$:U5. IKi E. 34th st.
ONE 4-ten goose-neck tnick for sals. $60.
inquire 331 y N. ItUh St.
A GOOD rteMvery mare. T years old. cheap.
115 N. ltkb st.
A GENTLE sorrel pony, good for buggy And
r'.nlng. 124 E. 67th st.
g&-MVHAXD fMTrrey In 4T-Od condition.
Hughes' stable, 2V5 16th.
TEAM of ranch horses, ge-nfl workers, or
:U sU aauaraL. Woodiawa 1937
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE I am going to sell my regis
tered trotting stallion Mahoe; he is a
large, bright bay. 8 years old and a true
foal getter; a beautiful city driver, and
safe for a lady to drive, will stand any
where in the city. I have some of his 2
and 3-year-olds that I will sell; also one
4ywir-old sorrel filly by fatan Royal, a
beautiful driver, and a pair of black 3-year-olds
by Ford-Kitchner. and 3 good
delivery horses. I raised these horses my
self and wll! sel! them cheap at my farm
-1 mile west of Oregon City, near the
large schoolhouse. W. M. Robinson.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at
almost the same cost? We are located
outside the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. Exclu
sive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggv Company fine vehicles,
delivery wagna. top buggde. runabouts
and farm wagons. B sure and see us
before you buv. It may save you money.
R. M. Wade & Co.. 822 Hawthorne ave. be
tween E- 1st and 2d its.
PAIR big m area , we Igh 2&0O. sou n d an d
true pullere; pair bay hordes. well
matched, weighs 2MO lbs.; pair matched
chunky mures. 5 and 6 years Id. weighs
IT..) lbs: pair blacks, horse and mare,
weighs jOO Lbs. ; pair mare?, weigh 1150
each; another pair, weigh 10D0 each; six
fclg team, weigh 2400 to 3000 Ibe.. right out
of hard -work; 10 sets double harneert, near
ly new; inspection invited- Call 6u6 Wash
ington st.
10 acres, house, bam, miles to rail
road, for ?2J00.
7 acres, 2a clear, small house and oarn,
1 mile to Electric; 14O0.
10 acres. 8 In cultivation, 5-room house,
price ?2OO0.
5-acre tracts, withinfl mile of Portland
and from M to lh miles to electric line, for
$100 to $;iOO per acre; terms.
270'Lj Washington st-, Room L
6OM0 CLASS to this, eh? All for $70. lm
sg i ne, only $70.
$-.0 Classy cXMVWx pony, ride or drive.
fitO Newly tainted cart.
$12 Hamest?, almost new.
$. Mexican hd-emoossed saddle.
&3 Plush robe, 3 baies hay, martingale
ferVI le, chaps.
mrst party got it. cash on spot.
East 2mh and Harrison. Hawthorne car.
wagon, nearly new. Studebaker make, $00;
new top buggy, $65; new open buggy, $45;
steel tire open buggy, $20; high English
trap, cast $250. $S."; spider trap, $75; full
leather top rubber-tire buggy. $40. All
kinds of single and double harness, light
and heavy. 294 Montgomery st.
FOR SALE My entire hitch; bay horse 7
years old. gentle and city broke, rubber
tire buggy and harness, all in good shape;
bargain for right party; must have good
home; dealers need not apply. Mrs.
Charleton's rig. No. 1 Stable, Front and
2-10 TROTTER, standard, handsome bay
mare 6 years. 13-3 hands, 1050 lbs., gentle,
sound; also bay gelding, standard, 4 years,
1 hands, 1150 lbs., safe for lady to drive.
The above belongs to an estate and must
be sold. 430 East Burns ida St. Call Mon
day. MUST sell at once work team, mare and
horse, fine little team, suitable for laundry
or delivery ; good, cheap family horse,
good express wagon and 2 old farm wag
ons. Kenllworth Transfer Co., httfl East
2$ih st. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
TEAM for sale. 3000 lbs.. 7 years old. Phone
Sunday A. 51.. E. 3768.
$30 iroo-pound mare; will trade. . 873
East Couch. B 1114.
FOR SALE $1S50. 6-ryllnder Thomas.
$ 17fKJ 6-cy Under Royal Tourist.
)! l 4-cyllnder M't-'helT.
Sls.'tO 6-cyllnd-r Ffinklin.
$iriOO 6-cyliiider Ford.
$ 70 5-passenger Buick.
All fully equipped.
P. O. BOX 357.
CALL at C. W. Vaughan's garage, 54 Union
ave., X., Wednesday and Insp.-ct the new
1&10 Carter cars Model H. 4x4 cylinder,
with magneto, $1100; Model L, 4-cyL. 4!i
41,. magneto; $1600.
FOR SALE A runabout automobile with new
tires and in good condition; cost $750. will
take $225, or will trade for real estate. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451, A 5446.
AUTOS stored, washed and polished at
Vaughan's garage, at 54 Union ave., N. ;
also a full line of oils, tires and supplies
always on hand.
J4MW. WHITE STEAMER, 7-passenger. just
overhauled, (!, fully equipped. $"ir,X;
also Thomas 4o. at big bargain. Randall,
315 Oregon Lan bldg.
I HAVE good city property, also small
place in the country to trade for 5-passenger
automobile: must be In good con
dition. Call 511 Swetland Bldg.
3-CYLINDER Reo car, 1908 model, good as
new, fully equipped. Wsed chains, storage
battery, extra tire; will sell or trade for
city lot. Call at 4.4 Alder St., corner 14th.
FOR SALE Buick auto, good as new,
sats 5 persons; must be sold quickly; bar
gain. S6 Board of Trade bldg-
7-PASSENGER touring car, fully equipped.
In flrst-class condition, cash or trade, AL
303, Oregonian.
10 THOMAS, nearly new, will sell for cash
or trade as part payment on bungalow. 503
Lumbermen's bldg. 5th and Stark sts.
MOTORCYCLES 6 horse-power, twin and
Thor magneto Ignition; rode Boo miles.
Call 813 Harrison.
SOM E good second-hand automobiles for
saws or exchange at C. W. Vaughan's gar
age, 54 Union ave., N.
WHITE STiAMER, 7-passenger,
condition- AM 305. Oregonian.
7-PASSENGER automobile, practically new.
R. '2iS, Oregonian.
PIANO, fine, large, upright, standard make,
must be sold; very cheap, part cash. For
particulars address R. 300, Oregonian.
PIANOLA sold -cheap, leaving city: also fine
Washburn guitar. AE. 3o4. Otegonian-
N EARLY new J50O Estey piano, mahogany
case, 4250. Call 44V E. 11th st. north.
LUDWIG PIANO, price $75, sell $200, 18
months old. AK 803, Oregonian.
EaLLET vfc DAVIS pfano for rent reasonable
to careful party. 402 (Morrison.
PIANO for sale cheap. Call evenings only.
409 Main st.
STEINWAY nprirht piano. $150; another, 830;
organ, 10. 434 let St., comer Ash.
FOR SALE Italian harp for 2oO AE 807,
M isce llaneoo s.
1195 BUYS 3-j H. P. launch and a boat
house, lp good condition; owner must sell.
Wood lawn' 1249.
FOR SALE: 8-plece old-fashioned, marble
top walnut bedroom set. Inquire 547 John
son st.
FOR SALE Four fre3h cows; choice young
Jersey and Durham. 14 IS Macadam Road.
Take Fulton car to Idaho st.
NEW Mead Ranger cycle, perfect ani cheap.
F Ufa, Oregonian.
NEW gasoline launch for sale cheap. Call
193 Delaware ave.; St, Johns oar line.
FOR SALE Home pigeons for squab rais
ing. 4:tS Nehaiem ave.. Sellwood.
J1J5 TAKES J -horsepower launch, fully
equipped. O 305, Oregonian.
SICK ; need money : must sell my cornet ;
cheap. A J 306. Oregonian
INDIAN" runner and Mammoth Pekin duck
Phone Woodiawn S3". ,
THREE fine, fresh cows; big milkers. 72S
lnsley ave- Sellwood car.
GOOD cow for sal. 1233 Boston ave, Ockley
FINE TYPEWRITER, no fair offer refused.
AK S06. Oregonian. - -
18-FOOT Racine canoe; used only few times;
cheap. Phone Richmond 371.
FOR SALE at a bargain. Edison Mimeo
graph. Call at 6Qft Swetland bldg.
4 EXTRA fine collie pups, only $5 each.
Call 750 Thurman st.
LADIES wheel, reasonable, or will exchange
for boy's wheel. 81 2d st.
Ft R PA TjYj Fox terxl-
M iscelianeous.
16x20 TENT.-$15; No. 8 Peninsular cook
stove, 7.5:,T Cooker Chief gas range. $5;
Reliable gas water heater, $6-30; No. 3
refrigerator. $7. 30; extension table. $; 6
dining chairs. $5; solid oak sideboard.
$12; $75 black walnut bedroom suite, $.0;
good sewing machines, $5: S-day clocks.
$2,50; folding beds. $5? dressers. $6 to
$u; large nat-top office desk. $12; fruit
and hopplckere' outfits. Get our prices
first We furnish houses complete on the
Installment plan; terms are down and
small monthly payments. Western Salvage
Co.. corner 20th and. Washington sts. Main
lim. A 3793.
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second
hand sewing machines that must be sola
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes.
White, New Home. Singer, Wheeler &
Wilson, Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the place. White Sewing Machine
Store, 42) Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
FOR SALE Cheap, cash register good as
new.. Inquire at Spitson Bros., Five-Point
saloon, corner East Water and Hawthorne
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $j
per month, pacific Stationery 4 Ptg. Co..
203 2d L "
inches; complete tripod, case, developing
and printing tools, also material; $18.00.
168 N. 18th st. Phone Main 6281.
Dreesmakens or ladle that do their own
sewing, a pneumatic dre.s form, never used,
at half price. Main 7724.
wnn a a t .r at a barsrain. two Underwood
typewriters; one L. C. Smith; two type-
writer stands; typewriter chair and sma.i
McNeal & urbane saie. .-a
M M. MOTORCYfUES for sale; only silent
machines on market. Call or write for
catalogue; demonstration by appointment.
Ralph R. Runner. 12 3d st.
FOl;R freah younB cows; some very choice,
cheap; would exchange Ior beet cows.
Brown house, rear butcher shop, Ockkjy
Orcen St., St. John car.
COVERED grocery wagon, set slnfr'o r
nes. 8S1 automatic Winchester r lie. model
17 reel and rod. medical books, bo n..
H0tl St., North.
LR(5E TfcTNT Fine, 50-t. round-top tent,
'including seats, Ufc-hts. etc.. worth 500,
wUl sell $1."i0. Particulars Main b458.
. bZHhi Washington.
FOR SAIjB Fresh mlllt cow about 6 years
old. Jersey and Durham; all KTeat for
beef. lliUS E. 18th, near Umatilla. Sell
wood. . -
L.ADIK8' speecial bargain in slightly worn
gown., tailor suits, separate eoaLs, an as
sortment of ladle,' and children-, furnish
ings and novelties. Phone Main 7714.
FOR PAI.E Complete dining-room set. cost
I4.-.0; chairs, table, buffet sideboard, -china
closet, serving table, at a Dargain
R. 304.
EJUSON standard phonograph: oak cabinet;
Jarse fine horn, new; 4-minute attachment;
about l(-) records; all for 40; good as new.
421 Sacramento. B. 6233.
COTTAGE ORGAN in good condition, sell
cheap or trade for a shotgun or rifle.
s Phone Main 6101.
BOILER for sale. 50-horsepower Russell, fire
box almost new. Willamette Valley Lum
ber Company. Dallas. Or.
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
NEWMAN Moving .Picture Exchange, rent,
moving picture machines, films, supplies,
lowest price. 526 'A Wash., near 17th.
SAILBOAT in good condition, for sale. Who
wants a bargain? Must sell. AL 38. Ore
gonian. ONE Columbia disc phonograph and two
dozen record's; cash $4."i; in perfect condi
tion ; at a sacrifice. Call at S:t5 Overton.
HOUSEBOAT, a dandy little home, nicely
furnished, complete. J41HI. Mitchell & Co.,
420 Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE Highly bned 4-year-old No. 1
Jersey cow, with heifer calf. Ii01 Base
Line St., Mount Tabor.
5x7 VIEW camera, complete outfit, ready
for business, 10 cash or trade for 4x5.
Phone Main 9505.
I HAVE- an extra set of 'B and C codes, also
Falling bldg.
ArcTIOV SALE 100 head milch cows, at
Hillsbo'ro. Or., August IS, 1009. H.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood l lowest market prices. Hoover,
313 Water st. Phone Main 74ol. A a44o
FOR SALE Thorough-bred fox terrier, age 8
months. Room 22. Glendora Hotel. 19th
and. Couoh.
TWO fresh cows; one Durham, one Jersey;
heavy milkers; or will exchange for beef
cows. 95 E. 30th, Sunnyslde car.
WANTED Sectional book cases in exchange
for new safe, value $50. or furniture or
may pay some ca. .".c, p
FOR SALE: Solid oak roll-top desk, chairs.
I12 rug, etc.; off Ice. for rent; central, very
low rent. T 3"6, Oreconian.
Up-TO-DATE LAUNCH; good hull; best
make engine on river. Call 567 Irving.
Phone Main 6035.
RAMBLER bicycle, cheap: In good running
order, coaster brake! after 6 weeks. M.
7602, 501 Harrison.
I HAVB two typewriters; will sell one for
117 60 cash; either will do work as flood
as a new machine. B 312. Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPHER'S "Artist" lamp for one
half original cost: perfect condition.
Charles Butterworth, 3431 Washington st.
HIGH-GRADE bicycle, coaster brake, good
tires and new enamel; bargain; also small
boy's wheel. Sunday, 333 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Some new furniture, at 170
Killingswortli ave. Call before 9 A. M.
LARGE HOUSEBOAT for sale cheap. Call
1461 Macadam road."
GERMAN Inlaid linoleum, 1.05 yard; laid
Monday. 230 2d st.
FOR sale cheap, almost new Wheeler & WI1
- son machine. Phone Main 5792.
15-HORSEPOWBR gasoline launch for sale.
Call up B. 6104.
ORCHESTRA dance mus'c. selections, etc;
300 copies; bargain. X 293. Oregonian
A FOX TERRIER puppy, male, thorough
bred. 24 East 24th st. North.
THOROUOHKRED Scotch Collie pups. 1 to
$15. Phone Oik Grove Black 113.
HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers und met
'.. J. Leva. 186 Columbia st. M. S18S.
INVALID wheel chair wanted. Call Main
5195. .
VOICE TEACHER will rent part studio time
of planUt. G 311. Oregonian.
A GOOD team at ones to haul dirt; good
wages. A 6037. ,
YOl'NG man wants first-class ticket to Chl-
. ...-I I.. n. i trf mn in .
CagO Or VlCJlltJ. v."-
WANTED To buy show case and pool table.
D 313. Oregonian.
TO obtain the use of piano from person
having one to store. Alt 303, Oregonian.
are you looking for it ?
you maae
Tvhere you are? Then
there are plenty of
employers ' -willing to
pay you well.
.You will get in
touch with .them by
reading Oregonian
Help ""Wanted col
umns each' morning.
Briny or express your heads to me and
have them mounted by Improved method
and in lifelike manner. C. M. Harris, taxi
dermist, 495 Wash. Phone M- 3600.
WANTED To purchase 4-cyIinder. 40 to 60
' H. P. automobile; engines and running
near must be first-class condition, rest of
car no importance. K. L K R Co.. Thrall,
WANTED Men's cast-ofT clothing and
shoes- we also buy household furnishings;
hiphest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal " 62 3d St. North. Phone Main 6272.
SEVERAL heavy wa irons, heavy harness, one
Koose-neck; must be In good condition and
cheap. Write or call Chas. Kennedy,
Lents, Or.
WANTED A butcher who is looking; for
a good location in city; have A-l propo
sition that will Interest you. AL 301, Ore
ponian. WANTED An American family to take care
of little girl 6 years old; give mother's
care ; prefer her to go to school near
reservoir. Box 43S. Lents. Or.
WANTED Stump puller or donkey engine
with lines and hooks for clearing. McCoy,
304 North ilGth. 5 to 8 evenings.
W ANTED Good, new 5-room cottage or
bungalow at reasonable price; buyers
waiting; no agents. Staub & Sawtoll, Z'2a
and Belmont.
WANTED To buv dog pups, hound, bull or
bird dog. 2 months old. Address F 273.
FOR CASH Second-hand iron shaft flanges,
boxing and crahs of discarded flshwheeL
A dli-ess W. L. Bentley, Wright's, Wash.
WANTED To truy a good sized second-hand
trunk, square top preferred; state price. Ad
dress N 301, Oregonian.
WANTED Engineer's transit and T level
transit to have level bubble on telescope.
Address Orin Backus, Rainier, Or;
W.ANTED A good pasture for 2 horses.
tPhone Sellwood 1342 or write M. W. Matfa
ieson, 604 Milwaukie St.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less.
Phones A 2445. Main 8901.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest
price. S4 Grand ave. East 1051, B 2044.
WANTED To buy second-hand pool tables;
!also box bowling allef;B. phone Main 6468.
526 Washington.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CORNET Good second-hand cornet; stats
make and price. P. O. Box 423, city.
WANTED A thorougMredV female Spitz pup
py. Particulars uftone Main 84f8.
4100 PER MONTH and better, four hours'
work a day; good men for country and city;
t he bee i 1 ns ura n ce pol i cy a& 1 nst acc iden t
and stcknees written and best contracts to
'agents. Call 604 Worcester bldg.
WORK for yourself: learn dyeing, cleaning
and pressing clothes; big field, enormous
profit; no Investment; secnets and formu
las by mall; particulars free. Frank D.
Howard, cleaner and dyer. Port Huron,
ANYBODY, either sex. can make $4 daily
all year raising mushrooms for hotels and
restaurants with my spawn In cellars,
sheds, boxes, etc.; free illustrated instruc
tion booklet, lilram Barton, JJ0 W. 48th
St., New York.
SIDE-LINE salesmen to sell the biggest
postcard offer in the world; one large 6
foot display stand and 1200 cars for 10;
every dealer will buy this offer; small
samples, but big commissions. Alfred
Holzman Co., Chicago.
WHY pav employment agencies large fees for
position? Join Employes Co-operative As
sociation; pay' 26c month and receive free
doctor, lawyer and assistance in securing
employment. Suite C20, Swetland bldg.
WANTED Men to study wireless telegra
phy ; railwa- and commercial telegraphy
easily learned: big opportunties; day and
evening classes. Oregon College Teleg
raphy. 83 5th st.
ALASKA next seaeon; men may arrange
now for placer ditch work; cheaper now
than later on; free trip both ways, $100
required, payable monthly. Alaska I. & D.
Co., 617 Board of Trade.
SALES MANAGER for Seattle and Spokane
to represent manufacturer; $300 a month
salary and commissions; must have $2000
to apply on Invoices. Interview General
Manager, 202 Marquam bldg.
SALESMAN wanted traveling medium-slae
tows by largest European lace-emtomldery
manufacturer, take orders for January and
at nce delivery: samples 30 pound; liberal
arrangements. Gromann, 470 Broadway.
BOOK SALESMEN Two. experienced, sub
scription, to handle our new proposition;
liberal commission and permanent po
sition for right parties. Call between 8
and 9 A- M. Monday. 831 Fliedner bld.
BOOK SALESMEN Two experienced, for
new proposition; liberal commission. Re
view of Reviews Co.. Fleidner bldg. Call
between 8 and 9 A. M. Monday.
MACHINE MAN One experienced in sash
and door work, and one experienced man
to put up stock. The Chas. K. Spaulding
Logging Co., 805 Oregonian bldg.
DELIVERY Bright, ambltlotts hoy, familiar
with the city, to drive delivery wagon. Ap
ply Mr Allen & McDonnell. References re
quired. PHOTOGRAPHER, with 200. permanent po
sition, good salary and security. AJ
EXPERIENCED man to work on small
ranch near Portland at once; married
man preferred, and small cottage, garden,
etc.. furnished. AM all, Oregonian.
DON'T search for work; a dime brings our
plan of Immediately securing profitable em
ployment, rruinjjs Djjci-ittii.
FLOORLAYERS Hardwood, experienced
Oregon Planfng Mills, 19th snd Vaughn.
Apply bet. 9 and 10 o'clock Monday.
work; none hut fine workmen need apply.
See Supt. .at factory. East 9th and Alder.
TWO young men to learn a trade; those liv
ing at home preferred. Modern Conf. Co.,
13th and Hoyt sts.
YOl'NG man for collecting and office work;
fit ate age, experience and salary expected.
Address C 300. Oregonian.
three good salesmen. Loucks & Rabb, 90
6th st.
WANTED Two college graduates;
science. 614 Swetland bldg.
Latin or
WANTED Good" specialty salesman; high
grade article. Call room 34. 142 H 2d t.
APPRENTICE painter at once. Monday; one
used to a brush. 11th and Killingsworth.
CARRIAGE PAINTER wanted, 15th and
Washington St., jupstalrs. Graham Motor
Car Co.
WANTED A good, live salesman can maka
$300 per month selling 5-acr fruit tracts.
Call 611 Swetland Bldg.
YOl'NG man to' learn furniture business;
salary small to begin with; chance for
advancement. AC 301, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Young roan for grain of
fice q.uick. accurate ; some knowledge of
boo kf. Call 6u7 Board of Trade bldg.
BOY to "be generally useful in Jewelry store;
etate salary and If experienced. AS 306,
GOOD experienced cleaner and dyer wanted.
604 Washington st.
MAN with family to contract, pick prunes.
Beard Fruit Co.. 13 First st.
WELLDRILLER Wanted at once, 189
Morrison st-
BOY 16 years of age. Apply factory, 233
Couch st.
UPHOTVSTE1RER and mattressmaker wanted
by Edwards & Co.
TWO SOLICITORS for dyeworks: salary and
commission or commission. 747 North ru p.
BOY wanted to drive express wagon. Apply
7 AM. Monday. 301 Davis.
SALESMAN for men's hats. to. Lion
Clothing Co., 166-170 3d st.
WA NTED Coat and pants maker. H. O
Meyer. Kelso, Wash.
EXPERIENCED dry goods salesman. L.
Shanahan. 144-146 Third st.
YOTTsTG man that has worked at plumbing
and heating. 207 3d. Call gunday.
COMPOSITOR F. C Stettler. 10th and
Glisan sts.
COUCH-" AV"RR wanted- ISth and Upshur.
SALESMAN wsnted for Roeeburg home or
chard tracts; fruit lands tat meet the pop
ular demand and are selling. We can use
experienced real estate salesmen. sulmen
tro have worked In aay line and men of
energy, not afraid of work, who want to
learn salesmanship.
Culi in forenoons.
Department B.
Board of Trade BIif.
WANTED Five reliable, energetic, married
men to purchase tep-acre tracts in the
Sutherlln Valley nnd accept employment
on the ground; $750 cash required; good
wages paid; work continuous. Apply
23 Corbett Bldg.,
' Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 0719.
WB WANT reliable man to open office In
this city to handle Formacone. the formalde
hyde distnfoctor; To.ouO sold last two years;
ut9d by U. S. Government; referents re
quired; exclusive territory; permanent busi
ness; investigate; we will convince you;
don't overlook tills. yormacoue Co., 4&
Church New York.
SALESMAN traveling on the road, visiting
dry goods trad in the medium towns, to
handle a strong and complete line of
lnces. embroideries and ladles' neckwear
and up-to-date novelties on a good com
mission basis; state references and what
territory you cover. J. At. Meyers Co.,
434 to 438 Broadway. New York
WANTED A strong man capable of pre
senting proposition to merchants, manufac
turers and doctors in country towns, can
secure permanent and remunerative posi
tion with one of the best houses in St.
Louis. Address room 1113, 721 Olive st.
SALEivMEN to travel and sell doctors and
merchants; see all in each town; must be
willing- to work lor big money; good chance
for advancement; permanent. St. Louis
firm. 721 Olive oL, Room 1113, St. Louit,
WANTED Salesman accustomed to selling
securities to investors, lO0 amounts and
upwards j we have a very profitable and
attractive high-grade business proposition;
amply secured by deed of trust; alRO
profitable for salesman, W 293. Oregonian.
SALESMEN of character and energy and men
wishing to learn salesmanship; an excep
tional opportunity is now open to you: give
details, how long In city, experience (if any),
references, phone nunpber, etc. Address E
330, Oreg-onlan.
SALESMEN We are going to put on six
salesmen to sell property with Improvements
all in; cement walks, carliae, gas, sewer,
water, lights, etc.; references required. Call
mornings, 20O cnamoer or (jommerce.
MEN for railway mail clerks, postoffice
cierks, carriers, internal revenue, etc.;
good salary and promotion witu each po
sition; we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wire lest
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. aad sta
tion work: nractlcaJ instruction : largest Pri
vate station in the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless institute, ban rrancisco.
SALESMAN To sell a special contract to
TAnAifil elores: nremium eoods and heavy-
v. eight advertising men preferred ; from
factory to retaiier direct; fooo man if
available. Address bhoais, wut alwooq
bid?., Chicago.
TRAVELING sale-mien earn 100u to $10,000
yearly. Write for free book, "How Sales
men Succeed" and secure position with re
liable firm- Bradstreet System, Dept. 150,
R-chester. N. Y.
PARTNER I want an honest man as part
ner; will make you $30 per week guaran
teed ; $150 required ; no agents : owner;
experience not necessary. kj ov,
WANTED Salesmen, experienced any line
to eell ceneral trade in Pacific Coast; un
excelled specialty proposition: vacancy
after sept, i; commissiuiis wim -.
ly advance expense. . Continental Jewelry
Co.. Cleveland. O.
WE are organizing to develop large orchards;
have some tracts purchased and partly sold:
need more g-od men and money; beet of
references or bonds required. W 200, Ore
gonian. SALESMEN wanted by leading lace em
broidery manufacturers," must have estab
Hshed trade among general merchandise
stores, email towns; liberal proposition.
Mark & Co., 416 Broadway, New York.
$25 PER WEEK, railroad fare, livery hire, ho
tel bills, securing names for mailing mer
chandise cataJogues; yearly contract given re
liable men. United Manufacturers' Associa
tion, Detroit, Mich.
SALESTMAN", by wholesale houee, experienced,
ambitious mas, who has eld country mer
chants or advertising; position will pay
ri"ht man $S00 a month or better; state ex
perience, references. F 292, Oregonian.
WANTED A live, energetic salesman, bonk
salesman preferred, liberal commissions,
easy sales. Come to the office.
6227626 Board of Trade Bldg.
MAN Must be willing to learn, capable of
acting as representative; no canvassing or
soliciting; good Income assured. National
Co-Operative Realty Co.. 792 Marden bldg.,
Washington. D. C
WANTED Carrier for good-paying mounted
route in Mt. Tabor district. Apply at once
to City Circulator. Room 203, Oregonian
WANTED -Railway mail clerks, postoffice
clerks, carriers; examinations in Portland
November 17; preparation free. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 413 E., Rochester, N. Y.
CANVASSERS and sollertors in every town
on the Coast; beet paying proposition ever
offered. National 6uppJyCo., 81 N. 9th st.,
Portland, Or.
WANTED State managers, new invention,
household necessity, sells on sight, will
revolutionize housewife's duties: big suc
cess locally. Y 307. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced salesman to handle
on commission or side line one of the best
selling articles on the market. Write to
the Leo Grotte Mfg. C., Omaha, Neb.
EXPERIENCED bill clerk, wholesale gro
cery house; preference one who uses type
writer. Inquire Lang & Co., corner 1st
and Ankeny sts.
LEARN to operate moving-pictures: operators-
make $30 weekly; learn business in
short time; terms reasonable. Newman,
62fc Wash.
ABSTRACT man wanted, general poster
-and searcher; references required. Address
Douglas County Abstract Co., Roseburg,
WANTED Young man, energetic and trust,
worthy; small capital required. 3L0ii
Washington St., room 417. First come, 2rst
REAL ESTATE man, experienced; no capital
required; must be able to furnish refer
ences; ask for Saunders. Columbia Trust
Company, Board of Trade, 84 Fourth st.
YOUNG gentleman, good- appearance, with
$100, for responsible positioa evenings, 8
" until 12 o'clock. Apply 1120 Board Trade
bldg. today between 2 and 3 o'clock.
STOCK SALESMEN First-class, experienced;
industrial stock -of merit; fine opening. 316
Commonwealth bldg., Monday 9 A, M.
PICK and shovel men wanted at 13th and
Douglas, and 6th and Umatilla; 9 hours,
WANTED At once, men to leam driving
and repairing automobiles; positions wait
ing. Apply 52 N. 7th st., cor. Davis.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paid daily. Bene
dictine Press, Goodnough bldg. ;
WANTED Donkey logging foreman with
wide experience in logging steep mountains.
Apply ilundy Lbr. Co., Three Valley, E. C
WANTED Performers, comedians, singers,
musicians and all kinds of vaudeville and
dramatic acts. Call B26H Washington st.
gTOCKKEEPER for general merchandise
store- must have experience. Commercial
Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
EXPERIENCED glasscuttsr for minor plant.
Apply Doernbecker Manufacturing Co.,
East 28th and O. R. & N.
STOCK proposition on commission haste; want
ed, bright representative to handle it. 325
Abington bldg.
MAN wanted with some knowledge of lo
cating or surveying. 502 Swetland bldg.
COOKS and kitchen helpers headquarters.
California Wine Depot, 164 2d. Main 5500
WE -secure positions Tot our members.
Special membership, Y. M. C. A.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon agents, best winning
offer; good money. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
WANTED A good barber. Write J. E.
Hartman. Astoria, Or.
FIRST-CLASS pantsmaker wanted. Nlcoil,
the Tailor. 108 3d.
five -cent cigars
COATMAKERS Steady work. Achj A Co.,
148 6th St.
Main Office, 12 N. Second St.
Wanted Machine for sawmill. 43.PO tip;
8 millwrights. $3.SO; lath-mill man. $3; 4
stlckermon. S3, -': 25 and S.50; S planer
feeders, $2.2o. $2.5 and $2.75; lumber
graders, il.Zi to $2.75; 6 sssh and door stock
ouiterw. $;i; 4 rio sawyers and cut-off
saw vers, 52 50 and $2.7d; 3 band resawyer.
5.75 and S3; box printer, .2.50; 50 mill
hand. f2.25 to $2.75; night fireman, S63.
Rough carpenters, $3.25 and $3.50; cabinet
makers, $.i to $;i.,".i: bench carpenters. $3 to
! 4 . 4 brick masons. $ ; 5lilngte packers.
11 'ic per thousand; 4 men to cut brush
and build fence; long job; wages, $'-.7.
Teamster, laborers, farm hands, rock men,
loggers, cooks, flunkeys. dishwashers,
waiters, etc., etc.; good wages.
Mill hands, lumber p:lers. box factory
hands, sw.-h and door factory hands and
lrgKers fr Northern California; good wages.
For full particulars call at our office.
Large list of other work.
Fare paid on a large list of our work out
of the city.
We give a written guarantee to pay trans
portation both wave if there Is not work
where wo send applicants.
Main Office, 12 N. Second St.
150 MEN
For the new S. T R. R. rutoff, south In
Oregon. The Utah Car Co. is doing It.
Free fare. Another now two-year Job.
500 laborers, concrete men, rockmen and
tunnelmen ; Erlckson & Patterson Just got
another 25-mile contract here; ship daily;
free fare.
Twohy Bros, will soon be needing more
day laborers and teamsters; full Informa
tion at thts office.
Steam shovel laborers and day laborers,
$2 50 and $2.25.
For the J. W. Sweeney Con. Co.: right
of way men. $3 snd $2.50; teamsters and
wheeler holders, $2.7n and $2.25.
Fallers, bm-kers, rigging stingers, skid
road men. cutoff men, mill nnd yard la
borers, doggers, carriage men. etc.
Farmhands. Dairy help. Fishermen.
City laborers.
Bridge 'carpenters. Boilermakers.
Hotel and restaurant help.
Cooks, waiters, pantry, kitchen help.
Headquarters for R. R. work.
Now miscellaneous and local orders,
Employment Agents.
26 N. 2d st. Established 1ST.
Portland, San Francisco, Spokane.
Hansen Hires Help.
SALESMAN wanted to handle an exception
ally attractive real estate and timber
proposition, which can be sold on annual
semi-annual or monthly Installments; we
furnish inquiries and pood strong litera
ture; capable, aggressive and energetic
man can make a very desirable connection
with the largest and strongest house in its
line In the country. Sacramento Valley
Imp. Co., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Good, live salesman to sell the
test sub-division properties in the North
west, men who know how to take out their
order books at the right time; honest men,
clean men; live wires; t hat's what we
want. Are you one? Come and see us,
we' il make you a generous proposition.
Board of T -ade Bldg..
S4 Fourth St.
ClVl L service employes are paid well for
easy work; examinations all kinds soon;
expert advice, sample questions; booklet
describing positions, telling ea&lest
and quickest way to secure then.; also
Ci vJi Service Record for 3 mont lis: all
free if you write immediately. Washing
ton Civil Service School, Washington,
D. C.
PHOTOGRAPHERS, professional or ama
teurs, to introduce 'Vellum" developing
paper and chemicals: we are offering
steady, profitable home work, making
photographic prints; opportunity to make
$12 to $1." week during tspare time; no
canvassing; particulars. Photographic
Art Print Co., 24 Stone st.. New York.
SALESMEN The Meier & Frank Store has
vacancies in several departments for com
petent salesmen, also can place 20 bright
boys 10 years of age and over, to learn
the business, rapid advancement and per
manent positions for satisfactory service.
Apply to Supt. between 8 and 10 A. M.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last Tr;
men and women to learn barber trade la
eight weeko; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from 16 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools, free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, S5
North 4th St., Portland, Or.
SALESMAN High-grade specialty salesman
with experience In calling upon physicians
and surgeons in Portland and vicinity; great
opportunity for the right man. Address for
one week, giving references, to Box H 295,
WANTED Flrst-class cement finisher for curb
and gutter work ; nor un ion ; good pay ; n
limit to right man; steady work all year
round; flrst-claee Job for first-class men;
none other need epply. San Joes Concrete
Company, Ban Jose, Cal.
STOVE MAN Thoroughly competent stwe
man, one who understands plumbing, stove
tend making coils; references required; pre
fer one who has toad experience la that line;
steady job to proper party. Apply X.
Gevurtz & Sons Monday from 10 to 11.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
lent chance for young man to get In real
estate business: no experience necessary
and very little money required. Particulars
National Realty & Trust Co., 826ia Wah-
lngton st., room 6L6.
WANTED An energetic man to buy sn in
terest in an established real estate office;
no experience necessary if well recom--nended;
little money will take this;
alone, must have help. Call 408 Gerlinger
MAN. with experience, on retail tea and
coffee route; route established; must be
familiar with this city; references re
quired; salary from $70 to $30 as tha
route is at present; chance for a wide
awake hustler. AC 300. Oregonian.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
how you how to secure the name snd will
prppare vou at small rout. all or write
' C. C. S. H., 425-426 Lumber Exchange, Port
land, Or.
PORTLAND representative: control staple
lice: large commission; position worth
$2500 yearly to man with business ac
quaintance or hustler. Consolidated Mfg.
Co., Rochester, N. Y.
POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers wanted ;
examination held in Portland and many
other cities In November: particulars free.
Washington Civil Service Bchool, Dept.
369. Washington. D. C.
WANTED Two flrst-class city salesmen;
must be well educated and good address.
Call Sunday 2 to 4 P. M-. room 213 Tll
ford bldg.
STICKER man for mouldings, sash and door
machine man. sander man, band saw and
shaper man. Apply Oregon Lumber &
Mfg. Co., Oregon City
SALESMEN to handle eide lino, largest and
best generil holiday line souvenir post
cards in country; big money-makers. Gart
ner & Bender, Dept. S. Chicago.
SPARE time of salesmen to place consigned
goods in small towns; express prepaid;
prompt commissions. D. -M. C. 170 W.
Van Buren st., Chicago. 111.
CHICAGO firm wants a few men desirous of
earning money during spare time; no can
vassing: can double salary. National Diet.
Co.. lo23 Wellington M.. Chicago.
BARBER wanted at one; flrst-class barber;
steady Job ; up-Uwiate w ages. Address
Chas. Wetterauer, South Bend. Wash.
WE teach you a fine paying cash business;
traveling or permanent; can make $35 per
week. 314 Jackson.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor on new
theatrical proposition; high-class opening.
Ask for Mr Suiton. 506 McKay bldg
WE WANT more men $15 to $20 weekly
after hours. Bishop. Mfg. Co., Station J,
box No. 17, New York City.
AGENTS At once; country work; extra
good commission. Write to W. Headland,
Mgr.. St. Johns. Or.
FINE opening; wanted, young man; 10 to
:;o0 required; call Sunday before noon.
326Ji Washington st.. Room 41 -
YOUNG MAN for temporary office position
must be good penman. AL .109. Ore
gonian. .
WA NTED To let contract for paint Ins; 13
houpee. clearfnr lard and farm work. Mc
Coy, 364 North 26th, 6 to 8 evenings only.