THE SUNDAY OBEGON'IAy. PORTLAND, AUGUST 15, 1909. FOR BALE FARMS. PETAL BAHRAIN. On of the tst h 1 1 1 f arms In Wash in g tn County; go-d touildinjcs. good oil; over 1fo cres In cultivation, more than one and a ha'.f million feet of rood s?w timber; an Abundance of living water, farm implements nd Mock, everything ; for sale at a a rifl e or will exchange f.r city property; reaon for disposing ti" this farm I that th owner got h. leg broken ' last Monday an 4 will be unaiue to look aft-r th pi ace f-r some- time: his loss Is your gvin. for fur ther particulars ro ALFRED A. BAKER, 211-212 AWrton Bulling, Third Street, Portland, Or-ion. 7 PKIl ACRE buys 4. acre, ait good rich land. 4" acres ieve!. cleared, 3.1 a 'Tea green fir timber; good fam.iy on-hard. ft-rom f-'-me. dwelling. :t la run barns, stone dairy fr-n when spring water is piped- through ad io due: ling, etc.; piace fenced and cr. fenced; adjoin country town to which elec tric carline is now bjlldir.g. and 1 miles frm Vancouver nn good level graded road. ThN tract is suitable to subdivide besides birr the cheaoest anl b st dairy and stock ranch on tre coast; terms, half casQ. bee THOMPSON & SWAN. Citlxens National Bank Bids- f Vancouver. "W a-h. HOW WOI"LD TOI' UKB TO Have this farm? It ia only 35 miles from the City of Portland. .V3 mile frm -d viliey town and 3 mis from boat landing, on a. god county roid and In a, g-jod nehrh hrhood; a fine 8-room house, large barn and a!) necstary a nice fam i o-vhard of assorted fruits; there are 1-15 acre ia a fine stite of cultivation, 2t ar or flne exnd growth timber and P acres of pasture land, a never-failing stream of water runs a- rs the land, several good I-rings1 and gd wU at house; this tract wCl be offered for short time at $15,0. 2-3 rwh. ba'n- to unit pur-hater. Geo. W. Turner. 416-17 Rothohild bid. FARM LANDo, ALL SIZES. t'tO a- rci ail in cultivation, black loam oil. crop hay and grain, house, barns, horses, cows, plKS and chickens, all Im plements, ml.e from railroad, station. Polk Count v; pno $40 per acre 2 10-acre tracts, beaverdam. 19 -acre and 20-acre farms, close to r!i v on electric line; se our list of good farms at the risht prices. e make special Inspection of ail farm properties we offer for stile. WALLACE FLY NX, Z:i Stark St. OAK PARK FRUIT FARM. 12"- acres, all under cultivation, la the justlv celebrated Red Hill orchard lands of fiVm, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples, liierr.e. pears, prunes, walnuts or for mail fruit; entirely surrounded by bear inr orchards, macadam roads to Salem. g-"vj water, R. K. D., telephone, church and school; nothing better anywhere for fruit; will sell as a whole or In tracts to suft. For terms call or write to owner, H H. Smith. 465 East Washington at., Portland. Or. 2-ACRE CHICKEN 'RANCH'. 2 ares of rich land, i-room house, barn. 5 henhouses. 30 young fruit trees, good well, running water, 1 horse, 2 cows. 100 chickens. L6 ducks. I brooder. 1 incubator, plow, harrow and tools, tons of fine tim othy hay. nice garden and potatoes. 2 nnies of Oregon City, on splendid road. R. F. !.. near good school; price $1250, some urina. M. S. CADONAU. 270 S "Washington tit.. Room 3. FORCED TO SELL. 4n acres of as fine apple land as Is to be found In the HOOD RTVER-M OSIER districts, only 4 '3 miles from the depot: the owner is in a tight place and Is forced r s U quick; price is per acre; if you ha e J 1 "im in cash tins is your oppor tunity, time on balance; actually worth DO" per acre; will sell to the first man ring it. HKVLIN & KIKEBAl'OH. .M0-&11-512 Sweilaud. Bldg. 40 A"RES. ONLY SSO0. Splendid soil, all level, half bottom land. 4 acros cleared and In potatoes, fine trout stream running through the place; on good public road, lfe miles from store, etc. M. S. CADONAU. 2 TO1, Washington St.. Room 3. hoo: river FRfrnr lands in io AND JO ARE TRACTS. THE VANDER HIT.T LANDS CONTAIN 10O0 ACRES OF REST FRUIT LANDS IN HOOD RIVER. IS NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC X EASY TERMS. CALL OR SEND FOR FOLDER. IT PAYS TO SEE VS. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 232 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mam 1632. LINCOIX OOl-NTY FARM LAND. 4' acres; 1 miloe fnm a river and mll ra.1 station: BLACK SANDY LOAM StIL; located on Bear Creek; HX acres level bench Kind. PRACTICALITY ALL TILLABLE; ex'-ertoaaiJy fine laid. w ith gooi timber and clOM to river and rati transportation; offered for flO per acre. OVHltLAXP IXVBSTMEXT CO., 41-KC Board of Trade Bldg. THE RFT frutt land in the State of Oregon in 4n- and So-acre tracts. 2 mites from R. R. and town; price. $00 per acre, one-third ntHj, balance in three yearly payments with H per cent interest. Dairy land from $12 to $ .'. wr acre. OKfcXiON LAXT AND COLONIZATION COMPANY. Room 514-.M5 R-thchlld bldg., Portland, Or. OHFflOX for prcntabie borne; get in on the g-ound floor; e are in a position to f ur nl?h Oregon faros. Improved, high state of cultivation, any size tracts to suit, 1 to 2-.'V ares; choice grain, fruit cr dairy land at lowst market price, easy terms; co our own colonizing. Write for prices and reiiahle Information. I'KAN 'LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., .'2 Chamber of Commerce. I'ortland, Or. CHEAP LAND IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Per Acre. $2 50 Per Acre. $;.50. Why buy high-prioed land and give an other the benefit of the rise when you can huv the nnest land out of doors direct fmrn the Government at bedrock prices, iood climate raises anything, and only kkii mik-s from the railroad. Investi gate before It IS too 1st. R. BUTLER, 2-S Stark St. T A QV I N A BAY FRONT. JV r.t, '2 mfV from T-'!odo. Unooln ft : R1.H SANDY IWM; 5 acres) culti vated, i" acres fir timber: can be floated our; family orchard, dwelling, barn an 1 granary, can be divided into two very de S.rarie farniji; price $kY.liV O V 7 tL A X D 1 X V EST.M EXT CO. , 4I-4'J Board of Trade Bldg. FARM SNAP. ISO S'Tm. 4 miles' from TroutdrtJe. nar tio r-4Urad lines; rood house and barn, i acres in cpp. fine orchard, g"o.l l 't. iiKt bem.h land for arly fruits, good well, running water for irrigation, ft fine buy; r-rlce y.V p-r acre; terms. MA HI & FRALL 3 I-umirmen'e Building. F A R M E R 3 " A N D HOMESEEKKRS. $t a day and expenses if not found m represented. We handle on ly choioo frms of all kinds and sizes. If you want g d value for your money and a squaie tlral. see F. Kl'CHS. 221 S Morrison Street. ISO-ACRE farm In Nhalem Valley. U m I k-s from Clatkame railroad station near school, post off u-e and store; 1h acr-.-s in cultivation. sme timber, all good and Toostlv level land. Write to L. Magnuscn, Miu Or. $1 ACRES. Z miles south of porrydale, flne for fruit, nuts or stock purposes; half p:ntv ed. ha i a nee fine t mi her ; on county road, high and sightlv: will make leritiu to suit pu:hascr. Seachrcst Bros.. ;S Abing l"n lMg. if.tto A'FVTS: $1 per acre; redshot soil; half c'.re-l. las htcU near good valley town: w fit waternl; most suitable for putting l"to nut or fruit on hanls; terms are half cah. AF .t"4. Oregonian. A s N P-I7 acres of the best, easily-cleaned apple land in Upper Hood River Vallcv. f-M iu' k sale at $1" per sere; will take s-.d auto on deal. Write Arthur Fuller. Hood Ulwr. or. FOR SALE n acre fmit farm, close Sa l"m. !-.. including 13 acres bearing wal nuts, balance prunes and apples: good reason for selllnn; write or call on M. Han sen. F.Ujtc ne. Or. k PAROAIN-- l' ares rich cod house and barn. St'; 1 ! to 'oliimhta Beach; "' blocks outi of .Morrison sta;fon. J. Kopf. Warrrnton. Oregon. LAND that's on the level, near Rcaverton. S-" picture, (illl's Store, Alder St. Owner for paxticu iars an d price, A J 300, Ore S on ian . , $.'f PER ACRE is very oheap for acreage; 110 at this price for a short time; near Valley ton; small cash payment, balance easy- H SO. Otvgonian. HOMESTEAD p'Ilro.u:s!iuient. quarter s-tlm. 1 a--re. near.Hoo-1 River. Or. Address U B-x .i-V. Hood River. Or. gMTH African Veteran's land g-ant In AI-b-rta Canada, ."Of a-res of land, for sals at a bargain. 2H Raleigh Mdg. ALT. good ones; see ti. Columbia Trust Co Board o Trads bidfi.. FOB SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS SO ACRES Black shot loam, ail 'yei. 10-room house Jn hne condition, barn .ttr 50. one and half mile to church, school. 3 stores, blacksmith shop and creamer?. 3 miles to railroad station, electric rail road will pass by; $6"00; t-errns. SO CRES 7 acres clear. .-room house, small orchard, fine rich soil. 1 mile to school. 3 miles to Camas; JlbOu; half Ca7Jt" A'REri 8 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture. 6 miles to orchard 12 miles to Vancouer. 3 miles to Probstel. VZQ per acre, half cash, balanco 3 years at 6 per Ce"o CRES all under cultivation, house and barn. mile south of t he i,lecJr:1 railroad grade in Orchard, $JO0; half cash. , . lco ACRES on the ancouver- akima Railroad. i' miles from Vancouver. Wash. ; nf.w S-nwm house. i'5o0 cords of wood can be cut and net th owner 13000; will sell for $-.. half cash. SO ACRES Ail bottom land, level as floor, good barn and house. i0 acres under plow and in high state of cultivation. Ssooi); terms. SO ACRES With crop. 5-room house, barn. Shit ken-house. 2 horses. 7 head of cattle, hoss. chickens, all farming im plements, on cream route, 3 miles from railroad station, on good road, close to scboo!. $1'U; half cash, including the house furniture. SWEDISH LAND & COLONIZATION COMPANY. 311 Worcester Bldg. 60 ACRES. 31 -miles from good town. 6 acres cleared, house and barn, plenty liv ing water on place; 3 miles from Port land 4750. 75 acres. 3 miles from good town. 3 cul tivated. 17 ready for plow; 3-room housa and barn $,:. 00. 3o acres near Oregon City, on main road, new 7-room artistic cottage, tod outbuildings, 5 acres cultivated, 15 slashed, fruit trees, etc. i-tfOO. 4rt acres, half cleared, large house, barn, orchard, very fine soil; stage to Oregon City passes door; have letter asking right of way for electric line $4750. 41 acres, all in crop, good oil, close to Oregon City. $4'H. Sy acres near Forest Grove. -0 culti vated, some timber. orchard, house and barn, running water $-J.V0. S acres, all culllvatcd. sukiII house and barn, close to electric car1 Forest Grove $j:ii. We have some exceptionally good buys In large dairy, wheat or stock ranches. Postal will get you our fist- Got some v:rv fine fruit propositions. ROSE CITY REALTY & I XV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 80 ACRES, near Columbia River: 25 acres? cultivated. 10 acres easily cleared, balance pasture and timber; two acres of fine pota toes, a gjd family orchard, elegant spring by houae. other springs. tream acros.- place; good 5-room houee. ixantry and cloteie, 2 small barns, smokehouse and other out fcuildlng; 5'jO rods of nearly new wire fence, dne team worth $4W, two wagons, harness, mower, horse rake, plow, harrows, cultivator, farm tools. 6 milch cow, graded Jersey. 1 heifer and yeaclinge. 76 chick ens, 10 tons of hay, 1 cream separator, part .of hounehold goods; land splendid fcr fruit; price uf farm alone $-'A; farm. Mock and implements, 3wu. A NUMBER ONE BARGAIN. ALFRED A. BAKER. 11-12 Abirgton Buil.iiug, lOtJU Third Street, Portland, Oregon. 4D-ACRE ITALIAN PRUNE RANCH. Fully equipped with new 36-stack dryer, gasoline -sngme for pumping water from Mammoth spring to buildings and power for operating wood saw. cider press and all machinery. New bungalow cottage and outbuildings. Trees 1J years oid and in first-class condition. In fact. It is one of the best fruit ranches in the Willam ette Valk and fully equipped for oper ating same. Located 7 miles from Salem, 2 -z miles railroad and one nT?!e from the new proposed electric line from Salem to Albany. Price MQ.Ooo. including crop and equipments, or $000 reserving crnp. Will consider part trade in Portland city property. For further particulars address, . THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 1 24S Alder Street. 114 ACRES within 8 milet ot the Postoffioe of the City of Portland. Or.. 65 acres clear, bal. In brush, fine larga barn and house, fine orchard, spring and well water; this Is one of the finest farms along the Wil lamette River; grand elevation, all level, best of soli, only one mile east of the Oregon City carllne. Will make a fortune In a few years If subdivided and laid out In acre tracts. Npw is the time of oppor tunities In and around Portland, the fu ture New York of the West, but delay has not before nor is now making any money for you. If bought before our option ex pires only $32,500 for the whole place. C F. PFLUGER & CO., (Established 18S0.) Rooms 4-6 Mulkey Bldg.v 2d and Morrison. WE are headquarters for Clark County, Wash., farms: our list Is too long to ad vertise them separately; we have them large and small, improved and partly im proved, unimproved and stump land; we will take you out to see any of them; buy now and get bncftt of Increased values w hen electric line Is built right to some of them and close to others within 60 days, MURPHY CASWELL, 230 Stark St. Vancouver Office, 712 Main St. SOMETHING GOOD. 72 acnes, oi) in cultivation, 2 acres choice orchard, 1. acre strawberries. 25 acres alfalfa, seeded this year. 20 more can be put in easily; cottage 26x2i, large barn, just finished, good watur rights, own 1-3 Interest In ditch. 1 mile to 12th grad school, R. R. depot, store and church; price $6000; 1-J cash will handle it. CHITTENDEN, OTTO A- NEILL, Room 17, 268 Stark St. DAIRY AND FRUIT FARM. 302 acre, at Elk City, wat-r and rail shipping point ; eandy loam soil; 40 acres cultivated, well watered, good 1 tearing or chard. 12 acres of timber, good dwelling n l barn. 9 cows, fifi goats, other stock, Jiiilk separator and implements; price $'. 0. iF T U ARE JjCk 'KJNG FOR SOME THING GOOD. DON'T PASS THIS BY. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO., U-4U2 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 MILE EAS-g OF P.EAVERTON. 20 acre all in 1 u i t i va t i- n. good o-room house, big btf-n, chicken-houses, all fenced. "pnng and well. snic fruit trees, only 0 miles from Courthouse ly road; this is a s?-p; haif cah. tiaian-ce 5 years; must be e"!d Sv next week. PORTLAND SUVRSS REALTY CO., olncorpo'-ated.) 616 Board of Trade Building. FARMS. T have a few extra fine bargains in farm lands this week and feel sure that I can suit you in both size and price. .1 have both improved and unimproved land handy to rail and river transportation; g,od neighbors and good roads. If in terested in farm land. tHlk with Turner, the farm man, 416-417 Rothchlld bldg. 160 ACRES. 2V. miles west of St. John. IS miles southwest of United Railway, 15 acr.'s cleared. 50 acres light brush, bal ance good. heay timber; estimated 12.000 cords wood; running water, rich soil, land lies well; on good public road, adjoining excellent public school. Price only $ll'5 per acre. Will consider good cltv prop erty for one-half. A 311, Oi gonian. . ASK C. B. TOWKRS COMPANY, Miles- City. Montana, concerning 51.000 acres of grazing and agricultural land in the heart of Custr County. Montana; for a permanent livestock ranch It will outclass the best; price, $4.00 per acre. WHAT Walla Walla Wants is you. Presi dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made the pleasantest impression on my mind of any city I visited In the Northwest." The surrounding valley Is an agricultural para dlss It is making good. Send for book let S. A-k questions. Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash. 4 MILES from Beaverton on county road, l.'.o acres. 45 clear, under cultivation; good 5-room house, large barn and out. door bldg.; all fenced, on main countj road; if you are looking for a farm tht Is a snap. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc., HIS Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 4 acres, fine soil, level, in cultivation. 9 miles from Court house on flne county road. rail from car; buy thi. cut up n acre tract and douhle your mney: Investigate; thl is a bargain. N 310. Oregonian. FREE TO ALL TILLBRS OF THE) SOIL. Government bulletin on irritation In the Willamette Valley and beautifully N lust rated booklet. 'The Call of the Soil" (copyright) sent to any addree free. Address Can by Canal Company, Canby. Or. 14A acres on Columbia four miles Hood River; on bowt tandlns and county road, half-mile from railroad station; ten acres In orchard, two acxest strawberries: abundant water, s' x-room house : 2T.0 cords wood. Owner, 6:0 Lumbermen" fcldg. FARMERS. ATTENTION! PLRASANT VIEW FARM. -,0 acre. 40 acres cleared; g-od build ings. Call 1276 FX Stark. Tabor ltd. j700 giort cash. $2f monthly; beautiful rew. "thoroughly modern sii-rm bungalow; select neighborhood. Apply 3M East Mst. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co., .Salem. Or. FOR SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY, WASHINGTON. fl itcres. ; of a ' mile from Fishers. J magnificent view overlooking Columbia ( River and a large part of Portland, all J in cultivation. fine orchard, grapes and small fruit, house, barn and chicken yard. J s nice 1iome, poultry farm or greenhouse proposition. Only 10 minutes wai 10 station or boat. S;iono, terms. IO acres, level, black anil. - acres cul tivated, balance light, brush and small saplings. 4 miles from Vancouver; $1250. $roo cash. y 40 acres. S miles from Vancouver, all level, sandy loam. 5 acres prunes, balance land easily cleared, small house; $:ioK. 123 acres. 2 miles from Battle Ground". 14 acres cleared, small orchard. 6-room house and barn; $27.50 per acre, half cash. t SO acres. 4'i miles from Battle Ground. 75 acres under cultivation, balance slashed barn; $.O00. half cash; worth double. 40 acres fine soil, all level. 20 acres formerly cultivated, but now in 1'K'ht brush, balance easily cleared; spring and creek on place; $Ib00. 72 acres. 7 cleared. 7 more nearly .so. some clearing on other parts. l-ftcre orchard, small house, milk house and 3 other small buildings, $20 an acre. 54.80 acres, easilv cleared, 4 miles f rem Fishers, same from Camas, one-half rich prairie land in brush, oalance slightly higher, good boIL $22C0. 45.64 acres near electric carllne. 20 acres cultivated, .small house and barn, 9:; 500. 5 acres in apples, pears, cherries, wal nuts and grapes, right at station electric carline. $1500. 120 acres fruit and hay land, 5 or 6 acres cleared, about one-half pasture, $750. , 160 acres swale and beaverdam, 1 mile from Brush Prairie, 70 acres in cultiva tion, 7-room house, barn and other bujld ins. crop with place; $13,500, $5000 cash. 110 acres near Battle Ground, nice orchard. 25 acres under cultivation, house, barn, granary, spring and well, 2mi,000 teet saw timber and some piling; $4b00. 310 acres stump land, rich soil and only 10 miles from Vancouver; will sell as a whole lor $7500 or in tracts at $30 an acre. We have some of the choicest farms In the county right at the station of the Vancouver car4ine extension, the ties for which are now being laid, and road will be in operation In 60 days. These farms will be within 70 minutes ride from the corner of 2d and Stark sts., Portland. Come In and talk to us about the new townsite of "SIFTON," which the railway company will soon place on the market. At the same time do a little thinking, and you will come to the conclusion that a finely Improved farm adjoining an elec tric lighted townsite is bound to be worth a whole lot of money the minute our cars commence running. Keep your eye on Clark County, take advantage of present opportunities, and you won't regret it. MURPHY & CASWELL, 230 Stark st. 40-ACRE DAIRY FARM. 40 acres of genuine river bottom land; fine sandy soli, about 20 or 25 acres In cultivation and in crop, balance cleared off and In fine pasture; plenty of wood; good river makes line of place: excellent fishing; all level land, nice spring water. Kood house, barn, orchard, with variety of choice fruits; all stock and Implements including 2 work mares 6 years old, 1 vearling colt, 7 cows, good milkers, 6 hrgs, 1 bull, 3 calves, loo chickens. '1 farm wagons, 1 hack, mower, hay rake, harrow and 2 cultivators. 1 shovel plow. 1 breaking plow, 2 sets of "harness, garden seeder, 2 cream separators, telephone, also a lot of household furniture and all kinds of small tools too numerous to mention; onlv two miles out of good live valley town with excellent railroad service out of Port land. The farm not over 2." miles from Portland. Price for everything $6000. terms. RALPH ACKLET, UU5 Corbelt bldg. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. Big bargain, 160 acres, 12ii tillable when Cleared, new house 24x30, 1 -story, 8 rooms, fair barn, water piped to house and barn from good spring with hydraulic ram on plaix-, borders on Sandy River, 1 H miles from Mount Hood R. R. grade, 25 miles from Courthouse at Portland, -j mile of good auto road on north side; this is a county road in Multnomah County and no hill: this piece is less than H the price of adjoining land in same state of culti vation and is worth twice what I am ask ing for it- Price $20 per acre. See and address owner at 1010 West 17th St., Van couver. Wash. ; good county road, a flne auto drive from Portland to the farm. See owner, Geo. E. Quiggle. DO YOU WANT A DAIRY? 4m -acres 6 miles from town of 1"00 in habitants, on R. R. and new R. R. now building right acros the place; has about 3.0co. feet saw timber and -big new saw mill now building close to place; over 100 acre In cultivation, the balance pasture and timber; has -access to thoumnde of acres it outrange; 3 barns, with about 60 ton of hav in, 5-ro m house, old orchard and good now orchard, threshing machine. power, mower, rake, binder, cteam separator, plow, harmw, 2o milch cows, 8 hogs, one mare and one yearling cult. 10 young cattle, 60 goait. on county road and R. F. D. ; for quick a.le price $30 ier acre, good tprms. Lincoln Investment Co., room 201, 26 Wash. st. 20 ACRES. 14 miles from Portland. 1 mile from electric railway. 17 acre in high state of cultivation; good family orchard In full bearing. 6 sxts in clover; acre of potato- and a large garden; plenty of berries, grapes and mall fruits; 3-room h.u.e. new barn full of hay. and other out tmildingr"; 3 cow?. 2 heiiers. 2 horse. 2 pigs, o dozen chickens, plow, harrow, culti vator and all small tools, wagon, buggy. 2 I'ets harness-. 2 wells on place, all well fenced, splendid toil; close to school and church; good county road; R. F. D.. tele phone and milk route; a gd home and a g.xid investment. Columbia, :Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg., M 4th ml. ONE OF OUR BEST BUYS. 4:i'5 arres. all in cultivation, fenced, 12 acres apple orchard, bearing; S-room mod ern house, furniture, horses, stock, crop, place fully equipped, all goes for $7500; 1 mile cood K. R- town. R. M. CRAMER REALTY CO.. 827 Board of Trade. Call and set our homeseeker's guide, free. Full Information and prices on land in different locations. FARM FOR SALE A BARGAIN, 33 1-3 a Ores, alt in cult I vat Ion ; 8- room plastered house, almost new; good ham, vujuk orchard in full bearing; U mile to school, 4 mile to store, on good gravel road, ten miles from Portland; owner ieav ir.e: will sell land and throw in Improve ments: terms on part. Address Sycamore Store. Greshain. Or., R. F. D. No. 3. WILL EXCHANGE $2250 equity in 63 acres of best land in Willamette Valley. 3 miles from Woodburn. 1 mile from Mount Angel; mostly cleared; lies level; on 3. P' R IT PAY-6 TO SE.E US. y CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. PHONE MAIN 1652. s XlliMt TERMS. 20 acres. miles from good river town. V. mile from landing: S acres cleared, fair H-room bouse. i.ood barn and fences. 4 living springs, all sorts small fruit. 6 bear ing and 22 voung fruit trees, near pros pective electric line to Sea5td; fine cow and heifer calf, lot chickens, all for $1i00. Owner. B 1801. POTATO OR ON TON LAND ion acres near electric carline., fair buildings, good -small orchard; farm is all rich bottom land and well fenced. 2 years' crop will pay fr property; will con sider residence in Portland as part pay ment; can give any kind of terms on bal ance; price $1.".000. Call on Owner at room 2.'t. Ifayette bldg., cor. 6th and Wash. 116 ACRES fimr -class bottom land: 7!i acres in cultivation; no no buildings, but the foundation for an A-l hog ranch: the soil is rich bottom land. watered by 3 streams; 24 mile from Portland; belongs to an heir of an estate who is sacrificing; price $40 per acre; this adjoins $100 land. CHAPIN & HERLOW. S32 Cb)S4irter. of Commerce. EIGHTY ACRES. 75 acres in cultivation. 7 room house, frame barn, good young orchard.' on main county road 26 miles from Portland, close to good school; price $4500, easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 3"2 Chamber of Commerce. FRMS. FARMS. FARMS. 1 have a new Itet of 3n farms to sell: prices from $l.Vrf to fLVOOO. See me before buying elsewhere. A. A. CLAKK, 41& Ed. Trade, Portland, FOR 6 AUG FARMS. WE" ADVERTISE NOTHING E XC E PT R E A-L B ARG A I NS, W H I C H WE HA V Pi THOROUGHLY IN VESTIGATED. No. 1 A 20-acre tract. 7 acres in Bart let. D'Anjou and Clairgeau pears; 3 acres of early Crawford pears; all in full bear ing; this year's crop will net $200O at the low value of $1 a box; balance of tract ready for planting this Fall; one of the finest building sites on this land in South ern Oregon, with Roseburg in fnll - view, 2 miles distant; city water on tract; this is a bargain that will not last at the exceedingly low price of $7500; terms, one half cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. No. 2 100 acres of beautiful hill slope orchard land all under cultivation, with deep free soil; IO acres In bearing Italian prunes, in flne condition; located 7 miles east of Rosburg on good gravel road; price $27.50 cash, balance on time. 7 per cent. No. 3 !S0 acres ready for planting, ex cellent fruit land. 3 miles from Roseburg. on good road; $1500 cash, balance on easy terms. W C HARDING LAND CO., INC., Ground Floor, Board of Trade Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. 40 acres. 10 minutes' walk from electric carjine station at Tualatin, 18 acres cul tivated, balance slashed ; orchard, house and barn, some stock and all farm im plements with place ; $200 per acre, hi cash. 20 acres. 14 miles from Portland, about all under cultivation, fine orchard, 4 miles from electric carline at Orenco, will be but 14 miles from car when line is ex tended. Horses, stock and farming tools with place; $3600, terms. 115 acres, S miles from Gresham. 32 acres in oats, spuds and hay; family orchard; 6-room house, and barn; crop with place If sold at once; $10,000, terms. MURPHY CASWELL, 230 Stark st. $7.50 PER ACRE. 3000 acres In Cowlitz County. Washington-. $11 per acre;- will sell 1 section; this Is fine fruit or agricultural land. 2000 acres, Washington County, some iin- 1000 acres, near Kalama, Cowlitz County. 1000 acre3. Polk County. Special 20 0 acres close to North Tarn hill, partly Improved, best walnut and fruit land; a great snap at $27 per acre. Big profits In subdividing any of these tracts. See ABRAHAM. 253 Washington, Cor. 3d, Room 5. A DANDY LITTLE HOME. 26i acres, splendid soil, all in cultivation; running water, well and spring. 6-room plastered house, flne 'barn and outbuildings, aood family orchard, all crops, also ma chinery and stock to the amount of $12o0. Including a span of 4iorw that cost $400; only 6' miles from Portland, on splendid road, less rhan mile from electric line; near good school, R. F. D. : everything goes for $300 per acre, half cash. M. S. CADONAU. 270 Washington st., room 3. 10 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION. On countv road. & mile to R. R. sta tion ; overlooks Columbia River; grand view; good small house; small barn; -running water on place; 12 miles from Port land; price $3000. 20 acres, 14 acres well tilled; in fine condition; good family orchard; 3 acres strawberries: 6 choice cows; 2 heavy horses; all tools; a complete dairy farm; i miles from R. R. station ; 15 miles from Portland: $3500, $2000 cash. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. GREAT BARGAIN. STOCK RANCH 840 acres in Lincoln County, where the grass is always green; 2 sets of old build ings on place, one new has shed and shear ing pen, good" orchard of about 2 acres, about SO acres meadow, 75 cattle, 300 goats. 85 sheep, 5 horses. 1 stands of bees and lots of chickens, all for $12.50 per acre; am too old to look after stock any more; would sell two-thirds Interest to some one that w-mld take charge of the place. Call room 301, 286 Wash. st. Good terms. LOOK AT THESE SNAPS .160 acres V mile from R. R.; has new S130 hou?e. new barn, holds 110 tons of hav. 120 acres fenced, good young orchard. i!50 worth of timber, price $30 per acre. No. yes. look! Another one. 10 acres, 5 mite.1 from town; about 35 acres been cul tivated 2 million feet say timber, house, barn, good on-hard. U mile to school and gss for $15 per acre; dandy small dairy, heep and goat ranch; easy terms. Room 301, 2S6 Wash. st. A SPLENDID STOCK RANCH. Of 750 acres, well located on main county road, 6 miles from railroad station, Willa mlna. Yamhill County; very good improve ments and plenty of water; price only $31. iO per acre, including stock and farm ing Implements, with easy terms; a bar gain which will stand full investigation. For particulars apply to KAL'FFMAN & MOORE. 324-325 Lumber Exchango. 15 U ACRES, all In cultivation, "about 8 acres in frutt. apples, pears, prunes, etc., crop worth $7O0; plenty of other small fruits and berries; fine garden; good 5-room house barn and other outbuildings, well fenced, good well, R. F. D.. telephone and cream route; 1 mile from railroad station and electric railway;; 11 mllee from Port land Price $3500: eisy terms. Colombia Trust Co.. Board. of Trade bldg.. 84 4th L SNAP. Party leaving city will sell 9-room house (new), full cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, bath built In china closet, etc.: a prettv complete home for the cost of house; lot 50x100 on carline; price $2700. ZIMMERMAN. 619-621 Board of Trade, A FARM AT A BARGAIN. 147 acres on United Ry and P.. X. & U Ry. & N. Co.. 3 miles from Forest Grove; will sell at a bargain on easy terms. Owner. 329 Henry bldg. THE INTELLIGENT WAY of accomplishing things is . the only war. The landlady,-on finding she is about to lose a boarder, im mediately uses the "intelligent, way" of filling the vacancy; which in Portland means an Oregonian "want" ad. Quick, sure and little expense. FOB SAlJ FARMS. SO ACRES 20 miles from Portland. 4S mile- from gtxtd country tuwn and R. In on of the best dairy sections; land lies rolling; good living stream orosei tho pasture land, good spring nuar barn, well at house, all well fenced and cross-fenced ; county road on two sides: heavy. Mack loam oi'. no sanfl or gravel; 5o " acres in cultivation. abiut 10 acres in straight timothy, 2t acres seeded to red clover and alsace. balance of improved IS)nd in oats and vetch; large family orchard ; unimproved land all in grasti and good pasture ; two large barn and a fairly good houw, fixe heavy young team worth $o.0. 8 head of dairy cows and all farm implements, household good and small tools; about 3 acres in potatoes and garden truck; everything ready to start; nothing to buv: price $7t00. good terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ACRES. 10 miles from Portland; 3"-i acres cleared; 4-room house: 2 acres A-l beaverdam. good well. "me fry it tree, well fenced, small barn, chicken-house and yard, about &vo feet from R. R. station, telephone In the house, on the main road, R. F. W., Hazel wood cream route passes the house daily, Vi mile to school. 1 mile ts electrU line, good living stream crosses one corner; Just the thing for market gar denings price $1100. $Uu0 cash, balance to suit. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. WE wish to call your attention to the fact that we own every acre of fruit land that we offer for sole; that we are less than 25 miles from Portland and 4 miles from New- - berg; that the Oregon Electric survey crosses one corner of our land; that an apple orchard 2 years old. within gunsbot of our land, sold for $400 per acre; that no payment is required for one year from those who eettle upon the land and improve the same; that we have and will refuse $4010 for 10 acres of 2-yeur-old cherry orchard ; that the character of, the soil, location, etc.. of this 10 acres is In no way better than any other 10-acre tract we have, save that it has 2-year-old trees, which will bear in 2 years more; thia-t there is no tract superior to thi in Oregon for a home or Investment. YAMHILL FRUIT LAND CO., M 7052. 432 Chamber of Commerce. POLK COUNTY FRUIT FARM. 54 H acres, & miles from Independence; over 20 acres In standard variety full bear ing fruits, being principally apples; the balance of the place, which is in pasture. Is partly cleared, all of which is good fruit land; the entire phioe is fenced; im provements consist of a good house and barn; price $8500; terms can be arranged, or will trade for city property at cash basia. DEVLIN & FIREBAVGH, 510-611-512 Swetland Bldg. EIGHTY ACRES. 60 acres In cultivation. 40 acres of this place first-class beaverdam; running water, new modern is-room house, with hot and cold water, bath, toilet, full cement basement, gas lights, fine orchard of 100 trees, tanks and tower, water piped to house and fine barn, 12 fine cows. 3 fine horses, gas engine, separator and buggies and everything to run an up-to-date farm. This is a bargain; 11 miles from Portland; takes $4000 cash to handle It, balance long time. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. PRUNE AND WALNUT FARM. . 39 acres, very fine, rich soil, 4 "3 miles from shipping point, TEN MILES FROM PORTLAND; 20 acres in bearing prunes, 4 ex-res apples, 5 acres English walnuts. 3 acres filberts and almonds, 3 acres pear, peaches, quinces, cherries and wmall fruits. 4 acres grass; good huuse and barn, latest improved prune dryer; THIS YEAR'S CROP ESTIMATED AT $5000. GOES WITH (PLACE; price $20,0C0. Call and see sam ples of prunes and nuts. OVKKLAND INVESTMENT CO., 401-402 Board of Trade Bldg. 165 ACRES, near the famous Lownsdalo or chards; 40 acres in apples, choice varieties, good buildings, plenty running water, crops, tools, machinery, horses, cattle and everything on the place. Price $10,000; terms. 40 acres on Salem Electric, all In culti vation; good house and arn; a bargain at $150 an acre. We have others, large and small farms, dairy and stock ranches, fruit lands. Come and see us and let us show you. LANG-HILL LAND CO. 414 Abington Bldg., 106 3d St. A BARGAIN FARM. 40 acres 14-year-old fruit trees; crop this year pays the purchase price of place; will be read y to market w i thin next 60 days; buildings and machinery to handle crop valued at $4o00; more than $4000 crop on trees today; mile to R. R. and boat landing, flne county road, close to Port land, famous fruit valley land; price $$000, terms. MITCHELL & CO., 4ao Swetland Bldg. $4oO ACRE FRUIT FARM FOR $300. But must be nearly all cash, situated only 14 miles from city of Albany, 20 acres, 12 in high state pf cultivation. 4 in bearing orchard, 2& in strawberries, good 6-room house, large barn, henhouse, machine sheds, etc.; horse, cow, hens, cul tivator,'' disc, spray pump, wagon, cen trifugal pump for irrigating, everything goes with the place. SUPERIOR INVESTMENT CO., 319 Worcester Bldg. 40 ACRES, nearly all in fine state of culti vation, fine crops now on place, excellent buildings of all kinds, splendid water, everything ready to move right into; close to Portland, on Salem electric line; can be had right now at $200 per acre; this will surely advance a value rapidly and quickly; it Is a snap. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 40 ACRES, half under cultivation, balance easily cleared. 3 . living springs of fine water, 30 tons No. 1 hay in barn, about 100 cofds b-st fir wood cut and ready for market. Price $0000; 1 miles from An derson Station x on O. W-. P. - See owner, 114 Grand ave. this week. 30 ACRES of excellent land 7 miles from Vancouver, Wash.; partly cleared; good buildings: bearing fruit and berries; spring water. This place- is close to school, church, R; F. D. and telephone line; price $!i00. N. W. Merrifield, 02 W. 8th St., Vancouver, Wash. NOTHING better; 139-acre valley farm; 85 in oats;'- the best yo't ever saw; the im provements cost $4500; $100 per acre, half cash, balance to suit. Let us show you this. Poulsen-Ratcliffe, 320 Lumbermen's bldg. WE HAVE a farm Dear Broadmead which we are dividing into, small tracts to suit - purchasers and wili seil for half of price asked for land nar by; terms to suit; good for farming, fruit or nuts. Seachrest Bros.. 2O0 Abington. 45 ACRES good land, between Troutdale and Gresham, near Base Line road. All fenced, part cleared. balance easily cleared; orchard and buildings; price. $175 acre. Sell all or half. Fur information write J. W. Roots. Boring, Or. PORTSMOUTH. One of the prettiest building sites cor. 100x1 10 , beautiful trees, improved street; ' T block from Willamette blvd. A3574. 621 Board of Trade bldg. M..1675. FOR SALE Splendid lot and good house, close in : a big bargain for cash ; $850 and assume 3 years mortgage will carry it. K 312. Oregonian. A FINK farm Just nutsido McMinnville for sale or trade for Portland property. Call 3S7 1st or phone owner. Main 2266. 60 ACRES, 20 genuine beaverdam, 8 cleared, good house, water and R. R. transportation; worth $10O acre, if sold soon will take $80 acre. For particulars, Nathan Hale, Ostrander, Wash. FIVE acres, 2 acres In cultivation. 3-room house, small barn, good well. $S0O. $300 cash. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN CROOK CO U NTY LA-N DS. 100 acres; will divide; new railroad sur vey goes through the land; sacrifice sale, $10 acre, down, balance 6 per cent. 605 Commercial Block. RIVER FRONT AND R. R. One and three-fourths acres on Willam ette River; trackage; only $3000; small factory site. ZIMMERMAN, 619-621 Board of Trade. WANTED Corner lot on West Side, west of 10th. north of Washington St.; owners only. Stroud Co., 434 Chamber of Com merce. FINE orchard or berry land in 5 or 10-acre tracts in Cove. Grand Ronde Valley, Ore yon from $10O to $20o per acre; terms given. Mre. Grace Foye, Cove, Or. APPLE RANCH BARGAIN. 28 acres, irrigated, one mil- from station, Douglas Co.; price, $10,000; terjns one third cash. Owner. AL. 275. Oregonian. BEST stock ranch in State of Wasn. ; nearly 4000 acres; easy terms. Olympic View Hotel. 2619 1st ave.. Seattle. 29T ACRES, close to rail and river; 40 acres timoer. oui. i t . nun . A-l soil; $11. COO. Phone owner, E 5058. FRUIT LANDS. WATCH US GROW. $1000 il1! acres, all in strawberries and fruit trees; 3-room house; $2." down, $15 (per monUu Bii-ht Realty Co., Lexus, Or. ACREAGE. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE. $Uo0 5 acres, the cream of the country, 7 miles from Portland by good wagon raid, good car serve; beautiful grove on place. J. F. COMPTON. JOO Abington Bids- I AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED FRUITGROWERS. The beautiful Sutherlin Valley. RS-acre demonstration orchard, 4-year-old trees, will be sold at a bargain to party that can satisfy us as to his horticultural ability. The Sutherlin Land 4 Water Company has decided that it will be Just as well to have this demonstration orchard in the hands of an experienced fruitgrower as to own and care for it themselves; this orchard will go to the right man at a bargain ; termB very reasonable. Arrangements can be made with the company for employment in the way of caring for -other orchards If desired. Call at our office and investigate this and the Sutherlin project. THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSON CO.. 203 Corbett Bldg. Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 6719. 60 ' ACRES 4 miles N. W, of Linnton and right on the United Rail Road; carline horseshoes to tlw place; land is unim proved and hilly; nice creek runs through place; we are in position to sell this at $100 per acre if taken soon; nice subdi viding or platting proposition; will make a fortune for the man who can see his opportunity. C. F. PFLUGER & CO.. In Business Since 1880. Rooms 4-6 Mulkey Bldg-. Cor. 2d and Morrison Sts. MULTNOMAH ACRES. 61,- miles from Portland, mile from car track. 1 miles from Multnomah Sta tion, lo-cent car tare; nice and level, deep, rich soil, either cleared or timbered; sold either in 2H or 5-acre tracts: fine road. 20 minutes to Multnomah, Station; $170 to $300 an acre; 10 per cent and 2 per cent monthly. Smith-Wagoner Co., 33 Chamber Commerce. 9k ACRES of tha finest land around Port land, right at Courtney and within l,a mile of the Oregon City carline. The land is all clear, level and has very rich soil. Nice 4-room house and barn, 2 acres of small fruit. 6 miles from heart of Portland, fine roads. Only $8500 if taken at once. C. F- Pfluger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrl . son fitreets. 10 ACRES, flne soil, 3 acres cleared, some poor improve nents, $5U0 worth of wood and a fine stream of water; you can make it a fln.2 place; only S blocks from station; 1 hours' ride on the E.stacada line; $1050 on easy terms; must sell. COME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY. 622-626 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE-ACRE tracts Joining Monmouth, Or., all In cultivation ; on main county road a,nd railroad ; just the place to live and send your children to school; price $100 per acre; easy terms. IT PAYS TO SEE US. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, . PHONE MAIN 1652. 11 ACRES. 2J, miles from the electric car. good 6-room -hard-finished house and good barn with concrete basement, 6 acres highly improved, balance pasture, a nice spring creek with plenty of water all the year; Ho stone or gravel; price $3000, half cash. LANG-HILL LAND CO., 414 Abington Bldg. FOR SUBDIVIDING. 5 acres on 5c carline, $000 per acre, one half cash; land adjoining this piece is plat ted In Mi-acre tracts and selling mind you, not holding but selling for over twice this amount. DABNEY & DAB NET, 41-2 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. PLATTING PROPOSITION SO acres on Section Line road, about 15 miles out, natural drainage and enough wood to pay for land; will sell in 5-acre tracts for $150 per acre; buy it all for $65 per acre; terms. COME TO THE OFFICE. . NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY. 6l'2-626 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. New 5-room. plastered, bungalow; good well pumpt plenty wood cut; cow. chickens, garden; best of soil; at Tigard Station, orr Salem Electric; price, $2750; good terma, or will take part city property. Call 64 ttth st. A BIG SNAP. 314 acres, 7 miles east of Portland, highly improved, new house, well stockod with chickens, ducks, pigeons, on carline. also on flne stream; will sell on very easy payments. SELLERS REALTY CO.. . 506 Board of Trade Bldg. SIXTEEN acres on the O. W. P. carline, 10 miles from Portland; 9 acres im proved. 7 acres easily cleared; sightly lo cation ; good soil, free from rock and gravel. If sold within 10 days will take $225 per acre; terms easy, causey Land & Investment Co.. 305-306 Lumbermen's bldg. Phone Main 3148. 20 ACRES, 11 r.Jies fifom the center of Portland, all highly improved, spring creek runs through the land, deep rich soil, no stone or gravel; house, barn and ehlcken liouss; 4 acres of young orchard; price . $4000; easy terms. LANG-HILL LAND CO., 414 Abington Bldg. THE ADMINISTRATOR Authorizes me to sell at 5-acre tract for $1750. which is much below adjoining prices; only 4 miles from JefCerson-street depot, on Salem line, and hi mile from station; land lies fine. J. C. STRUBLE. 405 Lumbermen's Bldg. 1 ACRE at Watson's Station, on Estacada line. 7 blocks south Lents; all in cultiva tion; raspberries, strawberries, fruit trees, all fenced; good well, 2-rooni house; price $1250. $700 cash, balance $10 month. SWEDISH LAND .1 COLONIZATION CO., 311 W7orc?ster Bldg. $20 PER ACRE. 1100 acres, within 30 miles of Portland. 4 miles from R. R. ; finest soil In states eas i 1 y cl ea red . RICH ET-BYRNE COMPANY, 615-616 Swetland bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. I have a sure bargain In a nice tract of land containing 20 acres nicely im- proved and close in; let me tell you the particulars. Geo. W. Turner, 416-417 Rothchlld bldg. . 11 4-10 ACRES. $150 DOWN. mlfe from -R, R. station, in Yamhill County all level, cleared and ready for the plow; $1425. F COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 64 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. "WHAT Walla Walia wants Is you," and perhaps, if you investigate, you will want Walla Walla. Our valley is an agricultural paradise; our orchards are making good. Send for booklet S. Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash,. 6 ACRES, near Vancouver, partly cleared, good soil, not far from a new carline; price $550; easy terms. COME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY. 622-626 Board of Trade Bldg. EIGHTY acres in' Hockinson. Wash.; 12 acres clean, house, barn, chicken pens ; 16 mfles out of Vancouver; come, ask about the price from owner, Annie Auer, 101 Kelly St.. Kern Park. 5 ACRES, close in, only 5 miles from Burn side bridge, on railroad; Ideal fruit and berry land; will double in value in two veara- "500. terms. Call between 10 and 12 Monday, only. 41S Board of Trade bldg. $ 0 PER ACRE 40 acres. 4 miles of Castte Rock Wash.; $1500 worth of cedar and oiling on it; A-l fruit land; spring creek on It. C. H. Piggott. owner. 14 Mulkey bidg., 2d and Morrison, ACREAGE. 47 ACRES $SOO0. 30 acres under cultivation, 9 acres oats, 5 acres wheat, 2 acres kale, 3 acles spuds, god ariety fruit, good 9-rooin plastered house, fuir barn. 4 cow, t yearling liHft-r. 12 sheep, span honsts, 1 heavy and I Mgnc wagon. 1 hack, all furm Implements. Includ ing stump puller, ami most hI! household furniture. 4 miles E'ectric and 2 mi Irs from stsim railroad, about 11 miles to Portland on good public road: R. F. 1. and telephone: U mile to school and store: : i0 or $t'jnnt cash and would t:tke a $2iv0 suburban house and !t. DURHAM & FRRDliNTHAL. 270Vj Washington St., Room 1. 122 ACRES. 1 mile from Barton Station on the Estacada line, 20 acres in crop. 7-room bungalow. bai n, and other outhouses, water piped to the buildups. Implements, wagons and stock all go lor $35 pj?r acre cash. COME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY. 622-626 Board of Trade Bldg. 15 ACRES practically in city limits, no bet ter soil anywhere, easily cleared; will sell in 5-acre tracts; adjoining land recently sold for $450 an acre. For quick sale, our price, $ 3oo per acre. MURPHY & CASWELL, 230 Stark St. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS. $700 the acre; on carline 30 minutes' out ; running water; high building silo. Have your own lily, duck and trout pond. Best of soil and highlv desirable location. JESSE HOHSOX. 503 Corbett bldg. $000 PER ACRE, bvautlful wooded land, close in. $500 per acre. 30 acres on Heights. $."50 per acre, 10 acres same. $250 per acre. 20 acres Barr road. Have some fine acreage on river, close in. THOS. M CCSKER. JU5 Couch Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY, 40-acre tracts; finest soil in state; 4 miles from R. R. ; $20 per acre ; ensv terms. RICH ET- B V RNE COMPANY, 615-61U Swetland bldg. $1500 FIVE ACRES $1500. Very finest suburban homo projterty, on fine drive, tifj miles from Courthouse; just the place for a little farm for the man with an auto. Jesse Hobson, 503 Corbett bldg. ACRE. Jennings Lodge; 20 acres, near Montavilla; 270 acres choice logged off land; exceptional values. Owners, G 314. Oregonian. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line, close in; choice river front; 5o0 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher, 531 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. FOR bargains In suburban homes near to Portland, talk with us. we have them. Stroud Fry Co., 434 Chamber of Com merce. 1100 ACRES, no stone or gravel, running water, bet buy in the state. Hoban, Bu chanan block. $20 an acre, 120 acres unimproved, 1 'a miles to end of Estacada carline; trade or divide. 521 Abington bldg. $2150 20 choice acres, with enough timber to pav for land: e:tsv haul to Hm verton : terms, j. F. COMPTtiN, 100 Abington Bidg. WE have some attractive buys In Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. &-ACRE apple orchard, Spitzenberg and New towns; small payment und $10 a month. AJ 312. Oregonian. 7 2 a ACRES right at .station. He fare, fine fir chic-kens and garden, any old terms. CHAPMAN, 221 H, Morrison. 8 ACRES fine soil, running . water, set to grapes, walnuts, etc.. 1 year old; adjoin ing Milwaukle. D 314. Oregonian. TILLAMOOK CO. 40 acres best cranberry -land. 42S Lum bermen's bldg. ONE to ten acre tracts; 20 minutes from city; easy terms. 2tWJ B Stark st. I OK SALfi TIMliFR LANDS. INVESTORS IN TIMBER OR SAWMILL MEN. 34.000,00(1 feet on tide -water, near a sawmill plant now running and located on a deep-water bay that admits the traffic of schooners carrying 20tt.ortn feet; plant consists of saw and two planliiR mills. 5 acios of ground with 5 or 6 miles of skid roads; ponds for S.OOO.UOO feet of log, flood dams, donkey engine, complete log ging outfit. 70-ton u asoline launch, " acres of timber, besides stum page with privilege of 'J y?ars to remove and one general -merchandise store with $600 stock. The whole proposition will be sold at a figure less than the value of the timber alone and the locataion of the plant with tlw vast timber resources aval I aide and facilities of water shipments make this a phenomenal opportunity for con servative investors. Further particulars, see Hobson, room 503, Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Sawmill, on drlvable stream. Willamette Valley; 150-horsepower, double circular mill. 60-inch -steel headblocks. gang edger, liva rolls, automatic trimmer, planer, dry kilns; nfill complete, cutting average 30 M. a day, which local trado consumes; mill clearing over $100 per dn, 3O.0MO.000 feet yellow fir on dcedod land, besides stumpage contracts: on stream cleared, two dams; can secure 20 claims tributary at $3000 to $4000 a claim; great opportunity; owner must sell at once. Price asked, $45,000; terms. Best thing on market. H. W. , STRONG. 235 Worcester Bldg. NEARLY 000 acres best timber- and farm land on Clacuamas River, about 17 miles from Portland and 1! mile from electric railroad: 20,000. (too feet host fir timber, besides fine piling and tic proposition: land adjoining sells for from $4i'0 to $ftoo per acre cleared. You can cut this timber, piling and ties at a large profit and still get your land for nothing; if you have money to work with, this Is the best piece of property on the Pacific Coast. Make an appointment and let me give you details. L. W. WHITING, 82-fc Third St. IMPROVED FARM. FOR TIMBER LAND. Will exchange $1 0.OOO equity In im proved farm 15 mfles from Portland, near carline, and worth $15,000. for timber land. See owner, at room 23, Lafayotte bldg.. 6th and Wash. , TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TWENTY claims nn the' John Day. also claims in Crook County on the Deschutes, In Coos County; all good bargains. Zim merman, 621 Board of Trade bldg. RE LI NQU I SHiM EXT. 7.000,000 fine yellow flr, close to town and R. R.. "very cheap. Room 516 Rothchlld foldg., '4th and Washington. TIMBER LAND. If you are in the market for timber, flr or pine. calL on C. J. McCracken, 304 Mc Kay bldg. WE ore headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. T1MBFR claim for sale at a bargain If sold before Sept. 1; location. Grant County. Ad dress G. t., 118 Emerson st. 40 ACRES. 1.700.000 ft. Mostly yellow fir, $750, two-thirds cash. T. 6 S., R. 4 E. AE 295, Oregonian. . TIMBER claim relinquishment, 500; an ex tra good one: act quickly. 320 Lumber men's bldg., 5th and Stark. TWO large tracts of yellow pine for sale, 75m and $1 per M. ; close to It. R. Inquire box 750, La Grande, Or. TTMBER claim In Hood River Valley and one in Yamhill County. Phone C 1247. YELLOW FIR, Columbia River. N 303, Oregonian. FOR SALE 2.000,000 feet yellow- pine; 10 acres: bargain. AG 300. Oregonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquish ments 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED J TIMBER LANDS. MYSELF and associates will buy from owners onlv timber land from quarter sections up to ln.m.-o-acre tracts; give location, amount of timber and price in your answer. A J 3ol, Oregonian. IN CROOK. Klamath and Lake Counties. Mur doch & Young, 411 Buchanan bldg. TIMBE:R lands wanted. C. J. McCracksn. 304 McKay bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. DAIRY ranrh on shares. Address E. D. Pot ter. Houlton. Columbia County, Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS. POULTRY R A N''H, buildings, equipment, for 1000 chickens; city limits, cheap rent. N. J. Slcem, Lents, Or. 4