" " " I r 1 R KATT REAL K8TATK. I FOR SALE KEAI. ESTATE. 1 - run B . I ; - . LET IS SHOW YOU K"ME OF OUR BARGAINS IN HOMES-TO Bh HAD ON EASY T.H! H,n A ;leBntiy furnlKhrd l-room r..1n-t: ra.mitf.' rule Irora cenier of 2 bl..k fr..m rar. Tntr. ar- 4 full lot., all in lawn. shrublwry an fruit liroc Ha. barn, cliirken parka. lc. tvn r offfrinit it at a cri1Ve pnM in order 1 rrm tMUtirul lawn ani m.- . .. , K-.no If thi. 1. your ,Pr- 1 1 " to this atricily modern too" on i a corti-r lot. with unobstru.-t-d rlKlit on rarlln. on FImnt .lrt and - 4000 An opportunity-for "'" r-t a beautiful bom- that "IT .r! at a r-al bargain pr.ce. A hou. with l.xlw feet corner. - blo. kt frora t nlon ave.. In a d..r..-t of '" lul home, and mount "V, hn.,e l-SOO a. -room Colonial hmie. rlgnt at ati.ion. with one a.r. of around, all In cultivation. Prk-e InHud-. shade,, up ai nir covering.. 100 chicken.. tc T'$r:.1o S-r.mrn rottag. modern alidlng door. between din ms-room and par or pillar, between lull and parlor, e.cc.r.c light., full basement. "'. . , , 3 i 05 -room p;aslei--d cottage, bath pantry, patent toilet, electric light, w ,ih 2 lot. a-t to fruit and Mower.. I block, from cars. Has poultrj -house, and parK.. tiiAA dow n. . . ,2.i0 A real bargain. A -room house and 1"xl0O corner, on improved s.ree.a. in Portsmouth. Ijirge bearing fruit ttv. a. barn, poultry-houw-s and runs. -..,- ,100,For a piece of ground '-" feet at the comer of Madrona and Hell- .tre.t. In Woodlawn. with hou.. modern plumbiiig. etc.. which will rent for $i a month. Thl. I. a snap. . ,Si0 Thl. is your chance to get a -room cottago and full lot. f"ur block, from aiation. in nice district. fcas """THE DT-NX-I-AWRENt-B CO.. 1-4 i Alder Street. riVK home at Moi.nt Tabor: house of rooms, good basement, hath. ",1't "" electric light.: lot -Mist, : ma,'' lot. of fruit and .hade; over .ok. cU. on well-Improved .treet: only ,-..00. part cash, balance installment.. (iood 7-room housf. !i acre or !"" .o, fruit, good barn well located, on cariine; only Uo0; half cash- Fine Croon, house. well . "d-H Eat Side; good furnace and all modern Improvements: I.-.OO0; terms. ,.,..,, Klne 10-acre tract. all in cultivation, rear two carllnc. church and school :.. per acre; 000 cash, balance on or before S5 years, 6 per cent. Klne 10-acre tract, with wood enough to pav for it: running water: 1- miles froni Portland. mile fn-m cariine and railroad station; -") per acre. so acres fine land on Kagle J- ' cleared; cheap hou..-. small orchard: all can be cultivated hut 10 acre.; Z.iOO.ODO feet of timber: all for 2::.: cash A1K acres .ioinltig above tract, level, with over S.UOO.OOO feel of limber; Jlsuu. hmlf '"Vharlbson- ro, 411 Commeix'ial BldK. AVEaT SIDE. i'LOSsE IN pru'B $-n . A Inrortif $r.L'4 er year for ana - oui houfes. SOtIOO corner ani flne larR 10-rom bow In Rood cnnditlon. w-ould trade tor another good home in Uolladay or Iiviug too and pay difference. BVxlOO lot 11th st. for tais. ftnx63 corner, on lOlh. nearly new 7 room house; can make room lor flan. $2lou. 4 arres, veil Improved; Sandy, on new Mt Hood electric, line. FRED C KINO. 6A Commereiul Block, d and wash. Sla. TOR SALE A beautifui borne at Oal Grove Oregon City Una, 30 minuiea ride. IV cre of ground, new C-room bouae. rantx. aforerooni. brick nrepla.ee. 7 fet verandaa. 300 chotea rowi in full bloom. 7 bearing grape vlnea. -00 bear ing atrawbeniea. loganberriea. blackberriea and curranta, 60 bearing fruit treea of every dearrtptlon. new iarn and outnouae. Iarg chicken corral, fonced and croaa fenced. enouarh rden truck planted for good-alaed family, every foot or ground cultivated: fine lawn around the bouse, dotted with ae.ect ahrutbery. etc.. ate.. Inquire on premUea, Loula Brandt. Oak Grove, Or. A PrBTRBAN HOME AND GOOD INVESTMENT. t'200 Tlila frlace will make you soma quick money if you want to aHi. or if vnu are looking for a line suburban home convenient to Porthland. both ty rail and eieamboat. thla is the place; ten acres of excellent land, with good dve-roora house, wood-fiber plastered, good barn and other outbuildings: two a:re cleared, and tn ret.1 part l v cleared: this property overlook the nlumhta River, in rine neighborhood; only 4 mlnutea by rail to the city. J. SI. FRCM'H i'O.. 412-413 Ablngton BldK-. H1 Sd NORTHRl'P STREET. SSxlftO ft. on the north aide of Nor th rup l. between 2th and 26th ata; for reaidentiai purposos only; price $3300. OVERTON STREET. Southwest corner of N". Mh and Over ton 0xlrt It.: east iront lot . run he sold for J oo, piua tne street. nvn t WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO., 29 ttark tot. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. .Orioo on Visia av-, half cah, O-roora ouse. at cam heat, nardwo-d floir, stepping porch, built-in bookcase, buffet, etc.. '2 fireplaces, laundry, terraced lawn. fl..wers. modern in every respec t and very artistic; on of the few pla.-s that have a Vew of the entire ctry that can never he obstructed. Deal with the owner, T 3t4. Oregoman. BEAITIFVI CORNER, HAWTHORNE 1,1 X K. H-Hd of K. Jd and Main, a."uth faclnc. all Improvement a. sewer, water, gas. pvpii arrest, cemont walk, corner 6 Oil 00; place for 2 houses, price only $i3?.v. HEILMAX I-ATHROP. ol-&16 Abington Blilg. INVESTORS 6-room house. 5"!3t2 lot. BIAH KS KR't.M 4th AND WASH. Pts : only o0t0 S 1 "uKr ca-h. FLAT SITE. Columbia Trust Companj'. Board of Trad Bldg.. K i Fourth St. PTRITLT modern 7-room house and large lt on East Couch street, nil Improvements paid, nreolace, furnace, cement basement antl walks: be sure to ate it; price 0000; easy terms kOME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRl'ST t'O-M PANT. t.'2-626 Hoard of Trade Bid?. REAVTIFI L HOME IN 1RV1XGTOX on Clackamas st , with larpe lot, 7-room house, m-ith all modern improvrmenu, Terms are imiHua)lv easy. LET L i TELL YOlT A MOT'T IT "P." CHAPIN St HEKLOW. Chamber of Commerce. 00 CHOICE lots, more or less, in Newport. Or., (one of the most healthful and popu lar Summer and Winter resorts, pear the terminal of the Soulliem Facinc Railway, at the pacific Ocean), for m1 or will ex change for other good property. Address M tf. Woodrock, Corvallls, Or. 4rtO WALNCT PARK HOME T win new, modern houee on 50x100; terms. H P- PALM ER-.TONES CO., 2V2 -2Li Comm-rcial Club PMg. Phonea Main A Mo3. QI'A RTF-R blovk with three new modern 7 room house for $t7M at corner of Flint and Ti'Inmook .trMts. 7 minutes walk froTl Steel bridge: itil seil eraraiely, 1 n qutr I.. F. Crouch, trustee, 4Ju Chamber of Commerce hiog. FOR SALE Attractive -room house and large grounds, with ah rubbery, on the bet part of Hancock at. ; the price, as wU as the hous. is attractive. William M. Gregory, owner. 62 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JRVINGTON A fine 6-room house and full :ot on 10th st., near Tillamook; full base ment, modem plumbing. Can ha bought at jnSF'O. if taken at iiif C. F. Pflu ger 4k Co.. rooms 4-t Mulkey bldg., 2X and Morrison ata. S?of Splendid -room modern house, lo cated on h'ghly-improved comer lot. east and south front, streets improved, cement malks. near two carltncs. close In: this pri, m la $fon tind-r value but must sell. Telephone owner. Tabor 1079. fO'Y HOME. Furnished bungalow, 4 rooms. lot ..OxlTrt. f nut and her r I en, chicken - houses mid chickens: ?4'H; . cash, halanie lo suit, OWNER, tWl Worcester Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. Modern f-room house and lot. as good a nw. tn finest location, on East Side; will be sold at aaertflor sale: hurry if you v ant a bargain. Call 511 Swetland b!dg. SNAP Apartment -house, site on ;nrh sr., rloM t' Washington: has an Income. . Purse. SIS Chamber of I'ommerce. TWO NICE QI'ARTEK FfiOTK?. Slst and Holgsre. gCo each. terms, Priger. r.om fc, -11 Vi iiorrison st. H IH and sightlT. new. modem -ro-n howe en East .17th st ; a. fine buy. full particular! a.t :o FtMe bldg. of 10 room., one blo-k from MinnM r.r,. Th-re I- a furna.-. mo.lern Pl"f ir,, ... and lOdxloo lt of ground, wltn SIGHTLY SITE K"U A HtME PRUMISING FI'TLT.K. I'F.ICB WILL 1X)L"ULE IN TWO YEARS. We can aU you m. lot, quarter or half fclook. View of all parts of city: building r" arrrtctforrflp; best buy we know, though we have lot in alnvt every section the ci:y. e can build you a huroe on the pr-.ierty if v.,u wish, for that Is a fpecialty itb u. With Portland's wonderful east ern growth a lot on the top of the ridge just eat of La.id addition at JHth and Kwt Hirriaun la decidediy ci.se in. In an other year you will se that thit w.-e from Ki-t 12th tu East ii-Vh at-get will be Puit-lf.nd- most ar.:ociatic suburb. This l the on the crest of which Walter Hur- re haa buiit his oictly manalon. Inwttnenia here i-annut help but prove excteding.y protltibl-. Th- fing-T of deeniny Hi ready points 10 thla slope, the Hnejrt one after you leave the river, a the crewm of Portliind s nwM r-rired resl'ience property. It la not a purchase of property far remote from the citv It ia ai cloe as the hart of Irvine t..n and with the new Madi.n oridga there will be few aelaye from bata. "e can oficr vou a half Mock for from which ou can Iwk ni. over the cty. ,'U':1 f" m re than T for a quarter block just etvjht blocks down the ridge towarug the river and the jrfvu-erty is nut nearly s good. In a'ahort lime tt-e P. R., L. P. Co. will have a line within 4a feet of the property. Thie atone wi : ! en hance v lue. Buy now if you ih to take advantage of the n.-e in value. The city is developing arourd this section f.iater than in any other por tion. Im t It mrai.ge, very strange, that lt eo easy aa a rule, to ae.l lots where all the spevuiutHe value is suueezed out for vears to come, but where there I an oppor tunity to make gain where it often look a bit rough and unimproved It la uif ncuit for peop.e to see the greater oppor tunity to make money? W hen all tie plih ij put on you can't ee!l the lot and make anvihing for yearn. The pioneer Is the pr i"n t-ma ke r. To see the si g h 1 1 y lo t s we refer to at -Sth and E;ut Hrrion streets i to unuemand their superior advantage. The lay of the pr-erty is right. The loca tion is rigiit. The scenery is right. The frontage of new homttj in the immediate foreground with the city and rivqr beyond will make a picture which, added to the u neq ua :ed view of sno wcap ped peak. will double dlwount "any view that can be ob taraed from an lrvingbm lot. If you buy here jou'll be contented. We can sell tins pro'-orty for you in two years and double vour money. See us tor particulars as to hw we came to get such a favorable con tract on thie tract. W. M. CONK LI X" CO.. 4"7 Weils-Fargo KWg. Iu46 Hawthorne Ae. OFFERINGS BY POULSEN-RATCLIFFE REALTY. CO.. 320 Lumbermen's bldg. Fifth and Stark. HOME FOR $1."0 DOWN. On Mount Scott cariine we can sell 4 rnom house, on graded street for 10oo, jiu per month. Why pay rent any longer ? S1HK), new bungalow. Two lots, tasty, 4 rooms and bath. oaJt finish, fireplace, hot water. A bargain. Elberta Aduition. Lou alone worth $1(00. Price $1600 and $.".00 down. Montavtlla car line, cosy 5-room bungalow. Bathroom complete: electric lights. Move in today and quit supporting your landlord; Paymenta S13 per month. First, near Iane; 7-room house; will rent for lib. X'rice 1J0. Xwo lots and cottage; St. John'a; S0O down, $10 Per month buya thia. Irice Investment property. Williams ave.. good 10-room house. large lot, 4rt.ii to. W ill rent for ;i0; fine location near Broadway. Haa got to Increase in value. THESE WILL SUIT YOU. 7-room bouse at Myrtle Station. This is a new, modern house, lot 40x100, and the price ia only :;uov. Thia is a good buy. Eaat Morrison St. Cozy 4-rrom home, near East 47th at; fine location, near car. only A home f 7 roomi, No. 140 East BSth. near Belmont. See thia place and make . offer. PORTLAND TRL'ST COMPANY OF OH BOON. S-. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. THE BEST BUT In the city is that fine lot on East 44th st.. near Hancook St., for only t0. See th.a and compare price and location North Portland lot on Vaughn St., near SSth at. Price 12200. Rimember, this ia an improved atreeu Beautiful corner lot on Hancock and E. 44tn St.; cement, walks in. Price JiOOu; .'O0 down, balance $li per mouth. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. EAST LINCOLN STREET. Cottage with :t rooms and hall, alt fur. nished. cement sidewalk. Improved street. 10 bearing fruit trees, fine lawn; 4".hj rash glance at 2 years, 6 per cent; look this up If you are looking for a line little horn-:. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc., 61 S Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE HOME, CLOSE IN. On Vancouver ave.. 7 big rooms, east facing, English walnut, quince, cherry and apple trets; want to sell at onoa; must have small home; price cheap; walking distance. HEILMAX LATHROP, .jls-ulto Abington Bidg. EAST YAMHILL BARGAIN. Elegant 8-room house, fine bath. den. sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, gas and electric fixtures, shades. lull basement, cooling cupboard, laundry trays, cement 'Walks, all improvements paid: near car line: best buy In the city; see it today; terms. G. W. Grldley, 60 4th st. A oJU; Main &4W. SEVERAL West Side flats fine Income, cheap. Homes. j:.00 up; 5 to 8 rooms. $1000 rash; one li-room, $1500 cash, balance to suit. Lots. $14nt, two Sl.Vo each. Whole block. Id lots, cheap. Irvington. John Irving s and Holladay Additions. Call Owner, M. :iKW, C l"J71. Room 500. Oregonlan bldg., W. H. Herdman. sirjao. Here Is 100x100. with good six-room house, lartre barn and chicken pens; only half blork from cariine on Wee Side; :he price is 3n) below value: now rent for $10 per month. This ia good GEO. P- SCHAJ,K. Mainaw, A 23S2. 2rt4 Stark at. " WE HAVE residence properties for sale In Irvington and Holladay Park, also in many other parts of the city, at prices ranging from SUH'O to SlO.Ooo; terms, one fourth to one-half; balance on time to suit purchaser. Causey Iand at Invest ment Co.. SO,"-loiJ Lumbermeua bldg. Phone Main 314S. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $ltjnp 5-room house, basement, gas and electric light; lot 33 1-3x100; good sur roundings; house in A-l condition; E. 21st, h block to Brooklyn car. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKav Bldg.. 3d and Stark. A GOOD INVESTMENT. S2 LOTS IN GOOD" SUB-DIVISION. CLOSE IX; WILL SHOW" 10 PER CENT PROFIT IN FEW MONTHS; PRICE. $200 PER LOT. WITH LIBERAL TERMS. OWNER. 32 HENRY BUILDING. 21ST AND THUPjMAN STREETS. Lot .oxlA4, give your offer; must sell by the 20;h. PORTLAND SU1ESS REALTY CO., I Incorporated.) fl)S Board of Trade (Building. DO you know a bargain ? Then aee this 3Oxl0 lot. east front, E. lllst. facing Brooklyn cariine: walking distance; price SSI 3 cash. . C. R. Ellis & Co., room 201, 36 S Washington st. ONE of the jtwellest ft-room houses in Irv ington. on Tillamook St.. right up to dnt in everv particular; lot lituxW; 2 good carlin-s: $1:00. particulars at 410 Fail ing bldg. j,-,on MODERN 6-room house on Broad -way, west of lth st.; full basement, attic, pas? pantry, den. porcelain bath, furnace, in fact, a complete home; term. 614 Rothchild bldg. IRVINGTON Leaving city, will sell, charm ing, new house, California sty!, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Call East 23d, near B razee. Phone East 394. ONE or 2 choice lots in Waverleigh Hta, each; other a.k $S00. Owner, 421 Sac ramento. East 623.1. ' IRVINGTON Nice new home. t moms, flr- pic. furnace, sleeptng porch; j7."iO. terms, uwntr, Kus mL i'iiuue C luiti. THE SUSDAr OKEGOMAX. rORTLAP. AUGUST 15, 1909. ; - ' I : - I FOR SALE RKAL ESTATE. ' 1 FOR SALE RKAI. ESTATE. aoo l-room cottage, lot -50x100. east front, Mock to Alberta car. on East lith, $l.'o; $200 down, balance like rent. $401 New .-room modern bungalow; efU front; 1 block to Alberta car; price. $i:.VV: $40 down, balance monthly. $TH) New modern 6-room, 2-atory resi dence, full corner lot, cement walk, fruit trees, large balcony, nice large bedrooms and clothes closets, near new Albina High School; take $.0 down, balance monthly. T-roora modern residence on 1KxlOO corner, cement sidewalks, newly improved rork street; will make a price that will make you take it In a hurry; a real snap. Fine vacant corner, VJOxliiS. with alley, half block to Williams ave.. a fine propo sition for fiats or-cottages; will aell thla at a sacrifice. Fine vacant corner, 1 block to Alberta car. all in potatoes, east and south ex posure, worth giOoO. will sell lor $S50 anil this is a snap. Williams avenu business corner with new modern building, will bring good in come and fine Investment; as this property has the best future of anything on the East Side. CAUSEY LAND CO.. SfCi-ft Lumbermen's Bldg. Main U4S. - IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Beautiful 3-atory home must be sold in U dnjs. i Itirge rooms and Meep-ng-poren. Enameled bath and kitchen. Large front porch and veranrU. Cement floors and wauhtravs in ha.-ement. Hot wat-r coil In furnice. Brand-new and beautifully finished. Fireplace, electric light, both phones. Cement steps and walks. Corner lot, ."iuxlo.3-P-aautiful pine tree? This place is cheap at $4;toO.- but will sacrifice for s:io"rt; owner wanrs f la -ce town at once; only $UK ca?h required; a splendid buy: only 20 minutes out, in West Rose City park; one Mock to -ar. Come out todav. This is too good to last. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO., 02d St. and Sandy Road. Phone C 2177. HERE'S A MIGHTY GOOD BARGAIN if vou did but know It! Father built for his son. who got calk.'d to another town be fore occupied. Now fathnr sells to some one who will make a GOOD NEIGHBOR and haa $Si0, for a splendid, big, square house, with reception, hall, bath and 7 rooms, all modern. I tell you. I'm as tonished! Splendid neighborhood and car service. Must have from $1000 to $1400 cash. It sometimes happens one can stum ble on a thing of this kind, but not more than twice in a lifetime. Now. you real estate hyenas, don't bother me about this. 1 will pay no attention to phone calls. Actual buyers only. Con early and avoid the rush, but como prepared to make a deposit if vou want to cinch it. S. T. WALKER, 04 Curbett Bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $100 cash, $16 per month for each live-acre CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber Ja.xchai.ge Bldg.. 2d and Btark ata. HOLLADAY ADDITION'. On East 7th street, a block from Broad wav. 2 new beautiful fiats, full cement basement, gae and electricity, cement aide walk, improved street fa:ing eat, la ye 3 feet above sidAvalk. bringing good income, $.".o o cash, balon-ce 2'j years. Call and we will enow you something Hue. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc. ' 61S Board of Trade Bidg. MOUNT TABOR HOMES. Two of the best; highly improved; un obstructed view. One 0-room modern home, every convenience; the other 6 rooms, very convenient, only two blocks from car line. t Let us tei! vou about them. "P." CHAPIN & HERLOVV. So2 Chamber of Commerce, IRVINGTON HOME 6 large rooms, strictly modern, large reception hall and . den, Ireamed ceiling, fireplace and furnace, ce ment basemen., exquisite colorings .hroughout ; all improvements paid; price I08O0; terms. COM E TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY. 622-66 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 LOTS in Irvington Park numbered 2f-31. block' 17. 2l:tl. block L'5. 3:.-3S. block. H7. 14-lt, block 46. 2:1-'JQ, block 47. Offer to be net to me. Address W. H. Stevenson, Glenoid, Pa. HOLLADAY LOT CHEAP. Have beautiful lot 50xlo. Wasco st., cement walk, paved street, lies fine; price only 1.00. Have 4uxl00 adjacent, all Im provements, only lliO. Will sell the 0i 100 to one party; terms. HEILMAX & LATHROP, 515-516 Abington Bldg. KENTON. SWIFT'S TOWNSITE. Choice 50x100. adjoining bank building on Derby st. Owner, iOli McKay bldg., 2d and Stark sts. EXCELLENT BUYS. $1000 for a beautiful lot on the West Side. 1orh In. J.I500 . for a modern new 6-room. well built house, in good location; $500 cash, balance easy. F. FL'CHri, iil Morrison Street. 3 NEW bungalows, well built, 1 block to Roe City car. all latest modern con veniences, fireplace., etc., line district, good future. Improved st reet, restricted prop erty ; low prices. Your choice for small payment down. .las. C. Logan, S-6la Washington St., room 404. IDEAL MODERN RESIDENCE. 7 rooms, fine lawn and garden, set with all kinds of assorted bearing fruit trees, 4 lots, 2 Mocks from far. restricted dis trict. $42.i". $12,"rt cash; worth $rnitf; forced to sell. H. F. Lee & Co.. X-l Board of Trade. AN excellent buy of an apartment house, close in on West Side; receipts of this house are $112-"o per month. This Is a firrt-class Investment and a moneymaker. For pflrtlculnrs call at WISCONSIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 4"2 Gerllnger Bldg. HAVE four hoiwefl. eah on" acre tract, sit uated on Willamette River, for $25o0, $r5oo, $3300, $13.50" EMMONS A EMMONS, 09-013 Board of Trade bldg. SIX lots; unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. FOR SALE or exchange for suburban prop erty, an etglit-room house on the newly Improved East Biirrwio st., lot 0ix1OO all modern Improvements ; price $ti00O. terms to suit. Inquire of owner. 7.12 E. Rum.ide st. WE have a party who want a good loca tion in which to establish a flint-class ladies' outfitting store. Anyone having such a nlaee for rent plea.e advise The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 24$ Alder st. IRVING TO N A few choice lots within walking distance. Improvements all in and paid for, nice elevation; $1500 each. C. F. Pfluger Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sta. HALF-ACRE piece 20 minutes from Third and Morrison sts.; city water. Improved ptreet, concrete walk, fine soil and lays well In re stricted district; only $1400, easy term Phone Main 6407. A HOME m Mllwaukle. just beyond the Oakfl. will be a joy forever; now is the time to biiv; prices from $1N0 up. See Thresher, the Land Man. next to postoffice, Milwau kee, Or. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. On K. 27th and Rohne; will be sold cheap to responsible buyer, with most liberal terms. Owner. 329 Henry Bldg. TWO rooms: pantry, closet: 3 blks. car; water: $T00 cash, or trade for improved arre.-ge iitable for chicken ranch, near R. R. depot. A H SOft. Oregonlan. j27.i0 ATTRACTIVE 6-room bugalow, lot oftxirM), east front, on East 17t!i st., near Alberta ; $900 cash, balance terms. 614 Rothchild bldg. BEFORE you buy, see the hew 8-room bun galow, corner, choice location, near new Htah School and KilMng-sworth avej $10rK). terms. Inquire 1015 Maryland ave. CHEAP A 4-room modern cottage, in nin neighborhood, i." minutes' ride from center of city. l3 Mifsbwippl ave. IRVINGTON. EXTRA SPECIAL Close-in lot. graded street; $1200. T-rms. K S05, -Oregon ian. FOR SALE Ohean. by owner, lot on 12th and Alberta ; close to car; east front. Phone Main 757S. FOR SALE $2t00 ; &-room bungalow. tkw, all calcimined. lot 34x100. Alberta car. call 9; E. 21st North. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE 100x100. very easy terms. 1S00. Sliger, room 8. 221 4 Morrison St. FVIVtlTON. corner too mo, en Knott 42doo, AdOtesg A. rc a ifcv.mil iiaiela. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. ONE OF THE FINEST IN PORTLAND. 9 rooms, well built and elegantly finished; almost new-; now occupied by owner, who must sell; polished Inlaid oak floors, bead ed plate glass windows, paneled and beamed dining-room and den. built-in buffet. large billiard-room, lathed and plastered basement, equipped with Ruud hot water heater, stationary laundry trays, etc ; elegant bath and toilets, best of plumbing and the most attractive Im ported gas and electric fixtures that could be procured. This is certainly a luxu rious home and can be had on good terms Price, $ll.m. UIETZ-MUELLER CO., 1 316 Abington Bidg. IRVINGTON. New 7-room house on east side of 17th ft., bet. Brazee and Knott; reception hall, sitting-room. dinJng-room. kitchen and 3 large bedrooms, hardwood floors, fur nace. ull cement basement; this house ia beautifully designed and equipped with every modern convenience; to see Che ar rangement is to buy) price $0100. Full aize lot, .".Oxioo. on 14th st.. near Brazee street;, this lot must be sold by Tuesday; price $1400 Do vou want a good Irvington corner. We have a good 100x100 that ia f TOO be low market value. R. F. BRYAN CO.. iiOS Chamber of Commerce. Phones Main 19ft:;, A V12t. PORTLAND HEIGHT. Exceptionally desirable building site; best view of city, rivers and mountains; 20 blocka from business center and con venience of three car lines. 33 1-3x0). SI r.OO .-.OxOo. $2loo 30x100, JlT.OO tioxion, $.ooo ( 100x200, S'.MMM 200x200, $ IS. 000 Can' show you the finest scenic apart ment sites on the hill. JESSE HOBSOV, 503 Corbett bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. We have on our lit a awell corner lot, situated just right for an apartment house, on 17th jt., between Sunny side and Haw thorne cars. LOT BARGAINS. We also have several lots1 on 3Mth, near Grant St., that can be bought for as low as 400; $50 down, balance monthly. G. T. MOORE. 512 Abington Bldg. Phone Main 802. Residence Phone Tabor 7",5. . $775 HOME $775. Here Is your opportunity. Quarter block with small new house and barn, garden and place for chickens, fiix; Jersey, cow goes with place, and all for $775; $3u cash, balance $10 a riionth. This place is In the city limits. 5c carfare. Must sell this week. McGuire & Co., 518 Board of Trade. A FEW GOOD BUYS. 5-room modern bungalow, $2850 ; . $3o0 cash, balance $15 per month and interest. 5-room modern bungalow, $1650 ; $500 cash, balance $20 per month and interest. 5-room modern cottago. $50; $150 cash, balance $20 per month and interest, 40xll5-foot lot, improvements in and . paid, 1 block to car, $900. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 1021 Hawthorne Ave.. Cor. E. 34th St Tabor 516. VACANT LOT SNAP. We have a party who desirea to aell a beautiful 50x100 lot on GIe,n ave.. Just south of Hawthorne, ave., and if taken before Au gust 17 can be bought very cheap for cash. If you have the price and want a lot for an Investment you will learn something to your advantage by asking us. G. T. MOORE. 512 Abington Bldg. Phone Main 802. Rtldence Phone Tabor 755. I R VI NGTO N B V NG A LOW . Most modern "up-to-the-minute" new home In that beautiful restricted district; east front. 7 rooms; to be completed this week; tinted to snjit purchaser; every con venience; to settle partnership, sold for S150O less than value. We can ghow you. MITCHELL & CO., 420 Swetland Bldg. 6-ROOM. new. swell, modern home, a most desirable piare in every respect, very bst furnace, cement floors, beautiful costly fixtures, shades, etc.: unexcelled view, fine lawn. In fact one of the very prettiest pUces on the East Side; price only $3000, terms on part. You will fall in loe with it. if you see It. Call 518 Chamber of Commerce. SWELL HOME In choice location; 6 lovely room, reception parlor, bathroom, pantry and full concrete basement, steps and walk, gna and electricity, china cupboard, wood hotet. best nickel-trimmed bath. sink, lava tory and toilet; If vou want something fine wine see this; price. $:i5O0: $5o0 down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison fit. SICKNESS DEMANDS IMMEDIATE SALE. That beautiful R-rooin new brick bun galow on the X. W. cor. 11th and Tilla mook ; cost $10,000 last year; price now $7750; can make terms. EDWARD P. MALL CO. 309-31O Abington Bldg. $500 DOWN Will hanrtln swell California bungalow, strictly modern, located on E. Taylor st., between 39th and 40th, facing south; owner on ground Sunday 1 to 5. Phone weekdays. Main 4602 or A 3602. H. M. Hansen, owner. 0 $10 PER MO. payments. 7 per cent Interest, on nice 4-room plastered house, one block to cariine; will take cash or personal prop erty as first payment; suit yours-elvee as to first payment down; price $12oO. AK 314, Oregon ian, 5-ROOM. modern cottage, nearly new. fine location, best part of SunnytOde, only $2600, easv terms;- also 5-room modern cottage. -. on "l3th st.; tine fruit trees, full lot, only 2r.OO, $2V cash and easy terms; this beats paving rent. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. BEAUTIFULLY finished Irvington mme. 9 rooms, two baths and toilet, billiard room, hardwood floors: second floor finished In white enamel; excellent value. W. J. Ba ker, 510 Board of Trade bldg. CHEAP. 100x100 on Alnsworth ave.. In Pledmontf prlce $:'00O EDWARD P. MALL CO., 309-310 Abington Bidg. $2h'rm Lot 100x100, 7-room house. hall, bath hnd basement, well finished. 2 blocks east of Evans station. Wood-stock. Phone East S34; term. FIVE-ACRT Spitzenberg apple, orchard ; small payment and $10 a month. B S13, Ore gon ian. MODERN 6-room cottage and 2 lots for sale at Wood mere; take Mt. Scott car. get oft at Ravhurn ave. and go north 3 blocks. 3 AND 4 room new houses, full lot. one block from car, $5i0; good terms. Call Sell wood l.'ioO after 2 P. M. 5-ROOM cottage. 50x100. improved St., $2500. $500 down. Owner, 724 E. Davis. E. 57Stt. MODERN 7-room house, roses, fine locality; terms; reasonable. Phone owner Sunday or evenings, Tabor 1379. 3 HOUSES on the West Side of river on corner lot; price ?430O; easy terms; $1300 cash. R 307. Oregonian. SPLENDID home. Broadway, 6 roams, mod em: will Increase value rapidly. Owner. M, S1H, K. 4801. . ' e) - x j A Larger i j Income : ; each week" ca$ be de- I I rived from the rooms I 1 you rent by using Ore- S ; soman "Want" ads. I 2 If your rooms are I Z right some one will I I pay you just a little I I more than you are I Z getting now if you let I them know about it. .T ..T ATC " .T -TITS ' BUY NOW ! Just 10 per cent payment down, balance $5 or $10 per month. Portland Heights lot. on cariine. .$1500 Alameda Park lot, on cariine HO0 Sunnyside lot, on cariine 604 W averleigh Heights lot, on cariine. . 50O University Park lot, on cariine 2i Cedar Park. Station 2"0 Fan-Port Hyde Park -"j? Lents L Woodstock. Tremont J- Rotary - lt,f Don't delay "in "buying lots like these at such prices and terms. Call today. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., -32bb4 Washington Su SPLENDID lots; C2 feet front. Bull Run w ater, fine view, good neighborhood ; price. i:t.-u and $4m; terms onl 10 per cent cash. "Moselev Addition." In the heart of Seliwood. Agent on tract all day Sun da v Take St 11 wood car to Lexington ave. walk eaat three block. The very best' lota in all Portland for the money. : NICE HOME. Lot 60x100. a fine S-room house. In good location: If vou are hunting a nice home Investigate this; terms; West Side. North. Lot ,"oxl00; 6-room house, good location, p bargain at $5500; terms; West Side, North. ZIMMERMAN. 619-621 Board of Trade. BEST INVESTMENT BUY IN PORTLAND. On Holladay ave.. where the new trans fer point will be; the new bridge will make tbis property double in a few year.; hav e 100 ft frontage, income already tft0. can sell the property at bargain. HEILMAN & LATHROP, 513-016 Abington Bldg PEND vour vacation at your own home In Portland; all the seclusion of a mountain home with the conveniences of the city. 5-room strictly modern house. Including complete furnishing, china, etc.; 3 blocks from car. everything new. given away by owner for $4000. 'j cash. Call owner, phone A 2308. today. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW." f.100 down, modern. 5-room, just com pleted; cozv and convenient; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen. screened back porch. cement walks, south of Hawthorne cariine. near S7th St.; price $2700. Address Owner, T 30j. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP. Owner wants to go to country, has large home, S bedrooms, big, long living-room with fireplace. Id-al dining-room tine kitchen, all modern iimprovement?, hard wood tloors, sleeping porch; easily worth $r,5O0; will sell for o000. Phone East or B 1S94. SEE THIS A BARGAIN. If sold at once will sell one or two lota 50x120 each, on Hawthorne ave. canine, for $100 a lot cheaper than adjoining lots; streets improved. KNAPP & MAf-KEY, v 213 Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL modern 8-room house, elec tricity, stationary tubs, hot and cold water on three floors. -laYge attic and basement- lot 50xlK feet; .roses and lawn. Price $3500; $1500 caph'and balance easy Installments. phone Wood lawn 1289 or call 1192 East 10th st. North. HAPPY DAY ADDITION. We have a few more lots in this choice addition; one block Newport Station, five cent car fare near fine school bulld'ng, these lots are snaps; $i0 cash. $0 month; lots $325 to $425. Smith-Wagoner CO.. 33 "1 Chamber Commerce. WE HAVE EIGHT LOTS. In Porter's Addition we are almost, giv irg away; aUo an elegant corner in Pied mont, on Ainsworth ave. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Abington Bldg.. 106 3d St. $0 DOWN and monthly payments, sightly lots on Heights. jtjf.0 4 lots on Peninsula. $10 000 each, lots King3 Heights. Have fine lots Irvington. Holladay. etc ' THOS. M'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. $17 000 Fine large house on Cornell. 1 $13 000 Large house and acre of ground. .-,00 8-room modern, Holladay Park. $.-,000 6-room house, same. Have a number of othors. THOS. M'CUSKER, 20S Couch Bldg. WE HAVE superb stumpage proposition; one mile from Burlington; either electric, river or rail facilities for hauling; will sell or trade; no objections dealing with agents. Smith-Wagoner Co., 333 Chamber of Com merce. , WATCH US GROW. -$425 3-room house. 2 lots, house rented, $2i:5 down, balance $5 per month, $S0 -house and 2 corner lots, $lOO down, $10 per month. $5o house. 5 rooms, lot 50x100. cash. Bright Realty Co.. Lents. Or. SOMETHING CLASSY. 5-room house and lot. on cariine. east front, on East Side; price $2300; terms, $300 cash, balance like rent. SELLERS REALTY CO.. . 506 Board of Trad-a Bldg. j1600 EAST SIDE of Mount Tabor. 100x 100. 6-room house, lots of fruit, new city park going In; thia will be valuable soon; also a similar place for $17o0: nice, cosy home. Owner. P 305, Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS VIEW LOT. On Raleigh St., full lot, unobstructed view; will make an elegant home aite in this fine residence section ; $000. J. C. Struble. 405 Lumbermen's bldg. WANTED To hear from parties who are going to-build; we will build you a mod ern bungalow, latest plan, for SloOO. with ft rooms and basement. L. F. Clark & Cor. 411 Couch bldg. Main 6522. ON Mount Scott line, Tremont Station, 2 ad joining lota 120x80; no gravel, some fruit trees. Address D. Martin, ownar, 234 1st st., Portland. FOR SALE 7-room modern house, well built, corner lot. lawn and rosee; excellent neigh borhood; $4500. S60 E. Main. Phone Ta bor 456. 100x100, I R XI NOT 0 N. on 19th, only $2100; $700 cash, balance 6 per cent; choice loca tion for home or investment. .las. C. Lo gan, 326 Washington st., room 404. OWNER will sell cheap new 4-room hoie and woodshed. E. 13th st. North. Price. 4SI2O0, $5f0 down, balance 2 yean- a 6 per cent. Ask at next house. No. &07. I AM OBLIGED to fell my beautiful residence of 9 rooms in HolIUday Add.; reasonable terms to responsible party; no agents. X 2W, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED fruitgrower with $3000 wanted- as partner and take active interest in managing fruit ranoli near Hood River. 619 Lumbermen's bldg. 5-ROOM modern cottage with 30xB0 lot; E. Portland, walking distance by Burnstde bridge; $1S0O, half cash; desirable home. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. . VERY PRETTY 6-room house and 75x100. in choicest part of Irvington, at decided bar gain; a virtual snap. 725 Weidler st. MODERN, new 5-room cottage; full base ment, on East 27th t., $1S00; terms. Queen investment K,v., 1.1 w ramus uiug. FOR SVLE-Real estate at bargain; idoal location; must sell at once. A S07, Ore gonian. LOT SOxJOO. -eaM front, restricted district, $150 below market price. -AH 302, Ore gonian. 2 LOTS In Council Crest Park for sale cheap. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com merce. BEAUTIFUL building site. H block, lOOx 200 in Woodstock; natural shrubbery; price, $1300. Call 410 Failing bldg. FOR BALE Lot in Seaside, Hermosa Park, near Kinniklneck Lodge. P 302, Orego nian. BY OWNER, new 7-room house, cor. E. 30th and Couch sts.; price, $3500. J. Amberson, 909 E. Couch at. SPLENDID, new. 5-room modern cottage, near East Glisan only $2100, terms. Du bois & Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3. $o"0 BUYS choice lot, facing south, at 23d si ; modern dwellings on each side; $2O0 down. J- F. Corrfpton. 100 Abington bldg. BY owner, new modern up-to-date home. 453 East 12th St., North, Irvington. BUNGALOWS, bungalows, nungalows, every where, any terma. 403 Couch bldg. MODERN 6-room house, $3000, $200 down, $25 per month. Woodlawn 1709. 2 ACRES on the Oregon City line, cheap. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. LIST YOUR protierty with Sigei & Co., S3A itorrison. Phtcea Main 2185. A 4.9. FOR anvthing In Portland real estate se . Columbia Trust Co . Board of Trade bldg. NEW 6-room house, fireplace. 2 lots, $100 , down, $30 monthly. Tower. University Park. OCKLEY GREEN 6 full lota. ef.st front, G2a aci.JX iaoflflkVStOO. H. P. PALMER JONES CO- SOME BARGAINS IN HOMES. IRVINGTON 7-room house on corner lOoxlOo! Price, $s.vi0. PI EDMONT 7-room house on "3x100. Price. $tl500. IRVINGTON 6-room house on 50x100. Price. $.Vk). HOLLADAY PARK 6-room house. Price, $4200. - - HAWTHORNE AVE 4-room bungalow. Price. $2200; terms. $.".00 down and bal ance in monthly payments. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone Main S60D. PXRGAIX COUNTER LOTlv 1st Waver!-. 4oxl0". improvements paid": 2 blocks to one car and 3 to an other; Stt5. $75 cash. ,.,, 2d Willamette Heights. LEVEL. MKW LOT $1550. l2 eash. ad Two lots. 45x1 EACH. 1 biock from W-W car .on Liebe st.. 7oo; sur rounding lots held at ."."M EACH . jIn Kast 51 ft. between Madison ana Main. 3 lots. $000. ff:ioo cash, earn: sur rounding lots held at 7 and b h-und-ed drth Beautiful lot in Wiburg Height. $65o: improvements paid; easy terms; loO BELOW VALUE. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bids-. S4 Fourth St. Near Mount Angel. One mile to college and high school. On Southern Pacific R. R. Station on the place. 10 and 20-a ere tracts or larger. Flnst of soli, all or partly cultivated. Running water, good timber. Your choice of 2so acres. Price. $H to $90 per acre. . Easy terms. 4 to 6 years' time. No finer land in Oregon. Se owner: P. Reimeis, 7u9 O'0ttt bldg. JUST FINISHED. Modern, up-to-date. 6-room bungalow, on East 37th, near Hawthorne. See the finish of this home. We can make terms. Price $3750. Mount Tabor home of 6 rooms, lot lOOx 100. This is an ideal home and the sur roundings are tho best. Price $4250. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. HOUSE BARGAINS. $2700 A modern bungalow, 5 rooms, In Rose City Park; easy terms; will take a lot as part pay. $;tJ50 Modern 6-room house 'on East Yamhill, west of E. 30th St.; a bargain; will consider some trade. $3350 Good 8-room house and fraction al lot on Kaat-l7th, near Belmont; a bar gain. $5000 A modern 8-room house on East 20th, near Taylor; see this for a nica home. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, Ftrlctiy modern, six-room bungalow; it has fireplace in living-room, nice large fiall, china cloeet, panel wainscoting and beam ceiling in dining-room, nice large cabinet kitchen, imitation tile in kitchen and bath, three nice large bedrooma, tinted walls, full basement, cement floor, wash trays, good improved streets, improvements all paid. Only $2700, $5o0 cash, balance terma. Call B 1972.1 WHY PAY rent when you can buy a new " first-class 6-room hou&e in fine neighbor hood; full concrete basement, laundry trays, double floors, buffet, cabinet' kitchen, large closets, gas and electricity; $3000; only $350 ca.tb, bal. $15 per month. 6 per cent inter est; another same as- this with full attic, $31 Oft; same terms. Call and see ue for bargains. F, J. Steinmetz & Co., 1S3 Mor rison st. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Waverly Heights, has 6 rooms, is mod ern every way: furnace, cement basement fine lawn cement walks, street improved, full lot. less than block from cariine, first class residence district and only $350O, $1500 cash, balance long time. C B. LUCAS, 406 Corbstt bldg. FINE SMALL VERY CHEAP Best hill lands out of New berg, finest soil in Valley; can raise earliest berries, has making of very best apple land In Ore gon; every acre of soil will raise anything; 14 acres; 7 cleared;, large plastered house with fireplace; good barn; must sell at once; price $1200; cannot accept small payment. Call room 516, Abington bldg. FULL 50x100 lot $375; this is free from brush, stumps and stones, nearly level and only 17 minutes ride from city center; the stroet is graded and-city water in front of lot; close to good cariine; terms. $37.50 cash, balance $10 per month; complete ab stract, perfect title. Call tomorrow, room 516 Abington bldg. MODERN Croara cottage; lot 60x100; im proved etreets and walks, c-kise to two car lines, 20 minutes from center of city; pric" right and terms good; also two lota and small house, close to cariine; sell you the lots on easy terms and give you the house. Geo. W. Turner, 416-17 Rothchild bldg. IF you're In earnest about getting a home that cozy. 5-room bungalow, with 2 lots is the place for you; will not refuse rea sonable offer; situated 100 feet from W-W car on Velona. first street south of Holgate. Abraham. Main 3055. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Full acre, near car, beautiful view, suit able to subdivide into quarters with a fin-a view from each piece: a good investment. MA I R A PR A LL. 2 Lumbermen's Building. BEAUTIFUL 4-ropm shingle bungalow, strictly modern; " basement; lot ,50x100; fine lawn; roses; young fruit trees; gar den. See owner on premises today. 1414 Morse at-., Woodlawn, 2i blocks from car; price $1800; terms. LOT 80x132. located East 9th and Killings worth ave., Piedmont district; price $1250; liberal terms. R." CHAPIN & HERLOW, .332 Chamber of Commerce. ?6C0. Full lot, Glen ave and East Lincoln; act o,uick. BRL'BAKER & BENEDICT, 502 McKay Bldg. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. Elegant. 7-room modern house, lot SOx 110. on Portland Heights, enly $4750.50, fine view, a real snap. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 3. HAWTHORNE ave.. one block off the ave., on Glenn, bet, 32d and 33d, 50x100 lot; fine location ; forced to sell this week; cheapest buy in vicinity J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. HOLLADAY ADDITION. $2750 Choice 50x100 lot. hard surface pavement and sidewalks, all in and paid for, only $K50 cash, balance 6 per cent. 614 Rothchild bldg. OWNER modern 8-room house, close tn. West Side, full cement basement. 3 blocks to car, 10 minutes to TlrVd and Morrison; cheap, fine view; terms. Phone Main 7305. GOING ON MY HOMESTEAD. Will sell my Irvington lot away below surrounding prices. Owner, F 293, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Gentle, city broke black mare. 7 years old. and rubber-tired phaeton; any reasonable offer considered. Goddard. 270 12th st. LET your rent money buy for you a 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect; $25 down, $25 per month. Phone owner, East 2741. HOLLADAY ADDITION Iarge -room house, modern in every respect. $4500; must' sell, as am leaving city; a bargain. A H 306, Oregonian. f15 CASH. $10 monthly, choice of 3 lots near Hawthorne ave.. $700. Call 519 Swetland bldg. 84x100 Corner of Going and 23d sts.; small house and barn : 41000 ; terms. J. 0. Struble, 405 Lumbermen's bldg. CORNJCR lot ftOxlOO and 7-room house. 1,'trh arid Tillamook sgs., Irvington. Key at 400 E. 15th N. TWO choice lota on Haneock st, Broadway Addition; cash only. AX 298. Oregonian. ONE new 5 and 6-room houses for sale cheap by owner. 719 Alberta st. 100x100 Hawthorne Park, suitable for apartments; no agents. 560 East Main st. FOR quick pale, a few lots on Weidler. for 050, term. Purse, 613 Chamber of Com. -ACRRJ chcken rnn.-h, on electric car line; n.-h.ji- n- HTcOo: enev tcrme. Room WANTKU REAL KSTATK. WANTED TO BUY Direct from owner, modern 6 or .-room houe: must b. strietlv modern; either in Irvington. Holladay Park. Sunnyeide or Nob Hut district. West Side; will pay opot casn, hut it must be a bargain. H 311, Oregonian. WANTED. FROM OWNER. FOR ALL CASH. pix 100 in Irvington or Holladay Addi tion ; please giw lull particulars. E 314, Oregonian. YA XT ED Improved or partly improved fruit iands in Wenatchee, Yakima or Hood Riwr districts in exchunge for $o000 equity in one of Seattle's finest homes; choice local ion ; beaut it 11 1 view ; cmont road and wttlks; hon?e of beau if ill (ie sign and tine onisi cm-1 ion. Address E. W. J.. care Sioik.-Kisher Co., Seattle. I HAVE a new b inch of Eastern capitalists here to invest in homes uiul timber lands. - Tney represent thousands of d"Mnvs. let me have a list of wiint you have for a home for ie or timi.er. L. V.". WHITING. S2 l Third St. WE HAVE inquiries for u!i classes of prop erty, improved and unimproved, in and around Portland; owners will do well to lis: with us; 40 years in Portland. Heed Urwan, 037 chamber of Commerce. WANTED On West Side. 5-room house with not less than full lot; can pay $2O0 down and l-" to $20 pt ir.oiu'i; will go out on cariine hs far aa hall! liuur's riue. A SON, Oregonian. WANTED To invest from $hmm to $10.0i0 in good Income property; must be o. K. ; or will loan from 10O0 to SlO.nOu on good security. Answer immediately, .J 305, Oregonian. WANTED Modern 6-7-room house. East Side, west of 20th, between Hawthorne and Davis. Call up Mr. Abraham, Main 305. WANT good homes and vacant lots on West Side. Irvington and other locations. Zimmerman. t21 Board of Trade bldg. A3574; M. 1075. WANTED immediately, 5. or 7-room houxo in or near -Mt. Tabor; owners or aacuia answer, giving location, etc. AB. P05, Oregonian. FIVE-room bungalow or cottage, small lot preferred, north of E. Glisan. south of Morris, west of E. 20th. from owne: ; give location and price. X 7O0. Oregonian. LARGE lot and 5 or 6-room house, not over $2.-.ou; wi'' pay $25 month, but small pa ment down; owners only. AL 2'Jh, ore gonian. WNT a modern 5 or ti-room house or bungalow in Woodlawn district; must be reasonable and good terms. I', 307, Ore gonian. FIVE to 7-room house Tr bungalow, close in or near good tarline; give price and location. X 7o7. Oregonian. WILL exchange $1000 first mortgage for good city income, property or telephone bonds. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. - LIST your property, lurge or small, with J. R". Stipe. 720 Chamber of Commerce. He will hustle for you. WANTED An acre in Woodlawn or on St. John cariine; give 'price and location. ,A K. 301, Oregonlan. WANT a good 5. 0 or 7-room h.us- in University Park or Portsmouth district, ou ternif.. P. 30S, Oregonian. WANT bargain in Irvlngtcn or llollainy lot; owners only. W. J. Baker, 5i'J lizard of Trade bldg. WE want close-in. East Side residence, pay ing fair per cent in investment, (.'all 114, Sherlock bldg. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. I AM in the market for a good building lot or lots in the Mt. Tabor or Montavilia dis tricts on terms. L. 30S. Oregonian. I AM In the market foi a good building lot in the Piedmont or Alberta districts, on terms. P. 3ut, Oregonian. WANTED To njuy 2 lots on Mt. Tabor, will pay cash if well situated and cheap. AF 2t)7, Oregonian. WANTED Two lots on East Side, south of Hawthorne ave., not oer $lSOU. A J 3"7, Oregonian. WANT ti or 7-room modern residence, on full 1 lot. close in. on East Side, not over $flo00. AN 3U2, Oregonlan. WANTED Immediately, choice residence property in St. John, near cariine; Atate terms. P. 300, Oregonian. A-M looking for a single lot on Portland. Heights for about $3000; give location, etc. K. 309. Oregonian. WANTED-To buy 5 - or ti-room bungalow, on terms. AC 3n8, Oregonian. WANT a lot, $40: pony and money aa part pay. 944 Broadway. C 1706. WANTED A bungalow on easy terms. Call 5U Swetland bldg. WANTED At once. 10 to 40 acres near Oregon Electric Line. 444 Sherloek bldg- HOMESTEADS. YOU CAN PAY AFTER SEEING LAND. The -heft -homestead proposition now avail able in Oregon. We know this- ground will please you. hence our proposition -to show you the ground before you pay us. 6 to lo feet rich, loamy soil, level, every acre tillable, no Mumps or rock. Can be plowed easily without grubbing or clearing; climate idea', averaging ;t0 above in Win ter; stock graze without other feed year around; raise good crops without irriga tion but eon Irrigate. GOOD water U to 20 f e-1, and if XCT alkali. Our va 1 ley Is level ana contain. 300 square milee. sur rounded by high fill !s ; stores, sawmill, fine community, daily mail, schools, etc.; Valley two-thirdi tnken and settling fas; ; Karrlma road now building to thi valley ; other roads- coming. If you want a GOOD home stead, take it now; auto direct from train to land. ALVIN S. HAWK. Printer. 8$4 Third . CHOICE valley land, recently restored to entry by tho Government; deep soil, all tillable, no rocks, no stumps and water at shallow depth; having lived there I know it is Al. Act quick. Free Informa tion at 407 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. 1 HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on a good home stead near the new Deschutes railway for $200; see us. H. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg., 84 Fourth Street. 3 HOMESTEADS and relinquishnieats. Hi bottom land, left; all easily cleared; on a Rtream of living water; near Portland. Call P. D. Q., 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. FREE homesteads oji the Deschutes Railrowd k survey. D. Z. Robinett. room 2. 87 4th at., r opposite Chamber of Commerce. GOING to Tillamook Wednesday. August 1. f locate railroad contract; calls for com pletion hv June. Call 40 Hamilton bldg FOR SALE FARMS. 125 ACRES, half upland half bottom land; no better land anywhere; 55 acres in high state of cultivation; good house and barn; good fences: running stream; 3 miles from It. R.; good orchard; price $5500; easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ACRES, close to Oregon Electric, 5 rr c leu red and In high state of cultivation, 2 acres pasture. 2 acres loganberries. 1 ai?re raspberries and tra wherries, good family orchard good well, fair house, barn and outbuilding : fine roads, R.. F. D. etc. Price $1200. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg., 84' 4th st. 4 MTLES FROM REAVERTOV. 150 acres. 45 cleur and in cultivation 0 main county road, all fenced, good hiiwy (big bam. chicken-hous; if you are looking for an Oregon farm, look' this T. PORTLAND SUOCE9S REALTY CO., (Incorporated.) 6L8 Board of . Trade Pldg. 5. ACRES, mostly cleared. "-eral fruit trees. B-room house, barn. loo0. 3 acres cleared, rolling land, good soli, some fruit, all fenced. i mile to school. 1 mile to R- K. station. 300 yards to store, 10 milejj from Portland."1 price $1800. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS -Improved and unimproved Cowlitz county farm lands. Barnajd, ft Co., Kalama, Wash,