V TI1E SUNDAY OREGONIAN. rOETLANDACGrST 15, 1909. ' 5 ... , , vro TODAY. f ' TODAY. f FOB SAIJ-REAI. ESTATE. TOK SAI.E-KEAL ESTATE. NEW TODAY. 1 IW1UUAI. -bhbmmhb! ,v A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS FACTS A.VD FIGURES TALK. acp-s. 4 mllM from R. K. and 400 acres of thla Is finest kind ot valley land. There Is. rsirt this over 2 acres of fine br.eh land, which 1? very fine for fruits. There la a fine road to the place from the R. R- and a fine creek running; through the land the whole distance. A large tract of fhis is clear and In cultiva tion. A fine orchard and a liou.e and 2 tiarns. This will make a fine home for sev enl families. Price 12.ort per acre for the unimproved, and Hi per acre for the improved. Come and find out about it. v acres of fine land for colonization. acres of farm land, 2 fine streams, lies nice, $18 per acre. CITY PROPERTY A full and hlRiily cultivated acre of pood land- Fronts to the carline and is all In fruits, and has a (tool T-room house. This is a fine buy. -'. with terms. VTOxl'jO. a fine corner lot. rne block from car. A good -roorn modern house. Basement and furnace. Thi is a fine home and we can sell It for t-J"W. 0 A jrood modern 5-room house with a fine corner lot graded street and ce ment sidewalk. One block from car. ,!"""- Wxioo corner, 5-room modern house and fine basement. V": 2Sx- a 4-room house, corner, close to Union ave. and AMerta ffret. can buy 2SxS clos adioining this, making 5x. J7. $2fO cash 4ni the nal ance. $10 per month. jti.w. all clear and level. feet from car HWV BxHrt. close to Killingswortn, R fine lot. tVi; nxl.T0. on Emerson street, close to Kiiiingsworth. SI"'. Oixl-ift. 4-room house. 1 block from car, IS miuutes- ride from brills'": Woodstock car. J1100. MVxlijft, -room. modern house, lots of fruit, close to car and a fine little home, only J1S00. I acres highly Improved, close in, J12f0. 10 acres fine Improved land and small house and some fruit, close to fine car service. $C5" ls acres fine land. 14" in cultivation, good buildings, close to town a-nd not far i'rom Portland. per acre. 10 lots. 70x117 each. B-room house and a T-room house. Will sell all for fix, or -room house and J lot for t7'" This is a good o-atlon and good car service. This Is good property. EVERETT & McLEOD Room 516. RoihohiM FM.. Fourth and Washington Streets. n HOME SITES On the River; $1750 to $20,000 THE VERDICT OF EVENTS: Portland for Business Gearnart Park for Sum mer Homes Portland's substantial busi ness men have their homes in Gearhart; there's a rea son why. CHAPIN & HERLDW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Hood River Apple Lands 40 acres. 25 acres In cultivation, land lvH. rirh soil, mile to railroad station: 1 -lore tMra wborrW. l arre raspberries. 3 eres partly bearing, orchard. S-room house, u.vul barn. fill tools and this year" crops included: J50 per arre will handle on terms. If you are thinking of investing in this famoia Hood River Valley, let us show you this and many others. RAND, REED & CO. JW Bftrd of Trade Bide. GRAND AVENUE See us for Grand-avenue property. AVe have the best buys on this avenue. Mall 6 Yon Bontel 104 Second St.. Lumber Exchange Buildins. Willamette Heights S23SO Only one very desirable lot, imxioo. unobstructed view harbor, mountains and city: Qulmby and Kaleleli sis.. Just west of 2:th st. t.:noicet buy on the market. See A. II. BIRRKLL. 0 oa McKay KI.Ik., Third and Mark Sl. BASE LINE ACREAGE We nave for sale tn rtiis desirable lo cality acres of highTy improved land at a Trice far below any cm the market. A splendid opportunity to the investor or those with tiie means to handle It. In vest; ration sollfitd and property shown to thie who mean business. No phone information. MALL & VON BORSTEL, I'M Second St.. K. Burnsldc St. 11 RAILROAD STOCK ChlcaKO-- York Klectrlr Air Line It. K. Co. Operatinc. and building? sys- tem IS0 miles snorter than others, free of debt. Safe, iucreasinar investment. Ten ahares. :50; f-i. -'5: H0. f 1 ... in ten payments. 2 per cent cash. Agents -wanted. Portland office, 69 Lumbermen's, fifth st. S25.00 TO 100.00 PER tCRF FARMS AsjU ACREAOK IX Washington County Fin block. 4n feet square, in Hillf-l-oro. t.:.0u; 11 acres bounded by two railroads, right In citv. all suneye.l. contains 14 '-foot l"ts. SS'. tend tor list of property for aale. IMHRIF i.wn rOMPA.W, Hillaboro, Or. MB mm a nn . i r. i i i PACKING HOUSES Look at the location of the packing-houses with reference to the platted property and you will see that University Park is a half mile closer to the packing-houses than any other platted property. P. D. Armour, the one-time great packer of Chicago, is quoted as having said: "The more packing house stink, the more money." University Park lies southwest from the packing-houses, a di rection toward which the prevail ing winds never blow; therefore, University Park will not get -all the money, because it will not get any of the stink, but the better oiass of the employes will surely seek the pure air of University Park for their homes. It is re ported that 1500 hands will be employed in the packing-houses and subsidiary concerns. The railroad extends directly to the packing-houses from University Park. lOCO liJclOA. with good S-room houso iilOU and barn, at S2 Vermont St.. close to carline. on West Side, now rent ing for 115 per month. Ifinn MOxMA corner Rodney ave. and OuUUU Goin? St.; nicest quarter block In that locality; some income. $5000 finxl26, with- 7-room modern home, on Clackamas St.. near 2Sth st. frrnn ixi. on Kast Everett St., VilJUU 6-room modflp Jiouse. fcCftnn Fractional loT-'near Second and OOUUU Wasco sts.; new 7-room house, right up to' date. Geo. D. Schalk 2S4 Stark St.. Main 3J2-A2.92. COUNTRY H02HE ON U5M RIVER One-third of a mile of river frontapre, four miles east of Vancouver, all a gen tle slope to river. This tract consists of 41 acre, all improved, 26 acres in prunes, a nice it-room house, barn, etc., spring- water piped to house. $25,000 AM the waterfront In this neighbor hood Is fast belne secured for t'Ol.v TKV HOMBS, 'i00 ca"h will handle, balance to suit. Or owner will sell In five-acre strips for $800 an acre, in ten-acre strips for 1750 per acre, or the tract on which buildings stand for 11010 an acre, jiinriiv a ( ASWEI.I, 2:tn Stark M. Do you want to have a BEAUTIFUL HOME OF TOl'B WSI Get in lino right now and buy a lot in ARDENWALD Ardenwald has (traded afreets, alde naika and a-d raler. Our prices are $350 to 1550 per lot. Terms 10 per cent down. 3 per cent per month. Better call and see us now. KXAPP MICKEY, 213 Board of Trade Bldg. Several choice corners and inside lots, 7th and 12th streets, near West Park: income property, and desirable apartment sites. Don 't miss these op portunities. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bid?., Third and Stark. THREE-ACRE FARM yew modern house, barn and chick-en-houe. land is all cleared and in mall fruits and carden. three blocks to Oregon Citv electric line, half hour to Portland. Price $.1fii;o. Don't wait for lower prices, they will never come, and don't pav rent when you can buy 3 nice acres that will make you a living and grow in value. V IXACK ISVK5TMEXT CO. lioom 517 OreftunUB Bids:. NOB HILL HOMES 912.50O Thoroughly; modern 8 room house, completed less than six months: fireplace, sleeping porch and all conveniences: In charming section, with unsurpassed view: $6.r00 cash and balance on time at 7 per cent. S8000 Lovejuy-street owner is go ing awav and offering his property be low market value: 9-room house, in good condition; lot alcme will be worth, $10,000 within two years; terms will be made to effect an early sale. HEKfl in WAX. 37 Chamber of Commerce, FIVE HlDREDlOLlJIRS Buvs one of the firlest lots in Belle Crest; cement sidewalks and curbing: citv water: half block from good car line: beautiful homes building all around, and the great Country Club grounds only four blocks. You can't go wrong; it's worth double. WALLACE IVKSTMET CO. Kotim 517 OreKoolan Bnildlna. HOME most complete and modern home, on fiist Stark street, that we are offering at a very reasonable price. This is good. i Kali & Von Borstel 104 Second St.. 393 E. Bumside St. LOMBARD STREET In London. England, is the financial center of Kurope. Wall street in New York Citv is financial center of North inerica. The junction of Lombard street and Wall street on the Peninsula will be the financial center of Port land. Lots on Lombard street now sfflllnE' for ino per front foot will sell for $1000 per front foot before 1920. A pointer for you. Good Boys West Side I " I I T 1111 IIS F llll 1 JORESIRE Is an addition where yon can see the value Graded streets, electric lights, t JSull Run water, Complete abstract, warranty deed. Size of iots is 50x100. The price $400 to $600 Take Montavilla car. Agent at tract. Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St. EAstf SIXTH AND OAK STREETS. Two four-story bricks, covering quar ter blocks being constructed in imme diate vicinity. PRICE $17,500 For sale "by owner, W. H. M 24-26 Union Avenue. Phone E. 14.".. B 1452. THE SALE OF LOTS IS MENTONE on Mount Scott car line, opens with gratifying results. Those who have seen this tract say "You can't equal it for tho price." Ererr lot fall ime, icood aotl and lira Itenutllully. Choice lots for $195; payments , as low as $3 per month. Western Oregon Trust Co. A 2693. Main 937. Cowperthwalt & Christensen. Selling Agents, Lents. Oregon. FRUIT FARM 25 acres in Willamette Valley, elose to R. R., finest of soil; 10 acres in bearing orchard; small house and stable. If sold immediately, will take $1000 less than actual value, Brong-Steele Co, 110 Second Street. 5 Acres and Liberty -Do ' you want to deduct th bondair of rlty life? Do you want to wrape the graft? Do you -want to live as God Intended you should? These are vital questions. The solution I offer 1b logical; eome sensible per son will irrusp It- I am compelled t sacri fice my 5.40-acre tract of fertile acreage, located H mile from Meldrum Station, near the Oregon City carline. I had planned this place for my future borne, and liberty; wanted to escape the city grind. Circum stances compel me to sell this place; $it.T.0 cash, with 3 years" time on small balance, will secure your future livelihood and a lovelv home. Call at "Wilson's Auction House. 17.' Socond street. Monday. Ask for K- E. Page, owner. Must sell quick. Holladay's Addition Tfce one BEST pis.e In Portlan to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resUence property o-. the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and toe Im provements ffojna on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH 8T. Investments UNION AVE. AND EAST IRVING Price $15,000 Lot 100x75 on the S. E. corner of Union ave. and El Irving st. Terms. UNION AVENUE AND E. DAVIS Price $16,800 Lot TOxl'0 on the N. E. corner of Union ave. and K. Davis at. The property has some Income. It is a bargain. See It. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. Lumber Exchange Bid. HOMESITE On Nob Hill Terrace, 8200 square feet ; splendid view. One of the choice sites for a home. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 392, A 2392. 264 Stark. Warehouse Sites Several warehouse sites, in fine lo cation. ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade Building. Skamania Countv. Wash.. 160 acres 4 miW from Stevenson. 112.30 per acre. A!n i(Ta on Orejron side. CASCADE SFR1XGS CO., 202 Allsky Bldg. II . UilllVKEi HIV MAKING ACHY Everybody knows that Improvements double the val ue of lots. See the work at In this beauti ful section you get the im provements without wait ing ten years. Thousands of Dollars are being spent in this work every month. Go and see the best place to build your home. Low Prices Easy Terms HARTMAN -& THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce muuuHiiua OF HANDS Are now employed in the lumber mills, shingle mills, woolen mills, flour mills, sash and door factories, box factories, dry docks, ship yards, brick yards, iron works, foundries, asbestos works and other places too numerous to mention, sur rounding University Park. These' ,are all young and growing industries, which will double and treble their capacities as time goes on and will also double and treble the demand for homes and business at University Park. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. & Co. M. 3849. 30 Hamilton bids. Baker, Alfred A.. 212 Abington bld. Beck. William G.. 8X2 Falling. bld-. Elrrell A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Beal estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 58. ChaDln & Heriow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields, C. E. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings ft Co.. Main 168. 200 Oregonlan. Farrlsh. Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder St. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com Club bldg. n. qiu ci.rlr t Main op A 392. ! SaarkeVrr Col 122 T Sixth . The Oresn Real Estate Co., Grand eva, and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbet t bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. aWKLL LITTT.E HOME AT A SACRIFICE. . 5-room houso. gas and electric lights, stationary laundry tuba, cement basement, full lot 50x100, also small stable: fine lawn with lota of rost-s and some fruit trees; this Is an exceptionally fine place and was bujlt tor a home; owner must go East at once, and will eell for only $2500. TERMS. This is close to carline, less than 15 min utes out; S250 cash handles this. DIETZ-MUELLKR CO., 31S Abington Bids. J7M DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. BRAND NEW. fi-room, 2-story, modern house. Reception hall, parlor, dintngroom, cabi net kitchen. 3 bedrooms, bathroom and large clothes closets. ' ' Cement basement and cement walks. DOUBLE WALLS AND FLOORS. A good buy at thia price. All other houses In this vicinity are of the same class. SUNN Y SI DP:, NHAR HAWTHORNE AVB G. T. MOORE. 512 Abington Bldg. Thone Main 802. Residence Phone Tabor 755. S3,i no 7-room house, 2 ots. bearing fruit trees, shrubbery: Mt. Tabor; term. $1850 Very fine homes! te. 75xlX. Mt. Ta bor; grand view of rity. $5000 Quarter block E. 11th; close In; no better buy on East Sido. $4i)00 New, modern plan, 7 rooms and corner lot, near Thompson school. 2O0 New 7-room house, nearly finished, 100x100, one block Woodstock car line. . T. G. DAVIDSON, 81ft Chamber of Commerce. KENTON ADDITION. New content block dwelling, 8 rooms; all modern improvements: on carline; terms reasonabie. Call today or Monday. KENTON ADDITION. One 5-room cement block bungalow, all modern improvements, on carline; terms to suit. Call today or Monday. JOHN A. BERRY, Kenton Bank Bldg., Portland, Or. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Well-built 6-room cottage, 2 full lots, fm-pro-ed street, swell view, fruit and roses, lots worth $150" easv, if sold by the 18th SlflOO. $500 cash. Call S4 tith t. WANTED To rent, on or before Oct. 1, a modern ft or n-room nnuse or "uum '- m good neighborhood; 2 in family; will pay good rent and take leaf. Phone C 18S4. EAST SIDE PROPERTY. If you a re in th market for East Side property, se J. J. OESDE-R. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. HAVE 500 equity in a S2OO0 house, close in pavahle $15 per month; will tel or trade fnr good lot and pay the difference. C 304, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modem botie. lot 33 l-3xW. near Holladay School; xK.i). j. J. ueoer, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. BY owner, desirable corner lot in Mount Tabor; close to two carliwss; cheap for cash. AH S12. Oregonlan. ON Overlook bldv., fine home, looxloo lot, new 9-room house, at $1000 less than cost. W. J. Baker, 610 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 1 corner lot, 4-ft. terrace, also 7-room modern bungalow, 1 lot. 730 E. 27th St.; W-W car. SNAPS in lots, houses, farms, acreage; in vestigate. AVPla Land Co., 413 McKay bidg. $400 BUYS 3-room house, 2 lots, Montavilla; easy terms. Room 5, 221 Morrison. SNAP $425 buys- a fine lot In Vernon. 7 Board of Trade. 50 ACRES near. Eetacada oar; about 15 . cleared: a bargain: easy terms. W. J. Ba ker. 519 Board of Trade bldg. - SMALL house and 5xlO0 lot on E. 62d at.; value $ti2f; sell or trade for lota G. O. R.F 658 Upshur mt. CHOICE lot in Rocsmere; leas than market price. Owner. Half each, balance terms. AB 314. Oregonian. FOR SALE by the owner, inside lot 50x100, in Hollad-ay Addition. Inquire 647 Weidler. No agents. BY OWNER. 2 lots, one in Vernon and the other in Swtnton: a bargain; leaving city. R. 30R. Oregonlan. t WHY purchase a "built-to-ell' house? We build to order; easy payments; satisfaction guaranteed. Young & Co., P. O. Box 40fi4. SET of Portland block books, posted to date, for sale cheap. 720 Chamber of Commerce SNAPS in lots, houses, -farms, acreage; In vestigate. Appl Land Co., 413 McKay bldg. IDEAL river front borne site on Oregon City carline. O 3frS, Oregonian. $750 Choice corner lot on 48th-st. carline. 521 Abington bldg. -' - - 1 ' 1 TO -i acres, closa In- 2 blocks from car. R. 2P7. Oregonlan. MI ST b sold, bouse on E. 10th St.. 250O. terms. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. 35x100. HOLLADAY'S. clofe in. $1000, terms. Culver. 6-3 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, Beautiful 5-room bungalow Main 43ft. GOOD lots' and homes; let us show you. 623 Lumber iixchange. SOMETHING DOING. SEE FOR YOURSELF. The fine homes now buildinR. The line homes already bunt. The high-class Improvements. Beauty, elevation. environment and building restrictions; Irvington prices wiil bo duplicated here in two year. . All lots close to carline. Ail lots 60x100. All improvements in and paid. Price J560 and up. Come out and take a look. We are hee every day. Rose City Park. line. Get off at 5 I'd st. Only half way out. just east of Laurelhurst. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO., Phone C 2177. LET US SHOW YOU THIS PLACE. $7500 This place has pu?t been given us for quick sale; i3 acres. 70 of It Tuala tin River bottom land. 50 acres in high state of cultivation, no better land In Oregon than this; good six-room house, also barn, running water, plenty of wood for all purposes; only 12 miles from Port land by wagon road; $:JOO0 cash, balance 6 Tier cent and 5 years if you want it. Everything considered, this Is tha cheapest farm we know of. J M. FRENCH CO.. 1 412-413 Abington Bldg.. 106V 3d St. 10,000-ACRE STOCK RANCH:' some im provements; good feed all winter; well watered; good roads; near R. R. ; $10 per acre. Terms. Hotel, 3-storv brick ; furniture, lot and building; in good town; worth $10,000; price $tO00. 1000-acre wheat ranch. Union County; 600 in crop: t'M per acre; terms. SOO-acre wheat ranch. Morrow County. 20.000 acres fruit and dairy land; $7.50 to $10 per acre. 318 Lumbermen's bldg. M. 5162. A SNAP. I14 acres, with a new 4-room bouse, all modern improvements, in city limits; also a new bungalow, built by owner; 7 rooms, all modern, with a lot 50x100 feet; $1250 will handle this, and T lots 25x115 feet, with a good 5-room house. These are all bargains if that U what you are look! ng for. Call at WISCONSIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 402 Gerlinger Bldg. ABE YOU INTERESTED IN PORTLAND REAL ESTATE? BUY OUR NEW MAPS, they will be of great advantage to you. 1. Latest map of town, giving new addi tions and electric lines. 2. 25-mile circle of Portland's surround ings, sectional may. giving townships, ranges and section numbers. R. R. and electric lines. Price each 50 cent. Send a tamps. THE CROSSLEY CO., "09 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON BIG GROUNDS. Big 10-room home, modern; most beauti ful grounds in the city; fruits, garden, grand foliage. Ideal location; grounds Itifix 102, with alley; 2 blocks from Willamette boulevard, on one of the prettiest streets; will sell this place for what you would have to pav to build the house. HEILMAN A LATHROP, 515-516 Abington Bldg. A SNAP. Eighty acres level land, 40 acres in high state of cultivation, 15 acres more ready; good 5-room house and barn; every foot excellent soil: 32 miles from Portland; close to R. R. station, on fine road, on R. F. D., milk route, etc. Price $4500; easy terms; see this at our expense. CHAPIN & HER LOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. MOUNT TABOR 52d St.; FINE VIEW. 5-room cottage, new: FIREPLACE; lot 52x100; $32iHJ, $1000 cash. Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade Bldg., S K4 Fourth, SJl. $00 WILL buy a new 5-room bungalow, on paved street, with cement sidewalk, ce ment H basement, floored attic, very best ' bath and toilet fixtures, 2 bedrooms with nice lighted closets, close to good carline and not far out. Balance of price, $'.'000, can be paid $15 per month; stop the rent be a home-owner. Call 516 Abington bldg. MODERN 7-i"oom houe, including $500 ph.no, $50 range and solid oak dining table, 4 beds, fine sewing machine, 2 bureaus, hall stand, two kitchen tables, brussels carpets, couch, divan and dozen chairs; all goes for $4050. S4 East 7th st. North, easy walking distance. MODERN, NEW $3750 HOME. Near new High School. Nine rooms. Easv terms. Also elegant new 7-room house, exclusive Irvington district; S5000. Terms. Key 732 Marquam bldg. Phone Main S64d. NEW STORE. Building, 22x40. on carline. Division and E. 4ith, splendid opening for small gen eral store; price. Including lot, 11400; $500 cash: look .thla up today. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, o02 McKay Bldg. EAST 7TH STREET. NORTH. lOOxioo with good 6-room house, east front, air kinds of fruit and berries; 4 large almond trees, nKt far out; we offer this for $2700, easy terms. You can't beat It. J. R. STIPE 720 Chamber Commerce. HANDSOME new residence, choice location, Irvington, on wide bltullthic street: 9 very large rooms, with every modern conven ience, beautifuljy arranged or comfort and entertaining: will finish in colors to suit; $0000. H 23, Oregonian. GOOD BUY. INCOME PROPERTY. 25-foot lot, two-story torick building, now leaivd. front street, wholesale district, pays good interest, $15,000; terms If desired. Mi AIR & PR ALL, 2 Lumbermen's- Building. WILL sacrifice my equity in two het lots one a corner on Meridian Bt.. city. StixW; 20 full bearing cherry and pear trees. In vestigate this if you want a snap. Address L. D. Watts, 108 Laveta st. Phone Tabor 575. LOOK AT THIS. Warehouse site, lOThriOo. on Flanders; iprk-e right; see m: aleo quarter block on Ankeny and 4th at.; good investment. 402 Corbett bldg. SEVEN-ROOM house, new, modern. 45th st-. all street improvements. 50x1 00 lot, $:iO,tO, $1.nO cash, remainder terms. Smith Wagoner Co., 333 Chamber of Commerce. TO PARTIES BUILDING A snap in gas and electric fixtures almost new for sale cheap, can inspect at showroom. J. C. Eng lish Company, Medical building. MUST sell by the 1st, fine T-room bungalow on East Side; 65 feet of porch; vines and (lowers; only $2500; terms. Purse, S18 Chamber of Commeroe. 100x100 WITH 3 houses, on Grand ave. and Ivon st.. for a few days at $10,000. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. $1200 Buys a fine investment in Peninsula dis trict. See B. E. Davis. 406-4oS B. Burn side. CORNER lot. 50x100, Waverleign Heights; street graded, cement sidewalk and curb ing; very cheap; terms. Owner, L 306, Ore gonlan. NEW 6-room bungalow on corner lot, 20 minutes out on W a verly-Woodstock car line; easy payments, $2500. Miller, 41st and Holgate. MAKE me an offer for that beautiful east front lot adjoining Alameda Park; must raise money. Owner. 614 Rothchlld bldg. Phono Main 5015. LOT in Rose City Park, 50xlO0; streets graded water and cement walks in; fronts east; fine view and near nice homes; $6oO; part cash. Phone C 2248. MODERN 7-ROOM HOME. Two lots, choice; fin view Mt. Hood; large porches; a bargain. Owner, 920 Hancock st., corner 2ith. $1250 6-room houne, level lot. Bull Run water, chicken park, 150 chickens. Owner, O 304. Oregonlan. VERY reasonable. lot In Rossmere, by owner, who must sell; terms A 300, Oregonian. IN CORVALLIS New 3-room cottage, price $65it; near Agricultural College. 742 Bel mont, Portland. BUNGALOW to suit; several choice locali ties on the East Side; terms. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Failing bidg. HIGH-CLASS income property. 100x100, on East 6th et.; price, $11,500. Queen In vestment Co., 410 Failing bldg. 60x100. COR, 10TH AND HARRISON. New modern flats; yearly Income $1740. OWNER. 330 MILL ST. NICE. new. modern cottage, near Piedmont, only $2300. very easy terms. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg-. room 3. 15rtO FOR SALE by owner, house. 22x30. lH-storv full basement, plumbing, lot 50x 100 E M. Arntsen, S64 E- 13th st, N. SPLENDID corner. 12 rooms, modern, ten block from Hotel Portland. L 309. Orego nian. 6-ROOM modern furnished bouse, -every con venience; 2 loLa. $bl0U; terms. Tabor 34. FINE" HOMES AT FAIR PRICES. EAST BVRNSIDE ST., NEAR 22 D A modern home, with reception hull, parlor, living-room with fl replace, dining-room and kitchen on first floor; 4 fine bed rooms and bath; finished billiard and recreation room on third floor; fine base ment and furnace ; full lot and paved street price, $6500. Ladd's Addition fine. new 7-room house, built by day labor; hardwood floors, oak front door and ide panels, built-in sideboard, wood lift, 4 flne bed rooms and sleeping porch ; lavatory and toilet on each floor; fine attic, base ment and heater. Nothing better built than this beautiful home in this most exclusive residence district price, $6250. STRONG CO., Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. OWN several new, flne modern 5 and 6 room houtes and bungalows in a splendid location, convenient to the street-cars; the street is to be Immediately paved, ce ment walks, curbs and Bull Run water are already in. The houses are piped for gas and wired for electricity; fireplace dens, beamed ceilings, fine plumbing and cement basements, furnaces and every thing flwt-c.laa, built by day labor. I want to get into "communication with sev eral young married men holding steady positions and earning shout $125 . per month, who desire to own their own burner; to such persons I will sell these houses on ea.sv monthly payments without any cash payment down. L. :iol. Oregonian. FOR SALE. w Just on the market, 360 acres in Tgn Vailey Wasco County, adjoining the grea: Falls of White River, one-half under fen: and cultivation; $ok. $.':600 cash. ALSO The famous Finnigan fctock ranch, in Shr tnn n Count v, between the Dohutes a nd John Day Rivers; 2520 acres, with good im provements; $40,000, with one-half cash- A BEAUTIFUL HOME Al improvements, at Reedville, 13'i acres, $5000. Further information call on C. C. GRIMES. 266 B, Slark t. WEST SIDE RIVERFRONT. An Ideal home in Winter, in Summer a resort; no bridges to cross; a busy man may enjoy the comforts of home and at tend to business in city: a lovely 8-room modern house with inviting broad porch overlooking the Willamette; sleeping porcn; everything is so "comfy"; 4 acros of beautiful natural grounds; photos at office; see them. ZIMMERMAN. 619-621 Board of Trade BARGAIN INCOME PROPERTY. Owner leaving city, will sell at a bar gain, two houses and nearly two full lots. 1 block from Brooklyn car. close in. good neighborhood; priov only $4000, of which $1200 cash and $J800 mortgage. Will yield 1 to 15 per cent on investment, and will sell at handsome profit when new Madiaoa bridge is built. Photo at office. LANG-HILL LAND CO. 1 414 Abington Bldg., 10ti 3d St. IF YOU know a money maker you will buy this business lot in a restricted district ' for $1CU0. We can prove that this is a winner. A PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. ' S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BUNGALOW AND LOT. $1500. Call and see photo of the modern 4-room place we can build for you and furnish the lot, 1 block to E. Ankeny car, near Laurelhurst, for small payment down. bal. like rent. This, is your opportunity to v;t a start. J AS. C. LOGAN. 326 l, Washington St., Room 404. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? We have It in a 4-room new modern bungalow with porcelain bath, hot and cold water, for $1650. For $1775 will sell it fun Ished and supply tenant at $20 per month; terms easy. WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 621 Corbett Bidg SPECIAL ATTENTION. For real snaps, for business, city and country property, we have them all. You will find legitimate investments through us. We also are agents for the Oregon Beaver Hill coal. SELLERS REALTY CO.. 506 Board of Trade Bldg. 100x0 CORNER $S25. This is on graded street, has city water, sidewalk and curb, south and east fronting, good soil, ready for building, near good carline. less than 20 minutes from city center; complete ab stract, perfect title; terms, $85 cash, bal ance monthly; this )b your opportunity. Call 516 Abington bldg. STRICTLY modern 7-room house, Irving ton district. 2 lots, corner, furnace, fire place. Dutch kitchen, china closet, gas and electric lights, $6000. S-room modern, near Hawthorne. $4000 5-room house, corner, E. 20th st., JlHOft. 3-room hnu corner, E. 2-d St.. $1250. HOME REALTY CO.. 618 Henry Bldg. ONE of the best saloons in the city, lodging house with 20 well furnished rooms in connection, doing a good business; owner wants to retire, will sell cheay on rea sonable terms; long lease and cheap rent. For particulars call on or write to C. P. Johannsen. owner. The Dalles. Or. LAST CHANCE ON WALKING DISTANCE. Close-in lot, fractional corner, very best East Side locality: no better place to build your close-in bungalow; south facing, 117 ft, deep, elevated; price only $1900. HEILMAN LATHROP, 515-516 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Almost new bungalow with basement; modern plumbing, gas. electric lighrs. graded street; $2000, a$y terms. 3M Eat 44th st.. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne. Call Sun day. MT. TABOR West ave.; here is over 5 lots, nearlv an acre, fronting on West, ave; lies high; city view, improved, ideal for home or Investment; -we offer it this week for S30o0. part cash. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce.- SUBURBAN home, about 2 acrep. on 5c car fare, 6-room plastered houe. barn, stable, other buildings; young bearing orchard, all kinds small fruit, grapes, no agent.' AK 297, Oregonian. FO Ft SALE 7-room house, modern. Irvmj ton. 10th st.. between Thompson and Tilla mook, for a few days $350. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 4 Stark St. FIVE-ROOM cottage on Glen are., south of Hawthorne; full cement basement, cement floor, good plumbing, built by the day. 50x100 lot ; a kooU proposition. Phone owner. Main 804S. WANT a few men with $1O0 to $1000 to join in buying first-class platting property; money maker. Thos. McCusker, 206 Couch bldg. . 3 ACRES, with large modern home; all con veniences; orchard, barn and chicken house; on the corner of two good avenues: $7OO0. Call 410 Failing bldg. FOR SALE By owner; modern 6-room house; close in: something nice; near High School; price $47oo; terms; no agents. AF 306, Oregonian. SNAP Irvington. 10 0x100. close to Knott and 23d. East front, on new carline; owner leaving Portland. See Jas. C. Logair, 326 S Washington St.. room 404. MUST sell new 6-room bungalow; Dutch kitchen, deep porch, full lot. $2500; $300 down. $25 month ; restricted district. 65 Commercial block. $3250 50x100 and nice 6-room house. Wasco st.. Holladay Park; can move right in. Phone owner. East 3S99. FOR SALE, easv terms, 3 flne lots and good cottage. Mount Scott line. O 302, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 2 lots cor. E. 51st and Madison rt5 terms. Sigel & Co.. 335 Morrison st. Phones Main 2183. A 4599. WILL sacrifice my 5-room bungalow worth $3000 for $2250, $750 cash. Corner E. 44th and , Yamhili. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. Call and sea It. 524 E 20th st. N. gAP Good house. 2 lots. 1 blocks to station, $1100; $225 down, $10 a month. Neep, 203 Mora st., Arleta. TWO ACRES on O. W. P. at Gates, 10-cent fare, small cash payment, baiance easy, terms. Inquire D. C. Maybee. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Beautiful lot, between Thompson and Brazee. $1550. Terms. J 30. Oregonian. SNAP Extra fine corner lot. south and east front. East Flanders, only $400- Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg, room 3. NEW. , modern. S-room house, furnished; acre land, bam, chicken-house. nd Rose City Park carline. Phone C 2180. BUNGALOMS. We have them, all kinds and prices, at 428 Lumberman's bldg. 5-ROOM new modern cottage: Sunnyside; bargain: $3200; $1400 cash. 90 E. 34th st. BEACH lots $50; $5 cash. $5 monthly; no interest. -all 519 S wetland bldg. $ltrt CAHH. $20 monthly. 5-room bungalow. Call 5iy Shetland bldg.