.--. ctivn i r T T.T1 AVT V rnPTI. VVT). AUGUST 15, 1901). - . - I VEW TOP AT. MW TOD AT. AUCTION SALE BT ORDER OF INSURANCE CO. Fine Furniture Slightly Dam aged by Smoke MUST BE SOLD TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. At 211 Firt Street Come early, best Roods sold first. Mis sive metal beds, fine dressers, rolltop desk, sewing machine, chiffonier, largo refrigerators, round extension table, miles of CARPET of all kinds, massive birds eve maple dresser, rockers, center tables, teel range, cookstove. kitchen treasure, etc . In fact, all kinds and quality of nousefurntshlngs. Don't miss tins are I sale. The insurance company doesn t care what the (roods sell for: neither do we. THEY MUST OO OUT OF HERE. We have another Auction Sale THURSDAY NEXT, 10 A.M. At 211 Fir.t Street This sale Includes all kinds of house furnishings. FORD AUCTION CO.. Main S351. A W4S- Grand Auction COMB TO THE SLAUGHTER AT 283 Grand Avenue Corner Hawthorne Ave. MONDAY. Tomorrow, 2 P. M. 3W worth-of housefurnishtngs of every description must be sold. Including phon ographs, sewing machines, puns, bicy-i-les. mechanics supplies, kitchen and laundry furniture, steel ranges, das ranges, cookstoves. dressers. Iron beds, couches, extension tables, chairs, rock ers, bedding, draperies and anything or everything lo furnish house with. Don't come late and be sorry. Monday I P. M. What we can t sell the first day will be sold the next day at same time and place by the Ford Auction Company 5400O A good seven-room dwelling. west slope Mt. Tabor, with lOOilOO ground; a choice buy. Terms. $2500 3 acres, fenced, all in culti vation; small house, good well, fine soil; county road two sides, or will trade for Portland property. 31600 Splendid Irvington lot, all improvements paid. $1600 5 acres, fresh cleared and in crop, about two miles east of Montavilla. $1250 5 lots on Willis boulevard. Peninsular No. 2 ; half cash. $800 Four lots, same addition, ad joining University Park. Easy terms. $600 Two lots near Peninsula Station that are a snap. RIVER HOME, near' Vancouver, on Columbia River, reached by anto, train or boat. Jackson 5 Deering 246 Stark Street. Phone Main 343, A 3457. Irvington Several choice corners, Thompson Ei., between East ISth and 22d, sur rounded fcy beautiful homes. All im provements in. Price is right. Also very desirable new 7-room modern residence. East 20th St., near Tilla mook; shades, fixtures, everything complete; special buy; street improve ments all paid; swell surroundings; price $6750. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Blrig.. 3d and Stark Sts. STOP PAYING RENT OWN YOUR HOME vt will build homes, any style, any p'ace. for payments like rent. PLAXS OD SPKCIKICATIOX8 FREE. SCHIEFFELIN 6 RARDON 320 Hrnrr RnlldlnK. Fourth and Oak Mrerta. $32,000 Investment Not fa i from rtw dprimnt Mnr. itw b'liMine fnr OMs. Wormian King. - r offrrinc a H'xlfO lot with improve nnT5 that will hriiiR a (cross rni:il of f TrtiA pr vfnr. Thf future of property in this locality Is assure., and tilts par ticular property will account for itself in revenue. Poulsen-Ratcliffe Realty Co. X Lumbermen's BlrlR.. oth and Stark. TEN-ROOM HOUSE 1W 5250 and l)-room house, in fine con dition, newly painted and papered throughout. Cost of the houjse was over J.vo a fine place for a bip family. TrmF. JKm) down, balance to suit pur chaser. MALI & VOX B0 EST EL, HH Second St.. Lumber Kxchance Bide RIVERFRONT FAI TIFI I. IJK ATION KOH SICHT--V HOME WILI.AMKTI K RIKlt. Most bea utif ul and accessible river front property near Portland, 9 mile from cent r of city. 4 blocks from rovell Station, on Oregon ity electric ar. If yon are wanting a home on the fiver. let us ahow you this. THR Dt-l.WKKrn CO. Alder St. A HEVI.VFn an rdnrated lady wihine to Ka to York Vlty. would like to chp fnn younf Indies r have care of eld or tck person; best rerences. A J Zli. Ore gnian. 926.000 70-foot frontsire on Washington st. pt buy In this popular district; some Income, terms. HITt HI OI K. 14 Rothchild Bldg. , vrtr TOIIAT NEW IODAI. NEW TODAY. 1 W TQPAT. TOPAT. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S . SALESROOMS 173-175 Second St. Cor.Yamhill Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. We will sell a FINE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE, etc.. consisting of par lor, library, dining-room, bedroom, k'tclin and office furniture, in golden oak. birds eye maple and mission, etc., carpets, rugs, bedding, picture and kitchen men ail? tftc J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Great Auction Sale New Carpets, Rugs, x Mattings Etc, Etc TUESDAY NEXT, at 10 A. M. At 186 First Street Four Doors South Yamhill The "Covell Furniture Store" 3000 YDS. NEW CARPETS, 50 ROLLS LINEN WARP MATTINGS, WILTON AND BIQIXiW AXMINSTER RUGS, 8TAJR CARPETS. ROYAL NAPIER and COCOA -MATTINGS. PORTIERES, LACE CUTAINS. etc. The CARPETS include WILTON VEL VETS. AXM1NSTKR. ROXBURT and other high-grade BRUSSELS; also good all-wool INtiRAINS, and are made up in various room sises. Bring the size of your room and be on hand SHARP at' 10 A. M.. Tuesday, as we must dispose of this stock at once for SPOT CASH to the HIGHEST BIDDER. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Auction Sale THURSDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. OFFICE FURNITURE Of the Covell Furniture Co. At 186 First Street Comprising large FIREPROOF SAFE (Hall's), 6 ft. oak rolltop desk, guaran teed OAK FILING CABINETS of VARI OUS SIZES. BURROW'S ADDING MA CHINE. TODD PROTECT OGR A PH, SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. ELECTRIC DESK LAMP. 6-ft. STAND ING DESK. OFFICE TABLES. CHAIRS AND STOOLS. CASH-DRAWER, IRON OFFICE RAILINGS, IRON GRILLES, etc., etc. ALSO THE BALANCE OF THE STOCK OF New Furniture, Steel Ranges.Etc Including china closets, bookcases, mu sic and record cabinets, cellarettes, cen ter table, shaving stands, pedestal, solid mahogany hall seat and mirror, golden oak hall seats, hall mirrors, pictures, plate racks, screen, pallus. electric read ing lamps, clocks, folding beds, brass and iron beds, McDougall kitchen cabi net, folding go-carts and other numer ous lots; also a large stock of the cele brated Laurel and Quality STEEL RANGES, heating stoves ana other ef fects. Sale will commence PROMPTLY at 10 A. M. with fhe office fixtures. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. NOTE Private selling every day during the week until the stock is sola. GROCERIES We have RENEWED our stock with the Nick Costa and Gibson stocks Willi everything fresh in the grocery line, which we will sell at private sale every day. COME while the assortment lasts. If you want CASH for your furniture, call Main ltt. A 4243. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE No. 49 20th St. N., Near Wash. St., Tomorrow, Monday, at 10 A. M. We are Instructed by Mr. Robinson to sell his upright piano, furniture, carpets, etc., at above address, comprising Ho bart Cable UPRIGHT PIANO, in mahog any case: GENUINE ANTIQUE ROSE WOOD SOFA ill rich green covering, large MAHOGANY rocker, upholstered easy chair, Morris chair, rattan chalra, music cabinet, portieres and window drapery, net curtains, pictures, AXMIN STER CARPETS, hall mirrors. DINING ROOM SUITE In quarter-sawed oak, via: round table, buffet and set of boxseat fh-.ir: cuckoo CLOCK, heaters, velvet rug sx!2. drophead New Home SKWING MACHINE, oak center taoie. laay s aesK. bamboo settee, cobbler seat and other rockers, art squares, solid oak bedroom suite. iron bed. springs and mattresses, new style JEWEL GAS RANGE, refrig erator. Kitchen treasure, dropleaf table, rrockerv and utensils, linoleum, laundry t.ve. iflwn mower, rarden hose. etc. SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TOMORROW. BAKER ft SON, Auctioneers. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE At the late Paul Baumel's assay office, 107 Alder street. Tomorrow, Monday, at 2 P. M. Comprising office desk and chairs, DTEBOLD OFFICE SAFE. bookcase. several books on mining. Webster Dic tionary, large collection of ores, office railing, clock, pictures, large awning, etc. AIxJO BUICK 17 MODEL AUTOMO BILE in EOod running order, had very llftle use. SALE ON MONDAY AT 2 P. M. By order Miss Josle Baumel, Admlnls tratrix. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers.- ON TUESDAY NEXT AT OUR SALESROOMS. 152 PARK ST. We shall sell the furniture (it is re moved from Mr. Baumel's residence for convenience of sale) including large TURKISH ROCKER. Eastern BOX COUCH, large mirrors, Morris chairs, parlor tables, rattan chairs, several good pictures. Hrusels rugs and carpets, gen uine BRASS BED. all steel springs, hair mattress. IshiW btyu; dresser ana chiffonier, several very pretty iron beds, complete with snrinea and mattresses: GOOSE feather plilows. comforters, ma ple and oilier nressers, porperes. win dow shades, toilet ware, carpet sweeper, ne.les'al dining table, buffet aod boxseat chairs, HOWARD parlor heater llke newi, vases and bric-a-brac, medicine cabinet. EI .EG A NT HALL MIRROR, sev eral oak rockers, good steamer trunk, small trunk. Reliable GAS RANGE In good order, utensils, etc. ALSO we shall sell at 11 o'clock (sharpl under powers contained in a mukiuauk one CP RIGHT PIANO In quartered oak case (good tone). SALE STARTS with the furniture at 10 O'CLOCK ON TUESDAY XkxT. Intending purchasers can view the goods tomorrow at our salesrooms, loz PAKK. ST. BAKER ft SON. Auctioneer. ON THURSDAY NEXT We hold our regular sale of household furniture, etc. sale starts at iu o clock. BAKER A SON. Auctioneers. Office and Salesrooms. 161 Park St. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rate and terms raid spe cial rates favorable terms on lance loans business properties. Fssi Loasr4 for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 302 McKay Blag., 3d JL Stark. Why buy lols in the suburbs, five , and six miles out, when you can J do as well in the city within the three-mile circlet WINDSOR HEIGHTS directly on carline, Forty-ninth and Division. Street improvements, Bull Run J Water. ' J, 50x100 Lots as Low as $450 Easy terms, $30 down, $10 per month, 6 per cent interest. Brubaker fi Benedict 502 McKay Building, J Third and Stark. Phone Main 549. Portland, Or. I At . the tract all day Sunday. I FIRST-CLASS BUYS S600 Fine home site. 100x100 feet, on Annita St., Chicago Addition. S900 60x112 feet, with 15-foot alley, on boulevard 100 feet wide, in Univer sity ParK. Worth ,1000 today. S900 100x100 feet on East Forty eighth st., Newport Addition. $9100xl00 feet on southeast cor ner of Dawson and Wall sts.. South St. John. SHOO For quick sale. 40 x 130 feet, and four-room house, one block from Vnion ave. S1500 100x100 at northeast corner of Kast Twenty-fourth and Killings worm. 81500 Five acres on county road, eight miles east of Portland. No land in vicinity obtainable for less than $400 per acre. 83SOO Full lot and 10-room house at northwest corner of East Thirty-first and Division sts.; house built by day labor. S4250 F'lats on Powell st.; rent for $.10 per month. S12.000 SSxlOO feet In prominent lo cation on Union ave.; some income. 812. 50O 17 acres, less than a mile west of Mount Zion; ideal spot for country home. S24 OOO 1 acres Inside the city limits, in growing district; excellent platting proposition. tt.15.200 452 acres near Woodhurn; Oregon Electric runs through land. HKKI) & IBWAN, 837 Chamber of Commerce. Orchard 10 acres under high state of cultiva tion; ALL P1,ATED to COMMERCIAL orchard of Newtowns and Spttzenbergs, nearlv one-half of which will be in hearing next year. 5 inches of water In farmers' Irrigation ditch. 6-room house and suitable outbuildings; only 3 miles from town on main county road. Will accept city residence property as part payment. Price S8500 Devlin &Tirebaugh Mala Office Swetland Building, Portland, Oregon. Branch Office Hood River, Oregon. A Beautiful Home on the West Side ALONG FILTOV CARLINE, OX NE BRASKA ST. Six roonn with bath, patent toilet, and modern throughout. 50x100 feet of ground. Price $2300, or will sell furni ture, with exception of family pictures, for $200. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder St. S-room house lot 45x90. modern con veniences, bath, gas. large floored at tic, large basement, wood-lift, cooler, cement walk and steps, east front, porch whole width of house, finest view lr. city, on brow of hill, overlook ing the river. Two blocks north of Rus sell street not far from new Jefferson High School. Upper Alblna. One block from car. $4000 cash or easy terms. fee owner. AL. 2s. Oregonlan. For Sale Best acreage on the Peninsula for platting, or will sell an inter est, keeping part of it as an in vestment. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second St. YOU CAN BUY THIS Acre and quarter, fine soil, all cleared, on best carline in Oregon, half hour to cltv; four-room house, barn and chicken-house, all for $300 only $800 down. On fine street. If you don't want to farm It. will make a doien fine lots that will sell for $350 easy. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Koom 517 Oregonlan Bldg. HOME IN VERNON New 6-room and den. all modern, electric fixtures, range, shades and cur tains; some furniture. Parties going away. $750 rash, rest like rent. One block from car. H 308, OREGONIAN. Hood River A SNAP I to a cKenna Junction Railroads make cities. St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas nitv Omaha. Denver. Des Moines, TnHianannlis and other great , ! cities of the East were built j through railroads centering' at j those places. Every railroad in j the Northwest centers at Univer- j sity Park. As soon as the Trout- j dale line and the tunnel unaer University Park shall he complet ed McKenna Junction, at Univer sity Park, will be the center of the whole Harriman system in the Northwest. All of the business of the stock-yards, all of the busi ness of Eastern Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana and all the Eastern husiness over the Harri man system must pass through McKenna Junction ana must stop there because it is a grade cross incr Freight and uassenffer trains for Portland and Puget Sound will be broken up tnere. Hun dreds of families will earn their livelihood at McKenna Junction. GOOD BUYS IN Factory and Warehouse - Sites With Trackage or ' River Frontage Snnn Sxll5. on O. R. & N..' near E. bUU 27th st. A good mill site for little monev. firnn 50x100. Reed st. and Guild. 540 UU Trackage. We can sell lOOxloO corner here as well. and Oswego, with 1000 ft. deep water ironxape. un raiirwu. r. rnn 110 ft. trackage on loth st. Jul OUU bv 200 ft. on Qulmby. PM Cflfl Full block 200x200 16th St.. 00 I OUU Pettygrove and Qulmby. Some income. These are chances to make big money. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. $150 Per Acre, Up 110 acres BEAVERDAM and GARDEN LAND. Tracts of 1 acre to 140 acres, 4 houses, barn, fine onion-house, other outbuildings, 4 wells, bearing orchard, strawberries, onions, other vegetables. Ah ditched and tiled close to Tualatin. On two railroads. 24 trains dally, depots on land. This is the very richest soil In Ore gort and an ideal spot for a home. STONE, 503 Commercial Bldg. Second and Washington. A MAGNIFICENT A slx-storv, fireproof corner office build ing. 75x100 in the heart of the downtown business district. $150,000. Present Income 8 per cent. Only $67,000 needed to buy it, balance at 4 per cent. If you can handle it. this is a real bargain and an assured money-maker. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. SNAP! ,12 lots in one bunch, at a price never hoard nt onlv 15 minutes on the car; price Is so low that anyone buying them can sell tnem on ana auuine m iumic, 100 per cent profit doesn't sound bad. Seeing Is believing. Let us show you. $3000 cash will handle. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. Gantenbein Ave. $1K!0 Choice lot and apartment site. one and a half blocks from Russell st. and Williams ave., the heart of this business district. Do you realize what the new Broadway bridge means to this location? Act quick. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 1-01' McKay Bide-, Third and Stark. An Income Boy HO Cfin Four of the handsomest six )D OUU room flats in the city, brand new and right up to the minute on North- . .... . . , ... Ola. a unH 0 jar All rup si., ut-iwcn fci". . rented and a waiting list. Income $1S per month. You should see these. Sengstake & Lyman A Rare Chance -.u. .cre all elecred and splendidly im proved; houses, barn. shed!, fine orchard, herri.s, splendid soil and at Mllwaukle R R. depot: worth $10,000. The party, having to raise money right away, will take JS.0: only $3500 cash required. This is surely a snap, j Dubois & Crockett Washington Bldg., Room 3. Thurman Street 100x110. south front. Just west of 27th St., near beautiful Forestry building; sewer and water connections made to each lot; hard-surface pavement now being laid to be paid. An Ideal apartment site. Go look at this, then see A- H. BIRRELL CO. S02 McKay Blda.. Third and Stark Sts. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rate.. Bnlldlns Loans. Installment Loan. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Black, M I On the Peninsula HARRIMAN STARTS WORK ON THE TUNNEL AND RAILROAD YARDS. I have been authorized to offer for sale for short time only a few lots facing Chau tauqua Boulevard and rol ler Avenue in blocks adjoin ing Columbia . Boulevard. Remember these boulevards are 100 feet wide. Columbia Boulevard will be a great business 'thor oughfare. The city map will con- . i i - r T r vmce vou mat xMerveiiua Junction is the key to the future of the Peninsula. No other lots for sale at McKenna Junction. These lots are in direct line of the march ot im provements on the Penin sula right at the junction where the Oregon & Wash ington Railroad from the Sound crosses the, main line from the East. Here is where the depot and rail road yards are now being constructed. Right opposite the $4,000,000 Swift Pack ing Plant. Go down and see what is being done at McKenna Junction. For particulars, call or ad dress W. H. GRINDSTAFF 510 Commercial Block. Telephone, Main 6009. Nothing Down; $15 Month MODERN COTTAGES TO SUIT. 1 SO AND UP. TERMS Seven minute car service. Twenty-three minutes from Third and Morrison streets. No grading or clearing to be done. Cement sidewalks and curbs. Graded streets. Water main Bull Run. Abstract of title. Warranty deed. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 10-4. S. & S. CO. 606 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 4682. Safe Investments 824. OOO N. E. corner. 100x100. lltn and Savler sts., on carline, some im provements. S1SOOO 50x100 corner on Johnson st. N. 16th. Fine inrovements netting 6 per cent. SSoOO Fine 7-room house and lot on Clay St., S minutes' walk from post office. SoOOO Fine 8-room house and 30x100 lot on Qulmby st. N. 19th. S4250 50x50, corner of 1st and Meade and fine large house. 84150 Fine, almost new, 8-room house and nice sightly lot on Cor- bett at. C. F. PFLUGER S CO. Established 1880. Rooms 4-6 Mnlker Bldg.. Second and Morrison Sts. Put Your Money IN KLICKITAT COUNTY. WASHING TON GRAPE. APRICOT and NUT land. It s the safest, and will net the greatest returns of anv investment on the Coast, Tile urgent need of cash Induces me to offer some of my choicest holdings at 25 per cent less than the market price. You get your choice of land set to trees or that m stubble. Improvements now being made' in this section will double values in six months. Look this up now, xsni will never again have this opportunity. Liberal terms. STONE 503 Commercial Club Bldg.. Owner. Second and Washington. JSO. A. ROKBI.INGS SONS CO.. MFRS. OF WIRE ROPE IRON. STEEL AND COPPER WIRE. REMOVED TO FIFTH feTREET. FOR Cheap, fcy owner, -w-ell-IocatM lt In Armhurrt; little eash: toalanc. US per month. AF Vft, Orgonla LOTS WASHINGTON STREET 100x100, corner, east of 13th, $150,000 50x100, east of 13th, $60,000 WASHINGTON STREET Quarter block, rents $400 Large brick building to be erected on adjoining lot, at once. . STARK STREET CORNER 80x100 $52,000 Also inside lot, 20x100 $12,500 Short distance west of new Pittock skyscraper, to be built this Fall on block bounded by Park, Tenth, "Washington and Stark Sts. Will sell for a big advance, or pay handsomely, if im proved. Big demand for buildings in this locality. GRAND AVENUE Corner Belmont Quarter block, ' 200 feet south of East Morrison and Grand ave., , where $90,000 Avas recently refused for 50x 90. Price $5000 below mar ket value, for a short time. $35,000 Twenty-Third St. near "Washington. Full lot, choice apartment site, at tractive price. E. J.DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY Exclusive downtown Residence District ALL MODERN Improvements In and Paid For. CHOICE $1800 LOTS Terms, If wanted; 10 per cent cash; 1 per cent per month; 6 per cent interest. WARRANTY DEED For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. 605 CONCORD BLDG. ALSO AGENTS ON GROUND. WINNERS innn cottages and over H block. OoUUU rented for J30 per month; paying 12 per cent; In South Portland. onnn 4 houses and over hi block, on SOUUll Kelly St., rented for X per month; half cash. nnn woxioo and sod hou?f.f lne OOLIUU business corner on Williams ave. See this. 41 nnfl 50xl2O. corner lot with store ill UUU building and flats, room to build more, on Williams ave.; part cash. 14 nnn lOOxlOH. with good houses, ill UUU rented for $79 per month, room to build another house; on Porter street: $5000 cash. f? Cfin1 60x100, and new apartment 0 ID OUU house with 6 nice apartments paving over 11 per cent: close in; East Side: part cash. bal. 6 per cent. Ann nnn lOOxlOO. N. W. corner Union OOU UUU ave. and E. Couch; some In come; fine speculation. rr nnn TOxlOO, Sixth St.. corner with OOu UUU an income of $325 per month; close downtown. Remember, Sixth st. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak 1450 ACRES $37 PER ACRE 1 miles from railroad, Yamhit! County. Half in high state of cultiva tion. Extra fine trult and grain land. Lots of fir timber, suitable for tele graph poles. Sawmill on place;, plenty of water. No waste land. Every acre a producer of grain, fruit or walnut. v;il sell as a whole or any part. Owner,. AN 305, Oregonlan. $200 UNDER PRICE THIS WEEK Jlgoo New, modern, complete, artistic; 5 rooms and Bathroom; terms OWNER, 230 Hibbard St., Montavilla. Tabor 638. GBOBGB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. CA11 Branches.) (23 Worcestor Bldg. Fhooe. Mala 8171. A 401S. TEN AND TWENTY ACRE IRRIGATED ORCHARD HOMES IN THE SUTHERLIN VALLEY Tracts adjoin the new and thriving town of yuthei-lln. Douglas County, Oregon, on tiie Southern Pacific K. 1, 185 miles south of Portland. Everything is new. complete and per manent. Paved streets, cement side walks, electric lights, telephone service and abundance of pure water for both domestic and Irrigating purposes. The climate is simply Ideal no se vere winds. Soil produces apples, peaches, pears, etc., that cannot b equaled. In the Sutherlln Valley nature haj created one of the most scenic and pleasing valleys to the eye that can be found. If vou are looking for a suitable lo cation for an orchard home, where you can secure Independence, profit and all the comforts of life, call on us ana. learn oil there is to be known about the Sutherlln Valley. We are making a special proposition on a few Sutherlln tracts, to a limited number, that holds good for a short time only. Call and look over photographs, maps, literature, etc. If you will investigate the Sutherlln Vallev. we will agree to pay you $10 per dav for five days if you do not find things exactly as represented. THE SOUTHER-AI.BERTSOV CO. General Soles Agents, Sutherlin Land & YVater Co. . 203 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 7!9. Portland for Business Riverdale for Homes A beautiful site of over an acre on the river, will be sur rounded by handsome homes in a very short time. CHAPIN &HERL0W, 332 Chamber of Commerce. OLD OCEAN'S FRONTAGE S'i miles of promontories and sheltered coves, with numerous trout streams: al ready popular as an exhilarating Summer resort; situated Just south of (..ape Per petua: will be sold cheap as a whole, not withstanding acre tracts for Summer camping-grounds are wanted at big prices; the best fishing and hunting ground on the Oregon Coast He adjoining; about 400 acres of the most productive soil on earth; survey of R. R. now build ing runB the entire length of the prop erty; $12,000 will take it if secured soon. JESSE HOBSON 603 Corbett Bldg. Cor. Belmont and East 15th streets, high and sightly. All improve ments' in; hard-surface pavement. A-l sur roundings, only y2 block to Morrison-St. car lines. Easy terms, ideal apartment site. See A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d-Stark. Walnut Grove of about 12 acres set to Mayettes and Krajiquettes. trees being in fine condi tion and nearly 6 years old. land well located and of rich, deep red alluvial poll. The grove is situated in the thermal belt, where there is the least danger from frost, and trees of this age have passed the danger point. Trees have made fine growth and are in perfect condition, and the variety U of the best. A splendid Investment al $600 per acre. Terms. For particular apply to KAUFFMANN & MOORE 324-H-5 Lumber Eichange. . EAST STARK STREET The future ot this street makes it on of the best on the East Side. To th conservative buyer we can show some ol the surest money-makers on the market MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., 392 E. Burnside St. I WANT TO BUY A GOOD MORTGAGE. Or will Invest in close-in Portland busi ness property up to $40,000. or in coupl smaller amounts: not less than 7 per cent net considered; must have gooa prospective value. Will be in city two weeks. Owners or reliable agents ad dress, with necessary details, L Oregonlan. Hood River Bargain 50 acres, well watered by springs and Irrigation dlfch. 2 miles from Hood Rivr 7-room house, large barn, chl.ken-hoiise. wagon shed, mllkhouse. other outhulld inas Several acres under cultivation, bearing fruit trees, and berry bushes. 40 acres A-l fruit land. 10 acre, rich bot tom land; J240 per acre Particulars Room 301, Lumbermen a Bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS On cltv property, at reasonable rates. C14HK.CDOK COMPASV, Board of Trade Building. Phone Mala 6407, A 3255. f