THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 8, 1909. TW TODAY. NEW TODAY. IfBW TODAY. NEW TODAX. XEW TODAY. NEW TOOAT. NEW TODAY. n West Side Bargains $ 750 Lot ", hloc-k M. On-mway, Port land Heights, part caah. J10 per month. S1250 $1800 S2000 $2250 $2500 $3000 $3650 Fractional lot, Olhbe t.. near Corbetr. pert cash, nal. Pr dent; fine for house or flats. Oood o-ronm cottage on Second at., fcflo cash, fci) p-r month. T-room hmiM, on Second sU, W0 cash, j per month. vtr -room house, Hooa st., near llade! tray terms. Fine lot, 3nxli. on Kelly st.. near Gibba. part uiuih. t cottages, over quarter block, on Macinam Ft., paying 14 per rent, half cash. Good H-room hiue. on Sherman bet. Sth ana 6th. eay terms. $3850 Good K-ronm hoime on First at.. near Meade, pan earn. OQOn 3 houses and lot, fcoxioo. on so 03UU st.. near Slierluan. $4500 Nice 6-room house, on corner Water and Arthur sts. 4iixHM). on comer Orover and Keliy ata.; will divide. lxU. N. H cor. Kelly and Wultaker. Fine to build on. $5000 $5000 $6500 Fine t-rrnim house, modern, 13th. near Mill! $500 cash. Dai. per cent. nnnittxr and 4 (rood houses, ll UUU rented for $79 per month: ou 8ei-ond at.: $oC cash. Sea u for South Portland property. Grussi & Zadow J17 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. Safe Investments 22000 N. H. corner, 100x1 On, loth an.l Savler ata., on carllne, aome Im provements. lKnnn 6x 100 corner on Johnson st. N. liih. Fine lr.rovements netting: f per cent. SS500 Fine 7-room house and lot on ( lay st., o minutes' warn rrom posi , office. 5000 Fine t-room house and 80x100 lot on Quimby at. N. 19th. S4250 S0x5fl. corner of 1st and Meade aud fine large houte. S4150 Fine, almost new. t - room house and nlca sightly lot on Cor bett at. C. F. PFLUGER 6 CO. Established 1880. Rooms 4-0 Mnlkry Bids, Becond and Morrison ata. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Multnomah County will hold thb regular examination of ap plicants for state and rounty papers at tne Ladd school building. West Park and (Jefferson streets. Portland, as follows: FOR BTATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 11. at S o'clock A, M. and continuing until Sat urday, August 14. at 4 o'clock P. M. FOB COUNTT PAPERS. Commencing "Wednesday, August 11, at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until Fri day, August 18. at 4 o'clock P. M. Ful! programme of subjects will be fur Tilshed on application at the office of the . superintendent. Applicants Intending to write here and have certificate issued In mother connty should secure written con Mat from the superintendent of the county from which certificate Is wanted. R. F. ROBINSON, fichool Superintendent of Multnomah County. Apartment-Honse Sites EAST 10TH AND E. GLISAN STS. 100x130 Pries $6500 100x180, on the S. E. corner Bust 10th and East Gltsan sts. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Priee $4750 100x300. on the N. W. corner East 11th and East Flanders sts. E. 12TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Trice $5000 IflOrino, on the S. W. corner East lTth and Eaat Flanders sts. MALL & VON BORSTEL KH Second St.. Lumber Exchange Bid if. '8 Tte m,e BEST In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE r.jiAi r property ol the city. BEK1NG IS DEUKUMi BETTER ; ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and toe lia rtruvementjft going on. Ths Crep Eeal fstals Company GRAD AVE. AND All'LTXOMAH SX. CAPITOL HILL On the Oregon Electric Rail --. S-ccnt car tare. In Portland proper. Inside tne cfty limits, IS minutes' ride from the business center, all (uli lots 50x100 feet each. Improved streets and sidewalks; city and mountain view unsurpassed. io stone or gravel, all in grass plot Prices $:00 to $400 per lot. Title per fect. Complete abstract of title to date furniihed free to every purchaser. Take the Oregon Electric car st Front and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see for yourself. CLOHESSr Jt SMITH. 401-3 McKay Bids. Phone Slain 10S. LOOK! THE ONE BEST BUY 3 1-S acres. ulout one mile from Tualatin, on Oregon Electric and S. P. R. K.. -4 piwsfnKfr trains daily, depota on earn road few steps from door: S acres beaverdam worth JluOft per acre, rest flnet garden lard in Oregon. In high state of cultivation: two houses, barn, outhouses, beautiful well wnter. bearing orchard, berries, out of frost belt. Come the onions growing. You cannot ajffor.l to let this pas.. Price tili per aero, and very liberal terms. Would dfvl.le. B03 Commercial Bide 2d and Wash. Sts. BARGAIN Twenty-five Acres PRICE $6000 Twenty-five acres four miles east of Montavilla, quarter of a mile off the Hae Line road, ten acre? cleared, has been in cultivation for five years. A good tract to ubjivtci. Situate one half mile from the Troutdale extension of the O. V. P. & Ky. Half cash, bal- bco 4 per cent Mall & Von Borstel 104 Snooad St.' Holladay Audition A Home for You On hand or "made to order" is not out of the rraestion if your income is small, so long as it's regular. Perhaps yon have been pay ing rent for years. Stop that! Our plan will make the rent pay for the house. Call here for par ticulars. Hartman 6 Thompson Chamber of Commerce. ORCHARD TRACTS ! of S. 10 and 15 acres In the famous POLK COl'STV FRXIT BELT, 2 miles from Dallas. THE ORCHARD CITY," and only y, mile from transportation: Best soil, elevation and slope for all kinds of fruit, berries and vege tables. Wa offer to set out these tracts to any fruit that buyer may desire, apples and pears recommended. Price 1200 per acre, terms, cost of trees and planting; Included. If desired, we will contract to care for tracts for term of years up to sixth year at SI per acre per month for the first 3 years and 11.50 for the next two years, payable monthly, enabling; buyer to obtain a first class bearing; orchard at a t-tal price of I27J per acre, worth $800 to $1500 per acre. Adjoining; land already in orchard gives proof of the adaptability of soil to fruit growing. An opportunity un rivalled throughout the valley. For further particulars address KAUFFKANN S MOORE, AGENTS 34-325 Lumber Exrkaast. rvington Several choice corners, Thompson St., between East 18th end 22d, sur rounded by beautiful homes. All im provements in. Price is right. Also very desirable new 7-room modern residence, East 20th St., near Tilla mook; shades, fixtures, everything complete; special buy; street improve ments all paid; swell surroundings; price $6750. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts. $S Per Acre 1000 acres, 12 miles back from Mosier, easily cleared, good apple land, living springs on place, nearly all fenced. F. E. MANCHESTER 203 Henry Building. YOU HAVE ADMIRED THIS PLAGE 60x100 and that beautiful t-room modern brick bungalow, on the N. W. corner 11th and Tillamook. Sickness forces an i:nmedlnte sale. Property cost last year ,;0,000. Price now 37 750 Hurry EDW. P. MALL & CO. 309-310 A billet on Bnlldlns;. PACIFM' CITY The AtlaaUe City of the Ftooilic Coat. Situated on Flora Lake, overlooking the lake and tb Pact lie Ocean; 1A miles south of Bandon In Curry County. OreBon. R. R. now building from Bandon through Pacific City. A canal connecting the lak with the ocean is contemplated by the Pacific City Improvement Company In the near future, making of Floras Lake a fine land-locked harbor with miles of deep water front. raclflc City is absolutely the moat beau tlful spot for a Summer resort as well as a city on the entire pacific Coaat. Until September 1st we are offering lots at $10 te $13.&0 KACH. For particulars and photo graphs see 1X-KLT. PARBERRT, 38 Chamber ef Commerce. Have You Business Properly For Sale? A business property, well and cen trally located. East or West Side must have a reasonable income is -wanted. Give particulars and address S 291, Oregoniaa, $500010 acres, well fenced, twf small houses, good well, on Section Line Road, only short distance east of Mt. Tabor, half cash or will sell five acres. $1600 Splendid Irvington lot, all j improvements paid. $4000100x100, with good 7-room dwelling, most sightly portion Mt. Tabor; terms. Place worth $-3000. $10,000 One of the neatest homes on Nob Hill, with garage. PENINSULA Some of the best buys and which will put money in your purse. Ask us about them. EXVER HOME near Vancouver, on Columbia River, reached by auto, train or boat. Jackson & Deering Phones Main 345, A 246 Stark St. 3457. GUARANTEED TO BE A SNAP A beautiful fl-room house with 3 lre bedrooms, nice clothes closets, fine large reception hall, nice porcelain bath and wash bowl, linen closets, large living1 room and diningr-room with opening1, larg-e airy kitchen well fitted up with porcelain siriK and bacK, etc Mouse all piped and wired for gas and electricity, well built and elegantly finished with the best of material, house practically new and has beautiful lawns and shrub bery; good neighborhood and best car service in tne city; lot boxioo reet. price $2850. Terms. Call and see picture. Ralph' Ackley 80S Corbett Bids;. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN "We offer for a few days 691 lots in this addition at a bargain. Mast be sold as a whole. For particulars, see Wakefield, Fries 6 Co. 229 Stark St. Farm for Sale 1150 acres. In the Umpqua Valley, one of the oldest donation land claims there. Railroad station on the place. One hundred acres under high state of cultivation, and as much more easily brought into cultivation; 4 acres of full bearing orchard, berries of all kinds, irrigation ditch covers considerable of the tillable land now. Good two-story house and several barns and other buildings. The balance or Uie pTace Is used for grazing; but Is covered with considerable timber, such as oak and other varieties. The place Is wen wat ered by springs ana aiso the South Umpqua- Kiver. This would be suitable for a townsite or would make several Ideal homes. The same must be sold to settle an estate, and there is no other bargain In the state that will compare to this. Investigate this. Prices and terms made known upon ap plication. This Advertisement will not appear again, therefore act at once should you want the best bargain in Oregon. H. W. Miller, 41st and Holgate streets, Portland, Oregon. Bargain for a Few Days Only $75 AN ACRE 100 acres, close In. on good road, bot tom land, line etoil, utrU t.uLUbUl half In cultivation. LAMBERT-WHITMER COJIPA.W, 404 East Alder Street. RIVERFRONT BEAt'TIKUL L.OCATIOV FOR SIGHT LY HOMES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER, Most beautiful and accessible river front property near Portland, 9 miles from center of city. 4 blocks from Co veil Station, on Oregon City electric car. If you are wanting- a home on the river, let ua snow you this. THE DUXX-LAWRECE CO., 24S Alder Street. FIVE DOLLARS Buys one of thp finest lots In Belle Crest; cement sidewalks and curbing; city water: half block from good car line; beautiful homes building; all round, and the gxeai Country Club grounds only four blocks. You can't go wrong: it's worth double. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO, Room 517 OregonJan Building. BASE LINE ACREAGE "W'e have for sale In this desirable locality 3o acres of highly Improved land at a price far below any on the market. A splendid opportunity to the Investor or those with the means to handle it. Investigation solicited and property shown to those who mean business. No phone information. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Scead St, 392 B. Bnrnslde St. Willamette Heights S235Q Only one very desirable lot. 60x100, unobstructed view harbor, mountains and city; Quimby and Raleigh sts.. Just west of 29th i St. Choicest buy on the market. See A. H. BIRRELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg, Third and Stark Sta. Wanted: Investment Property I want to buy a (West Side preferred) property, centrally located; must have reasonable income and be good value; will go from $30,000 to $40,000 and pay cuh. F SI Oregonlao, HEIGHTS I A N is located on the Columbia River ten miles above Kennewick, at the mouth of the Yakima River, and is under one of the best ir rigation systems in the North west. Have you ever stopped to think that there is more to con sider in the buying of land to grow fruit on than the mere fact of raising what you wisht If you are going to make any thing out of what you grow it is necessary to grow it at a time when it is in demand. Consid ering Richland's advantages and climatic conditions, making it the earlist point in the entire Northwest, excepting Kennewick with which we share all hon ors its fertile soil and abun dant water supply, both for ir rigation and domestic purposes, natural drainage to the Yakima and Columbia Rivers, assuring healthful conditions; unequaled transportation facilities by rail and water offers greater inducements to the fruitgrower and homeseeker than auy place in the West. The price of land is less than interior districts, and there is nothing else of merit at any thing like the price. Here the location is the most central of any in the state; the soil is per fect for irrigation volcanic ash, with an underlying subsoil of gravel no hardpan you can produce all. the necessities of life, and many of the luxuries. The season is from two to three weeks earlier than any- other in the Northwest, and therefore your products are first on the market and you receive the top price. Buy land now, while you can get the best for $125 per acr(e, with perpetual water right. Water under Government super vision. Call for free booklet. I Richland ; I Land Co. j A. W. HOVER, MANAGER, 110 Second St., Portland. Main 1743 Phones A 1743 Branch offices : 120 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns; 312 "Washing ton Street, Vancouver, Wash. Richland LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY Exclusive Downtown Residence DistrioL ASPHALT STREETS Complete water and sewer systems. CEMENT WALKS All Improvements paid. Wide avenues, with H-foot alleys In every block. Only .20 minutes' walk to business dis trict of city. HOMES NOW BUILDING j PRICES $1800 AND UP Terms, if wanted; 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent per month, 6 per cent interest. WARRANTY DEED For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. M5 CONCORD BL.DO. ALSO AGENTS ON GROUND. APARTMENT SITE Apartment site, S. E. cor. 12th and Harrison sts.; 100 ft. faces on 12th: 80 width; street 50 ft. north front on Harrison ; all improvements in and paid; present income $45 per month; $9500; easy terms; 6 per cent. Choic est buy on the market. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. MIDSUMMER BARGAINS $3500 Full lot and 10-room house. ount by any labor, on northwest cor ner Of K.LRt 3lRt S( S4000 1'JOxlOO feet and good (-room nuune, souinwest corner or Hood and Pennoyer streets; very pretty grounds: near a nrnnoxM narlr 84100 Neat 7-room house at 275 Woods street, commanding view; will be valuable property when Fourth street line Is electrified; $1650 cash will handie. SSOOO Fine home on Lovejoy street. in nBigntornooa or most costly homos in Portland: full lot; owner giving up housekeeping only reason for sell ing; terms can be arranged. HEKn A I'RWAK, 37 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. JUST LIKE BEINB Ifl TOWN 17 acres, on fine road, less than one mile west of Mount Zion station, on Council Crest line: land fine for mar ket gardening; cherries, peaches and strawberries; location sheltered; run ning water; adjoining land has sold for $1250 per acre. If not sold, owner will withdraw from market and improve it.' This is your only chance to buy a splendid country place for so low a figure. Price, $: 2,500. REED & URWAN 837 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Alain 8535. Quarter block, 4th and Jef ferson, southeast corner; at tractive terms; 6 per cent. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Building, 3d and Stark. Will BuyApartment House A good property, well located, that brings good returns and Is In location where values will increase Is what I want. Can pay cash and will go from $15,000 to $30,000. P 290, Oregonlan. Automobile to Exchange for Real Estate Seven-passenger car, 40 horsepower machine, in good condition. Will ex change for city property or acreage. Inquire Y 286, Oregonlan. EAST STARK STREET The future of this street makes It one of the beat on the East Side. To the conservative buyer we can show some of the surest money makers on the mar ket. .. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., 302 E. Bnrnslde St. I OWN THE PROPERTY lots 8115 s2.00 cash s2.00 per month For particulars, make inquiries and satisfy yourself at room 205 Ablngton Building. Bxtra iiours for those en gaged in business on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 6 to 9 P. M. HOMESITE On Nob Hill Terrace, 8200 square feet; splendid view. One of the choice sitea for a home. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 392, A 2392. 264 Stark. home: ox the banks of the Wil lamette. Beautiful bungalow, right - on the banks of the river, five minutes' walk to electric line, half hour to tne city; grand view of passing boats; an Ideal spot to live. Lot Is &OX400 and the price Is $2400. WALLACE IJTVESTMEWT CO, Oncaua Binning. $45,000 JOIESH Is an addition where yon can see the value NOW Graded streets, electric lights, Bull Run water, Complete abstract, warranty deed. Size of lots is 50x100. The price $400 to $600 Take Montavilla car. Agent at tract. Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St. 100x100 CLOSE-IN PROPERTY One of the Best Sites Offered for Sale. If You Want Something Good, Investigate This 332 Chamber of Commerce SPECIAL JR1900 Will buy 75x170 on First St., South Portland; elegantly locate1., east front; would sell half of It. K7ROO 55x100. on East Pine street. close In; has an Income of $35 per monin; nan casn win nanaie it. 8450O A 9-room modern house, on Corbett street; $1000 cash. Otto 6 Harkson Realty Co. 133H FIRST Street. $40 per Acre 160 acres, only a short distance from Portland, on good road, between 3000 and 4000 cords of wood, accessible to market, good soil and well watered, well located. LAMBERT -WHITHER CO. 404 East Alder Street. Several choice corners and inside lots, 7th, 12th and 13th streets, near West Park; income property, and de sirable apartment sites. Don't miss these opportunities. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark A Rare Chancs 7i acres, all cleared and splendidly Im proved; houses, barn, sheds, fine orchard, berries, splendid soil and at Milwaukfe R. R. depot: wort $10,000. The party, having to raise money right away, will take $&XK; only $3500 cash required. This is surely a snap. Dubois & Crockett Washington Bidg. Room 3. Tiiurman Street 100x110. south front, just west of 27th St.. near beautiful Forestry bulldlncr: sewer and water connections made to each lot: hard-surface pavement now being- laid to be paid. . An ideal apartment site. Go look at thie, then see A. H. BIRRELL CO. 803 McK.t Bids, Third and Stark Sts. irci!icago-N8wYork12 Electric Air Line Railroad stock. Ab soluteiy safe, as the road is free of debt. Stock $25. in ten payments ; in reach or an. Portland office, 529 Lumbermen Building Fifth street- INVITATION is extended to stranger and friend to inspect our list of homes and building' sites now offered for sale. Would be pleased to show you. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Seeand St., 382 K. Bnrnslde St. $30,000 100x100 on North 15th st.; track age. Excellent warehouse site. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 392, A 2392. - 264 Stark. BARGAIN Fine modern home, rooms; lot, lfrdxlOO; cholc location. BatclH104 iii Couch. B11& comer y. m. CHAPIN 8 HEM Good BUVS Rich Wheat Lands $12 to $18 Per Acre GO WITH US ON AUGUST 14 and see these famous wheat, lands of Southern Alberta. HARVEST NEAR- LY HERE. You can see exactly what j the country will produce. Very low I rate. Call at once -or write for full information. IDE-McCARTHY landco General Land Agents Canadian Pa cific Railway Co., 425-426 Lunibermens Building. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS A fin acre of ground. In fine state of cultivation. Good 7-room house and all kinds of fruits. A fine wrtl and Inrpe tank for all water purposes. Nicely fenced and fronting: a fine car service; oc fare. $3800. 60x100. A well-made, 5-room house, with concrete foundation. Fine pantry and closets. Nice shade trees and close to fine car service. A fine location, $775. Is that cheap enough? 100xJ!60. A rood 7-room house, all ready to planter. This is close to fine car service and only $1500. How much do you want? 150x100. A fine location. A new and modern 7-room house. House is Just being: finished and owner is going-East to stay- V e don t agree to give you this prop erty, but we can sell It very cheap, $1800. It won't cost you anything to see for yourself. We don't put anything on the mar ket, only what we know are bargains, and will bear Investigation. Some good bargains in acreage and small homes. ROOM 206 ROTHCIIIIjD BLDG., Fourth and Washington Streets. tnnrn lOOxlon. with good R-rnom lions? dZZuli and barn, at 8:! Vermont st., close to carline. on West Side, now rent ing for $15 per month. tQfinn MOxlOO, comer Hodney ave. and wuuUU Going st.; nicest quarter block in that locality; mme income, (ennn 60x126, with 7-room modern wDUUU home, on Clackamas st., near 2tith st. trrnn lOOxlOO, on East Everett st., vUJUU 6-room modern nouse. Cfifin Fractional lot, near S?cond and yOUUU Wasco sts.; new 7-room house, right up to date. Geo. D. Schalk 24 Stark St.. Main 392-A2392. THIS IS I0DR OPPORTCMTI Improve ft by buying a LOT In ARDENWALD Just east of the Golf Links. Within the five-cent fare limit. Improved Street . Sidewalks and Good Water. LOTS $350 TO $550 Terms, 10 per cent down, 3 per cent per month. Call and see us about It. KNAPP MACKEV, 212-213 Board of Trade Building. H.P.PALMER-JONESCO. Real Estate, including city business and residence property, acreage and farms. Rents and leases. Mortgages and loans. Fire and general insur ance. 212-213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. Provident People PEOPLE OP Jl'DKME.VT ARB AC tltli:i PROPERTY AT HOOD RIVER. Look at These Bargains. 40 acres, all cleared and planted. 1400 Newtowns, S00 Spit7.enbergs, 200 Ort leys. 200 Arkansas Blacks. All 1 years old. Best apple soil in the valley. Fine building site, with grand view. All under ditch. Price, $16,000. 20 acres adjoining, slashed, $4000. 10 acres adjoining, timber, $1500. Call or address H. A. MOSER, Phone Main 2-1H2. 250 Vi Third St. Farm Worth 83000 More than asked, 139 acres, 16 miles from Port land, one-half mile from proposed elec tric line, 80 acres under cultivation, oats run from 80 to 100 bushels to acre; nice 8-room home, tank house, gasoline water plant, concrete fruit and milk house, lar,sa barn: price $100 per acre; worth $ia6. Poulsen-Ratcllffe Realty Co., 330 Lumber men's bldg., 5th and Stark. $2600 WIIL Bl'V OXB ACRE OP GROl'.i D, All fenced and in cultivation; young fruit trees, chicken park, 100 chickens and a 6-room colonial plastered house, new, and upstairs floor coverings. THE Dl'JiX-I.AW RENCE CO, 248 Alder Street. ACREAGE WANTED In or near Portland, on earline some thing from 10 to 100 acres, suitable for subdividing;. Prices must be rock bottom. S 292, Oregonian. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Price $2500 Corner lot, 50x100, and 6-room cottage, situated on the N. K. corner E. 25th and Oregon. It is a bargain. See it. MALL & VON BORSTEL HH Second St., Lumber Kxrhnnge Bids.