The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 08, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Mme. Irene Corsets, "Ostermoor" Mattresses, Columbia Yarns, Etc., Etc.
r Meier & -Fran
k Store
And Expansion Sale atlhe
Marvelous Values in Every Department of the Establishment
$1.25 Cape Gloves at 89c Pair
$2.25 Silk Gloves at 98c Pair
$1.75 Silk Gloves at 98c Pair
Great clean-np of one-clasp Cape Kid Gloves, in white and the
best shades of tan; sizes b to 74; the best regular QQf.
$1.25 values, on sale at this special low price, the pair-''
Great special lot of 16-button length Mousquetaire Silk Gloves,
in black, white and colors; sizes by2 to 8; the best regu- QQ.
lar $2.00 and $2.25 values, on sale at this low price, pair
Great sale of embroidered and tucked short Silk Gloves, QQ
latest colorings; sizes 5y2 to 7; $1.50-$1.75 values, pairt,i
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 long Kid Gloves on sale at, pr. .$1.69
Regular $3.00 long Chamois Gloves, on sale at ,the pair. .$1.47
Mail orders will receive our most prompt and careful attention.
$1.50 Coat and Collar Sets 98c
75c Croat Stocks at 47c Each
75c-85c Dutch Collars at 53c
Special lot of Lace Coat Collars and Sets, in allover laces, venise
laces, net top laces and embroidery effects; best k?"- QQi
lar $1.25 and $1.50 values, at this very low price, each Ov
Special lot of embroidered Croat Stocks in white with embroid
ered dots and fleur de lis designs; best 75c values, each.. 47
Great sale of hand-embroidered straight Collars, also hand-embroidered
Dutch Collars; French and eyelet effects; the CQm
best regular 75e and 85e values, on sale at, special, each
Special sale of Ilelen Taft Collars, in white and colors; 1 'J-,
large variety of colors and styles; best 35c values, each
New lot of Oriental Spangled Scarfs, from $6.00 to $12.00
New Neck Ruchings in handsome styles, on sale at all prices.
August Sale of Linen
Best Vals. of the Year
Thousands and thousands of yards Table Damask in all grades
on sale at extraordinary low prices. Best patterns in large as
sortment. Take advantage. On sale at the following prices:
66-inch silver bleached Damask, regular 60c value, yard..39
68-inch mercerized satin Damask, regular 75c value, yard. .60
72-inch double satin Damask, regular $1.50 value, yard. .$1.29
72-inch double satin Damask, regular $1.75 value, yard. .$1.39
Satin damask Napkins of superior quality and best pattern, on
sale at the following very special prices let 'us show you:
200 dozen 24-inch Napkins, best patterns; best regu- (TO jCZ
lar $4.50 values, on sale at this low price, per dozen P-
300 dozen 22-inch Napkins, in the best patterns; reg- fcO Ctf)
ular $3.00 values, on sale at this low price, the dozen
5-8 Napkins, regular $7.00 values, on sale at, the dozen. .$5.00
3-4 Napkins, regular $10 values, on sale at, the dozen.. $7.00
Scalloped and Embr'd'ry Cloths
Great sale of scalloped and embroidered Cloths, very pretty
pieces; three sizes; extraordinary values, at, special, each :
36x36-inch, $3.0O 4"x4.)-inch, $6.00 54x54-inch, $7.00
Hemstitched Lineu Table Sets, beautiful styles and quality:
8-10 Cloths, with Napkins to match, regular $5 values. .$4.00
8-12 Cloths, with Napkins to match, regular $6 values. .$5.00
Great values in Towels and Toweling. Great values in Sheets
and Tillow Slips. Great values in Blankets and Comforters.
Great values in Bedspreads, in all grades. Let us show you.
50 handsome linen Table Sets, cloths and napkins to match;
beautiful patterns, fine quality; values up to 1 QL Off
$20.00 the set, on sale at this special reduction A
Hand-embroidered Table Linens on sale at decided reductions.
500 pieces of all-linen Crash Toweling, 1240 value, yard.. 9
300 dozen linen Huck Towels, regular 25o values, each..l9
300 dozen Bath Towels, good size, best 20c values, each..l4
200 Bath Mats, regular $1.25 values, on sale at, each..98
500 good heavy Cotton Pillow Cases, sizes 42x36 "I OljC
and 45x36; besdloc values, buy all you want at, ea,
2000 good heavy Cotton Bed Sheets, size 81x00. inches ; r7Cc
great special value, on sale at this very low price, each
5000 yards of good quality Cambric, exceptional value, yd. .10
August Grocery Sale
Best Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, on sale for, the pound.. 18
Our best Japan Kice on sale at low price of 10 lbs for..55
Good standard Tomatoes, at the'low price of 3 tins for. .22
Best Western Sugar Corn, on sale at, special, 3 tins for..25
Sapolio. on sale at, cake.. 7 Corn Meal, ten lbs. for..29
Jams Raspberry, Currant, Strawberry, on sale at, jar. .20
Regular 60c Spider Leg Japan Tea, on sale at, special, lb. .42c
Baker's Cocoa, -1-lb. tins, on sale at this low price, lb. .45
Crosse & Blaekwcll's Lucca Oil, now selling at, the bottle. .76
Mrs. Porter's Home-Made Salad Dressing, special, 10c and 20J
Large jars of Chipped Beef, on sale at, special, the jar. .25
Imported Kippered Herring, on sale at, special, 3 tins for. .50
New, large, white Asparagus, on sale at, special, 3 tins. .$1.00
"Victor" Baking Powder, money-back brand, at. the lb..35
"Carnation" and "Pioneer" Milk on sale at, dozen tins..95
K. C. Baking Powder, on sale at this low price, the tin.. 22
Best Family Soap, on sale at the low price of 15 bars for. .50
All lines of Groceries and Provisions sold here at the very low
est prices. Prompt delivery. Phones Exchange 4 and A oltu.
15c-25c Wash Goods 1 1c
35c Wash Goods 19c Yd
75c White Swiss 50c Yd
2000 yards of printed Mulls and Lawns, in pretty styles 1 "I
very large assortment ; 15c to 25c values, at, the yard
2000 yards of striped Suitings, new and pretty styles; 1 Q
the best regular 3oc values, on sale at, special, the yard
2000 yards of white Madras Waistings, 35c values, yard..l9
50 pieces of beautiful white embroidered Swiss, the best Cf)
regular 75c values buy all you want at this price, yard J'vJl
Remnants of white and colored Wash Goods, on sale at excep
tionally low prices a Monday sale bargain you should not miss.
$1.00 Dress Goods 37c
$1.50 Dress Goods 57c
75c French Challies 59c
1000 yards Wool Suitings, light and medium effects, in ip7t
stripes and checks; 38 to 54 inches wide; values to $1 yd. J t
1500 yards of Dress Fabrics, Novelty Suitings, English Mohairs,
fancy Panamas, etc., 44 to 56 inches wide ; all attractive E J
new materials; values itp to $1.50 the yard, on sale at
2000 yards of 30-inch best grade of imported French Challies, in
Persian and large floral designs; also Persian border CQp
effects; light, medium, dark colorings; 75c values, yard"''
lh Off on Chinaware
Austrian China, blue violet decoration, stock pattern. Prices:'
$2.25 sauce dishes, dz..$1.50
$1.25 Sauce Boats for..84
$1.50 Chocolate Pots.. $1.00
$1.10 Sugar Bowls, ea..73
$4.50 Platters for, ea. .$3.00
$1.65 Platters at, ea..$1.10
$3 Mush Bowls, doz.. 2.00
$250 Soup Plates, dz..$1.70
$2.50 Plates, at, doz. .$1.67
Entire stock of Refrigerators low
50c Pickle Dishes, each..33
$1.35 Butter Dishes at..90
$2.10 vegetable Dishes $1.40
50c Creamers for, each..33
$150 Tea Pots, each.. $1.00
$2.50 Platters, at, ea. .$1.67
$2.50 Bone Plates, dz. .$1.67
$3.50 Plates, at, doz.. $2.33
$3.00 Plates, at, doz.. $2.00
90c Indiv. Butters, doz..60
priced in the Basement Store.
$6 to $10 Gowns $4.48
$5 to $6 Chemise $3.93
$3.50 Pajamas at $2.6?
Special lot of high-grade Nightgowns, trimmed in lace" and
embroidery, tucks, inserting, beading and ribbon; slipover and
high-neck stvles; all new, pretty, high-class gowns; OA AQ
best regular $6.00 to $10.00 values, on sale at, each S'Tr.X'-'
Special lot high-grade French hand-embroidered Chemise, made
with double scalloped edge, embroidery yoke effects fcO Q?
and eyelets drawn with ribbon; $5 and $6 values
Special lot women's Pajamas in pink, blue and tan, trimmed in
braids and frogs; fine quality, sateen material, all fcO f?T
sizes, for women and misses; $3.00 and $3.50 values
Great clean-up sale of "Nemo" Corsets. Take advantage.
75c to 85c Ribbons 33c
Ribbon Remnants 2 Price
Good Handkerchief Vals.
Special lot of 3000 yards 8-inch afl-silk Taffeta Ribbon, QO
in a full line of popular colorings; 75c-85c values, yard
5000 yards of fancy Ribbons, 6 and 7 inches wide; print warps,
Dresdens, Dolly Vardeus, stripes, checks, plaids, dots; suitable
for fancy work, millinery purposes, etc.; 75c values, yd..42
5000 Ribbon Remnants, all styles, all grades, all lengths, on
sale at one-half the regular selling prices. Let us show you.
Special lot of fine crossbar Linen Handkerchiefs, em- AOn
broldered initial; regular 65c values, on sale for, each"''
Regular 25c and 35c Initial Handkerchiefs, best styles.. 19
Great odd lot of Handkerchiefs, in hemstitched, cross-OC
bar and embroidered effects; regular 35c and 40c value
Regular 35c colored border Handkerchiefs, on sale for. .25
Bathroom Supplies
15-inch nickel Towel Bars, regular 40c values, for, each.. 31
18-inch nickel Towel Bars, regular 45c values, for, each.. 35
24-inch nickel Towel Bars, regular 50c values, for, each.. 39
Nickel Tooth Brush Holders, regular 20c values, each..l6
Regular 35c nickel Tumbler Holders, on sale for, each..27
Nickel Wall Soap Holders, regular 50c values, for, each..39
Regular $1.50 Bath Tub Soap Holders, on sale for, ea. .$1.19
Bath Tub Soap Holders, regular (30c values, for, each. .47
55 Silk Princess Dresses $18.45
40 Linen, Silk Dresses
1 2 Walkin
drts at
Sensational values in women's high-grade, ready-to-wear apparel for this week's
selling Fine garments for street and dress wear at prices below the actual cost of
the material alone Values never before known in the history of Portland retailing
Women's beautiful Silk Princess Dresses, in rajah silks, pongee silks, taffeta silks, messalme silks and
satin foulards; round and demi-train effects.; handsome styles, made with gold lace yokes, embroidered
bands of net, also Irish crochet and tucked net and Persian bands. The color assortment Includes tan,
mode, rose, pink, lavender, black, white, catawba, blue, Copenhagen and .gray. . Dresses CI Q AC
selling regularly at prices up to $55.00 each, on sale at this unusually low price, each K V'
Great special line of linen, silk and foulard Dresses, with braided net waists and full flare skirts; many
have clusters of pleats and all have deep hem; lace yokes and sleeves, or sleeves of selfffl OC
material, elaborately trim'd; magnificent, up-to-date, ready-to-wear apparel, values to $40 V -wv
Great speical line of women's Walking Skirts, in fancy tweed mixtures, panama cloths and alpaca
plain flared effects, with bias folds and stitched bands, also satin bands; black, navy, green, fl O OC
gray and tan mixtures, checks, stripes, etc; great variety; values up to $12, on sale at, ea. V
Women's and Misses' Coats
Values to $20 for $6.45 Ea
Great clean-up sale of women's and misses' Coats in broadcloth, taffeta, serge, coverts, worsteds and
tweeds, also lace and braided net coats, in white, black, tan, plain and fancy mixtures; short, medium
and long lengths; loose, semi and tight-fitting garments; plain tailored and fancy tailored Pg AC
coats an immense assortment for your selection; values up to $20.00, on sale for, garment N.-x
Our entire stock of Lingerie Dresses specially re-
Rajah and Taffeta Silk Suits, in black and navy
only; strictly tailored styles, handsomely made and
finished; regular $25.00 to $50,001, Dpirp
values, on sale at this reduction
Entire stock of three-piece Silk Suits, all new 1909
styles, in plain tailored and fancy trimmed effects ;
values ranging from $35 to $85, at HALF PRICE
Great special values in Tailored Suits 2d Floor.
duced; in colors new, dainty styles for hot weather
and evening wear; values from $10 y PMfP
to $50, at 2 regular selling prices ww
Special line of white Serge Suits, with black line
stripe, this season's styles; regular values ranging
from $25.00 to $45 a suit, on sale Pff0
at one-half regular selling prices '
$2.25 Embroideries 79c Strip
$3.00 Tucking at $1.39 Yard
$ 1 .50 Embroideries 39c a Yard
Great sale of manufacturers' lengths of swiss and nainsook
Embroidery Edges and Insertings for women's and children's
wear; 4y2 and 5-yard lengths; best patterns; values up "7Qp
to $2.25 a strip, on sale at this special price, a strip
1000 vards of allover Swiss Tucking, with inserting of lace and
embroidery for yokes and sleeves; regular values to " OQ
$3.00 a yard, on sale at this special low price, yard V
3000 vards of swiss and nainsook Embroidery Edges, Flouncing
i t." i n i i . . i . : r
ana JSanas, lor lingerie gowns ana waists; aesigns iu imi- Mf
tation Irish and filet effects; values up to $1.50 yard, at
Corset Cover Embroideries
$1.25 Values at 69c Per Yard
90c Values at 59c Per Yard
Three big lots 5000 yards of new and pretty Corset Cover
Embroideries, in swiss, nainsook and crossbar dimity. Beautiful
styles, large assortment on sale at the following low prices:
Regular 75c values, yard, 39 Regular 90c values, yard, 59
Bestregular $L25 values, on sale at, special the yard. .69
"Lily White" semi-made Corset Covers in very pretty Cf)p
styles; regular $1.25 values, on sale at this low prloe, ea. u
40c Undervests for 23c Each
75c Knit Drawers at 47c Pair
Special lot of 2000 women's mercerized gauze lisle sleeveless
Undervests low neck, narrow lace and ribbon shoulder OO-,
straps; all sizes; best regular 40c values, on sale at, each
Great special lot of fine ribbed Umbrella Drawers, trim'd A "7
with Val. lace and French bands; regular 75c values, pr.
$2.25 Silk Hose at $ 1 .50 Pair
50c Lisle Hose for 32c a Pair
Children's 25c Hose at 15c Pair
500 pairs of women's fine black Silk Hose, with extra wide dou
ble elastic garter tops, full fashioned; double woven heels and
toes; the celebrated "Kayser" make; come in all CQ
sizes; best regular $2.25 values, on sale at, the pair x.-v
Women's imported black and colored lisle Hose, with lace boots,
U " i j- . 1 l
assorted patterns; lull range oi colors ana sizes, Jn
regular 50c values buy all you want of them at, pair
Infants' and children's fine lisle Socks, in white, black, 1C.
pink, light -blue, etc.; best 25c values, on sale at, pair
High -Grade Curtains
$To.5Q to $35 Values
One-H alf Regular Prices
Sale extraordinary of two-pair lots of white Lace Curtains, whit
Renaissance Curtains, white Marie Antoinettes and white Clu
nys; heavy wide borders; made on tbe best French nets; values
ranging from $10.50 to $35.00 a pair; only two pairs of a y
kind. Your choice while they last at V2 regular prices
Great sale of fine domestic Arabian Lace Curtains, in ecru, made
on plain cable uets, with heavy corded borders and insertings;
corded on both sides. Three lots; unusual bargains, low-priced:
$12.00 values, at, pair; $7.85 $15.00 values, at, pair, $9.75
Regular $16.50 values, on sale at this low prica, pair. .$11.00
Ecru Soutache Curtain Laces, with corded insertings, on plain,
fine or heavy French nets; 30 to 50 inches wide; regu- 7QC
lar values up to $1.50 yard, on sale at, special, the yard
2000 yards of colored swiss, flyal and block designs; wbita
grounds with blue, yellow, pink or green figures; 36 1 1
inches wide; great special value, on sale at, the yard
$1.25 Fancy Silks 63c a Yard
75c Colored Taffetas 59c Yard
A marvelous offering of 5000 yards of fancy Silk Suitings for
waists and shirtwaist suits; all new, pretty styles, for CO
dresses, waists, costumes, etc.; regular $1.25 values, yard
2500 yards of colored Taffeta Silks in all the new shad- CQC
ings; best 75c values, on sale at this low price, the yard
$3.50-$4 Cloves $1.69 a Pair
$3 Chamois Gloves $1.47 Pair
Special lot of long Glace Kid Gloves, mousquetaire style, all col
ors and sizes; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, to be g1 gQ
cleaned up at this extraordinary low price, the pair K
Great clean-up of 16-button length Chamois Gloves, in white and
natural colors; all sizes, 5 to 7; best regular $3.00 CI A7
values, on sale at this ridiculously low price, per pair
Broken lines of short -Kid Gloves at wonderfully low prices.
Broken lines of Silk Gloves on sale at prices far below cost.