THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1909. 4 1 1 . , , . being located at the Washington State Vnlverslty. University of California and Stanford University. The University of Oregon chapter has a charter membership of 23. but the younir women members are not at all superstitious and purpose making their chapter a derided credit to the organisation of which it forms a part. A list of the charter members follows: Misses Le'.a Doddard. Winifred Had ley. Jessie Chase. Alene Robinson, Kate Fullerton. Pusan Hayes. Oladys Mac Kenzle. Winifred Cockerllne, Laura Adele Goff. Hazel McXair. Hazel Brown, Frances Nelson. C'ecile Wilcox, Mary PeBar. Eva Allan. Lucia Campbell. Jessie Bibee. Merle McKelvy, Jane Knox. Fields McClalne. Alene Thomp son. Mildred Bagley and lone Lam bert. In the installation Miss Macfarland was assisted by the following prom inent college women: Mrs. Anna Steele, of DePauw University: Mrs. H. M. Crooks, of Worcester University; Mrs. Anna Cross and Miss Cross, of Kansas tate University, and Miss Marjorle Holcomb. of Stanford University. Other prominent members of the fraternity from out of the city were: Misses Helen Higbee. Dorothy Dean. Claire Iean, Rovy Lucas. Vera Jones and Robin McKlnley. representing the Uni versity of Washington; Misses Dor othy Moore, Frances Gill, Bernice pronson and Maude Cleveland, of the University of California. The banquet, which followed the In stallation ceremonies. In the grillroom was an enjoyable affair. Miss Mac farland presided as toastmaster and re sponses were made by the following: Misses Frances Gill, Frances Ober teuffer, Lela Goddard, Frances Nelson, Mary DeBar, Anna Cross, Marjorie Holcomb and Mrs. H. M. Crooks. m m Dr. and Mrs. Jonah B. Wise have re turned from their wedding trip to Banff Eprings. Mrs. Frank Warren. Jr., entertained In formally Tuesday afternoon for Miss Sophie Casey, of Washington. D. C. the daughter of Admiral Casey, who is visit ing her cousin. Mrs. L. H. Tarpley. Miss Florence Kohn and Miss Florence , Wolfe are the guests of Miss Miriam Ja cobs at Seaside. Among tTie physicians and their wives going over to Seattle for the fair and the Oregon. Washington and Idaho Medical Conference were Dr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Mackey, Dr. end Mrs. Ernest Tucker. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Pierce and Dr. and Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie. At the Golf dub Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacRae entertained Jr. and Mrs. J. F. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. David Loring. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Park er and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly (Miss Mar guerite Wiley have returned from a seven weeks- wedding trip, during which time they visited in Honolulu. They are now domiciled at Alexandra Court. . The appearance of Mary Adele Case In o. recital tomorrow evening at the Bunga low is attnu-ting much attention. The former Portland and Oregon City girl was flatteringly received at her recent recital in Paris, and is to leave this Fall to tour with the famous violinist Kreiss ler. Mayor Carl, of Oregon City, has taken a box. as have Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Lang. Among those who will occupy Inge are Mrs. Preston Smith. Mr. C. D. Itourette. of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Smith. Judge Sweek and Mrs. D. P. Thompson. Mrs. Lulii Dahl Miller. Harold Milligan and Ross Fargo. Portland musicians who have been studying in New York, re turned last week to spend the Summer. Miss Carrie Lee Chamberlain, daughter of Senator and Mrs. George Chamberlain, returned last week from college at Roan oke, Va. Prior to coming West she vis ited with her sister. Mrs. Rowan Galther, at Natchez. Miss., and with her father. Senator Chamberlain, in Washington, D. C. Mrs- W. W. Adams, of Los Angeles, ar rived on Monday to visit with Mr. and Sirs. J. P. O'Brien. Alfred Hoyt. of New Tork. a young brother of Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett. ar rived last week from the East, bringing with him Mr. Samuel Kunhart. of New Tork. Mr. Hoyt and Mr. Kunhart have oft for a visit at Mr. Harry Corbett's anch In Eastern Oregon. r Miss Delta Watson, with some New Tork friends, is on a camping trip In tbe Sierra Mountains. At the residence of Mrs. Preston Smith, televenth and Market streets, on Sunday afternoon the local Daughters of the Con tederacy will hold memorial services for the late Mrs. Margaret Howell. Jefferson ljavis Hayes. Rev. Father Black, chap lain of the order, presiding. A special programme will also be given. The publicity committee of the "Wom an's Club gave a luncheon at th Port land Hotel In compliment to Mrs. Shlek. cf Wvoming. the corresponding secretary of the General Federation of Woman's flubs. Among those present were the president. Mrs. G. M. Gllnes. Mrs. Sarah A Evans. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Mrs. f M Blumauer. Mrs. Julia Marquam. Mrs. A. King Wilson. Mrs. Cleveland Kockwell. Mm. George Pettlnger. Dr. Esther Pohl. Mrs. Moffett. Mrs. T, E. Runvon. Mrs. L R. Scott. Mrs. W. H Fear Mrs. A. H. Breyman. Mrs. H. A. Moore and Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunl- Mr. and Mrs. John Ker are receiving felicitations galore over the birth of a riauchter. who has been called Laura minne Ker. Mrs. Kerr was the popular Iiss Laura Dunne, a daughter of Colonel and Mrs. David M. Dunne. EVKNTS OP THE WEEK. Mr and Mrs. Hermann Bleeg. of Car nn Heights, celebrated their :5th wed ding anniversary on runanj. ouu . -family dinner, at which 26 members of the famtlv were present, was served un der a large awning on the lawn. Those present were: Mrs. A. 1-amer. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Bleeg. Mr. and Mrs. George Urban. Mr. and Mrs. George La rtier Mr. and Mrs. G. L Smith. Mr. and Mrs F G. Urfer. Mrs. Bert Pilkington. Vr and Mrs. W. Elwell. Misses Ewing itid G. Ewlng. Hodwlg Bleeg. Bernice Urtisn. JJahle and Ruth I-amer. Gertrude F.lwell Agnes Pilkington and Messrs. Fred and Charles Flees, l-'uis Urban, f'arence Smith. Melvln and Kenneth T'rfer Many handsome pieces of silver were received by Mr. and Mrs. Bleeg. On Tuesday evening. July 2. Mr. and M.S. Hermann Bleeg were most agreeably urpried hv a number of their friends from Alto Park. Cards and refreshments .made the evening enjoyable. In addition to Mr and Mrs. Bleeg and family, there were prent: Mrs. H. J. Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stone and family. Mrs. M. inj. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stephenson. Mr. end Mrs. W. G. Ewlng and son. Mrs. F. M McElfresh. M!ses Ewlng. Georgia j-.wlng. and l.ouse Sins, Messrs. Henry Stephenson. Kred Ewlng. J. Lets. Paul. Walter and Allan Dickinson and Arthur :ns. Mrs. Alex Donaldson entertained last Thursday afternoon at her home. 504 Ivkom avenue, in honor of Miss Nellie Conner, of Oakland. Cal. The rooms werc very prettily decorated with flowers and music nas rendered by Mrs. Clalrle Dougherty and Miss Wln ' tiired Henderson, mad tiers wr SON AND DAUGHTER OF OREGON PIONEERS WHO HAVE JTJST CELEBRATED THEIR SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. WMM:I II III M HIR AB MRS. F. A. YOING. FROM PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AT , - I X i yry'' : m mi t 1 l 1. s : r MR. AND MRS. F. A. YOUNG, FROM RECENT PHOTOGRAPH. The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A Touts wance,e0brreaKt recently Mr. Young is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Young. "fen ptoneers. who celebrated their golden wedding on June 11. an ac count of which appeared In The Oregonlan of July 4. count ownicnapp o been engaged for a his wife Mrs Ann Bills, both well-known pioneers of this state. The coupTe were mtrried in' this city at the home of the bride-. i mother M S?xteenth street. North, on June 24. 1884. just 20 years and 12 after the marriage of the bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Young have forhndren three sons. Maynard, Byron and George, and one naughterrMUs Edna. The two oldest boys have been attending the Agricultural College at Corvallis. readings by little Miss Jeanle Finley. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Bradshaw, Mrs. a Scott. Mrs. Joseph Kelley and Mrs. Cornwall. Those pres ent were: Miss Nellie V. Conner, Miss C Bugsvlk. Miss W. Henderson. Miss Mabel Jones. Mrs. George Gammle. Mrs. A Bradshaw, Mrs. David Henderson. rnmiaii Mrs. Jack. Mrs. .'11 O . un" P ,J " Thomas Jones, Mrs. Joseph Kelley. Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. V. Finch. Mrs. Frank Plymp- ton. Mrs. vernara. airs, r- v.v,......, Mrs W. E. Smith. Mrs. Arthur Can Held Mrs. S. F. Scott. Mrs. Eperly. Mrs. Claire Dougherty. Mrs. J. Dougherty, Mrs. Charles Mack, Mrs. A. M. Spurrier, Mrs. H. Auld, Mrs. uuy riuni, N Reed. Mrs. C. Sunderland, Mrs. Blu nenara. Mrs. Shoalwater, Mrs. Jackman, and Mrs. McGlnnls. The spacious shaded lawn surrounding the Oregon state building on the grounds of the Alaska-Yukon-raclfic Exposition PORTLAND GIRL TO STUDY VIOLIN IN GERMANY. J j.p m m iil. I T'l -' "'iT ir -i t i . s 5 t 1 .-. j AsVi Miss Leaore Grearory Miss Lenore Gregory, a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gregory, left on Thursday for Germany, where she will con tinue her musical studies under Markees, of the Royal High School at Berlin. Miss Gregory, who is a talented violinist, ap peared last June In a recital at the Heilig. She expects to be In Germany for two or three years with her mother and her sister. Miss Edith- is In much demand amongst the official family of the directorate, as well as par ties of Oregonians. who nave receptions and fetes two or three times every week. In connection with Salem day exercises and the old-fashioned reunion which fol lowed the gathering of Capital City peo ple under a gaily striped awning, in an appropriate setting of Oregon firs. Miss Alihea Moores. Miss Alice Wehrung. Miss Orytha Gatch. Miss Margaret Gray and MUs Janet Gray served the famous Lam bert cherries, tastily arranged in paper nankin baskets. Loganberry punch and fancy biscuits also were served by the Salem hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albert assisted In the general arrange ments President Wehrung introduced President Chllberg. of the Exposition. The Salem Women's Club members acted as hostesses for the occasion. Mrs. Perry G. Baker, a pioneer mother of 1844. and the first bride of Multnomah Countv. celebrated her 74th birthday on Saturday. July 17. Those assisting were Mrs. Baker's granddaughters. Mrs. E. M. Cousin. Mrs. Kitty Barry Fisher and her great-granddaughter. Miss Harriet Cousin. An elaborate dinner was served to the following guests, among whom were friends of SO years ago: Dr. C. E. Cilne, Ura. C, E. Cltne. Mm. Davidson. Mrs. Thompklns. Mrs. Aiken, Mrs. New. Mrs. Darr. Mrs. Faucet. Mrs. Howe. Mrs. Knox. Mrs. Pomeroy. Mrs. Slavin. Mrs. Dr. Thompson. Mrs. Faber, Mrs. Lucas. Mrs. Leonard. Mrs. Terry. Mrs. Swank and Mrs. Cleves. Mrs. B. Vranizan and Mrs. Henry H. Hewlett, both of San Francisco, have been the recipients of a great deal of en tertaining during the past three weeks. On Tuesday Mrs. J. E. Biazier gave a luncheon i.i their honor. Among those present were Mrs. B. Vranizan. Mrs. u.nn- u wwitt Mm R L. Thompson. t. Aiim Mrs E. J. Biazier. Mrs. W. B. Patterson, Miss M. Aiken, Mrs. F. H. Vehrlng. Mrs. A. T. Fisher, Mrs. A. Glebisch. Mrs. A. Aronson, Mrs. Charles Skewes, Mrs. D. R. Nelson, Miss Alice Taylor, Miss Margaret Thompson and Mli-s Reta Vranizan. Mrs. F. E. Ferrlll entertained at lunch eon at her home on Portland Heights. Wednesday, for the delegates of Astra Circle and friends. On the lawn ices were served by the hostess, assisted by her two nieces. Miss Jessie and Blanche Bechtal. Those present were: Mrs. J. A. Hershler. Mrs. J. Stites, Mrs. W. B. Sutton. Mrs. F. W. Gardner, Mrs. A. Vuil leumler. Mrs. Illff. Mrs. M. Brlggs and daughter, Mrs. Tiffany, Mrs. J. H. Hayes, Mrs. E. Kellogg. Mrs. W. Noffke. Mrs. Bechtal, Miss Jessie and Blanche Bech tal, Mrs. Lamont and Mrs. Brown. . A very enjoyable dinner party was given last Thursday evening by Mrs. t t Tannintra nt tier residence 584 Flanders street. The following guests were present. Miss Monda Glendower, Mrs. George P. Kennedy, of Spokane; Miss Via Jennings, Miss Tony Jen nings. Raymond G. Manion. of Los An geles; Walter Flemming, of Dallas, Texas; Charles A. Malarkey and J. J. Jennings. Mrs. C. W. Ferrlll gave a lawn party and luncheon in honor of a few of her friends Wednesday afternoon at her home on Portland Heights. Those present were Mrs. John Lamont. Mrs. Isaac Bechtol. the Misses Jessie. Blanch and Grace Bechtol. Mrs. Brown, of Madison. Wis.; Mesdames Stiles. Hayes. Hirschler. Vuilleumier, Gardner, Kel logg. Brlggs, Illff, Tiffany, Noffke and Sutton. The 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cosamer Brentano, of St. Paul, Or., was . celebrated on Sunday, July 18. Assisted by the ladies of the Degree of Honor, of which Mrs. Brent ano Is an active member, a picnic was given in the grove near by. where a bountiful luncheon was spread, and was enjoyed by their many friends. WEDDINGS. Luther-Hennings. A pretty weddlr.s v. as celebrated last Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, when William Luther and Miss TUlie Hennlngs were united in marriage by Rev. T. G. Picton. of the Rodney-Avenue Christian Church. The ceremony was celebrated at.the residence of the bride's parents. 216 Knott street, and was attended by a large number of friends and relatives, after which a delightful repast was "served. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion. The bride was gowned In white and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. She was given away by her father. Henry Hennings. Miss Ida Hennings, a cousin of the bride, attended the bride FOREIGN BOOKS We carry German Text-Books, Ger man Fiction find Novels, Grman Mag azines; also French Text-Books and Novels, and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kinds of books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 Fir.t Street AN APOLOGY We wish to apologize for the nn attisctlve pprmice of nr win dows daring this sale, which aro nevertheless bristling with nnnsnal bargains. Oar establishment has always had the name for presenting the most artistic window displays In Portland. After the alterations of oar front, which will bo com pleted about August 15. we prom ise the usual artistic displays. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts. Dont forge the SllTerfleld furs during this sale. We are making aa unusual price reductions on our high-grade furs. All furs pur chased daring the sale win be stored free of charge until wanted. Don't forget to store your furs with us over the Summer months. DO IT NOW Height Our Great Alteration Sale Now at Its Stirring Offers in Women's Gowns for Week Commencing Monday Great Sale of Tailored Suits $9.85 Values to $7S.OO Ladies Tailored Suits left from our past season's selling, comprising all styles and materials, such as Broad cloth, Serges, Mannish Mixtures and Velvets, actual values $45, and a few $50 and up to $75, all at the COOK ridiculously low price of OwiUJ Closing Out of Summer Waists at Very Low Prices Don't forget to share in these Waist bargains : Closing out Ladies' Shirt- 0 1 Q waists, values to $10, at OIi I Closing out Ladies' Shirt- Q1 QQ waists, values to $3.50, at 0 1 1 J J Closing out Ladies' Shirt- CQp waists, values to $2.50 at UuU Closing out Ladies' Shirt- Q waists, values to $1.75, at tOu Gosing Out All Summer Parasols At Less Than Cost Purchase a Parasol at this great sale. Look at the savings in our large assort ment of handsome parasols in pongee, silk, linen and fancy borders, in all colors for ladies and children at these great reductions: Parasols, regular $5 values, for $2.98 Parasols, regular $3 values, for $1.89 Parasols, regular $1.75 values, for 63 Great special, on our main floor too numerou. to mention here. Call and judge for yourself SILVERFIELD'S SCIENTIFIC STORAGE FOR FURS now stored free of charge until wanted. DO IT NOW. (I I . " i and Eddie Kettleberg was best man. Mr and Mrs. Luther will be at home to their friends July :8. at Springfield. Or. Blancliard-Street. A quiet home wedding was celebrated Saturday evening. July 3. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Street 14 East Seventh street, when Miss Nina Street was united In marriage to Lowell E. Blanchard. of Oregon City. Rev Nelson Allen officiating. The bride was daintily attired in a white princess gown and carried a. bouquet of white car nations and Bride roses. She was at tended by her sister. Alia Bess Street, who was gowned in blue French voile. Eldon Blanchard. brother of the groom, acted as best man. The parlors were beautifully decorated with Oregon grape, marguerites and roses. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard will make their home In Ore gon City. Thompson-Faulkner. A quiet wedding took place -Sunday. July 18. at 3 P. Mr. when Andrew W. Thompson and Eunice I. Faulkner were united In marriage. The ceremony oc curred at the home of the officiating minister. Rev. E. M. Patterson, of the Kern Park Christian Church, who per formed the ceremony In the presence of a few relatives of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson expect to make their home In Portland. McCorkle-Stockton. fined to the immediate relatives. The bride was handsomely gowned In Ivory directolre satin, with trimmings of duchess lace and wore orange blossoms In her coiffure. Miss Mabel Stout was the maid of honor, and R. Hanson best man. The home was beautifully dec orated and after the ceremony dainty refreshments were served. Doctor and Mrs. McCorkle left for a trip to Vic toria and Seattle. No cards. Ingram-Iaw. Charles Ingram, of Oswego, and Miss Jean Stratton Law, of Portland, were married Wednesday evening, July 21, In the reception-room of the White Temple by Rev. JS. Jjark. Hanen-Ix)wry. both of Portland, were married Tuesday afternoon, July zu, in ine rcrapi.i room of the White Temple, by Rev. F. E. Dark. Hlslop-Ward. John T. Hislop and Miss Ida E. Ward, were married July 17 at the home of the bride's parents at 515 Clay street. Rev. Dr. C. E. Cllne officiating. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Nathan M. Simon is spending his vaca tion in Seattle. Mrs. Byron E. Mlllev ts visiting In Seattle for a couple of weeks. Miss Selma Meyer is visiting Miss Flora Rosenblatt at Gearhart Park. Mrs. H. Pontefract Hodges ana cnu- thelr house guest Is Miss Berdie St. Martin. Mr. Nathan Simon Is spending his va cation In Seattle and British ColBmbia. Mrs. M. A. Hurley went to Seattle Monday and la the guest of Mrs. Thomas Prosch. Mrs. Charlotte M. Cartwright is spending the Summer at her cottage at Gearhart. -xrtn. T?AA,v hr hrnther. Gerald Reed, were visitors to the Seattle Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Mackenzie are receiving congratulations over the birth of a son. ' The family of T. A. Lincoln have opened the Dalglish cottage at Seaside for the season. Mrs. C. Fredeen, together with the two youngest children, who have been visit ing in California and Southern Oregon IMIUP i I H II II HI Ml lllllil g -ggr.y- .aantnr'T''iwi Tin SGft (Concluded on Page 3.) mw mimm IBS "5: m AND CALLING CARDS RUSHTON'S l Buchanan Bldg, Wash. St, Bet 4th S 5th M AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS. FLORISTS 287 Morrison St. R. F. PRESC0TT & CO. ENGRAVING. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS, CALL ING CARDS. ETC. 271 1-2 Morrison Street Portland Oregon 504, 505, 506, 507 Marquam Bldg. If Seeking the Newest You'll Find it At the Style Store. 1EETEST GRAPE S HANG n. GHEST The most expensive garments cost the lowest. The truth of this axiom is always proven at the STYLE ItORE wheVe Quality reigns, where the best and costliest merchandise is shown, and its patrons enjoy the LeatestDRESS TKoMY. plu. the satisfaction of always being dressed neatly, correctly and attractively KSJSl ttei. are arriving daily and invite your inspection. It is worth your while to see what we off er in Summer Wearing Requisites. ffidrGrade Suits Reduced Ihaki Suits $3.75 One and Two-Piece Suits made of imported serges in white and light stripes; plain tailored and novelty effects; coats with jet and metallic buttons; trimmed skirts of new cut; regularly sold at from $25 to $52; now go at from $15 to $38. One-Piece Wash Dresses made of motor cloth; yoke of alternate rows of Irish lace; entire dress finished in couchings of same tone; in white, blue, tan, green and lavender; appealing values, $5.50. Norfolk or close-fitting jacket, with or without pock ets; skirts full-gored, buttoned in front or fastened on sides ; all sizes ; specially priced $3-75-6ee Window 12. Exceptional values at the special price of only $4.75. See Window 5. flew Fall Suits TmIj Suits In the famous MO YEN AGE type; ranging in prices from $70 down to $25. Extra large and odd sizes for large women our specialty. Our entire line of Boys' Wash Suits; ages from 2 to 9 years; divided into three lots and marked down from $4.50, $2.50 and $1.50, to $1.95. fo-ZS and 65c . CHARGE ACCOTITS SOLICITED ' d If you prefer, you can arrange to pay in weekly or monthly payments EASTER! wu fffiriiTnlM'inrMinpi KG CO THE STORE WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. V