The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1909, SECTION FIVE, Page 3, Image 47

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11. 1909.
Oscar Hammerstein, Operatic Impresario, Will
Begin Invasion of Foreign Cities Next Year
Return. From Europe With Sent That He Has Rounded Up Every Opera-House of Any Importance-Dis-
cussion of Prominent Artists He has Engaged, and Operas They Will Be Heard In.
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1iom enthusiasm and energy have
mada him the flratT operatic Im
presario of the entits -world, arrived In
New York last week, bringing with him
all his enthusiasm and a new hat. Thla
last fact was the cause of great sorrow
to the operatic director,- as many are un
der the belief that he regarded his be
loved tile as his mascot, and when he
landed with a aoft gray creation the con
sternation among the newspaper men who
were present to greet him and to record
his doings and his wanderings was un
concealed. However, when Mr. Hammerstein
began to tell of what he had heard.
eer and arranged for. confidence was
restored and the belief strengthened
that even the loss of the hat could not
Interfere with a successful season. His
activities will extend not only through
the East, but as far as Paris, where
next year he has arranged to give "Sa
lome and another opera bv Richard
Strausa entitled "Feuersnoth" at the
Chatelet Theater, with Mary Garden
Dalmores, Dufranne and the entire New
lork company and equipment. There
is little doubt that this is but the be
ginning of a deHnite foothold In Europe
for the American impresario, and while
some people are wondering what his
conferences with Dlppel In Paris may
have meant, others think that they are
discussing Paris and Its possibilities.
Has Many Xew Houses.
Mr. Hammerstein said that he has
Tiever worked so hard as this season,
because he has rounded up every opera
house of Importance on the entire Eu
ropean Continent, even going to Con
stantinople to look over the grand
opera there. Not only has he been In
search of new works for the great sea
son, but he engaged a complete com
pany which will open August 30 In good
opera at cheaper prices. He also en
gaged a complete company for a sea
eon of light opera, operetta and comic
opera which will be given on nights
not devoted to grand opera In the reg
ular season In thi. way he obviates
the dark house'" entirely and meets
the competition which he will have in
the new theater performances under
the auspices of the Metropolitan. Mr.
Hammerstein is pleased to call his first
series of performances "educational"
but to those who know him and his
aims, this does not carrv a threat He
merely Intends to establish this for the
purpose of creating more opera goers,
to gain the Interest of the masses and
to do singly and unaided what the gov
ernments and municipalities of Europe
attempt to do by the erection of opera
houses and continued subvention,
looking Tor Versatility.
One of the greatest difficulties he
encountered was to find artists able
to sing In Italian and In French, as he
intends to give works In both these
languages, and he objected to making
two complete companies for this series
as well as for his regular season.
As the matter now stands the com
pany which will open August 30 at the
Manhattan to run until November 15
will include the following: Sopranos.
Marguerite Sylva, Mmes. Lango. Riche.
Barone. Orlppon. Miranda: contraltos.'
Mmes. Palvarez. Soyer and Gentel"
tenors. Mm. De Caraza. Dufault. Lucas,'
Russe. Venturlnl; basses. Mm. Laskal
Nlcolay and Henri Pcott; baritones'
Blgnataro. Beck. Villa. Maltes and
Maridalia. The repertory will be drawn
Trom the regular season's operas. In
cluding such late works as "Louise."
"Princesse D'Auberge," "Thais."" "Si
beria" and the rest of the well-known
operas heard at the Manhattan. Mar
guerite Sylva and Caraza are easily in
the lead-as far as standing is concerned.
Lucas la known In New York as hav
ing been with the Metropolitan the sea
eon before last. The conductors will
be Mm. Sturanl. last year Mr. Ham
merstein conductor In Philadelphia:
scognamlgllo and Ruiz.
.The novelties promised for the reg
ular season includes "Elektra-" and
"Feuersnoth" by Richard Strauss, rep
resenting his first opera and his last
Herodiade." "Griselldls'" and " Sappho''"
by Massenet; ""Aphrodite."" by Erlanger
Monna Vanna." by Fevrier; "The
Violin Maker of Cremona,"' by Huba-
and Victor Herbert's first grand opera,
the name of which is to be "Natoma."
The book was furnished by J. D. Red
ding, the well-known clubman of San
Francisco. This will be Mr. Hammer
stein's only attempt at presenting a
work in our own language, , which he
does not regard as fitted for such work.
Yet he does not hesitate to consider
giving "Lohengrin" In French, and all
who understand and feel a great' art
realize that nothing more Incongruous
than this could be done.
The list of singers for the regular
season Includes:
Sopranos, Mmes. Mary Garden, Tet
razzlni. Cavalieri. Carmen-Melis, Labia.
Mazarin. Trentini. Dumenil; contraltos,
Mmes. Gerville-Reache, Doria and Bay
ard: tenors. MM. Zenatello. Dalmores,
McCormak. Constantine. Di Bernardl.
Dufault, Modena and Parlacl: baritones,
MM. Renaud. Sammarco, Polese, Du
franne, Crabbe, Gllibert. Ixsane and
Fosetta; basses. MM. Huberdeau, Vallier
and De Grazla.
Has Four Xew' Conductors.
Instead of Campanini. Mr. Hammerstein
has engaged four conductors. These are
MM. De la Puente. Anselml. Staram and
Charlier. It can hardly be doubted that
Mc. Hammerstein still hopes to bring
Rachard Strauss, as the production of his
works Involves no small degree of labor
and of experience in that particular
For the French Opera Comique and op
eretta, to be given on Tuesday and Sat
urday evenings at the Manhattan. Mr.
Hammerstein has engaged Mmes. Caval
ieri. Deslormes. Laya. Nobla. Lango.
VUlar. Duchene and Ecorte, sopranos and
mezzos; MM. Devries, Valles and Elardo,
tenors; Dofour and Leroux, baritones',
and Dambrine. Duran, Salvator. Nos
trand and Blondel. comedians. There, will
be a special chorus of .45. which will be
enlarged from the regular orcanization,
and the musical directors will be MM.
Haakmon and Perez. The repertoire will
Include "La Dame Blanche,"" "Lea
Cloches de Corneville," "La Belle Hel
ene.'" "La Grande Duchesse."" "Girofle
Girofla." "La Fille de Madame Angot."
"La Mascotte." "La Jour et la Nult," "La
Chauve-Souri (Die Flejlermausl, "La
Fille du Tambour Majeur." '-Orphee aux
Enfers.'" and "La Jolie Parfumeuse."
Mr. Hammerstein will attempt to rest
a few weeks before setting Into action
the machinery for the season, as Phila
delphia and other cities, will come in for
a share of his consideration.
To say nothing of the Metropolitan
plans, the musical season outside of the
operatic circles will be unusually active,
beginning with the new Philharmonic So
ciety, which will give 25 weeks, as
against eignt pairs of concerts, as here
tofore. One is fully justified in saying
that nowhere in the world are there
greater opportunities to hear the best
music that the world affords. When an
nouncements are made early In a season
one may usually figure upon half . the
tatements being contradicted before the
season is upon us. It is also a fact
that so many names' are rushed in that
we have hardly the chance to get them
assorted before the season takes form.
The pianists definitely engaged include
Rosenthal. BusonI, Teresa Carreno
Rachmanfkoff. a young Hungarian pian-
L8. 'anda Mer0' Mme' Samaroff, Jan
Slckesz, and many of lesser importance.
The prodigy field will again be ex
ploited in the Immortal personage of
Pepito Arrlola. a pianist aged 11 This
young Spaniard has been the idol of
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P.
Then you take as many pictures as
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Karona or Seneca Plate Cameras take pictures 3V4x5V2, 4x5. 5x7, 6iox8V2: use plates or
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Camfa' tak"Picture!2y2x4i4, loads in daylight, fits coat pocket. Fine "for
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A new Trunk. $4 to ?76.00
Or a Bamboo Suitcase.
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A Rubber Bath Cap or a
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A Sponge Bag, Toilet Arti
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Some Cold Cream and Toi
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If You Come in
You'll See a LotTof
Other Things, too
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Take one on your va
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Use one
If it don't prove all
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But the Price
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Free at the drug-counter.
v ourtn and Washington Sts.
Exchange 1 1
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i .
IjOndon for two years and it Is not un
likely that he will be heard In America
next year. R. E. Johnston Is to bring
him, and Mr. Johnston, who has Just re
turned from Europe, includes in his an
nouncements Jacques Thibaud. who made
one successrui tour or this country;
Mme. Liza Lehmann, the composer of
the "Persian Garden;" Gertrude Pepper
corn, an English pianist; Kussewltzsky,
the contrabass soloist; Elsie Playfair, the
Australian . violinist; Kathleen Parlow.
another young violinist -who studied
under Leopold Auer. the great Russian
teacher known s the Instructor of El
man. Mr. Johnston has also engaged
Beecham's London Symphony Orchestra,
and it is with this orchestra that he will
present many of the new soloists. Mr.
Johnston has entered into an agreement
with the Metropolitan Company by which
he-will have charge of 12 of the Sunday
night concerts with the Opera-House Or
chestra and his own soloists While In
Europe the hustling impresaf-io engaged
Maud Allen for the season after next.
This season he will manage a tour of
Isadora Duncan In conjunction with the
New York Symphony Orchestra and Wal
ter Damrosch. This tour will begin Oc-'
tober 4.
Other sensational engagements Include
a long tour by Schumann-Heink. Mme.
Sembrich. Fritz Krelsler. Maud Powell,
Cesar Thomson, the great Belgian vio
linist: Gervase Elwes. the English tenor
and oratorio singer; David Bispham, and
several of the operatice artists who will
devote themselves largely to concert
Fitch Runs Foreign Plays
Through Cleansing Machine
Eminent Playwright Explains How It Is Possible to Revamp Impossible
Productions and Make Them Clean and Inviting.
CLYDE FITCH, as a "cleanser" of
French and German comedies, is
unjike Fitch the playwright, the
chief point of comparison, however, being-
his aim to follow his belief "that
Americans like anything that Is good."
He has written 30 original plays, while
he has adapted, for the American stage,,
about 25 foreign pieces. 'His latest ef
fort, or rather his master-stroke In this
direction, is the 'cleansing" of the Ger.
man farce. "The Blue Mouse." which
the Shuberts will present at the Lyric
next "week.
"I don't believe in taking a French
or German play and merely "cleansing
It. said Mr. Fitch recently. "The
cleansing process is, as a rule, deadly
in Its effect. It has killed no end of
plays that have been brought to this
country; left them lifeless.- colorless
and meaningless. You can't take the
spirit out of a play and expect it to
live. I realized this when I took "The
Blue Mouse" in hand. so. instead of
cleansing the characters and they
were sadly in need of a good scrubbing
I Invented a new set of characters
with a decent motif. I made the lady
In the case if I may call her a lady
a happy-go-lucky Salome dancer,
whose only purpose is to help the au
thor. She is as harmless as a mouse.
In other words, she means no harm.'1
"The same is true of the jolly old
railroad president. His only weakness
Is to take lively girls out to supper.
His wife was a waitress when he mar
ried her. which fact may account for
his tendency in later years. He Is still
fond of her and his only reason for
not taking her to a restaurant is to
spare her feelings. He doesn't want
the people at the other tables to smile
at her expense and ask, 'Who's the
bunch? He's been going forward while
his wife has stood still. And so
throughout the whole piece I've given
every character a decent motif.
"I have tried to introduce aome new
characters, characters you seldom meet,
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Clyde Pitch. J
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but all of which you will readily recog
nize and my main object was In adapt
ing 'The Blue Mouse' to create
laughter, and many critics have been
good enough to say that I have succeeded."
Skeleton Found In Old House Clears
Name of French Soldier..,
PARIS. July lO.-TipeclaU A skeleton
Just discovered at Neuvy-sur-Barangeon
tnrows a gruesom light on an almost
suiwn mystery.
In the year 1878 a gendarme named
Guette. belonging to the Neuvy Brigade
!denly" '""appeared, as did a sum of
1300, , representing the dot which he had
Just received from his future mother-in-law.
The authorities held an Inquiry, as
a result of which Guette was condemned
by default for desertion and fraud. No
more was ever heard of the gendarme.
Three years later, that Is in 18S1. a
butcher of Neuvy, Claude Badel. was
sentenced to penal servitude for life for
the murder ot a woman named Mardes
son. in which crime the victim's own son
had been the accomplice of the murderer.
Badel died a few years later in prison.
Now the house In which Badel li-ed had
Just been demolished, and the workmen
have found a skeleton, on the bones of
which were the shoulder-knots, spurs
and buttons of a gendarme. There seems
little doubt that this discovery explains
the sudden disappearance of Geutte, who
was entrapped and murdered by the
butcher Badel.
Auxiliaries to Paris Service Prove
Worthy of Their Expense.
PARTS. July 10. (Special .) When It was
decided to train dogs In order to assist
the police, there were those who declared
that the scheme would not work that
the animals .would never Justify the ex
penditure on their purchase and train
ing. Those who argued in this way will
have to change their views, for the dogs
are giving a good account of themselves.
Their Intelligence is remarkable. They
know what is expected of them, and
perform their duties with a promptitude
and precision which many human beings
might well envy.
The other day two of the dogs, Dax and
Capitaine, maintained a service of order
while a fire was, raging in the Avenue de
Clichy. Yesterday another dog, Lenon.
arrested a burglar whom a policeman
vainly tried to catch.
A widow, who occupies rooms in the
Rue de Lourmel, found herself confront
ed by a burglar. She had received a visit
from a burglar a few months ago. and
rushed downstairs, shouting "Thief." A
policeman in plain clothes was passing
at the time, and gave chase. The burglar
had reached the Avenue Emlle Zola, and
would have escaped but for the police
man's dog. The dog pounced upon the
man. and he held him by the arm until
the policeman arrived.
The policeman attempted to arrest him,
but the burglar dealt him a violent blow
In the face. While he had disposed of
the policeman, however, he could not get
rid of the dog, who stuck to him until
another man In blue came up. He was
overpowered and taken to the lockup.
Report From Mauritania of Disaster,
but Government Knows Nothing.
PARIS. July 10. (Special.) There la
bad news from Mauritania. The last
courier from Senegal states that 60 sol
diers of the Adzar column, under Captain
Bontemps. have died of thirst near Bou
tllimlt, owing to the wells having been
filled up by the Moors. Js'o news has
been received from Captain Bontemps.
The Colonial Office has cable to M. Mer-la-ud
Ponty. the Governor-General of
French Western Africa, for confirmation
of this bad news.
The same courier tells of a siege of
Tlmbuctoo four months ago by natives
The siege last two days. All the resi
dents were under arms, and with theas
sistance of the soldiers, succeeded In put
ting the besiegers to flight.
As in the case of the affair of the
wells of Boutillmit. so with the siege of
Tlmbuctoo the Colonial Office Is with
out news.
It in tlmat1 that ther are 8.0OO.000 tala-r-nrm
in un throughout th world.
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