f THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX, PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1909. ? HELP WASTID-MALB. I HEUP WANTED FEMALE. 1 SITUATION WANTED MALE. I SITUATIONS WAxncn-nlAU 1 : -, I 7 . " T OPEN TODAY Experienced R. R. construction llmt keeper. $75 and board: clerk cigar and news stand. $40; boy 18 to 19 for cigar lore, $35; night clerk" and porter, young man. country hotel, $3.1 and found. Foreman, team camp, Montana. $100 and hoard; free fare. R R. ramp blacksmith, $75 and board; blacksmith, city shop, $3. 2 handy men for rough carpenter work, etc.. putting up R. R. camps and making themselves handy generally. $90 a month each. bridge carpenters. $3; house carpenter, 13.00. Head waiter, $0.1; waiters, cooks, kitch en help. 3nn MEN FOR NEW P.. R.- WORK. Laborers and teamsters, station men, right -of-way clearers. Construction foreman. $75 and board. Tunnel timbermen. $:.,10. C. R. HANSEN a CO.. 2(1 North Second St. Portland. San Francisco. Spokane. W ANTED First-class solicitor to take or ders for groceries; one with established coffee route preferred; will give interest In the business for right man. fall Sun day, front !l to 12 and 3 to 6. 201 Second St., cor. Taylor. G,OD special edition advertising solicitor, must he A-l nmn. splendid opportunity; give phone number. AF 20S. Oregonian. WAXTBn Energetic, trustworthy man with team or two; desirable wood-hauling con tract. T 213. Oregonian. WANTED A hone cufter. 420 Hawthorne e. HIH-CI.ASS salesman, big wages, perma nent. 215 Commercial Block. WANTED Oomiietent waiter for counter work. Criterion Restaurant. S2 6ih st. NIGHT pianerman wanted. Phone Exchange 80. Monday. Headquarters conks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. l.oratl. 104 2d. Main 5.100. WANTED Five waiters Sunday, holiday; 12 50 day. Council Crest Tavern. PREsSER wanted at once on pants. 2.13 "4 Washington at., room 17. Harry Zldell. "DENTIST. $2.1 to $30 week, commission. Dr. A. F. Camphull. North Yakima. niOTOORAPHCR for out of doors work, t ail today. Ideal photo Co.. 2 N. th st, "PENCii hands wanted. Oregon Planing Mills. 18th and Vaughn sts. FIRST-CLASS pantsmoker wanted. Nlcoll, the Tailor. IOS 3.. TOITNG man stenographer, assistant book keeper; age and salary. B 224. Oregonian. VANTED At once, non-union sheet metal workers. AH 2iO. Oregonian. WANTED Men to get suits made on credit. 2o . Washington st. Room 309. COl'PON agents, photo and portrait, new offer, good one. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. W ANTED- Photo coupon agents, new ofTer. tnll Davis-Hayes Studio, 342 'a Wash. WANTED An experienced hallboy. Nortonla Hotel. W ANTED A man to give baths and mas sage. B 22S, Oregonian. VEX WANTED to buy Lake Lytle lots. Ralph Acktey. 605 Corbett bldg. VESTMAKERS wanted at once. Apply Club Tailor Shop. 127 13th st. HE LP WANTED FEMALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies' Dept. 20.1 Morrison St. Wanted Monday Morning: Cooks, cooks' helpers, waitresses, cham bermaids, housekeepers, girls for general housework, second girls etc.. etc PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Indies' Dept. 205 V Morrison St. A THOROrGHLY competent girl for general housework In family of two: must have references. 785 Marshall st. Main 6606, A 48o9. WANTED Girl for office work, shorthand, typewriter preferred: state age, experience and salary expected. B 22S. Oregonian. WANTED Competent woman for housework and cooking. Apply 857 12th st.. corner Mill. M.-o. car. PUBLIC stenographer has for sale well es tablished business; splendid opportunity. AD 2H. Oregonian. TEADY, reliable woman wanted. Call B c. I.lnnvllle. 1954 Newman st.. University Park. WANTED Girt for housework, family of two; no laundry. 624 East 16th North. Phone A 2250. EXPERIENCED, competent woman for gen eral housework; family of three. 87 North . 16th st. WANTED Young girl to assist In general housework. Call Sunday. 774 Kearney. WANTED Ood cook to go to the beach; good wages. 805 E. 12th N. WANTED Waist and skirt finishers. 315 Hlford bldg. WANTED -Girl for housework, no washing, good wages. Call loso Cleveland ave. WANTED A marker and sorter; apply at Pacific Laundry, 231 Arthur si. WANTED Waitress, Simpson's restaurant, corner 7th and Pine. WANT girl for shooting gallery, $12 week. Bert Moore. T03 St. Centraliu. Wash. GIRT, wanted for general housework; only two In family. 60O Flanders st.. Hat ,1. TOl'NO girl to assist with housework. 343 Columbia st. , WOMEN wanted to buy Lake Lytle lots. Ralph Acklay. 8i5 Corbet t bldg. FAMILY cooks. $35; second girl, $30. St. Louis. 24.H- Wash. Main 2039. Ol RI.S w anted to work In factory. Western Packing Co.. 243 Ash. Wl NHREsa wanted to take laundry home. AH 2211. Oregonian. Yoi'NO girl wanted for cashier at the Model Theater. 6914 Third st. N. MAN or woman for kitchen work. Great Northern Hotel. Take S car north. GIRL wanted to take care of baby. 307 1st st. OI RL wanted, small familv, no children good wages. Phone East 6071. WANTED Girl for general housework. 809 Sav.'er st. rhone Main 3137. . GIRL to assist with general housework $5 per week. 360 13th. OOOP girl to assist with housework and children. 120 Hawthorn!, cor. 41st. GIRL for general housework In small fam ily. Phone East 529. Monday. WANTBD Young girl to help with children, wages $5 month. Phone Main 6048. f H1RTMAKER wanted Jacobs Shirt Co. :sm Stark. WANTED Girls to stitch and finish mens neckwear. :!1i Stark. WHITE woman cook wanted at 2H4 Main st Call tn the forenoon WANTED Girl for general housework 286 East loth St. South. Phone East r.4. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call mornings. lo7 Thurman si. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 60S Everett m. WANTED Girl" 10 work on power machine cn overalls; paid while leatlng. 75 let st. GIRLS wnt-d on power sewing machines. Pacine Tent A Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 321 fith t. W A NTED A lady cook and a waitress. S2 North th st. GIRl. to assist with housework; good wages 4Hi Holladny ave. WANTED- Second girl In small family. 709 Northrup St.. from 9 until 3 'clock. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Long Heach, Vah., Call at 5S0 2d St.. cor. Grant. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Nortonla Hotel. WANTED Lady to take work at home; $5 per day. Rl 7th, cor. Oak. S F.XPERIENCF.D waitresses. Couri. 53 Ella St. Alexandra WANTED -Woman for general housework In family of 3 adulls. Phono Tabor 147D. WANTED Waitress. & Washington sr. COOK, hotel (coast). $45; 2 waitresses. $25; boarding-house cook. $40: 2 chambermaids. $4": waitresses. $S. $9 and $10 week; 2 family cooks. $40; 2 second girls, $25; nurse girl. $20; woman to care for bathhouse. $3ii; 3 waitresses (out of city), $,10, fare paid; 2 chambermaids "out of city), $2l; girl for confectionery. $s week. HANSEN'S LADI.ES' AGENCY, 343 "-, Washington St. DO TOO WANT WORK? Apply to UNION LAUNDRY CO., Second and Columbia. i THREE head salesmen wanted by Spoltane . store for laces and embroideries; also art emnroiaery, also notions; must bo ex perienced and capable of assisting buyer; apply, statins salary wanted and all In formation, care AC 206, Oregonian. LADY to rent dining-room; nearly furnished in rooming house: sleeping room in cluded. Board one for rout. Snap. Apply 864 North l'6th. 16th-atreet car to 26th; south half block. WANTED 4 ladles of good address to demonstrate and canvass, making $3-$4 a day. Call Tuesday at Mllnei- bide Mor rison and Park sts.. rooms 30 and 31. 9:30 A. M.. 1:30. 4:30 P. M. WANTED First-class pressors of ladles' garments; none but first-class nee! apply; high wages, city steam Dye Works, East 3d and Ash sts. COLLEGE-BRED young woman stenogra pher, salary $40: rapid promotion Intelli gent worker; accountancy desirable. Ap ply own handwriting, w 203, Oregonian. WANTED Waitress who wishes position among refined christian people; references required. Call Sunda. Vegetarian Cafe, 105 6th st., near Washington. WANTETD Lady for high-claBs proposi tion; must be attractive, good dresser and one who possesses ability; references exchanged. L 202. Oregonian. SUMMER school for shorthand, any sys tem; bookkeeping and common school branches. Eclectic Business University, 020 Worcester blk. WANTED Women for general housework; no small children. Mis. C. Feldman 350 Margueritte ave. Take Hawthorne ave. car; call Immediately. AN optimistic, ambitious woman of the best character and Influence. Permanent posi tion for 0110 who makes good. J 221 Oregonian. ' WANTED A girl to do general housework and cook in a family of two; no washing or Ironing. Apply or write to F. J. Benr. ort Stevens. Or. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work, family of two, good home: can go to school In Fall and Winter. Address G 204, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man to handle farmer trade on good seller. $10O to $300 per month. Small capital required. Call at 34 Pine st., 1st tloor. 10 10 12 or 2 to 5. WANTED Partner, land loo.-Ulug business, opportunity ..unlimited; state experience. O 198. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 adults. Phone East 6748, or call at 7 "0 BSCO st. GIRL to aes-ict light housework. Call Tues l,ay Weidler st. Take Broadway car EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. Call mornings, good wages. 340 Hassalo. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, references, call mornings. 2115 N. 21st st. Main 3441. 'WAN'I'ID An experienced cook In private family of 3 where second girl Is kept. Apply .02 Main st.. corner King. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2892. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY i'ia K Washington St.. Room 807. Main 8838. or A 3260. YOUNG LADY to learn glove and hosiery retail selling; salary $li per week. Len non's. 300 Morrison st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 809 Roth child bldg., 4lh and Washington. GIRL WANTED To assist in housework: family of two. 664 Flanders st. Apartment Main 4SS8. WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for cooking and general housework; good ' Irving st. Phone A 11S2. A-N,TED Firt-claas milliner trimmers and designers. Address Philip Zemanskv. care Ilultn & Nathan. 86 3d st., San Francisco LADY with some money to take Interest in good business; no experience required Apply A.N 200, Oregonian. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and Ea3t Taylor st LADY solicitor. Good chance for right party 'rr"nnd,?.n"W . and """active Address AH 200. Oregonian. WA NTED Reliable w oman to manage of- ';?a"d .dl',"e employes; position perma nent. J 2.o. Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, a good cook. Ao ifVaVlor" W- C;orbU- 1&9 5th cor. "kVi? desires middle-aged houeT saTa r v ?il Ctn-Pa.n0n 1 gd bm8i 'all fralarj. Call 61o -th St. WANTED A good woman for general CarS2rK-,.1 ZPaV, fm"y- Eood wages, can East IVashlngton st. WANTEDA strong, healthy girl to assist n" r-Ve-ar!1 .1"wwo,3f: "PSnt cook not necessary . Phone East 4.119. UKLP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. Atol,w.Iw1TM"n Wife w'tnnut children o" . on """""-J- place near Portland; chickens, etc. woman for general house- iVHk' eB'h. muKt be '"pe fenced in "h's Mnd of work; good home and waces will, boar, for right coup.e. Address E. B A !io touch hldg.. or call. Saturdays only WANTED Bright youngsters a pupils on cornet, trombone, baritone, etc.. by up-to-lilS youns bndsman. 646 E. Pine st. E. TTn,eI;.P7."'nced ,marker! anl distributors ave., and E. Sain "fc v"-. .-. iunarv Co. czrlni F1SK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers to better positions. 514 Shetland bldg WANTED Cook. Palace Restaurant Ral nler. Or. Will pay $.10 to start ' If REN CH AND GERMAN In cln... month to bigluners. 452 Morrlsoa. Avo'e,SVn ''nor,ll?nl and typewriting by cxpeit, $5 a month. 2il Uth. Main Wl. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. C.yjLUKS'T ..""""""'P1- " -countant. Dalian, with he.M referen rrenrn, German and lion in "-"' P- Rouian. uuress AC 203. Ore ve-rlr . e,V' P'"r. well educated, 5 .l,on x,Vr'en''"' 'le",r' responsible 'po ' Uenr l-'?-r or permanent; gonlar. references. AN 202. Ore- A noTin.r '-""ah'e young man wants a position in grocery Have experience as clerk, sohcltor and dellvervman with -f -.1 rLff.noe'' p""n Main 33" 4. WANTED Situation In general merchan d,se store. Eastern man. thorough ex perienced country preferred; reference!. N. s. Berg. Portland. Or. t AM an experienced bookkeeper office man ager and advertising man and" am looking for a permanent i-i.ltlon: will accept mod erate salary. N 217. Oregonian A POSITION soliciting, collecting, clerking teaming: in facl. any place where there is a future; reference and bond. T 211 Oregonian. ' WILLI N(. young man. 23. with experience In bookkeeping and office work, desires position to advance: has good references 199. Oregonian. rRIGGlST Experienced, qualified, desires relief work or permanent if satisfactory AK 1 85. Oregonian. DRI GGIST I.ong experience, wholesale or retail; not registered in this state; will go anywhere. V 199, Oregonian SHIPPING clerk; 4 years' experience, wants 'v,i". 01 reierences. AD 213. Ore gonian.. YOUNG man with good general office experi ence, wants !osiilr,n With cHon,.. ...... motion. 182. Oregonian. Bookkeepers and Clerks IS there a position on the face of this earth, w-lth compensation that will support a family, for man with the credentials, who can make good in banking, fire insurance, abstracting or accounting? AF 22. Ore gonian. POSITION In grocery store, retail or whole sale, city or country, with chance of ad vancement, by young married man: can furnish recommendations. Address W. E. Brown. Hotel Harrison. Front and Har rison sts. YOUNG man, 30, desires position in whole sale house at clerical or other work; has had one year's experience in general of fice work. Location principal object. E. I. P., 12 East 13th st. POSITION as clerk or manager general merchandise, country. A 213. Oregonian. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper. Pho,ne Richmond 1391. Miscellaneous. AN advertising and sales manager who Is daily Increasing the business of a large manufacturing plant in the Middle West. dr-.sire a position on the Pacific Coast: val uable experience In executive positions; fa mlllr with the preparation of high-grade catalogues, hoiise organs, periodical copy, municipal advertising plans, etc.; widely traveled: well read; age 32; personal inter view desired. Address1 "Vance," AD 2,)3, Oregonian. MAKE UP MAN Excellent make up and add compositor wants position. Would pre fer smaller daily; am also reporter: would work nights. Am efficient and can take charge. No booze; am married and steady. Am now working on third year in same office. Address D 195. Oregonian. PORTER, runner or Janitor (colored) good character, appearance and reliable man desires position, hotel or first-class apartment-house preferred; good references. Address Walter, P. O. Box 81, Redding, Cai. WANTED Situation as apprentice on lino type (operating only) 2 months' expe rience, am competent machinist, all around printer, union. Phone Sellwood 373. or ad dress AB 224, Oregonian. DRAUGHTSMAN', German, wants partner ship or position in machine factory or shipyard; 7 years' shop and 9 years' office experience; good references. V 194. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS, all-around printer; married; recently from Iowa, la open for steady position in country at once; no boozer, cigarette fiend or "cheap skate." L. O. Nichols, 305 Stark st;, Portland. Or. WANTED Position as foreman or superin tendent of first-class dairy hy middle-aged married man who has had A No. 1 ex perienced in that line of work. Write Box 212. Portland, Or. . YOUNG Filipino wirhes position as Janitor or housework in apartment, or boarding house; speaks and writes English and well recommended; give phone number. Ad drers AC 205. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man of general bueinejas" ex perience desires a permanent or temporary p-wition ; has administrative ability and Is not afraid of responsibility; position as as sistant preferred. AJ 192. Oregonian. FRUIT-GROWER, long years' experience, fa miliar with all branches of farm work, wants position where first-class orchard work will be appreciated. A 212. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED salesman, at present em ployed. Is open for position, either on sal ary or commission; can furnish good ref erences; bond if required. Postoffice box 23.1. JAPANESE young man wants position at any kind of work, morning and evening; speaks good English: wages no objec tion. R 210. Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, first-class, open for engagement. Pacific Northwest. Eastern and Western experience. Particu lars R 214. Oregonian. TWO Al butcherw, one a block man, other sausage maker and slaughter houee man, wouid like position in country. AG 224, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes work in store, is High School graduate and has some knowledge of bookkeeping. Address 561 Irving. Phone Main 3424. MARRIED man, honest, not afraid to work, want any kind of work, day or night. O 197, Oregonian. WANTED Situation to learn architecture? ; have had considerable experience, and un derstand building. M 21S, Oregonian. I WANT a contract to fall and buck tim ber by the thousand; any locality. AL 2U4. Oregoulan. . MASS EI1 R and nurse, experienced, refined; excellent references; open for engagement. M 190. Orgonian. RELIABLE Japanese cook wants position large family, boarding-house or hotel. A 1K10. 49 2d St. A GOOD man wants position as coachman or gardener; can do any kind of house work. L 215, Oregonian. COLORED chauffeur and A-l repair man desires position; first-class references. Ad dress communications to A 217, Oregonian. COLORED chauffeur wants position as driv ing automobile. Best references. O 201, Oregonian. SOBER young man. German, willing to work, wants position in wholesale house or as watchman. O 190. Oregonian. HONEST and smart Bulgarian young man wants position as milker at some farm. 246 Couch. BOY of" 16 wants work of any kind, office work preferred. Phone Main 24S9, or ad dress H. T. R., 354 Yamhill. MARRIED man with good light team wants work delivering or hauling: well acquaint ed with city. 170 North ISth st. A 270.'!. MOSS removed from roof and roof painting, house painting, wall tinting, by Monroe & Co. Phone Main 79.14. ENGINEER. machinist. millwright. com petent, man of wide experience; will go out of town. V 192. Oregonian. JAPANESE laborers, want cut brush, mill yard, shovel work, other. O 199. Ore gonian. f EXPERIENCED man with license wants joh as fireman or janitor. Phone Main 5509. MIDDLE-AGED man who understands grad ing and tallying lumber, wishes employment In retail lumber yard. W 2o0. Oregonian. FARM WORK By experienced single man. Sober and reliable. State terms and par ticulars. T 224. Oregonian. JAPANESE Cooking ami Housecleaning Co., Taka. prop. S-allwood 112". EVENING work. 5 to 9. wanted hy Japan ese. K 216. -Oregonian. COMPETENT male pianist wants work, $10 weekly. Gray 71 i nth North. JAPANESE hoy -wants position bet. 7AM to 2. AE 220. Oregonian. JAPANESE, good references, work most any kind. AD 21S, Oregonian. YOUNG married man, good references work of most any kind. All 210, Oregonian. YOUNG man w OUNG man wants employment In evenings bet. 7 and 12. M 194. Oregonian. NEW and old house and window cleaning to do. D. ,T. Henderson. Main 301O. GARDENER with mower desires lawn mow ing and garden work. AC 216. Oregonian. WANTED Wood to put 1n. big iobs pre ferred; references. AC 217, Oregonian. WANTED Basemenls to whitewash: good work, reasonable prices. AC 218. Oregonian. RANCH situation wanted by man and wife, excellent cook. 2.1.1 of li St. Giis l.lutlblom ALL kinds of cement, work done, by day or contract. 741 2d st. JAPANESE wishes to learn cooking. B 225 Oregonian. situation; wanted female. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOl'NG lady from the East desires perma nent position as stenographer and general office assistant, competent and reliable, can furnish references. AL 199, Ore gonian STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wishes posi tion; small wagee to begin with L 2i4 Oregonian. KXPER1 ENCED lady bookkeeper with knowl edge of stenography, desires poeit.in; best references, ah 207. Oregonian. YOCNG lady, acrurate and neat stenographer desires position. AG 217. .Orrgonian. TEMPORARY or permanent position rVesired hi first-class stenographer. Phone B 1943. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and business correspondent: 8 years' experience, 7 with one Eastern firm and 1 In Portland, desires permanent position; highest refer ences. Portland and Chicago. M 191, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER Young lady wishes posi tion: best references: will accept $40 salary. X 217. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED biller would like position to work for advancement. K 220, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position; $10 per week. J 217, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en fAt8m6ntS la amllie',; references. Tabor JOrmsmaker. DRESSMAKING and children's sewing neat, ly done; prices reasonable; will go to private family by the day. C 219. Ore gonian. MAN-tailored skirts. $3; suits, habits, princess dresses from your own material. The Elite Ladles' Tailors, 546 Washington, near 18th st. THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker from East will go to your home; satisfaction guaranteed. 476 Morrison st. Main 4613 FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices Mrs. Angeles. 326'4 Wash. at., room 216. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing bv day Miss Absten. A 4O07. Sl Taylor st. DRESSMAKER wishes work. $2.60 per.day. Phone Main 5007. I DRESSMAKING, 107 17th st. North- Phone Main 7730. .Nurses. A MIDDLE-AGED professional nurse desires a position where there are children: good housekeeper and good cook. AL 198. Ore gonian TRAINED nurse would like few confinement cases; best of references from families and city doctors. Phone East 4442.- YOUNG lady wishes training of defective or atypical child. L 222. Oregonian. KURSING by practical middle-aged lady. Phone Main 3S88. Housekeepers. WANTED By a refined, capable American woman, position as housekeeper; experi enced in managing. Trial of one week free. Address Easterner, 492 Spokane ave. Phone Sellwood 715. EDUCATED woman with two small chil dren wants to do housework for room and board; no freaks need answer. AO 214. Oregonian. WIDOW of refinement and ability desires position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; must give references. AC 213. Oregonian. A COMPETENT lady of 28 with little girl of 4 wishes position as housekeeper. 965 East Couch, or phone East 5399. WIDOW with one son desires situation as housekeeper for widower or bachelor cPy or country. AG 218. Oregonian. Domestics. A COFFIELD water motor can do your washing if you have no help; a good girl will stay If you give her a CofTleld wash ing machine. We send them on trial and show you how to operate. Edwards Com pany. 191 lat at. GIRL wants a place as second girl, or cham bermaid. AB 198, Oregonian. Mlscellaaeotis. POSITION governess or companion by re fined, educated, nice-appearing young woman of pleasing address, about August 1 or 15: wages no object; best of refer ences. AB 201, Oregonian. WOMAN of refinement, experienced klnder gartner, very successful with little chil dren, wants position as governess or mother's helper. $30 a month. R 224. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS men's coat and vests, button hole makers ' and general helper, wants position; can give-references of her work. AL 19.1, Oregonian. MARRIED woman would take charge of rooming-house; will work for small wages and two housekeeping rooms. Address M Murray. 11 East Thirtieth st. COOK with city references desires work where second girl Is kept. L 218. Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS laundry work done at home. French waists a specialty. Phone Tabor 309; also day work. WANTED By good woman, plain cooking for family going to the beach. L 201 Oregonian. SCHOOLGIRL wishes to go to beach look after baby; expenses and some remunera tion. N 223, Oregonian. - YOUNG LADY dentist's assistant wishes substitute work in dentists office. Phone REFINED, educted young lady is desirous of position as governess or companion AE 191, Oregonian. IOI NG woman would like to go to country for Summer to take care children; refer ence. AH 219, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position for office work: reefrences given. P 201. Oregonian. WANTED Ladles', shirtwaists and fancy clothes to launder; hand washed. East 203i. BY young lady, light work in anv kind of office, or otherwise. X 216. Onagonian. REFINED young girl would like position in doctor' office. F 106. Oregonian. YOUNG lady gives piano lessons, .lOc per lesson: references given. Main 8183. LADY wants washing at home. 466 E. Alder st. YOUNG lady demonstrator wishes position In city. X 220, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants washing at home. -Phone Main 1199. VACATION rates. 25c per hour: lessons in drawing or painting. Main 8183. WOMAN wants work, housecleaning, etc.; references. Phone East 4813. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40 cents per pair. C 16.18. East 5106. CURTAINS laundered and stretched, 2.1c. East 5611. TWO experienced chambermaids', call or write. 20S Sheridan St .- South Portland. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. Tabor 15D7. WANTED AGENTS. A LADY agent to sell Je-Nee-Wa: pink al mond .brick: a pure face toilet; sells at sight; big profit; for free samples and full particulars send 4c postage to Jeanette Wall Co.. Dept. 21. Kansas City. Mo. HIGH-CLASS agents, both sexes: write for illustrated cataloge and particulars of best proposition on the market. Agents make $4 to $12 daily. The Heflin Co.. Provi dence. R. I. AGENTS positively make $10 to t?0 dally selling greatest photo art specialty pro duced. Something new. unusual. P. Nut ter. Mgr., 464 Carroll ave.. Chicago. MANAGER wanted every city and countv, handle, best paying business known, legiti mate, new. inclusive control; no Insurance- or book canvassing. Address Chaa. Halstead. 43 West 34th St.. N. T. WANTED Large, old-line health and acci dent insurance company wants general and district agents: big contract: tvsw. liberal and quick selling policies choice terri tory. Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis. AGENTS $7.1 monthly selling star egg beater; works with one hand; lightning seller: sample free. Thomas Co., Desk 470. Dayton. Ohio. AGENT to handle line of samples for clothes made to ordr: must have experience in measuring. Tichner & Jacobl, Rochester N. Y. AGENTS $.1 dally selling our Handy Tool. 12 an Idea In one: lightning seller, sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 4015 Barney Block. Dayton. O. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvasser. $10 per week and commission. 423 Hawthorne ave. AGENTS Can know about profits made sup plying iierftwnc to families. LelTlrr & Co St. Ixmls. Mo. AGENTS- wanted to sell photo coupons. Rlcknell. 326 a Wash. st. LADY hotise-to-house canvassers: $10 a week and commission. 168 Park EVERYBODY Is afraid of burglars The Devery burglar alarm will absolutely stop them and does not prevent ventilstlon; simple, praticaj. sure and indorsed by chiefs of police in the country; agents can at last earn big profits selling something that sells easy; no experience necessary; sample 75 cents; exclusive territory. Write today for free Information. National Burglar Alarm Co., Inc., 402 West 23d st. New York C;tv. START IN BUSINESS; be Independent: 1 started as an agent: am now big manu facturer making household specialties. Have hundreds of agents working. I'll start you: won't let you fall.v Agents of ability wanted to open branch offices and employ sub-agents. No monev needed, tl rite me fully and frankly. C. E. Swartz baugh, Toledo, O. AGENTS Fortune Maker! Wonderful self working washer; does washing by itself; runs automatically by water works pres sure; saves all hard work wash day; new Invention; sales unprecedented; agents wanted who can handle high-class propo sition; exclusive territory; $300 to $400 month. The Eagle Mfg. Co.. Sole Mfgrs.. Dept. 793, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Wonderful invention. Big money selling Canchester Incandescent Kerosene lamp, burns with or without mantle. 10 times brighter than electricity, gas, acety lene, one tenth cost. Burner ills stand ard lamps. Saves 75 percent oil. No trimming. Beware imitations. Outfit free Canchester Light Co., 26 State St., Dept! 111. Chicago. AGENTS Send for free copy of "The Thorn fihSani' reate agents' paper pub tP fl,Ied wlth money-making plans. Court nf tax" dcisin "f Supreme in 1- ' POl?te 1 aSe""- Every agent in l . H shou,d have copy at once. Ad dress today. Thomas Company. 4015 Wayne ave., Dayton, Ohio. unneTe? wekly. klng and experience urmecesaary; our "trust scheme" envelope .,h.WOrk: 200 ter P""t: en- r "ent" make 100 wekly. Particulars tiroU? "ampi?,,for 10c' " not satisfied loc Mlch Cadlllao N.edle Co.. Detroit. f, T4- "Te ,,re"-Rh! Get lat- ,,oS 5e" Peach basket hats. Motto for sll',""' Pennants. 2000 novelties ai. kidTere.',0,rU' falrs' celebtatlons of Park Roi l-atalu f,ee- Miller. 15S 1 arK Row, New York. MeilT.r ' Prontab'8 Held; brilliant lne rt.? amonda eact'y resemble genti-lf.-., y ener: quick sales, large com missions: send for special offer. Mexican CrSVM5' --Phy. Deptl 340, La. HwleeJS"TO;IiOUSB canvasser.. M pTr week and commission. 423 H.wtho AGENTS wanted to our complete line of CsnltaT CnVr, C"h J-: outfit fre.' v-spnal Cltr Nursery Co., Snlem. Or. WANTED TO KENT. WNTE?To, rent- for 7 months from ?.-m ,n West Slrte furnished pj. ? S v. r, housekeeping apartments l-av-t bedrooms: Nob Hill. King's Heights S,rOI;-Uni "S'ehts Preferred, communi cate commander F.llicott. u. S. Navvs tricti In,IM,c'tor- 13 Light-House Dls- fa?" , 1"a'!9 farm wlth "tock and VSU ,S 'mPlement lor 3 years: must be good land with house and outbuildings: not 10? "A1!e" 'rom raUral or boat landing. W 195. Oregonian. WA.JeHDT?.,place 8-5'oar-old girl with refined Christian people for Summer holt days; preferably private family where personal interest will be taken. Phone terms Mrs. Campbell. E. 4207. 748 Weidler St.. Portland. RESPONSIBLE couple, with no children, would like to care for furnished house during Summer months in return for low rent. Address, with particulars. AB 2M) Oregonian. UNFURNISHED rooming house or hofcal containing from SO to 40 rooms: must be i'i. Perfect condition. Call or address 634 Worcester bldg. Main 2476. A 6373. MAN and wife, no children, neat wish to take care of place during owner'a absence in exchange for rent; references. AC 211. Oregonian. Y?V,NG n,an wantB board and room on West Side with private family; state terms and location. N 218 Oregonian ACCOMPLISHED Japanese gentleman re quires single or en suite with or without breakfast in good private family; no other roomers. AB 199. Oregonian WANTED July 20. by young couple. 5 or t-room modern suburban cottage with porches, bath, electricity: In answering give phone number. AM 220. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires one unfurnished room In a quiet house, cheap. AD 215, Orego nian. WANTED By man, wife and child, one inrge unfurnished room, near Sellwood car no housekeeping. AC 210, Oregonian Fl RNISHED room with use bath, on Port land Heights, by a single man; others need not answer. O 204. Oregonian. WANTED To rent a rooming-house of "0 to 3i rooms, all furnished. W 199 Ore gonian. ONE large unfurnished room, south of Hol laday ave.; no housekeeping. AC 210 Ore gonian. WANTED By young couple. S unfurnished rooms or cottage; West Side; close in H 19, Oregonian. WE are In position to get good tenant for your house. A. Butts, room 2 Lumbermen's bldg. 3 TO 5-ROOM cottage, furnished at North .Beach. Seavlew. preferred. August 1 or 1.1 to September 14. 1) 204. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE want to buy good, large donkev engine can also use main and trip line if in good condition. HEII.MAN & LATHROP. 516 Abington Bldg. WANTED Information from homesteads in regard to land that ran be token tin In the Harney Valley or other desirable parts of Oregon. H. Hart, box 1S54 Seattle. W ash. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272 SELL your second-hand furniture to me Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED One second-band 30 or 40-horse power fire-box boiler; must be in good condition. AL 196, Oregonian. WANTED Some one with private home to take care of nervous woman; willing to pay well. AC 224. Oregonian. WHEELER WILSON sewing machine wanted in part payment on half-acre tract balance easy terms. H 200. Oregonian. WANTED Good second-hand, safe about -"12x20x10 inside measurement. Phone Main 439S. TYPEWRITER wanted in part pavment on half -acre or lot. H 202. Oregonian. v SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub ber. J. Leve. 186 Columbia st. M. 5198. WANTED To buy. Bonvllle pUK Co.'s stock: will pay well. R 217. Oregonian. WANTED For ' cash; set of secondhand boxball alleys. Call Woodlawn 21.12. a WANTED Second-hand bicycle for cash Address V 190. Oregonian. Clothing wanted: highest prices paid Phone "Square Deal." M. 1851. Prompt attention. WASTED Second-hand Bicycle. cheaD Main 2186 or 240 uth st. WANT E D Piano for lot or cash; F 97 Oregonian. bargain. WANTErv To rent good team and wagon by mouth. Y 220, Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for office furniture, store fixtures, etc. Phone Main S4.13. FOR RENT. FURNISHED, also unfurnished, rooms very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg. 1st and Pine. ' THE MANITOU. 2t 13th; large roor - running water: breakfast. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OLYMPUS. 15th and Alder First class rooms by day, week or month. ICEI.Y furnished rooms. The Raymond 1TO 1 1th st. . HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences transient solicited. 366 Stark, cor. Park. Furnished Rooms. THE MERTARPER. 126 13th St.. corner Washington. Just completed, elegantly furnished, several rooms with wall beds, steam heated, hot and cold water in all rooms, private baths if desired; splen did restaurant in building: call and In spect and you will find the maximum of convenience and equipment at very rea sonable prices; rates by the day, week or month. THE WEAVER, T10 Wasnington St., near King; brand new. elegantly furnished: every room has private bath: the maxi mum of convenience and excellence the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and inspect. Dining-room will open July 1. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management: THOROUGHLY- RENOVATED: rooms with PRIVATE BATHS: single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or montn; tourist trade solicited. THE! NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Bumslde. TN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant Public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington and 13th; beautifut rooms, single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone In each room, elegant parlor and lobby; weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195. HOTEL BUSH MARK, Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M B64T. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for two persons. $3 and $4 per week, nice yard and surroundings. Aster House. 7th and Madison. HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sta. furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op poslte the Plaaa. THE- ALCOVE; 165 Park St., furnished sin gle and double rooms, reasonable rent, free bath. Phone Main 4952. SUITE of large nicely furnished front rooms: 1 single room; use of piano; free bath and phone. 376 Yamhill st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Vj Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea HOTEL ROMAINE. newly furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. 147 2d st., near Morrison. NICELY furnished room, light and airy; best location; board across street; rea sonable. 71.1 Washington. -5 COLUMBIA ST.-Nicely furnished rooms; modern conveniences, reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms. The Raymond 170 11th. THE RANDOLPH. 34 and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50a to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THE WESTMINSTER 6th and Madison sts.; furnished singk rooms. THE REX. 548 ',4 Washington St. Modern rooms. io to iz per mouth, with baths. THE BRAE-SIDE. 42o Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4, $5 per week: transient. Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. TWO pleasant furnished rooms: modem home; beautiful location; fine view of mountains ana river; breakfast if dVe sired. A 3979 or F 195. Oregonian. DESIRABLE furnished room, suitable for gentlemen; modern; walking distance. 367 OU HI. GOOD room for someone who is willing to laiw l-Bie Ul IV lllCmBIVB. 4t Ulft St Call Sunday. LARGE, nicely furnished room, modern lo cation: connecting; suitable for 2. 50 King st. Main 11O0. 38S 5TH ST. A cool front room on first floor, 3 windows, for 2 gentlemen or ladies; Is well furnished. NICELY furnished large front alcove room, suitable for one or two; bath. Nob Hill Phone Main 5019. 468 TAYLOR Two very desirable rooms, neatly furnished; good location; rent rea sonable. ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen, com fortably furnished, walking distance. 294 loth. lOLP. nicely furnished rooms, piano in cluded, for Summer; close in; rent reason able. 354 Clay st. 432A. 3D ST. Furnished rooms, new modern flat, with use of kitchen: rent reasonable; private home. s car passes door. TO RENT Unfurnished or partly furnished front of cottage; close in; fine location. Main 5246. FURNISH ED front sleeping room: one or two people. Call after Sunday. 450 Yam hill. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room; alcove, porch, small private family, fine home. 212 lltll St. TWO pleasant rooms, private family, suit able for business men. S.I West Park, near Stark. Phone A 3377. FRONT room In private family., reasonable S.'i'ii West Park st.. near Stark. FURNISH ED sunny room, walking distance: modern and private. Main 4149. NICELY furnished rooms; private familv 2tiA X. loth st. ao9 11TH ST. Large front room, one or two gentlemen, reasonable. FURNISHED rooms, bath, phone; 6 minutes' walk from P. o. -26 12th st. NICE furnished room for gentleman. 2.11 10th st. DESIRABLE suite of rooms; fine location, large lawn. 07 North 2oth st LARGE front room with private veranda modem. 325Vt, 10th st. PLEASANT furnished room, suitable for gentlemen. $1.5o per week. 262 14tli st. FRONT sleeping room, first, floor, every con venience. 587 Washington st. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, $15. $10 month. 37.1 Alder st. FURNISHED front room, 30 X. I6th St.. bet. IVawh. and Couch. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for one. or two gentlemen. 40S Main. nicely furnished front 000m, suitable for two; side room. 12.1 12tu, near Wash. NEWLY furnished room, modern. 475 Clay st., corner 14th. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for twe gentlemen. Bath, phone. 151 1.1th st. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen 407 Columbia st. 228 10TH ST. Newly furnished room with bath adjoining. ONE nicely furnished room; modern $" 330 Harrison st. Phone A 3SS5. NK'E. newly-tinted rooms; in new house reasonable. 42R'i Mill st. FOR. RENT Nicely furnished room. $1.50 per week, at 672 Belmont st. NICELY furnished rooms, with bath. 554 Morrison. LA RGB front twin, bay windows, close In , free bath and phone. 473 Alder st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, without board six blocks from P. O. 392 Salmon st. LARGE, pleasant front room, handsomely fur nished; nice yard, close In. S32 Flanders. PLEASANT front room, all conveniences; walking distance. 564 Gilsan st. NEWLY furnished rooms, en suite or single flat 10. 4!4 Morrison st. LIGHT, airy front room, reasonable. 305 12th near Columbia. VERY nicely furnished room with folding bed and all conveniences. $12. 227 7th. VERY pleasant room, all conveniences walking distance. 361 10th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms. $2 and $2 ,10 per week: all conveniences. 35 12th St. FOR RENT Newlv furnished rooms reas enable. 128',-i 13th st. ROOMS for rent. 511 Morrison st. Furnished Rooms In ITWste rak-mlly. WEST SIDE! Close In, 2 blocks south of .Morrison; new fiat and new- furniture: free bath and telephone, gas and electric light; very cool, quiet and restful, with or with out board: home cooking, first class in every respect. Rates very reasonable. Phone Main 792S. NICELY furnished room, drop light, brass uco. manogany aresser. pnone. electric lights: no other roomers, for Julv and August only: reasonable to lady or gen - tleman working during day. Phone M. 6097 or call 263 13th at. PLEASANT front room in exclusive resi lience uistnct. new. modern home, every convenience. $5 pepvnio , for one; $7 for 2 good men: walking distance. Phone East 5220. NEWLY furnished and papered large, light uu,,l- irnsuiiaoie; walking distance, on carllne; bath, phone, cor. Grand ave. and Oregon. Phone East 3S55. ON Portland Heights carllne. a large, aunny 100m. tor one or two gentlemen, with modern conveniences: breakfast if de sired. 669 Ford St. drive. FURXISHED room In private home: electric iignt. oatn; no oine,r roomers: breakfast if desired; references. AN, 201. Ore gonian. YOUNG couple will rent nicely furnished room . 'c young man; give reference; walking distance. West Side. A 211 Ore gonian. TWO lovely, light, airy' rooms, large clos- -.eiepnone. etc.. in private family Quiet yet convenient to two carllnes AK 203. Oregonian. LAD with good occupation can have room win use 01 Kitcnen with ladv in apart ments; every convenience; walking dis tance. References. A 36i,S. Main 6474 ONK room for gentleman,, on Grand ave.. near 111, ,!..-,- . - 1 - . ..... . . . ... . KM, pnone an-l bath; references. Phone Eut 2143 O 300 Oregonian. YOU don't need a furnished room If you own a lot in Lake Lytle. Ralph Ackley. 005 Corbett bldg LARGE, neatly furnished alcove room; iiiuuem oamroom connecting; suitable for two. 631 Montgomery st. Main 6674. VERY large and handsomely furnished front r.flrlrtr url,H flr..!.... . ,, , - '- - - .. , ...i. . coiiirauy lOCKlta; . .. . k-n will,, ju-un o 1 . FURNISHED front room In modern apart ment. Kent reasonable. 394 6th at. Apart ment 14. A VERY desirable room for one or two gen tlemen at 309 V Fifth st. within 1 blocks of Postoffice: reference required. CLEAN, large, light front room, for working f'rl" ,or sontlemen. 91 Kast 8th. corner aehlngton. B 1370. 04" PARK ST., newly furnished rooms, very nice and reasonable; bath and phone A 3 1 2 1. ROOM for gentleman, modern home; no other roomers: references. Phone Main 5562. IN private home, front ground-floor room private bath; electric lights. Ankeny ear 9u Everett St., East. 291 CROSBY, near Steel bridge, overlook ing river; all modern conveniences, cool reasonable rent. . . FRONT alcove room, two beds, suitable 'for two or three gentlemen; also single; running water. 292 12th st. t COMFORTABLY furnished large, alrv bed room, reasonable. Phone A 4675. or call 370 13th si. NICE furnished rooms, suitable for two with or without board. 603 East Stark. Phone B I860. NEATLY furnished rooms in private resi dence. 1 block north on 21st st from Washington, with bath and phone. TWO well furnished rooms on first floor bath ar.d phone. $8 and $10 a month 311 Main st.. between 5th and 0th. $2.50 PER week, newly furnished front room: private residence, modern. 550 Lovejoy st.. near 23d st. TWO furnished rooms, reasonable: suit able for two men. or two women, em ployed. East 2.170. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE connecting housekeeping rooms water in kitchen; hard-paved street' walking distance: $15. 66 North 21st! near Washington. ' THREE large unfurnished rooms; third floor of nice home; ideal place for musical or art studio. $4 each. 56 Glisan. Rooms with Board. - HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor Grand and Hawthorn, avea THE WEAVER .10 Washington St., near King, airand new elegantly furnished; every room has a pri vate bath, telephone: th maximum of oon-venlen.-e and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city lor the money, call and Inspect; dining room will open July 1. . HILL HOTEL. The Leading Tourist and Residential Hotel of the City. 3d and Washington. Americaa or European Plan. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st vear. room with board. u?e ,.f sewing room and 11- , 1 "i" j-inimers st., jmiss Frances N. Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex change. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether ton. supt. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison st.. farftil hotel, modern, new management; board optional: best table board; prices mod erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms In Port land; rates lowest; a comfortable home. THE LIN DELL. 209 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board- mod ern, reasonable: fine walking distance. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. - , FURNISHED room with board. 3.15 11th st A 1636. ;. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ONE room with board, two persons- private nt-sidence: home cooking: walking dis tance: 20 blocks rfrom 1st and Morri son sts. 703 First St. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board: sleep in tent if desired: ideal place for Summer; will try to make you feel at home; $3 and $5 SO per week. 442 Jefferson. LIGHT. wcll-fiirnishC'l room, with or without board: uee phone, bath, electric light; c.n venlently located; $10 per month. 344U Columbia St.. cor. Seventh. BOARD and room for two; bath, phone; use of piano; $!) per month; walking dis tance. 3'S Clay. Phone Main .1963. DESIRABLE front coiner room with board for 2. private familv. Modern. 93 N. !7th st Main 4220. VERY desirable furnished rooms, private family, with or without board, walking distance. SS9 Main st. FINE large room with board at $6 per week; East Side. line lu.ation. 1S6 W Grand ave. N. : NICELY furnished room with board, suit able for two: modern, walking distance 1-l N. 17th st. Main 4294. ROOMS with board, modern conveniences reasonable rates. .173 East Salmon si. cor. 14Ch. Phone East 2IHH. LARGE front room, suitable for two gentle men, with board, $6 per week. 129 14th street. ROOM, first-class board, phone, gas bath all home cmrorts. walking dlslance rea sonable. .125 Clay. PLEASANT. airy. homelike room; goo-1 board. two men. married couple. 549 BOARD and room at 24 N. 10th st. Phone Main 8324. NICELY furnished front . 2 gentlemen, with board. 426 E. Market. East 2oP4. LARGE room, with board, suitable for two; five minutes' walk, modern. Main 8207. LARGE- front ro.-m and board for two two blocks from Washington ft. 695 Everett. NICELY furnished frorl r-vm. with or with out board. ::4 1st. Main 8974. LOVELY room with hard. suitable for 2 home cooking. 321 West Park. . ' FRONT room. with board; gentlemen. 149 15th st. between Morrison aid Alder."