K THE gTJyPAT OREGOmX, PORTLAND. JUNE 27, 1909. r "- ESTATE. , , FOR 8AXJS I'ARMB. .ALE-. ARMS. ..a I 1 , WEST SIDE HOME. $.Vinn 8-room modern home, full concrete Miraiert, finished attic, fireplace and ail up-to-date conveniences, choice location, w lllmiielte Heights, with a beautiful view, whirn can never be obstructed; full size lot. 50xKK) feet, cement walks and hard surface .street: it's a bargain worthy of im mediate investigation. JAM ES J. FLTNX. 512 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY BUNGALOW, $500 Dotviv. balance monthly. 6 large rooms, large Lall. plate glaw door, fireplace, linen closet, fine bath, best plumbing, woodlifl. large pantry, closets ventilated, paneled dining room, lot SuxlnO; $2000. We have a com plete list of housed, lots and bungalows. Give us a call, we can surely please you. Open Sunday. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 1021 Hawthorne Ave., cor. E. 34th St. Tabor SltJ. LOT BARGAINS. $Vio takes a fine lot in POINT VIEW; this is $50 below market value; dandy buy. Nice lot In BROOKLYN. cloee in. two cars close by; the price advances on this July 1. $tvm. WIREFtrj HEIGHTS, that nice. s-ightly pot where many choice homes are build ing, near Rose City car. Ross English lnv. Co.. 322 Mohawk bldg. FIVE ROOM cottage, two lots, fruit trees and roses. Coiner flth and Beech sts. FOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES. 22 miles from Vancouver, on Lewis itiver, a blocks from railroad de pot. 2OO0 cords of wood, can be cut on tills place; 6-room new house, barn and chicken-house, small orchard, fine creeks run through, the land; price $2500, half cash. lo acres In Columbia County. miles from ClalPkanle. S-room house, large ham, 40 acres under plow, 800 good fruit trees, 4 creeks run through the land. No. 1 soli, all can be cultivated; price $3500, $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent; will take In trade some Portland property; fine railroad and river transportation, to Clmakanlo. f tt'KUlSH LAND & COIONIZATION CO., 311 Worcester Hldg. J'ARM SNAPS On new carllne. Vancouver, so acres. 60 In cultivation, good horses and farm implements, stock, etc. 11' acres. 10 In crop. Implements, cow, chickens, only $3000. 11-' acres, best soil, all In cultivation, first-class 9-room house, tc. 20 acres, all in cultivation, only $4000; half cash. 14 acres in orchard. $:! acres, 42 in cultivation, fruit, stock. Implements, very cheap. $6500. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. HOOD RIVKR orchard, no better, cost 3 times as much; 22 acres; all Jlne land, near Lyle; good road, telephone, R. F. D., 7 acres planted Newtown, Spltzenberg. Arkansas Blacks. 2 years old, filled in with peach, some cherry and pear trees; garden, berry and potato patch; li acres more cleared, 4 acres slashed, balance brush, easily cleared; fenced and cross-fenced; good 7-room bouse; barn 22x30 feet, chicken-house, tool and other sheds fine well. Price t:i'00; terms. Jones, Room 20 Washington bldg. CLARK COUNTY FARM. 80 acres; 40 acres fenced. 20 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good 6-room house; barn 40x52. and other outbuildings: living water: 1 horse, 1 cow. and all the crop; good county road, cream route and sawmill; 3 miles to boat land ing :is.0; $2500 cash, balance terms to suit purchase CHITTENDEN & OTTO, 2HK Stark St., Room 7. LEWIS RIVER VALLEY FARMS. 41 acres, adjoining town; 10 cleared; fair improvements: suitable for chicken, fruit or general farming; a rare bargain for $43 per acre. LEWIS RIVER LAND COMPANY. WOODLAND. WASHINGTON. ANOTHER SNAP. I.lr acres, near Yamhill; 45 acres In crop; 2u acres more cleared ami goated olt for several years; on R. F. D. and tele phone; rt-room house; barn and other build. Inss; place Is all good soil and all well fenced: living water on it. some farm machinery and 50 head of goats go in st $HO per acre; also this years crop. If taken at once. $3500 cash will handle FOR SALE CHEAP 1000 acres good land, suitable for agriculture and fruit raising; several sets of buildings on tract; some land cleared and some or chards; can be bought In tracts of 40 seres and up at $15 to SIR per acre; lo cated 46 miles from Portland, near good town, on Astoria t Columbia River Rail way; also steamboat docks. For particu lars write or see C. J. Larson, Warren, Or. 100 ACRES, around Eugene; housft. barn, implements, stock, some, bottom land 60 acres Jn cultivation $3.V0. ' 10 seres, loo acres cultivated, house, barn. acres bottom land. 16 bead cat tle. 4 horses, a colts. separator, chickens, tools, etc.; crop In line shape; $7000. terms. Let lis talk to you about Eugene farms. ROSE CITY REALTY & l.NV. CO., i615 Lumber Ex. Bldg. A BARGAIN. ISO sores IS miles from Portland. mile to R. R. ; 120 acres In cultivation, bal. easy to clear: about halt this laud Is beaver dam and swale land; 9-room house large barn, good outbuildings. family orchard watered with wells, springs and running water; this place must be sold, as the owner is m very poor health and will saortlice; terms. Call 40S Gerlinger bldg. ' ISO-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. T miles south of Kstacada, 20 acres cultivation, house, barn, well, stream of water, plenty of out-range to south; get 170 croam- ery morning; a bargain. THE JOHN W. JOHNSTON CO $01 Buchanan Bldg. BARGAIN IN FRt'lT LAND. 10-acre tract at COVF. ORCHARD. T5 rw acre: cash. $15 per acre, balance In easy monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments For information see CHAPIN & HERI.OW, S3- Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Cme lrtO, one 120. one -lo-acre tract of irrigation laud In Deschutes Valley will ell or trade for farm In Willamette" Val- .'ii . w",,,r right on all but 4 acres: will also trade 4 lots in Newport. Or.. for automobile For particulars address box 85. Corvallis, or. EASY TERMS. .7-aere farm. 70 acres in grain, hay and ! ye" balan' timber: house, barn or r ., a10 team horses, cow. 1 sheep and all farm machinery, for $3750; $1750 cash, balance a per cent OREGON LAND CO., 24SS, Stark St. 1040 ACRES. Here Is the best buy In Oregon for a ;irr od,.,ry ,ranch:,on ciumbi Rir and R. R.; a miles from town, at $6 50 per , JOHN WV JOHNSTON CO.. $01 Buchanan KUlg.. M), Wash. S St. W W have three of the finest (lain- farms oa trie market for sale: Improvements, crop, stock, implements, etc.; part pavnient long time on balance: you will miss It if you do not write or call on us ROSE CITY REALTY 1NV. CO 515 Lumber Ex.. Ring. FKK.F5 TO AIJ, TIT.T.BRS OP THE SOIL. Government bulletin on Irrigation in the M.lamette Valley and beautifully illustrated booklet. - The Call of the Soil- tropvrlght) sent to any addree, free. Address " Canby Canal Company. Canhy, Or. I IIAE 11 acres fine irrigated land which I cannot afford to keep; will sell all or i- for r.i. which Is a little below- market value; water rl.-rht. soil. etc.. the best- 'i cash, balance term of years. H 17ti Oregonian. ' F,i . "ALE 10 cres land 5 miles north of Salem. i mile from S. y. and on elec tric line. ,: mixed fruit trees. 14 vears "Id. ,5 English walnuts 4 years old. Own er. Sam l.udl. Pratum. Or. CHEAP LAND. lo. acres rich land in Yamhill Countv 4o acres In cultivation, 20 more easilv cleared, balance timber; price $1750: easy terms. Call 24S, Stark st. iF vou have property of any kind or busi ness that you desire to exchange for something else, we belktve that we can ?!v.',.2ou h,t yu want. Call or write 13 Chamber Commerce. A GRE AT bargain for stockmen. U0SO acres alfalta. wheat and grazing land: some to s..o.in. v.": -n? to Sv-otland; very easy terms. Boar. 40-ACTE fruit firm at White Salmon. Wash or will rxcharge for Portland iroperty. N 1!4. .Vegonlan. EIGHTY acres flne fruit land, near Lvle Wash. Will sell cheap for cash. A 195 Oreg-nian. ALL rood ones ... us. Columbia Trust Co Board, of Trad bids THE SO ITT H ER-AT.RRRTSOV i ( City Property. Farm and Fruit Land. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. OREGON. MORROW COUNTY. AN EXCEPTIONAL WHEAT F ARM BARGAIN. No. 102 2400 acres in Morrow County. Oregon. 8 miles from railroad station; all fenced; 1800 acres under cultivation; soil medium dark, heavy volcanic ash; 1000 acres in wheat: ready" for harvest in July; mo acres thoroughly Summer fallowed; tioo acres raw- land. 200 of which is good plow land; balance excellent pasture; 2 acres orchard, apples and small fruit; two houses, one 2,-story. S-room frame house, good condition; the other 5 room frame house, fair condition; barn, 40x00. stock capacity, 40 head, good con tlmon; water supply is from small creek, affording excellent water throughout the year; equipment goes with place, 40 head horses, 25 good work horses, balance young stock; header, threshing machine and all necessary implements in good con clilton. On public road, scnool i mile. If purchased before harvest, 1000-acre crop goes at the price. Price is $25 per Jr,;- 1"a down- balance to suit, 8 per cent, will accept i in Portland residence or vacant property. We consider this the best purchase in the Northwest todav. 1 urchaser should be able to get from P'ace by September, lino, first payment of $o.ooo. Owner received 80c to $1 last season. Must sell at once. WASHINGTON. OKANOGAN COUNTY. .A GENUINE BARGAIN. No. 101 150 acres. 8 miles from the town of opportunities known aa Oroville soil as fine as can be found In the state, reai'5l,.b,ack loarn- and every foot of the land tillable. 120 acres wire fenced, with j pastures cross fenced; 115 acres raw land, affording fine pasture; some timber around house: 40 tons of hay taken from 15 acres: 100 bearing 5-year-old apple trees, and all kinds of small fruits; frame house and barn in good condition, other buildings are wagon shed, granary, largo root house and stock shed; fine corn is raised; 24 head of cattle, mower, rake ' Zie"n a"J other equipment go with place Railroad. 8 miles; on public road school. 1 mile. Price. $3500. $1500 cash, balance 3 yars at 7 per cent. We have nextQFaldl. th"' U WiU brlns 4S00 KLICKITAT COUNTY. A WHEAT FARM BJARGAIN. rXo- ,T,:5r4so all fenced. 2 miles anTch .0rchn2ale:, on .Public road; school ' ?iV mtles; 7-room frame house, S? !-.nfi" l'n god condition; valued ?1,JU,'," l", 00 wor,1 of livestock and J?om "H-lmPlements Place; crop hardest', son h 'J taken befor acres i b',S ,ro hv black loam. 2X0 a.res broke, 150 acres grain 2 acres In orchard. 10 years old. ipple pesr ?lum So"s,p"rS,,,uc;xtrT.,, H for pa- TMIHE, SOI;TER-ALBERTSON CO -oinA'esiment and Reselling Agency 20J Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or . LINCOLN COUNTY SNAPS. 4S0 acres. 4 miles Elk City, creek runs through place, covered with voung fir n".f.,.:lalry "anrt: 10 per acre? terms ' romni c,an be cu'vated. balance an L'hU82'"8 land' natural white H R km. tne""" ,,ere' 13 mUes to i!; sta,lon; 9 per acre; terms h ' ac"s- - acres under cultivation. ) EoaMbatrw"' outbu"d'nsa. 1'vlng water t? . '.i two and heifer. 1 rails o.-1?-.- "atlon: $2400 cash. "Ji t.JMR -'O11- W. JOHNSTON CO.. Q1 Luchanan Bldg., 2StM Wash St v.v,iCEAP AXO GOOD. ,2;m.h"1 'o,1!. 320 acres 1 mile from 60 IV- h .y- i20 acres cleared, of which bO are bottom land; line stream, all bal a,?o'e,crCh leve' and. slightly undulating; Ing oak Ca?rhred With ,hlck and matter: hou 7 Yb- "nagnincent barn, fair VrnVnedlitfrv" ,3lUny rads: must be 8uld iiiiiiiuiaioij , per acre- choir- r clovex and alfalfa. 923 Board ol Trade! 75!.VACRES. of flne so"- wc adapted to fruit 3? ofnyh'l"h f farm"8: 50.. acres et Vmh. ih a,e ,n cultivation. 250 aere4 and oTl r ha--'!wooi: land lies level fen.v.r olI1"g' vt,I"y lltl'e waste land; ,vei and river 2f?-rencd: Rood springs.' creek una rier, rood road; o miles to Pa.ncf g" "ti"lo er!oatl0h"- w"anina?"?am0hil?eacoS o ouildI'Q ,hOUS,e and 4 barns and her outoulldtngs family orchard: Drlca til -in l-oV." 'n--,ud'nf inPlemen Santo:. mannKT xrrOp0sltlon for subdividing. Kaufl mann a Moore. ;25 Lumber Exchange. RiM A r -1 1 ... . . fin. Pf'R, ACRE 15 miles fromCanby flne apple land or would make an excellent. cl" arVd?rh,m-k .oCarm: run"ln "i ff.recdounayb0?oad4wiau7,rf . eT one o?a?hw,,'i -ome wltl,'n 3 nHlcSfthto is Vallev and Ihl, ?ap" ,he Willamette aiiey and the tlrst buyer gets it- our sot... nu'rry" yUr diSPOSa' K W CAKBT CANAL COMPANY Canby, Oregon. MLTT "en, 120-acre farm, suitable f or dalrv and fruit; 40 acres good fruit land o "ells at i-0-aZmSUy ash' which ecus at $.1..iO; one mile to town srmv.l road; graded school. flour mill " two stores, on railroad: Kood barn 48x52 beT.- house, house 22x24. upstairs, and w-ooll- shed. fences in good repair; buildings 0O cash, balance on time Address owner, J. O. Jorstad, Corvallis. 0dare3 LEWIS RIVER VALLEY FARMS. I,"0 acre?: 2!J cleared; good house and V?rtilj-bear ng orchard: 11 miles from and bar :-TrlnB watcr P""1 to ho" ana Darn, a big; snap at J4S00. Wfrnm'r? LAND COMPANY. WOODLANJ3, WASHINGTON. ... RTO.-K FARM. 640 acres rich land: lr,o acres creek bot- anrt tber'V,ti-on' balance openpasftTr'e ... ""'ber; Joins free outrange where cattle feed 9 months in vei" close m !es':finorr,hllS IP cVmb a"d less thin w or. hlrd 0,T,0 I rtland : . ood house, barn. ?erms " 1 Pr'C,a " an acre: eY OREGON LAND CO -Wij Stark St. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS $10 a tlay and expenses paid, if not found as represented: we handle only choice farms of all kinds from an Zvre tract up to 00.000 acres in a bunch. ySu wl1 mlSevl,a.tnH'e teU JOU' good value r your money and our experience and square dealing will save you time and money If you call on us ""J. i F. FUCHS. 22H4 Mnrri, s. XOW WHII'E LAND IS CHEAP 1.20 acres In Wheeler County at $(5 50 per acre, including all farming tool, and machinery; good soil and best of water 2 Kr.an,s -and 6 sPrlnB: land practically in J f -vanK cleared; well fenced, good house and outbuildings; an ideal stock ranch and J.'.N'm. ranK? for. kl,ES: Plenty of outrange; dalli mail and telephone in house. Kaufl mann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. RAILROAD WHEAT LANDS, c... ,C",wn,.h down and ,en years to pay nri i.i '"balance; one crop will pay for it; fAi ee, advans J5 per acre soon; readj! snediV r.P,W: CIose to transportation; JuTv J. o!man sleeper leaves Portland .oinfln.,; Ket JO-ur name ln to secure df,tl0"?- See or address s. D. Stoufcr. 441 Sherlock bldg.. Portland. UAWSON AND ROBERTS, -o c.ihVV yamh"l County; SO cleared. . .0 .ultlvated: new house; good stock of all kinds. Will sell at $.;) kn acre ' So acres; close to above; 25 clear and cashCrveltneUrSe a"d StOCk "u0- Hal 272 STARK ST. ,i,?a,!P RANCH FOR SALE. .. . aiTes. A1 land. 650 is finest al falfa land: 400 seeded to alfalfa. 100 to SvALU farms near Forest Grove on Tualatin Kiver in cultivation: small cash payment balance live years. Percy Allen, 511 Sard HAB 15 Ftock and dairy farms in Orezon on railroad; milch cow, outsla Mgi,fSSi cash. Call or write L,. R. Kaylor, & C fluam bldg.. Portland, Or. tOH SALE A ell Improved farm 144 acrea. 73 acres under cultivation. 20 acres beaver dam, $14.500. Louis Bechtel. Salem. Or HOMESTEAD SO acres, with improvement, near Payette, Idaho: under Eood Irrigation project: a snap; $1100. H 173. Oregonian" BA.RO,AIN Improved and unimproved towlnz Countv farm lands. Barnard & Co Kulama, Wash. SE;nd for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. 1MPROVKD farm, will take all or part citv proierty and time on balance, 233 Wotpm ter bldg.. Phone A 1215. worcee- DO YOU WANT 400o? KKAD THIS A.ND A Ol'. W'e have an bo-atre farm near the new cariine. mile of ancou';r. Wash., U. S. A., 7 miles of Portland, to acres under high -Scale of cultivauon, 20 acres in fine pasture, plenty of wood, running water, and "a spring that runs water to house and barn, large S-room bouse, 2 large stock barns, cream, -K. p. L. and telephone line, fne roaau ana sol, thickly settled neignborhood, $2ou,wo 1 two hundred thousand) worth of land has been bought up the past 10 cays near this, to be subdivided, which will sell from $25o Ier acre and up, buy this for $12,uuu and sell for 2ijO per acre and clear up $4x, subdivide and fceil lor ot0 per acre and clear up fl2.om; here L the chance ot a lifetime, 7oiH handles it; balance 3 to 5 years. IO ACRES. Near Orchards on the new carllne, facing on county road, near school, fine neighbor hood, $1000 cash. SHOO on time. 20-ACKB HOME. Large 7-room house, large new barn, 6 acres cleared, young orchard, R. P. u. and telephone line, near school, tine soil; build ings, would cost over $2X0, and a cream route with this place that pays $40 per month; price 35CO; KH) cash, balance on time. This is very cheap, other adjoining landa are selling for much more. 1 mile from electric cariine. 2-ACRE GARDEN HOME. Near electric line, fair house and barn, 2 acres cleared and plenty of fruit; 2 miles of Vancouver, near schoolhouse, R. F. j. and telephone line ; adiniiug farm will be platted eoon; price $L2oo; wrm on part. The above list of property we bought on eale contracts before the electric cariine commenced to build, so we have the inside prices on them; other and adjoining lands at higher prices. See us if you are looking for the cheapest property on this side of the river. Yours for square business. I. S. CAMERON KBALTY CO., B10 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash., U. S. A. Big Blue Sign. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. 145 acres, i mile from Salem Electric station ; 125 acres in fine state of culti vation ; 20 acres of good green timber; 35 acres in hops; ' all level; family or chard; 1V -story . 8-room house; good barn; on main county road; fine location; all in crops; very best of black loam; this Is one of the best buys on the market ; lies well for platting in 10-acre tracts; a good investment, and guaranteed as ad vertised ; price only $100 per acre, with good terms. IOO acres. 1 mile from Gervais, on S. P. R. R. : 1 mile from Salem Electric; all In fine state of cultivation ; family orchard ; 6-room house; barn, hop-house, and other buildings; 34 acres of good hops; on main county road; fine location; If you are look ing for a lovely home Investigate this be fore buying; very best of soil, for there Is no better in Oregon; price $11,000. $4000, 60 acres 3 miles from Sherwood R. R. station, 19 miles from Portland; 40 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in hops, bal ance brush; good well, small creek; on main county road; poor house and good barn; best of soil and good terms. 1 J. H. SHIELDS. 305 Gerlinger Bldg.. Cor. Second and Al der. Office, Main 8430; residence. AVood lawn 21t9. Portland. ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. 500 acres in beautiful valley, 7 miles from Roseburg; good road all the way; ISO acres in grain, 30 acres In alfalfa and clover. 10 acres ln potatoes and other crops and small family orchard; 30 acres more that could easily be put under the plow. The balance of the place, consist ing of hill and bottom land has timber upon it which can be cut and sold in Roseburg and will more than pav for the clearing. Fully 160 acres in creek bottom land that could be irrigated from the creek running through the place, if de sired, and all would make fine alfalfa or clover land; 400 acres can be put under the plow and all of it is flne fruit land All crops go with the ranch. If sold within the next 30 days. Also 3K head Red Poll cattle, 11 horses and colts, new gasoline engine and wood-saw, Sharpless croam separator, as well as all farm ma chinery. $11,000 cash and $11,000 on time at 7 per cent. For further information address W C Harding Land Co., 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or., or Roseburg. Or. FINE IMPROVED FARM NEAR FOREST GROVE. 3o acres, located on Gales Creek and on a. good county road; 25 acres best creek bottom land, all in cultivation; rest good fruit land, all cleared ; every foot of thia place could be irrigated and will rai.e any thing; nice little creek runs through and there fc a fine spring on the place: 3o bear ing fruit trees, a good 5-room house. - celled and papered inside; good barn. 2t(x fcO: R. F. D., telephone and milk route and close to a good school: price $5000 . RALPH ACKLEY 005 Corbett Bldg. BARGAINS NEAR CANBY GARDENS. . V".8-01"68. 6-room bungalow, barn and out tniiloings. walnut and fruit trees straw berries, potatoes, live-stock, poultry, imple ments and tool; a very attractive country home; under gravity IRRIGATION canal cash one"half miIe rn- 3pot; $4000, part 20 acre Ideal fruit and walnut land, now m young tree., garden and clover; goort hotme and barn, stock chickens- and implements; under gravity IRRIGATION canal, about one-half mile from depot- S42uO part cash; might sMi ten acres that IRRIGATION is assured, will soon double In valu- CANBY ?ANAL COMPANY Canby, Oregon. c. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 60 acres. 2tt miles from Portland, 200 acies in crops, 200 acres tine seeded bot tom land, 100 acres level up-land pas ture, well stocked, well fenced, abundantly w-atered, large modern residence, fine or chard; idVal dairy and stock farm; de lightful place to live, with great possi bilities as an income producer; electric line surveyed through the place wilthln a rew rods of the house; price $3- 600 terms, half cash; stock, implements, ma- SJSl;ry a"drfeVwins crOT8 a11 Included; photos and full particulars at our office LANG-HILL LAND COMPANY 414 Abington Bldg. READ THIS. R0 acres; lo miles to R. R. town; 20 acres under cultivation; faniilv orchard near school; on R. F. D. ; living water on place; near Summer resort; 6-room house Lnod condition; largo barn and other bu dings; 5 cows. 4 head young stock, bull, some chickens, and all farm tools go; also the household goods and furni ture, for 2000, and $1500 cah will handle it. Here Is a good opportunity for oine one. PINE TREE LAND CO . Phone M. S&90. 510 Buchanan Bldg. JUST LOOK AT THIS. 60 acres. miles of R. R. station, in Washington County; 12 acres cleared and under cultivation; in crop of clover oats and garden; land lies rolling; shot soil living water and a good well: house and barn; 2 mules, 1 horse, 2 milch cows 1 heifer, 2 new plows. 2 wagons" price $lttO0; $1050 cash, balance can run for 5 years. CHITTENDEN & OTTO, 268 Stark St.. Room 7. LEWIS RIVER VALLEY FARMS. 80 acres; 14 cleared: well improved riverfront: 4 mile to school and church splendid bearing orchard; & beautiful home. including stock and all tools, wagons, etc.; price $S0OO. LEWIS RIVER LAND COMPANY WOODLAND, WASHINGTON. ' riVE" APDro 1 , . , - A C tr ' "am iana. at Keaverton. Or., high state of cultivation; produces $2500 ... . j . . i x ww ; terms. 18 H acres near Beaverton. 5-room house rPVJar?; 13- acres in cultivation, balance timber: 5 acres orchard. Price, $4500 $20U0 cash, balance time. THE STROUD-FRY COMPANY 519 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland and Beaverton. Or. AN improved California home for $450 a 4-room house, well and pump, all fenced mi new ana complete with 10 acres for v-r". wr too; with 40 acres for $12o0; $5 per acre down and 50 cents per acre per month; good strong aoil ; land levL in Sacramento Valley near railroad and river and town. Address """':u ,it:o' ' j v umpany, ;o:j Kearny 11 ACRES. 2 MILES OF TOWN. 5 acres In cultivation, halnnnn ture: house, barn. etc.. splendid soil; onlv 2 miles out of Newberg, on splendid grave", road; R. F. D. and phone line; only $1400- CADONAN & DURHAM. 270 Washington St., Room 1. APPLE ORCHARD. 40 acres within corporate limits of citv of Lebanon. Or., on the Southern Pacific Railroad; 2 acre. bearing? Baldwin and Spitzenberg applee-; 13 acres in oats and clover; good house, barn, packinghouse and other buildings: will pay a big income this year; price $20,000, terms. XX 999 Oregon la n. 20 ACRES' fine level land on electric rail road; must b "old; cheap for oash. C 103 Oreconiaji. YE SAWMILL MEN. ATTENTION! 3AO acres of timber land, with 14.000,000 feet of timber; a sawmill of 15,000 feet a day capacity, doing a paying business now. .with house and barn; 35 acres land culti vated ; plenty of surrounding timber at hand: for aJe for $13,000; $4uOO will handle it; balance easy terms; or will sell timber and mill without land, with plenty of time to saw the timber; will trade for farm or wheat laud; owners health broken. 1 Go-acre hay farm ; good buildings; water in all pastures and meadows; all fenced and .cross-fenced ; well improved; on Co1 lumbla River. 24 miles from Woodland: price $100 per acre, including all farm implements. Also in same place, 170-acre dairy farm; buildings fair; price $50 per acre; terms. 175 acres; 60 acres plowed, 25 acres wood land, balance pasture; 65 acres more could be put in cultivation; rich, black loam soil; lies at foothills and mostly bottom land; 5 miles from Daly, Wash.; -k miles of wire fence; spring and well; good famfy orchard ; $35 per acre; will take $2500 In city property; good school 1 mile; nne roads; 50 acres bf fine Winter wheat. 4G acres, nearly all in cultivation. Fine soil. 3 or 4 feet deep; level; close to live town and railroad; ail fenced; watered by creek; large milk condensery close to place; excellent school; fine roads; this is an ideal farm: 4 cows. 2 horses, all kinds of farming, implements; buggy, wagon, single harness; phone In house; price $5700; $3000 cash, balance terms. 80 acres; 30 acres in oats: fine soil, rich loam; 700 rods rail fence; 50 acres second growth fir. suitable for piling or ties; several million feet adjoining: barn 30sc5, new and good; small box-house, 4 rooms; price $3000. 80 acres; 25 acres plowed, 7 acres meadow, 35 acres pasture; no waste land; on Columbia River, boat landing near by: 5oo rods of wire and rail fence, nearly all new ; 5-room house ; 2 barns and other outbuildings: spring by - house; small stream through the place; 2 -acre family orchard: $1500 worth of stock and farm Implements; $1500 worth of timber; saw and shingle mill within H mile; price $2200 without stock and Implements; with stock and implements, $3500. 160 acres of rich land as can be found; half of it beaver-dam; in locality where peaches produce abundantlv; will grow anything to perfection ; timber that will more than pay for clearing; on good road, near live town of 7t0 inhabitants, with railroad station : price $40 per acre ALFRED A. BAKER. 211-212 Abington Bldg,, 106, Third St., Portland. Or. THREE TILLAMOOK FARM BARGAINS. x-air acres, on Jtig iNiestueea River, 15 acres in grass, some timber, balance brush 6-room house, barn 24x30, only 1 J4 miles from Beaver; $1250. 320 acres good land, 60 acres level, balance rolling. 1 acre 7-year bearing or chard, fine creek on place for stock and power year round. 6-room house, harn 40x60. partly fenced, 15 head cattle, hogs, chickens, everything on place; other things too numerous to mention; fine dairy or stock ranch with plenty outrange; price, $4000; terms. 120 acres on Little Nestucca; house, barn, partly fenced, 12 miles Cloverdale, fine dairy ranch; for & few days on easy terms. $1100. SEE THE JOHN W. JOHNSTON CO., 34)1 Buchanan Bldg., 286 Wash St SEVEN MILES FROM ROSEBURG, OR. 457 acres, of which 200 acres is very fine bottom land, now under culti vation, 10 acres of prunes and other fruit, balanre In grain; 257 acres wooded hill pasture, about 50 acres of which can be cleared and put under cultivation. Pasture is well watered with fine springs and a creek, with running water the year round runs through the barnyard at one corner of the property. Good farm buildings. This place Is cheap at the price asked, $16,000 ; half cash, balance 7 per cent. For further information address W.- C. Harding Land Co., 60 Fourth at., Port land, Or., or Roseburg, Or. BEAVERTON. IO acrew, houee. barn and orchard ; two blocks from depot ; will cut up if neces sary. M'DONELL, SHARP & MAGIN'NIS, 327-328 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark. ACREAGE. 20 ACRES; 14 acres properly tilled and In finest possible condition; a good young family orchard, just beginning to bear; 3 acres of strawberries and brush fruit; several acres of clover and tares for cow feed ; 6 carefully selected milch cows. -2 good heavy horses, harness, wagon, plow and cultivator, cream separator, milk cans and all other tools; this la an up-to-date small dairy farm, with everything complete: nothing to buy; mile from R. R. station, 10 miles out of Portland ; price $3500: $2000 cash, balance on terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES. 10 miles out of Portland. mile from R. R. station, on main county road; croam route, R. F. D., phone; 10 acres beaverdara, some swale land; about 5 acres cleared and Pt with young apples; good well ; no buildings ; a dandy dairy farm; price J2250; $1000 cash. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, 8 miles from Portland, on R. R., 4 mile to station; close to Columbia River; all cleared and in crops; nice new 3-room house: good barn; running watcr on place: R. p. d. and phone; best of soil; price $300O ; good terms to suit. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. TEX acres 7 miles east of Portland; house, barn, now; 8 acres in cultivation; 75 young fruit trees; berries of various kinds. $2000 cash will handle; balance on three years' time at 5 per cent. By owner. K 180. Oregonian. IK ACRES at Oak Grove, close to river and Oregon City carllne; nice place to build a home; 350 grape vines-, making a nice vine yard; $500 will handle it; ba.unce $2oot long time at 7 per cent. Owner, 514 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 5 ACRES at Jennings Lodge, overlooking river, level, good soil, part heavily wood ed, would make elegant country home; near cariine; terms by owner. C. P. Morse, ISO Front st. BARGAIN 12 acres, improved land, good house, barn and other outbuildings, close to Sell wood, on Johnson Creek, suitable for subdivision. Apply owner, J. Adolphson, 925 Tatxima ave., SellwOod. A BARGAIN 6 acres on" Oregon City car line, near Jennings Lodge; plentv of tim ber; $3000. Call or address Charles Weln zer. Oak Grove. Or. (Phone Oak Grove. Black 1S2. i U ACRES. Beaverton. $1500 if sold this week; owner needs some money ; new 4 room house, barn, fine well, partly cleared $:J00 below value; easy terms. Lathrop! 131 3d st., room 16. 10 ACRES, $125 down, on R. R. close to thriving valley town ; all cleared and in high state of cultivation ; price $1250 COLUMBIA TRUST CO., F. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 4th St. BEAUTIFUL PLACE. 5 acres beaverdam land, good cultiva tion, small house, good barn, on electric line. Price $1500 cash. T 178, Oregonlan. 6 ACRES, convenient to cariine, just out side of city limits; $500 per acre; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. 412 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres, cleared, on the Salem electric line, near Metzger Station: a bar gain if sold at once. Phone Woodlawn CHOICE fruit and walnut land, large or small tracts; owner, no agents. Room 609 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. UP-TO-DATE modern hothouse, 14,000 square fest glass. 10 acres land, all In cul tivation ; money-maker; $10,000 Terms LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. 33 1-3 PER cent below market, one acre, containing a score or more fruit trees; 2i6 yards off car on Gray's Crossing. Inquire 215 Commercial block. Main 5384, A 2384 9 ACRES on the Bam Line road at the Russellville School; choice ground; $6000, easy terms. Queen lnv. Co.. 410 Failing bldg. 640 ACRES pasture land for sale or trade will pay difference; $6 per acre. Mr' Stall, No. 1 Stable, Front and Market sts. 1, 2 OR 3 acres, close to car, flne subur ban home; any reasonable terms. Purse, SIS Chamber of Commerce. 1, 2 OR 3 ACRES of cultivated land, by owner at reasonable price. McBride et., 4 blocks south of Woodstock ave. WE have some attractive buy in Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. TEN-ACRE tract cheap; exchange for city property. Call and see us. Boggess, 221 h Morrison, room 6. Phone Main 8109. PRIMROSE ACRES The closest acreage to Portland on the Oregon Electric line; buy this now at 410 Falling bldg. IF you want a good orchard, dairy ranch or farm. $3o and up per acre, well improved, see me. Jas. A. Clack, 252 Alder et. 6-ACR0 tract on Sa!m line; & snap at $850; should bring $1250; some cafh takes it must be eold. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED 500 acres of logged off land to P1" c- AtldreM Qth. ML ox 'ajn, ACREAGE HOME. 7 acres; nicely located ; plank walk to the electric station; good house, brick basement; hot and cold water; double parlors; grand view; water piped through house and barn from spring; nice lawn, surrounded by grand oak trees; all out buildings; fruit, berries, ornamental trees; handy to graded school, stores and churches. HENKLE & HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. 31 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland; 10 acres cultivated, 15 acres first-class fir timber, 1 acre potatoes; 1 new 6-room house, 1 good barn, good well. 40 fruit trees, 1 horse, value $17o; 1 wagon, plow, cultivator, h arrow, all farm tools. 2 good cows. 3 chickens, household furniture: near good school, church and stores; price $3400; on terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE, carllne. good house, $3200. jl acres, carllne, good house, $7500. 10 acres. Base Line road, per acre, $400. 20 acres. Base Line road, close In ; per acre, $100 0. 25 acres well improved, near Tlgard ville; $2y0 per acre. 40 acres. Base Lin-a road, not clear, per acre $150. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. 10 ACRES near Vancouver, all in cultivation; fine orchard of apples and cherries, straw berries galore, grapes and potatoes, fine barn and windmill. also smokehouse ar.d chicken-houses; 5-room cottage; & splendid bargain; only $3750. terms. Come to the office. . NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY, 22-620 Board of Trade Bldg. ALMOST A GIFT. 5 acres, only 2 miles from the cltv lim its, one acre cleared; SO minutes' walk from carllne; worth $2000. but owner must have money, so until Monday night w-e can sell it for $1200. Will be in the office from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Sunday. CADONEN & DURHAM. 270 Washington St., Room 1. SUBURBAN HOME, 20 acres, only 10 miles from the center of Portland; all in culti vation, nice spring, creek ; 4 acres of young orchard, house and barn, chicken house and yards, deep rich soil, no stones Rrvel: rice- including stock and tools. $4000; easy terms. LANG-HILL LAND CO., 414 Abington Bldg. ,NEAR FOREST GROVE. 30 acres; 25 in cultivation; good orchard; O-i 00m house, barn, spring, creek through the place and of sufficient elevation to irrigate all the tillable land; all the crops; 5 good cows, wagon, implements, chickens and household goods, all goes. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger BlCg. 10 ACRES, small cabin, two chicken-houses, chicken park; 3 acres cleared; $250 worth of wood in standing trees; fine etreatn of water 15 feet, -wide, tools and all; about one hour's ride on Eattacada electric line: only f!250, terms easy. . m Come to the office. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY 622-626 Board of Trade Bldg. I HAVE 20O acres of best land in Mosler. 25 of which can be irrigated by water rising on place; nearly all fenced, 4-strand barb wire: 8 acres cleared, considerable Rood timber; 10 miles from Mosler. Low price jo00, for quick iale; terms. For Informa llfr'J11 on owner, evenings or Sundav. at 722 Borthwick at., or H. T. Bothfur, Mosler. SACRIFICE SALE, mortgage due; SO acres frontage on north bank of Columbia River; 30 acres can be irrigated; 5 acres Irrigated by springs; some alfalfa; house, barn; mile to town; price, $3000; cut In tracts will bring $S0OO; an exceptional deal. J. J. , Reid Co.. 340 Chamber of Commerce. IO ACRES, one hour's ride on Estacada line; two-room cabin, two chicken-houses, tools, fine stream of water, $250 worth standing timber, near station ; all goes for $125o, easy terms. Come to the office.' NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY, 22-626 Board of Trade Bldg. $500 PER acre, 60 acres near Linnton road, this side of Claremont; fine scenic road through place; Ideal country home; parks. $2;.o per acre, 20 acres on Barr road. V 100. 10 acres and up of Ladd & Reid farm, near Carlton. me about acreage near Riverdale, THOS. M'CUBKER, 205 Couch Bldg. - CHEAP ACRE-AG!. 6 or 10 acres on Foster road, ast Lents Junction; 14 mile from station electric line; hourly service, 10c fare, 35 min utes from Morrison-st. bridge; only $250 per acre. Owner, 502 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. 6 3-10 ACRES. On Johnson Creek, 5 acnes in cultiva tion small house, barn-, etc.; berries, fine garden, no rock oi- gravel, directly on elec tric line; price $2600. BRUBRKER & BENEDICT 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. THREE IVi-ACRE TRACTS f,- ieROII Kity carIine 3" niinutes' ride fiom 3d and Morrison. High and sightlv. Accessible by launch or trolley. Elegant location for suburban home. Chean if taken nt nrtfa T--. x. , M. 1 L - ",a- w commission. A. k. Cooper. 716 Chamber of Commerce. 12Vz ACRES, 2 in choice fruit, plenty wo.m! - - "' iivuoci ttnu uanav spring: Z miles to R. R. and river navigation: -Jl miles east of Portland: oa goml road snap; 12r0 cash; worta J1SO0. s! Eybeidon. Troutdale, Or 1J0 AiREb. unimproved. 3H miles from Cazadero. flr timber on SO acres, balance easily cleared, tine sprlns;. 1 mile from school. Vi mile from branch of Deep t-reek ; price $-.'2.50 per acre. Phone Mala 102 and A 4202. 2 ACRES. 5 minutes to station, on carllne. close ln. JoOO per acre; easy terms. 412 Marquam bldg. . HOMESTEADS. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESTEADS Relinquishment in Tillamook Co. $lfl0 Relinquishment 4 miles Crants Pass, on R. R.. 1.O00.XK feet pine, several thousand cords of wood. 5 claims south of Mosler of 160 acres each; also five claims ln Lake Co. of 320 acres each. THE JOHN W. JOHNSTON CO.. 801 Buchanan Bldg., 2SCj Wash. St. SEVERAL I have located on flne level ground, near my homestead. . Eastern Oregon are now In the city. They will tell you about this ground and how I treated them. I place you on 320-aere homestead not desert claims. Alvln S. Hawk. Printer.' 88 3d st. I WILL relinquish my homestead to 160 acres ln Hood River Valley: good soil tim ber and water; one mile from railroad- 2 miles from P. O., echool arm store: neigh bors all sides: good wagon road: 1500. AD 20.. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 320-acre homestead relinquish ment, some improvements. $3O0: 160 acres J150 to $200; Northern Lake County; good soil, close to new town. Fred E. Wood. Silver Lake, Or. KEY ranch for stockraiser; best on earth improved farms bordering on the Willam ette Valley. 12.50 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. IMPROVE this opportunity of homesteadlng 320 acres good wheat land under new ruling Inquire Embody & Bradley Co. 815 Lum bermen's bldg. Phone Main or A 3165 RELINQUISHMENT with 11.000.000 first class timber; Slletz; or will trade for city real eetate or farm lande: no agents Ore gon Timber Co.. 403 McKay bldg. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 miles from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Portland. Or. 2X RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres, 80 acres ready for plow, water on place, out side range. 412 Marquam bldg. A FEW homesteads ln Tillamook Co.. Or 40 Hamilton bldg. . 2.0O0.000 FEET of timber. location fees -00 412 Marquam bldg. SCRIP for-sale; SO acres soldiers additional homestead right. 264 East 31st. WANTED TIMBER LAXDg. GOOD size tract of first-class timber In re plying give full information, price- and terms. H 191. Oresonian. . WANTED Several small tracts of timber give exact description and price in- first letter H 192, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C 304 McKay bldg. McCr&cken. WANTED ACREAGE. WANTED to buy, 5 or 10 acres on or near Salem cariine; state price.- A 193 Ore gonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED Lot or fraction. West Side- give location and price. AN 193. Oregonlan. GOOD pine timber -claim to trade for Port land property. C 192. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE 40 acres timber land for city property, Shivcly, 303 Corbett bldg. FOR EXCHANGE, $120,000. Having made heavy Investments ln Oregon, which require that all my time be spent here. I will give a splendid trade to any one who will take $60,000 worth of flrct-claes sub urban lots at wholesale price, close to San Francisco, which can easily be sold on time payments for double that amount by any one having the time to .look after them, and also $6u.00a worth, or more, of good San Fran cisco Income property. J120.OU0 ln all, and take in exchange good Oregon property, improved or unimproved, Portland preferred. Property mentioned will stand trior- -ough Investigation, and prices asked, are low. Any property offered In ex change must be equally good. Ad dress R. 183, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. House and lot for ranch up to $3000; .S-room house and lot for $u(XM ranch; brick hotel building with one lot, for va cant lots or Income property; 800-acre wheat ranch, 500. ln crop, for Portland property; 100-acre ranch, close in, for Portland property; good Portland income property for cheap fruit lands, partly Im proved; house and lot. ln Salem, for Port land lots or house and lot; equity in modern bungalow, for small close-in ranch "P 2500; 80 acres, near Stevenson. Aash.. for St, Johns property; loo acres Dakota, wheat lands, for timber claim or close-in acreage. These are some; we have others to suit I'sui case" CaU and See" Ptou Main PINE TREE LAND CO., 510 Buchanan Bldg. 164 ACRES, s miles of railroad. In Wash ington County; 15 acres under cultiva- i V.j. 1 tr,,P: rmmny orchard, fair buildings, living water, 2,.-OO,0O0 feet of ennri Kr a .. 4 n , 7, - 7 ' -.iniu-- , price, aoiiu; will -take Portland property. --v e-cira iw reunquisn. with 1.000.000 feet of good timber; price, tlOO. What have vou to ,i ff .. 4) acres good timber. 2 miles of rail road, to trade for an automobile. ROSWURM & CO.. Forest Grove. Or. "it it acwvi; 8 acres in cultivation. 5 acres good timber, lays well, splendid soil, some bot tom land. 2 mile-t our nt Vt.,..Kr r- i.- i and phone line. R. R. and river transporta- -...., nave an electric nne this sum mer: price. $2100; will take Portland property as part payment. CADONAN & DURHAM 2 "OH Washington St.. - Room 1. i -S- y- wln "change my 50x100 tw oiue. close in. near .Morrison. between 5th and Hill. nHnntaH fnr t-oto good Income now; will exchange for good farm or acreage; cash price $22,500. Come -.uu see property. What have you? ALEXANDER LAND CO., , Phone A 3182. 4 North 6th St. TO EXCHAt.f; i.-mr f&pv $4000 Good Portland home for' a farm ot aDout same value; pay or take differ rnce. nave aiso iarms: business chances and city property to exchange one for the F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. 111. 'i aim storage Dusmess. estab- v iroio. nut ine Kina mat s gotten up to sell, but a business that will stand ... u l iiiiiu uivesiigniion; ior sa ior cash, or trade for real estate, acreage or - - J - -i ino, viregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for 40 acres fruit land free from incumbrance; 41 miles southeast of Ashland; value $1000: will give or take some cash difference. Address 1156 Williams ave. Phor.e C 1543. TO EXCHANGE for Oregon or Washington 111, a nne w-accuon in central Alberta. i iiiima iii.-iii Kovernment experimental farm; o miles' from station. G 191. Ore snninn WILL trade 140x240 Lake Washington. Se attle, for acreage near beach or railroad And AMIim. elm. .1 111 1 ---- uiiirinu-H up IO -lHMI. " l,at have you? Oourtols, 1422 Union FOR .SA,LB or eichanS8 for Portland prop .i. . ",, invoice Ho.uuu, do- v3.K.H?e lcadlnB business of a live town ot i 10 ooo population. Call 429 Lumbermen! bldg. 1 "ILL trade for Improved oi- unimproved rea L " L,- , . wua nouse ana barn. 2 blocks from O. W. P. cariine. on X. i '-cii. ii acres unoer cultivation M. F. Brady. 81g -Chamber of Commerce - -- ' " o acrea or good land on Oregon city carllne for a modern 6-room house in good neighborhood; will pay cash ...in. . in c. uiu vjommerciai DIk. FOR SALE or trade Wheat land around Port . "J " -oi Aiiwritt wneat iana; here Is some homestead land. Krlstian FOR SALE or exchange; small equity ln 5-room modern cottage in Sunnyside. for .lot on E-A. or Union ave. cariine, or 1.11 ii,.; mem. rnone xaoor 135. 1909 BUICK, 4-cvllnder rondtt., acres near Vancouver to trade for 5. or i-iiaeiiger louring car. Afc. 184, Ore- AC ANT lots in the heart of St. Johns for 4 horses or mules with wagons and har ness, 12O0 lbs., or up, for ranch work. K WHAT have you got to trade for the south- v i,J - imont and 20th sts.. .a,.. i.uc. t.svu. inquire bi's Lumber mens bldg. -1 1 V II u UKUW. For exchange, 41-room apartment-house. ior i-ornano. property, W. A. T-, box 5, Lents. Or. WANTED A small farm near railroad; will buy. or exchange: hnti k 38th and Prescott st. Call si Swetland wjLL trade for delivery horse. 1200 lbs. l?e -i?',tce Ior a Summer homo. Phone $14 000 7 per cent preferred stock to ex change for farm land. F; H. STOW. Bonds and Stocks ( 503 Lumbermen's .Bldg. x-j-tc, noair.- in nansas city. Mo to ex-?-angr.f'? Po"Iand Property. Brong-Steele FINE fruit farm in. Willnm.it. vi, clr.anBieir.f0L Poriland PrPerty- Brong-Steele WILL exchange S lots, or bungalow cf thrili?" '"t, for established business ln ' i-uuue laoor 1395. i,,Ti w 1'1"Mr claim for lot or equity in house and lot; what have you? F 640 aprks -v , . ,, " . ' - ow acres tlmDer and pasture land: acreage and city prop erty. Owner r'ft &hinn, j GOOD organ for typewriter. Main 8362. FOR SALE or trade, a city business; own h iLvi n- , "Wnst nave you to offer H 18U, Oregonlan. '". wn i2O0. and some cash f iSl, Oregonian " ' rms- T2JS...?n Coast: near Long Beach, for auto mobile; runabout preferred. S 194 o-e gonlan. - ' WIL trade gilt-edged mining stock for a F ,,, iv"' or ior a good launch WILL :rade lot on Portland Mufht. and clear, for equity in good home.' 510 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSE, 8 rooms, part housekeeo ing; cheap rent; close ln; trade for real estate; price $oo. Y 193, Oregonlan., SMALL refrigerator to exchange for rifle 3O-30 carbine preferred. Tabor 674. 5 ACRES and $506 cash to build 2 cottmrf. "Myers. 133 Vs First at. K LAUNCH equipped complete, for acreage or city property. Tabor 431, B 2O80. WILL exchange fine farm near Forest Grove for home In Portland. 511 Board of Trade. LOT 50x150, Fairview. for auto, runabout. . Myers, 133 Va First st, , BEAUTIFI-L ocean front lot at Hermosm .c;tn.-ii, wu. - 'ts at Redondo Beach; on carllne; $1000; near Los Angeles. Cal.: wants im proved ranch In Oregon, near Mvrtls creek or on the Sajitlam River. Owner. E. DORIG, 35t, Crocker st., Los Angeles. Cal. WATCH US GROW. For saK? or exchange, 6 acres close in, all in cultivation, part beaverdam. near car. For lots, houses and acreage, see BRIGHT REALTY CO.. Lents. Or. 1 Biock E. ot P. O. FARMERS, do you have a good little farm worth fronr $3500 to otK. and wish to move to Portland ? If you have we can exchange you some good property for It. F. FUCHS, 221, Morrison St. FARM property, close to Portland, ln tin oiaia vi cultivation. to exchange Ior home ln Portland; value about- $7500. DABNEY & DABNEY. 412 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. ELL improved 120-acre farm. 15 acres being in orchard, very best soil and es pecially wv-11 adapted to fruit: only JuOuO; would take part in Portland property. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 00-ACRE stock ranch. 100 acres fenced and in cultivation; only 10 per acre: would exchange for Portland residence property or close-in acreage: this is worth attention. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. WILL exchange 8-room brick corner house. i-ayiiiK iu per cent on 2OO0. in Chicago, tor what ln Portland? Business or real estate. AE 211, Oregonlan ELL S-room mod-em residence, beautiful lawn, l blocks Woodlawn car. Exchange ror smaller place or any good property. Address owner, 180 East 29th North. SEATTLE city pronertv for farm or fruit- land In Oregon. M. E. Emerson, 330 5Slh Ave., E., toeattle. ilOOO LQUITY In best corner lots In Waver leigh Heights for diamonds or telephone bonds. L 198. Oregonian. A NEW dwelling-house In good location for trade for grocery or farm land. AE 19!). Oregonian ' ' l0;,i00KOF ,er2un1,- nloe nou! nd .rounds: . . miiaiiu, iiauo ior o-acie farm. L 209. -Oregonian. WILL exchange 40 acres, Harney Co.; 25 Sharen l.n mH i -1 i .. .. . ... . . . . ----- - --uricoa, in i at i!ceansme, for lots or acreage. E ISO. Oregonian. 7Hk M huse- ,u" lot. In Irvington. Would -,, , , ,. mure ground. Afci -'14. Oregonian. HOOD RIVER orchard for sale or trade for - value ?-iuuu. v oodlawn 409. V(rooa?oiora.aJEy.kira Property at ELEGANT family launch to trad for city , j aucase. am oregonian. SODA and bottling works with building for sale or exchange. AD 205. Oregonlan. HIGH wheel runabout auto, a crackajack -sale or trade. Main 9046. --ajacK, WANTED REAL ESTATK. LOTS WANTED. ?I1,,ow'n a airable residence lot. we Rill build you a 5. 6 or 7-room house and you pay us back ln Installments (a $22oo house costs $30 a month: an $1800 house costs $2.. a month; a $1500 house costs 5" a month): plans are latest and most stylish. Laidlaw Investment Co.. 81 h tioor Commercial block. Main 6120. A 5655 LOTS WANTED. J nou. .yn a d,'irable residence lot we will build you a 5 or 6-room hnuao and. i7,mPa.y us back in Installments. (An $1mm house costs $25 a month. A $!.- house costs $20 a month). Laidlaw In vestment Co. th floor Commercial blk. Phone Main 6120.. A 5655. HOOD RIVER. WANTED, HOUSE. We have party to purchase 6 to 9-room house, strictly- modern, good condition and In good locality, either east or wet of river: want to deal direct with owner THE SOUTHER-ALBERTVON- CO 203 Corbett bldg. WE have a number of good established, money making business- propositions iti Portiand that will exchange for real es- - Trade " M8 US- 1019 Board- ' 5i Ti oms betw',n Everett. Overton. 23d and 28lb sts.; must be first-class; give full particulars; no agents. AG 182 Ore gonlan. ' vinJn-0,-HUSeS to "e"- rrom 500 to $3000; on easy terms, and a few for cash Ck.a.n &JBLndl'r 218 Lumbermen bldg 1 cor, oth and Stark; Phone Main 3793 WANT to buy from owner, ranch of about 10 acres, with buildings, near some good Tn-r St e. price and Particulars. AD ISo, Oregonian. TT5 or 10 acres hear Portland on electric line: must be Improved and a bar gain, with or without house. AG 168 Ore- WiiJEDT,I0 I,u"ha 5 or 6-room bun- ' v. mi montniy payments- on or near cariine. not over 15 minutes: ride from West Side. AC 186. OregJnial BUYER nHntd nrnruirtw .V, J i - -. ed by HalT7 Taylor, Fifth "and1 Fourteenth . streets; must be reasonable; give price and terms: owners only. AG 181. Oregonian. WANTED A house or lot; must be close in good location and terms. AD 193 Ore gonian. ' yJr" WANTED One acre, more or less.' on Wil lamette River; state price and location. D li4, Oregonian. WANTED a lot In Irvlngton district: state location and lowest cash price. G in Oregonlan. CHOICE homes and building lota our creat es! need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co . Board of Trade bldg -olumD1 $200 CASH on best lot offered not ex ceading $o00. I030 North Grand ave. WANTED Cheap improved 5-arre home for cash; must be a bargain. L 2)S Oregonlan. WANT. ,ot ln Holladay Park or Irvlngton district. F 186. Oregonlan. -"Kington HArYB .,,5h000 ,to invest; want income prop- rf ------ ."1".. ito. -regonian. WEST SIDE Income property. not over - - - - - jo. uicKuniaa. Ww:esTtES3,dl PA,r5Clh,a73e 5 " 6-rm FOR SALE- TIMBER LANDS. TIMBERED HOMESTEAD IN SILETZ Located in heavy body of timber, near ?nntJr.J,oadi and PostofBce: location fee $300; this Is a valuable claim. If you want a homestead, call at once A. W. NELSON & CO.'. Lafayette Bldg.. 6th and Wash. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D.. LACEY & CO. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 40 ACRES cordwood timber 12 miles from Portland and 1 mile from station; go-id road; 2o0 cords to acre; can show you good money In this. a ROSE CITY REALTY & INV CO., 515 Lumber Ex. Bldg. " HkiWM-EAGHER'..S0- 308 Lnrnbermens bldg.. cor. Stark and 5th sts. Timber, wal nut, fruit and ranch lands. Large and small tracts. Terms if required. 160 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER. 10.000.000 to 20.000.000 feet. for $ 50 per acre; we locate you on good claim Call or write 721 Board ot Trade BY OWNER 900 acres of timber and coal land on tidewater on Coqullle Ri-er. Coos County. Address Box 179, Myrtle Point. LARGE ar.d small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims locat ed and guaranteed. Verdln & Conger 109 North Sixth St.. Grants Pass. Or. FOR SALE Timber land; 3.000.000 cedar 3.000,000 flr; near Forest Grove. AM 193 Oregonian. ' TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate you purchase; also homesteady and tim-' ber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 160 ACRES pine timber land; Wheeler County; 2.000,000 feet. AJ 191, Ore gonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. COB isALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HUBERT HALL, 880 Front, buy, sell, rent lioifcej, vehicles; low rates oa business rl. f