"EWTOPAY- 1 NEW TODAY. NEW TOPAT. f ?TEW TODAY. I , . win; 50x100 Lots $450 to $650 $50 Down. $10 Per Month 6 PER CENT INTEREST Directly on carline. Close in. Beautiful view. Overlooks Hawthorne avenue. Building restrictions. Street improvements. IT'S THE BEST BUY ON THE ! EAST SIDE Take Mt. Scott car, and get off at Section Line road, second stop off Hawthorne ave. Brubaker & Benedict DQ2 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Phone Main 549. Some Exceptionally Good Buys 10 acres of choice Valley land, joln Insr limits good town, about 3(1 miles from Portland: 5 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture: good, large house, lnrxe barn and other out buildings; running; water on both ends of place, two grood wells, plentv of iruit. all under fence; on main road. Just right to cnt Into small tracts. Only $t(5 per acre. 170 acres of choice land up the Val ley. 1 mllo from Willamette River; 85 acres under cultivation, balance pas ture and timber: runnlnjr water, both creek and spring. Will make a fine dairy farm. A bargain at $40 per acre. 100 acres fine land, 5 miles f-om town, bout R0 acres under plow. 12 acres ready for plow, "0 acres of splen did timoer inakt, balance pasture: a Rood 5-room house, barn and other out bulldinKs: some fruit: splendid soil; partly hill land and well adapted for walnuts: balance choice Valley land; ttnod well, yuiirter mile from school. Cheap at JtifiOO. About 120 acres of Red Hill land, the MieSt fruit SOil On the t'rkStK 9. mlla. fi'.m town: 100 acres In cultivation, bal ance timber; the best of living water; R-md improvements; 40 acres In fruit. Near the famous Lownsdale orchards. Only $61 per acre. You will have to hurry if you want this, as it won't last Ioiir at this price. This is only a partial list of many bargains. It will pay you to come up here and look at some of our snans, if you are In the market for something good. LECKBAND LAND CO. Dayton, Or. IROSSSVIERE One of the most beautiful resi dence districts In Portland. The Ideal site for beautiful homes. It will pay you to look at Rossinere before purchasing elsewhere, as you will find. In addition to the choicest location, every modern up-to.date Improvement, such as graded and graveled streets 10 foot parkings, cement sidewalk9, curbing and Bull Run water (all In, complete and paid for). Ross mere sells itself. If you once see It, no further urging Is neces sary. Look at Rossinere today the sooner the better. , ALL LOTS KOxlOOi 20fl0 BUII.n lNti Itt'.STUU'TIOi 5.0 TO 750 PKK LOT. INCLUDISiG IMPROVEMENTS. We guarantee a perfect title. Tae Kossmere car. Third and Tanvhill. Agent on the ground afternoons. j Clark-Cook Company II Board of Trade Building;. Phone 1 Mala 5407, A 32S2. Portland Heights 912,000 8-room modern house, large grounds fine view. Close to car. D. E. Keaiey 6 CO. Kxclusiva Dealers Heights Property. 3 4 Chamber of Commerce and Port land Heights. Both Phones. Hood River Orchard Lands o,rre?' PRr,iv cleared. 6 miles south or town, for a short time $2500: terms 40 acres 9 miles south of town, best or soil. $.i0 per acre. This is a snap. 40 acres . miles southwest from town. S3 acres logged oft 7 acres timber. $75 per acre, t, cash. . Will trade for ciiy property. M acres 9 tvrlles south of "town, best of soil. $R0 per acre. Terms. RAND, RBAD & CO. 31 Board of Trade Bldg. 72 FEET FRONTAGE ON KING (COURT) ST. Look at those fine apartment-housea going up around It. nouses Price $10,300 tio and see it. Our signboard Is on GOLDSMITH & CO. 11.1 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak St.. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property. t reasonable rates CLARK-COOK COMPANY. O Board of Trade Building. Phones Alain 6407, A 3-oi. J0HESK10RE Is an addition where all im provements are in and paid for, and the lots are 50 x 100 Price $400 to $600 $25 down, $10 per month. Take Montavilla car. Agent at tract. Geo.D. Schalk 264 Stark St. . 50 Feet Frontage On Burnside Street Near Seventh Right in Line With Skyscrapers Income -Bearing Price $22,000 GOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock Bids-, 3d and Oak Stau A,I Interested ,n Rel Estate Know There Is a Constant Demand for The Down -to -Date Apartment Houses The New Flats and Residences Both for. Renting and Selling. TfJ1- w,l1 be surprised at the great number of modern conveniences which we,. "corporate In our buildings and at a little extra cost. And that is one reason we have no trouble renting or selling a building for our clients. Our residences and flats are built In advance of the time in point of :-chi-tectural style and modern conveniences. Call and see our plans. We know we are in a position to help you make a profitable investment or construct for you a beautiful home Plans and specifications free of charge. Money loaned for building purposes. SPENCER -"MCCAIN CO. Architect and Builders. 61ft New Lumbermen's Bldg., corner Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6000. To Make Money Take advantage of this exceptional bargain offered by a reputable firm. One member of a wealthy syndicate, owning a tenth interest In Inside acre age, soon to be put upon the market, which Is worth at least $26,000, and will brlntr twice that when platted, needs cash for other enterprises. He will sell his interest for J25.000. one half cpsh. This Is a rare opportunity to become Interested with wealthy men. Not another dollar of stock in this syndleute is for sale. Further Informa tion can be obtained from Hartman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Com merce, Portland. Or. WHOLE BLOCK FOR $4250 Two blocks from the carline. Hixh. sightly and a beautiful view. If subdivided and sold as lots, each lot will bring $1000. Kasy terns. No phone information. '. lilACKIE &R0UNTREE 217-19 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. COR. SECOND AND STARK STS. SPLENDID INVESTMENTS $26. OOO will buy a well Improved quarter block on Market st. S12. OOO A ten-room house and quar ter block, close In on Union ave. SSSOO 2 five-room flats on Park st. S-4500 A H-room modern house on Corbett st. S4500 A lo-room modern house on i'.oosevelt St.. near 22d. Splendidly located for a room or boarding house. , OTTO 6 HARKS0N REALTY CO. 133H First St. THE SUNDAY HOOD RIVER REAL BARGAINS 5 ACRES,' all under cultlvationhalf In Newtowna and Spitzenbergs, $2500. 8 ACRES, adjoining city limits. One third under cultivation, 83600. lO ACRES. In orchard, on East Side; half bearing; $6000, $3500 CASH. lOli ACRES, 10 acres in commercial orchard. 4 to 10 years old; 7-room house; mile to station, SIO.OOO. 20 ACRES, 16 aches in comnrercial 4-year-old orchard; good house, stock. Implements, $11,500. 20 ACRES. 12 acres In commercial or chard: free water; new 5-room bunga low, S7000. 20 ACRES, heart of valley; 1200 apple trees. with bearing Spitzenbergs; house: cleared $3500 last year, SIS.OOO. 20 ACRES. 16 acres In prime commer cial orchard; some berries: new. mod ern. 5-room house; 812,000. one fourtn caah. 20 ACRES, all under cultivation: 3 acres 12-year-old Spitzenbergs; fine location; S9500. 22 ACRES, -well improved, close In; will consider Portland property; 812.000. 27 ACRES, East Side orchard dis trict: practically all In strictly com mercial orchard; takes S5000 CASH, and orchard will pay the balance. 60 ACRES, 40 acres in high- state of cultivation; splendid orchard; new house; free water; near railroad; best buy Jn upper valley; $15,000. easy terms. 80 ACRES, amongst best orchards on Kast Side; 18 acres of orchard; best In the valley. Great snap; $32. OOO. UNIMPROVED 22500GS' W1Uow Flat: lies well; 80 acres, 50 acres good apple land, $2500. 85 ACRES, g miles out on East Side, S4500. 120 ACRES. 4 miles from Hood River. on East grde; 60 acres good apple land; S5500. 480 ACRES, mostly fine apple land; lies well; some timber; $40,000. Terms can be arranged on most of the above. W e have many more. Devlin & Firebauyh Branch Office Hood River Oregon Shetland Bldg. Portland. Oregon HOMES WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 8- room house, upper and lower halls, vestibule, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, etc. Lot 50x100. $8000. Half cash, balance 6 per cent. Morar TABOR 9- room house, with basement, fur nace, etc.; on mountain slope: on lot 76x135; $5200, or with additional lot 75x135, $6700. Unimproved Property EAST POHTLAX 100x100. on Southern Pacific track. Good location for wholesale or retail house. Terms on Inquiry. REAL. ESTATE DEPARTMENT. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 247 Washington Street. Willamette ghts 28th and Raleigh streets. Great view. No climbing; 100x100, or would sell sin gle lot. ..'rhurman' between 28th and 29th, 50x 100; a splendid lot, 50x100. Many other lots and quarter blocks In the same tract and neighborhood. R. M. WILBUR 306 Chamber of Commerce. Portland Heights $3750 65x100, near car; grood view, hard surfaced street; gas and sewer. A snap. D. E. Keasey & Co. Exclusive Dealers Heights Property. 14 Chamber of Commerce and Port land Heights. Both Phones. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE Wasqo Street Price, $4500 50x100 on the S. E. corner E. First and Wasco sts. Terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bldg. 7V2 ACRES 400 Feet Beaverton Station on electric carline, S miles from Port land: all highly improved, bringing $1200 a year income. There Is a good 6-room house, good barn. 2 acres beav erdam land, bearing fruit and berries asparagus, etc. A genuine bargain' You can't miss it by buying this for a good Investment. THE DISN-LAWRENCE CO, 248 Alder Street. Two Fine 6- Ro H om ouses Lot 128x58, corner. In Sunny-side, $5500 Call Sellwood 138. By owner. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Two new houses on Wilson street, 5 rooms; sleeping porches: hardwood floors; 50x100 lots. Price, $4000. Terms. HTSSELL A BLVTH.' Commonwealth Bntldlng. FOR RENT Ground floor soon to be vacated bv jierenanis savings & Trust Companv Inquire 247 Vl iiington street for ter OREGOXIAX, PQRTLAXD. Wal Up! Mr. Homelover Summer is Here and You Haven't Seen the Beau tiful Homes in We Can Oiler You Something Choice and De sirable at Prices and Terms That Will Enable You to Secure Real Estate With Little Cash. Lots 50x100 Improvements Included Easy Terms HARTMAN 6 THOMPSON Chejnbsr of Commerce Co j Prices Go Up' July 1st JUNE 27, 1909. 1 Jg.w TODAY. I FOB S.UE REAL ESTATE. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY Exclusive Downtown Residence District. ASPHALT STREETS. Complete water and sewer systems. CEMENT WALKS All Improvements paid. Wide avenues, with 14-foot alleys in every block. Only 20 minutes' walk to business district of city. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE MANY NEW HOMES NOW BUILDING PRICES $1800 AND UP Terms, If wanted; 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent per month, 6 per cent Interest. COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 10S SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. 605 CONCORD BLDG. ALSO AGENTS ON GROUND. 30 acres. mile from town; 20 acres under cultivation. balance pasture; good 10-room house, barn and other outbuildings; good orchard and small Iruit; good well. 2 good springs. This i? om?.,. tne "nest 30-acre tracts in Yamhill County and is suitable for all purposes. Will make an Ideal home. Price, Including stock. Implements, etc., $4600. Don't pass this up If you want a good thing. 7 acres of fine land. y. mile from town, all under cultivation; 7-room house; good -well; 4 acres in fruit of all kinds: everything in first-class con dition. Price. $3000, half cash, balance time. A fine place. These are only a few of the many good buys which we have on our list. Come up and see us. We can suit you. LECKBANDLAND CO. DAYTON, OR. Portland Heights $6000 115x100, the best quarter block for the money on the Heights; hard-surfaced streets; close in. D. E. Keasey & Co. Exclusive Dealers Heights Property. 14 Chamber of Commerce and Port land Heights. Both Phones. Apartment Site CORNER, 50x100 12th St., near Montgomery; 2 car lines; all improvements in and paid; present income $45 per month. Price and terms very attractive. A most desirable buy. See A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg'., Third and Stark. $ 7 $15 $15 $16 $18 $45 $70 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 20 per cent investment net on Nob Hill. Quarter block. Nob Hill; fine apartment-house or flat site. New flats, close to Steel bridge: 12 per cent Income. Semi - business property in Thurman - st. business dis trict; income J1320. 25x100 on N. 3d st; Income fiu per mo. 2-story brick In center of city. Income $3600. Fine income property, near tne depot. LIND & HIGLEY 132 Third Street. $50,000 Choice corner lot, 3d St.: fine build ing, good revenue. Will positively dou ble in value when bridare is finished Third street. the boulevard of Portland. GOLDSMITH & CO" 103 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sta. BUNGALOW Price, $2400 ... Denver Avenue Lot 50x100 and new 5-room modern bungalow, situated on the -west side of Denver avenue, near Killingsworth ave Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. I.nmtirr Exchange Bldg. 84200 FOR A FTXE 1EEX AN'E RESIDENCE of 7 rooms, with carpets stoves, shades, etc., and 135x200 feet of ground, artistically beautified with walks circulating throughout and a world of roses and fruit trees. A sight ly location on Mount Tabor, overlook ing the city and Tour mountains in view, one block from car. THE, Dl .V1,.IWRKC E CO 241 Alder St. GFOBGB BUCK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, A11 Branches. 323 Worcester Bldg Phones Main 837L A 4013. West Side Goldsmith's The great West Side restricted district; three of the finest lots in the. addition at $400 below value. Your pick for $3750 $1750 cash; balance 6 per cent. Columbia Trust Co. S . 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Building. RKAL "ESTATE DEALEBS. Andrews. F. V.. Co. M. 33 IS. 30 Hamilton Baker, Alfred A., 1 Ablngton bldg Beck. William O , 3ia Falling bldg Birrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgagee, loans, etc. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay big. M. S49 Chapln & HerVow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S.. & Co, 003 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. BV. $ Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 188. 208 Oregonlaa. Parrlah, Watklns A Co . 250 Alder st. Richardson, A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk. Geo. D.. 284 Stark t. Main or A 392 Sharke. J. p.. & Co.. 122i Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah t. (Holladay Addition. Waddel. W. O.. 303 Lumber Exchange bldg. Walker, S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. White. B. F-. 2271 Washington st FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Sf.NNVSICE HOME. S3000 6-room new and modern home; choice location, one block from carline; fu'.l mir.n lot, lmproil gtreeta and sidewalks: this is a most comfortable home and at a bargain price. JAMBS J. FLTNN. . 612 Chamber of Commerce. GET next to this bargain, a One new. mod eJn &-room bungalow on corner lot 4ux 100, near Hawthorne car; tinted walls, beam ceiling and panelled dining-room, attic and basement, faces east. large front porch; see this at once; price only SIMOQ; $300 down. $ls per month. W. M. Conkling Co., 407 Wolls-Fai-go bldg., or call Sunday at 104U Hawthorne ave. 124 PER CENT NET ON $1500. Have home must be sold at once: will take $1500 to handle; have it leased so that will net 12H per cent on. Investment : Home new. very modern; fireplace, fur nace, laundry, etc.; streetcar service: close In. HE1LMAX A LATHROP. Ablngton Bldg. FINE U BLOCK. VERY CHEAP. Between t;nion ave., and Williams; beautiful 14 block; owner wants cash at once for business: will sell at $2J(H- .. block easily worth $3(lo0; all improve ments in and paid. Call mornings 616 Ablngton- bldg. CRESTON. BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. 4 lots all In garden. 2 blocks from car line, fine place for chickens, for $800 cash $-00. balance $10 per month. Take Mount Scott car to Creston. G H Taylor. , NEW 6-room modern residence, best furnace cement-floored basement, cement sidewalks, desirable location and surroundings; good as any $4000 residence; our price $3750 If you want a home, see this and compare with others. Call 51$ Chamber Com- LEAVING city mwit fell my new S-room modern home located in ewell Holladay Ad dition. I have placed it with J. Ex Dolen for quick sale and told him to sell It. For In formation call at East 15th and Halsey ata. Phone East S36. C 18B3. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. Lot 33x100. vicinity E. Ankeny and E. I0"- r particulars about this lot and other East Side property see J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. NEW modern 6-room residence, with costlv furniture, in best part of Central Albhia. for $4200: might consider an exchange for close-in acreage. Call 613 Chamber Com . merce. 8-ROOM house, lot 100x100. $2700. terms 6i acres best of fruit land at Careen. Wash., cheap, or will trade for ranch with beaverdam. near Beaverton. B 10-1 Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK, must sell at once, im proved lot. close to carline. desirable lo cation, below market price; terms. AD 1. Oregonian. $150 5 ACRES $150 Choice fruit tracts. 3 miles Forest Grove. Cash buyers Interviewed. Owner compelled to raise money. 603 Corbett bldg. 2 At. RES fine soil and new bungalow at Oak Grove: sell on easy terms; would ac cept lot as first payment; must-tet it go It is a nice place. Call 613 Chamber Com merce. A MOST sightly corner, 116x125. on Council Crest, on carline and driveway: grand view; this Is a bargain: cash or terms. Write owiwr. AF 1J3. Oregonian. FOR t-ALE Real estate. $25 down. $10 per month: good 4-room, plastered house. 1 .S ...ot c ear: warden, etc. Price $1250. AE 214. Oregonian. BIG INVESTMENT. If you have the money I can do the esV See me. Don't answor unless you oregonian r-RKSTON. BEAlITtriTI. a.ru,u New 5-room. modern bungalow s'lRflfl cash $200. balance $15 per. mon7h Take . ..... w vicsiun. vj. tt. Taylor. IRVINGTON New. modern. 6-room house; 5-2 floors sleeping porch, furnace. Kast 23d. near Brazee; $300t). $2000 down Phone owner, B 1155. Tte?ms0t Sunnyi,,cIe' desirable location; ROSE CITY REALTY A INV CO. 515 Lumber Ex. Bldg. " ' 4 AnC rfE5' 5 m."e out on electric carline: .,0 down: all cleared. You can't bant this. 170 Killingsworth ave. FOR SA LE Lot at Glen Harbor; fine view eUl Vn"nWeE?',lo minutes from center of city, $500. E ISO. Oregonian. WILL sacrifice new modern 6-room bunga block. term"' JohDmoa- . Commercial BEAUTIFUL building site, at the head of a canyon: fine view; restricted district Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. BEALTIFLLLY located residence lot vlei over city and river at a bargain If take at once, c 20r,. Oregonian. $1250 Two acres, right on carline: level and running water; fine building site; an . .ctw nouBon. t3 Corbett bldg. CORNER lot and 2 modem homes In Ho!!a- " ' - J - I per mo.; price STonO Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. FRACTIONAL corner. Gibbs and Kelly sts at a bargain. Call 17Q Gibba at. ' 5J0 FOR a fine east front lot. best street In ernon. Owner AD 100, Oregonian. 1 7lhP llo'" on ea,i5' payments. Miller 430 orceer bldg. ' FOR SALE 2 new houses. E 19th near Everett. Inquire of owner, 1.12 6th at. IRVINGTON PARK Lot for sale. A 190. Oregonian. $325 3 LOTS near Patton ave. $s month. Call 61 fcwetland Bidg. MAKE US AN OFFER ON THIS LOT. East 13th. st., on east side of stnset. 50 ft. south of Beacon St.. i, ft. above the sidewalk, cement sidewalks and ma ' cadamixed street, costing $20S. all in and - raid for: 1 blocks from 2 carlines. $ blocks from another car. 25 minutes' walk from the heart of the city: this is a Hut lot for a homo, located in an unrestricted district, wheoe property has never been boomed, and where very little is for sale; clear of brush, best of soil: value enhanced by new Madison bridge: owner lives out of town; make us an orfer. HICKMAN A HINDLE. I 218 Lumbermen Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Stark. Phone Main 378. PORTLAND. HEIGHTS. Single lots, quarter blocks, full blocks and acreage on the Heights, ranging in . price from $2000 to $20,000 per building site; most of -these sites are near the car line and command a fine view of the city; , I0" something good on the .Heights see R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 10,1, A 1227. .. NOB HILL HOME. kn?nr ,r,x,ra and strictly modern "r"1; hardwood floors and ele gantly finished in all respects; full-slxe Kit om,;.l0CK"0 WMt of 23d - b, most complete home and could not be duplicated lor the monev. , JAMES J. -FLTNN. 612 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T MISS THIS1 SWELL LITTLE HOME. nicely finished and tinted, cement foun dation; full basement, fine bath and toi-e-Vi.Sa elericity. lot 60x100, in ex cellent residence district, only 1 block 2 car vice on the East Side: 1,! 50:. terms. $.-,oo cash, balance same as rent; this is a beauty. DIETZ-MUELLER CO, 310 Ablngton Bldg. LARGE country home at the Intersection of two fine avenues, close to good carline. with V nliles of the Courthouse; large or chard and 3 acres of choice ground In nigh state of cultivation; Independent water works and all conveniencei. including a g.xid barn: property was hullt for a home and has always been occupied bv owner 10 Failing yiny fr T,"'- ' Co.. ; SWELL HOMEL ' p 8 rooms and den, modern, hest of plurrfb ng; electricity, gas. fine large bath and lavatory, beautiful costly shades and fix tures, built-in buffet, plate rail, full cement basement, cement floor, furnace. laundry ITI"' ,5ewr ai"l reet Improvements In and paid, south front; $3750; $300 cash. bal. terms: open Sunday. Hawthorne Reaitv Co., cor. E. 34th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor S16. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Level quarter block of ground, com manding fine view of the city: within I ? . , car' and neighborhood of beau tiful homes. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1U83. A 7-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME New. modern; hardwood floors, large fire place, built-in china closet, handsome wood L01?' sellings, on corner. 100x100; mard-surfaee pavement: price $500 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 12-213 Commercial Club Bldg. ' Phones, Main 8689, A 2653. 2K PER CENT INVESTMENT. -10 acres of beaverdam land (finest in state); 8 miles from Portland; mllo from Southern Pacific; only $110 per acre. One-half cash, balance 2 years: u per cent. Land adjoining gelling for $350 per acre P. O. BOX 179. CITY. BEAUTIFUL HOME OWNER MUST SELL In prettiest part of city: sleeping porch, shade trees, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, mag nificent large dinlng-rqom. finished in fine style: laundry, large bathroom: every thing absolutely new; hot water heater radiator In every room: verv cheap at $2jU. Phone East or B 1804 N ,'Ln503il 'Sl on Ov"-ton near 23d. $4000. 303 Rothchlld- bldg Ol'PORTrYITV' Lot 50x100. Inside city limits; water !n : 6-rent carline. htgh and sightlv- $.so very easy terms. Investigate. Adler. 7 Lumber Exchange. 1 caUons800' 1 S5' 3 ,1:00; a" cholce 1o Irvlngton. n'C "eW S"room ho" cheap; h;itlect -roomi convenient, fixtures, bargain. Owner, room 500 Or.,ia bldg. M. 3830. o.,. IRVINGTON. lnT,2ihTX',iear.oiaruon' Si1, for $1300 or 100x100 for 2S5ti; 2 blocks from new car- H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main 8600. A 2653. F(e?LB7New bungalow. 6 rooms, den. fireplace furnace, cabinet kitchen, full basement, street improved, cement walk house number 228 East SOth. Hawthorne ave. car to SOth st. By owner; on easy terms. Phone B 1490. , . SPLENDID BARGAIN. h.L ?' ,cor,ner- O" Thompson m the neat-t of Irviugton; paved street, cement walks and parkings; only $3500. terms. Come to the office. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY 2-626 Board of Trade Bldg. ' 5-ROOM. modern, bungalow, with paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, tinted wall " test of plumbing, gas and clc-tricity. ful 2 Mi? and basement, cor. lot. 40x100 fnoo f e.? AW?!:f70r- Ba,t 3Sth ATn. See t2. ,5off- owner and builder. Phone Tabor 14b.. Take Hawthorne oi W-R car FINE lot 60x100. cement walks, cement curb, parkings. Bull Run water, one block from car, lo minutes out; only $700, terms Come to the office. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY 622-B26 Board of Trade Bldg. HBILMAN & LATHROP, oio ADington Bldg. , ,JRVINGTON QUARTER. 100x100, corner 23d and Knott, one block 3oIloneW carUne; fine vilw Mt- Hood; price oV PALMER-JONES CO.. l-!-13 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main bliftft. A 24553. DO YOU WANT A HOME? S?ee mine, located on Portland Helehta unobstructed view large porches. fur?a: flieplace. oement basement, sas. electricity and everything modern; six rooms and bath Phone Main .004. Owner. FIRST-CLASS residence lot. cement walks paved streets all Improvements !n and bu Iding restrictions; $-00 bel-w marVet value; terms. Call up c. F. Parker. Main bUTCit. l0,tB awa? out in tne country"? in Holladay and Irvington Additions. Office tast loth and Halsey sts. Phones Ea 8HB, C 193. . nones E.ast BARGAIN counter lot for home or Investment v2.r0?rd.Kay- 1VJ f2"0 ca"h' balance cia,. fST c 1993 Halfy Phones East MODERN 6-room bouse on carline. East 21st st.. $2500; good terms. Phone Sell wood 202. - NEW 5-room bungalow on E. 2oth st close to good car: easy terms; $3000. Queen Inv Co.. 410 Falling bldg. NEW 6-room house In Rose City Park a splendid bargain; must have half cash Call B 2f)l today. EUNNYSIDQ home, soon to be business prop erty. will almost pay Itself out in rental very easy temiti. Phone Tabor 431, B 2O80. 9-ROOM house, modern, fruits, lawn, walking distance; Just think! $.-250 cash. 7 Board of Trade. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest bungalow in Irvington- Call and see, It 624 E. 2Qth st. N. " " . " TWO houses, full lot. iar Alberta carline on 17th st.. onlv $2600. LIND A HIGLEY. 13$ Third St. BEAUTIFUL modern 7-room house, corner lot. reasonable price. Terms. 1210 Mis souri ave.. North Albina. BEST dairy farm in Oregon: 277 acres $110 per acre. 412 Marquam bldg. A SNAP -6-room house, with corner lot 60x 1"0. facing south and east;$1600; terras Phone Woodlawn 13S0. terms. $.'.50 FOR a fine east front lot. best street in Vernon. Owner AD 190. Oregonian. THREE choli-e lots at Bay Ocean Park at hargaln price. AW Oregonian. J70o 6-ROOM house on Oregon- City line: luc fare. 226 Vx Morrison