1ME SUXDAT OREGOXIAX. POKTI.AXn, JCXE .20. 1900 II n . - . u ' M 11 il 7 l i r HOUSE HE WILL OCCUPY. .jm, . V 1 V hi . . An m. imlMlui to ezetA&o s&z. 7urr. ' J1 wm i" ft I? t .ft 4 ' SSAZ-L AT 7?& .4 St-, 'mi. J-fOME Qf' THh-'Si; views show the delightful spot vhonen by President Taft for his Summer at Beverly. Mass. "'vrly Is a Summer resort at "North fhore" on a bay or Inlet of the At lantic. IS miles northeast of Boston . nd two milxs from Salem, from which It is separated by an inlet of the sea. As indicated by the views here shown. ; it U an exclusive place where tfte Chief Kxeeutive of tho Nation will be free from annoyance by gaVing crowds. Mr. Taft will occupy his hot weather quar ters soon after Congress adjourns. Teacher Seta Kree m Burglar. Chester. Pa.. Dispatch. Miss Laura Do Hart, a teacher of Kaston. r.. found a burglar in her house with a handbag, and because she discovered no property was missing, al lowed him to no. Te Taft Smile That May Come Off. New York Mail. Rep.' The Taft smile is Intact, but 'private , advices from Washington. r. C. Indi cate that it is stettinK a little sardonic southeast corner. is. n IS G10U3DiS,: HIS NEIGHBORS AMD HIS ENVIRONMENT ; - AT :BEKEI:;MA5S.: T71 1 5 i. I - 4-St' 5- ? i I " 4F tastjl. occupy: 7