The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 30, 1909, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 57

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    Tnn srxn.iY oitnt.oMAN. foiitland. may no. num.
e v er w roi or ead it fla4 b p:t y
if tht wre ever dont Thft are some
lh!ti(i tMi Impu'.alve. bol -headed Presi
dent ea 14 hl Wiouli ffors;ot ten. very
conveniently minr of Ji4ofi titAuf'iU. r.d
MUr All I SiJ. th Question Resolves lUelf Inlo "Whit Is the Use"
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Hi-lorv of thi Slate of Wabinclo. by
I'rofi'r Mmond S. Mcany. $Z2Z. The
'.I.Tt-miltan Compiny, N?w York.
IHcifli Northwest readers, and in &
larjcr srns" Amorican reader, are under
i dbt of gratitude to Edtnond S. Meany,
profoj-fcrr f history at .he University
of WashiriKion. for this excellent up-to-dntr.
scholarly history. It is singularly
free from sectional inm or part titan ship,
and is fashioned along broad. National
lines. There Is really a demand for a
history of the State of Washington, a
hiHtory published in one compact, con
venient volume, and well illustrated, a
is this one. As Professor Meany says,
sensibly enough:
Ths hltory of the Sat of Wavh intrton
has been publtuhed ocrajuonaily In the form
of expensive subscription voium-, iur
minted by aid em landed from tenrroua In
dividuals who were persuaded to have tt'.r
bin(craphi and portralta adld for ss ni'np
tary conUl ration. Thl book la written
In the belief that the time hsui now rorne
whea there Is a distinct ue fr a rmp- t
record In one volume, free from mone
entlclnyr addenda, and dependlns for sii--u;von
its own mrlt. It is Intended
primarily for the a-eneral reader, but the
frequent citation to nurren will make It
uxable In nuch. hlfth veht'ou and collece
as may need a text on thia subjert.
In the preparation of his book. Pro
fessor Meany acknowledges assistance be
received from George H. assistant
secretary of the Oregon Historical Soci
ety, and h axles W. Smith, assistant li
brarian of the University of Washington,
and the dedication is addressed to Samuel
Hill. The book cover is in blue cloth, the
title Is stamped in gold, the pages are
, and the size of the book Is elght-and-oiie-juarter
Indies by one-and-one-half
The subject is divided Into five parts:
Period of discovery, exploration and oc
cupation, territorial days and statehood.
Professor Meany starts out mitb an ap
preciative mention of Professor Condon's
book. "The Two Islands and What Came
of them." and refers to the Condon
theory that the first land thrust up from
the bed of the ancient Pad ft d Ocean was
a portion in Southwestern Oregon and
Northwestern California, called Siskiyou
Island, and another portion where the
present Suites of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho form a contact, called Sho
shone Island. The opinion Is expressed
that the oldest geological portion of
- Washington tate lies along its eastern
border.- and that the lands extend back
in their formation to about the carbonif
erous r-eHod of paleozoic time.
The Indian name of what we call Puget
Sound was "Whulge." The first civilized
man to reach the latitude of old Oregon
was the Spanish pilot. Bartolome Ferrelo,
who in the year K4.1 asserted that be
reached the parallel. sir Francis
Irake on the Golden Hind asserted that
he reached 4 -degrees. In the year 15T.
so that his ship must have ben stopped
as far north as a line drawn through the
present city of Everett. Wash. He ts
thought to have landed Just north of San
FYancisco Bay.
Russian and Spanish activity Is noticed
along the Pacliic Northwest Coast, and
it is stated that the Spanish captain.
Juan Peres. In the year 1774. discovered
a snow-white mountain in latitude 4i de
grees 10 seconds, which he named Santa
Kosalia. a name afterward changed to
Mount Olympus. This Is asserted to be
ihe first name given by civlttxed man to
a geographic feature in the State of
Washington. It Is thought that the first
known time that civilized man touched
foot on Washington soil was July 14. 177,
when a Spanish force, headed by Kruno
Hecfta. landed off the shore at 47 degrees
j seconds, erected a cross, a nil at its
1mi planted a bottle sealed with wax
and containing a record of this act if
possession. August 17 of that year.
Meceta round a hay with IndU-atrons of
a river, and the north cape be called San
Koque end the south cape Cabo Krondoso.
The bay he called Bah la de PAsum-lon.
but "later the Spaniards called it Kn-
senada de Heceta.
If Heceta had only followed up these
indications of a river and sailed across
the bar. he would have discovered what
we now know as Columbia River. But
nis men were sick, with scurvy and the
party passed on to Monterey.
In speaking of Scares' voyage In July
ii ik viaiea mai ne rounded a cane
w hich he hoped would prove to be the
San Roque of Heceta. "But again the
great river of the West held to her face
the veil of ocean spray, although Jona
than 'arver had invented for her the
beautiful name of Oregon (spelled Ore-
gan tv t ar-veri mime years before."
warver naa r.eara ot the river, when he
was traveling among Indians in Minne
sota. Tribute aa discoverers is paid to
captain oray. as tne disc merer in the
JVotfunp can jbrjyjoujicacc 6ut
jourseZ Afbn can jbrjiayou?eace
2?utze trfuznjoi of?nncp7es. "
e ? -
year 17!1 of the Columbia River, and to
Captain George Vancouver.
So much for early everts in this portion J
-. s ite rountry, evens mat are uui un
derstood dimly by the general reader.
What will follow In this review ill nec
essarily deal with history that Is more or
less better known, and this part can only
be mentioned In passing. The period of
the Hudson Bay Company. Dr. John Mc
Loughlln. lapwij and Clark and Sarajamea
all receive adequate treatment. Mention
Is mad-. In speaking of Dr. MctaOtigblln.
that "his life has been thoroughly and
affectionately studied and recently pub
lished by a native-born Oregoman."
Frederick V. Holman. of this city, Van
couver, Wash., Is (:or.or-d as "the com
monwealth's oldest settlement." A cut
of the steamer Heaver Is shown opposite
page I'M. the Beaver being "the nmt
stettmboat on the Pacific Ocean The
V hitman roninivrmv Is hrf1v but dis
creetly desv-ribd. and on we go to chap
ter li. which is headd: ":4-4 or Kight."
Here the first dreatu of active nattun
making creeps In. and a stirring descrip
tion of conditions under Isaac . Stevens,
first Governor of the territory from
lNi.T-lw7, la given, along mith Indian war
history. Including the attack by Indians
on Seattle. January zZ. Ji
Thls Incident Is related of Seattle's
'grand old man." Arthur A. Denny:
On the tnornlr.i tf November 11 I 1 n
thf Aral of the pes-ener 'i adM ou;st
lenny emrri'il ffom a rxwr of truri
rublil.n hla ev - a m mtrht) s'ad to
you folka." he 1d. -for tlie skunkl have
ea ail my grub " I arov had gone
an errand ! in lKnnv a,ione
down lh" c.a-ma dMttnd to e.lve into a
melropo;i The land ins hsetily ir.
rap . lahen and t hn the mtn tug d iiv
lh task of isrrinc the lomii beond
rah of he In-nnlnc tid A dreare
Autumn rain as fa Elm 1 here was no
shelter. The -hoonr continued on its
v to Olyrapia. The colony slnne
Arthur A. Dennv turned to ! friend and
sid : "laow. white women are nr. in
tneee parte. W e had better take rare -.f
at we have tie foond own wife
sit tine on m l hr back a sal oat a t r-r
In hr arm a a hahe. bat m f r wek,a
old. Hhe was weenlna wie
this la no way t- besln plnn rlni "'Oh.
ou premised when mm left Illinois that
w.tiiK. doc aeltl la a w tlderne Now .
aee where we are" The foundations f
hiatt.e wre 'aid In a mothers i-an Tlia
riony was the ral nvleua around which
rw the city.
George H. Williams, of this city, la
mentioned on page 2f-i as one of the
members of the '-ommtssion appointed to
settle the dtffictt as to San Juan Island,
and Mrs. Abigail ott Dunlway. of this
city, ts spoken of on page T0 as "an In
tellectual and forceful woman of Ore
gon" in relation to her work for woman
Washington as a state and Its Gov
ernor receive suitable treatment, and In
writing of this period the author gives
several quotattona from the Seattle Pout -
Intelligencer. The history Is brought so
much down to our own day that it lu
eludes mention of the death of Governor
Samuel G. Coax rove.
What seems to me to be one of the liest
prepared chapters In the hook Is the clos
ing chapter, that on "Federal Activity
In the State." Professor Meany ac
knowledges assistance be received in pre
paring this chapter from United States
Senator Piles. member f of President
Roosevelt's Cabinet and their assistants.
A carefully compiled index, extending
from pages 273 to 4o. will be found a
Siesta, by Ferdinand -hevii Illustrated
2 iO. ibtna avrlbnre (tons. New
Tork and The J. K. uui t'o.. lort;aod
Something worth while In the book
line. Mr. Schevlll gives a beautifully
finished study of great historic value of
the old Italian commonwealth of Hi ana.
a free city that stood: for liberty, educa
tion and rational Ideals of government at
an age when barbarism ruled. It was a
place of costly buildings, both civil, mili
tary, and e-cle.aeticl. and ite measage
of free government undoubtedly he.p-U
to spread tigr doctrine of democracy
throughout the world, a doctrine which
contained the grm thought believed In
by the fathers of our own Republic. Well
has Mr. nam-d his bok "the
story of a mediaeval commune." for such
was Siena the great.
The origin of mediaeval S'ena. the feu
dal age and emergence of the commune,
the Slenese church. burghers. rtrslry
with Florence, religious spirit about St.
Catherine, civic spirit and building of the
city, literary and Intellectual artlvlty
story or a i isrercian abbey of the Slenese
Contado. and the twilight of fttena are
some of the subjects discussed Of
cours. Siena was not another Ven.ce.
I-ike another famous place in profane
history, biena lacked water. Hu. In th
language of our author: "The Siena of
the M UMle Age. in epH of Its narrow
limits, was a nstion and had a distinctive
soul as certainly as any nation which
I rrs" I !
p.J$ 1
I !
Par. !
f i.
plays a rol- on the ptttcal "lage f .ur
day. Shy a a swai !-. tli's In.nertah-
able proua't y mill nt -r tii- hHla
among the aiivery ol r-. or. In 'iie pur
ph manuers bke a stray wind
among the narrow streets."
Th bHk w-J.d n.ake an a! gilt to
a person wit?t rou- and maiurr (4ir
The png.-w numt-cr ci nni the l!l itra
tibtis are many and artlsti- In finish.
The Hawk, h r.n d T.. John
It firlfle I'.'mf.ri). New Vera
Molded along ambitiot.s tinea. t:its
hook Is announcd as "tne great air
ship novel, 'a storv f love and war.
with the romance of a famous sctreas."
S' far. so good but there la er little
of the alrehtp in the telling. It la like
a presentation of the story of llattiiet.
with all that relates to Hamlet sub
ordinated. Mr. Iks starts off boldly enouab.
On the very first page he pictures
Monsieur Rreul ofTering the French
War Minister an Invention fr a new
explosive for the sum of
francs. The War Minister asks for the
formula governing the making of the
powder, and the guileless inventor com
plies, on the ground of patriotism. A
check for 4o franc Is afterward sent
htm. and Rreul then knows that France
has fooled him. Uut he leal ea the
country, determines on revenge, g isea
to Kngland and Invents a new vapor
which he ral:a 'Hr-uliita." one cuMo
foot of which will raise ten pounds
weight. It Is a cntiit.tna I ion .f Ihe
1 Ik hirst kui .nn w n with the lihteat
gas unknown, and glea ltreul li e mo
tive power by wi.lcb an airship t rav
eling at I remendou speed on g tit to
Here, for the present, the airship Idea
halts at psge Z and w are Introduced
to a tunnel which had ben built by Sir
John Itanvers and his son Itarry. be.
t ween Kng2anI and France. There are
a nu mler of steel-ro e re or I flees In
Ihe tunnel wall, and other Ingenious
contrivances t h rougii w ,ch ttiuse in
I he secret of national dfei.v rould
Insure tle rtoo'Ilng -f the tunnel m a
lime if Invasion bv tne enemy. I'.rry
Danvere has an afTalr of the heart wttn
Miss t;aby le.ra. a great actress wiin
a bad r-rmiaU'in, and merei v to oblige
her he tetls l.r f rour In t tie
strictest confidence i be secret cn -nected
wlb the flooding of in channel
tunnel. M Delray lminHttat-lv te
comes a living Illustration of the truth
of the Arab proterb which says I ha I
a secret to'.d to a woman la a secret no
more. 'What she tells beconis known
to the French government, and she is
hypnotised by one of its n gent a. The
guards for the safety of the tunnel, of
course, become worthless.
A French army tp suddenly
through the devoted tunnel, while a
German army land In a heavy fog off
toe nrln cat. Iondon la taken.
Htlll there is no airship. Uut by ibis
t tn.e t he novelist becomes persuaded
that tle airship ouabt to appear, and
on pax 171 the machine gets into ac
tion. It flies with the ease and speed
of a bird, and duplicates are wf t ly
made of It. Meantime, tire lirltlsh
forces are being defeated by the in
vmders. but "II rem a airship appear
laden with bom be and you can a ua
the rest. On page 7 40 ts a spirited d
script Ion of a battle scene, and here
there Is genuine Interest. The picture
of Mtsa Gaby does not help the story.
No. the great atrantp yarn has not so
far arrived, although the peace dream
of Rudyard Kipling Is the, best yet.
A RAfryal
by Perer
Brebnr IKua-
aV Co . Itos'.oa,
A duelhng. hchlinc romance of the da
when Kng.and fi-ard the lrasioa of
Napoieon. and when the Prince Regent
was a power. The heroine Is Iady
Betty Walmietey. a royal ward, and sue
Is loved by a French A mer lean arte
crat. .rlor KuMa-fi. love and smug
gling lend add it tonal cohr to t fie scenes
so well portravei. around the vicious life
of the l-inrt-sn court of the itme
Mr. Itrebner la an Kngllah novelist who
Is gaining steadily tn favor a the creator
of "roya'.' romam e It I stated when
he was ln his ters he wrote a five-act
tragedy arrd otie long novel, w bb-h lay
Me for riv e ears and appeared ultl-
n.ately under t ho name of "The tun
thorpea of The elder Itrett-
nr. however. wted his son to follow
commercial li. and aa;ord.ngly the fu
ture author of "A Koyat Ward" was as
sociated wttn finance work at th Lm
don MM k ki nange tor several year,
Hut be wrote fiction in secret under t lie
com de v4uni" of "Christian lays," arid
hss maJe good. Alre.s'ly 1 's stories have
been trmnsiaied Into and Italian
The Htwteeoaaiwahlp tf Aatirew - - i m
Tald aa His rltlsa wad hoeeeatew. d'.l
l-v I' rof "Soi- f rau. ! V-luti Thp
lb Tind)-1 ttvoia lominn), Nw
1 "IS.
The author of this valuable work was
fel.ow and professor of A mer Kan con
stitutional Htrtory In the I'nlveralty of
Pen ns I van. a. lvtv -!:.: and. realiaing his
great sbiiitv and experten e In all tii
relates to this subject, the I'nlted States
Govemnent recently seiectod him above
all others to edit and catnip. le "The Con
stitutions. Charter and Organic Laawa o:
the States and Territories
It is nvt too nruch to eay that the
present book 1 one of t he ino-t Intel
bctu-U. ln-.prtant of the pst decade
hecaus of 'is hich literary standard. I
extend to i-is pa-s and la leg .y printed
from Ti point oid at le t p tiptq
sort, s-ream-rored woe paper of extra
qua.ity. A!l the merhanb al details sr
orthy of the au t of course, the
book dos not contain all that Jackson
Pt'-t f Alt: a Ji(ft.
n. n) It la r Ul-ht IKal M1 pt?a?
- r mm nrrn t-ir. t , imw (-
iii;. t! maalor-maiid of 11 i A-nri. an
K!irt of ni.m mnia ln o
il" - mrnl q .um . nrvr txra
puoitax-J :n n torm f i. lal in-
J.-o -! r.t. un
fiui..n.-.f.,n. it I nli.4 anj
Ifa D'l'.: d'tnaln Jan lnlrfi.l.i.-ii..n
j r-mw4 In Ctnla. rluiia.ii lariuicr
I rlplalna m nal Jai kaull atoxt fur a 1 l
iarvattrv flaa, tUi!lcrart
lallxol IruSaa, ana of (1 ailnrt Co
. II ..ut:i;ful anuilanl
I Tna Ihhi lr J nr. E lu a aar.aa of T
lrlri ipla ..f A nor ran ftialaaniana t "
an u.!rlklni M.-h ha a tts In rp
arailrn rtr-r )rra
Tsse New laierwal Utaal W tas. fw ISwA.
ed:td I y Kraa 14 f , ( ;,.th.
IhJ.I, Mead A t'o . New -rh.
Within th limits of 77 "is i a.vec.
a nww of rarefu'I -tabulated. a j.h
leti a;ivarrngr,l information narr ng
ltie Impcirtani e ent a of I !io wor.d for
tne past ear. Toe reason tf e bMa has
not ri-rd until t! a a-!- .a (,-. -..a
f H.e linmvrtwe letxr rei-tired to c 1 r.
formation t'at co,iM he d jed .l Ula,n i
from a arteiy .f .iir.- At las- it
appears In esU r-. iej f .ttn ar.d la
wuttn Malting f..r It m; nrw. from
A to .
This ts the ni t..r'! e ar
boog at re-nt Mjb .isiied In this co-jn-
ry. ana u s not m-re!v . vtatist'cal
arrav of nurt but a !.... smn i h
wond s mirrn in a .1 iVthirimit r
i.-ttvlt v. It has been prepared t.nder
he directum f th- e.) tor of C N- encyclopedia, easts; -d br
wore t?:n contrihutof-s r ..i -, .-,
n-ae of information that a be re!.ed
ipon. elsemhere. one mould be .-on nulled
turn to pr..hwh1 bif a dogen d Tcrent
volunt-s Her- (t la ln ot.e
Tm editor was for:n. rU f
econombs. New York I nlvmi'v and h.s
sseo.t editor is Aden on tl.i.rv ;.ji.
f nior,- t V- ordinary Imrisnr
Ihe artU-e on the eeatslia r k. -..
nt:i 'n.nin. bank a. truat -ur-
ren y and loan compantea, ratlai.
boycott. !:;Jui.c':ona. atr.k- ImsuU
trade unions, child labor d re--t Kt m'
Juvei.e rourla. pnil.lisiiion. a-rrtnaui.-
eal progress. for'Kn ecnts and poi-l-'ea,
fn buckram blndina. the hook -
Is'.f Ruaaia. f7. baf Moso.o t. r..t
fttias a. t9. and full Morocco. I'i The
Sl or leu. to use nw sr.s r- ,r
eb wnd IntereaKng'v w r" in wltoon'i tv.
Itirf either vohiminoua or lammed i,.r.iVr
so mw saace iiirv a rm m t, i.
rsfaase ef rrWaies f cIm. aibwlle tawnr
b Hee Jhn A Natnf j.aa Murehy
a . Ha'iiamra. V4
Of Iri-rrs to al connected W ; ih
Catlsolv Church. eaecla , lerBv. (
ley and laiiors who make It their bui.
beaa to Srpplv eeriest at 1- al .ituttes
The book a stated to be the niv one of
Ita k!nd In Kngllah. Complaint la aome.
time made that ta lor la ma km h-r-
etta. surpbees. ot xm and athr l.
of cVrlcal dreas often follow their i wn
dealgr.s loslead of the prectae rule of
prieatlv etiquette With this manual In
hand, there would not be Bny e . - for
Iheae fancirul errote The learned au
tbor. mho Is professor of rhurvh biatury
and Itlursr In l. Mrv su-rn nr. t:
1 1 more. Md . tn preprirg this book, fol
lowed Ibr rules laid down on siul. met-
rm b two It ofrr an rfnfrraii'a h
C.tigreg:on ef Rite and the
gat ton i-f the lrrmir,i. uthmitK. es-
pe la'ly ronunlw.olt t to watch oer the
Xcl oler a nr- of t he rules rrrt.l i
nd to secure ih-!r -rrtion
A Via wff nlaarslrt kr flewcee ki...iha
A SI toir4saw. Ma rrans
Th s bttre hook of mritoriou notmi
1 lsie by Mr, It otar r ten bo. aa a
pub.iaher In Sen Kramlai for" more
an a decade, haa iaaisi fh work of
Xark Twain. Hret Harte. O-rtrodf
Airt-rton. K. R S.ll and other Thirty.
slg po-inw are presented here. "A Wine
of Wizardry" being th most lasalc ar-4
ambitious of the many tooJ immi of.
ed the dWcr n-.lnatir.g teade Anotbee
strikingly mer it or u. us Im: of aeree is
be Triumph of Hohetnt ' d'-a.-nNnc
onw nf tne annual n klium mr H't
Jinks' of th- Itohemlaa Club of hew
Francisco Three poems are sure to
H'aa the parti ular circle for when
they are in.ended, but It la a uu-w.un
they alt) bes ome popular. The r
loo as
Ttse Hmmd mi U
I. hi cora Heanett steada
The lta.l tab:iahlsg . .
enaon ft I &a
Itataa. M
Samson J.d Ie!tln are the central
flturr of this HOW!. Which reproduces
Old Tes!anet.t t!mre ih haktrour.d
log tte eala-tosaa lives of Phi . at re-
The aorv is dramail. al'v tj mat i he
title la taken from Kodin'a statue. The
Hand off Sd " Sesworh!p aa practbed
by the phll stinrta is one or th emotions
N wMT noOKw Htjf n rj.
Camp T sd amp Cookies by Fk A.
flste 7 reels Ha l ftt ( hnn
ar,riatua ifs4 s'briai -ami v b kdat4
R Hsntnaa i wsbrwne hI . New Y or s
T v.eee oMk wr received for rie
throitso the amdnee ef use J K fl.ill
ef tbts rllr "Kc.snd wad Ihe Kff laH.
Kwm Aa Amerla aa !'! I of View . and
T e m a a h.ts J i V - "
Books Added to Library
THK following books may be examined
at the public iJbrary during this
week, and wilt be r.ry for clrrulatioo
Monday. June 7:
Irs ir.t l.Ie ..r h
MrersM-.n S is-
er Irving;
A ue :a
.in o n T -r lervle;
off Isow k s I'1. Mi t '! and the
br lastiahlm lie m
n.ia .
Pui-ttin'im iu t ta i .f stiatham: by
Albert Voa t.nbhie, S . .T
- aseass tcoaesau and ta womaa h
led- Iraans tirihtl. Ie.
Hooks l.v ruRCins t-A Kit aks
l.usr ,ge u' latest wr hb h(
aw n-- Vaia a
lrur- rr. .-t d l t ll la
iHiLn-Kiufi oi Areata
lias eel at ,eatt..r-,
lliei s t.e rapb
h ke aeel JsC anttetse- .f s t
Ki.a .a o . i .n,) lttha Ju'tea
II ati ktrsr hauin i.e
lu fees
- oe l'4xta ..
t e(fi
veisai In der II
KrJwta t-Ei tt.Bie Al(sir
Ts etui - Kte
T .HI Maall i
saae --eswaissaa.
bote-TSe A -rotoi. ef A I ben a lwst
M'-' fasolTl. la. Uette ot aa l-actai'
w r. iw
Smite Fighting lb Turk ia ia Haikaia
Msw T aTirr. i-se.
1-1.1. ( T be T?ira Hrotker m
''f lan T Ctiy k4 (ta lst.a
' .!. Miaiseao-a. the Nrn a s;ar Sae
tlenderaen -'vit War and Rebelllo iw tke
fXoma a l.mpir. a I AV-fo a rt,mpaaioa te
th htatone ef Tacitu lwo
rtNK A n TS
len s ts Painr.nt e I'sr kac
": - 4.-aif s't t.s. -4 ky Jear-e Hu
! n-Awl Wrt .
J-r.a e ng a Ker view
Tan u?-4 Kavuri'a S--. a
Hoe ;
Ne.:ias Tne a vf .t
tlcal Wfwateg Maatsav.. TM. X. ,
Sls-s. k lot .
f ehrw: ss3
It H fin:
T ka am--iiniv lvt fvu tten la
tr a-gum-nte ads an -d be rr.n
t frd Sw ia'Wta of their --le? in
th: I d'w trtne It I s.sxi tmuiittt to i'h-N-fi
Ihe tt-k and f.e of the ft-Va'et te
pailf t ts eflus?l itetvat!eg to nM
Ihe cn-a w h Iwrr."h th idrs f. ih
f ? W a :-d f. ho deti er phlt t ! oe
e s r fMBsattaae oe aim , sr.d w w are
u-b nimt-ae rhet after te
Tl asiuie obaetvr ma r base ai:v.e.t
that hee Mrg M l-det of l?e mote-
mer t are r.eter ?r I he tr he th.
Salute -eme to has e gf te ; n-m w lib
iron rt.cTit.iti.f and s te - s. mlr g p-o
n. ille. ttl'h Wots '4. ot hT tisitusa t ! g
ej is a I . Kate ail t h- m t- am- ions In thf
r.tu arvr.a
Their t'taitti biM.ti tl e,c-J Th
f t baa ben !,t je,j ftm their hat-
.i . .
A-rV -v
: -
:' Y. v "
r -- v .-
i L:5:
I . a . ,
: --i ' i x -
V v : :
- - ,
NKW TliK. May 7 - Sell OrtHe and Wllhur Wright, mniu-mn of t ;,e air got a conj. ueror- re-r-ln..n
..n .t.eir atrival m New or H a week ago on the R ronprt r. - n CWilt from Uteme-,. Thev were wc
r. mi.n,r4 b lluir slater. !. Katherlhe Wright. Tbe were given Ijnvbeon the AcfM Club of Amenta
nd loco I
ft fT lator
to start
In J'.ine.
e 4
anauea. Not on of Ihrtn ool4 bea;it
an Inatartt to g out on the tattle field easd
X-Mir cut b. W at vr - like 1!.1 In d-frnae ,
of the lpt be edvo-rato Hal It I
a swaf bet that te would w ant Kis pv tt
adsn e -f tie ikour:n( and tbal the pay '
Would rome r-.h
In all .f Ihe . eta be heard feom
tHew men and I has e i,sliM4 l a ttum
bet - r.otl.ed !-e ( hat In ft I
Hne. This In t-'MI. n to a guaranteed
amouis! fiiiiu te ximmit: ue etae
mente Ihe faithful (lain d'aT op t.
help ihe g-ud ium elor.g I nue that
the alr-o.fvd ft - I a aeurecl lit a'm't
eer snaame "Tb gd nuM ' tpl
red b tte ia h iel toward tb
ta r where the spirit f the teskr.
rahtnH br the rsvftetse.t mental ft ort
t-f fr-atrg lo tbic.k be tmnke i tieng:i.
er.ed b i.irtj ff am-r.ii r.i.ij.g in n
ibiolula Mtlentmee.l Tb .a te Ihe lm
pleat and eweaeet tslh4 l4t.n B
mliiMna1! 1 o h m aa ho littitiiea free4 .
plulocrwts st.4 i-aupe-" m r In owe
ommon bejd . Whke. for Ihe l :taa being,
the Ir-hrui e, one own Ih earth
I do not Slid lo h understoKBd a moan
It g lbt all eote talic le. lurerv dnrk
Three out off f, e thai beard kr!ur tn
a bin Coast town d.d erd ikd nt
l-'-ame them foe It The needed antaa.
U lrg lo lake Ihe last of V drirtne
they had been adto aflng out cf their
mouth They found no.iing so effective
and pletaaant aa a MM-e ted'ea
I bae a ert.t,c frtend w ne Ka a my
welfare at bear. lie ae at r nuoul ef
fort to iMoffivwr-t me. Mrnitiiv he is m
IWo-bVafour arsd cotrwe aralned at thai.
I ela let him exhaust ihe strict to hi
sorialiatlc hi He e n It I hot ouM v.
and It doe r.ot barm me a particle Wbv
ahou.d I hot ailsw blm hi enoy himeelf
1 often place a email tack in hi path on
wl.ftcta b" puncture lb lire of bis argu
ment, Ten It i a a s;rwd a a ctrcue to
see him mini to paH Ma tare Home
lime b mount 1 1 thought wheel attj
spins alor.g rrgstd of the fact that
hi lire needs tn At other time, th
Who' mac hire collapeea Put be keep
pedaling a ear to beat th ad Uncon
clou a that be a siar.dfrg still.
Three ta ore thir that ran le m'1 of
ba ac;,
lta-f tje--s r
Pire.r-tVoe lw
sw w lwi
4rf Ha t-uf . by aa-4
a .r-eteaw sad
. !)
sWaewrw ef Ua TVw-
LIT Kit tn UK
Hutter Tke Amrtraa a M la !
I'oa'oe-Ksre ed . .r-l. of asic, . g.
4 IW -1
i tir-ret : s a
erv i
I r.a mm 4
lx'4. p Tk a I
foe a;
of i be Nr,f m 1
Plat Itepitlt4- tr. sad ed. ke 14 sum.s
Jos e r
a l wmi
U?sa l Ike Swa. !SkA '
It - e-rs W jae -atr ftreer-tr m Cm,. iW
11 . r ..f ta u-rta. Mth.Hia and Ka
letMkow 1 !.
rr-, tw. Tasarwday Ueeiata at ike Cn
TVe r e laaw '
ji ff-Cr '.is ftwMtMkea lw.-l
tat-rw r Jt.w--: we Isiewastse.
TViu.- is
W i4 t'..maie rwaaderted
r t ims te anaa ltawk
S-CH l.T.
It -ia-ryfiou, lesws La
at m tsllf
K laaee-
rir..ey A Mfk"1' T e Aae, i
tlie and hia-ilvt Me-ws la-va.
1iw.-1i.h li. ) 4 vjl
I tiFi,u a nrs
P:ta t: e star Sao y e t.v.'atii4g
ad fr (-Wlluoa !.
I- - I ravt . al Irr ai . a i aad
CV-c I eV
hrli. Ia4't:t4 a a a; wiraaal. :wrA
a.i.we I4aft s4 lUw :ni ba I -W
-a rkta(.TM wavt . i Us.ira g-t. g
ll-atU f.sft.ra
M - a and V
'r t- Hf .Mr s-
ffaeet Atifavn ;
If ae4 l'ttfnt s
V -T- IS -taw. C - ra
K x'K- AlbKti
M Lar--ea. ate-baeir!
I'.' f 'ai(rstr1sol
at '- aad
k r-a-l. a ;tae twi
f-1 '
rkirrwrN r
y "eee. Yr
;ls Oi's-
Oarae -4 I'or wa.
b,i triihfLi:s M sot afraid of t.k
aiat ef e. t skm- .!itic tiv!nttatsTw are
manual .j.tof Not j:t rr v
f t artsjd bow rf f : .e tan IK d.m o by
le w m esarth a e-d co to 1-p
In ff MuUi A isd h e.amtw are
ref J ari 4 til -kf twsid ia t jtM li t be
t 1. 1 of t o.-r-ow art e lti g t M
Te Ulo(.n dreafW rf -cs tat m -.
f!!w t S- raqujkl Utatr Itt of W . : .'i .
s rssrt j-et aSl ef fottt at '. "
td sb Hattta d e pr1 a t of
U. warh fiev-d to csit - ibuto V j jot
of TMa a etae-Tien. t tStvirte
of t T-xse i Ho Ka x aria ed eo w .t a.
In iha cv,-rm i n I st eft m to -xn
et M.Ve to he lw!Jf f.t l"t a
an ardent fioctlet and Kt tvo ..or .
t.n.t I. fffltlrx Mike that he
V'fsj t e racke of that r M ' t " ad
XI k one ' de- .s Um nseats (hat.
1 ou hatt tao ft.a. litn d ! a"-a. a Wo4?4
g is e toe oee " ' , VI se ' rd
work on a f 'ing mas bine to be dOhrM
Pt 0.ea it meta that If . ou bad t o
Bw frw ou ssou.d sise one ti me"
. a tt tto he itsarfd "at I -
Thai m
it that it ou bad two fat rut mi
Wtad me Mm Ah. 0tB JT W nl
mm r-t -d at ' ou k r.o w t" g i-t
p-e -
1 hla i the sTorv off cllim te nub
ai-.ejii Th ate , , wlKseti to d-a e the
oibee fn ,tm j.:,ff , t 1osk.a te
Ibem. hnt when t r-owie M 4lO.!it Iheur
" O b'n I bes ta.'uat Iw be rv.htaed
In the da a tar f ot Ihe Sar. mi the great
-lltone in the SUvulh. huMieda of
h-grv.e Used ithm. a cere. T h !!
t"d ud . iolhg oJ W t. n 111 IS heat
off medial sate. Were they asstsarwd?
Nt on yocif bte The trtv atarrs oi
Irolled b Ih. In aulhutMi . ed IVs
tongod ffs a toteath .f ffreelom tVlM!ff.
! mar.t of Ih'ta ttakrd their llsea In ta
eff'it le e- re Tbea sterw tsot Ml.sVd
ta it ft hat lr their l-hhal roort. suM
b'til deramed of a .and d t me wbere
tie-, would base hme off thvtr own. ar.4
tiheftr to ok 4t thai? ow n
tilitr-d Ihcv Sietv t.'.ere w a a
n itirt i a Hot u. ate itd amn
No cfceertt.g sat ff hoj-e ci llchtew thir
!!' d 7 he a ta raw 4toiraisn te-st-ondtr.g
io ire mahdetew f a b.gher
t-owej. a tsa ln-a-lvu. Jamping at th
pull t.g of a sttir.g
All of the b-foc dee!s of the age
are the reeult of Indlt Iduel eftor t. eitm
uleted a desire to e ace I AM of the
ta onder f I In east Ion of tod ell of
lb mwater pie. n ; It et at uf . 1 of
the diacatrrlra of al(tir, are the re -
ult off indtitdtsat effort Tk ewy
thl atimulue, deprive each petaon off
the ed-gien tisht te fmio ih trend
of hi own mind: t develop himeeif
ior.(g Ihe tinea of bis re teat ambi
tion, wad th reault wt. be a race of
XI en are endowed by nature with
tartou axsftw. H haa been weld that
"poet are born . not made." ea are
musician, and painter, and me the
maltciana, end no m mou n i e f ed -.tea -t
ion will convert a c .od-bepp r Into a
tnuacian, a sent sat. painter or poet.
Purlrg the era of human aiatrry In
America, no gifted men were dec loped
from I ho in bondage. hla veow nere
realised that, when a mn teaina lo
thir.k. be reee to b-a ma. bme. In
thrir opinion, be. wb ihos:thL, be
cam a menace to the Institution of
'"f). aence u states. Wltfe few ex
eptlons. were not allowed t ern
to read The masters admitted thai
educated mind rules the world, and
they realised that under rnn curly
pale lay an Intellect suervptible of the
hlgheet ruUhailon. In the dete.op
ment off thowe mind lee danger, to b
atolded al all lasarda 1 oe negro
must be a slate. m-nlaMy and phst
caily. A glanre al the negro tare todsv
bow wonderful cbang. Men of
'thought, culture and ability are found
I A f oetr rank. Tb v hate s boola s. nd
totletes of their own. and are ra hln(
urwsrd lo a Me her mental plan- Not
all of tbem still reach It. tmlv on
here and there la able Id rrq-jlr nrit
aaaimflale knovl ed g e. t?t dl
eQiiaIlr true of the Cuas-tn Among
t he ml it lot of t hat race tod a y. bow
many Itste 'ec i nal ilania t oat aland,
like .atil. head and ahouUbra abose
Ihelr fellows, are f nina? TKs
mee are below malio tl'v. n the
mountains of life a fear sn-atal k a
i:rt. forced alwft b natural endow
nttent a stimulated b a dolia lo ex
cel. Not a I men of g ifted minus be
come i Intel. ectoal giania. Mo'i.riMnf
more titan a gifted mind la reu red lo
I mao Into the region of the In -te.otual
peak Th inten:iy cf pur
poe. so persistent that It drive a
man to endure cold, hut.ger and rags.
I needed
Schiller, en ef the rat of tf.e
Oerman poets, died of itsrraCon And
yet te re u sic of lis aonrt will go
Urging d- wn the see. C-jiver tlod
wmith. who mesc pet hew ut med
everything It toTtrhed. waa often but
gry. co.d and I moat naked. Ite sail
thai the eweete trral be ever ste
was a handful off pes, glsen bint bv
a girt at a wske. t n one Cccaatow
hi latndiadt- took awa- hi
e ad locked him In hie rom bee ausw
he ould ret pay his room nt
Fdgar Allen Pee. our gresteat Amer
ican writer, oftea went bue.rt and
cd lont'.ng for a cruat to satiefy the
Tods ht
e . isw.. e lira by Ji at"- .
Hood - M-nn mtA m oet
I h rs
' w h Kase ar w tw em'nessce
rh toil era t.tnai.cna sr. . c w t k-e
'-d. but It ts weed'ee.
New uaj't t?e . Vftif ti em ef
esruh-en bow w 1 1 eu. H nt.lrel W-
ld It Kut e Un t Serw lt.a
Ho lt.Jiif!frni for se if dev e-.feI
W t, At :a t e t.e ef ieews,otT e f ot : a if
-Moth. is to tiiiuirtd r H -e
an -.Id ei a n t. : a t.ed hsii ega. eh
tttdra Mm (
i e t ' . r f. c a a, . 9
U si . i vr -f K..,a m g
If t- e .-te4 te a.sft T
If the SW ielieia here trtrMMng tw.
(ntno.i, i nJ ' si e.ort W t V .
l-sa. fer .ng of a;alhv ail! setse Ifce
n.a( an If one abotjld feel an tn
pitiae t.wd 'ts-et Iblng ft til
he at f!r-d 'it lis biMH tij tH 0.tcy,
i e
to the I rited Mala bowtnm-nt
"what ta t-e ,a-e"'"'
. I
eo aibat la t be uae"
A the a I a vea uie
a r jfcger , r w a i
The r latlan a hof-e cf Vr s r n Ite
In p-rlalent. refanal effort. "To h-m
C at Os ee-r-otret b " la the ml git em
It i-bftot be denied Oat emong Ihe
ft- la 1 lata are atwe r ' 1 1 ed tnlmla J m H
I erdnn mat- te elte-d a a ana ef t letr.
Isat J ia rot a his ,al e or I r
thinks be ta Van W -I hot ire t h.St t
! not w o i k ! f t at Ibe trade aer due.
tt llM ttanout data tie Wolg
hi aloft. 'afflln ff dee,."' Iq 1 1. pa -
ciftc Worth t for tteee, ht ton hate
hot heard of an eta. ua I die It ibui ow a a
t, em sitr.g esgetiv for ene
hec a presume II baa bea de.a?e
t t -e ma uv
Ja k r aa written wanr wiher
St rt-s for w h. h te has re e i s ed
msnv of dxl.sta I p te date
I base rex r j - d vore of cw s aha te T
w- oh arc whet le ihe irsMr w 1 S J a k.
It m he that he m - to atat
priaw tia mil hi- oe I man en ee check
It I peftlner.l. tn thle nttnart lot),
le ek w'-st Jak I ash don world bstw
been tinder the e.isJIic atatero Not
t he Jerk tvohdon be I tod y . for It
a hy fr t a ten t , pat lent toil t1 he
lifted blmse if w 1 V and hoc mu .
f r-ojta a gamtn i:fe in a ftal ritr t
tie fralma of authorship, "lb drlr
le rfh a bgter plate ef rlrber t
waa Instil. ed ha a girl outatde of '
ow rs ar-be re lie bad het-ee eee. a w e
msn 4-ke bee. and ahe Inaplred him.
patiently he tailed upwsfd toward le
Wi'I aone rlaitn for tnatat
that Jack lrdon r-ouid have tw-e n
etolted under the regime of exacts... am
I " nd r t t.e r on. men bondage of t ks t
stater tbere w ould hate he-en ne at rl
to inspire him, no impulse ffowtt'
higher O ihit. If be bad f e it a faint lrg
Ir.g in l.ta hr-caat I k the vegtae snr m -or
y off some ha If f or g-ot ten d r earn b
w ould have askr-d. w hat is t he " i
end answered the ntetion bv !. .
""I am only a -ocialiat. ant wee
1 be dream of every right - me.Aed
man Is te bate a little borne of hie
ow n. w here he. w It h bis let ed on,
may sit under hla ow n t in and f r
tree, wbere no one dare to mo ral, o r
make him afraid Toll and e tre mar
obtrude their baleful c-ounter--sme.
but. like the Old tiuerd at Weterlon.
be la up and at them, w ith no inr.k'
road of Ohatn to insure hla de-t. If
be baa a gifted child. he budas a r
rastlea of Ita future, and by psoert
loi we-.- ur-a the mone v ecerr te
give it all opportunr.ic to develep
I ttdrr the woe 1c S Stem. t"S
would be Impossible, There woe1 4 be
no incentive lo study; lo develop alone
t he I tne off at congeal Incli net o- ir d
most resistance. cm tte contrary, the .
parent would ask. "what la tn a
tra effort la only a waste ef l-engtV
W hat Is t be uee
Paris Police m.4 Fraud Prac-tiecJ
by Ic-ter Ntalnriler and Thief.
rVP.l V ry -S;e, ,tl I - U v trt as
if lJ )wl from Arts M leod
fre v wt e to I'ar.a with I be Inter! on of
eel ttrt Una aklna. le irieew, be ar-ated
o 1 a own iak.rtiM buetit.g Wiebr ser
be found a p4s-ule fv.iir,nrr be gae
glow rig detabs of hie l.fe In tSe drer1.
hie har brewU.k ewcepe arid ot her inci
dents which farm t -e usual lot f
tre.bper erd htin'er of at isd beesxa, le
l bus obi a med h .gn pls for hia kit.e
the Stock ef which Seemed t . b ne
ha at M .
! seie-r t e a- .aperTed blm , and ht t he
pretext of weelr.g - papers lavtlsd h m
ta Ihe IVefectu of IVUre I r t-ew. ga- prot ed t bat the eelf-ssi .od iiow
hur.ter d htatned hs hronse-d rem
plex'ion to a geat extent wh.e brwwk ;rt
sum a s S v-or. v x . Its bd reter been
so far s a Ac. sr d I- ad rev r r had art
opportunist o -er"rg a ofie at a l s-e
l'rn 't IU aa '.1-trr r.r e H'i n-e-a na of
owair f u e fckitia w sc h n.oir x
peditcus l tted tSe drpo at kSM-r
o-ia a r' ' ard 'p rr ad a e--oaiM-
of aal g tb k r.s of l.aci kepi
ta M m w anrhouara.
falti of