The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 30, 1909, Image 1

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    aw w I ii v ' r i i -. ae- -a - ve sr. r
u mm mmm mn mm. wmmtmnt.
Pages llo 12
,v t
But as "Fan" Executive
Is Real Champion.
President Delivers Four Ad
dresses, Spins 14 Miles.
Late to Banquet Because Ball Game
Is Long, Says He Can Get Din
ner Any Time, but Can
not See Good Play.
PITTSBURG. May 29. President Taft
made four spechrs today, rode many
miles by automobile and special train,
pitched in a game of ball at the Alle
gheny Country Club and aat through
the 11 Innings of the contest between
the Pittsburg and Chicago teams of
the National League.
The President assisted at the dedica
tion of a fountain in Arsenal Park, at
tended a business meeting of the Asso
ciated Western Tale Clubs, had lunch
eon at Sewickley Height. 14 miles out
of the city, and was the principal
speaker tonight at the banquet that
brought to a close the sessions of the
Western Tale Clubs.
Executive at Ball Game.
The ball game was a departure from
the original programme, which caused
some disappointment to the Tale men.
but brought Joy to the 15.000 Pittsburg
"fans." With the President were Secre
tary Knox, a staunch supporter of the
Pittsburg team, and Charles P. Taft.
principal owner of the Chicago team.
Consequently the Chief Executive was
torn by conflicting emotions. He
wanted both teams to win. and waa
happiest when the score waa a tie.
Secretary Knox and the . resident's
brother had great fun wagering on the
contest and appealed in turn for the
President's support
"No. sir," replied the President. "I in
sist uKn maintaining a judicial attitude
on this matter."
Taft Becomes "Rooter."
The President's assistance to the Pitts
burg rooters in the seventh resulted In
the local team tielng the score. With
the score still tied at the end of the
eighth, the President exclaimed:
"1 hope it goes beyond the ninth; then
we will get more for our money."
It was suggested to the President that
If he remained for the finish he would be
late for the banquet He replied he
could get a dinner "most any old time."
but seldom could nee a better game.
I'renldent as Pitcher.
The President made his debut on the
.diamond at the Allegheny Country Club.
Two leami of resident and visiting Tale
alumni were matched In a ball game,
and the President pitched the first two
balls for the visitors. He had little or no
speed and no control, but was taken out
of the box before much damage was
done. The two balls that the President
threw hit the home base and reached the
catcher on the first bounce.
The President's first public appearance
was at the Rodepp Shalom Jewish taber
nacle, where he spoke briefly. Next there
was an autdmobtle trfp to Arsenal Park,
and another short address. Following thia
came the meeting of the Tale clubs,
where the President paid a tribute to Tale
and the Tale spirit.
The President then waa escorted to the
Union Station, where he took a special
train for Sewlckly. all the Tale visitors
accompanying him. Then came the base
ball game, the return to town and the
banquet tonight.
ot Very Religious.
"I never have claimed to conform
atrlctly to religious services." said the
President at Temple Rodeph Shelom,
(Concluded on Pave 5.)
I "l-h-h-b: f My Oplaloa That
4 The Fellows Are Oaly Da
,V-' J.-l.f tl Vlr .iLl 1 faaaa V I C. L I V f, T ' kaaar-er a f'lllll-dWr-e
jp fir ar
Italian Who Love Strong flavor
Refused Damages for Being
Shut Out.
CHICAGO. May 2. (Special.) A
man has no right to go to-a theater
if his breath reeks with the odor of
garlic and the management has a right
to exclude him. This was the decision
of Municipal Judge Heap today In the
case of James La Mantla against Su
sanna Lange. proprietor of a nickel
La Mantla asked ,70 damages be
cause excluded from a theater March
29. Testimony showed that two other
Italians. Tony Plaxxa and Tony Oras
lano. visited the theater a few nights
before and were ordered out because
there was an odor of garlic on their
breath. Later all three were denied ad
mission, and the suit was begun.
"I do not think the management of
the theater excluded the men because
they were Italians, but on account of
former trouble. The odor of garlic
may at times be an obstacle, permit
ting the refusal of admission to a place
of amusement, if I thought there was
a distinction of nationality I would find
for plaintiff." said Judae Heap.
Attack .Chinese Junk Within Seven
Hours of Crowded Port.
VICTORIA. R. G. May 2. (Special.)
Within s:ven hours' steaming of
Singapore. "the crossroads city of
Asia." Malay pirates resumed opera
tions on May 4. according to advices by
today's Empress, looting a large Chi
nese Junk becalmed off Johore. en
route from Singapore for Hainan, kill
ing eight of her crew and themselves
escaping unscathed with loot worm
The attack was made from two pra
hus at midnight. The ship's dog barked
an alarm and was Instantly killed, and
the sleeping crew and passengers were
butchered with axes and malay knives,
one victim being cloven through rom
skull to chest.
The location of the valuables aboard
was ascertained by torture. Within
12 hours the survivors of the affray
had reported to the Singapore police,
and at last advice aearcn for the buc
caneers was still being made. Their
weapons, abandoned on the Junk, af
forded but a slender clew.
Catches Infection of Eyes and I
Undergoing Treatment.
Sheriff Robert I Stevens, of Multno
mah County, became a. patient at t
Oood Samaritan Hospital yesterday af
ternoon for the purpose of having his
eyes treated.
An infection has arisen, which la be
lieved to have been contracted through
association with some vagabond prisoner.
He waa much improved at a late hour
last night.
Government Starts Suit to Recover
Title to Mineralized Areas.
HELENA. Mont.. May 29 In the
United States Court here today Dis
trict Attorney James Free man. In be
half of the Government. Instituted suit
to recover from the Northern Pacific
Railroad all lands within its grant
which are mineralised. The exact
amount Is not known, but It is said by
raining men to Include a large area.
Xicaraugan Strikers Adopt Violent
Measures to Win.
NEW ORLEANS, May 29. A dispatch
from Managua. Nicaragua, says the
strike over fruit shipments has grown
intense. Several cm of dynamite were
taken from the Latvpez Mining Company
by the strikers. Many men have been
poisoned. The steamers are all tied nn
I to the docks and are without crews.
W kat the Taspayera Lrasse Did t.
Tkm Initiative Moaaarea.
Jack McCarty Expected
at St. Helens Trial.
Authorities Think Friend of
Quick Was Concerned.
Acceptance of This Theory Explains
Ci - "TfMi- Could Hae
Made Again! Victim
of Blackmail.
ST. Hn.EXS. Or, May 29 .Special.)
That the pro see at Ion expects to pro
duce Jack McCarty at the trial of J.
Kendall (Tooni Make. ley. - and that
Sheriff Martin White received a tip In
Iaecember. lOS. that an attempt would
be made to rob the Columbia County
Courthouse, were developments In the
St. Helena blackmailing case today.
K. B. preacott. partner of K. K.
Quirk In the Columbia County Abstract
a: Trust Company, and on whose ad
vice Mr. Quick went before the grand
Jury with his story of extortion from
him of 1(00 by Hlake.ley. Is doing his
utmost to gather evidence for the trial.
Mr. Prescott has Inspected the picture
of McCarty In the police records of
Portland, and declares that the man
was never a resident of Columbia Coun
ty. He Is firm In the conviction that
McCarty waa never Involved in the
blackmailing of Quick, and la now
trying to locate htm.
Follows McCarty Trail.
He has learned that thla year that
McCarty worked for tmo months at the
Willamette Iron Works In Portland and
he has followed a trail from there to
"I am confident we shall find Mc
Carty" said Mr. 1-reacott today, "and
I believe he will come to St. Helena
and testify In the case. We expect to
produce him at the trial."
Sheriff Martin White has told the Dis
trict Attorney the details of Information
he received late In 1 that a plot had
been formed to rob the Courthouse. Sher
iff White repeated the story today.
"My Information came front Sheriff
Tom Word, of Portland." said Mr. White.
"My understanding of the plot was that
the men planned to wait until the heavy
tax collections began to -come In during
the Spring. and then blow open lha
Treasurer s vaults. There was no bank
in St. Helen at that time, and some days
our collections would be as much as IZs-OOO-
We were forced to ke-p the money
in the county treasury.
Tom Word Gives Tip.
"Sheriff Word'a statement to me was
that there waa a man In Portland and
one at this end of the line In the plot.
The story he had was that a brother-in-law
of mine was the man here. I told
him that waa ImpcfSjtiMe. but he waa rwa
itlve and finally aak.-d me bow many
brothers-in-law I had. I told him I had
but one, and he asked me to describe
him. I did so and he at once said that
that was not the man.
"The description be had of the St.
Helena man waa very incomplete. An
that he could tell me waa that he had a
smooth face, waa light In compiexlon.
weighed about ISO pounds and had had
some trouble with his eyes that resulted
in bis eyelashes falling out.
I could not fit the description to any
one here, so decided to say nothing, and
lay for the safeblowers. 1 informed only
my wife and my deputy of the circum
stance. We maintained a close watch
at night for three months during the tax
collecting period, but nothing came of
It- I was told that the Portland man In
the plot was Jack McCarty. I never raen-
(Concluded on Pas a
Oa Tlaae.
T ErTTF ft P 4 T" r M itimum tsmfrtrm. 1
d ?---: minimum, tt decne.
TODA TU tihoffi; out h WMtvrlr wind
At tamtttM rvvnttttlon It fwfj woppf 1
n.fl-.t orfftalf in rrt l !)
Trturt iifxa. Mdiua 1. pm 3
X !!
Frw.l4nt Taft mmm Ul tm mt nit-tonrc
fUfarllott. lbs-, inn . !. .
tWoat inerMtwt duty Hop. x-t1oo 1.
t Z
twai AR4Ac commii! r . duty of
mO rnB oo hop. ! a . pc a.
0rman in tr-f --' In t-ifT qutt !-.
nourxrod in tu-aai K-rtioa 1. 3-
Vr-rrtw'na A-t-mblr r4urfl nrr af
d-igi- and adjowrna. ftoa.uoa L,
pf A- -
Piin loa vhM( d-. vita lmmtM
preAia ttex-taoa . .
t.n.-, 0--H!y fll t h rMr-lYd from
Tw aod HdM . loa I. p a
Chirac Jnda bold am. II of sarllc o4
cauM for tirlou from lhair
! I, tL l
Mount I-. wirwtMt fatto pick a ap nM.
f rm Honolulu and aaar Mhtr
p a- hxrf Ua I. pa 1.
Madi-n and t a hr t ft Nor laadar r.
aMr loan nan.n mf jrr. ac
tion l. pa ft.
I.annsr't. of . a- u d f m ttr-
" in t'hitadfttrhta an mr la
d taction l. xm 4.
Corta railroad afrit iti1. tvtsf rt.-ra
continue a. -1 1 c-n I. pa 3
Tornadu hill 1. ft jura man? p and
fTn iwo 1 ova n in .a, t rttma ai,
an and toaa In Jturta 1 aaoiav
.-x-tion U p 4
Vowt 1-aci.a x-are.: nnrttaaa x. s.a
'"" I: ta Aerie 4. iat.i.4 .
arrameale It. Varan, a a-x-liaa L
! a
Shatiark ahnni Sna nrammr kMl
aia ear htm. 1 pas I
la la ui. tae for Haas
rtital sctioa x. pas'
H"."" tal -rrple4 Durini Sol hara
Mrlva f-t Ina x aas a
Mnra araIiBc taatrbaa afa talkag at Sae.
i". a. pas a
Motor-boat rna alll be h-4 ea Jaae IS I
Mactloa a. vase
f-oniana Iflwat I'lut alll op- Spelag rwe
Jata s-M-lloa a. ta
t'era tam ..( ap c4 baaaball la
Iarflas4 a-tloa X pa IS
kaa franrlace rM li ia ae aaar
Rt.Ubaa ftax-t-oa X. pas lO
l-ortlaad Kly alr flak alll start aaaaaa
aiur4ar Mclma X. pas IS
Korthatrn tjf-asa r- l-t:ad 1.
hp-aana O. k aiti 4. A t- a a an.
-r aj. Tafama t. e. ( .. 1 . faa a
flna kaork ol Itfland la XJ blaasy
round. axrtloa I. pas a
Hin.H alas lairratlstafa track HML
laactioa t. p a
iaa Maratbna detr at Chleaaa.
eactiua 1. pas I
rarkV arllaa.
Seat It KKpnettlna la ra4 a fnr epaetnt I
a'taal (rum rra&latant laft Saatloa 1. I
pas. I
Idafi' tnmmulnnr arreag at Saltl: I
rar mana.ri Salsa frtla 1.
! I
Salem aithrMt S-l'-a panllk has ac.
rAiaro a la kla-kanall pleat kiaaa I.
aaa IQ
' m.a oa lac Samara A la af taplaoig
taction I. pas 1 n
T" thonaanal rrtn from eeulaera pareae la
T mr tmrliAn paa X
Jak M- ari to b rtMirl a ll-i.ea-
l.lal l,j tall of roab.ll p. of ak-iioa 1.
Ta I
tllllabra m "man af au la ha June bn4a af
maa of Jtecima I. pace t
aaalarr aaal tkaeasrlaaeata.
Il.han4lns rt th "aafa4rala Armr fae-
tloa a pas X
t'nrl naramie at tha Cmtrr. faaetaa C
pas a
Oral or. and pou aa Memorial Amr Itactaaa
a pas a
Wlnatoa Churchill's Afrlraa anlcla Sctloa
tas 4
Japaaaa acbootbay's ltlr. ttaettaa C
asm lal aaal Martaax
Hulllah flln la Co at hap BtikM. Sac-
lia X pas II.
Tana n4ins or Mar ahaal deal at 'Cal-
raso. ttaartloa a. pas II
N York t.nkr raU hoSdlnit
taarlluB 3. pas 11.
Na aiaamahlp for far.laB4 rai ta ba
laan-a4 In Oriotf aa4 fiioavmtaar a
tloa . pas S
rwilaad aad tlHalty.
Crookaxrwork Is charred la mnn-tioa suk
municipal civil rv!c. Saciioa 1. paaa
Couatr Court ord-ra Auditor Ilran4a la
etien4 .irtctl) to buainvaa of hla 4a-
lartmant. eVcllon t. pas .
Tra1 aipanaln. of fse.t cities ata4 nr
hpnkana rat 4eriinn. aa a T. 1. Hon.
man Knrflon . pas J
lAml of learners f.r aa-at arhonl aer ffna4
public br Ilar4. hartloa I. pas 4
traar fir new ktartl-n bri-ls will tW lonsest
IB world ev-ciion Z. pas IX.
lort of tortlaad a'ommlaatna la hear pra.
teat acalnal n lll brlUa location,
ria-a-tlon 4. pas C.
Iluaband aelta air for ttk4 an4 tha sa is
fur damata. eactlaa 1. paaa 1.
laaa lluahea and lluatoa ta aavtag
ooniroarvrar. oaclloa I. pac 12.
Dr. F. K Clark addraa. n atata rallr of
fhrtatlaa Knd-a r Socfloa 1. pa 12.
Ilanlev trial In Federal Court tpri4 te
close tomorrow. boctloa a. paa 1:.
Portland will unite tomorrow la abaana.n
of Memorial day. nea-lloa 2. pas 3
teal Ealate aaa) Maalldaaag.
Bulldtns ootlar In fni-iland baa kaa a aaae
Va4.4a4 alaca January L. aactlaa 4.
p 4.
OI4 bulldtnsa will ba cleared away tnts wk
for epaldmg akscrapr. Sacltoa 4.
paaa .
Mar buiidtna parmlts amount te IL.I4I
kctloB 4. pas
New sraia leralora will ba built af aoa-
rrala. fteclloa 4. pa t
Bulldlna naiamnl heavy ta TVar-rlv-Rtch-
mor. t district. Soctioa 4. pa a
V bat a Veor Harry r
MAY no. lfMKf.
Second Successful Cor
ner in History.
Fixes Price at $1.34, Refuses
to Send It Hgiher.
InaUta He Made No Corner, bat
Made legitimate Profit on Ilia
Knoalrdc of Market 1m
Irala oa Iul Ia.
J Trsar or nut rarricat wrut
Hull ' raanpa'sa baa Ciaeat,
I Itxva
rna al ifcai tiaaa. tl ea
M'tk aartra af eaaapaiaw. ttxtta
J laa Fk. rampalsa II a V
4 Joaias prtra. May Ia. 1 1 it
ak wkaal k:4 by raneaa. ta-
T " bkla
. raaf wheat h!4 by panaaea. IV..
" bahia
l-allea a prabaM prona. 1 1 TO one
r-artarr arabakla proata. IIM-
tll.-ry. ar. aaaatpatar r-rtea
J.V. T. w It Ita-p-r .. bats
T pt. lkK l IV IM kir tea
I Maa. J-.;,, I a J lu.r. I a
Ma. Iv-'V J My J ;
ka. Ilaua. J A lall.a ... lull
a rraraaa aa th Itarpor deal broke
4 30c aa J.aa It. lb Itutrklaaoa 4aJ
waa Mvaaat.l. prkaa broke ta TV
la J.aa aa tha j(lr 4aaJ. ,a. tka
a-o aeaa laa v. brake ta B4
THICJkOO. May B-4lrelal-May
wheat walk I out of tha pit of is fh.
rage fwaard of Trade today with hesd
op. a firm step and not a sign of a aver.
Ing anywhere tha aecnd time la lh
history of ih board when a wheal corner
"a earned through suca-a-aafully to lha
nal day of lha option. 1 ha on!y olnc-r
suca-eaaful deal aaa that In IW-ptemher
heat conducted hy B. p. Hutchinson.
aiior man a years ago. when th prv
toucheat R
Opening at ir4. whtrh waa a cent
higher than tb rlna or --.a - - aa..
market ramalned steady during th trad.
aaarura, nnaliy rkoalng at the epea.lng
prwax. Mr. fatten's brokers stood ready
all morning to aril ta anyone who wanted
to buy at the quoted prV-a, and they alaa
stood ready to buy from any who wanted
to well at that price. It is estimated that
tha trading In the option amounted to
about buahrta.
lias .onn.OOO ttaaltrla lo Hand.
It la believed thai Mr. fallen ha about
.. o buahela of ra wheat on hand
la dl.p-.M. of Kr-rta say thai, owlnc
o the recoaniaed aamtv r
-he.c h. iu t, .M, , ,. pnmm.
- - -a prwa ransing rrom II S. lo Is.
dsy's closing quotatlona It Is said that
wuhin Ih last few daa local mllle a
have paid from I to 3 cents a hove the
May price to Br milling wheat.
Hitting In front of the quotation
board In Ma orrice after the market
closed today. Mr. fatten said:
I'rovru He Had No Corner.
1 have claimed there waa bo corner
In May wheat, and 1 have proved It.
Any time during the last few weeks I
could have put the prlc to 11 IS. but
I did not want to equates gay one or
make a fictitious price."
Ilarllett. patten Co- this afternoon
"ade a cash distribution among their
e'eral employes, estimated as amount
ing lo hetwaven Ck.eoe and Ik .. aa
a sort of dividend on the profits ef the
May deal. Messenger boys who have
been getting up 10 l a week dl. played
checks for i; 10 tl.
It aa ail quite tranquil really duller
thaa usual, and not even remotely re.
ICaneluded oa rasa g
,!! .( naaa
' eifS' e-'U ,
Yi "
a. a.
A Ralaka..
i iN '.ii.'-'ii'V1
' .v-i .,,.-.(--i';'-
IOIIX nH4ti.X7. TIIK.X nil:
M IT K lVM.:s.
Caemtan f.ltea I'nrmai (i af aa,
lo If. Itaddal. Wtaman Alao
iMgnlag Atrrrmrnl.
John nraaaasa. a Oermaa. alter having
olal lb wu' la his nelahtxar. II. Hud. lal.
Tar !!. has brought tip tha bh( por
piavsing legal problem In many year by
brincing as air-at hla wlf. s pur
rhaner for ajkraatlng her afTaartkrana. Ru4
tlat made good hla cialro that ha had r-"r-rhaaed
M ra. ftraganaa Py preaventlng a MU
ot sale yasterrlay. haartng the" wtarnatare
not amly ef his complaining neighbor, but
of tie w man.
This unusual document la ta he pra
r.ted In tha Orcuit Oaart as Ruddat s
defanaa of tha chars of alienating the
woman a aTctiona It 14 now In the poe
aoaaioa of Aliamays John F. Iogan and
John I f attaaanarux The point they rale
la aa ta how nragsnta ran he damsgad.
aa ha rontrnda la his mmplaJnl. ahaa he
old. ttartarud and aacnattared his wife
for ika aunt of t-ax Iter is a copy af
the u:i of aale:
livrr:r.t Orearon. March . lr. I
my wife bar. ao-d to It. Ruddat for M.
iKrveait John llruaata. Knj ,ma Hraa an
sa. II. tluddat"
Th two men lira on Ouitd'e I-aka
In Nonhwa-stata TN-ct3ar4 Itragauaaa
beonsht his wife her rrota Oermaey para,
ral jears ago.
laar Klatloa rack a I p Mr.
"r. I rotw Iilatanl Po4ntau
Ua ANOtUA CaJ. May 9
rata al tha mile-rush a 1 rot- a telaw
graph staa.loa on Mount I working
:th the moat moata-rn apparaiua mavde.
ha surarav'drd la to thair onc:n
myatertowa a tr.j oc a park a that her
puaalod eararr-.s for mor than a ar.
and report ot ahWB hair attracted or tea-
t'ne attratjon ail otrr h ortd
Th trarory grneralir, rrodited w aa that
thg ram from Japan In a aacrt ode.
hut thry K.r. hran traced to Inductkoa
fro 1 aa ordinary telephobe lino ea th
peak. r. W. Fa n.a. a a lro aa nuiairur.
tor. made iMa d'woaary. .
. O V lW d. laeoa Ivr.nrr. f-at
aaaeoma ana T. Ik. Mackay. aralalart
and ejaarirwtatia. mad the tcaia a hwb
end'rd today, and -picked up" a total ef
T at.iioM alor g I ha roeat and al a. a
a h!rh La take the number ever rrachrd
tafora. IncluxV-d aas the tuilao at Hono
lulu. 1lh which Routhet-B a I. forma had
trer been a M la ge In oomtnunwation.
M arrlcrer of Clara llnarn Iraga He-
real II y Into lacfcnae.
CF.NTF.RVIIJ.K. I a. May ?. Th
Btala re.tad looaw la IKa I -1 . 1 .w
Junkrn for th murder of Clara Rosen.
th. pnoonera moinrr teailflad that he
huahand was seldom aober for year
hefor his death. Ili said that Jo! I
waa UBc.inro','.V.
jur.aen ister long in stand and gav
particulars of the habitual depravity
of hla Ufa. No mention waa made
th murder.
tkrfiarf narnt cat JuMlrv llolil Itelrl
taullti of rotlm.
v.smN.;TN. May -After IW
otish Invcat calM.n th Ikrnarlment of Jua-ti.-e
has mak a rvport of chans- of
nepotism and other IrrrguSatltiee Hied
asalnet Ju.V fUaa Rcid. of the thlrj dl
taion of Alaaka. It Is b-lad that th
hare been" suatalned. No ofacial state
ment can yet be had.
llae 3 Mile lo Travel pn W)omlng
fTiTTTKNN - Wyo, May 3 -lilaard
fayaon IVraton. tha fedeainas. arrived
torsaht at Nunn. Colo. M mikea wt of
here. that, he will stop until early Man
day mornlr.g. .bra he w!:t resume ts
journey wratwarj by way of ditrmna.
K-Z&VZ ,4
I a is m
, Tiv. M VI
f . VI
iter lev bee aa Oewllet.
ruici: rivi: cents.
Tuesday Is Opening
Day at A. Y. P.
Fighting Forces of Two Na
tions Will Parade.
I'nrnul Latwrharaaa la New York
Malldlng to lie l'olVoaav-4 by Itt-.
reptkoai Califorwia llalldlng.
liana wc. l.arla la l.t raxing.
"KATTt.K. wTaah, May Ik. (; ra
cial I VVh.a rrealdeat W. Ii. Te
preosea the galdea hey ta tb White
lleuee at aeon. ravUtlc Coast t-tr,
Jane 1. the Alula-T ukea-lariSc ea
poelllea wia ba pae4. ceo. plot a la
every detail.
orrtcera of th fair ha read ge
their pre or. la af crepaidaaaa oa pB
lag day and during the last ek tbera
has bea a rush aig"bt and day I hs
the ekhlblta la or ear. The fa:st.irg
louche War ut aa the )M( of the
bulldlr-ga and oa the grounds aat.y
this week.
TaU to I'reaa Key of Cold.
Itealdeat Taft w lit uaa a ta.egrarh.
era key. cnade ft am the Cral go. 4
lakea frsn the Kloadik. and aet with
he IdeBtlcal nucgela lakea out hy tha
dlecovrr at the Northern Kidotada.
August 1. lkk. The hay baa braa
mounted oa a a:ab of A:aaka mart). a.
and was presented t the I'tesldaat of
the felled Mate by Utait. k. Car
mark, dkecovvrer of the Klondike go. 4
I'arado larlng Morning Hoar.
The opening prectamrne at tha .trft.
sltlon grounds wlii hi.a al 1 oclora
with a patsd of t'nltrd Siatai Artny
I r oo pa. marlnra and aallors. from tl.
I"ciac ctulacr f!ei and Item Ihe Jap
anea wat.hlns under Vlce.Admual
IJKhl. Colonel T C. Woodbury. I'. S.
A.. Aci la g-t'orr. mantlet of Ihe !epaM
menl of tb Columbia, will b, g,mDt
marshal. Ilia rt.ia-f aide i:l be Cap
tain A. M. Vt.thH L. K A. Who lal
been aaalcned to Ihe vapoaltloB by Ihe
War laa-pailmmu The marching aol
!lers and aaliura will be riwed by
Ihe American and Japanese Admirals
ana th Visllleg vaotethots at th head
ot th court ot hcBor.
l-aearet la Aniilllaealcr.
The enerrlacs al Ihe t-aluiaj arr.j'M-
U.rairr a 15 Y i ;n al IP t - o.U, V. :!i
an oveitut by Inari' band. Th ir. v o
canon will be offered by Itlah.p t-.J-ward
t lara. of erallle. A ehort ad
drws wi: l. (ia l-y iir, ;ot i;.t.rir.l
I. A. Nsdcau. and the tand sill laf
"xllorta W aahlr-atton." tia offtt:al
march ef Ihe ioamon. Jame. J, II.. I
Wlil deliver the c-lenlrg addrraa. II
wi:i b fol'lOWed by J. U. Chilbrtg.
p:eidenl of the evpo.ltlon. llahop .
W. Keator. of tilymtia, will pronounce
the benediction.
The programme at Ihe amphitheater
wit: te timed to close at noon, at which
hour Ifesldent CM 1 berg all signal Ih
ITeeident of the Cnited fiatee that the
fair la ready. There alll be an -change
of meaaagea. after which tha
signal wlil ba given from th
liou which art U statt whistles blow
ing in all parts of lb city.
trc a I Flag lo laivw tl-aal.
Hy an electrical apparatus a glsnt
flag of the Called Ktalea. th largest
a th world, will be unfurled over
th platform In th amphitheater. Aa
th flag unfolds thousands of smaller
flags, souvenir of lb occasion, wt.l
b sent floating through th air.
Flag will he run up oa all of Ih
buildings and th artillery eotnpanira
will fir a National salute. Two hun-
tOoaeladad a Fa- a
: :V.. ft ..
1 7
Job a V ea!4 Keep th tat
IrFni io7.o