The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1909, SECTION FIVE, Page 9, Image 59

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    :t. iixki.
fof in rvrnlni preaa that la friend t- to
tn "higher up to bring another attack
; on Iatec-ttv Wtlltam J. Hurna and the
1 eipense to which th Cnunir of on
1 Krtnrtfco la being put. Quite recently
, this monthly pa roll was el I l-nKl b
; a uxivfr on ih irun1 that It waa
exceaaix. and icrorJing iv an lneati-
As ft m we cn we are closint; out all of our Car
pels at actual cou We are going to ducontinue
this branch Of Our h tl in I 5Lr mmm at nnri wViil
AT rTiQT th hne" unbroken- You caat duplicate our
t 1 VfUlJ 1 price on furniture eUewhere. Read the few price
i gallon I been mad. Tb muMi, a ,
published, ar as f Allows. I
Tin: simuv om:;oNiA.. roitTUM). may
mid iii 111 111 i -iii i dw'J-.iji
kc- --
NEW TORK, May 22. Special.) The
Florida Legislature, haa put through
one House and will probably put through
the other a bill repealing the law to pro
tect alligators. There has been Hti enor
mous slaughter of alligators lit recent
ears and Jt had been found necessary to
ras this law to protect, the alligator,
which is much used in the leather in
dustry. Alligator leather has been fash
ionable since 185o. when the first success
was reached In tanning the alligator skin
for commercial purpose. During the war
the hides were used for shoes. About
half a million yards of alligator skins are
u-ed every year, including some that are
Good Crop of Candidates for Each Party Acquittal of Luther Brown Is Setback to Graft Prosecu
torsCalifornia Artist Sells Pictures to Busch.
SAN FRANCIS X. May 2i The out
look in the local municipal situation
is for three tickets in the approaching
city campaign, with perhaps an Indorsing
Ti-kct by t he Good CJoveninient Ieague.
The candidates fur places on the Re
publican. Democratic and Vnion Labor
party ticket will ficht It out at the
August primary, while the Good Gov
ernment I-eague will put in its ticket
by petition iust nrior to the November
election. I
Th two office most discussed just now
- ate .M;yor and Irtstrict Attorney. With
:he Republicans' the most active cancans
fr Mayor is being made by William
Crocker, who ia?' frequently mistaken for
ihe banker of- that name, but Instead is
retired planing mill man. Wiiile sev
eral of the candidates lor the position,
inclndn J.iinei Roiph. Jr.. and Mar
shal Hale, have declared th-Truelve in
his favor, the field i not wholly clear
f..r I'r.Klitr. as William fluff, the whole
sale gnx-er. and Laumcister. ibr
flour mill man. have their supporters.
Much of the opposition to Crocker
arises from the fact that he was ""dt
rovered " or his mm hrt suggested, by
Tim Sullivan, one of the local bosses.
Sullivan haa been dolne politic for many
y. ars. and of rouise lias developed liie
uTjal percentage of enemies.
While Crocker, who waa once a mem
ber of the Carnentra Lnion. haa many
supporter in the Onion Labor party. P.
H. McCarthy, president of the Building
Trades Council, has declared - against
him.- MeOarthy charges that Crocker led
the owners in the millmen's strike, which
tost over X.00 of labor money to win.
and this must never be forgotten or for
given, i
Among the names suggested, that of
4 j
. -.
Inapurterl from Mt-xlro and rentralAmer
ioa. The objection to the alligator come
from the farmer, who says the 'gator
has too strong a ltklng for little pica.
Because of the thrr-atened extinction of
fhe alligator an alligator farm has been
established in Hot Spring. Ark., and
another In Is AfigrUs. t hi thrwe farms
the alligators are assorted and )ut In
separate eruloiii es according to stve.
Iecause the allien tor Is a cannibal and
the big ones frequently eat their Utile
brethren. They are fed once a w.--k and
they live on refuse mat. with occasional
changes such as youn ducks and chick
ens, which are fed th m dead. In the
nesting season places are provided f'r the
mother allegators to lay tweir ewe a. These
Adolph Spre kcls, the one-time fsupervlaor
and well-known capitalist, frequently re
curs. The friends of Sprerkel. however,
eav that he mill have none of it. his
many and extensive business interest re
quiring all of his attention.
la ml la Strong.
In the Democratic ramp t lie pins ap-
pear to be already et lor Ir. T. W. K. 1
Iceland, the present foroner. for Mayor.
David I. Mahoney. his only opponent,
has withdrawn after a strenuous eaui-
paxn Frank J. Sullivan the attorney,
who had similar aepiratlona. haa appar
ently discovered that his ehancea are
nil. so that, so far as ran he seen. Lar.
Ueland has an open neld.
The indications are that there will be
a Onion Iaoor tl kei with P. H. Mc
Carthy at its head. While Mt Carthv has
some enbmies amdng the labor union,
there are none in the ranks to equal him
as mii otganlzer. This has been reeocn.x-d
by Michael Casey, who haa Joined the
president of the Building Trades Oouua-U
In this campaign.
McCarthy, vt course, is not without on
poit'on it hin the ranks of labor, and
It may yet be found expedient to chaos a
compromise candidate f .-r the Mavora Hy.
The name most eoraspiruously- mentioned
n t':ns relation ts Harry Klannery. the
well-known liquor dealer, who waa a
remorratic eUrtor In the recent Presi
dential campaign
McOau-thy. by the way. haa already been
indorsed by the central committee of the
Onion 1-abor party, and It has a!radv
c aused a storm. The aan Kranctsco Call
the day follow ang this action came o-at
in Taring headline and alleged that Me.
Carthy had ben in consultation with the
Southern I'arlfie offh ials. It w a insin
uated, of course. that M'urthv had
been In league with them. Mevarth
' !
. ' mmm ,
nests the- make (,f tt. k ami all man
ner of ruhhtsh. which they place together
with mtid. '
In their native haunts thNiiother alli
gator wat.hes the eggs whil they are
hAtrie(j bv th- sun. i:tit in th farm"
they are hai h-d tu ln utnrs Thr-re
ts a htc trd- In babv aUigatota. which
arc t ikti away hv tourists s f utioallles.
It takes a long time to develop an alli
gator to commercial six that Is. to a
size w hrc t heir sktns are valuable. In
fact, an alligator only t sro fet lot.g Is
irsiiallv IO yars old. AlTtgatora hllemale
In Winter, but on the farm they are kept
In rooms of e -n t-tnirature. Ne tr
thec they do nothing during tlr Winter
protest M most utoroiiFly . gn(f
g couple of da vs brought aUt for
criminal I.oel against the Call, de
nying the story and atlegiigt that it
was puMsnH to Injur his rhanres.
C"!iarle w Hornkk and Fnest .tnpa..n.
respe.titely manager and managing nil.
ttr of the Oall. wer arreted but r-l'-asel
.n nominal bail. It ta liardly prob
able that tt.a rase will ever te h-r.i
It does mean. howe.r. that If McCarthy
get ihe nomination he will 1- fought
tioth and nn'.l ly tli Call, and that
election will he hitter and long reut-m-b-red.
Krorn ail tal can be learned Dr Inland
will starv.1 an excellent t hanca of elec
tion ( tie s nvminatd.
Ma or Talor apparently has no de.
sire to r main lna:T In the l.m-l;ght.
He hMs a (ri.le too miu h pub
lhit. and. beiitg a man of some wara.
Is p-rff. i;- (trit-nt to set t e hark and
en toy life with hm young wife.
fc The eo!iatse of the n of tiie proe.
cuiloii against l.uther Hrown. who was
el.a,rged wi:h kidnaping Managing Edi
tor rr mom Older, of the Sn r'rancisco
Bulletin, haa had a decldedlv dtneourag
Tig efrt tapon I he anti-graft people
The )ur. f:r del-.t-eratirtg through
the night n the merits f the ease,
decld-d Older had not been kid
naped. Olfier waa charged with having l.
beled Hrown. and l.e n arrested on a
warrant Issued In the anuiiirri part of
the at at and h urrled a way from Haa
Francisco on nig at. His friends got
wind of the -hem. however, and ha
was ta ken from tlje train before ha
reached his deatlnatlor. Accordingly.
Heney and his a asocial es dee hied to
con vlet I'.row n. Their plan failed, a
the public best knows.
This au.ttai nas caused that part
Witltatn J. Hum chief apci t.
I drawiac from th trur- of ih
t'liy and fount y of t n l-anclc at
th annual rat- of III. 9(4 bl. A1m
lia a drawn lnc Jul v. ftl. 4 ft.
lUtmond J. Hurnt. hia :&iar-nlil
la drawing aa an aaaiatant tn hla faiHr
av the rat of VZAJk T4 a rar. lieorg
Burn a. Ih 2 2 - ear-old an tf h an.
clal agni. haa already drawn i
will rhrman Htirna a 1 - a r -ol d 1
an. haa HnNnaid f Bumtitlnx up
tli &pndUura. it Itaa been dlacovered J
iitai me nurni ramii naa urawn irnm
I tie San Pra nclaco ta a pm era $ 1 2. 1 i T.T I.
ni w ith t li vxreptlon of S7o. It la
declared liaa been paid out In juat
tn mnfttlia. In addition. Hurni haa 12
aalatanta at fit a month, one (
ant at SI2& a month, two aalaiant at
a month, and eight more who re
ceive ITS every 3d daa. All told. It la
tier la rd t ir ha a bn pa Id out for
thia dtctie force at nee laat July mora
t han $ oa.
Slra b California Artleia.
II J. Hrfur. a California artiat. haa
aold a picture of Mutant Itrewer. In
I'rMno fount v. to Adolprtua M. Ituarh.
St. lxula brearer and art votlertor. for
9n(. Kreuer received a rlirk from
li e fit. louta beer ml'lionalr tla week,
and with It a check for- for I a o
oth-r Hreuer 'painting. The aale of
il ia product of a t'alifornla bruau la a
irtumpli fr trn art. Hru-r la
probablv unique among I'atlfomla art
lata In he haa no more pw turea for
aale. lie learea for the mountalna In ;
a day e. io ntak more aketchea
Tn Hutch ctl- Hon at Ht l'H la
one of the latgeat tn America. It was
because w?f the prominence that the cn -
mm woulo receive tn the St. hnuli -l
lecllran that the Ka stern collector a wTe
waa a cc ftd Instead t n that cam
from lterkey for a similar amount.
One on Atiornrjr-trnrral.
A C"d tt-v U llrg tc:d n Atfrt.e
litrrfil I". f. VWbu. of faltforola. the
a?tii wi;s al of th state s la
MirtfiMtii. th is a priaeright rrark.
M a te ta to W found tn a aat nar
i e ilngs de. no mat'er at!Sr ti fray
i iMiwrrQ rl aiiiplnpa or )ttmt m makt-gp
cad ff nic dub Wrbb had far tatter
nts I ts flPtir-er II tn the pr-t a-irt of
a -rm
Taking ad an:g f ii.s r ndnr .
! of t e la sra tl Ided to f-d t . e
Atitrr" 'flM-neral in ftgt literature. i
xmd It up between thtil to anH
-. t ta icr citppii g ms i un
Pglt ut-ta o Wvhli, In rain the fe-t
in hv tiw and I hieca ard ten a ami
l.iimlr! f Th JH sprvad around until
t-nw tti AMnnv JfVttrral w-tta about
it be sncd iinkr br I he niin f rrn
t.e ms'fs
Anlo Crank uniilaln.
Aulu a-ranks are making loud in
pla'itia of lie ru of tir S4iiibtn Pa
cfVc at'usini only four nariiinea at a
iiin on baia t roaWnff frotn tn I aak
land mole Aa then la no aacmt toad
on t he A lamda mota, marlilnrt are rv
atrirtrd Iv Ih Oakland frrr ai-d live
t irek rt.e lit rrolrc t ! ba v llenoc,
o Sunday nights, ttere ! a (real rrurh
a t lo t ii pla4-r a to gt a -roa
At -or lltne I a I f jmI rig hi l.cre
sr a dn aule malting at one t im
at ll.e (aakland mo'e f.r a dame to
rro. Ii waa after mtdniglit before sn
of llm gtt otrr. It ma just aa bad
New York Police Try to
Stop Oral Dookmaking
" - - - " - -
Gotham Sita Up and Takes Notice of Many Thing Since Alleged
Wave of Law and' Order Strike Town.
KW YultK. Mr .rSpeeial i-Tba ,
rariie season haa advanivd ai'- i
ntlentfy to make It r)-ar that the!
day of tu "piker Is ovrr. If )m ar !
well. known and are regarded mm solid by
the "tvaokies" von ran go as far aa oti j
like. Hut lire oung clerk, w ho has hr
tofore ben able to p!ae h tl and t2 beta
finds he has no chane to lose ll-e money
which ta probab'y nedel in his home.
In thia way t he new la w- is pro ing a
autre, and the wealthy bettors are nut
complaining. Now that t he lrg:slatl
ai-t has bn t ssed ur-on U th hignest
court In the state It is puwwibl lo know
here yo-j are at. Hr are seen ruleg
which are accepted as "official' by book
maker and policemen:
Kir st You can be
friend or acquaintance
rU w tin
who will a
your money, but It la Illegal to put up
Ibe cah. x
8econdlt la legal tor a roan who takes
your wager to quote the odds on tha
horse you aelecl
Third There s no law against tha
loaer paving hi debt, after the race, or
al any la it date that may ba mutually
Fourth Money cannot be disptat el.
Pavments must be enclosed in small
btown envelope. propely address t.
Fifth You ran record a bet on otr
programme, but It la uat as well to keep
It In your mind and not run any- rha .
Sixth If you accept a wager, and
make a record of It. you may be attested
by a plainclothes man. who will be on
the Job
AVtenth Thr-ia la no limit to the num
ber of wagers that either party may make
on a race. You ran tke as many as
you or your friend can keep track of tn
your heads
The bookmarker hat found a war to
remember their bets, without to great
a strain on their minds. It is exp4i.He.
but It pava In the long run. so they do
not complain.
Foe example. Bookmaker Ham Mmlih Is
approached by t It in Jones. In wbosn
he has ronfvtlenr Mr. Jomrs ak
"What are tha od-ts on Sea !tohbr T
Amlth replies, "even money." and JnM
come ba k with IU bt you t. " tmnn
tflla Jones ttiat he Is on and the trans
action is completed, without any aola-
tlon of tha law.
Mmtth makes no record tf I he trans
actiocv but w hlle the two are talking a
young man listens to what tne Um
to aav. Th-ra ta no evidence to show
that he knows either pwrty. Jtut after
the Wt is arranged, this third part r
makes a note of It. and the badge num
ber of Mr. Jooes
Kach bookmaker has about ft. of these
assistant on his staff and they rlfra
one another. When the day work Is
over, of course, they aid the bookmaker
in rafteshlng his memory. Hut legally
they have not had a thing to do with
I h ma :t-r. Thev do not ii. or accpi
a bet. The memoranda they make a
simply an evidence of curaosity on tar rr
Police Commissioner Hingnam promises
to make all aorta of trouble w hen the
hor race on tha city tracks, but thev
are at present In Nassau County, and
from what haa developed there. It would
seem that tha doughty Bingham ta powar
less to make trouble.
Th atiendarw at th tracks baa far
exceeded th expectations of th promo
ters, which would Implv that It a poa -si
hie to bar racing without calilng ow
the "pikers" i assist with their tiny
rolls of bll's of small demmlnatlon.
kuch haa been said and written
the eelenrv of Jt justice, and while
this may be iustifted in murder tift, it
Felted Cotton Top Mattress
V It
Our Prices Are the Lowest in the City for Good Furniture and Rugs
12 ft. Linoleum. l..t jrrn.Jr. rvtfuUr frioc I - j Koxl.urv li-Virv i'artft Sl.OO
1 (r now ! It m iwrl
V Imvf a c.h -;rai tf I.iiiolinn t.
prr viiril 50C !
AxininMer Curl"'!. rt-:iilr1y for j
l.i. niir f-loHint; m priof.Sl.Oo
Wml V-lvft farpft. for which otlu-r '
Ktor nk l.-Vt. nir pfn-e. . . .J)Sc
All-Wool Kxlrn Siijt InTin tr- t
-r. rlosini; out at .". ...TOC I
in coldfii
oi lirri'tl
4" i lulu's
liriw i-ri on
Sjwial on a lr. r in r.. al oak fmi-h. top io 4 J iitrhoa Ion
m r-iiliiir. of glam ISxJI; Kn-nrli plate oval or Hhapctl
Tlie alM.vr pro-.'
Taubenheimer &
tla fa-rd pwi. Un l tn
i Inn a
rf t!-rr- to ltHl t y Aikaa b-f
T: -t Is ta'h of urgirg lie r a:Had
pvptc to m-I " He mtr. SI irh l'i
r-rta!nl b-r r.r.-d f te eu?o groas in
p--tulari alumni fn haii-Hv
The tl rraten.-Jj sui f t: e o fpf t. kr :
bo. Ad':pn ar-d J.d.n I
ard Jl.n a , '.o an! a
f ti -t! I t mmm l-f I
m "mt f t
b li-ir UtNrr a-ll- ttt'iMbrta t.f tl
frt :i, i mm main al atd i-n t I.e a :ll
mi rwM. I; as ,..v d i'!
I o !- a arfa cnp' '"'. b t.r
alrr . It a as sta"--d i'ia. Ei hd
ha-r-1 of-r bn pro d-d ft N'.i tmtm
are ti:a In tir ac ( ion n court. i
'-ttpi la-'rt a W rtiufr aas r.t a parttal
rt-Kfi'iuiii-n of .-m pntrfit acced'nal
bn t ! w lrms rf t-1 tt4r are p.- anrd
to rail tbe "HrflH will "
It si mm nt so man mit;.s ago t :al
I;uc'1pu japfrc k Is mho ItiJfna a abate
of t J-e eial, Wa eu rg h's fet rr for
re f. a n ttitr.r . nt- I ha! t . ttw . h ha a
to-ftt1 biyn in goad tattdng It H tf-a
b-ad "f tle (am 1 T(.r pr tit action
ts only a atM-t ar-d Jin arrisci p-o.
pie at "irfi 1ih nitl-f bl ntiat
fif tjt d t peo-rvlai
does not always apply tn ctt prvdure.
Tills w as pm a t ;e ii!(-r day. whaj
William II. Siiiiman. a weal:i farmer
lawyer, was tsk-n to Trenton to serve a
five-year s-nten.e irp.a-d by Ih courts
over 12 years ago
Ktillman is a frmr prs.d-nt of the
New Jersey Itnria ultur! . aod bis
farm near Itiawenburg is one f th p'ms
places of ihe state Th old mn waa
accused of forging a will. h-arng lb
nam of William laaneharl. hi itiWong
friend, bv w lit-n b w as In rerl e half
of lanhart a -iai. wiale ti-d tlaties
wer to b diinh-ritd
Th pro utton of Pullman began In
and In th fprtng of tbat year, h
waa mnt u ted II t he case
through a!l the courts, and was abt to
Stave off punishment unt d few des
ago. Kvm after t 'a law fallal l.lm. li:i
man obrted to going to the penitentiary.
When tre nnsl decision of H iprem
Court was rendered, t e man barri
caded hlmif in his hom. and ammuno
that he would br be taken atlte. Sev
eral .irtnrd Ituty Kheriffs f.nallv rap.
fursnl him without b!oodhcd. but there
m r a few lively hours around the old
farm befor t aey rotild get Insole.
According to the lam of l ! state. It
l a crti? to attiipt to commit sub id
Th statute rovade the puu(hm-nt. but
Magistral Kurlng. otrr in Hrsnkhn
I aa adMtd an alteinaiu stialt. shirt)
Is ntl.-l his io t(.er.tiMi.
Frank Klynn. farn g that Hoe Uf
ferty no loted him. called at nef
nouwe. with a bottl of rarbaWir a.ld. and
announced t hs I be mrt to dv m her
prnc R grabbed t bottl front
his hand, put it t br lioa. and waa
aaxed !tmh death br an ambulance aur
geon. after a bu a wtk
When t b young woman waa arratvned
an court. sl s a proartv pnttnt. Then
It was tit at the magtetrat personally
afnriklM t e rtvlr of criminal bttlur
""I Sill atourn this ra for a wk."
h -ssid " Ti.n you mast come her
asatn. If ftMe a d Frark ar ataarrte-d
It wMl be all right ut if Ibey do not
wd I w HI tmp a suitab.e penalty
T.e suicide mvast be sto;.pd at all
cosf "
Th yout.g coupl wet snarrted tbat af
ternoon The aatonUhing autmunl ts made
tl "Krvi-kefrlW" thonh Is loo pHr to
build a new ediM'- on t"lf ii nrhut and
s ill I f rrl t o a ii rt ar y
atrw-tui on t n r r-ci t m i
"A ertipl on Fifth aea- wot. Id c .Ml
us fc:aos." said I r Akl. n tastof.
"and ther a or am br who could
build u such a hotn aa we es.r tnit
let ia b mahi and womanly In ta
matter '
Mr. P.o kefeltcr Wsa present when Itras
remarks wrw anad. but b d not make
a grandstand pts . and pull IT oxfta out
af bis tn.e ) k-f He stmply mil-d
then arw ar-l msd a speech. In whtrh
be en lire 1 ign rd t delicsle hint of
h a pastor.
The el-W ftokefeiir t not wasting any
mone in -bra bome ihur h. while t b
yotng-r J ihn l fe4s his rltectact
tie naaa on sotd. words and (Vn
wor-ds. It ts Ce tail Klr.g a b la f that h
d'es enough for rrgion. ou'.aid of the
"'Hock - (eir t h'jrrh. and t : at the ober
member should pay for t !. u o n salva
AH of this may t er- rtble. for
there la nothing sras titan a pauperised
rhurca. but t..n of the i.ntrt parish
ioners wish that thetr re "tnoiirt mem
br was not so arfut of their fel'g
T lok-ai pspees d-ott many ojwnt
to th ca of '"th mlndiraa man." w h
ainrs reomler. w ss a teti-nt In a New
Haten hospital. Thia tinba;pv lodivfua
cu!d not rmm?r hi name. a:thnit
.f thrv.- intir-s THIS --W onlv.
- sk.
or I
lon - j. j
ImiI U
tt '
f I f I. N.
14.ft ll
i l'-.
f. i )..r.
m 1 . t .
I" Ii a i r I i (cut, ,
oll'ii ink finisli. '
Klnlfh. J rov of ) rlo woven Mat, i
piCon - lioli'x. j vrll mailt, our !
MiatS23.50 j Ti-f SOc j
mlayin - an.l luiinc lall ami in-tt our t;...U 1 fore Luvinc.
Schmeer Carpet and Furniture Company
First Street, Corner Yamhill
he IhugM that hi. hMte in Man
bst?an alnlihl taen from all o c tha
Ksst called to -re him .avd rot Wt nd
atf-e l i b Aohnb outstd of the pin.
frkn omihI urdrrlar4d .
At lb time that the rs w t.ll
th- s -. aaotnebndy aad - Poll.
thw-f fcri t. his n)-u. and he te
I Ihlrk be t dtH- tt strikes
sne liat be baa fj rwt- m m to get
fie tMMtd atd Ihe t- 4 r during
t'.e cj weather S bu be a hc
rxblns It mil4 not surpstse an If be
irlhl again and took t th t.4 f
a s;-e.l. -
Ma-.v psaos thsl lb e .
nxsn bad no heart, but It cmt be d- -ta.4
Ihjtt .
A a S'wnr rt ng hwm fu!1 ananl -fet
t baries an taun the m-stetotia
pataent. sndr--d from New llaea.
anil t ?) IrsrnH rlsctaaa are mot sji
aled than et wt
And thev doeltn m to admit that
lwry ! a god guesaee.
tr Al.- Hnm tatf-rdorf o-f Yale
Mdlal aVhiat la heMtMka
is unknw n baa w andere-d aw my. The
d ir arba d fam b b noi itng th
atirut mr d Jsr tltig all aoul bU nM.
W hU under tb- aill ' b mi gare
t a-tna addrew- m Manhattan, at.d told
man 4 tl-lngs a boot himself The orttv
I routine was that noi af bts statemetti
rald be md when sratvnrrv trra
sent out
lllsgen's Orauary r : x pxl .
nomas I.. Hith tn.
man w lo a a ganddat f
MiM btaeelts
lb ImlepeirM.e partv l.a defeat laM
ear, has s.-.X trd bis old as late bv
announcing that he ta out of polituw for
rtxr llig-n was a uaau- truts In ih-
Hearst ranks, ow ir g ! Ihe fa t thai he
was willing to pa v axmethlng for the
honor of be it g a candidate and donee -Qtientlr
the I jracurra ar sHn to loee
him. lit fraende tit that Kitftrn Is
'"rtr." believing that be was lh-Vrllm
of a iditlal bunco game .ar-d that bis
almost unanimous drreal ts a blow to ha
nt rr-wrrd from.
The f unnv side of It tgen's rsmpaiga
tout has necr been written up. The oniv
lrson who .li do it pratwr justice Is
Clement I. Poll ca. who pJaxed a star
ngagement aa t be "adv aura agnt f
II tgnLm "
iNallnrk Would tun ahead of the candi
date, find out all about local eondiMona.
and upply lb candidate with ammuni
tion for a rd - hot leagAier n-h. It
as a gol plan, but somet ime s t he c.p-
t-onent of Taft and H:y an would fi get
t he "point a ' and then there w ould be
Con f'vts ton
I Itsgen w as realty a man w ith a fol
low ing in New Kn and. and great things
Wvr expelled f him Ills vKrVnrs
)ustfiea tb coining ef a new pmtetb.
"all la not politk-s tbat froths "
bailiff Aids Icfsf.
Jarob II. Jsrhiff. lie banker is rteditei starting 1 1 National rlmpl-" meui
Exchange. hi. b I at ust been tend
on ftt street, and will trv to find em
ployment for manual laborers Th found
er h:e to solx a tb frobln of t
unemployed and t provide av taureatt
wbr h bortn men aw a ppi v for w or k
wtth ihe certainty of being fairtv treated.
If the new agency is sicful. a gen
eral business f findig work for leboaers
wc b eatabUbd later
'T nr a re ma n y tvapsr t a 4e em ploy
men I aisncie in th city ' said te of
t nn conn ted ih Ih mo lament to
day, "but thr are also many slmb ar
entlretv untrustworthy. Igaoract labor
era, foreigners pfioctueli . r ahlppv-d
frw lids ctt la plar tli do not wish
l gva. kr-d nd thm)t tfsnoed aa
w -ll Mil o work In a atrar.c town
A w ant to pttt a atop to this tao-taa-e.
a tar as posolbse. lo end ihon
where tbey want to go and w her they
tan at! w or
n i a l . Pr nard. a prominent KepoH.
.an. ts presadent of tb ssrtstt. John t
M- tIr . e.f eel 1 nt and Caul e-
- Honored by Women
TiTTrflS J aM .V. el W
lntfa r - MillioM b
! Ibm vari 4 cask
c m Dr. K . V. fimt,
bar mum t llta Jir
"k. cimoff o4 Ir.
' hiwitt riwaiphM
wlitc HfM Ik tmrnrnt e
Pmw. TC.lully
tKH rtk mammM ' weak k.
With Excelsior Bottom
T'Ntry Hruvwlit l"r-t. cluing
out prio 75c
IUhIv HniwU farjx-t. rlMti-j out
prio. vanl $1.23
Wf carry a full line of floor Ku.
in all Kti-K. aiul our pri--s n low.
We rarry a t-oniploto Inn- of Mai
tinv pri.M- ranr from loC
up arl.
i-n S
to lop ilrtwrrs anl lii.i-l an. I
unrnr. K&tra i.weial S0.30
birg ltesiot. T dre t rvts are sl
tten .(1fv-e.t in t fnt.nal srvM ana
ar ;wiainr lh Mr ani!! o
VI as- Wow Id lr Ma
Tlxs . thk mJ lia of a Woman w.a
W aratoil to be a lt
Xt i li It an lie in a T4t (.n -m
til .a Ki3 v aod tne lut.. an.
Kdlb asreri a.- m t lo t.rn a .
PCAfn4"d to anske Jrr tiw baimg
in a new r--titvi pomw i
la ih i tr wofcrd it;
Fif t oie . n cttar gr cj her t?m f r a
"r f . Mmnal tt tt-.ui t ' ! t ; t .
T'trti she was aserd fj. f .r 1 1 . .
prnars of t"tut t.kinfi The nxt Wa
Si ts o t- t vot of le -o . m
Isitee aa a it Wt.a1 t w aa 5etrvaw1e.i
to go 'm'my&m Ibe "f.rarrlg of I lie '-,rw
rti . ami ulSrr sums for a-"rti . ft
aJxert sat-ig. iitTMSiwIi etc liualU . w ti
al her io gone, Vlt ; n te
can wta ad loi ler imuMr 1 1
phce . w Ho l.m e Ttn i-wl to do wist
tbey .an lot lies, although the at ton
tn.ed t'-st all be mMH y has laren tt
Tba olih b't f IihIi that t be si rra f
bad lm ibat the srnaoka tmt-1 put b-1
anoner in t Heir po keta rue w r-u ''e- a
W ,U takrQ a oompait ojt
a to--r .' m shtih ase the . t inx w o-.j m'
ntojhU ha teen eonipe11ed - w s :k
hm from nm iinHa i.t atibtir t
Has a Whisker
t weewbXe Of faV Wy (laasn lat r
for tae wiwsaes mmt siera Par
eat rtanly larss Htsn Isossw.
TUU'.K Is ni more Indignant mfrl
of human it y at pmae-nt than B iii
th cherubic ofTK-e b-v w lo it igr. su -pre
me in th otTuea of the rngineerinc
department cT ih O I; 4 N. and J l"
"Hill" fe-cla he haa a gMnamr, and th
titrnce a g lng aianotng one. As be
lives at hme w Hh bis mother. V et -Pie
ar nd too hai y . and be di a w s
a tegular a;)aati.e for ket -mone
I p to a few week, ago this ;iowan-e
Was suff h tent lo xnrt all hla expense
but t'e awe-ln4.rtrg sig'it of :o lot g
Whtsket bas made Hill f.-rl that he
has at last attained the y ear and d
crt hn Wi rtui - In be g uatd is n of h i
own money and t on
He In fof mefl hta mother of the fact ni
skd for mon 10 tiy a raaor. so that
he cxmld abate himself f that was nnt
gt anted he should teou ir nney f w a
dallv hare.
Kill's" mother is a woman 0 tern
words, so sufTioe It to as' the our.g man
preferred to 00 hi ork tn a standing
lKtur esterdat , Me 4 id not care lo
dtecus t be maiwr, but c irn few tn m -utes
be wotuM raise hi hand and genii
stroke Ibos two pfotfilnent halt, one of
whifh aprur.g out fn.m t Ue enter of a
dlmpJe in each ehubb che-ek
The Slbet Was d acuoeil Jn lb offU e
for HUl s " rlajv inra-e in hirui"
adorn ment ba been commentr-d on fem
day t (lit. FtnaI3 th matter reathrd
Ih ear of t'hief Kngtneer iss- Kke. wh
last night Went for the xoung tnan and
wttta all due mlemmtv mfo-m-d him that
It was a tut of tb en miet ir.g depi.
ment tbat ail mid es be f w- aa hir,
' W w til alaow yo to hate a beard 1
you wish." said Mr. Horhe. bu it
must h a prper em. vt vnieM )oj m
Ursa ((i-ett, I mtiln'.v can net er rr
ommerd y ou for pfwimion "
T he hoetot tt kr n li-k on "H.i: s'" fare
a b tett-ed c-ft the ""(ar-jM-t" Wa
watHed with inleiwl. and. as t re Vv
rtannod to a t aerMtlt c let fc. t Kat
''ftteftard bed ra' to be mi nr-d. fc hi
mother saad be ltcuM riot hse a rsai
for a lear" tn prfnaw- of a loaned
t aaf
n a wk H):i l happy nnt-e
I ...
aa4 Jftfcir. UU.
No aaaa. apical wm rvif wf difwi.d mr Wf caa
' M'-cd ka k im tar a4vtc. t
tka oub'i Diimtttr Mtaui A iioaimr , Dr.
R. V. Pnm, l'm.iif.(, BvC.I. N. Y.