SECTION FIVE Pages 1 to 12 Woman's and Books VOL. XXVIII. PORTLAND. OHECJOX. SUNDAY MOKMNCJ. MAY '23. 1THY.K NO. 21. MaMig Pleasant Koines laried -People It's a mistake to try to get along without things you really need in your home you don't have to there isn't the slightest necessity for it. We're encouraging people to live better and we're making it possible for them to do so. Thousands of ambitious families in Portland are made happier and enabled to enjoy life more abundantly because of our helpful credit service. It lifts the burden solves the furniture problem does it most satisfactorily, too. It provides the means by which any salaried person can acquire a cheerful home an artistic and comfortable home and that's one of the greatest blessings a man have have on this earth. It is a dignified credit plan you buy what you want and pay as you can. No interest no extras no hardships no annoying features whatever. It's thoroughly pleasant, exceedingly generous and wonderfully helpful. And you are welcome to this credit service won't you let it help you to have your home furnished better than you have ever had it furnished before? f Low Prices on Porch Furniture It won't be long now before we'll be living in the midst of Summer heat. Better be ready for it. Kvery day brings the necessity for getting in readiness for preparing the home for warm weather nearer. Meanwhile even though you may not be ready to make your select ions we urge you to come now and view our offerings. The very choicest of the new designs in Summery Furniture are here. Old Hickory Special Chair or Rocker $3.65 CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT WONT YOU SIT DOWN? Just once in an "Old Hickory" (hair? Till you've enjoyed that comfortable, springy feclinp in an OId Hickory' you'll nver really know what an easy chair is. There's a touch of nature a piict suggestion of the peace and comfort of the woods in Old Hickory Furniture. To veranda. lawn or cosy porch-nook it adds charm and beauty. Built from sturdy young hickories the seats woven by hand from long strips of tough bark these chairs last a lifetime. Let ns show yon our full line the low prices will imrpris you. Powers" Quarter-Sawed Oak Princess Dresser $ n r? on CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT A $22.50 VALUE The Proper i exactly like ml, in g e n u ine nnrter iawl out. I-i-lifd '"uMrti lin-i-h ; full M-rrontine fronl. ISx.'Hi howl plate mirror. An a tn.-il VJl!.."0 valii". 5:5 pOWERig A Refrigerator Is a Summer Necessity Make certain that you net a refrigerator. There i Hi'li a lifferene in the const ruction of refrigerators that unless you are careful in your selection you may have some inferior make. jerhajs unsanitary, ami mot certainly waste ful, thrust iiHn you. He sure you pet one that has a reputa tion one that has proven itself to e satisfactory and jruar anteetl to "jive .s;itifaction. Kvery refrigerator we soil is guaranteed altsolutely crfeet or your money will le i-hrcr-fullv refunded. Sanitary Refrigerator 1 i " - - -" , : - r ' r - . $9.90 CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT WHITE ENAMEL LINED lry air circulation Hefricerator : outside i neatly pAiidcd golden oak f.iiifh: interior ha all modem ronvrnw-nrm; adjuMAM Ikdvrt and" It part rnii)vbl. Sanitary, white enameled: will not mt or erl off; mineral wool insulation; 40 pound' ice rapacitv. aluw. i li 'i J 35 GENUINE WILTON RUGS 9x12 ALL STANDARD MAKES li s tmw0 1 THIS IS A SAMPLE LINENO TWO PATTERNS ALIKE During the past week we pun hascd a sample line of genuine Wilton Rugs, !)xlJ size, and all Standard Makes at a special price. Kvery pattern is new ami pleasing, the colorings and designs are attractive and desirahle from every point of view and the quality is of the highest character. The values are up to sftl.1.00. This is a cash price, but to open new accounts wc will sell them SMALL PAYMENT down and a SMALL AMOUNT each week VALUES UP TO $65.00 Powers' 18-inch Oven Steel Range COLLAPSIBLE GO-CART $5.30 CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT This Go-Cart in of good manufac ture and well -onstrurted of lt material, in frren" leatherette, rub ber tire wheels. Adjustable back and dash, folds flat so it can be ear ned on Rtreeteai-s. An $8.00 value. Full Size Brass Beds $19.65 CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT An lH-infh oven, a larire HIi!hi-l blue it-el Kan. bestrn lmel. ix hole. with high warminj i-liHet. full nirkel trimmel. Many olliT new feature not to be found in nv other rane". An artual -J value. mm CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT A 30 VALUE Th i Hed i well noted, 2-ineh j'llUrR. filling rods. s and "J" im he. height of head inrhe. height of foot 47 inrhe. bet grade of French laequ-r. either voli-hed or atin finish. An exceptional value. Powers' Cotton Felt "Mattress Like Mla.1r.tlM $9.85 A $12.00 Value CASH OR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT Poer tV'tlou Kelt MatLre i made of the bet trade of pure. elu rotten. Don't confne jt with any erdinarx- eoiton truttre. Only frh cotton, the mt nnnitary of all mattre maternal. i u in nr poda. nd prove iu you ht in everv- mttrr on luv . We sru.rautec every one to be a penume layer fflt mattreoui.. They are made with the imperial edjre. with b-t Kr!- of art licking. Thi i resrular $12T'0 value, but tlu week we are giving you the opportunity to -ure one at a very low price.