THE SUNDAY OKF.CON TAX. T'OllTXAND. MAY 23. lf00. 13 SHORTS ARE GAUGHT Have' Trouble in Filling Mai Barley Contracts. ntiu dt PORTLAND FIRM i fcan FranrlM-o Market Strong. Small Trading In Wheat Ship ments of Flour I lorry Trade Is Active. Interest In the grain market ti!I centers in barley, because of the opera lions In Mar barley at Fan Krn-is-o. This option held Ktron? t ci to the San Francisco Merchants' Kxrhange ( Z" - ' ' -'ris m that market are evidently experiencing much difficulty ... iiiiik ii fir .11 v r-r t-oi.t u ...i.i... . arc prln ipally hfld by a Portland crain ! iirm. n is a question whether enoiieh barley can he Recured In Cnllfornla f..r thin nnrnn T1.A ...i, i . . "...nn. rr in me OUIII I l'ti.7 7 j ;. i;', nas checked the regular movement of ' f.i A -i barley to the Northwest and ! 4.07 ; ...i the. market here la very firm, with 15 I JiL'i- :! l-r, a ton quoted hy moist deal-rs. Onlv!ii...j 3; 7 .-.' lour ar of harley were rcr-r ive.l froili ! I '"' I !.vi..-.. the interior In the diii wev i.i!' continue steady. There wai hut little interest nhown Jn wheat yonterday. A total of IS cars was received during the week the smallest In h lonsr time. Some fair shipments are still to be made to California. Prices show no change. The Merchants' Kuchanee reports Russian wheat shipments for the wet k at l.niS.nnn bushels, compared with .1 -1:.0'i0 bushels last week, and l'anu- oian shipments it -n4.fMo hiisnrk n ajratnst J.01.oot btiFheln Ia.t week. Flour is still jroinr forward to South ern points in considerable nua nil ties. The local flour receipts during the week were heavy at 52 cars and equaled the combined receipts of B:-ain and hay. The local flour market is steady, with a moderate demand. A little business Is hefn worked In the interior in low rade flour on Raster n account. Regarding the situation in .the Knst. a lead In j? flour dealer of New York is quoted by the Journal of Commerce as follows: "Conditions governing; the flour trade, as they exist at present, are entirely dif ferent from anything I have experienced for the last '2 years. The flour U na tion today is In an unsatisfactory and uncertain condition. I dealers here u itii j?reat unanimity seem to have arrived at the conclusion not to replenish their stocks until compelled to do no. The uncertainty of t he wheat market with Ita alternate rises and declines from one day to the next, sf-enathens them In this position. The millers, on the other hand, are confronted with the cash wheat situation, which precludes their ma kin flour at anything like the prices dealers are willing to pay. and the consequence Is a stagnation ef trade. I am speaklntr now principally of Sprint? wheat flour, although thi will also apply to the Winter wheat products. It would seem that dtirlns: the next few months, we must surely have a more active trade, whether on a higher or on a lower basis, as it has already been al together too Ions: de layed." Local receipts. In cars, are reported hy the Merchants' Kxrhana-e. as fol lows: Wheat Barley Flour 1 Mar IT May lT,-m. M a v 17 Vy 1 Wh) 1 May ao Mav Total This wiek Total last week 31 4; hop ncAi.riis worm contkmt. But Few CTopa Now tirowlng Are on the Market. There is a stronger undertime in we hop market. A few more contracts have been made at 10 cents, and this branch of the business wmild be Ilvr-Iv. but for the ahr-eipe of sellers. There is not much of the crop In sight that lias not alrendy been covered and It hardly pays a dealer to tour the t-ountry for the few odd lots he might pick up. While crop- prospects have improved somewhat In the past two weeks, the gain has not been great. Warm v. ather must come soon, if a fnlr crop Is to be liaivested In Oregon. Without knowing what the weather is going to be In the next two or three weeks, no estimate of the yield that is worth anything can be made. As showing the strength of the market, a carload of lK."s was sold at Salem yes terday at 9 cents. I-ess than lftOu hale of the lltitS crop remain unsold in Oregon, yet the de mand for them is slow. McXeff Bros, yesterday bought !S. tales of Western "Washington I &'7s from a dealer at :t cents. There has been a fairly active movement in spot hops in California lately. Mail advices note the sale of the Finney crops of !:rt bales of Sono ma s, 450 bales of 1908s bringing 7 cents, and 500 bales of 1007s at 4 cents. ST RAW BERRY V RAI X ARRI V FA LATE Rut Demand la Strong and Supply Is ? ot Adeqoiilr. The express was la,te yesterday and it was after noon before the st raw berries were delivered on the street Receipts from California were not large, about 1700 crates, and as the demand was stronpr. everything cleaned up In the short interval before the dose of business. California be: ries sold at the previous range l.rti'dl h) per crate turunm 10 iiuaiiiy. Oregon nerries were more numerous than any day tins season, and found ready saie at 12 i to lb cents per pound. There were moderate receipts of Cali fornia vegetables by steamer, for which the demand was rood. . The old potato market held very ateady. San Francisco prices were un rhansred and holders express the opinion there will be a considerable train In the eomlnjr week. Offering of old stock on the local market are light. Much damage to early potatoes In this state by the recent frost is reported. t.OI DEMAND FOR BITTKR. Week Clones Vtlth he Market 1rm All Around. The week closet! with a firm feelinty In the butter market. Ntt only do the city creameries clean up well, but a better movement was reported yester day In outside brand. The market could well pro along as at present, but t its course in the com ins: week wiil have to depend on conditions ln other markets. The cheese received from Tillamook yesterday was sold before Its arrival and the -market, therefore etiaJ nrm. Kgg receipts have shown a decided falling off. There Is still a lack of in quiry from the north, and there wss some accumulation on the street dur ing the week, but the sui plus was put Into storage, and the market was again almost bar yesterday. Sales were re- ported on th street at from 23 to cents, arrorrtinir to rpiantlty. Thre was the usual coo1 demand for poultry. and firm prices prevailed shipping Hood Klver Berrte. ! J!OOT RIVER. rr.. Mar Z. iSpe- 1 eiat. The first sblnment if 1 ld River ftrawborrie. cnnslsli r g of !. j crates, wan shipped out today srnall shipments are now f ip-rtrd dally. I'lrkTU are ronirTT-nrln to rnnn i Into the val! . hut it Is ni i-xpcrfJ that tht-re wJM b much activity In the ; j pick In ft line be for J'ine J. . I , IT"'" fJKRVAIs?. Or.. M .Sp- rial. I Wool sales are being made at Z rent ! per pound hre toilav. Thin appear to j he limit of the market. Mny fiirmrs ure -!! in. There will be not than ir.oo pounils f grade wool delivered at tJi.s point thin ear. Adranrr la Prt lUma. A ri w provision Itt that will be come ofritI ve tomorrow morning will iuoif advances of half a cent on hams and J.ird. ISjsnk Clearing,. "marine ef TV. Nri h ttern cities yes terday m Tf im t'i:o- I'lcurinr" i:i'ini Pr.rTirirtl i fll.a-. l!u 1 1 ( 1 . z 1 -1. 1 I sp'.k:.n- i.ji-.iik i:;;.-M It-arlncJ r.f l"or:!ani. i-slt" and Tin ni w'-rl; mid c rr pn.l.n5 -k ' t"'rm-r were . I-' P:M,! " -....!.: S.-Tt: Tirnmi i I 1 7 4 -74 1N 4sil :i t L. !.:! 4." I .:;.-.! 7 l.::4 :.- - - : rOKTLAND MAHavETS. Grain, floor. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track pnc: Bluestem mllll&a. i.. v.; ciu.. Si (.: . i j. KLsOL.'K latent. i-rr tmrr-l; trlht, exfTtM. 4 7o. :; srauaui. H tU'tC iua ters. ln.N W'lioie. IZ otr k.u . LrAcked. S24 per ton it i if. i f t'fj . j .;. i?r ton. T.- .N... I W'.il. e.;-.;il j r in. 1HI.L.STI KrS-Kro" r ion. m'4- dht.Ks, 1-2: lior-. I 3 u Zl . chop. Z U ; rolled barley. A 3 7 HA T Timothy. U'UTamtr Valley 1 9 IS p;r ton; Kawicrn Urfcon, llttfZu; cIovr. i : aifai'a. 1 1 3 'i 1 4 : jrram bar. tl3il4; cheat. $ 4 it I 4 50 r vetch. S14Jt4&4. Vegetables and Fro It. Fi:FS! Kl:t Hi-A,ija I,t7t2 V r-r bx. tra hrric. 4.ra-n. 1-1 lit; Cali fornia, f I ti l.'iii (f-r crate: t h.-rtw. T."-tf 41 j-r t- : K-K-t-en -r ;on:- li tTATOh.S ftuylrn . i:,a lef hiirflr l : t a l : rr;. ia. r-f.i-c J-r lb ; w'-t ptL4""i . i "- c ;-r l"-un l t- ACK VB'itTAJiLri Turnip. I S3 pf e:k; $1 z-. partblpl. $1 .'-O; IxmLS. 1 1 I b . in t ri'i . 10c pr pound. TKuVbJAL. r lit' ITS ):a:iKi. novels. $2 S3 per box. kmuDi. tl ;ju- srat fruit. . .".o-j 4 pr box: binit;a. & 4c pf frmnd. .inriipp.. f I :. u -" ik-t rrt'.i "M')s New. i 1 .'HI per crate. k;kt Alti.Ks Am hhri. i ? 1 da: a4ir.ii', 7 3 ii 12'- p--r lb . hrm n . 1 2 '1 i$ !.e: .t.tare, 2s-. :t:ii r :b. tu'-mlrt, T.V j J I per :ien; tetlut e. htrioue. 7."-i(4 II j-r ox; .-ttu e. heit. ?ifi Tic pr !x-n : or. .-.n 1 : 1 ; .i 1 .". j-r lier . iu:f!". n.r M-r i-xn; ja. Sjll- -r un.l. rail Ufe. ..- i-r ... n -r.t.;... . ;T,. it p..inl . plna. h. ! ;"ci. lel t an. $1 T -" Mr rrtr Ilry and C attry rratfnea. rarrfrj. e;-a. III'TTKIt - ;; r fatu y uinnl"' T,atT' lb ; store. I vc. 4 Butter fat prt aer actj 1 - . cn per trujt.u ur.r but Irr x,r. e I K' : is. rKn ranrh. w per dnxen. IMjt I.TIl V ! -. I.V:ilir , i.r- i:er. '- 2Ji ; fryer. J J t Jie; pM.ctrr. 1 e . du h.u 1 4 v ! .'. . s-e.. luil. turkftt. 1. l-ua.i l.'-y ii per dnXelt. M fc.K.-K - K-i ! eream l- in. IT tf 17 is r Ir i-..iiM.J . Viir Ainrl a. 1 ) ; ' c ; i K'i'of f- Sl. ' 1 IT- POl!K Fsp- y. lOe pr pound vkai, Kxtra. h- prr poanu, ordinary. 7; n-ts'. i . f.roeerie, lrted I- rutl. lKIKf Km "ITS Apples. -e pr lb : pah. 7 w . p'wne. -lian. prune. Krexii- n. 4 '-. t ur rn un aihM. e.-a. t ;- : currant. iht 1, r m . 1 e -; fl-. whit fancy. ii-!l. ie. 1; 4 ; dales. A I. M N ( $"' per tut-. z - : 'oitimt'ia I:ier. -b. Iila. .'lt. !;'. S ' ..' . l-iun4 A ak t p.itk. l-"urit i ti. Ultil l.t. tl ". 'k:es. I- ; rd. I - p P'.tind t.illi, tl roFKKK Mieia. 1 7 -i Jt, ; t'o.ta Hlca. tai. v. 11 i or t! i iiar. 1-S NITS Waintits. I 'J r IS- J a. odrlnary. I h -n- . c .o4. t t jrour.'J e r p-und by .n-k; Hrar'! nut. 1 w-; n i-ert. I.k: .enu. Te. ;ilnmri'l. I I j I- - rhrctiu i. Ita1. an. He; wanuiR. raw. ic; -1ntnatJ. IO $ l-cz h-k'tr- nut. 1k-: ooj rut, ihw r dxen. fil i A It i a n u t:t t el. 111:4 . fT'ilen '. $: -'. frjit ate) 1-eri; RUiiar. .; Ii -n.'lu 1. U; ti t '."ii. lirv cm ri. siMi. p'-tln bar. It: sranulated. ;.'. cul-e O'.irreh, 't I.'.; p ! retl 1 barrel Jrt :io. T-ru: on rmitui:t.r ithin 1 Ti 1w. d'ltit e p.-r p"t;r.rt. If Inter tran IS .!. an-1 within .".0 da. d-dul ie r potind War'e ucar. ir pound. SALT Oranul.T.-l. 1 ;i per ton. f I wi per b.iie. half s;round. la. 7 "0 pr tot; W. e" per t-.n l'rowllona. EACON K.ancy. vr pound : standard. IPr: chiib-e. Ir : K' trh-h. ; 1 17.-. IMIY SALT :riCK! lirruhr fi"rt clear, dry iuslt, !3:iC; ami.ked. 14',c; short clear back, hea y dry sled. Ul-c; tmokfl. 1 4 Sc : lresm exp i t. dry .lted. 1 4. ; smoked. 1.. -ar. HAMS To to lr; ts . 1C-; 14 to 1 lb . loc; ! p U' It.. I- . hum. kinnel. l."v.p; p;.mc. llr; i.i-e r- 1. 1-; hui-d.-r.. Hi; ttoi.vd I, .i!,-.l pic- n! 1: bA KI K tt Je rend, red : 1.'. 1. '-: Standard pure: 1 I e 14c; 'hop e : los. .w . ,".. ljt. pound: 1 on. 1 ' , e - .'.. f c PMOK KL HKfclK. Iveef fncue. each. G'r ; Qrjed beef :r. ; drlf d le-f .tut- aid, 17c; drlfd beef lnlde. Jlc; dried beef liriurkler. 'J'e I'U'KLKD ii-KLS Harrel; PirV feet. $1; reKUlar tripe. l ; honeycomb tripa. 1"J; pit:' tongm s. 9 !'..".. HA i;it Kl.KU MKATH Mm bfi-f. S1J r barret ; i-lnte, 14 per b.irrel ; family, s 14 per barrel; nie pork, -0 per barrel; H ket. f'JJ per barrel. Hops. Wool. Hide, Kte. H 'I S 1im contract. loe pr b ; l!o crop. tfSc; !SyJ crop. 3 4c. lio4 crop. K a tern On-gon, ibey. fine, U4 c IT 9 . JVc per medium. iJc; pound . SU-H AIB Choic. ? 4 ? Sc per pound Iry l:de. .o. 1. 1U 17c In ; Jfn 1?' ic jltf pound; dry round . aLlel h:le. ill a!ted ca'.fakln. 13 14c pound ; aren. ic le Kl'RS Vo 1 k:n: Anfrt soat. tl t 1 hridcor. ".. ; t.e.-r. jo. header, $.-.!.. t-;t. wild. 7.". ',t 1 : . tjurir perfect r-ead and ciar-. . f a jer. dirt- f7:.0fll; p!e. $4"u7. fox. rruU. tl $Zt ; f.ix. try. i ; fi. rel. J. fox. ilver. to $ io ! n. ij U: marten, di-k. mink. J e"i; i , m'.:k'at. r.r. 12 304. t.icoun Wn lc ; e otter. Hw j2'hj a 10 ie itirf fIri tkunkt. .' 1 SO-; elver, rat. lOirt; wolf, s J - 3 . rjr.if, 7c !... w u erina. dark. :! 1 0; wo'verin.-. p: f J J Cai'WKA BAI.K I'er pound. 6 cants I wiry Prodare In the frlaM. CHIi-Aii". Mav - M-t--r.nn. Cnam er1e. 22 2.". dairte. If- a;4c. Kurt Siea : ; a: riark. . a- Include,! Co-; flrete. Sv1., " JT::ne rir4. 21 reee iea.:y. I li-a 1 Z l4 III : rin. 13ti l.'l ; y-'ur-fc Arnenv. I J 14c; -r-horn?. HI t? ! 4r. NKW YORK. ra imltatl.m t h cee . nm. l.-F,tmff My 2r n:trr Firm. te;. ean ery nt. 31 tl 22c. ur. -hjrgr l Weaiern fUTic packed. 51 ! . ! ork i N"KW .f.K. vy : """ M 1 J l 11 -""'i Aua-t. 1" Market. " future 1 . June. 11 .V . . se : Terr r j:r, r ! T 4.' ; eren.t'. Mar h. lo tt - :r-a .- M.l-up- O-'tortee. 1" 7V; N -e-r.! 1" 1-n ; JiSiar , P' 7J. . .-U.e4 o,uict. 11 -.-; ni-Miu.f. ST lnriS. May 1 vl-Slroeg. Ter ritory an-t We-tem rre." 1 cn.a. 3.V4jjc. Va me dlume .urit ; Cne. ;!T0RB TO LONG SIOEisU- Bullish Movement Started in j Stock Market. CANNOT DEPRESS PRICES So Operator Indcrtakc l llrln; AImmii an AdtsniT Plcnn of r'unilo for Sporulatlic larc. NKW TORK. Mr :i Operations I siock broke lmo anlm.illnn tdr In contrast wllh the lorpld state dr-vel- opd yesierdny. The persistent re- j sis'.inie ,.f prl.- to nil eT.irts at de. prrMribkri turn ! ment in force to m-irket. pr .ff rtstf.nil Ionic aide ' eaainif ion r the moiif v kt. in fact- of t:: rid mtc. and th HHk nlnic of aome dem tnd for credit rn'rr:"'t"" ' taken- by the ,Kr. ''''ve dement am ..f ,....- Ilnued atuiid.iiu e of funds for Ihe stir. port of the speculative position. For eign barkers, while drawing on our ffoM supply, are extcndtri: n edits to New York borromers and rnnirttuiilntr subst:mria!iv to the maintained ease of tMe money sttu.itton. The copper Industrials were ronaplr iiotjs. and rep.rts were circulated of growing dma nd for roprwr troluw n and continued Improvement In the price outlook for :he me;.iL Advancr a In price of c iron were r Xoited from lV:mfs ard t-.. bitytrg .f trtiturl nui-ridl aid new active htuld 'i.g op-ration w re ea'.d to b- going for ward at an umlunlm in d rnt'. Kailrojtds in ir- S.utr.rrn gr-tip r r prominent. Itiflttepeed liv I he a.!vme m tie citvldepd of l!,e Atlantic t'oast line and 4. a (i. The bank showing conflrnted tl-.e sup. position that borrowing abroad were re lieving the. han I'Toiint of the o-M banks. The nominal rl.snge in t!.e ra4i ! ol.Iint w as in ronfrmlty with the Isalauciiig ff --eta of the rec ipte fro.41 the Interior arvi 1 gobl export . IonU were irrvgtilt; Total sabs. pr vithle II "".. I'r.ited .-"Sates is eouim C:iin-d and I lie 4 r K'.ierrl tW-c:i d pe-r --nt oil ca!l during' the we k. -M?tN'1 M' h 'K jl oTATl' Ne K.e un. II. 4 Al.i Tilmri 1. S Al i: Ana: f.-i-ir .... 41 m t - A. a A ere uturw: .. -t v , Am lwt huur. I 4!S Am "n 1 f .... I r.':. ri Am l"r 4t K ua. Am t-tt'sfi I'd . - Am ll't a. I.t pf. . 4 4 ; h Am 1' ?t..ur'.... -V t Am la-. 1 t... . . . .. Ii Am 1 : : . . h. ' ""V " An hrnelt ac It- ( . I I1'- ' 1 t refffrl ... lt bv- A-n t'-r -ef Am 7 a Ti-t . . . . J- . !., : Am t ...-., p . .... j- : . is, Am . . . .)..--, e T Ar.svnn': illcs l. S -J Zi Si Afl la- r .. 4 l't', l-i rfr r- l . . . . . l - ( I Line... I.- , l !; , Ka:i km, ir i; 1 1 i-rrferr 1 t Iteti. eti.i e- 'l . - -V 1 Ur-. i;p irt.. o : : n .. I1 I t ' ft t ra ! I a i h r . i - . i !.-;- rt i ..... . .. i r-rlm; N J .... li I'm Je 'ht ; I Tfcfc 'xt A A . . V- 71 7- ;i - .t V ( . o 4 4 r i- . . A N W.. r- 1-', iv; -. m a iiu... ; '' i.MK ' ." I- - . T2 Kuel l-.-n 4'S ..- A .nihm . U r.'. 1 1 tfr!-.). .. '. I r ! . !'r.-!u ' t ... It iirn-'.e. !"i,-l ?eurt. . 1 , 1 . 4 r.nm ! . !( rr'f r.-' . .1 J fr '"- . .rrrt! rT'e,-trte. . ;i N- rtheto I ' . N f :hrrn tfe . I ' r' a "el a. t re 'ft e-i . . . I - r 1 1 r 'Mf r ia.s I. lay 14 t44 1 i. . evo JiT I r fer- V !ne f . I t Paper I'-t 111 M' f I l 1 e-rl .... K ' K'll'hrfrl d" t rred . . . I 1 a A a v. v ; ; e Virn A H I. . V St p H S V . V". Kn A Texas d preferre ! N"a !.nnl Idft-'ult . . Nattrai la-l . . Me Nat Ity Ivt pf N Y ivti'ml N Y (mi A Vee . Norfolk A Werrn N" or ' h A m"!rtn. . N r,r " err! Ia m: . . l.oo o 1 r 1 '4 --s -. -' 1 X 1 ! 4 "t MS i '. II. 47S o. I 17. t 1 147. 1 Pae!?l- Mill Per n Ivan ta . . . . , p r a st I peed St-T Car 14 ni 114 , PtiJ.te cit Pal jr It fteej Sprins; u du c Iputii-- Sree I ." rre.frre.1 . . . ! PI P.o- k In an-! C . 1 V rto preferre-J 7' V p- T. s F ; n. n-rf- 4t 7 S 4"; I To c; 4S !: ins .:. 4 S' T. oiih wetem t do rreferre-1 ... I.-" HI S h ff -j ... :- S. uthern Ps'-lflr.. do rtref erred s,-.S B- uihem Kvlwiy. rJ o p-wfrrred S r Tl Tenn C rpe- 4 42 T at Pa-'le . 4" 74 Tot. Kr I. A West. ftO .-.., V pre'ereer . . . V" t'nloa Pa"lrte ifc'.t, do r-'e-red . - . i.a sr; t R fteattr tT r-.t4 1 ft- T fs P.uhrxr V C Jre- 4 r r do r referred ... 2 T"?a rr,r?er 40 Va-fart Chernlca!. 1 3T, RI Wih V prefe ed "Ve--ern M . . e- !rEh"-i- F!.' We-ieri t'-" . . XVhee! A I. F-lr r.ln efr 1 ? l r - o ' . - 7 1 1 1 4 ' 1 o uo 1 1 ' Ttal e f' e the n- N r: t 314 S. eSaeea. nftw TortK 'leal n a q not a! ina t". rf re li H N Y n ii... ftz do coupon. ... 1'I .Vorth Paee - .. T 4 V S "U r . . . 11 z' V'-rfh ra-l"e 4a d ' eoup!i . . . ". "i "Ul h Pa -1 "e a n t" S rw 4 r n't't l'n fa. !fc 4.ol 5 o coupon TH '- tVioeofl rr 4.. ''" Atrh!wn ad 4 lt ' Japar.ea a It A Ii O . . f-TS' Mark at a IiMvX. Ma ZZ I'onao! lo for acrount. i J"; Ani'fldi d ,ref . . pa t V o. . t an rr!fli- , . . -iea a, i c 4 M -t eT . . M as p . 1 or . . . . l A K O ... '. pref r.r-m . 0 !l pf . . d ; 1 pf . . Orsn-l Trutk 1 t ilrl. . . . I. A X . Mo K AT. iA!a N T Certrs: . ! 1 2 Norr:it a u et . I: , rref . I ITS at 'eero .tl- rer a;. -a . P. t-d M:nea . Kril'rf . l"4- .-a:irn I:?.. 1 tl t pr-f . S.OS, t-ji, Pa.-ir . . 1 1 rton f:e . 4 tin pref . -1 , t S r!.: . . . . 4? o pref . . tt W ile ... I'.1. , its peef .142 "f. jt" 4- Arrai f-pper . . 1 7-- ' ' . . Mwwey l'.diif. Kte. NKW Y-T.K May 17 Mvr ca;. lim in at. No leans Time loae a ft ir1 du:. 4t, ?Sjr per cent. a rtajs 7 -j and s m-a?t. 3 J 1 'a per cent V:m niff n' P:-e. 1 4J 4 pee eM. e tee; lr eveat-sa wit a actual ut nea in banaers o.: a: It m::q 1 till tvr fee ale- ra '.tm-i ber.''.. t lrr....,r :i. x-r nunc M"l-. I r criM I fr .i...n i.: .. is I V m I fr oat. tr-M f S A V Kit AMI J o. Ms . tTr I'raf'a. . er : i ri m . da t flr-e and ar. NA V"KK M 12 r ff f.u-- r -) l ur.Mf ! ft :-r I.. T 'f r1 sf 11 Nc. la w1''( In M. J f.'M l; ttfi'.r.lujsl IcsH, 1 .f 'U. N-f 4 ZAr , N v. No, . 4 Vev-. N'... V ; S. M. 4 7-'. V II. 4 12. 4 lie, N n 4 rt l. I 4 --.rifer(i..n A. 4 t;.t 4 T .V , tr-a'4 A. C rut if 4 TV-. rruiif i. C-r . ! "vr'MONEY FROM INTERIOR .... .v.... ..mns , .. f I.AIOICTN fl f.OI.II , to i;i itf)iT ew tirk liank Siaientenl. There- j fore, Miow ma II t lianse In J ali, lirtn. t I I kw yoiiK. May The rinaneter will mny: The statement of Artclate, Fanks of ihe City of New York for the week ending May r : reflected a further decrease In the loan lie!;!, as well a In depon . the ronl raction of loans having amounted to T.t?.lo, while defkoatts decreased l.H.o. Kaports for the week approximated over f.&on,Aoa. but the bak were enabled, through receipts from the in terior, as well from operation with the suhtreuur) . to overcome this oa. Hie rash rl arges for t;e week, baaed on actual cond:tiona. having krn i.nly $IT.9. The contraction In depoatta of courae lowerrd the rcer e and tl rle was urn in an cxpanion of $ In reaer e. brlnglt.g Itie pres ent surplus to ; T r2.i.. C.e t tchel toni wilii one cicenuon reached this year. Mney ratea continued eay and II is nuite likely that I He :,ef nml bmal c x chantfe movemen t will ritii nn t be a feature in tins market for oti .nt to Cortirt. Tb stnnrnarv of stale rkt and trut eottani a in ilrlrr N W -OS. )t re orttng li Nf-w )nik b artt.g hr. i. l fiw a ifo-Kii-rafe d traw .f t: v;n In lortii. Ir!irf witit mi1. a', l iirTa lit I'fluli artH d t . It ati:te r Mn, t'at tiie prrse or Jnfrttig frrn t be t4ok to ttu-t ruin.i'i baa Toe fttaleinent of Kr(. ff (lrr1tp house bai ka f.r tie w n. a stow Se banks l.t.ld !!.:;. more t!.an t'-e re. i tlrvmrnl of l pre rv ni rwrrve rule. Tbia ta an In rrMae of .( tn t M prMir t li'tit te mi' n rrP mm p rrd WHO lat Week The Il.1i. r.l follow : tr-eae I 11 ?l I 1 rwt t fjnan . . 1 Wtl 'lr u ! t ln i 1 I en1r.i. , , ST.i .4 - ll 4 . I ' t ( . t -.1 -- o ee re-ulf-l . , Surplus ... . . Km I . M J-p-ta T? e pert--rtace of actual reere of the rlearif tf-lifejike l ank ! a ; m Ttie at.ttcn.ent of lank ar.d trut . I pan lea ,f New ..rk. t.o rert- ins 10 If. rlrarilfi.ou.-. 'io that tV.eae biatil-lt ..ra lave .(!.fCf .1t,w,l. f t,J.l.J ; total eai ot 1 and. .4j. 1J . Oiiij .. ana aniount'rg to J:i"l tl. rtHTI.M MM-TtKK MttklT4. rrteea wrrewl lawwJIy o f allle. ftfceep mm There r- r., .f t .p- , re-tdav arU ira'. mm tr ry dud W'Ull'M Mere un'h(l AB ,. q-:( upp o: .M:e It r-.., f.,r ln cnrr.B week. h.x rat i ... fer-rn C:i- i-mia 1 .ay ar.d ear W u-lay and In ew f tru ef in -u . m 1 k f e aa aaier market. I 1 ruia tin. . Hoe.p ana t..m .i. ri,.l Te .r.: a-.ita al tha arf. )eaierca tut W r r.. nr.urt I At a.ri at tr ar'a lt lulel 1st e;eep aeralr-a ir p.ud. at 4. I roar tiMni l4o i-br.d-t at 4 . a , ertt.s . .- p..un. t .-.. IH tif ate-otf'r.: p. j. uDl;t t fA. 2 heifer aera!nc f-J sounds, at 4. bote averas'BC 141 pourd. at 7. t bocmj 'raatns l-i pound, at .. 1 a - wetn In s.un!i at 'i ."i. 11 pri.. quoUJ at f ,jr! ).trrlr Wepe a 4-ATTI.K- Me-ra t--:-. u :: fair t " K-ttil'', tiiiu.o lu s H -V4 i,... top. l l"rr 4 . fair i, S' 1. Ai 4 -"n.uioo to ;ei;utu ,: 4 -".. ciu l-P. .'.ti b. Hi u. tU4. and -. 4V4T J"; aimmirn, fU. . Jf M; s:.v.u; t, a-d. 7 7-i Ot"'. at k-kens. bfi4; t'rvn raia. TO JtKb T-p welltetm. fltt'; taiT U d. JiU. He lea w0 all ftrada; best, 4 io; fair gd. 494.V; Ja4erw Lirawtoek Market. CIIICA"i. Mar r. t-.o -tlmate1 re ce.p;. Vket. r.U. Irt. A.'f Texaa ale-re, 44 7. u-- U sr ar. II T..o . at-aere anj rojrf. 4x 6s. btiXrr. J- U ctvl.oa, 4W.g 1 Kl!mate1 reee'pt So Market S lower. I.'fcf.t eO-(f;-.. n -aed. 1AX.1.' heavy. : --u7 i r- u u K. U 7 e'. .!.. I.-,,,, i;t,,4i. pta. ns4;;. bu k .f . f 7 e-p h-e-, :n ir r-. Market Bt-atiy. Nat: e. t T . j ft J. M-,f0i a.4 t. r.i r. 4 1' . T .aoalJ. bti e Ci .. tt -e-.tnij 'igw "MIH ! T Cs:t.ef:aer:j U. V Marke. un- hr eS 1 - K- e:p "V O V-ket. efray o l-.r li.a . : ti'j; rr.-trj. . ' ".ef'. lV;.)u, a-. ft.uSw. 4 f;.i ; p. hr.rp Iteo-; t. t O V'lie '4aly. YM Jlr.a 40 Iis ,o.t : a g v. K CITY. T2 mf -tteee-a, 1 UrH i'svi). N'. ee-e-a g: .f,; I a a iiVl i.if m j t, . vf I1-!'1, v. e. m tr, 4-2 .-.;. -- II e - te e ; - Ul'kt', k t t I' I U. kk f 'V T tTt '. t a arra an, . j e I'.e w .: Ma : . a y Mat. 1 tor a it ;t tji '. :Bft.: j ; . Mteni Mialag ft.rfc. J"STX. Mar A-l rulurt . - . A rt .a . a m a t r d Af l - m I , 4 ant.e ( putt 4-eaI M f a c ai d imifcUii) . , L4 4 .... . l -4 4 j 4 er.ter.n-a i ppe- Hans . t . - . . ' i.rnr riM4 I e p. a .. . M a-a al 1 : d - ! Uohftt k lfcS ' 7 V 'rr-er . N -f t t H NKW VrlK. Ma rT ! r qaialtaaa. lire . S Tadat 'e 4 r "i rva I - k - T . ' 1 f : c f . a t fun (.- ?; 1 . ., ,? . Jacket . WILLIAM D. MCCORMICK PHILADELPHIA. PA. F0RTLAND, BAKER CITY 4 BUTTE ELECTRIC R. R. CO., h; c. McAllister, fres., fcrtlaijd, oregon. gentlemen : I note your recent organisation. I an con fident I can put you in touch with a party ho will finance your road, either hicself or through the in vestors he represents. To put you up to the party I will require a coczaission of one per cent on the asount you receive for your bond3 and payable as and when you are paid for your bonds. Yours vory truly, Va. D. ItcCorsick. 1324 Real Estate Bldg., i'.ay 14th, 1909. ' The above letter shows what we arc doing towards finan cing this Railroad. Our plan is to obtain the entire Capital needed to build this Road before construction, and we have numerous communications like the above from liastern Capi talists and Trust Companies. Will you help make the survey and obtain rights-of-way? Invest $200 or by this Company. PORTLAND, BAKER 303-305 BERRIES AT HIGH PRICES 1 M IT1.Y IKM M. Isial ealer KttadlrkC CuiaiUn lc Make Sales lUlIrr I uitrd Weak. FKATTI.K. Wash, Way tiipe rial. -lea l-an rratrs of berries w e re re. rvr. her tdV. and lhir wa a demand for threat times that number rf crate. As a reauit. price Were beld at a blKh level. All good l-rrrin sold readily at Z. and bn. rot even the poorest, wold at lea than lit The first home-grown berries rehrd the market today and aoldl at lis a crate. The puto market Is not as strong. Several dealers are having difficulty In msklng sales at the S4 quotation and are shadlr.g prices. A drop la predicted for neat week In some quarter. Native tomatoes dropped to 0 cents per pound today. There Is no cauli flower In the market, tjrrrn goods are !elers will quote z cents for eggs next week, and 14 rents for hens. Quits a fw eggs are carried over, but pou le try slot k are cleaned up. Veal is closer cleaned up than It was last week, but the market la weak. Kutter Is weak. Flocks are accumu lating here. Mt'OTATtONa AT AN 1 atANClsCO. rrtcow raid for risdset la Cast Aajf Csty Marketa. " SAV FRANCISOO, May ::.-Th( follow tac pciee 1 era qwoi4 a la rodu nr kat to-day: imioBt Red. 91411 & M:i..:uff Uraa. K)M; saeddllncm, I'otatoe "rs rlrtnkt. 55 J 40; a'.inws Uurteokk ftoai&4J; ssrawta. (i..4 V MtB-e Holbauai eoeure bra. T g tie; rar..r. -V1 reea pa. tl Ol 7. a-.rtaa; tn. w 4x. ivmaloea. lst:i, sajc-pkaat Pu-ier r'snT amw. 74; crsamsry ritiCt, ler . fancy 4. r y. ;ic. Poultry Rooaxvr-a. old, youBg. t 0 15. r tie. er:s . 4ro:erm. .are Mfl: ra SAe) 7 6- . Ag I, dofki ;d Ple. your.. t44 I".ca !re. ; . tnr tttfh, 4e i hf-.Nt. 4jaa Aminra. I H'isi: 1- M-t U'.n. a,- N l-4:e II a W heat t:i a :1 U wheat &4 os, 4 ! 4f ;l a.ra.fa 4- 4 V. tH. 1 1 1;. at f t w . per Shb . . g 4e rVatta App.ea, fhw. f t . cernmea. . te.ra " V e 4-i !--. el. e m nn. e r, a. 91 . cotnmnnt, ( 4Maaaak 4 2 71. I "ea ir Wn !. 1 u p; " "uf : a 44 a. w-kat 1 ?i rr: 1 . lafif oaa, ; - la. a bftM t Mt-k eof n t eeaia . P ' a oea 44 aark. -sa 14 . oats t r : va . k. (44 WO, woe. 1 J !.-. r.!etv 44. ImW f rwH at ew rk. NKW T4ltK. Mae ra Ktarwtaal apek Rem fan-,. c4wa. Tt1r. eeiarw. N" ea.aia 1 o fair. S944 Pre oea4r. wit qat.-n) rft4 rewaa Jkt'.lS' tvtJrma trwti ara rrasw Sg Sr f - rrraftt. e jVaj an aca ApOeal ftrrt4. a4ea. 4Nt 1C. 01r cftwwa. K S - tar. 11V. IWe mrm raiaee a-awr. at t taeeav4 f'fwt tw rt i ta Wm 4 a 4s r i 1 1 4 taV Te w ti.dlOTr. kiv n To oraret 7 HO T faasr, a) af l e.a e aa t si-e .- ea a-w .fla 4 . iv A a-. a a oa 4at aa. ara . ....... atew I 47 it . la- e 4eaa4 Mark-14, Nftn V'KK. May Tko beiaj 4a ii tb iitw-harrH , km. atttv a let, Jua ., - s to ta. e4.a SNj ai We 3 , - . l4.-a ai iaTeav. f ; ;a)t . locally to aid us in securing $1000 in the 8 Engineering Notes authorized 10 discount to quick investors. WRITIi OR CALL CITY 8 BUTTE ELECTRIC RAILROAD CO. Beck Bldg., Portland, Oregon THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It lriir afsitt !ut nua tvod trt so-sea. It insert ajrsinti .l.pjr.rr. r.d failing booea. It insurr i(uit crack, duaairratjon and ro.Uj rvpatra. It auorra a aamtary an4 iurb: trect. v It luairi conxi.cuou. orVmnhip and bftt materiala. It aur pcrfrrt aalitvfartioii. ErrULITIUC INSUEAKCE IS SATXST AXD SUB.EST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 B4?ck Bu;Uiog, TonJand. Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. lTlrlL!lttD isax BROKERS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN SMlkl ..4 4Mrtal rr .h ..4 m mmmrmlm. private Mrts Eooms 201 to wea aa quiet a uawal tn the arattt of caMav Tia was quiet at 73 ITse 7V- rpae remains steady, wtta laak queued at 1 a ia a7 v-tr-ij tic st U;ssik, casiiaa at 12 ?4913 Tc. lvd was firm at 4 30 414 40c and rpe; tor 13.4) A TOr. Oaeen god rrinrrst o OmU THE HAOIX Xlsy T2. Queen Wll helmlna. who rs girth to a daughter April SS. la now fully eon vale eent Shs was out walking this morning la ths paJaca ground, acconr.panied by a bu:4 carrir.g the Prlarssa, Orrgcrn roimaMrr Named. XVASIIIf;T4-V. Mae ?? Tbe ten- Bonds Investments CALL. OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH al the money to 2C4, Couch Building Teleak)s M SJI3 A tTt? 'lr '"nlrmH th. fnllomlna Or- Cornelius, at tnil bor. Minor at Brn4 ."d Khrhsrt al 1 !. HART3IVN & TII03IPS0N HANKERS CHAMPVR OP CUilULKCK invito a vour Ron- era I Daukinp; ac count. To this end, t hoy ofT.'r t ho ntlvantao of re liable, careful and modern methotls. - tir 01 id K. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer aTXJSsT t-tNtfr- krOKI4. " e 4 1t. A.y f -i k.Atv. fe A -d a? ae.( -. P- fei a S i ; A ki . Aii P at StMt. 1 a A'a a M. arrto r-r.rV.a4 I M -t Jr S'wtaa. AMaei 4 le- riai-4 a a M . S r vt . i.i ti fo r - a t -s r-ertaa. - st a raaaas ataa t.a k-a- 4. -4 ca a As4l 4 COOS BAY LINE 4VO Wiaf lA kAItH 1 . eeay vi 1 ti i 1 $ . a f. at aa mo Xao Sial Mi t-. a v taa -t rw- a) kaal f M S 4r aa a. '.&s Ua4r fr. 4r -a. . et. . 4: a..,. ta-it a - a aee v ti r tS4 ate T kieS aa oirvaka ar avkswart, e. I44M ataaw A4k