The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 44

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will be taken. The cost of the build
ing will be about 910.000.
The Lents Grange, which recently
completed a $5000 reinforced concrete
two-story building, has started on an
addition which will be used as-a stor
age house and also provide kitchen
Lents will ask that provisions be
made for a new schoolhouse next year
to replace the present building, whl.-h
Is too small and not considered safe.
The building at present Is overcrowded.
Lents has become a center of Import
ance. Many new homes are being
erected In all directions, especially to
the eastward. It Is the center- of a
large telephone district.
Many New Buildings Under
Factory at Sellwood Is Being
Much Improved. "
( :;
MAY 23. .lJHYf).
k " "' ' - .
Site for Cold Storage- Plant Being
Made Ready for Erection, of
Bnilding Which Will Have
16-Inch Flooring.
The foundation for the National Ice
& Cold Storage Company on East Wash
ington, between Eaut First and Kant
Water streets, is belnsr completed. 100
piles being; required for the founda
tion. Work Is going; forward on the
concrete walls, which will be 21 feet
hla-n. The floor will be 1 Inches thick,
of concrete, cork and pitch, which will
render it water tlKflt. The floor will
stand a presxure of 500 pounds to the
square foot.
Most of the machinery has been
ordered and Is expected to arrive in
Portland by June 15. There will be
about 18 carloads of machinery. In
cluded there will be a refrigerating;
machine of 125 tons capacity, which
will be one of the finest on the Pa
cific Coast. Since acquiring; the half
block on TCast Washington street the
company has purchased a S0x3R5-foot
tract. extending from Kast Water
street to the harbor lines, which gives
it access to the Willamette River. The
plant, when completed, will represent
an Investment of $150. 0"0.
The concrete work on the foundation
of the new building of St. Francis
parish, Kast Eleventh and East Pine
streets, is well advanced. As far as
gone the work gives an Idea of the
magnitude of the building, covering the
whole of the north half of the block.
While the main structure will be frame.
It will be covered with rough-cast of
concrete, making It practically fire
proof. The building at first cost will
be 175.000, but the interior decorations
will be much more expensive and will
take several years to complete. Pos
sibly the building may be completed
for occupancy by the first of next
Less than a month ago the property
between Kast Tenth and Kast Twelfth
streets and north of Kast Everett, be
longing to the Ladd estate, was put
on the market, and yet a considerable
portion has been disposed of at $5000 a
quarter block. Mrs. Eva Howell and
Robert S. Hall bought quarters, and
nearly (50.000 worth of these line build
ing sites were snapped up. Most of the
purchasers bought to build homes. In
Central Kast Portland vacant lots out
to Kast Twelfth street command a
good price.
Contractor Elliott has secured the
contract for driving piles for the foun
dation for the six-story reinforced
concrete building for W. L. Morgan,
Grand avenue and Kast Stark street,
and is now building a driver. Piles
will be driven 60 feet. Plans for this
building are being drawn. Also plans
are being prepared for a modern build
ing to be erected on the southeast cor
ner of Grand avenue and Kast Stark
The first steps toward the erection of
the new stone edifice for the Sunnyslde
Methodist Church, Kast Yamhill and Kast
Thirty-fifth streets, have been taken. The
manse is now being moved from Bast
Thirty-fifth street, and the present church
will be moved next. Excavations for the
foundation will be started as soon as
these buildings are out of the way.
Architect P. A. Carlander has prepared
plans for a two-story, eight-room house,
112x44 feet In dimension, for T. Vail, to be
erected on West avenue, at Mount Tabor.
It will be of New England style. Cost
will be (4600.
E. A. McGrath. who recently purchased
the large colonial residence located at the
northeast corner of Kast Kighth and Has
salo streets, Holladay Addition, has com
missioned Architect Richard Martin to
prepare plans for remodeling the building.
Architect Otto Kleeman Is preparing
plans for a ten-room, two-story frame
residence, to be erected for Louis Kuehn
at Twenty-fifth and Savler streets In
Batch's Addition, to cost $.T0. It will be
Sx3S feet, will have full cement basement,
a large pressed brick fireplace, a large
porch extending across the entire front
of the house.
Captain J. B. Simpson, of Eire Engine
Company No. 4. has purchased a modern
home on Kast Thirty-third and Kast Mor
rison streets, for Sano.
Acreage In 'Vicinity of GrcMiam Is
Being Picked 1'p.
Much farm land has been sold near
Gresham within the past year. The
Gresham Real Estate Company has sold
In two years 1713 acres of land in that
vicinity for $106,600. Others alio have
made sales of farming land. Mrs. Lot
tie Harvey sold the past week a ten
acre tract to J. Johnson, of Montfort,
Wis. The tract is In a high state of
A TIchlor and C. N. Rankin purchased
ten acres on the Base Line road for
13500. The land is unimproved and is
near Rockwood
Architect II- C. Deltrlch Is preparing
plans for a residence which will be
erected in the Home Club tract, a su
burb on the Kstacada line. It will
cost $3000.
C. T. Privatt has purchased a five
acre tract on the Oregon City line near
Jennings Lodge from F. F. Williams.
The land was purchased as an investment.
Many New Residences I'nder Course
of Construction.
Tentative plans have- been adopted
for a new church to be erected at
Lents to replace the present building
of Grace Kvangelical Church, which Is
too small to accommodate the Sunday
school. While r.othing has been done
definitely, it has been settled to re
build next year. There is discussion
of concrete blocks or brick. The lat
ter is favored as several members of
the church own land near by on which
brick may be turned out by the mem
bers themselves.
The proposition Is for the members
to make their own brick, which would
greatly reduce the cost of building.
Rev. J. A. Goose is the pastor. It is
not expected to undertake the real
work until after conference. which
meets next Thursday morning, after
which active steps for the new church
Building on the Peninsula.
At the present time there are 10 cot
tages completed at Kenton townslte and
10 more have been started. Hyer Co.
has erected a cement block building. It Is
two stories and contains eight rooms.
This firm Is erecting a second building
of the same material, 10x40. that will
cost $.VW. C. Spies, superintendent of
construction for the Kenton Building at
Construction Company, has started work
on a six-room bungalow for his own
residence, which will cost $nr. A num
ber of houses are being figured on to be
erected as soon as the streetcar line is
Buys Home In Milwankle.
Ex-Senator George W. McBride hast pur
chased of Postmaster Ganald a 1 '--acre
tract at Milwaukle. on Kellogg I.jtk", for
t2yi. Senator McBride will remodel the
cottage and make it his Summer home. Grading Contract.
The contract for grading Windsor
Heights Addition has been awarded to
H. J. Gregg. About GOO cubic yards of
material will be moved tinder this grad
ing contract.
Debts Paid. Fine Roads Being Bollt,
I .and Will Grow Anything and
. Streams Are Fall of Fish.
Colonel Frank J. Parker, rugged. In
health and physique, after two months
strenuous work on his land In the Yequl
na Bay country, has returned to bis
favorite home In Portland to take in
the G. A. H- Memorial day celebration
and the Rose Festival. While the
Colonel has big property Interests in
Seattle, Walla Walla. Pasco and other
places. Portland Is his favorite resi
dence. He Is a member of the Com
mercial Club and he says that without
seeing and talking occasionally with
his old Nes Perce war commander. Col.
C. K. 8. Wood and Col. James Jack
son and a few other old army men, he
would keep to the woods and lead the
"philosopher Ufa."
"Lincoln County Is out of debt." said
Colonel Parker yesterday, "and there
Is no section of country on the whole
Pacific Coast that offers greater In
ducements to the new-comer than old
Lincoln, If they want to work. The old
settlers down there are the best people
on earth, hospitable, generous and will
do all In their power to help the new
comer along. The rivers and streams
teem with fish. Salmon, shad, aea and
mountain trout, make It the anglers'
paradise, while for crops, anything you
put In the ground Is wonderful In Us
outcome. All grains, wheat, oats, bar
ley, timothy, rye. red clover and all
fodder Is wonderful.
"Owing to the special road and school
tax last year, fine roads are being made
from Klk City up Big Elk. George
Hodges, the contractor, is an old settler
and Is doing good work. Instead of
building' uphill Jump-oSs. he la going
around the mountains. I am an old
miner, and he has offered me $3 a day
to boas his blasting crew, as I drove
past the work on the road Hodges Is
building. It was as much as I could
do not to Jump out of his wagon and
take a pick and go to work with the
"The fruit and crops this year will be
something wonderful. No frost, owing
to the late season, will do any damage
to the fruit. Everything is all right.
"The .new electric and power com
pany at Newport will have that famous
seaside resort lighted up by June 1.
"Lincoln County is coming out all
right. All we need Is willing hands
to labor and a lifetime profitable home
Is theirs. Reduction of freight rates
Is demanded and the Southern PaclBc
should pay a little more attention to a
raunty which one of Its feeders traverses."
Milwankie Cirt Bent-fit From Kalru
iun of Southern Pacific Line
to Suburb and lmH-lus
Giacn Is Marked.
The East ilde Lumber Company at
rV 11 wood ts making extensive improve,
ments. On the grounds south of the mill,
formerly known as trie park ground, re.
oenily purchased by ihe company, four
large bindings have been e reeled for a
general planing department and kiln-drying
establishment. Modern machinery has
tvn Installed In the hull. lines for hand
ling the output from the sawmill. It will
be on of the largest d'-nartmenta of the
sort In the city, and the cost la about
$2,000. - -
Westmoreland is the name of the new
addition laid out from the Crystal Hprlnss
farm on the Milwaukle rnad. Arrange,
ments are being made to gra.le the
streets, lay cement slrt.-walka. with a 12
foot parking, a scheme that la becoming
popular. The whole farm, whl.-h contains
3 acrea. will eventually be plaited, ex
cept a V-a-re tract in I lie renter, which
will be reserved f T park purposes.
The different addltums of the whole
farm will be railed Kastmoreland. West,
moreland. HoutftmnreJanu and North
moreland. Westmoreland, fronting on the
Milwaukle road, la the plat which has
been placed on the market. Opening of
the streets means much for tne Souih
Kast Bute, as this m llun Is provided with
ample street facilities.
Two new manufacturing concerns are
to build at Milwaukle when the branrn
from the ttuuthern pacific haa reen com
pleted through the town. J. W. Grasley
will Install a berry-box factory, lie re.
cently had a factory on Main street In
Milwaukle. He says that he will erect
a factory as won as the branch haa been
built. J. W. Morrow, of the railroad com
pany, announced that a linlr concern
will establish a large lumber yard on the
new line, but he said he was not at lib
erty to say who the parties are. A lum
ber yard la needed at Milwaukle. so It la
said by contractors, to suppiy the demand
for building material.
In the new addition at Ardenwald.' ad.
Joining the golf links at Seiiwood. 3. Iota
have been sold, to people who will build
this season. A- J. Cook sold 1.1s lot lo
F. H. Kearney, who will put up a resi
dence. Plana for an elevated bridge over
the tracks of the O. W. P. are being pre-
Flies Petition as Independent Can
didate for Councilman.
Ronald P. McDonald has filed with
the City Auditor his petition as an
Independent candidate for the ltepuhll
can election as ("nuncllman from the
Tenth Ward In opposition to Jos-ph T.
Mils, who was nominated by the KepuH
llcans in the primary election, and W. T.
Vaughn, the present Councilman from
that ward who Is a candidate for re
election on the Democratic ticket.
D. Chambers also has qualified as Demo
cratic candidate for Coundlman-al-Iaria
by filing his acceptance with the Auditor.
In the coming election the Iiemocrats
will have only the one candidate for Coun-cIlman-at-Lairge.
In the primary elec
tion J. J. Jennings, a Republican, re
ceived more votes than did the next high
Democrat for the other of these nomina
tions. Jennlnga refused to qualify as a
Democrat with the result that the
minority party has one candidate
for the two offices to be filled.
Pennsylvania Head Will Be Here for
Ilose Festival.
A stir was created In Railroad Row yes
terday bv the announcement that Presi
dent McCrea. of the Pennsylvania Hull
road, would visit Portland about the first
week In June. At present Mr. MrCrea
la touring California and haa no!
msnlfetet arv intention tin till a few
Vie' r- ! , :,.-- T - . 1 ,L I V. J- e ' ' . . k " ' ' ""-"
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K:l t f I if r.1'-, - ' - -2..- - " . 'a.
. ' r V - r
! - . . ,
How Many Words Can You Make From
' A TO TLJ7 A TTD TT Tm A Trr t
Using the Letters
Rules Governing Contest
I. I'nnlnlara shall be over the age of II years.
No letter, than those Mel In the ulnc of OKAttHAUT
AI.K ti.ay be ue.l. no letter arlng In word n.ore thaa one.
i. ..r ! luu.t te rlicri on si te of paper ar.d In lr. col
umn; neatness .f same will be considered In a-ar.iing of :. In
case nn one ahali ha.e th. same numl-.r of words on
first or e-..i..l gifts, the one presenting the neatest list will b given
Ihe preference
4 No word will be counted w l-.lch shall be spelled Ibe same but
Of dlff-renl pronunciation LXIMI'l.l; Ifh
t ..r,ls not found In Wtn.TKIlb DICTIONARY Wia NOT be
COIIl!ered .
. All lists must be addressed rare. Word Contest. Ill Chamber
of Ivmiucrre.
To person aendlng In the lamest and neatest !l.t ef otvls
, ' '? given a rhoi.. ,-to.r ii or, .ti4. -. Isx-inc ti.e iiOl.l"
UNk.l ii.liiM .1 ,., B ttKAKMAKT PAI.K.
i To person een.Mng m secor.i ..n.,1 ml neatest list w-1 be
given a tins . in ...Hk i. ..KAK1IAI.1 TAKK. .alued at 1 1 : k.
. ! ln sending In f lars-st and rosiest :.t. will
first psrmeal on lot to the talue ot ! '
"eat five largest and ratet lists wilt be given rertlfl-
cat.e to t'e vslue r-f IT la aa ne la be aii as fart -
lot. in tiKAUHAHT I AI.K o IV. v..u. .-V pa meat oa
i AU oxer worda all t.e given ci t If I, stes tVa vaVie
nil 'k-V"., r" on lts la i.KAKHAKT
All Lists Must Be in Before June 20, 1909; Awarding Will Be July 1
l Lots 50x100, $125 up. lllustratfj foMcr free.
in Orejron mot beautiful beach resort,
overlooking the prand old Pacific Ocean,
where all improvements are in and paid for.
Chapin & Herlow
332 Chamber of Commerce
days aao. of vialtlna the Northwest.
It Is a rather Intereeili coincidence
that President Howard K.llott. of the
Northern I'aclnc. Is looked for about the
same time In Portland Mr. Klllntt Is ex
pected to address the Retail Grocers' Convention.
Two Men Injured Wlille Repairing
Machinery at K a lama.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May K (Spe
cial ) Whllo repalrlnc a stcaru shovel
near Kalama that was bein uad In
construction work for the Northern Pa
cific. Nels Johnson broke his nht tec
between tl.e knee and the ankle and John
Wodan's feet were badly bruised.
The arm that supported the shovel was
heme lifted when some part of the ma
chinery slipped and the shovel swims;
around, plnnlnc Johnson acalnst a piece
of timber. Itoth men were brought to
Ht. Joseph's Hospital In this city.
Offices Being Kepalred.
The dispatcher's room of Ihe Oretn
Klectric llallroad in the Cot-belt bulldlnf
Is being; remodeled and prepared for use
assln. after Ihe blsre .f a rotirls of
See Metzger Acre Tracts
Wednesday, May 26
On Salem Electric Line Fare 25c rTJ.4
Excursion cars leave JefTcrson-street depot at 0:30 A. M. an.l 1 ".0 P. M.
returning, arriving ih Portland at 1250 P. M. and 5:30 P. M. Tliis afTords you
a rare opportunity- to see at your leisure the cream of all acreage offered at or
near Portland.. Onlj- 20 minutes ride from the center of the city. These sightly
tracts are capable of producing all kinds of fruit, vegetables, berries ami wal
nuts. VThy buy a single lot 50 minutes from the Courthouse when you can
secure one of these acres at the same price? If you can't go Wednesday, make
the'trip today. It will prove a delightful experience.
Price $250 per Acre and Up
For particulars and descriptive plat, call at our Portland office, 22-228
Front street, or at Metzger Station. All cars stop at Metzger's.
Herman Metzger, Owner
Office Phones, Main 474, A 1374. Phone at Station, Main 109.
Cut this out so you will remember the date of the excursion, and see to it
that your ticket reads to Metzger.
weeks acta. The w or amen are alarttn
rtsht from bare walla.
Meeper to Dearer.
Front Sunder a through standard sleep.
er will be put on tne It s N elM
train to Dsiinr. Ii will run over the O.
R- N. lo Ocdea and over the D. R.
U. to Itearer.
Two Graduate at Geerals.
OrHVAlH. Or. May a r -lal Two
pursls sraduated 'ram Ue e CMn trade
at lite Oerreia public school Krjdsjr. They
re M'.aa Xlarsaret t erxim and Mine
Veer a xlarshai.
Vote yes a rhansr awieaament rwqulr-
n m 'nretnio on street psvlne
our $s Are Workind
For 0th
When You Live in a Rented House
Now is the Time to Buy a "Home Site"
Don't Put this Matter Off Until the Prices Advance
You owe it to yourself and those dependent on you to secure a home
It wUl be Time Well Spent if you Visit
LyiBf oa the Eon City Park eaxiine, about half wy between Et 2Sth ttrt and th end
of the osxllne, ud being- rammnded by hih-cla resideace diitricU, ts&kes it the "IDEAL
LOCATION" for your borne,
Merlow'i itrecU mr TdeL Cement wxllu ax in. Bull Eun water la front of each lot.
Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets