The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 43

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f - 1
Extensive Street Work Done
on East Side.
Orer $800,000 Already Represented
In "Work Under Way and Agreed
Upon, Most of Which Will
Be Ione This Year.
Four main East Side thoroughfares are
being paved or will be paved with hard
surface Improvement this year repre
senting 11 miles In distance and
In cost. In connection with these
through streets are many ehort streets
tmvpq witn nard-aurfacg work.
which tell the story. A vast amount of
pavements are projected and are being
advertised In various portions of the Kast
SI'le. Wherever the. properly -owners feel
that they ran stand the cost they pref-r
the hard-surface, for they realize that
(Travel or crushed rock. vMrh Is fairly
ftood. Is not compared to a clean, snoolh
hard-surface Improvement. In the end.
wl lie; more to start with It M
considered kss expensive.
Of course, it Is probably not possible
to s;et tlte big project for paving the
streets of the Peninsula under way this
year, but it Is thought It will be for
enough along r.ext year to start actual
work. Hers !t Is proposed to form a big
paving district and Improve the main
streets as a whole through a district as
sessment by a plan suggested by W. J.
Peddlcord in a recent report on the sub
ject. In connection with this street Im
provement programme a se-er
covering the whole of tha Peninsula . has
been adopted end plana are now being
drawn by the City hi slneer.
Just the number of miles of hard-surface
pavements that will be completed
during the present year can only be esti
mated, but that the total will be large
Is beyond question. There, may be U
miles of such Improvement by the end
of the year. If all such Improvements now
projected are made, besides there may
be many other "-.reels. Such Improve
ments, it Is conceded, adds materially to
me peamy or tne city and are as dealr
Irvington Organization Benefit
to Community.
One Hundred Twenty Life Mrmlx-r-slilps
Have Already Been Taken,
and Ultimate Success of Club
Now Appear Assured.
Reorganisation of the Irvington Ten
nis Club la an Important movement for
the Irvington district. for the past
ten years the club has been closely as
sociated with the growth, horns and
social life of that portion of the city,
but the officers and leaders of the club
Several districts are to be formed for
hard-surface pavements. The first four
thoroughfaxea radiating from tha busi
ness center are. Hawthorn avenue, which
Is being paved from East Third to East
forty-first street at present, and later
to be extended to East Fifty-fourth
street. at a total cost of about
2.00t: Union avenue, from Holladay
avenue to Highland, two miles, at a cost
of Gfio.oao; revision, between Kast Tenth
and East Forty-first, costing about J1S0.
000; Belmont street, between East Tenth
and West avenue, about two and a half
miles, at a cost of about K50.000.
Work as now going forward on Haw
thorns avenue., a very Important street,
connecting; with tha Madison bridge and
Orand avenue. There is a most remark-
able growth along both sides of Haw
thorn avenue and this pavement will
It added Importance. It Is not a
district scheme, but the property-owner
; abutting- the property bear the whole
burden. Hawthorne avenue has been
the battleground of the paving compa
nies for several years, and the property
wnera can hardly realize that work '.a
now progressing on this street. However,
some, of the finest homes on the East
Side have been erected along Hawthorne
avenue and others are being built.
Drvlson street Is to be paved between
East Tenth and East Forty-first streets
with hard-surface pavement, a distance
of about one and one-hajf miles. The
cost haa not been estimated. Division Is
the city end of the Section IJne road. Tt
is part of a main thoroughfare for the
entire southeastern end of the county
and the Section Line road is well-Improved
and extends to Gresham. if is
understood that a hard-surface district
will be formed between Division street
and the Powell Valley road during the
year to Improve the present unimproved
Belmont Is the main central street on
the East Side, extending from the Wil
lamette River to Mount Tabor. It is
being paved between Kast Water street
and West avenue. From Kast Tenth
street the Improvement Is hard-surface.
It will be pavod to West avenue this
year and extended later to the summit.
It is the street that will be extended to
the Mount Tabor Park in the course of
I in
Union avenue. nw bring paved
tween Holladay avenue and Alberta
street. Is the longest street running north,
and south. It has he-en recently extend
cd to Columbia boulevard, although not
oeyonn uckum avenue
iVoo'ilarn. Although the present
iroienier.t by liard-ftirfare pavement
reaches Alberta street at nresent. It is
thought measures will be taken, probably
rte-it year, to improve on to Woodlawn
I nion avenue is . feet wld from Mor
ris street north. Kffort was made to
mske It Ml feet wide south to East Burn
siile street, but It could not be done. It
is the only street on tlie Kast Side which
really extends from river to river.
These four Mreets all connect with
t.r.nd avenue, a hard-surface Improved
"ft- "T"1 connect all the outside, dis
tricts ,h lh(. rent,r an1 wj1, h
highways for automobiles and vehi.-les
going to and from the country. Killlngx
worth avenue Is the neM well-improved
treet. of one mile, connecting with l"nion
avenue. It is an Important street anc
lb key to the big hard-mirface 'district
to be formed, on the Peninsula.
Several hard-surface districts have
been formed, and are being worked out
The Holladay-avenue district, is being
rapidly oevelored between I nion avenue
snd F-ist Twenty-eighth street. ThePe
lines were adopted over a year ago by the
Irvington Push 1uh. of which r. J
Povey Is president, and good progress Is
being made. The Irviiigt..n territory . is
a hard-surface district, tlrand avenue 1
the next long street to be paved with
hard-surface improvement, from East
Clay to Broadway.
On the whole the amount of harvi-surfa.-e
improvements under wsy ar.d
projected la satisfactory. Hundreds of
wagons come Into these districts r-vn
laya a week, bearing paving material.
able In the residence as well as the busi
ness sections.
What Is being accomplished In laying
this kind of street Improvements In dif
ferent portions of the Kast S'.de shows
that the cheaper grade of street work la
slowly, but steadily being set aside for
the better and more durable, and that It
wai tike newer additions that were the
onca to pioneer the way for the better
class. R -suits obtained in such fine dis
tricts as Holladay Addition and Irvington
demonstrate that the better the pavement
the more valuable the adjacent property,
and that every dollar put Into Aral-class
pavements adds many times to the value
of the property. This was the experience
on KUUngsworth avenue, where In a pure
ly recede nee district, the property -own era
laid a fTS.ono pavement for over a mile.
It waa a hard purl, but now lots that
sold for v) on KUUngsworth easily com
mand J.TU0O and and not many are
for sale. There are really many more
Improvements of this sort In progress
on the East Side than la generally known,
and this class of work is constantly
Must "Swear In" Ills Vote.
PORTLAND? May 20. To the Edi
tor: I will be !1 next week and would
very much like to vote In June. Is
It possible, and if so. would I have
to wait till election day to register?
It Is too late to register for the
June election. Your only course I
to "swear In" your vole. I. .. get six
freeholders to appear at the polla with
you and make oath as to the facts
In your case.
Oysters lire In water which contains about
one psrt salt 10 ?7 of water.
believe that the time has arrived when
It can no longer fill ita placa without
more equipment and a general reorgan.
liatlon that will result In bringing Ita
advantages closer to the people.
A committee on reorganisation was
appointed last February, V. K. Wood
ward. Walter M. Cook and Walter A.
Oos. trustees, have secured options on
both land and stock, to expire January
1. but It Is confidently expected
that the reorganlxatlon programme will
be completed within the next few
weeks, and It may be that arrange
ments will be made to complete the re
organisation next Wednesday night,
when a general meeting of rluh m -tubers
will be held. The property con
sists of II lots and the clubhouse on
Thompson, between Kast Twenty-first
and Kast Twenty-Second streets, and
an option on eight lots more at the
north side of the block for ioo.
which Is considered one-half ihelr rcai
value. The 0 lots are estimated to be
worth 14. so, and are surrounded toy
bard-surface pavement.
The clubhouse Is valued at ITioS;
furnishing. l;o: six fine tennis
courts. ;0; total. fSTv. An option
has been secured on 7 per rent of the
stock of the holding company, and It Is
the plan to purchase and retire the
stock, leaving the property free of
debt. The new club la to be on the
same basis as churches and fraternal
organizations to receive a perpetual
charter from the state and to provide
that the property shall only be used
for the purposes as Indicated and shall
never be hypothecated.
To efTect the reorganisation. 10 life
memberships are being sold st 110
each. Nearly two-thirds have been
slgred for. and the hone now is that
by next Wednesday the required num.
T will be taken. Such member. hip
Part of
Ladd's Crystal Springs Farm
Lots $500 Easy Terms
Columbia Trust Company
Board of Trade Building
Before you buy a bomerite or make an investment. Teo
minutes' ride from businew center; care eTery 3 to 6 min
utes. Choice lota only $1500. which includes asphalt paTe
ments. cement walks, sewer, water and gas. Very lib
eral terms.
241 Stark St.
rbonea A or Main 13-3.
u u u u L , ! K ... :
- -..-- . . je I
The Pasadena of Oregon
Now offered by the PIONEER FIRM in ACREAGE SUBDIVISION WORK la this city. '
. Jennings Lodge Acreage; First Addition to Jennings Lodge, and Boardmin's Addition to Jennings
Lodge, all of -which we platted five years ago and sold off at $125 to $250 per acre, now selling at $500 to
$1000 per acre. Investigate this.
Springwater Acreage, Andrew's Acreage, Alton Acreage, Aldrich Acreage and Kinnesswood Acreage
have followed in quick sucesssion, with like results. t
Now BEAVERTON-REEDVTLLE ACREAGE, to the original plat of which we are just now adding
1404 acres, offers an exceptional opportunity to the careful investor.
Located 40 minutes out, on the Fourth Street Railway, with five trains pach way per day, only slightly
rolling land, no rock, gravel, white soil or hill sides, but a deep, dark soil, admirably adapted to fruit, nuts
and vegetables.
Buy now, while the original prices prevail. Local development would warrant an advance in prices
even now, but, owing to the extent of our platting, we are still selling this beautiful acreage in such sited
tracts as you desire at from $100 to $250 per acre.
10 per cent cash payment, balance to suit purchaser.
Come in and arrange to go with us, without expense to you, and verify our statements.
Our system of completed roads accommodating each tract makes it convenient to inspect this property.
entitles the owner to all privileges of
in club without dues, and Is non
t rinsferable.
HKKk In llie lrvlnston Improi ement
Aiscx-latlon will l.e taken In llru for
rash, 'shoes specially Interested In t !ia
movement have taken laras hlorks of
tha .members hi p, v. K. YtMlwr..
trustee, look li memberships. ani al
ready lias placed :s among his friends.
I'nder ths roorcanlaatlon. th present
clubhouse will tx teniodrled. An arch
itect hss drawn plana for a se-onl
story to pro)erl aver tha present build-
on all sides, and st retain Its
beaulr and harmony.
In tha second alary there will b a
larsja hall that will accommodate a
Kfmt audience. A tars basement will
'e eacavated. In slihh will b placed
bowline allea and other rooms. IT.s-
nt facilities for serving luncheons and
liaht catering will also be enlarged.
The charter will proirld that no
I. allns liquor ran te had on the pre m -I.e..
The plan la to make tha main
building over. Increase the else of ths
main room and add several features.
There may be Installed a blillard
room. bowling alley and reading room,
which shall Ik open at all lime, i in
he additional eight lots at the north
slue of the block a platground will be
constructed. It mill also be a park
with swings, handball courts and other
things needful In a park of the sort.
The new name will be the Irvington
Club, but none of the features of ths
present club will be eliminated, but the
cot.e of the rlb will be enlarged. II
Is proposed all that Is clean and
good In the way of pleasure, sport and
social life 'm; he furnished under the
auspices of the new organisation.
At the club Is making sr.
rangrments to slsrl a tournament on
the Irvlrrton courts. o begin pruba.
My heal the etact time not
having been set. A fu'.l tournament,
consisting of men's singles, men s dou
bles, ladles' singles, ladies' doubles and
mixed singles and doubles Villi be
played. A meeting mill be held soma
lime Il ls week and complete strsnge.
ments a ill be made.
Vols to sbil'sh pa'ent pav.raent rum-
thereby absolutely iiu-tinnf tl. Mxh-at returns. Abutulanc of waler. tn. fern:- soil. fin, level land in.t
r..llin? enoush for perfect irn-ttt. No bJixjards. frw.1. or sand Unnt.. If xou are Ickin? lor horn's or, M py you to com to faubv. SO mile, south of PorUwid. on ih man b of ib !u!feni
I aril ir. and see. hi enlable CsrJro -nl. tlrrharj an. I pgrjen Itarls as low as UltHl per acre, on terms
c.r one. fifth .lon. balance iMe years at 6 rr renU Perpetoal cravUy wiUr rUkt. -Vl prr aer. rvsvabl
in th- ear 1920. Without laUresV tonvenicnces of the c.l, tncludins ebJs. cburrbe. telephone
and eleclnrily transit by rail and river to IMrUand. th. n-et m.hs, location and ewndiljons ron
si.lered. Bo ucb pric- lor Uad ar to be found anywher in the W eM. nh wh of inrrard sl
usiion. lo.nd purchad now. while price are moderate, is th- best Inee-atmeat o ran p.nb!v tnsVe Trn
acr-.. pr..-rl rullivaied under trnatan. means Ind-pendenr and mill net an Income of from &0 to 500
per cent. vjj buy at C AN11Y t.AUIIHNS, Ihcy know h.l rfVt irnjrsnon mean, txrforl
r. I ju owr t( to )urelf and family to come and sew the beautiful suburban tracts. It is a men
lonous prowiiion and the met vonderfully sureMful im -allot! project on lb- tcatkrt lo.lar.
- " -waav ' 'WWATAA. eJ-aVa, X OREGON
. "
Oregon's Choicest Seaside Resort
-eAo-e oceXr
Formerly Known at
t-i r?7g i vT7'i:
U I lull
The Ben Holladay Property
Seaside Terminus of the
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
Unobstructed View of the Pacific
Ocean on the West
The Beautiful Necanicum River
on the East
City Water Good Drainage
Splendid Train Service
Round Trip . . . . $3.00
Lots from $75 to SVOO Easy Terms
Main 1008107-108 Sherlock Building A lOOS
fj KJ1 sar.fvy
a I g a "