THE SUNDAY OIEKCOMAX. I'OKTLAM). MAY 2:.. 1!MK. nBAD THIS CAREKriXT. ! ""hoicest corner lot on Third street. .. I Xioo feet, with 3 strong, substantial bulll lngs; old We expire loon, pa per c-cnt n-t; will pay 10 per tent: price 4J. MtO. If yoa want a monry- ma kr. here it 1. Call at office and investigate, there Is J.Ti.Cn profit for yon in utrht; eaay term. Quarter block with. ;4-story building, on Third street; good lea1; price S-mmmjO. T0 feet frontage on Burhside street, near 7t.i; pays per cnt on money Invwii; w-.thln ton- th row of sky-scrapers; this property will make you rich; price CKKI. A grand speculation: roa have rJ of hra-wd real estate operators nllin to railroad companies. mnking large profits, etc. ; you can do the same right now; we havA a piece of property on the V. 1 V. cur. of 14'h and Davn struts. 70x100 feet. Go aid see it: In th eoming grat Job bing and wholesale center of Portland. Rnv this and you wi'l make 10.O profit ofo-e the snow flies again; our price $27. WW. That very choicest apartment-house site on Kmc street. l'r feet north of Wain 1 ng ton street : adjoins that nice new brick; spartment-house. and s-ee, tha other two tn course of construction; fronting 7- feet on King- street. I Tire onlv o.r,wt. A great opportunity. "; and see it- A rat bnwiness Quarter Mork on Jd erreet. south of Morrison street, with a story brick building thereon; business all around it; price -"..'. ftfai; easy terms. Quarter block. l'Mlxl- feet, orw 21st and -Johnson streets. Nob II 111: an elegant site for apartments: ko and see it; price llfi.OOO; worth J20.000- Fine corner brick buildlnr. close In. psvs over l per rent net Income; price S.".oo If taken before Juot 1. This la very choice. We have other parcel, but we selected the above list as exceptional snaps and we are sure they are good sellers. A few good residences on our list In all rrt of tl.e West Side district. UOLLSMITH co I K.srahll.ihed I "". H"J Fherlork Bldg , Third and Onk Fts. T M H ! LL COL" N TV FA RM. I aeres. " acrr tindar tit I tivaiion. now In crop, fenced hog-right; running water, orchard. hoiiae "J-jx. good barn ."it sii, chicken-houso and rther outbuildings. horses, 1 colt, li eara old. 11 head of cat Tie. 5 hog, cMfitTis, gasoline engine and D"d siw. blacksmith outfit. binder, mower, rake, farm nagon, truck wagon, hack, buggy, cultivator, plow, harrow, pul verizer, cream separator, milk can, a lot of seed, e lover, aifaifa. timothy, rape. re SPiif?, orchard grates, pear, red top. iaw a prawn and fiax3-ed. all the household fur niture, pteno. sewing machine, etc.; 4 '-j mtl-s from good. R. It. station ; telephone in h-.uee; on R. F. I. ; SOGou. $4oOO cash, bal ance termr t'HlTTENDKJf Ac OTTO, 2iH Stark st.. room 17. $200 DOWN. Balance SIS per month. A C, E N V IN K S X A P. Owner leaving city and must sell: brard new (-room modern house, reception hall, parlor dining-room. kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom on FIRST FLOOR. Two bedrooms and store-room ON' E 'ON l FI.OO u. Cement hascment with plastered store room; Cast ill. 2 blocks from car; MOORfc: s& HALU Phone Main 802. 51J Ablnjrton Bldg. Residence phone Tabor RENTKRl?, GET WISK! R. 7, y-ro.m houses, new and strictly modem in everj- detail, well built, cement lMment. stationary laundrv tubs. n rn tinier and furnaces in. cement walks, choicest reldnce ciiFtrlcts; on and n.-ar carlines. THESK CAN'T UK rtKAl JUST A I.ITTt.Vi CAtiil. BAT.AXCK SAM K S ItrVT. See us AT ONCE FOR I'RICE. LO.VT WAIT. f T KTZ-Ml'rXI.KR CO . wlo-ltf-17 Abingtou Bldg. HOIADAT A new ft-room home, beautiful reception hall. nreTda-e. TMitcb kitchen with every convenience; full cement basement, prst -class furnace with double cold a!r intake. Separate bath and toi let. There are convenience tn this house whlrh you may look the cttv over to find in another. Pr. w ith all street improvements pMtd only .Vno. Terms. o lumbla Trust rompanr, FVard of Trade Bldg.. 4 Fourth il HAUTHORNAVKM E IK'MK. Reauttful homi of H roome with ail moi ern e.t)enlen-ee: r-und l--x'.7o. com. rnanding the fliieasi lew on thn Kat fi ie; the grounds are finely ItnnrovM w.rh uhrunl "ry. ornamental and fruit trees: the neigh borhood tft one of floe homes; prl- e im r sv.nable snd the inni e.e II. F. BRYAN! ""5 rhitnjlvr of O'mrr.frr. Main llMWt. A 12T.T. ATTRAf'TIVK HI " NJA f f W. 5 rooms, with hardwood floors, bes-ned reitinr. fireplace, wlh tiled mantel. Hutdi W.l. hen. choice pluintlng. gas nd elec tric fixtures, citv watec. eer connec tions, full lot. surroti tided l.v nice home. and het of car service; half cash. $im)0 st per cnt STRonv; av t . Ktitantal Agnts. ncord BMg. Ft iR PAI.K HOI'SKS. Kn Keai iirt'e home f.r f,.p roon-s sr-d hfh: full fr.-nt Tfrjp.;, r-nni kj -o f-"nt and rear of hou : flno large jot. im-p-oved -fret. '-hlckeTi-hoiiee and ard. worwiBhc). shaf-s. a nlnre. screen p-.n h. ectij.- liaht; cerythiT;s in first-cL-twi c..n "ittn; se owner m rremie. lir Y.aM irsnt m . near -"A:h. Tahor 875. A snap at f-11. termw. SI.VHI -.VKOOM cottace; hath, toilet, sink, hssement: Un. :.'xltMt; $1Mj down and $15 per niout h. room modem bnnslw: htth. toilet, sink, stationary tub, larc iantrv. linen nd ct.ina closets: lot 0'a.lOj. fjr0 cs.-h and $- per month. F. A. HKARI AV ff. 'a Wtfehtns;tn St.. Room 215. Main I F.I. a-, ept gtiHXv down Knd turn mr home over to party Wanting "'room, modern, gas. Clectri.- fixture, window shades, lm- .cti rr. bath. K it. hen. pantry ; pn e jfc3MMi. St.A rr t:n ro.t; f urtia e. cment rl ir: for a fPW jas nj I m gotnc aw.v; cod lo Hiion Kast St-!e; same as new Af l(1T. Oreconian. t K 'KMR kl For Main 7S.-.r tor A T2 . THEN WATT T'ntll I tell you about Brazee Street Ad dition: on easy terms tf drslred. Better Ktill, if -.on have the time, call antl S'HOONMAhT.R, 7rtS-l Corbcit Bldg. 3-RrfM cottage nd !-t .".ixioo. n M-n:a-- iiiM, lot a'ooa worth $m. only one bWH-k. from car; pnee $?. terms. om to f'.i ofTire. NORTH PArmr Tiil'ST rn . Ojn Hoard of Trade Bldg. 4:h and Oak. f j.w ikvii;tox 11 OMR. fden 8 room house, -nlth ererythlns; tiMt could be desired, and on easy "terms. Tso blocn from carline. 11 P. J A LMER-JOVFS CO . 212-21; Commercial i'lub Bldg. IKVINUToN. Te e.ght-TtKm nnie:-n houseji t 44 K-.urTeepfh and 4M Z1 n; h Eh-cla-M proirtr at a low price. W. S. M re 41 Z ritrbot: bltig. IOTRT HXD HEKIMTS ar1 te sa e ; n rew, modern houe. iwien rooms, fac ing car. Vn1-. in va'Mable io.-Mti.n. close m: fine "awn. bark, flowers: owner leaving for -"aliform. Adr.r AE 113. Oregunlan. NKW S-rocm house, modern; "hearing fruit trees, roses etc.: part .-gsti. balance teniae or trsle; what have you to offer J 114 oregnnlan. A HXE little cottage t Snt1 in a tood location t-n the .e,-ni t.Icnty of aliade trees; nrit onlv fcr W. H. UX, 414 Ablngton Bldg. t,TN; hke rot cake; ios !n Oregorr "e-gh-a;; (Hft are tne ch.,it; onlr f IV and nr. $ cash. $2 ."-1 per month ;r rT 1 n vest men t o. . owners. 4 1 R o rbet t h dg. b Tf;M-vM rofurf. - lts. frtllt trees, flowers, a heme, s ft .r. gth 3nd Beach la. two blocks from Vnion are. READ T11I.S. A new 2?-story room hnUM In Orer'.ook Thoroughly n.oieri. i built: d'rtiui floors and waiIs snd full cement taee-n-.ent : extra, large reception hall. -toilets: on a t 1 0-4 .,t wttn a PEhFE'.'T AN I L .nitsTRL rTKl VIEW OF THE KIVKIL Jew er a I'd Improved stress. 1 I'-La. 'K To t'Alt. W- can ej ti,,s place for Silfil raiti pavment. i'mutiiuii Trui f "hi 4 Fourth st . 8 U-MfJ of Trads. I.O K OiZT JJITLE MnMK' ON KASY TKkM.o romi. strictly m'Hlifn in rcfy ws). It'll ,t for home, rlcely iini-l. fin bai r.. lsrge basement; only one tiKk frm io carttnes. r.w tf school; nn Lawn and roe buhes. Thli is rrii!niy a targnln. $.m c ba Uncc - per moot n.. 1 au u BEAT IT T htETZ-Mrr.l.LKK f . 3 1 C -1 "J- 1 7 A ttns in B.Ug 'IOOO WF.T filttK BIYS EAST WALKING I ISTAN' K S j..ih 5'x U'Hi and oar.v new 1.- room mdrn housr. ga electricity, f jrea-. full cement Uwni-nl. t " Z near rtas and frartional lot. 7:hi zx 1m and ckh1 7-reum bouse. cloe in oa J'ffen..n st. For ApartrTiegtS TO.r50 Corner H-ilw. on Irving. m4 7-" ""fii hOUe I 7.C-" 'urn.'. Ox loo. en II o t. One la; ge iz-roum ixnu. F ft Kit KIN;. Comroer-tai Block. 1 and Wash St a A fine new houe. thoroughly well but it. of the beat of mi' . hard - w oxl floors, superior plumbing. oaa front dr. large plate glsjk w indows. 4 nne bedctoms. large attic, toi'eLs and lavatories on ca- h fl'ior. fireplace. locally well ar ranged for a home; tJkJs hou- Is iowa In. on a street with wide parking and paed with asphalt - 'will be ready tor orupni-y "ii ma will be painted and walls i.nted to suit purcliaaer. For fu"i mrtKulara se rTKitVi St I'D, Financial Ax-nu. r5 romord Btdg. $ 1 2 ."fO -rKm houne on Kat 1 "st st., one t.tork, of the It-id tract, lot Jjx'K witu fruit and garage. s:t5AKi House. 7 rooms, corner lot. on W e-t Side. blocks of P. O.. cirgant Jew : for apartments. fcWA Klegant j 1 -ruom home. w ith T-'ew unsurpassed. esy walking distance nl eonxeiiient to carllnea. 17.CKH) Full va. ant block. every quarter w inh $tv ; 20 blot ki of I. O. and ? bio ks' of :i carllnes. JESSE IIOBSON". 5o; t'orbett Bldg. IRVINOTON. Brautif ul new h"He ; reeptlon hall, sitting-room, ril'.ini-f in, den. kitrhe-y. f-ir bedrootne wiih anvlr: mirror bath; the house thoroughly io!rn In everv res;w-t . Lard wood fWors on low r f .or. cle o cer and the Irvingv.n 'iui; price, including all Improvements, f f.Vjo. R. F. BRTAN. fli5 rhamber of ('ornmerct. Main lieSl, A MONET squandered Is worse than money lost; stop squandering on questionable in vestments. Buy a lot In Brazee Street Ad dition in the heart of Irving ton district, where values sre staple; easy terms if de sired. Fee HrHOfiN MAKER, 7"S- orbetl Bl lg. M 7S.i. A 6722. FOR SALE One of the best corners In Irv Ington. with a - nne 11 -room house: fur nace. S fireplaces, concrete baeement. 2 toilets and separate bathroom, and everv alilng first -class; hard-surface street; select neighborhood and plent v of tv ; terms to suit buyer, also lots in Rose City and Irvlngton I'hone K Co7 1 or 5'l 1 lum bermen's bldg. Home on 1 tie West Plde. 4-room bungalow, with bat't. toilet, fire place, tinted wails, gas and eie.-trlcit ; toasemeni; strhtly comer lot. ,tltj; close to two carllnes; small pa vmenl dow n. balance monthly. If preferred. STRONG ar t'O . Financial Age-nta, 405 Concord Bldg. . V-Yino, W II.1.AMKTTK HKIC.HTJ. FMF.-t E AFT. FINE VIEW. LI F W r.lA. ON C A KLINE. A K. 117. uKEuU.N 1 A N . WALK I NO Il STANCE. - Coxy little 4-room cottage on Pacfi mento. between I'oiun ae and 7th st ; Just tha pla. e for a p-rson wanting a ne-dlum-prlced place close in. Ik-tO. MOORE It ILL. Phone Main &IZ Anlngton Bldg. M 'I'EH N r.-room cottage, lot o-i. e'ec- tric lights, built-in c:oei au! fine n-a- place. iwo blocks fro-n tarlmt, yr'-ce --, terms. Come to the nfir NORTH l'A IKI- Till T . 20 Itoard of Trade Hl'lg . 4tn and Oak. ilREAT IN Vr.nMF.NT 11 lots an 1 go-d house -n rarllrt Prr Heigh ta. SlH . term: it sill rf- y y-u to Into tn : in a svrt tne jvo can double y--:r nr p.t. g iod lew. Z1MMEKM N 2.1 Board of Trad B'da. OIVKN AW AY. Owper forced to sell 3 K ililngsw ort h a, lots, he ated between jay and lewtrer. f r 2-VW cab; lots fi.'S 1. s-"'h aide .f et-e-" ; the4 lotji are on t r e carl'na Ma'n M 24. c L Jtamberger. 5t Cl;ambr f rn m.rm bMg. FU RKNT OR ftAI.E Fine store, with flstur-s; ft t I ng-rooms; full cement Kaaemcnt; fins corner. Sunny S'tle; open Suoda v 1 1 A WT H R N E HEAI.TT I . 12I Hawthorne ave . or. E. slth 81. Tabor M4 CALIFORNIA btmgalow, fl'.'-V. nth; M'Kk t car; 2o-n:tnute rtlc. F-t i-e; 7 elegantly. equipped rntna: large nre. ptae; separate moidi quartets, high t liis so r rounding ; wor 'i mo- than .4mt James C. Logan. 32V, Wash, st , liOTU 44 4. WILL '.! niv n M'n! rv--m house on Fas' P:h t : flr I'-aiw.n. nt-w janl. rUm ta r; jm-a; 1 o rnnn.t, m'-oern In eefv wj l.tillt f.-r a home; it 7..ilv; there ara w w.-rth the m're ; v. Touttg A. ' 512 tJeriinier bidg. , FOTl S ALB Fine residence m Ccnral Portland. onlv 2o nttnutes alk ftti post -iff Ice. Iikrge ground se"en lari rMms. complete ann nnlern. contains a.l nin cnlences. Price reaonable. vj 112,. Oregonlan. NFW "V-troom modern hrue; tinted walls. 1 ' comrr 'ot. b'ock from ca; f ?e a.-n. on am- aae? . 1 . r.., Mann's Station. dato-k car. A N FTA". extra well butlt n--d' rn 7 roo-n h'tuee. Jot ixll.'t. for eaie by udit. E. til'.san ST.. near 24 th st. SIBIT.BAV B A R'A I N I acre. M)l cleared, bie'i, leel land. St Jennings Fxlc . price Jmi; terms, or con sider t-ity trade. H. T. ABSTEIX. Jt Board ef Trade. G "IN'i Tiki hot a,e: f ;regry Heiarht; they are the r hearts" : onlr gio 1 op. 5 cash. 'Z. -e per m-'--t r;r"- Investment o., owuexs. flft '.t.-tHrti i.-:g. I'.K M'TI F1L h"me site. .: net a en t w i 44" re.-l.!env-es. In rgcl.jpie f.' 5 h r f--t ; r-'ls., A-l emen'.a. P. . ux city. ELKO A NT home, srrtctly moern throug 1 out : 7 r-onis. attic, full eor oi ; Kat th street; bi'k to -ar. iV-minute service, g h1 ttrm-. AE I' OrrgonUn. 13 At'HKS on West Shle R. R.. ponn to be riciniiw. tnia sine Hertna; fine for luia acreage homes; ii; e;i n tract. B. S. Cook - o.. -Vo?, 1 "or bet t bidg. 4:.r fc-room slchtl v hou e in the nne nrlchtvorl) of lth ajid Eat Mer streets. luiuire at si Esst ashing ton st. IMione B 1910. ACREAGE Anv amount on term a to sul!. near the and on good carline Trustee. 410 Failing bldg. IRV1NOTON Modern A room house just completed. 2TJ t , n.,r Braxce. CtMrt down, balance terms. Phone B 11. Va. Ql'ARTKR BIK. inngion. for sale -h snd Taggart. b Owner, ftl-oo ,4 Kst 2St h st. KKNTON r.ftjlrtrt on T-ert st . rexT !o ni.w bank buildlnr. I rwner. iO 2 M Kar b.dg - R t M bouse and 4 fui lots, r losw to car. f1ea; easy term 'hamber 'nmtnne. !ce fn,:t. Call 111 WILT, bnlld house n I nt-n s e. Cp x AI b oa, to suit tenant. A lar,' tR RALE. DXaL tsTATK. Will handle a beau'i'ul moder bungalow on 3 -A a: . -ne r, . k tim 11 A W TH CNB A K I'.ecepttOtt hall, t-ar ..r. d !n !-g - room. 'AitiXtT KIT' UL. Two bed !. Sill) :a:g h ATM K w AM ToiLKT htweei c nnrtii br ha 1, wtMxJwork Or.;,- imin-: !! t;nirl. Omcat ba-nsat and i.k(, t L A J : i K ATI IC. M,u,,;t Walls si.U r.o-s. arg pp'a. ft'ee :.a-i-5 tfe ln front aacd. iuut maSS quick mil; h !:-; 4 I.lar.' :i per uio:.:h. I n ""ir "f '!.i-lr.g ..jj,, hou,s itj A "ir.rl.m b :.ig Vt.w.m Man .-. Kn -J UIi '1-i -i East 3t. i2-ro.,u hvs ca Hi, 1.1, .... fc ;rrwt r;n ha n 4 . s.-i-e 1 2 rr nr. fc-T . it . . . , w-f.ting a I-na b-,fr.c. li- ia itM awuta J. fT ri ,n at. a.. 12 L-r ra ar.a T hut ma a tng . , -.-ap a. 1.... . lrvf y ,Mf rear 1. : r. t..,T.- 1L. ,v-.r .r., Ni.-B. .r Ji t near It . ... to ... . c M H'-M MIX I'.im 1ft. a .fg Item. I can e: . m o.'-i-ti .imri bor-ra -.-a fr'- '- 1 .a, l-r ft - t..r t,a n-'f.:, ""inl dwn iv--" "A I be sal . 1 at aar time. a if lti 1 a. Ml. V. !ira. IN Order tO gef d!agre wuh afie-.rt.. Arguments ataata '" Time la mwte. Tii-r la no tuns " or Braaew btreet Addition la the hert t.f iriagton rtutrtel for there la fo argument. l-iMnnv enChtKrhad staple xale. reet r.r te.4 d.strl. t. future tabtiabed . terms If rU. N MA K KK. 7ow- Carton 11. Ig. m T-:.i. a .'.7: ltltTLsNL MKIiMTr A fire i-r-m n w but as. thornucHy hul.t. ai.h Uin.l wCjtg. f-aw-ed inirg-r.m. tinted -J.. fu:i att. ana l-ii.rnt f 'r o-nr:'r.. large porci. Mun. VrlJ' fUrT'" "'r - Irt- Ity and c- ar,v-:5. r . fcaw. . piutnMog sewer ciMM-cti.-rif.. I-.- T.4 lan. W r.V . fSt "n s"""" I ar 1 was . tlocfc We. ir T r T.e Ma.n V-l'S ITJc-. ft rj owu. a e per cit. ctar. fw nee on frvrnltr. m r"r n'' rom miMtnn. one panep d stairway wib beteli piate mir ror, heat of piumoif.g. tull cement ba-. nieni tras. gas and rlo-truiu; p.Ie. f..r furnace, corner l.t. iUni. f.oi,t; s-. K-rtty st ; a1 C-r,-.TO h..oae aw-t Kerb-, built same o.rnrr. same hou. on account f skn-a ali at a ac niic. ,-An al io, commercial at . or at property. J J'! "re in t..e market for a fine boms , r rooms, m.e-;uu;y mdem. situate .? r'T. rdence of Port.aii'i. HoI'adtVs A.!d;t.on. n, K for; Tnth and Hancock; for quit k sale -ani tke ft.V-i. inciuding all rugs, ahades linoleums, bath a:.d , e. trie f;s:rea bal an. of furniture if deird : ww tirr lest -Ing clt y ; Immediate po aee h n Bi en. ln uuire Ralph ic Buffner. ii4 3d at. ::tmi 4 acres. 1 blscg ,,!. all under -ultlvatlon. good. r.w. 7 room bouse, barn nd 'z we ::, on rar;in, I 7a - li 'res under cultivation. "O fmit tres. w,i:. tarn and chicken parks, fz J. lots. .xlo feet, on corner, fr-jlt traxre ar.fl garden. -ro ,m nu p'.atc-ed Lt .,x .1 feet. 2 Mocks from Mt Scott rsrline. on Mtn street, Lents, fruit trees and i p!.ii. BBli;iT ItEALTT "0 . Lents. Or fRTLA Vli hki;hts. Ahsointiy ur..trij--ted :rw .f the city, r:-wra and uunu.M; this t lew ta? ansur I -a seed and la or. of the very few rvroa'n I: g dntrab;e a lb loser 1 'eights. R- V. BRTAN. 60 '"Camber of Crc merce Ma:n It!. A 1 22T NOB II ILL BAHRAIN nsve an eg.eiier.t buv in a room bouse nh f- , on a ived street in t He X"t Ilia ! 'strict ; Hue t com pa ra -t.e! r.em. arranged an-1 In t-e-re-t r-:wli:ion. C.l in pcrs-a for fu'-i partuu lara FTItON'J aV CO Flrvanrlal A tn la. ci l oncord Bldg "ttlt BALK llulsm new bungw'ow 4 l'-t s. 2i minutes' r iJe fro to clt. garden. bener. sirawlrrfes. y Krub'-rr al f-ult trees, floe pa--e; bm(l snd r.i-f f porcc. rnvl.rD. rurnhed or Un ftirnlsh'd . owner :-iilrig '.y. spot caA. I hone OakgroTe, lils. k Z 7 V NKW 7-ro. awe!! r" .'1 nee. with it etnetit floor In ha Ilicnt. pli d tn; furnace. (.)(JM Jttat rofr p- led. a .il nc er I uftered Streei rittn - the tw-at n t,. rt,r mtt,t I''!. !ral iitrttr.iiifi. a inan t a'l e!2 han.ber o:urnerce 8TUHTLT A 1 l 1 on. l-t 7 ''' tB'Mjrra Irrtin. in Il-Idv Ad- ar g rtMMi- 1 11 ttil.ncri, pft-e mi, tr.rra ?o 1 "le oe-e , Nf-I'TH 'A IMC ti.L-T C i-u li-oard of Tr-1 Bi:g BF At T.F1 I- slrr- y home west f Mt Tat-.r. large t-. t of ground p.antH I taring rut sr.d --;.t t r . fh houaa ta l-rge and . . n.m'-lK.m; o rer rhaiglr g re.i.i,,,. - and w; ir.a to ae; at a bar gain 4 1 Fai.trg I 11 tiii:kk wt vikw OV THE MtlK AVr I'AltK'IVa ' """ h ot- t'l I O Jtae DtV Tarh. including all mproa- toeita; 1 2 rf-l H T. AB-iTKIV. S'.-l Board of Trade, rOKTINI IIKI.iHT Fl tew 1, 121 - HUK'Ky To i-aII-Tm-m r"lami T r -t pan -y Fourth st.. Koad of Trade H:Ug. t T.T; SNAP far- iar-d a-1 Fo.ero b a a I a i w is Bi. -ee K -rt k r n K ' ' i gew .a . f-w'f:.e rw Itiio : 1- ommercw t.g Ma n M ,M'I' bus in att frnt. &Aatoe -4t h aad Kd rtt for $12 -t: a'l im-r tiients now g'.'rg In. Including pa 1 M street; g.kod t-rrna Uutff C. Logan. J4'm Wash. at.. K.,m 4'4 7-1: mm rorw modern reit-'-e nr.piB firn.e. Irtt -r he. lot. l.s eery m-Mlfrn c.t I'-riv-e arid rr beat part of lri,g;o. 4. tail H Cham- b r t ommerce. BKS-T BR;aIN IN PORTLAND Ai-a-tment-lioust site, lo loa. right on arlme; 20 per r.nt on tba Inn etnetn all 121 Hawthorne aef cor. L. i4th t Call totlav. & A'RF.S. .v-atrJ dlr-ctly north of p.ea ltv I'ark. liign and beautiful. irlc t-HJ. Certainly a r""-lul lnv itiirhi m ac ;it!;i-wki,;,i r co . S42'a Washington St.. or Msin 2113 A'CKM. houe. Z barns, j mil from canine. a-r-a pot ji. ; ail f -... e.r terms; i,4. B'-ggcga, ZZI Mor rison. roo:ti t. gWri.L ' r-m bur ca!'., lot iMVitno flrst-cl..-s p ntrl l-s nre..a e and t em-m . 2 bl.o nr. -m i4ih. be ;an e t i-iii. rh.iu. tasi m;i . ;i:ET B K-: UN I,t In walkfr.g .11.. ' t.. M-e, .n : j-1- .f . emet:t w a. atrf.t p-ei. !, si,o tub. Ilooui ; Board of '1 rn.i'-. quarTec btork. J..ln S l"nrtf." 4 b k nail payments. Kaat "Foil iHU'-hTitiMj lle:gh rryym house. e- nal. e: ir.s. M ,t..n . Seaman Mo!V4Wg t :g Main " . .t-.4. 421 O'liyij rke h-t mkrs; iot in rl-eg'-re HclcVta. 'he are Ce -heiest ; SloO ar-1 tip. g.. ,a-h. 2 V per m.-rth ;rs -y In vs s: ir.eij 1 ' . r - . rt-. , t (-f LimK HKi:E-l rum 1, bio- g on East T-th st . where they're doing thitij-s. nnv -t'tsi. d 1 !e so-m; terms I olola Crockett. Washington bldg . room J CHop-R .-.rrer l.,t ril, ; mrn.r C... i and 3lt st. Inquire owner, house if i nlng BTt WTIFt L 7 room b. e rr reje-t. ori ct". terms. T Oregonian 1 TfTfdeTn in ' bt. B road way. Bl SINKSS lot en Wli'Uma aie. east frenf s.e prite .. faone N - lawn Z2. Fort SL-Ky owner. 3 fffse lots oa Mt ---"" c..ri:nc; tet,-"We Sellwad Ad" dre lUvtlon t. Jt'HIUMl I'.Hl- Heats' if ul lew fc-,- 42-1112 ft., 2,-. AE lil. t-reg-r. tan. ft:4,S'- 4 r.-oni r"iir ins Kni..-. "S-a .ft .' r .re. part civ.. ilv4. oi fiti- grL rTTr F-.u n Al-K a ft m rrax home Its a &a A Waut.fut bear rouia bwngaiuw. fr a aora a. la good dist-ut. 10M service. bui:i-ta kitcbea. omoii walks arour.4 tl.e house and eteeylhing thoroughly mwlvrt). prtcw .. g i.d mil A d rea ( .m 4 ttav I r'-ei ae 4' co m 1 t lerti I'le- r-i. A e- t U ( ill. SM-ar J'tue, gear tT I tvuti, Bxrfl, j 1 1 2, 0 a TS air-ut ll'k. t i4 at tli.a It a 1 S - -1 t . M.j. ( tiSe ft--. l-j. 1 want I-- 1 --a !l t alMtf Swei t c - a, TNe twst w? buy a H-.-.PK.--K s st -S Vt. b II. tg HKttTllTI. Wr-T !IK IfoMKPi, -!. 7 r-cm. -la. r-a, p "I1. 1 r -;. . 11 - ri 'l' IS roni, i.e ml fe.-w ft.r a. - ,f.i 4ia ; itra: re .dir-'i a.i r A. i.t... . 1 ab--e are a f f iv bu. ul a (of 1 e in I - tat-t e -1 c.--n-e Sir j.i i. ( t-.t,a a , js.e. I- a aru1lf a h-'M.e nr ee- -tieftt. a -I Mat ritV :l lu.atd of irae r:.g tf hiwti : ii.iui: tlen. tu. l in ciit,a ciai. pr... d!t,. I'"""- "-I saiia. It.a k.tchew. gas MT? -a ra.o.. f ,j buenail. launore ? .11?., T Iks aad cm. toe. in IrTT! r a! "tM" r, X--"- a : I aen.,.,4 . beauty and lx-i..w'- . iinuay1"- r... uo I(rl,,i;WT;,,,R BEAI.TT r-,,. 1 0 -1 iswthr-e K - .h Tabr Mw 1 a- ' AUK " -IXl TO n.L wi: mak- at-.U: to' ; r a f h . ! t u , . . m , plan. en.l . s.-r .aji, Ir.',a...T,JLr""r "'4 lrt - he la.,- work 1 a n h.n.img nd.w.,. m P. i- "-"-a o l-.-f.aM elo.. " "'-'si war m a-un.,.,, a. I -n.a and te.cfir,,. k..u, ,ra raster n ritie 6 T-l l.rlM-r Eg. hang.. -. ari. iark. fil'I.ENI.Mti 1TVIV - 1 acrea ngl.t on t ! wa-.bia lieigina. flu I 2Mt arlme at "M'l- Iwaiinn, a: I for WALLACVt IVVKNTVr'VT CO, owgunisn Bt.ig f Flna Home f.,r ale b Ovnrr t, .Ta,m n"u"i l-dr re.eptu.n b! and ni.tard-room. fu; cement teement at m.dern riurn. includt-.g furnae hot water cot:, nrrp:,.,. tie Mrlr. finest ad-uca'.;. gs mnn , r. tec natures. Wl.ton t!vi cari-eia. !ih..l.uma and s-.aHaa. rult lot. , i,,,.,, a-, i a .f Laet nldr. t.e.t f c-r jaera I. e. tssh. time n balance Inquire COl Concord ltldg A I."a ct rvtrv married man LSea raugl.t esclaljy r H .S w .f w n s..m.thlng mat la , a.,. rrml, lnfct . - marnH men hae bought lo-s. (Surtng th. Laat IO dafg In llraira Ht rt bew atmVTg, i "-b-M liiOg. M i!2i. A CT22 THK 'IK irtAinn i. I-s .n lS, Jl-i'u hat ss b; m .j- armrr-4 1 l till , nr r.f rn e. t n tf aa u I f.Miti.t t.'.e lew lh..f Ufh; m pw.- haav. ..C a 04 I'nra n v nit v an ,''.itiir ..f t ... Uatn lies.'., a l: P- IK M V anwdeea bom m tngtott dlsietef '? r2 "w HLI-atW alu. ee i,. lot it at)i a large l.m ov m ota Tru( 1 '..n.fia'. -N lU.-d f Trala i:.lg 'ISF.KMItai'aE Um uI'IN M-al. t.ia.irff. n-t . c f.( ftN.ntars Si-eg ma. 1 .-! ,,r umtte and rt.-a. in. w r n.ut Kae in ata w ii atl fr .;ie t.e t cash HKI fltkt It g B"MI1T U Ka Big. :'e-uin.Ma burgaK'w. ainrttv tn --4 -e.n aii r. a and ti to date uh r.e. t -a a and k it. rt .1 m .. t lr-a at.! t-eam.l et..B a no t m the a-r d'etrwt ar.d has tr-e iia-,taa (lie H.n-tfrflr rio.l. ra. to t Ka. Tr"r M" t,cL 4v cfcj i I i-a. i-tst u;o 4 t'.r-.e w a room t.uc, with hth to'trt. el ricitr. i-ralli t ie.te I . a- 1 ,T1 . Per b.t rW c. (r. ,,. ra ao a - ' -r i o lor 3uiing inutrai Slil tt.aae J -J a r e bm. " eTlf Ni A ' .'ial Agents. ea nnntl B dg T ri; IlAtf.AIVtt New r -' b.i,(e. r. -1 , rn i Alrvswrtb ate. pr. ftiawe ft a) New g r-m pre r)cttrT ba aoe to gi b tn -- . l.f V t I X, piaae aa.-. A a.. 1. 1 ...!. 4 . i:v Kr.rr Jo Wah bt. ftn nAra A ' It K I tra.t. cf ta .ry f,.- ahd fr.t land In the ef f.r v LI b 1 tad the inarM Mnhh . JJ r - at I- Vl r Sere. fl .( cn p .et aeved 'iet In -e tHIa, as tl 4 T nir .-t ' ''"' ge 9 an (. -e latt.t -e t e4 liu-haoan bidg , Fitrh-r Jou tVA Tw flns .t- m b-co V 1 I re lot, ta dean-ao"e rra 4.ti.a -afr-t n : I a at ; w king ! a. ; A 12 me-ntb.y r.Mt or.'r 9 '4-V. t ti: :i a . c 1. AstBEni'irjt Ojmi.r of C.aoit erce. TWO fln flats. rentraUy tocae1 income ft Idrt per ni 'tith. ahl-h ahit 9 y -r cent net. nirti.r lot. price 2o.omi. f . rma ""rte n the " r-m NOKTH -A-!FH- TMt T 2o B-ad of Tral. lt.1 9 l.- 1 S hvxn C'tic I - rh. bt and w a iet lot ".j.t'oi, , l.e to ca; im m.nuree out. J J f i:itf:rt Cor. t.taid Ate. I . AnVn.v lt Iff only I I M . 21 -rnlnute -la n cae oxerlookirg Tadd farm and . it-, hea 1 1 -ful iew; blce shaute trees; I bh. at to .a prl-e for lmm"Htt sale only. Jamrs I'Sb. J 2 Wash, at , It.m 44 $I-2.el Rt TK InniTMi ft, frat-elaa rmMltinn w it b house suitahie for mtnl rami: a - tha la an e . ept tonsh'e by ; frar ar." part n.pion. ls Abington bids FOft ALE- By w nr. one lot "1'o. t room ho'iae rMp., taww, gar-w o. 1- r water. r''-f A tccrta ari me it I. Near. IA K 2Vth A' N " rT irIC mortem ts-mom b"tte. nt 'lt ard lanrmrnl. W lib tuim. raW. Iiaice a;gtan. A. tht i. IL--.m !'. Iiamilt bU!g F IX'E lt s w tj-'U-e and V-l In J- , a r , I' ' b fe,,m Ni-i; ir.' In ;-- eo .-.i s tf n:'" ti.H. i..r car !.a'. a n-- r0 Ktr-ar.l b;.tg. l-eet .rt ... Fl N" FT Kutldteg Site 1 ft 1 o,.nc: ! 12 ..SI axiua-e feet, lica-l ..f rest l"a k. r lt ard val e lew . s.'?.". u t tiamUr of Coinnterre 14 Kit CENT tncotraa on l.--e t tatmrnt. ttette cah; sutsiant!i ban btis nw r.r(rf. i I 7 hsmbT of Com mere a A V K A L U.r.';IN" '.T-f ,H oji l.h avf Mildred. .-e hwa A.I-rtA an .a- - '. tale on oao-:i'a 4t Wasfa. Irvgtn rrt d.o -i" IP r A 2 1 M W fllac on ri,rtrr tot. a tin a'l srreet ImpfOV.r? p' mi , 'ti raar .rnl( su.t pur. baser 1 all lis Fai:tr.g t..ic A B R'IAIV lw 3Kb ei Iih at . beiwee Vaawn and bfctdnvTT.. faea ease. Aptr aVlh St. ?r VIVO eir 2 lets, a ba wtl aei aaa, bi-a mr- min if taken iv. . t; la t TtR attJ! IATITK. "W F " t L V;ft 1 C te f r.1 a -- wjutr c k4'. me- e-n toje ' lun t:.e ftr .-a. a(n fru: J r a,S ta:rs a( t re- 'o-lv f -W imow aiwvs ar 4 a . U!'lji Is a a. . t ef ( m -l t-ea- Kg ga'O.a ptar t- r'l t a c mtabe. ;j raa t uS, - tea set f a r. t u bssiaiaTy tL.9 t ' r. ar-Ca a N H. - 1 M tfe.e-'ef-. fiae .to a r , tea rarit, ''' ga ar'! e.e. irr t T -r ' He tee a r , I pew l. t - i a ' I- 'tn. tr t a -. -a . "tJ ssw irt . a (.- siW J i.l.a-,. IA r - 1 a .1 . tr T a . 4i a-e rase--t a i ete-t -e f ) . ate 1 1, He a at r.l - L ' V- t . rm. X saa'a v t ga. f t- t 1 fc, 1-. t -a c l!... TAW'Mt '. op. iitt r .r,T. t I T A N ; - t;.M 7j 4kae a..i.w e ta 1 ae"-t 'V-i-'y .- r a: a ui e 4 erw Wee-. Itg 1 li ft a-1.4 1S a ea fa a a. esies ar 4 i I f f g a e- ? y avet f an. . a - . - 0 e f - -a W-w fir-ry. ait ta .h c . J.-iie 1 Ak.twi A. g. rrN'oijarf w ii.vt T We aw ti. aeai a4 tT sea.a tw eat " "tt e Ka e t ' r t aa t -e -'a it-hs ae.ff. tsi r--;eei. 1 tr-e sa ul rtf "tiJt. fte-w -a- a- t,. f-t. . a. u . . ) ---- mi it it 1 1.1 vurtii u inc. L.i-t-.r a-a ta.--w. bsg . awe S ara S'-a r-T SII.F. I.OT '" Vt 1 a.a ; f feet le-aion. ;-H at . awc letmai. l-p-""1 st-e-t a-t -e,e-t a-a. at f..r rtas r Urt.. a it a a barge. a, an! max a t the me k-! rrtm. J M " J XN - .bamber ef tvmmoct KC UK rt T n Thre e r a fr mi Vko ba l-g a -f-a t.f .-r ma re t r t K f m ita -'e of tv r"llt( tn.ta o. tne v fkcoTt, r t,.i.t s r-;rea, lts . I., t.. g: ar 1 4a, ta U ! t- 2i a 1 I-r wees. A tip k ie w ae ia rf- AWLtciv Tim st rvwrtNT. r Oimt.f af t'oatbai.a. -ee Uf. Mc ft-EVE V lo-s a Berkley; est catlo la Ira. t . t 1 ". te-tr f4l-. lt on V W carline; faro; esay P rtirma . t 'tier Winn Pt nn K -:.tb X : eea-mt Wa-h mi lli.j ru are ftllOX. Irimt ,"4'' i-4i' w.;, l i-4tu s. . imprwie an.nia pa' 1 A't UE'aarX I'.KU.TT C t'm i. ti..k- bait.q l :.lg A K d t.-t deal la lemonade, red pre eie c PFfrnwM.ftj hot air or pmie to b. fuf .td in ih 4m and disiata f ui arm Just fnodeat ly awIllbg I rar Hireri Addlt uw la the hwrt Irtangtoa ltiri . easv trftna If ueeirwd. P 'ortal l.lg M Zh. A 22- tuo n nni. svai-g Near ti. t t.rvn U..ia. atwty r.w- 1. f t-l twMassi. I .o a w car. e.iy -New tSTKMem W e-"ea bH '"M catsaset wsa W- ft-i:ft sr . 1 22 a lejaus o eark. tVl Bft Vi la aV .l AlttVTI 1J as At I ICTIrftla. W lwa a iw' ttuaf gaa... tn cai. eraw lah aN Stic-. (vain . tr.g. ?a 'd lift. Cu.l a . aMas ? t . e-j-ni. in r 4 w.'U v.a a 4'.... t fta- n-Mwt iaea I. e tSsr ta wm ar 4 n ar cd. r r;rt c r-w S le Ituprrt lrar.aaiawat . latttlaf I- Har ce baa MT Tftlttatt. WKT AF ft fhta frt t- g t w . ojiaitlv an ere h:c .! i.i.rntl a-tna f". irraa Mtlai t.tii-a ! disiKi e. a 4 It Mil k Ie setmber wf I'atna r r.e- a I 'ta ewew a -w.4rw 4 e tw a 1 aw Saa. ffttN-sa " ' " ;r e "u-. ,rt . Br.. a . a a ' 4 If - in , t -as a an tw f.. t e w. t -.- e f t,fa,l T. ; t"a t o t r 4 a ft ! M tige1w .-e f -'aaa a- 4 or y '-sS at.h l-t lt. tar,, ba w4 l'V f't e -. tutl t la I?..'" tig-s a--4 1 '' Tr.aa Var. 11 1 1 in a 11 it I.- -ta . 3.'-Z i srtbtkw f a iso --' ITT n.f i4 ia fM.NirHM lw fr wale t. e o. w.r . A Hvin, . aw at I b-r-ett 1 1 oe . ba ta ece 1 1 w r e tta a'ail s. t-ula a Mit-a sie aa wawfc da r I'.ll-T .l P.N Sit' ANfa fttfH. '"O' I i-1'o f e ft.. e II. f - e o.irtT, T 2 ti-an -a! " ,g aV" 11 . ave f enaae is. f w ee . -. t :" r-"' t t imff tp j ; - rr .i a A ' : 1- a aw f.'e t -411 er -t !. t o-. r-0 -la t t b -- a a ..-. 4 J ts.-e, "ige. . -r vi a ".!; . wr.ap t"-.. tr 4 We. la fafg . I ' Sg t UI'.K itM'STT, "la ttiirt. te arsa af g -l :e-d f- r eale I - e par ae I -e pert'-usfs 4C4rt I-wk 4 leg H. A a.ho.gkl. t ab , f.-r M'e te. i a - ea a vaa i awd patia wa I He it ase f-gf -m. A a! K pr Cil I -u i If 4 a.- e b . ii l - A I TIKI 1. bcw!o: 1 e bts eat Harw. ' Ilettf hta. grat t . rt h for aat.e 'Taraab.t add. -a I W a . laK.a. ?la epnoar at. Mnti'.auii' lab-r lim. el N n -i i.e. a n- - Itirgaa a-h. w gef ft e- t e--!- aw -n ft 3t:h J. -jO. law ' 1 1 1 I N' .Tt N" ''. t-it t a o a-w- w 1- a-'l st a tai-asin If rnhen Jt,,. a'l at A-- E 12 Nath aw rtt. r. . t- s :-4. tty Y1 tAt 4 - "al ajcrs t. t-Wii ti -e- a- e ft l r a-"rve in I r oer f v ie a f la A XXV rT-K .. tw tse tsfsrtr t. tr ec- -s : fewj frw-t ef eweeee aa-d aaea t.n. I ---- ?4 Abtpg'as fe " tiurt rc.rft seM st o e s rw ft p.m f e.tee. J iat o, of ' .! i our gain. a I r-m . Lairubennens bMg. JITII. K1 K H I J. aT I -jl I . t "it lf-ea. fte I T r-2' AMI. PT NK bouse to h-e glaea a w av if fa an ml f.i t. A I r nU. 1 1 -O I u:- J .wti 'i . N "th st -l:al hnw. lot 2eial. nie taw gut. .- hi. W n hoiM, (full In.g Ti'lsmoog st App.r t-r rj, 2 '. S- 1 !-. mj l.f.n I'V n lal-a a .1. : A I'.FtL WNW'-New : e, -m So aar near Has Ci -r-e a e . ft '-.-b M-!g. BI " V f eom ow ner : 1 1 men hi j brt ri nat t "A rra. 1. (rrg.iniaa F I! I VI K I S e rear I", aa i mj art I Vi . te-ti-a. N 1:1. ir'tpinian. Ml "T aa-n.e I' hoase ta I -led mow f irseS W.t.awn I I : a M t'fc-lt V ft -m hw-ga-w f ( r aa e b onj. st 1 1 - Faat Ismu.'l t HKil f -r cs.t- Ut tn t-cta X I' wge-.aaB ft Coewer be- -ad a " 4 J r-m-ia ba.e.. oer. "laS 2. r; sew aft IIWM'W le.g cl - . tfiai ,r. wag Home. - la 14 Last 2ii eV K. stL rTTC .-! tT siii; i 1 . iVar x 'nri ot r r-atox1a "l 7 -rxtea sms. fee ; cm ta.. """ Be i4ib4; Iota, tbet 7 1 k ear ! t . - 5 ""-- I ' eewer ss iraa4 ,--s w-aeee ts r-a4 .i I ssw.4 twi. e- wa-e A.v.i;..-a M 1 -e?t i ltagtew ,t i rr c-eau caak. tse.- e-- s- 'H - m K r it, 7" a . -wti it.. '-.a It'-t Si T B-w-alW. ft l-Ta X e ta t a '. V taww el twoat a 1 . . ot MS.1 si it a f ..d -. t " - I -ttpi f.MI c-t g.aM eeaa a oe a.t e Am tP--t eWt S-e4 t l'.a.a W . ia . . Ice - gaaw a la v r ec a . ae-4 " n'C v ft daat, fttft aaowt-ti. Ia . tsa a - a r A a teta tve a i-e' ; ' " ewe . krat tlaod l at lOIUU 1 1 at at ft ft LANttA h rr Ttwarn sa ' r g---a j .if a ai. l-w a is T a e ....- t a, a w aw tea T. K N 4va PmSA. swt.w ft;te- I-I il ACVtJ'T 4ft 4 -g . I' t4, O. e. I ItJv-i Mnt4lTtoy 5 x "W a- f arocwi .:.oa w4 rd ff wth. awi.t pitai -w. p .t. a4 ! a I! aaa r-et Una. w'., -f 4V a ""'' :ie e. ..a ut - v '.atsee r.a a e4 7 K mm. e e, r ea.stwe dea .ft C tve I - 1 2 T - -"we .-a."r. I 4'-eay t .ir A1'! ?a.-tc. we iit.e at 4 r-gg-rg. el a l. g -r.g "k e ek - ftx-aaa. a r 4 e a - .. a.l lg tnd t aat ! .-.a r Cwao - iea 4-k :o .4t,twf ia ..... c4. aw:il ar' ity - eaae f-et -ee a a . id lhviwn.t la --a t a. ' f-e . , iw tt-.t-a frw lti la&4 . wul aw .1 eti et ar.4 l.slf a s f tittat i 4 1 peavc wl anil tmae a-4 tsalera.aai a tvef T 1 1 X a ragaa.ta Tiw urn i Atx OftaKsO!:. -a 4tiiia:'N, c a tjroftxiA Jivas It i tritf Co. 4Tk ' C W Seas Otleaaa. 4tealtas sje caiaanrer ,t i .aaasaw l-wetMat4 lew a ' iii-it nK ti w t r,n W ". vruas It. oxk caa r sen can hit y f Z p-r scee; e a w i . v.ra t u a av-- . tvg so4 i f pa-'t '.r.i ca I str write tSl wr4 ef Trade. AIM at T :" ecrws the MrKar.ia :r : . rr wising t;4-ieeee. nrai-c.aat timber. For rtoa and a- -a a-ee X! M M : I. V VV. ri liuard of Ttedev IF ywaj are la the ma 'bet fw- gaaw t imSa-e at a prx-e. M will (r i ta sew me ba.'oew t-urchaathg C J. ate rarkra. iM N Kay bldg . aN tT-"a4 NEt-ttra. i rc- he w-ttt, Raf-ea feat raea I aaa rsr r-rap !n OsJaa-.b Uwr t.tnbar. S'.S t ac-fatat b'-'g. II J UEA-UIKIt A Cst. , lutitermni Tn.rr. walnut. wea avrd ftait larga ea4 w.oa.1 trwete aaa ls ftNtat eAl-: 19 ' e w pine Umher riaima. s-:id dy. t feet, bwerw . I.-s ?s. Ia i.rau4t. t r F"H KAt-R letsrss ae-ee timber, all tw ewe t -o. t.w; gneat trad l OrtA Itog 114. t'atu.l e. iirrs TWO timber etalrate Cook t-ut'r f-ar aa. J n J llo4. l--w Laae st . Uat t itt. t taH Wat LFW baa 4 ewaurt era fwe ft miser etedt wtst. ear ent.rvr aaa af all Iktada Aiaaey at Sf aapfcw ftai-gg Laatwtoee v4c TlVHiJl AMI llonrftTKAU relTttva,u.aa sa.ata T WOltCl srTVft flLs K TtatBCft I Ms. tl V pee- sees: I awcata. eia. aae Veeawrwaw.a t ' -a wa 2 i s S orvaMar fts ACttrtt feewa y r ttrrt-ee toe'S'a. 1 xan .b rw ;..a .u rtt at j,. awctla giOwa eaw sntUau Trwst X -5g l- ACKFTV. aeecxw fwt a-. taK-aa "-"wntT. ta'nied wey Waml'asa ilil i""l l'we tw bur aregw rwlef lewd rite K w t a:w, aO'slVJaTTft.AB-aV M r feaaw a g--fl anaee we aa fea-ne-e-.ewte foe y --a ta pa. a t . 2 are ie frwaw IdeiLaMd. ft aaUe l t H . 4 I n It aotg ltte a. a? sa 1 fr ' iea Uft I aa awd ew al fl- to S ". ee Lefce IBK JMIfN V JoH.NBtUN VX. el barhauaa l-w t- A IV I.e. I Iran, ef t a ae feet tarsi f ' an4 la t aiai of at-, r -a, - 4- o 4 eSl fhe Hiaia.l t r Mat 2 a a i t t r ayfa . 41 r at c aw. prat ae In g 4 aa a- re Ur.4 f ..r naaan g . eoca.r av jnh.a Rt I INst IMllirT ieo a craw r gfet tw t4 llaee a e I twi.. f-aw ft H S)a t.. twee aHl and pie - r W aiet , w ag aa rnad iferoasa a r. f -W jaj. aaw MoMi aTttih t:'.a naei ta Uoee. eat e-ew arj--e aa-a ' - -g aaiat I aae ' few 4- tir see g -4 w uat taaew at ' ' --ea te waaau ftiw Ha i -t , Mata 4.- H"-- ta iaaatame.i a aewa tu: i- t.a.lwr r w - a f a " wa 4 a 4 tsacai, tana --.-wed, tn waie . a t . e. . . t a a'ar-grr . trt- aa t 4 I 2 a.guAian HF se-aww fitra eS-wc baweataa 4 a It'a la tl w a l a-. a"a -"Sj b. 2 ard 4 aH i-t me i-;t av Crea Cwaa t e.:ae. ;l4 ttacitiw ar.l '-i o 4aratlft ea eW 4loaeetea4 oai t e-eet haaaal.aj .a d la I -aa. e. a .rtgn 4 1 paid l a. be aa.w a .- aarwia4 tie bwet.awd ;! 1 te 4 I al Il'tAlKsTK: AI enaiiahtsaM IMom trl.rta tte J. ns;.s from ti ag, g.-d ta -1 botaa and tsarw. pi . i-art A;J Boara ef Trad, b 4g ft H V 4tT K A I ning. e-e-a r -.f t a-, I'atlfg fe 41 p-r ace Moea 1 4. Jaiul a b-dg . 24 aad V4 rtrtare. "44 A N T r O f AIL Ma. bVAIJ. fartta a mn-.r-i A h.(SI Itrra4 J, -e w --s e e near i . ti r wiih g-at 4-waat 4A til aa s.d easS. AM paJa, "atr fan At RfttACilL. 44 t T an ea-:ne A .1 aat tv. to Sat da a and t purvtHaacr ea te r ,.n tr. . cat rta a, Lunlef L. - Harvge 1 g aw a t: a Vn N et.atc'w ' t . a gd p,e-e A ia TM-a. b oa. iaa A d d a T lj .rw l'iaa At r, - ft nr. aniurw at a- w.i m. iwmhrr - eavtt- .tr. :S A ItFJi. T r --m hoaja. fMi Kaaetta r. t. arw tS r t M iai. at . fiijlts. b-rne .ia star, ga p ai., u-wa, tat) lomt, Tsa-or W 41 I- a a a anfi ba a in v.n:aa4 uti.ia Trast . a . Hoard, Trade bldg ONK-HAI F aerin land mH-a frw feia Falls riww In Mtl .i. jr ae Ia A liader. i24 K Iin at . N. taft A- HF-. Teat d-:r.a. rfar,uk.n otTeewd wl.l laae ..iv fitt, fr .ae-fee f. gd l.rme ea be.ane Mala illi I. 2 t.ft i t 4t 4 f r-Atiavmaat I , ewe A ''-v-11 ' l- r rt. a -uta-. sis t uamUr tttst H. 54 It 4 e le.a ruii'tlral far a t'' aaria.i 4. 1 i Heaoc.aa r V'Htt. inert Urj. a f a;4 aanna --e Iahr-.v 1W Hat-'P.. a 4. ig A 4lNS a lt". at U tala re-acrtr m 4 : -. At lit. arg.aan AIjI at T'ger. NA 18; IVaae t 1.1. Nt INK N Aw St Cew ... wwUe a ' 1 .-. ado! WTr g Ca; loa fa ta tiaw, S r r ;w. i a"ia -a cwr.e, t . a ' aur j J ' ; W. ri,aatM4 we-iet. t-AS aW ecww. ea cavrutte. tear :y aM tgsisg . ue 4a c-a tae-; . at li .-aa. "- - ti -e.teA. a ieK a- .-a wr. o 4 a- a.i-4. .ie tw alt ll.d - t--, .'.. .e'attS It. a-a oa, . ..,. i-4, fteas-l " ' S In ak I - at. k N r,.-m t a..'ta. ft-.ea. aa-ry IS-W irt ii4'lt...ah, ht.t: Water T 'v 4-a r-.t v ma .w.aa .'Nt: tie..,, a. raoHi. era. . 5 lsitanaaia, aati tat. a-e a fr-t ti.-a: ( .aa a. t--a ... .. a4m -aa- 1 .Jk thi.lf-r. rva :e. I - C ' f J. .U S 7 "' ' S-. ia r.alutwl l ir- a,tw . m . . - ' w r-a r-r. w. a,,!H I - aa "" t ' tai.fl X tf a m; aw. r 0. .a,... af l.a 44 4e t,-..a Ir-a v ai t .-j. Tal t t L- -w i ..o l It 1 ATI v a ,t t. X S . wa ea e f .d r aa w raew 7 ' -a' l. a. ,ua-x. a i l. a. J ' a Ka .w, a aat-.ed. set e t a f-r wae ei f a. -i a w We.W a-d ftw'W. I': .ee'e t e g. i ... I -me a 'I .,ee v ' a s .ea t-fai tu. i . ii . r.h 4 . t ... . sa Wo-Toa e- hr a a.ea at. . t.naw.a. at t l ia V a a Ai a;a t-iawa ad. te a cur ti r, h. a i ia i.'t t.t r.. ar "w. 4 J aw4 -'..a.- t,... tkM! i -o l t h..t, . , . . aK Var.N..a , .... ft , -W 1 r-. ar g-.a t-.e. g .-. s- ..-4 h.uac a a J a rea l-e. I-t.. r - . -a r d I". L-aea had, .a-a la, e a. -. r" a- te 0 W ara fc.-r i.-re fo4 a.-l -ite4, l.wwe-ed l a'cea alal I I Mt a Jl:-i I t l 2 1 I H r ttt Tin t. je A- iii: -tnacT ;.- I i wa.c. a-ear wale - .c.. ... an. re -r,.! ..ra. .a , a, t aM-w. has '" n !.. Ji- aa'.O' ) .it t t - - Wt-.. k tht.-i..S ,,. ha SaW Wtd I". I , d a I 1 ar U W ... r .. . a ' 4. .-me , .e o tv , . a tskee it. (... t.4 a'.-e-f it awd a e .f 4 a lan t a soar - lutrtiial A- '.irt...i: HtNiM gt -...Tl,it, ft-aa .1 aa .eg a -N. 4t-, 1 1. . I a tfe '-"' -.ilc it 4-e. l-.t ..f a-i:. t.knl. e '"" ' aaat.. bw-aaiw a iiart at 4) pir oni rv for a aw bS l 3 a. -re r'a-e ; fa e b..l.r4-a gCM-d a it. r C f rc A . Wer --s--e l:e .ew, hia wh N.atia ft rf . i mot at'm m Ot - 2 - Ulnr-lfoa Me-r Tltf4-K paawrrgee trains atalv a fj,ta. Wash, .-j. .!a tows ahrra tore dc . Oop-ne,te la frx.ti ltde H,.a ae rant tn. I ' ..iLrl H4.1 to aa i.!ir.c Mfa '"" ta,o. I ; a o e a at .1 ea get tir-a tad l a Mlt.. 1 t. he a rtatee. e Olfta pifw rt . t ltts a. roa. a,.'-lnoe Us and a1 ta .t,y id re wa J J Kt.4 to. A .. 'ubiUr of a 'am m - ! A'lt.K neee art. aM Tenr-rt tr. r 1h '" W.t-ae flx t. ,.f fr-c f ,e . a - v'rt b-aev a d w:: a . ' jfc, fe. ' ' " 1 V trhi. km n...-e ard l M.wi..r. a r-v e 4'-, p .-w anj't. 1 g soap. iw:. teams ".mc t t e - -sr,itTi I a in-' 1 ki -T 2e l..t. f 4t.i . 4 . r, -ewl 4.TalI- Ai'F,! ?W te SrA a -ea .r I- t a.4 an4 ' " a a tt ta Sa e "''. al h.ta ar 4 .uee a.4 Prafh bsn ud 1 -r. aeila ft.- ftsr a -ea. ta 4-! s jw, Titi'K Al CI FKUl. t oo- ft fsiug a-me g.-d trtr.,a ..r Og.e onidti" Rl'ttTV i'ii ftwofW i. HtrAe t .attew t d'g a.a ol'1-oHTl NITV lr aw hai. t if.. .. fa hu art fw 4 raau, t e.t a S,.fnta,n a w awMawet ka l t.i,i .,d a-.. K It . fftr-aei sa'ar ajM a t t.a a rtart--w.4 w l.r. a-fl e t ,aa . V few 4 g '-ti t j t-a-n.erw. H, A Cbsp- w-uaa. 41: of Ta.w llT2 A4trfr: a. a r jx hat1 rou.t ae-s t 4-a i tw. aitWI a. f.-Hd a '1 .olf, ' g ' "- 1 2 a.ut rvj a T g, -,aa r-r are. ti 1 h 1 ...e-. rw $ 1 v. a it, !tla;lut .-W a-.. I ,l,.(i.t it.feaw ... ft tr.i ea fre-W t att.-wawf, ,ra e.e...e " '"'" 4" l--ww.l iewia Sr.. t a 4 fttatataa.l. aa". iar-4 e rwd. A 4-IN4T Tin W ar-aw at-hi.rtwi b ee-e "e lo " 1 ' w 1 e.ww 1 , , l,llfli4 ftr.a, c-k. S a r-a ef er,ed, V. Ha W 4 bar-ti. , l.i, un ..Uae -r,d atd. m" . -"y-. dew ri. a a. tnti -.. 4"' : l-- W' g--e c- ad t--, 4 1-ANi. )4 at.jfcat.aTa B ,dg It- tat I ..a, t IK I ? e-f Kf-ra a'.(t a hd t-1. W a -a r 1 r t tt a V ttn.t .1. 1 ' w at l!'i swea.g eJ i 4 siai;-i4Ai4 .. hnarj e.f 7 ir Ity ACm , .,.at r d d t m. fta. "" " w t( r a . . t . , aWeaa raw a- e .K.afetT.g a -r.a aa a I li rfe W l eKI r-r t'o, b r-Tcg. I ' " 4-t- 4 acts a4 Jee-w t.-a--a ea 4. 1 ---e Hraa if4;...-.-aa. I..a 4 i.aa a- i'KSt 3aifl tA M' trke wle..,". 4 l-..fcetB .- t .e.taj f aae-r eaaa 'r-.,a a 4 Ifee-i e N 1 w ta-e a.W Ijatw-ta-i iVast Bo. a a it fay a- i. a Tve a e a e a a I'M i'lKl n 4 i V rU T M.Kay Hlg. ft ft '4i a. aai, awcnaiivr . j.a.r4 fine ia-d. ta a n . rtti't f "et N.4?7 ra.. II I. TM "T i.e It. .aM of ltgda l.ldg . Ait. a'oa s tf -va arw ' I w a a-i.a I a-re te. 1 fr'w I t e -r a l .4 aw r - T w-as ef t . h -)wat .aa V u r.,a. , a-wrta a r- -ea at. right. r.t ..-A 54 Ab'nir-e. b -g jee Hi MH I rf rcutart te aa a-e r , a fa.r 4rd feu- ei t ; is n.ake i i I a . a -. 4a r -v a s . a P-t twoeiJi a li; tet.iaa A I t t TlFt t. ..vr t a . ' l a,ratt .a l.aa.v-e at. a" -ae. g--t 1-t-e a 'aw -va ' : -aa a I etv m .and. !?.. 41M- " II J. pa L w a "O en a eee Itrjf. f.r 12 ;-r a -r. M"' ai -t -b u:. r t"c.cb Pidg ft t) Vr. a t tra-t at T gtM a- : '1.. aaaa a aa" t : J a . Ian f l a c-e '.r, a.. a'1 a-Wf... Clajaeg fm, J Of t J I'hoeir- Al 4'4A N 1 I . Imp r H ac : a tt ac -baap 1S1 Hoard ef Ir t 1 t a da "tr INrt ft" I B.res. rM la. at ora , jr. ! e fro-W M'a-ta ai..a. a ratf, threat! in. terwa ;e aa i ' ft AJMTI -ntar-a l!A04V. t a N T l- T s . i. icw f t iir - a i -ra f-.-a .gine. fti-ritia-n .r T ,rA r-r a'.aU-o ... C e ew "5 a ' e Mi jaf t.-a M itM.t t. log r -eg '-f .a- glt HI clainta; wa pa jr rath foe e la - fr .m e D- a NeAau4 A ft b i : lec. ftll Ittrwid ef Trade. A MU- I wart a c - nt4 tta- t ef 4'Wd i .f ai..l pil-a itnwat 4e aar.a. a O 112. '"-,a...'.ii Jl T am4 t an a .rraeare .3 r :.rj 1 -oe-n a h g.r! 1 b w, rff-Mt Tivityn ania waata-A C J M cCa a s-a. -a WrKat 4l4g t Oft ft ftA ft AtLXA 1 atwa en Bare road, pear M.ntao:a . e f ai4t iarwa . l"-' rr har tatllSv. te g eld r a 4a4. g .n, a a . I, I 2o a. Ta- t----a a-,, ,wm .af A W- a'. g,-'-ao t-nf .a--. I.t.r.a J . i , -a i. -t-r . ati.arxa Waal hoa .". Mam a -cat . 1 a a. l.l.a itr.r.t r'.aw tr a-e. rarVH r . ta t-iata ... - ). .. . a-a at a. twe t a 1 e . ftjna J F t'J'lW, ! Abir-glrag Big. A 1 ft 1 a