The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tirn srxn.VT orkcoxiax. Portland," mat 2-. toco.
Leader outfits furnish w ater cheaper than you can buy it in the city from a city water main. The tank can be placed in the basement or in
the ground near the house, keeping the water cool in Summer and proof airainst freezing in Winter. Pipes can bo laid to all parts of vour propert v,
giving you all the water ou need at the point where it is-most needed. Fire insurance companies realize the value of Leader Tanks as protection
against fire and will reduce insurance rates when they receive notification that such an outfit has been installed. Anv reasonable pressure mav
be maintained by means of a Leader Tank and the water can be used to good ad vantage. for sprinkling as well as domestic purposes.
Mjuui-jum lamv wuu d uauu uuniu, a icw minuics or your time eacli evenmcr will be sufficient to sunn h
enough water for the following day s use. If you use a larger capacity pump and a casoline eneine. vou can start vour
ure. lou may
pressure becomes low. e have all sizes of Leader Tanks and can sell you a system complete.
engine and go about your other business until your engine has pumped the water to the proper press
if you desire install an Electric Motor and an automatic controller, which starts the motor automatic
WAT' : " . -
4i i. '
YTc have installed many Star "Wind Mills throughout
the Northwest and the users have found them to le jujt
what we claim the3' are the best wind mills on the market.
They are smooth-running, powerful mills and are stronglv
made. The frame and fans are galvanized after all shop
work has been completed, making them absolutely rust
proof. Furnished with removable bushings, which can be
taken out and replaced in a short time and without discon
necting the mill. Equipped with an improved ball governor.
Star "Wind Mills have many other features. Let us tell you
about them.
EAST 2177
B 2224
U ii i - . .
v ' " ---. - - -- r V
r I '
f to o, i I
- Jm9J
rcconanJ ibcn (or
ft conprctwxi witti our
STAR or LEADER oai6t
If you are not in position to install a Wind Mill or leader system aiid
wish to get a pump, we want you to see and examine the Myors" Line. We
have a complete stork of pumps and can furnish you one which best fits your
requirements. The Myers line is the most extensive line of pumps on the mar
ket. Are built in the largest pump factory in the world by men who know
their business. Get our prices before buving.
Take off ijour Hat toTKe Myers!"
Opening Parade of Rose Festi
val to Be Representative.
All Liocal Military, fraternal and
Civic Bodies Will Have Kepre
scntatlon in Line and Illu
mination Will lie Fine.
The Rose Festival will b opened on
Monday night. June 7, by a tret pageant
which will attempt to bring toiretrwsr the
organized forces of all local military, fra
ternal and civic bodies In Portland. A
meeting of the general committee was
h'id yesterday afternoon, and reports
from the several sub-committees Indicated
that a full representation of these vari
ous organizations would be in (he line of
Briefly summed up. this Introductory
street procession will be about two miles
In length. It will include the full turn
out of the National O-uardsmen of the
st Ate. the Oregon Commandery of Span
ish War Veterans, several of the U. A. R.
Posts as the military portion of the
Fraternal societies have responded gen
erously to the appeal to take part and
kelp get the floral festival under way in
ck more substantial manner than in any
former year.
Oeneral K. M. Lance, of the Knights
of the Maccabees, was present and as
sured the participation of four companies
in their division Division No. 1. under
Captpin Anderson: -Division No. 2, under
Cuptain Shepard; from the Ladles of the
Ilaccabeea, two companies of 30 eacn
were assured, all of uniform rank as fol
lows: Laurelwood Hive. In command of
SJrs. Captain Marshall: Portland Hive, In
command of Mrs. Captain Clara Knott,
i These uniform rank teams are in bang-up
shape to turn out at present and will
make a hard fight for me Ktk trophy
t!: yi" silver ctm.
The Eat Fide Iiu!lness Men's flub wilt
turn out a stronir marching club in this
parade, and the Peninsula Association is
in line with from Sl" to 3t) ''live wires."
The Newcomers' Club will have place
in the parade, details of this arrangement
having bn left to Oeneral W. - H.
Finzer. grand marshal, and President
Ralph W. Hoyt. of the Festival Associa
tion. The National Guard of Oregon will be
out In full force, as will the Spanish War
Veterans. i'he Kagles have promised
anywhere from ;v to 4U marchers in Una.
The Modern Woodmen of America are
preparing six or seven teams of uniform
rank for the procession in a nattalion in
command cf Mujor O. H. F. Murray.
The mail carriers wUl have more than
100 men in line, with a band leading their
" The Portland Hunt Club will appear in
cavalcade with all men members of the
organization and will occupy between
three and four biocks In the pageant.
The Portland Pol're Department has en
tered Its bund of 22 pieces and there will
be In addition a mounted police patrol of
about 30 members.
Butler Post, G. a. H-. will have Its
white-haired veterans In the line, and
the Woodmen of the World have offered
Sx'iiT companies to take part.
The Portland Social Turn Verein has a
crack battalion of about 3 members who
will lend a striking and picturesque at
mosphere to the opening procession. A
number of other fraternal societies have
yet to decide on the part they are to take
Red fire, big sparklers, fire wagons and
huge searchlights are to be used to add
spectacular Interest to the premier parade
of the Festival week. Negotiations for
entrance of a number of other strong fea
tures were taken up at yesterday's meet
ing and they will be announced from day
to ly.
Arrested Before Law Is Effective.
M. G. McGrath. a hardware dealer on
Washington street, was arrested yes
terday afternoon for violating the new
ordinance In regard to tha sale of
weapons, lnder the terms of the ordi
nance. In order for a dealer to sell such
a weapon it Is necessary for the pur
chaser to obtain permission from the
Chief of Police to carry the weapon, as
well as for a permit for the dealers to
sell them.' McGrath brought i up the
question of the force of the law. and
I whether It was In effect or not. Mayor
April to. and the law does not become
effective until J days thereafter. The
charge was dropped.
Two Given Prison Sentence.
ROSF.nt'RG. Or, May II. Imperial.)
In the Circuit Court In this city today
George F. Meyers, who some weeks sgo
forged a check on the First National
Hank In this city, was found guilty and
sentenced to two years la tre peni
tentiary. Jesse Le me re. convicted of
robbing a rooming-house in this city
some weeks ago. was sentenced lo one
year In the penitentiary.
Junket for Raymond Club.
RATMOND. Wuh, May H 5pecUD
The Raymond Commercial Club HI
give a business men's excursion to Chi
nook. II aro,' Nshcoita and other do n
bsy points early In June. Tl trip U
be on quite an elaborate seal and l.l
occupy about tl ree days.
oveii ? rirs iiirxo rp ron
minoMtii A t
The Pilgrim Congregational Church, recently comp'ed at a cot of lll.oe. will be dedicated todsy at
I:J P. M. The church is located at Shaver atrr.t at.d Missouri avenue. Multnomah Adtitloru The programme
Is as foitdws: Organ prelude: doxology. Invocation. Rev. Kdward S. Holj-.ger: snsi.ern. the thoir. rriixin
slve reading, led by Rev. W. H Meyer: music: rlos W e Now iaod. K. V. kuu. chairman building commit,
tee: address. The Conversion of Wealth and Talents Into Kternal Values." Rev. Luther R. Iyott. t". l.: "Put
ting Principle Into Practice": greetings: the act of dedication: prayer of dedlratlon. Kv. I. It. -Grey; dedica
tion hymn: silent prayer; benediction. Rev. J. J. ftaub.
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Tl ' iWllrf mm r-i I I II I ni i A
Cairj DUnkt Are llmdf tor Pabtlc
od Condition of Competition
Are A o no nerd.
Mr. John W. Mint a. prl4nt of lh
Portland Rom locltr. has r.
ct1vmJ from the printers th ntry
blanks with trophr lll for th nest
ros eThtblilon. which will h:d st
the trsllfornls buCdln on th Lew
and Clark Kalr vrounda la ronnmlna
with the ttt Krilv.l. The efxl
tion. for which btwen TS and il
vr ruM will te .Tfrr4 rd, will
b hld on Tuesday d VlneaSa)r.
fun and .
Trophies will be awarded as first and
-vond prices In earn of the follow. n
rh(M-i and sect Inns, which rs to be
exhibited In boss:
i ok AMtmm
CUm L. Si i II is A.
N 1 . tyf r d p""t e?t4
Wse. S 5. Ki I J f.e, estr
'te semesit arns. (. ec.e
b.bu ta tb.u
( Ism t, amlaa H.
Nw I, hmt tS rrw:i Tioi ; ;.
7 k-t ; 4 e.f--itt 1 rioui . N. 1. st we
Carouse Tuul
taes S. seviUs) C.
X. 1. be 4 rl ffin mny -
ri t sma. Naw 3. tt villi rM-, .ty
i! y mmm . . a. i4tsh foMsVi
ssy oo eri r m4.
ftses . !! U.
X, Is trmnem is:os: X.
t', 4 ,.-h lsretttMj. 1, Ket
K Ka-1 It fc -. N . l.t aCfves
Cxst .. s, boel lift. Jobs
Ctses K tsrtlwn
NV 1. Wt fcSrt4 Mtefaet en-t. SV
eoir ; N i, fercrtd i ve;n4. 3 p
emr. N J. bmt tseVs srttv4. a t .
Ae. 4. bet M J -il. tvee-l. esr c.
Ctsest . m Him I .
'- t. r-Moe B?fr-t4 !. KSJe4. N.
9. I t I . low t br.d ie smsa. N
3. tMt r-tw tw ssia. K. 4. est J
Ww is Seuned.
fss I. i ill is
Xs. t. beet or 4 nrtstW. ley
Clur. 4 bUsne mmh. .So, ? . tet,a
IS MlevLsa, ssOr 4 bA S
rtsM 4, S iii ties M.
Vtaet tCedltSa re e is aH-.w.
te ir? .m. bt J ifiltti mr
t A '" sxSovS . taf v , 1 faB
ikit.i4 fcfuir !:, bi - rrct c v
a. . , i t iaxi A a c :4 4 I .. mi ie t rf
f e.y r. kt w?s se. IS
b.i-mk. 4-". .---- .-. e . 4 bMn m
riT. ta Mvs veee. IS btASss sex4s
Hest sserml etki sf ra Sinw.
ftfM i-e -h-4 fe .
txs eate-4 ta ew.ios a nsef be s
r 4 'S. I t-t lax-l-.M lt
by f i 4 is 4. U'. r
b. fr At t ir rf. ktffi. (r J r ii e. I
unr br t f -"t 4 m i. be s t, r-r.t r.. e fc f .
t f4 n-K bft by 1 4 hsa
be 7 ic vx. r4 at !!. h g i
r-4 -v. i'.fwt e4:-4 f.-.i-vee, v&4 ih m
ef ( " eaeer we c
Stst 3 kf by 1 tec ts,-.i.
jr r;tr is ur ba s-t. S-e-
a .j eifce r"i-4 smre4 f- r -m iva
VnV b ( l eVc- eMs et fc r
r-rvt e s!-f sf v x r. imr- ta I
b bft M t I -r;iaft4 VUa nor,, Aii
na hi ba g-rwta in u et s
and. sv Bbut be ih- bes f4ff tM"oM,v
a4 ss be u tih.b u.f :hV Mn( r-
rvM re set, be es teres! fe avers iua
se .
torsos res tta-e ise eabibas ts sir
Tiv. t-l se ftf " res Um SMrs Ui
r it
.Aibis asi N u fes-rs aw las Ls,a
st te'-ee ibea It e c-Ux-fe a. M. as lbs lr
tvkhtht ss rrMv4 in be ssssb4 by
fb fnnirni take tHJfd'.!i4 lo the f p r i -
wtloa. cam ts r 4 if.mi-r r vliteh Ihsf
se f.t--a, SC'I .' i t: r-d 4
be s--er4es:r Tr c-f ifte
et! 't4 1 sbeil s esjiftwer e the tr.-'.
Utll ertf l k e .e Kve fr-aas. -4.l
rere btbier 4Vh.4 lee tb bsl s st
ISA bj . we t :- 9-e-rwe 4imiM
lh t.t.!a ss4 Ir4 (b et-ire. a4 et 1
'-jw s r M . c-r s ee irsftf tc
(reb.e lbs efeew wui be spes4 le sb
"Asautrt" ! ti:4a4 te snss es sbe
bee br s4 ee4 b 4evs st sew areer
er wr.iaa f r r
A rese imtrspBt.s r'm,mA, se-tied er
eeia. tt. ha. .. f... ..
er eh-h 4e tt cewfnsi la t re e rd
rsitjs. i.i be ifMieeiiel srs ri 4
eul of tb cnetet ha s cd. Mn-f
ef reers ts 4mititH le es rumptUi - .
Ibere taieei be tithr n-' sr Wes u
ttiet smte w-rj or h itU exi
Th Jj is;- may daaw-lin at rtf a eetre
te .iitbil klrh thary cuMtlrr vtvotih
ef rr S shere seij .fe. bit Is lts
sly ene is itAfcieae tc siios
tWIe e rs4e ter Js4lse Km-.
tUbllMterl IS Veers t K&b.b::4 ts bcirt
J ;
-r r ...or .................
r-fa 5 'r-nt .11
"Ubaitof 1.
' li,
. , Ttl 144
Teisi issi
l M a4re4 tbst serene wfce eeiee
f"-r rt4BpU(M.O (So U'rsbf 'f MfT
u.r stprel td a -si te it-e rer
ruivs eu rs-u.aia,ti)
mrtr.brrt of t Ss l. .e CommerrtsJ C11-
sr4 bsdM t T Th teb4 and v
f-srt of u.e Orlr(it f mm this enr,
marched to t Le r.sll w here an er
I low meet in s was beli and tha ad
dreeses were deliverer!.
Thj tneeifntf s as called ts order bT
Mayor 3Uclnn) sad rreslded 4er
oinif by tre Uyor and J. bL O'M.
rhalmian of ls iVrt'sed eseurstotttste
for the dar. lev. J. 4.V. CJemsn. of
I.) Is. de.if.ered Ut s4dress of welcoms
snd s f Allowe-a- tr W A. WiJUn.
of Portland. ftJ er rofi:n4 t russet 4
were Or.TK XV. Itt.t. K. . KtJlsm. II
C. t'4fr.rleil, f ormerlir of L.ri." Harry
Adatna. C tv Jarkon and Tom,
Harry Olsen, of I.yl. STok of the
resourres of Uyls an KHrkitst Const r
K. . I -unean relste-4 rrw ht cam I e
the Krtfw et and tol4 or the hard-
MT endured In tv.e early das and of
walking into Tf Talles count re JJ
years ac liiier aettlinc st Msyr
I tnnts. formerly of Tt e l,je sad well
k now. a h-re. made a tort tslk. 14. N.
t-t-sclvr. prriaM of tbe is4deadsls
I'ommcrrlil "Jut. V. It ameer. ec-
retsry cf it to;denda is IevfJnprnnt
. lesrue. snd tt-Kfritnr X- H. HrooksV.
..rv)d of Ialtig ivad
t licrk on M.
Valine Mi
Okanred 1( h obteJr-lrg tnooey Bnier
faU nrletic. Ka-'fa It. t, . 0u.-.g
mn 94 years old. of Tver-ly-oecrod snd
OMftsO llron .as e-.rlay
afteroooa ar.d tUcrd In I he Cour t t Jil.
ur.abU lo ootaia !: bonds to Hun tta
Infoi ni :'n rile 1.1. r
l!t t:x Juu. Court t-y ft'Wircim
Pnow at tr.e instance of t Ue lir A
r.k t . from a born te U ei to
have obtained t.u.
A few days aco a-cnrdlrg lo tl enm.
fialnt. (ine Octil iri'o tl e Xl.-lrr Ss titl
' ltr ar.d rsf-.rq a ch on the
Trust I'omptnf 1 srtt for Lie smour.t.
J er. r. w Uray. eaatiicr. g-.irg tun the
meney. Tt taba rcld the chf-ca
uta the aeration "no lure.- and Cone
at Shr meled. Urn d'CS aar
attempt to defraud at.d ses he wr;f4
h r.d y !a the Uik. lie ta r.e
f-sular eo.iatka but ea he has Inwa ta real estate.
Illegal ton ilaalAcs Mca loa Tlx
Ilalira (.lira lloal Wrlrone.
LTt-K WmS, !ay ! Ser.l
Te booster meeting f.ere la. r" r! Is y
aiM srss a deeldel sucvese In ftolrt -f
aunibers and ntiutiir-r. tf rrx.
ramm raml out sitsom a
l.llrli. Tt-e steamer (i, V Mtnnn ws
lii.'1ed stub Ste. fr.n Tie : '
ho wer. aceutri-ARirt by li.e band of
that ctty.
' arriving at t-yle li.e rtl-ttin
eras rit.d ti y to. a by Inn i
XM'4. on of trie's test bowtna.
Ikeforv the ITHI c.f tv.e .t-ell train
boanag in. porttsnd escuestnni.ia. Ivi
band flared several selections oa ise
town Mvr. sulilH by A- 1- .Tt.
T. I Iwaaisor; and others as toeva
boa re u
T esrurston train, vrh.ttt ronaiaiod
of throo r'uKm.a : r.p r m. one .. r -attoa
car. one dining cor and a .if.
rage car. rMrM4 t.rlo ar-o.t ec! -h.
record time t-otug enode oa u.e tr. from
Ket-ne.lrk. 4& t-nllee en ovr oa.e
steotrKos bolag r-egeterod.
Te r-aia .ss rn-i so Uirr Mt.
c:sa Mclnaia. 1'. ti. Luscaa aaj -'.:.r
a tSoidortdale attorney, addreaae-d trie
l-nee- lee-
Your Hair
With Mr. Potter's VToInat-Jtaicg
Hair Eliia.
allse-rtag 1 .lasts
St . r ttKke fae- t. : r : eere a
r.osj-l t ;t T ka t-! s-r k ta at Ml J .t
. eii i .tsr r.k stiue rt i m
( nr. 4se t t-C. ioi4ai - av-e '
--s-, .;r. e H )- T'.e-sr.
i t.a aa . rr. . t. en . ' a ass- .st V-sK I af e-
-.liar a. tout J ila : e aa. Ja. -1
I " a r fW.4s f ;-r ." a e-.;ia- a. 1 '-i -j
g ti - . f i-s'ii' s a.a i ,m. m '
J .tb I i '- arML aa4 .i- .tasa
- t , tr-. r ct-.a-t ewi
SL che fi-'r,-- S i sdaJ --sV .
I a-a. --t wt! r"-b
k.'f M r . tliete Sa4-t . e-.
4l i'tf 4, ( iftr-..ii4, .
bt r. t- w .:tul Jtw If 4te SXeas te
rt.M , j.a4 a-4 f ' awr is i '"-ri. . t-4 r-r
-"al-aaw 4 ( W t. I -r-s- . W b aWft
, e4 K-'e. V asaise 4 1 a rkarvajsea- . s-S Mar
i taetaa Mi b u. M Kaet 1. Ls& s etu