The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1909, Image 1

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74 Pages
Vast Majority in Sen
ate Favors It.
Poll Shows Free Lumber Fac
tion Will Be Beaten.
Vote to Be Taken Early This Week
and Then Party Differences AVIlf
. Be Harmonized Day Given
to Lumber Debate.
WA3HINOTOX, May 22. Among the
questions that will be voted" upon carly
next week In the, Senate will bo that of
putting lumber on the. free list. Tt was
stated upon high authority tonight .that
a poll of the Senate shows overwhelming
sentiment against such action.
The Pacific Coast Senators contend that
the Mouse duty on rough lumber is too
low and they are supporting the reten
tion of the present rate jut S2 a 1000 feet
An effort Is being made to 'compromise
on J1.50 per 1000 feet for rougb lumber
and a small differential on dressed lum
ber. On the latter 12 per 1000 feet has
been suggested.
It is expected that after the vote has
been taken on the question of putting
lumber-on the free Ust no further action
will be taken until the committee has
again considered the subject with a view
to harmonizing the differences between
the free lumber advocates and those who
are demanding protection.
McT-jmher A'ants It free Klklng
y and He burn for Duty.
WASHINGTON. May 22. By a special
as-eeernent the Senate tank no votes to
day on any subject and the entire session
Vfm devoted to speechmaking. The lum
Vf r schedule was under discussion duc
Ing t'ie greater part of the day and the
ccrt-oversy between the free lumber ad
vocates and the high tariff opponents
was farp. '
McCumber Introduce! the subject by pre
senting an amendment providing for free
lumber and he was on the floor several
I'mes during the day In support of this
1 rm islon. He contended that the Ameri
can forests were being rapidly depleted
uivj urged' that every encouragement
i-in'iiM be given to the Importation of
lumber for the protection of our own sup
l'ly. Ktkins, Scott and Heyburn. all of them
r.-re.;rnt:nK lumber-producing constitu
encies, contended strenuously for a higher
iluiy'than is allowed by the House bill.
Th-.-y controverted the theory that the
American lumber supply Is rapidly di
minishing. Tarirr Depletes Forests.
Borah agreed that a tariff on lumber
would tend to deplete the forests. "It
Is Incredible," be said, "that the human
race is, going to perish rather than plant
McCumber Insisted that the Industry
had reached Its highest point In the
I'nited States and urged that free lum
ber would partly supply the American
market with a product that could not be
supplied from American forests without
exhausting them.
Elklns defended the lumber interests
and accused the Senator from North Da
kota of being a "spotted protectionist."
favoring protection on products of his
own state, but not on those of other
states. Klkins contended that there
could not be protection In snots and that
there was no danger of the timber supply
of the country becoming exhausted.
Scott appealed for a higher duty on
Heyburn was also In favor of a duty
Concluded on Pass X)
................................... ...............
msmw l,fZ? r'L, ;v.vsV ..
aje- - ' 1 1 1 f V,'T t- rw- I V t I I I ' - B a I 1 m BsaBBwaa I at r . -ej X . 1 I , I
l IrZ?Mr" '" ' " " A"V"r r,k'W"' T C ltla. w. Kleert-w Ihsy. m. III a. rr. ..4 A..I..I. Taefwl OrwaM. f-e . M., Penl... I. TM.e4 r nftr .
! Ctty. ISallarar ank mt Msrhtaaa l-mwm-
.... a aaaaaaaaa...aa ...a.......... ..a. aa.a.a.a ...............,,....,.... sss,sssssssrsssss
New Development In Great Paris
Mystery on Eve of Trial of
Accused Woman.
PARIS. May 22. (Special.) Ths
Stelnheil tragedy. In which one night
almost exactly a year ago Adolph Steln
hell. a well-known : painter, and -Mme.
Japy. his mother-In-'law. were strangled
in their home in the Impasse Ronsln. la
again brought vividly before the public
eye by this week's developments.
Mme. Stelnhell, the painter's wife,
and Mme. Japy'a stepdaughter, accused
of murder, has been In prison awaiting
trial since last December.
The gravest doubts have been thrown
on her guilt, which has never been
clearly established, by the arrest at
Versailles of a burglar named Allaire.
The police gave credence to Allaire's
story that a friend of his. named Tardi
ve!, a burglar, too. confessed to him
that he did the murders. infectives
are making every effort to arrest
Tardlvel. who is known to taem. One
of the highest police officials in Paris
said t day that he believed Mme. Stein
bell guiltless.
After Hearing Choral Societies. Sa
"No More Mendelssohn Born."
22. The festival of song. In which all
the male choral societies In Germany
have competed, was concluded tola.y.
The Colognj? Male Choral Society won
the prize of honor, the Kmperor'a chain,
from the Berlin School Teachers' So
ciety, holders of the prize, who were
awarded the first ordinary prize.
The Emperor and Empress, Prince
Oscar and Princess Victoria Louise were
present. While proceeding from Wies
baden, to attend the competition a tire
of the imperial automobile. In which
were seated the Emperor and other
members, of the royal family, exploded.
No one was hurt.
The Emperor, speaking with refer
ence to modern German folksongs, ex
pressed his displeasure at the complex
passages that have been Introduced by
certain composers and which. In the
opinion of Ills Majesty, do not accord
with the real Intention of folksongs.
The Emperor said In conclusion:
"No more Mendeissohns are being
California ChemUt Announces Dis
covery to Remote "Cynamlde.'
SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. (Special.)
Professor E. J. Voyle. a chemist, of
Berkeley, claims he has made one) of
the greatest discoveries of the age
nothing less than a method of remov
ing the "drunk" from whisky without
diminishing Its ' exhlllratlng powers.
Voyle's recipe takes the kick out of
whatever liquid you may Imbibe, leav
ing all the recuperative powers. -
Professor Voyle says the thing In
whlsky'whlch causes all the woe Is not
alcohol, but "cynamlde." All you have
to do Is to carefully extract the "cyna
mlde" from your whisky and you may
drink it freely without fear.
"Pure alcohol is not responsible for
the Intoxication that follows drinking
it." says the professor. "The evil In
gredient Is an associated element,
'cynamlde. It la one of the minor con
stituents ,not removed by the present
process of fermentation and distilla
Try to Tie Xp Shipping at All the
Iarge Ports.
PARIS. May 22. Notwithstanding
the decision the General Federation
of Labor reached yesterday to call off
the strike, the sailors, stokers and
stewards of the marchant marine have
gone out at Marseilles, Toulon and
Havre and the movement Is likely to
extend to other French ports. The
grievances of these men are of long
standing and have. In the past, resulted
In a number of partial strikes.
The cabinet has approved a bill de
fining the rights of 'state employes.
Keynote Sounded for
Church Should Go Out
and Bring In Sinners.
Galhrrlnff AmoWc I-rlc)jtnlr Holt
Klrt I-aj Vlre-Mtidrrafor-.Nfit
A-fmhljr Canr C'ontr.
Amon Thi-re Otic.
DENVER, Colo.. May ZL-tm
tnadlnn" more democracy ; !aa
lounitintc in the luxury of the church
wait. tire for the sinner to approach and
more fvinrllfra a in one the lowly were
the keynotes oundd at today -
won of the r-neral anaemhly of the
Presbyter.., Church. The lca3 In advo
cacy of this doctrine wu taken by John
H- Converae. prraldent of th Baldwin
Locomotive Works f Philadelphia, who
In prv-ntin; hts n-port as chairman of
the committee on evancrllatlc work said
that the church had been aItoc-thcr too
disnlflv-d to so out .fir the sinner and
had ben content to rest In stale. await
In; the approach of the seeker for solace.
Oat her 1 riff of Veterans.
Other features of tbe assembly today
made It noteworthy. One waa the saiher
1ns; of the "blue and jrray" veterans. This
little assembly of grizzled wsrriurs was
addressed by Dr. Barkley, the moderator,
who Is a former Confederate veteran. Old
tlme were revived and a new
vowed undr the banner of both
church and stmt.
It is regarded as probable that the
next assembly will convene at Atlantic,
though a bid for the nv-Mtng has tKa
made by both Cleveland and Seattle.
Tomorrow there will be devotional serv
ices and a sermon hy th new moderator
In the Central rreebytertan Church and a
husje parade of Sunday hoof children
In the afternoon.
Win Men to Church.
CJt out In automobiles, in carts, on
me curoatonee, anywhere, only be sure
you win men to the church." was the
sdvloe given by Mr. Converse. "There
was a time when we of the Presbyterian
Church considered It beneath our dignity
to Preach the gospel except from the
most luxurious churches, but that time
naa passed it Is time now to go to
the smnner and not ask the sinner to
come to you."
Mr. Converse gave facts connected with
the campaign of Lr. J. Wilbur Chap
man, the revivalist who Is now conduct
ing meetings In Australia, it la said,
backed financially by Mr. Converse. The
latter was accorded an ovation as he took
tne platform and was given a vote of
thanks for Ma activities in evangelistic
The report of the committee on mln
lsterlal relief was also presented. This
urged upon each congregation th
work of contributing generously to the
fund to be used In aid of supersrnuat
ed clergymen whose salaries have not
been sufficient to enable them to lay
aalde a competence.
Holt I Vlce-Mwlerator.
The report of the Presbyterian
Brotherhood waa presented bv Charles
8. Holt, of Chicago. Its vice -pre Id en p Tim
report asaea in ine assemoiy lend
Its aid In the formation of synodic al
councils and In other ways of extend
ing the brotherhood.
Mr. Holt, who Is a Chicago lawyer,
was appointed vice-moderator by Dr.
Harkley near the close of the morning
session. The selection of Mr. Holt, a
layman, had been predicted. -but Revet -'theless
the announcement by Tr. Bark
ley brought a storm of applause. A few
(Concluded n rict 3
Two W
TtSTERDAT'-liiilnun tetrr-trstare. a
" r . mtelsmm, J degree.
TOtAT-s Frobsbiy fair; northwester! j
CAtifewton of Pari Hurst1 may resr Mm
Pteinbeil of murdr chart IWrtloa 1
Ps 1.
Brit !, mmr erw Again Oerraarv ea-
demned a.a livvtert. tiectton I. pace 1
Balloon rc t Berlin (Urtloa I. pas 4
Hertje tntmat decide i-otri rrn- asd
av-rmari ( blame at Caaa 1Usd a.
Petri Ion 1. Jv - A.
Taft opens thr NTt h w ern Indian ree-
r t'.im to sMtier. fieri inn I. pax a
Sanate rfue to eoatlnv apprt-rtatlona fr
rivers and harbor, fec-itoo 1. p,s 2
Government dupmiff rharr ihst Mnr
la in us p.y hiia pncuiin rafter.
Srlian 1. pas a
genaie ,( lumber tnrifT and will ro
doata fro luanber. hvtlia pas I
Taft to nf?-r John Hars Hammond ministry
to "hlnw. er t Son 1. pas J-
Taft rue ho - imt Vs'-ifte Ont If
t oner., makes approprtatia. rtia
I. pac S. f.mri
M. M Rser 1'e nd rhIMw 94
0in in Mrh Urrr ho died. eectloa 1.
Pas 3
Mrs. t W Mrs as hu(tin4 Has ien
op all tn pr det. ta iriia I. pas 3
Third -f ns of iDl-.inm tn I tan ourrv
Injur aix mo Ke- 1. pa
Kmn rrmnrltro rlm( dl-ver method of
maklnff ariilaky imn-lninili f Ing, hmt ea
hilar at ing. --Uot 1. ps I.
MilLWh"' ra'he new hist reed and
ratten tea shorts at his mrey. s-ertiaa
1. pac 1-
Convera nihuM - preeVy Mltn aemb!T
with r;i m denoTatis rhurrh. ret;a
1. pas 1.
rnln famine inm h.ld up ar Omaha.
nn 1. pas S
ertre- Prtar1 a.
l Ktiiti ! T, V ro"it 4. !
ta-ramnlo 1 - m S,
le 2
aeverml roraMi broken ml rlM a
aeipnia. MKrtion a. las l
Tartm,uih win Ne- Kngiavnd tra-ii
Hectlon 1. ps Id
N'orihfsretera sroeea fvrtana .
Aberdeo O; K-ltt iflrwjf T . Ta-
eima X tipokkn 4 Keriloa X. pas t
(Tfoo tra-h ten ripcrit o e near reeord
In tn( vlih A t H' ia a,
rtusen H th Ji- hl lia tnterrhnTste
irsf-h meet at 'or ai:ia . snioa
pas 10 Wekrhara arlns Kats rnp sf tw-
nia tournament. Sect ion z.- pa 13
t ear enter f.r com In auto rar SX-
ton 3 pae i
Ban rraeu believe fars-Kn fliM
on aiuara. fetla X fas
Casey folia ttavs met and sised op every
trsra In tissue. i-tUa 3, ! s
CsJif'rnla aupport t'.t Utfu better
than bf..r ttnn 3, pas S.
Bill Ifayaard's imnirf shoo s In Oreow'
victory la Trt-tat meet Mrlloi a.
"If ir motor rsnai s entered for Teora low
iiay rares Kr Ion x I'ss
Be: I lead roast leasu la leaning aree
ae. berjf,n l. Ag, jo. v .
radnic J-rtliwe4.
Ili:boro murderer tiamea ieita for hr
r.t be.n..n i. p T ,
rn11finn o;uaman" overtook rbtidren
In l!llrn ..f I.'h uts, ;! and ull m Ul
follwar. Section I. pas 6
Urant Paa -hwl principal arre?ed for
ault ror punlkhaig unruly pupil. Sec
lion I. .as a
Msjfe Kkehol of ttthan. dlacotrr method
f"'f ro.ored phoiocraphy. lerliosi
pa's 1.
gpkan nevro aKoos woman and r lmrtf
be Moo, 1. pas 3
f eaiiaerrlal awd Martae.
Hsr'e, prlrea Msher r-eeau of
eaa Fraa-
rl--o flurry, heilon 4. pa It
kaeord prtce f.r Mav hi kn4 o(l at
M-a Hectloo 4. pas is
Bull rimpaim ataried m tor market
rieelloa 4. pas X
New Torka twetpta of eaah fmnx tnrior
ofTt o!d porte Pectioa 4, pose 13
Artillery tenders urrnofully 1 taonrhed at
yarda of WlliameM iron A tt Uorka
lsctlon X ps It.
Frtlaod aawl tvdwlty.
Alhe ar.d K!'ahr formally enter xf r-
orally conti bootiun x pas IX
Nwa of port land drama. letlon 4. pa t
eaimon pm-u m b bissest ta many
Vaars. becllon . pas ft
Straus ra4 is ready for Jury, ifoettoa 4.
pas 14.
EEl-ert reporta Cnufily t'lerk 1lda bo Id a
.-sr:r w ' reo ana intereot on truet
funds, ftection 1. pas
Pro'eat ceneral asairat transfer of Madison
brlds fund tte. x psa X
Plana are adopted for lift bride at Madi
son. strt bvciioa X pas 3
IFiimwr of 1 ommere to join in uit for
-siijusi mni j ireisnt rat. IWItoa X.
I'as 1.
Lsoeal ners aay eondltl
ar better tbao
on iout-l. e-t;o, a. pas 3
S irt parad or rtoo reetual to b two
cntiea ions iwtiuo 1. p 1 1
Councilman Kaepard. of ttM-ktoo, ronvlrted
a. imuni aaruun 1 . pS
nooeiair. HiiLabors. muMr. has rrord for
rruiinna m I'ortland Pesrlloa 1
Ep worth l-et indors Prohibition randl-
out 1 ror May or . n i in 1. m
Mewl fcotwie and Ho4ltlaa
N amber of real eatat transfer ti:l
bp to raara- ie tion 4, pas a
Buif'itftir permits for month total
SVMJ.UOU. He. lion X pa 4
Tra-t near Kmlrview bousht for
iiomea. liwiiun 4. .a a
Count ry
Vfrr ien Tniie or la in to te (Son on
Ka t Hid this bummer. aeeitoa X
- -
Kersanisatioii of In listen Club Is andr
r- wun . pase i
Many new kulldin going p oa akaai glda
Ke-1 1 . o 4. pse S
KSt Hid Umlrtr Company ptan big mill
at neuao-x aesrtH'n 4 S
Utti notes of Rtret la real tat worVd
ret-tion 4. pas
eauare aad n girlapaia.
Winaton sjliuerbiirs artiri 00 th bean of
a r rta. huin a. $a s x
Hoaebursr etraaberrv t. araival. SXtiosi X
pas s
urion exnibit at tn noatti Fair. JU-iioa
pas 4
Is t'onsreos a career or any ls-tdnt. Soctana
a. pas a t
Letter of a Japan sa-Hoolboy. H-tioa C
pas a.
Lou t Ml Ion to appear before th Oei
Kmpror re-t 1 rn a, ps 3
German Airships Fill
Air, Is Report.
Phlegmatic John Bull Loses
Nerves Over War Scare.
IWrlln Piprr, nmntrnlln( on Con
dition. Plrtsirra KniUnd as tHv
llnmr or "Nroti Iw-xmr ra Ira
Ylr4dlns to lrri)."
UINTKIX. Mar JS Thm ,r0 at tha
! Mohoak ronfrmct oa -Im.rna-llonal
Arbitral Inn.- br ItwMrBt Nich
olas Murrar .uUr. of 1'olombla fal-
rlr. In whlrh h rlb4 Orst
Ilrltaln'a at(ltu! loarl Ormaay as
a form of "p -4 ay .ram Ion al In
sanlir." has b"0 sirlklnalr eonBrtn4
during- th. past rrs.
Snsallonal alorlrs of Rrrmig air
shirs, stark of Uarrnaa s(or4
In lndoa roKars and thousands of
Grrtnaa wallers and balrdrr.srra
acrlr awaltlna- th, Emjvcrot-s slsnal
to dnliv.r Encland la aa Invadmc
army of frlloar rouolrriivo. hara
bra lha mala , features of lh Beat,
papers Ihtoua-hout Iho count r-.
Mnrr and Alrslilpa.
Th, mauser mylb. to whl.-h atten
tion waa Oral called by Fir John Har
low, haa been coniempittoualjr dis
missed bjr- War rVcretsrir tf:jne. la
the llouso of Commons aa aa ascep
llonally silly story, but It has been
gulta svpae.ed br irroimu of fijlna
nocturnal vlsltatlona or a (lermaa air
ship. Th, phantom "Urine iKilrtintn" soon
developed Into a lr,e fleet, ths com
petlns; vapera vouchins for Ih, accg.
racy of their respe-rtlro stories, and
(Ivlna; slcned atatementa circumstan
tially deialllns; the maneuvers of lha
myateiious and swlft-movlna dlriaibl,
at th, aama moment In various places
on lha rasl and west roasts, and even
In Ireland.
Mariners "fir -Km" Too.
Captains of Incomlnc steam, ra hava
been credited with statements that
they ascbana-ed oar, alanala with Ih,
aerial visitor In lha North Sea. and
aom newspapers went so fsr ss ta In
sist that th, -scare ship" has Ita home
on a Uerroan warship, now la the North
Pea at maneuver, to which It returns
after ita niahtly niaht-
rccrlptlons of the secret !y-by-nlaht
dream becaraa more an-y- mors
araphlc. until pertain advertisers, who
had been sperlmentlns; with model
airships attached by ropes to motor
cara. confessed their Van In the affair,
and exploded ths various theories.
Meanwhile Germany, as evidenced by
th, comments In th, Qermaa paper, on
lha latest panic, cam to much th aama
conclusion aa President Ilulter. Con
tempt, dlssust affd. Impaticnc hava
been th, prominent notes efn th, or
man edltorlala which plcturw In;iand
as th, home of mer, nervous degen
erates, who ar, yielding- themselves up
to a fransy unworthy even of a decay
Ins; country"
Adrian C. Ilanorr, of CliU-ngo, Itc
frndant In lif.ioa tax-.
fllCArt. Mar n-Adrian C. Ilooore.
brother of Mrs I'otter Palmer, and him
self a prominent society man. Is made de
fendant In a suit for damage filed
her today by James It. Ua pearl, who
charge alienation of his wife's affections
v xixm I'lioTcxniAmiY.
leca I'ormula of HI Own. and I
More ScK-rraafnl Than frufra.
aor I.umlcrc, of Paris.
froKANK. Wash Var IJ t Special.)
Major Nichols. l K. A, of Tort
Wriaht. a veteran student of photo;.
'apl.y. haa Keen auccsaful In reproduc
In" colors by developing IV -auv
with a formula of h la own
ror )tr b haa devoted consider
ahte attention to color photography, and
has studied tt- discoveries oX I.umlere.
of franc, founder of lha stem. lie
recently sent lo New Tork for aom of
th, l.urr. ler platea, which have met
with l!tt;e ,uccea by th phia o rmt- era
of lha country.
T Irted a little ei pertment of my
own. - tin Ih result that I hava been
able Jo produca aom negatlvea which
anow th, colors of th object In de.
tall." aald Mr Nichols this mom Ins
lie showed om, plate which wer,
taken an th military grounds and con -tatned
tha most mlnul detail la color
ing. "My aid Una I devoted to Ih mak
ing of lantern altdes." continued tn,
Ma)or. "and It la my Intention t take
a quantity of plate of llli kind I
th 'lalandi la August, and to !
vote considerable of my apara urn to
making picturea of tmtlml scenery."
Tramp Pnhea Coin pa n Ion
J u m p., bol la t'aptarcd.
floCX nTT, la. May S.-Wr.:le
Norlhweatcrn passenger train No. 11. en
rout, to Hlous Oif from Council lUuffs
tonight, maa running at a apeed of t
milea aa hour near iYmhi. la, Ifcre,
men a ho a era beat'.ng thrir way on Ih
lender, er.gagrd la a combal and onr,
hoe, nam, could not ho learned, m aa
pushed off th, er. of th tendvr and
aaa crushed lo death.
tn of the two men remaining rushed
over lo tha cab and charted th, other
with the crime. Th, train waa a!owed
down and the man Jumped off He ass
captured by the ermeer and fireman
and both men wer turned over to of.
Ocers. They gave tha Aamea of J a. k
Hyatt and Hea Floane. Th latter haa
been held for murder. -
Only Sraitrrrd Andlcnco l.Utcns to
llncTlim Favorite Orator.
Ingtan. May S There m as a time when
tho mere announcement thai senator
Chaunce-y t hr-pew Intended to speak In
th, annate would fill lha gallertca and
draw a larg attendance on th floor. Th,
other day when lw.pew delivered bis ad
vertised speech oa Ih, tariff b had a
scattered aud.enc la Ih gallertca. per
Kara pc.ple all u.d. and th attend
ance on the floor was below normal, !e
pew la no longer on the AeOalortat llet
I of star attractions; indeed, he Is virtually
In the -nias-bcen" claaa.
jcrvou. Ilrcwkdown of Prr.Ulcnl'a
Wife t Nrtoo paaa.
WASHINGTON. May r Although
recovery' from th nervous breakdown
sh sufTeted several days ago will b,
slow and gradual. Mrs- William II. Taft.
' raa announced at Ih Whit lloua
tonight, had apent comfortable day,
and all alena in .tt. i -A . v. -
fully recover her losi strength befora
her proposed departur for th preai
dent' ttummer home s I fie ve r 1 y. Maaa.
I.Ike Taft 'a Mn-aio I letter t Itea
Tltry Head It All.
rN JCAN. P. It. May JI Th fu:
tet of President Taft a special mess
ag to Congrea on Porto Rlraa af
falra haa been received by mall, sad
after reading It carefully, tha Repub
lican leadera praise it highly a a'lke document
Swings Bears Joyous
ly Over His Head.
Steel Trust Men Also Short
and Squealing.
Ktprri'a Itcpoct IWrlicw t eo vera men t
Is area and t.lvr-a I'atica t rtancw
o Crow Armour Is
A roon g Um Khurta.
tTUOACO. May -peci,i
a beat went up to : S?, today tha Mgs.
eat pne of wheat ainc lha famoua J .v
letter deal, when tt top prvw aaa I; si.
Tha cio:ng prtcw a as ti
Thi spectacular rilmn lo Ih May
wheat dJ of Jamea A. Parte cam a t
day amid a eoro of great esciternent h
Ih, wheat pit. It wa Mr. Pattee's red
letter day, la which h look
street and steel crvad bear by their
-al.ort tails" and swurs; them over hia
head. Ih a: 1 -street crowd and.
th rteel crowd refused lo com Into
coyer, alihough ther la bat on waek of
stay left In wl-.trh ta cower their con.
tract a.
fcwrca On oa llaon.
"Th b'.g bull movement la tha pit today
cam, after th buTliah crop report from
Kanaaa by Oeorg M. Ie iunt. tha
crop espcrt. if, rrporu-d tt th Kan
sas w heat crop Is cow li.'.o buahv;
short of what waa vspecied.
Today did not only mark Mr. Paften's
hard bump for th, bewra. but gave him
an opp.trlun1ty ta amtle at what eWr
fT of Agrlrultur James VlUan said
about him and his climates on th crop
some lltn ago. Today Mr. Patten called
soma of his select friends about Mm
and compared Mr. Wilsons Kansas
ftsrurea with thoaa rr ported .by Mr. la
Artnoara Ie,d la riajlng.
Th Armour Oram Company led In tha
buying. It waa nr;:y believed on tha
floor that aom on In I -' Armour eon- I
Cera ta still hott on Mar. It was also
declared that some big shorts had been
covering through Armour aV Co, and thus
put that company In the l-ad la tha
buying movement.
Continued dry weather In Kansas turned
th trick for Mr. Paitva. When he was out
at his partners ranch m New Mnico,
be stopped In Kanaaas on his wsy hak.
CH-e of hla announcement then waa that
dry Weather was hutttng the Kanaaa
crop and that It wuld he shorter Itan
grnerally evpedrd
Conwrll or Van llarea Atmoal
Koorks Ufe Oat or HoaV.
t-AFATETTE. Ind.. May II In tf
hammer-throw or th slat fcigh arhoel
meet ber lodsy. ConwelL of Van Pa
re n. threw a hammer wntch struck
Professor H. M. Hoak. of Purdaat. oca of
L-th judges, la th abdomen. II was
knocked down and ts la a serious con.
BANK MOVES S500.000.000
K nlckcr ht-r-Vcr Tra l Comn-st'i
land Carted Thraath Street a.
NKW TOItK. May S r rtmpjoyes af
the Knickerbocker Traat Company today
moved mora than ta. . la cash
and securities from tb former Quar
ter of th Institution at Reoadway
lo th rw home ef tb company a few
door down Rroadway.
rS-a w3 Xk "r1..
"Ilaat MTf, H.eai leall
k ItMna Preerallj.-
x-i r7 . , i i i . I