Tirr srxp.VT oii:r,oxiAx. rouTLAxn, mat a-A "It is no use to grucMe and complain; It's ast as cheap and easy to rejoice, When God sorts ont the weather and sends rain, Vfcy,;ram's.my-choice!" V"- Klti-lie l-il.el. by .Turgor Kutrell. liras iraled II .50. The Ilobbs- Merrill Com-l-any. TndianapoliB. Ind. Mr. Knrr.Mlo i n.-vcr happjer than when l'" I enRix.-d in placlncc mind afcalriat mini, an.l also in showing us the line ert of rlipluniatic lntrifrue. with a pretty woman In the background making: the 1'iippotn on the KtaKe dance at hor will. V. n ;av lively recollections of Mr. Fu trplle'a wkill as a novelist In "The fmple Oase of Susan."' - -The Chase of the f-olden Plate" and "The Thlnkics Machine." In "Klnslve lua).nl r tt..i .it- i diplomacy at Washington. 1). c., aa his theme, with, presumably, one hljrh per- "taring- a tnin aisgniaa as Presi dent Rflomvplt . v. : " " t.. iciBunn;c 9a jmnlron wt . t : .1 . .. . . . - ' k imuBui, dui nere Is one sureestlve sentence plcturlnir a or uio nraaecfj Cabinet: "The choleric blue eyes of the President of the United Statea shifted enrulrlng-ty to Ji thoughtful countenance of the Secre tary of tstate at his right, thence along the table around which Lhe official family waa gathered." jLham. The novel Is swift In movement. lead- aenaatlcmai finale, and for Its characters fcu high-class diplomats who heeltaxe at nothing; to accomplish their nda. The book icnmrti a Summer after noon, a box of chocolates, and a ham mock. This la the scene pictured by tfca Uras-tra-Bon featurlnn this book page: The Italian Ambunlor. Count Ko 7 T" rZiaf to Interpret a French bon mot Into Knw.lsh for the benefit of the dalntr. o!l-llk- wife of the Chinese Mln 'T who eunesLed at Kartcllffe wbea a servant leaned over htm aaa laid a sealed nvl.pe beside his p'.ate. The Count glanced around st the serrant, ex cused himself to Mrs. Q ions U Wl. s-id epened the enwlope. Xnmde. was a stncle shent of b.uj note pi.r. and a t-.z line signed b? b!s secretary: "A. lady U waiting for yon here, flhe says she most see yon Immediately oa a matter of the greatest Importanoe. The woman rerTed to In the note Is Miss Isabel Thorns, "Kluarra Isabel." a spy In the pay of the Italian government. Coincident with iMIss Thorne"B arrival In Washington. r. C.. Chief Campbeil. of the United fttates Secret Sor-rtoe. and his assietant. Mr. Grimm, are reading a translation of a cipher code sent them from one of car agents attached to a Government embassy in Europe: Secret otfemslve and flefensree alliance of the Latin against tlie Bnglieh-speaalng Di llons of the world la planned. Italy. t ranee. Spain, and two South Amerlcaa republics will soon sign compact In Wash ington. Proposition lust mado to Portugal and may be accepted; Bpelal envoys now working in Mexico and Central and South America, Germany Invited to iotn. but re fusee as yet, giving, however, tacit sup port: attitude of Kussla and Japan un known to roe. Prince Heneuetto d Abrurzl. believed to be In Washington at proe-nt. has absolute power to sign Italy. France and P;.aln- Profound acrecy nj..tned and preserved. I learned of It by underground. Fall I Inform our Minister? Cable ln structlona Hang! Plot and counter-plot begin. In wiiich the two great antn.gor.lma are Mips Isabel and Mr. Or lmm. One diplomat Is shot, and there is a theft of trj,000 In gold. Chief Campbell la a voluminous talker and here Is one of his paragraphs: "t'.lve a yard of canvas, a Spanish boy v-Ul wtiste It. a French boy will paint a picture, on It. an English boy will built a saliboat. and an Anierli-an boy will built a ter.t. That fully Illustrates the differences in the races." Of course, the ! of love hattl- with the mighty diplo mats, and what follows Is so mixed with intrigue that a genuine breeze results. Tti? Mrr.llty of I-vabel Is held cleverly to the cloee. 8pff'! r""'"- bv Robert "W. Chambers. -!ty X Y At,l,i'ton Co- N"w Tork All who Imagine that war Is a mere waving of battle fiags. a period of parade In which It is sweet to talk: of dying for one's country, when tha bands play "The Star-pang!ed Ban-ner- and everything u ouuloors on the scale of one big picnic, rhould read Mr. Chambers" latest collection of short stories "Special Messenger" In which Is portrayed the adventures of a woman special messenger during our Civil War. It is a war that Is painted grim, ter rible, exhaustive, the kind or conflict that old soldiers talk about, and In subdued tones when only they them selves are present. In a way the book Is fashioned after Stephen Crane's "Red Radge of Courage." which, by tha way Is nailed by recognized critics as being tha greatest story of a battle told la Kngilsh. although written at a Uma 1 y " J - . -. ', - v wV-Srt till V. i ; wV v.; . r.. if i , . ' h " :. f ELU3WZ V - A - .P. james wmiconiD Kiiey when tne author, since dead, bad never 1 ' ' iei osiue. This extract from "Special Messenger will at onca Illustrate what i. .,T Volunteer JCurn, elghed and spread E ?k hr Iodine-stained finger. ivelv - 'klD ""n then, r.fll- "It Is different Bow." aha said' "senti ment dies under the scalpel. Ln the nilh io , "au,or "lllr neiiher the belief ir , capacny ror deatrlng atrophied or. at l-at. a ren.g tiaolf sympathy, sorrow, remain as mechanical r. actlons. not .pontsneous emotions. . ..In.,l' b'nnmg.- Mid the vur dreamily, "the men in their uniforms?"?, drum, and horse, and glitter, and the nig. ? mea "! " "s what smoottTe-utr VHhH.WT "Ve: rou know how ft was In the elt'ea. r?fr";.",'Wwra " shlnoi mean the hospitals after Hull Run. Young br?v4y the Zouaves the muJtl-colorwd g'srd regl- ,i,ul hrr to blackea.d hor- r"r tT. the t of war- .hi. lJZr in bu,l pen. eh.,k.d with dreary Teglt 51 ""t- -" ln "hy blu h-ri fn. d vlduala v.nl.h. men v.nl.h. Tow ol". glrr dream of man dies her. forever Only lU0.'Xa-t"Onlr- w I- ard. terrible sometimes: and sometime, whimpering, terrlned. C:ncJ,li7 b7.n of all his x-s glamour, ai h'rVx.,? shorn of authority, devoid of pride. pltlaD;.' -reaming under th. kill. . . . It is J ferea, now.- aa.d th. pretty- VoluntJ, iir.-' Th w" kl- m"r '1 drew hr bnrk.kla ? .1"lur '"rough he bei, and b " ,(n.5J h boUter of her rewlver. .v.- !L"? '"o ld: -and iC To"r "nj-stery rmslw-ihe L. 7. . mln"-m" rrmJc ns beeaus. Ia7h.hr.;:-,hm err1" Kk ha s nothing - But the Nurse went on: "And la the wards they ane sometime. -om.thlr. betwixt devil, end hl?n7L? th. weane and failing, ihey att-lb.i. i women com- out la limV S,'.' lncc.neq.,no.. greed. m,lce. gAasi, P And" I have tearwed that. . . it l. M dirr.cuit to begun. mra aitbir: L iSTd wa! 'fd'-S '; Ta" Prt o(, wo-g. i do it. 1 know ihey are afraid in b.ttl-o.. intelligent one. T.t th.y JighS I know thwy .r. ri!v child r.nira-"r passional.. s..n.h. of. en cruel but? arti al.. th.v r. her. fighting thl. war t er. ofth-lr glamor foe mTiS tlr'ed.m.?.TntMr N Uk' U" -" ;fou elwiri war. emotlerial. dear. The Siclai Messenger laughed, and see .' 'c "Shied op -,Th "lor Ion l yoa re.hy think vou .,. going ?to be cp.b.. of caring "fo?" . ' I know now bow theVr. r.,,n?he?"ca,hS TlLS'ti.: -:' -"-ma " : . . u,,w romantic ow '" w. were In school sm tin." said th. Special ; - ' ' w- iik. men . . m"B " ,l,e right on. c-qld ui r snWk.' hankom. fl.1 m .'fr"1 Oh the Ji,ht 0n: J "" bwei ?" the sentimental border. . . . i,Jt thy died or wot away or I did Th. troubl. with m. is. a. oS w thai he."rl.de',10UOa"I,,ln.,1 "r'- T Jihdh.;! to LT lr.iL. ' " 13 ""metimes difftit to b. lorai to car. for duty to car. for th. Lnion more ii.ii for a man Tbe2. was one. an nlar, noBConTbatanl T could hav. loved Mm. . . th.ri w. a confederal cavalryman." I M'i f l,h.TIm -tb my revolver butt-SmS 1 u"w eared for him. He waa very It u bard. dearAblneT , '.m'Vn.. "'Mrf ,sm ,r mr lclly for loving Kailrnevd Pi mot I oa and rr1tall..ilo. f- the t nljed SUUe.Ty "fredeTg AtTtvS land and Fred Wilbur Powell 12. mana Green a Co- Tork Cu. " An academic rather then nr.oi i book, part of tha coat of tha work and In preparing the exten.tv. hiMinmni.- havlng been largely borne, the author 'r"' bY th Carnegie Institution. Tha stylo Is fairly tatereettng. Th, story Is told to 17 chapters, and some of the sub-ie.-ts explained are: The tlrst era of trans portation ln the Cnlted States; tha em bargo, the second war with :r..t u,it aln, and their effect upon transportation development; beginning of the railroad: effect of esrfv exnerlment. or rn..z.- and investment opinion: stata funding of transportation entarnrlse: rlvaii-. twsao trad centers ln Its relation ta J promotion and capltalLrat Ion; methods of appeal for financial support: stats aid privata companies: reaction against " a i"csi subsidies; financial Instl tatlons snd syndicates as agcn lea to capitalisation. The Kramasraei Move wiesil la a New rng. laod Teen, by K-v. 1. n n f I'o.eii ; -. i P. Putnam's Sean New Tork t'lty. The author of this Intensely Interest ing book Is the re- tor of St. John's Church. Northampton. Mass.. and gives what lie call, ln hl own clearly-cut phrasing, "a avstemarie account of ex periments and resections l-:Kned to de termine the proer reialr-hip between tiie mlnl.iter and tr.e doctor phvu-lan In the llcht of mod-m neeris " The town written ahout !e Northampton, Mass.. a spot of pastoral tcautv of wherh th. writer has most plesei.g recollecl sr a. Mr. l'owt.l Heads for a L!er symnathy ror tne r.mmanuej movement wMrb Is destined, he b!icrt. to "re-enersit. th. entire Christian Oiur.-h erd make It more useful to s--it-.y." lie trlis the results of the Kmmanuel ld-a as allied to cases with bis own rhurrh rr.ototr shlp, and what he aavs is worth more than s -id as to tne treatment and cur of what l vagu-: ca!!.-d "mMl dis ease" Tills hvok is l;k. a c. hand laM on a fevered brow. Aa Kasll-riaua'e ll.we.. by Ma-r lWT d. M.uner i U HMtp-r a i.rumerv. New lor t'ltr The Oregonian has slrra-ly given ex tracts to show what this three-act r'-ay stands for. a f lay that ha. made K-.g-gland, hsters-al because It snows bow U.-raiany su.--esru.;y invaile. Knglar.d snd lands an arn-.v vhirh makes ey connue.i of Kni.-:ish volunteers The le.tdr of the lni,:-i is cail-d -Captain l-rlnre Yolst.d." f tne "Neartsnd" army, but the ' i.l.i-n w.rI Is '(tii." tjuitie a rtcmanl has sirring up for tne flay In this c-mnlry. anj l!jrKr A- I', other, b.ive shown the r.ecr-.ary eaterpris. In publishing It. Tie pl.iv 1 a tre.t to read, being crup. s-nna!lonal. wlib a thrilling climax.' It is ih seme of sr casm. The J-eernal -t aeneeb-asi IMur,. ,,;t by Inn. , Treve;vaa Ml!'r . um. srle iw. numr-r I llu.tr.w.i ; i c.rt. Th. A.,:,i.1 .t, o! American Ileoor-:.. .v.w Msven ft. TMs Is a wo-k of art. reprinting the on..r:iow numtver. and Is eti!i!lite,i .irr, r9r. pifure r;g. Ir.al -pap-rs on tatrlotic s-ih.w-cta. Jn certain of these papers, hlstorv-sl" d-w rlomirrw ihat .rn but as yet fn!nny uo derstood g-t Illumination, and the work g.-nersliy make, a special sr?'il to all Interested In Am-rlc. Papers are writ, ten from dtfr-rer.t viewpoint, on the civil War. and the head'rgs of o' her. are "Uletor c Mural Art In America." "Ameri can Mothers of Arorc Men." 'Flrwt let ter Written In Amerlea." "Ilr Overland Itoute to the Pactflc." -The Rlsa of 1 1 ;r-at Wes:." "Airestral lforr.erleada In America." etc. Cie.d Tle.lt, nJ lln. v& . . . J"t ton fiuil- r and M:-h.e Wl! l.ms II. luetratanl. . I so PTederlrtt A .,..b. Nw YorV i llv. ni t v t ar .. " Portland. ' ' Thb took ought to sell welL from fh. fact that It bear, the name of one of l a authors. Cpton Sinclair, snd the rending public of A merle, does not need to h told at thla lei. dav who I'plon Sinclair la He and Mr. Williams give an excel-lenity-written account of what they call the new hygiene, which Is largely a pro teat against the over-r Ivllise.l nr. . lsd In cities and the conditions reuttsnt from food we est. but should not. In what Sinclair calls -America the land of the frying-pan." You are told what to eat, how to steep, and advle. l. tM given as to diet reform, bretithlng and exercise, the cam against meat, etc A w - i a . .. - . . iMiirim j I ' I'til . asms fora New Tork tliv. This learned m e.l I . .- -- ...... , wfi. wni- teu hy Mr. St.nT e n . ... i . 1 1 nil la bora t Ion with members of the faculty of Columbia I'nlversity. and la specially valuable alike to student. ... thOUshtfuL rwnrilne n n.! i. -r , ' cussed: Colonial lller.ture. the it.volul nonary period, the ism century, essay ists and humorists no tit rm mrjt Jk . slccntlsts. periodicals, snd s list of American authors In the Taurhnlta" edlllon. The .Mttmsr. v . - - - i , vl American newspapers, does not show a " ue.unicxe witn ins subject, tha newspapers of the I'seio rv.-,.. slighted. The book has too much "Kasf about It to be American. Ctw-err In ty Oieree T Parmerd fo-h. - ( y N- - n.ua v .-v.. tors A collection of wis. .. Ien ...t crisp. Kmerson-LTte style. written bv soros master hand of exDrvaaion t.,.e the sort of meiute ihn .... worltj. after an. a nle place in which to llva. Three extracts: ---- ---- - . I- m. .aa tr. pe.l ha. written. u.tag th. .km.ti. as wes. " ,J " Wrl " rei'et-ttere - - - - - - - - .now in. oirr.r- nc. If oa. went out tonlghi b.head aad erueifv lh. tot today they cll a eteene !J r-d a fool, and rsrteslsre him. CHmp.ee .f the Atsvska-Y.k.m.sw.!.. . poeitloa. sad iSe unsi Nmaseu. I fated 7 oents. coth. A-.ira A - -C'l.u ao. l.L - A eonveol.ee ml rr- . v. .. .. you. In ailvar.ee. to become acquainted with some of the prtneipal acer.es that are mweparaoiy inked with (he A .,- Yukon-I'mcino Kvrw..Moei V. .-. shortly at Seattle. Wash. Naturally, t, oet "'iuir. rviaie to t .' Slal. of Waslilnaton. slthaueh rn.. tM ... snd ln Yellowstone Park see portrsye.1 There are two Oregon views, one In Astoria and one In this city, the latter v1-w being a representation of tha Ter- uu..i o'ii. ror ids. tnshks . rhlswk Jsryes. aad tter te fM ft. be '.r(. t ie. K.lnler 1-rtntlr.g Co I heui Ann. Within the confines of thi. inn. book of ti pages Is given an Industriously-compiled lexicon of tha old trade language of the Pacific Coast, the tongue which formed the mear.s of communication between the earliest wnne men arrlvlrr on these shores and the Indiana Mr. Shaw is a reroct.l.l authority on this subject, and his v.n- tura ought to meet with svery success. He gives a vocabulary word-Index, a key to pronunciation, a pronouncing vocabulary snd an Flnglish-Chlnook u iL kiuit.ry. The tewieransesrt eaf Aaerirss flit., w. Horace K. Lwenstig. o P. 1-utaam a aons. New Tork City. X. Y. r- rv-emlr.g is known ss one wk v . been and is an earnest student of muni cipal problems In t:ls and other coun tries, ana in tis book of pagos he tells ' " i-jund out. and iolr.:s ti. sy to get hones:, roiunon-irest rr. o, - clpal government. Hie study of municipal organization and of the relation of the city to the state, is a most temperate thoughtful one. He takes the ground that tha failure of elf government la this country Is not a fulluro tn democracy but a failure to apply approved uemocraUc fv-ncipics. The Inner ghrltte. Illustrated. u.r- a Meotnwrs. New Tork l.lty. N. T. A splendid study of temperament, with Krvnoh setting, written bv an anonv. mous author. It shows the nr..rl,rH hand of a skilled wnr..e e ..... . . deals prlncliallv wltl, i . shntio be,rg tl:e depths rf a woman a heart. "The Inner Shrine" k. s..M . opposing the dross Of many alle...i puhOhed this sesstm. fki the Tl I I fWM.ee. K. v .. . . 1 I "Vlll PtiL.LI-tn. . - - - - . it i Thl. thoughtful eeHmitlT.n-1,1 thoress. K. Katherlna Rate. I. - v..- whoaa meaaage Is always Interesting, for na Is also a believer whs stands up for her belief and defrnda with tha course, of conviction what she thinks Is true concerning revelation. Hrr best chspter Is that which deaia with "spirit return." She is eonvtnewd that, under certain clr mrnjunoa, spirit a ran cotomnnlrmle wttb us and we with tbem. . bv John tie event ei is n P. l-vilnam's Sena New T.rk Ot . N. Y. Vr. OaUwort'y ke now op. of the most eminent ri-gl.sit novelists sr.d manv re. -ot;. i. in hi. fealue the. new T.'voma. hardy. In this 1 ke aeweat novel. I., reeuta us to strong. Le.ion folk and evolves a story which a h,p th. laiscii.s ti"n with it. fervent, dramatic appeal. Krsievrry" lu all n worth of a Liukena study into real siuman nature. Can IB ...el eSi.e.. (,y J.p w rr llluexrated eeelftrt ptie'lst.lng r-ea, Seal t e. wash One hundred and threw pewtna and poellc nMervcmu In prose, all twating the mark of ur. thought and spiritual nri'fj. Many of the poems reflect Pug.t H-wind S- eees. s T.d cert, of the tv e I poetic offerings is Ibat headed "The tMre.m cf rreg-.n. Mr. lloer la at his best In de ScrlMig Blrrp!e. loving homellfr. II we. i is Mask, ml I 'l..eles a Soca Me . " . reel : s . T 'use e Ceeeel f 1 io U P 1 Tor. t-tty. .ed in. J A fo-irth eluloe. rnUes .wt . . i of wo-g of Na-lonal and lnlerrii..l reputation. b an added servunt eef 11. unomie crtees of th. i,ti ,.Murr . n.i t fjl.r.rl.l stringency cf i.; A mmxn vl. w of tnklr.g I vrn with a fm.ei rial review brought up lo dale, ve . ... - . .... nsi, b, j p. -,M i.e. j( ti. lllvielr.tS 1 -o W U Hsunders I'mret). Phusd.lphia. la "' - a lourtn eciillt-n of a very u-e,u, wora tr.si lias already fo-jrd it way Into maay i...r, ,a l,ouetiol , ...ou.i .nr ii- .me;, and Duixe. - ir.ctical utr. Uuns tut tlic I ; o - sgern-nt of mfxnev snd cl I'dlc-i. ar.J extendj lis ohverra'lois to .l pases. Kali A -. jr Mill yeeevteee. fv i v lurg a iw.. Ckleece, .l M fair entered inlo th. f-velvl sertlce ef the I nlled States In April. Il. sr.d remn'r.ed in itiel years. Ills lull psclev n.arly ; bock explains ti ef Ihe e.n l-v. snd detail ihe workings . not only will mieteet th. general nubile. nut tn. mp Is taken. rial class f r m whom lis text wwaw Velw. la Kelll.g l.S.. h, J.e,-, II -'- :' l-ey A.t.mu. ' "rnpeni. PMI.delpr.ta No. Ihe drummer Isn't a par.elte he la necessary In I'll World of busi ness, and hr. are trite words calcu lated to make -v reel sale.m.n glad I-.s is on in. road. "Ilanlerilng l"vila" Is the best rl. spier. Illue l-aeesee ef Ihe C avalry, hy Kir.ar lt.uetr.ied J II IM.sde'.phla. la. rleeeesl rhar'e. lu.piacort e ... A Western military Isle. loid nh vigor and snsp JikftKIMI U VllKNTIN. : iMMHSstr ci, r.n. Meiusn Trs'is. bv klsntno .,, Kl'k ba.im I lus rad an a-lmirat.v weitieg J" "dor lore. IMlV leeldea.e in aleelco .. .. ' '""'ed'ns a llmie. of lh. nr. of the Vl.t',sa Ir.lisn l-uinaiei e.ini.f.euv.. ay 'rof...flnr ietge M llarier Hie I l.pir,colt s r Lews ton lltil. b-. k ..f moral e-litre a.... r e. nf a Ctierue lllrl hy a K h -e ewrh e lolge -ub!lehlrtg 'om rny 1 V rll. by ll.nry Wai.sre PMI suceee..ua of laugha II : i, Illue- (0 e.n Trol I'l. a treie-1. Iiearrs An Trumps, by Alee. rider """ Mellrld. t'-m..ny. New larli Otla "-wtl-man Knen it . if,.!. r..unded r'V l sme. by lt.rri.a Khode. si.1 Thnvn.. A W lee So cms ' ' " "g.ivi. 1-UU l.hlog Tork i. I'ompan). n-m. Remlntseeeeea. hy William I Moywll. II -e Heir.g a well tout elere -f ;"' irslnla h erory. af.r is. civil war. anil When hale. Are Orsr by tr ... s'n . I'easlllt. l.N.a.e Pub.letilr.g Coea- Klngsme..!. by lletlls V.B llattsse. ILaS f I.,1U. ii,., , Th o-iks w.re rwceiieMt f-.r rvt.w through the J. K e.H (... f in-a ct'vr Th. Kmmanvel Moveneeal la a N.w l.ox.aad Teen. rraterally. aad Klags- "The hoary bead is rrvswn 1M iyj V -rdl ' T , WJ ea . f-js. . . H s- mf A "V ' A . lw w 2VS tu-: w- ' a I '1 V . I s --atw-. . wsssas- l 'V X I J 11 si W IV 1 Vev I V I 1 r "V I i w sgl Is the best of life the gold that our youth U t-id to hold? Is the preface to be chosen, or the story that is told? It is better, so it seems, to have wakened from the dreams. To have seen the glamour passing, while it left the truer gleams; To have learned that alwayi peace gives our petty cares release. Hushes all the idle clamor, bids the fretting troubles cease. Better, thus, with folded hands, musing on the falling sands. Than to strive and strain and struggle for at last on understands That the moving pen of fame writes each hour a newer name And the scroll of all the victors goes to feed the fickle flame. It is best to calmly gaze down the pathway of the days Strewn with withered wreaths of laurel, lined with myrtles and with bays. Snows of three score year, and ten may make white the heads of men; But the sunshine of the Summers sparkles in their smiles again. And the glory of their years ah, how splendid it appears When they tell us of the gladne5s that has lurked behind their tears Of how Time, the silent thief, took the sorrow, that were chief Leaving love and light and laughter in their lifetime . gamer'ed sheaf! f0 sun rays in the west: ending of the toil and quest: With the evening star that hsrlmne .v.. , . . - - . w.a u.t. ivojr UetU OI I CSt. eVhile a murmur soft and low brings the songs you love and kno Is the best of life the gold that our youth is said to hold? All the sweet and subtle measures of the songs of long ago! Is the preface to be chosen, or the nory that is told? -'r- ;3r .CorvnKht 1Q9, by PROMINENT NAMES LINKED WITH PORTLAND'S SCHOOL HISTORY st.rre pupl's, while .pet ales si IS. he.d cf .-. 1 siajrwwy a smeul saie-oown served this purpose. .... - s i. were a.vosd ef say decursli.m or pectures, and ao.atterr.;t at teeaatifv leg either tha reeme or grosinde en " - few roua maps ileaam " roug.,y p,ast.ee4 wa..a. and an occasional flower graoed tie teachers ... osi.y seeelon keta at OVIork Std , ... e iw at in t!se evening, with s i h.ur's Intermiseelon st nooo. and tw. reriseaa of U minutes l-up.la entered h sg. of , aad there were w.ny in : rv. grammar ('See w hearing the ' e SrisMl asr. I.mlt er a ye.ra bow daj s ink n-.. l. i ..I, clothes, and It was a-1 rr.ger srvt S t.l- Short awewtea. low ne. ks. stra-g:.t gatnerwd skirt, snd little woc-ed K'e-.e " " 1 'v ru!ele eetvool Crew silk pantab-ttea and aoevl itreee fa led svewweva. la rlunituf en s r. y of tr. bei, went bare. foot and often ran.a te srhiol late Into tr.a ra.l am. Bo sl.oee mm. bvit few girls wer.l shoeleaa Msny ef ts. aulrae. ef 1 . who were snsudetis Ibes. atir.Sule the-r s-"l ha.th eea sowed eesetiunui to lh. fashion of wearing tow ... ks .rd short sleweee Summer aad W in lev T:. nek and threat thus seielnaied to .g, eufe sraroed eft breachial IrvuUea la w ss I hoas pr-mt.e. dss every les.-l.er unto himself . o.l eMul.e-J h- ""tiuul mee4a aeccrd-rg te t :s per. a-vr.sl views Whey, a minister w .s ere. p:.d. as wss nflesi t easv. nh re. ls.-'oeis work was d-e n 1 ).. cleMresrem. , :"t hj ma siegireg and peilm read eg rli'h teacher introdtsrd the txa he preferrwd perewei.l'v.. end. nil ee te sev. eavch change .f pe.lsso.iees saw a change in s hl urr ul 4m In ev.ry In. I an.. I h. pupils began af the flcr f s. .w l et and -went throt.ch'- 11 avemetimcw several ttnvew tn '-w re-sr. Klnally I re parents Inlet tewvd. fortu.iltelr foe e'l con. wed. and Insist, ed oa a stated list of lelltnnka. and B law- governing be same There saa no I hrarv of snv sort, and witn ne ral. roads the freight charges en ""ks shipped v is Kau Iraarur. eaei the eleamta brougHt roel u-, ee .rvn ou s tjr. Many families, baseeer. made a linl of pureriaalng a certain number of oooae each year, and Iter, were ft loaned lo others. ely anew each month on FVIdays Ineresera scheenl egervteaea. roeet.tlng of U-ngthy tllelegjea. dee lamatlon a. resKltrg. and elite', tig. w hi. h tree sareata Ueu.lly at. terded. sitting about th. rooms on the re- itatlon term hew The spelling mslehes were great features, and the slgr-al for much rivalry snd eien petition. leaders wee. elee-ted. skies ch'eet. and the en tire rnjey afieevxwwt given over to the ma l r it. James Kirg and K.rat. Tola who afterward teev-ame Mrs. Marker I were fnequenf leaders. When Ihe war broke out Ihe b..y s In lbs school r.ievl money will which to purrhasw a flagpole, while the glrla gar nerwd slirkeia to purr has. the material tor a nag Mrs Henry I. ritiock. who owned presh. ably the first sewing machine brought to ortland. eClrhel the red snd white hats or tna tlsg. snd the girls In the rise, ewed 1 t.e white stars on by hand Later a regulation flvg raising was I..I.I. and 1 'Id 1. lory floateal fnoen the cupola ell during Ihe war. at balf-m.st or proudly aloft, acward'ng to owr defeats or tc tor lea. Among ihe list of early day pupils la 1 o. itrei pumio school occur lh. taamee of Rdwrard and James Falling Thee ror. mer died January a meg., ard the latter Is a member of tha firm of c 'orh.it. Ken. 'h Compsnv In IVvetl.ad. J a me. King tha son or (Vilemel t intern K. King, is a resident here. There were threes Hartnewa boy Thiamas. Charles and Ovorre who aim e. V. pi ' r l of ory." Pm-.-rrb. gri. 31. W. O..Chroa. aUkeU CONTINUED FUOM SECOND PACE, IOelr etee.r. rviia rst'.er. Tevusvss . first be-trktnaker alteteded achool Thetr f. Itartneew. waa the In IVwiland teevvrtr. st .11 reel le here, sr.d te a svetnber e.f the ll.t.eval i lety Iw.l,. w ke rrar. ,r lfwl IVtulaes. d ed eeterer )eara ago- taries llrtr-eaa tee retired end Itvew on !. ,:.et riile The ol bey axwv Thiemva Melvto, ied nary years sg. l;l e ell I a o-.tr.g man Two tin l -.ret. a O.I rVarera I'.vlk. and itetr r.s.f or..Wr. an u m. were r-v-r4.s of loe. ewrlv dees The former Is new XI -m t'srrve I. .lleo.a, of I'll.) Alto. .1 . and th. other tr Mrs. rtarah K. liarker I rare. 1 1. 1A nt l.vew here snd Is In the emi'Kiy of the t'nlte.1 Kalisiy eenks Their Re.. '.her. Mrs tete.ui le t tt. same ta trvg.M i ls ard la tree o-.leet lletrg t-ra ta ISetUM s lae A aaeny bat s. er t 1. e. w es.l'hited iMjtr. rVtew feeerw IVael.Irg '". end reei.Vs . all. .. Ilenrv a.ed r years ag-tv. He aa. i I XK MTII IX esea I sts SHNIT. Yt. HI MtMi.1 I Mill: OK k IHkK. S: i! J: I'rele A seel Lelr.se. lSTlN. VI. y IS th'twrlsl ) 1'rv-fee.or Abel Irfranc. who IS lecturing st Harvard In lbs James II lltde aeries. Is widely known SS Ihe d!rovrrer and editor cf son-e I J e. e verees written bv the fsnoite alarguerlle of Nsvarre, Unreiea'.ei till ll.elr publlratlon hv him In !. 11. mad. lh. d'a. vov.ry while eesrrhlng I ne srv Lives of He l.tMInt heque Na. Ilonale for data lor I. Is writings on I "renh m.r.tur. of lh. Mid dle Agva The discovery lurned his thoughts toward tl.e Krench Itenaieeanre p.rtre.1 ef literature. In which he rapidly achieved prominence. He hold, the chair of modern t'tptrh literal ore at Ihe t'oliegw de Ken c.. rem business man and mlkeevaee In J ksevn t-oun-.v Their stater, i ear. oak a Who later reerrted Vine.nl C,k . also a pupil of I his School. k-llaa and Willi. m I hare a were arm.ng Ihe first public school pur.Ua. M l Hint Who d,el several Veers save, was t. boi cWh f..r many fertns Ijiaa I. now Mr J al.Ktls. and reside, at t llaieeey street with her brother. Kobu U Church r""f s short ttnie hH-lf T.el.w allertaed ISl. erho.il. w-'.h her brollies, Ixeuglaa. Taylor sfheOTitaauiy taught lur ev er.l fears, and ts now the widow of the lalo Kroe.sor I . Vail, of Stlar.d. teougtaa Taylor tlv e. here, and ts m -ng;r.er Another sieler . Nanaee Tailor la laving with her father, feter Taietw, In lh. eld hoWiseteead hlox-fc as t aru I le ers sv real t'f ihe ihre. llolmati. Itpragje aad hi, sisters, Alhw end h.tr.. itnj maj '"ere .gv Anna Frasar died while al -t .ltnj e hoot lhc waa a h.:f -.e.t.e ..' XI re M teacher ii. who later was a J '" rTiaeedler. one ef 1 He steely "ItA. e wow the w.fe ef Juig. II. 1. Sited reside a Berkeley, t ,, rwak W arres, ehi i. v.ieett;.a wuatrieaw Inlere.ts In Kortlar.d . . day laair itk aa alteodani at the rest ettMte , heawe II. er artc-1 g ds .gMer of teeoeir Atl-riris kli.rd lesnacate. wow a iene.n.r.1 inr.;ree of Isr.iciie l.rr.h.l lonely was aeeotler tt.l aa as also Ki irk rake.. I t 13 )M. .1 .i. yr.nt.r and w r-see oWa t a ercsned in ie. feel ea re ""s"e liicreis a i.eer p-.astl avow evades la tdar.a Another saa seam, tlyoomre. a l.o in r mart'-tl l.i 1. i;.j. Iilarad. tor many years I vrari.n of ih. ,orted tJlr.ry. end i:e el ooe ne enjoyed In tr. I t NetKei. c k lloth sale tees dead marl era Twa etetere, Uarv asvd Julia T-e-w.::tgvv. Were .mo-g r.e t rl putvaa alary t rJ while still la t-r leeaa, end Ju.la, whe saarrted XI r Therras Rj l.uoi twv. d W'wral rears acre. brwvlr.g I wo Met er V!':i.m eat her toed, who was a p'oreeee druag at. had Ihreo sons, whe at tended 11.. Itr-at poh'ic ae-.CM.l Jsnv.w w i.ie t-.-. a,c ,m ree-.i.. - .r au Secret! No secret about Ay er's Hair Vior. Shov this formula lo your doctor. Ayers HairViqor XEr IMPROVED FORMULA. U Sulphur. Destrojs germs that cause dandruff and falW hair. Cures rashes and eruptions of scalp. Glycerin. Soothing, healing. Food to the hair-bulbs. Quint it. A strong tonic, antiseptic, stimulant. Sxiiu,n Chlorid. Cleansing, quiets irritation of'scalp. Cantharilc. Increases activity of glands. Sage. Stimulant, tonic JLlcohoU Water. Perfume .r Aare no secrets t Wt publish th formulas of all our mciUnes. ). C. AVER CO.. Mgaafaicrttriot' Chemisrt. I lo ttalem. died rear e yoars aare, rivi,-n. aee-.hr m drear-. In thw w l.ee-v. ete while st 11 a young nan. ,- " eslliert M BtarrVm kin Teerwll- and M a realdertt of I he city Thee. see. I. rnevw heew ef tha tJeav f.m. v la e l teed, ooe. Jaswee and Albert . all1"' beotlere -f kr. Jaesd V amr-e ef Port .asd. Jtnea eier.Hi hka It alrre tete w.th baa f.m. , end I h rveaeelhdee e' t y-ear he l located at Fairhexka. Alas ka la roneerikia witla eemrmmal nt. 'e siten vv, l.iiv Is at Astoria, IV la iwemtaei K Iterr as re. .de nt cf Iswd and fherh 1 Vetera CVregceee. arke has resaaee-ed te evvral tweanhrre af the lloanvea raw 1 y wv-rw ta attetvdatvcw at the r.rwl pM- c er hocal O' i :.ee I'jTos (Its 12 er I y.t. - owes r.aea lee a deved few etera Alwe la avew Mew Jueniw a reels., atery Asia snaeveed wosa arid has rav a eerxwed rear seer, er.i eef. wh.l. Theca the eabee caughte t. V r ) -. iVaemi. wha haw HeeMl In New tor foe r. r e yeajw s.Jue er I u.t.s.1 a oe.t h Ur V.:e w ees .1 en. s.mw l eusty t rrt rf kta.lnovt.sk C curtay 'f Ihe firea Ca-tsh'e-w .t t'e.:eee! W . m '. sv.eg. I -T.t.ie as new Mrs fra r a VI 1 aim. t l t t i,n e rr. Ilsrrve. wha wss Mrs lr.g l. ov.j The ei.Vee dsugltte. t 'aroilra.. a... w as a fsur 1 er Ihe eesr. y arhmMa Aavetartar t re. av-mlmr vf vt m we in. J..hren he is, Kil Mac. tktl.laM A r Ihsr. Nelson tlee ar.d and adrrtre. . Cl wr.cara. Silll H-e est-wftlwe ef VT ere llemg I ..'. e Their .eeleW. kteevi litre er.v oe cf Ihe gins tw Ihte ram y w tve sttrMH lleeitrwl sveee4 Ska la lee warned a J ohhafw-and retains tha same ha t rie The father ef i tils family waa a II Johnson, a r.oenueestt -r- rnn snaa ef eerlv atavw, h or vneay yeavra he brpt . hutcl.ev ehop si Ihe oocoee of Firs aad Usetlrtgtos. In btnrteeiei v Rh-hald IVrkina. wha later founded th rvrk'ns e.. rm. Mere Hews. .1. one ef the newt leerhera had Iwe en s and tw da tec h. 'crs eta attended l has ior,eer wrhoe.: me dsghtee. Msi-r. died while la hr teens end Ihe other, leulwa. es tSe w-fe ef rat . Hl-esgue, a scan ef iVesersl 'tnaa-tee. and reside tw Tee-erne- Tbeeaa Hetis.11 waa araesel la the (MwnMa rtlker wl.en a e-htaolhey. ar d Ihe ether ssvn. R. K. H.e.11. is a lawyer ha Ta coma. f ll M.intgovnery gtrl thear wees Iwo-Uhhi. and htoe-a The former v reme Mrs J A. Newell ar-d hues Iwe r,"sJ "ever al (ears Vllws Flora VI vr.t geernerv still reahVes In FVnUna. Th, w-eee etendaieg Mere ef I "Voile Reerell. a (..nreeer of . who owned end Isld e t l-'tie llr t nul ere He was a gr.n.l. neMiew tvf f Herrv'l end of Jtveyh r.t. re!l. wha were Irtstrumertal in orysn s t g s cvenmemsl rtetipe nv in I treat on. reut reossed of thernsvrlvve, wbarlt ewnt ihe t .1 amelVio veeetel. I be Shiji lo.un.h.s. sround t he world an a commercial v . ax. ia fhlns. Tl.el vessel, erwvleg lie... Ion In 1 " T. taratler oremtnaed of t'.nta.e rtohert Urav. entered the ('oiirmhla Klier klay II. 11. and oa the 1iii of iisl month he named il rlvwr after his tv. sel. In the llet of r-uri A sis occur lie tames of tVtl.ae Wight. Iv.vld HuttMrt. on. Andrew aad Js-oes leray and Jlni Var.slrkle. w lit.ee father Waa for iMrr years a rlvwr eardsun. Among the !. i . era or thai early day occur th ham. a or Harriet Mlliard. later Mrs H t Mora: lh tw Way slaters. Jasvet sod Ieuiae. who rem oul tos4hr frcam Ihe Isst is teach here, one of w tiara bmiee Mr Iv evsnhearn, the wife of a w-.ll. knows Htseinewe man of Portland, Olheers Wore the Ire XI te HrsdOTewts (ease as now Mrs hMward railtag and the ether " ktra. f-alltn, Ihe aleae of Judsw John amn. Uotri are aetler-e of lire. Matthew Iedy. Maes Carwitve. King and Jo ha Freeman, a hrother of Marcus rhenea. Wer. amrerg Ihe v.rlv-dsv leat-heew tee,. era wee. Mr end kits ta Itwaeat H. wa a Mfaeretlkwt trtlmeser. end acted ynnrloal In sthoala. While his Wile waa his sawasssnl brtnctial ... I a etepvung hack lo th era of this n-wj teutdac .-fatceo meay dltricultftee In the way of full sued re 1 Is hi. h.letxery have hee-n ttperteeited Mall Ihat wei.td hew he ef S'ee I value has hea-a l.t hecaus unwnt- len lva 1 at r-e-cvee 1,1.1 enryr-loyw g. tl o4de.t lal.aMUM '" ased marv e.f a later ortTv.loterie'e. are una lie l. f te. h Ihe rove-ted ad weorstee.r data rvvwei w !-- 1 We. i. a c-oer-t let. h aetery of I ' . ri y vv . i.cv.'a 1 .. l Creirtl I'l.tmlhntirc. I' c.n .and a f.r.t e.,,1.?-. i, lietMes of leemliei. ei.r.Ae today at th vi. nee or iwveoiri aeid A lAee mi. IVswred rwrlsi ' e l le erf a. it ee. - -. - - Tt.w. as .a lerael. I eee-t .1 la t.e t a. lit. eperk V e. bi. se teetaw. I te . be. b. ,y! ye, l 1 I k Neat .lib k etaih Vie reriti. ' eeare.a I. w.a A. wails. ea .a a ihea, be w.il a;... I. ku.eeee. .et er-a eett.klr U be a Cle If w. .alia am I.. a : lb. swasxee SMI fr lr e e. : . o aa-c. seed .e ee.. -. . r a-. . - . . . . ... - . ... ui a IS awe.aara 'S ir Hike naueb 1" - - r ten, n. .eetl.eg .t.H I Kfass. a-a I