tiie suND.rr oregoxiax, roRTLAm may ic. iood. ir BUSINESS CHAXCES. TALK WITH FLETCHER. SOOO Alaska. Pet. A Coal, trees., bargain. 4.-.0 Alameda Con.. 3iO Am. Mining tfvndicate. 13c. ifO Big Hill CoaL .V.c. lOOO Bias-It Eagle (Saotlam) bid. 5 Bonville Pub. Co., bid. GO) B. C. Amal. Coal., a Sc. 30 Burllngame Tel. Type, $4. 60S Butte fcoyn Con-, bid, 1W Clark Wlreleu T. A T.. 65c. 76 Collin Wireless TeL, $1.22. 5 Country Club, 435. 10 Crogster Timber Co.. bld lfXo Fidelity Copper. He. 3m Freland Con l.SanUam) bid. iM Galbralth Coal. 7 c. ow Ood Creek tSanilam) bM. 2hh Or. West. Prospecting, bid. Jmm Green Screvn. tl. D0 Lady Washington Oil, 15?. 6o Maxnmoih MlaUre 2 e. Mamraoth-M"ininf Coccvnt., o. J Mapie Amusement, get it quick. 30 Marconi Wirel-s (England $75 The most meritorious wireless stock on the. market. Jfww Midway Oil. Oregon. 12 Sc. jimm Mono Standard Oil. Sl. 3S Mrmlns (Metallne 2Wc. 100 Northcoast Co -op. Lumber, bid, Z'Jt Oriole. Ore. 4shlpper 7c "." picker Cont Adv. Macb.. 54c. 25 Portland Concieie Pile and Equip OMre US sVH Portland-Florence M. & l eld. - J " Poticie. It'. fMSMi Skamania O. C. bid. 6 United Wlrewss. pref., trans., SIC.&O. All other stocks and bonds. See me uo- fore buying, aiay be able to do better. 1 WANT Aimed a Con. Oold Creek. P.onviile Pub. Met. Rubber fulturs. Cascadia. National Copper romstock G. iT. Portland Coal at Dev. FIJeLup Copper. Washougal U. C Abinzion Bide. HOTKl. 1M GROWINO TOWN. Hotel 50x44 feet and small bulMir.g Ix-10 rented for a meat market and 3 lots, baa 23 bedrooms on second floor, parlor, office, dining-room and kitchen on first fioor; the house is all furnished, a new rang bae Ju?t been placed in kitchen at a cost of 22fi; price $.V for this plant, but It must be sold: terms half cash, balance time. LIVERY STABLB FOR BALE. In good town. Barn Is feet with room for 60 head of horses, a large box eta 11, good office and fixture and feedroom. Will hold about le rigs and 2- to So tons of loom hay. Rigged with nay fork and track. Located on three full lot. Price 30U, H cah. MOOKB LWESTMKXT CO.. Lafayette bldg., tUh and Washington. CALL OX ME OR WRITE AND I WILL INTEREST YOU IN A CALIFORNIA OIL PROPOSITION WHICH WILL MAKE YOU A FORTUNE: LIKE INCOMES BE INO MADE EVERY DAY FROM SMALL INVESTMENTS IN CALIFORNIA OIL: OVER S20.O0O.900 A YEAR BEIXO PAID IN DIVIDENDS TO STOCKHOLDERS FROM OIL IN THAT STATE. AREYoU ONE OF THEM? IF NOT, BE ONE. FOR INFORMATION, CALL OR AD DRESS J. M. KENT. 400 COUCH BLDG., PORTLAND, OR, BARBER SHOP for sale or will trade for improved property or timber land; this shop Is first-class in every particular, with baths and 4 chairs, in a good town, do ing good buslne.es, long lease, cheap rent and fine location; will give trial; good reasons for selling; don't ask unless you have something good or m n business. Address C 72, Oregonlan. IF you can qualify here la a really excel lent opportunity and one with a profit able future to it: Are you sober and In dustrious and can you loan employer 4 1 uou ? Good ' security, salary and com mission. Merchants and professional men all need our service; no samples to carry, business transacted by personal interview. A it, Oregonian. TO a man or men of unquestionable char acter and business standing, is offered opportunity to procure a splendid busi ness which is absolutely new to Port land. A d ijrnifled. substantial, attractive business that pays largo returns from start. 44000 required. Same business open for Seattle. N AS, Ore gun tan. 8o0 WILL buy half interest In good live rwtaurant; central location; four years' Vaee; I do the cooking,. you manage the front and handle the cash; nee -J a partner at once; cannnot attend to kitchen and dining-room myself; will guarantee $JS p-r week; open for closest investigation B 64, Oregon la n. INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY. The Alae-ka-Yukon-Pacluc Exposition offers unusual opportunities for Inventors to ex hibit, sell, or promote their interests. Ad dress Bureau of Invention A-Y-P.. Seattle, Waeh. IF TOTT WANT TO BUT OR FELL A BUSI NESS CALL ON W. H. DUDLEY A CO. ait STEARNS BLDG, COR. CTH AMD MORRISON. MAIN 03a. PORTLAND BUSINESS CHANCE CO. If you want to sell jour business. That's) our business. We have the customers waiting. PORTLAND BUSINESS CHAXCB CO.. Kooin 13. 27ua Washington kit. A 4722. Main BRICK PLANT FOR SALE. Welt-equipped stiff -mud wire-cut brlrk plant, capacity 30.WO to AO.ouO brlrk per day; can be seen In operation at SSlh .and bandy road. For particulars address Theo. Jensen. 28 Failing bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE Finest soda fountain. Ice cream, confectionery and lunch parlors In one of best towns In state; population 70OO; lo cated In busiest part of principal street; cueap rent, long lease; owner going north. AK t7. Oregonlan. $2500 BUYS oaah bum new paying $ztxy per month net; Investigation mil; prove it perfectly safe investment; impossible to lose; may exchange f.r acreage or house and lot. li. Landis. 20o Aider St., room 7. SPLENDID chance for teacher or lady with soma business experience In office work that will pay over $11H per month; old established business; absolutely re liable; 1200 cash required. B si. Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS mechanic with a few thou sand capital, to associate ntmself with wood turning and furniture factory; we have patented lines; this Is worthy the Investigation of the best. Address X 4J. Oregon tao. MACHINE SHOP, rartner wanted to take half-interest, as owner has more than he can attend to alone and can't depend on hired help; will guarantee $lo0 per month besides profit. Particulars room 623, Lum ber Exchange. WANTED Party with few hundred dollars and business ability as manager for es tablished supply concern; absolute se curity; good and profitable business. Inc. AN U6. Oregonlan. WANTED Information regarding good bus iness for sale; not particular about char-ai-ter. size or location; prefer to deal witn envner; give price and full description. Address L D.. box v4H. Rochester. N. Y. REAL ESTATE man wants partner. No ex perience receswry and very little mor.ry required. Can make L.W to I2Uo pr month. National Realty A Trust Co., &2o Wash ington st., room Old. STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. In dustrial or railway company w anted for sale; commission basts. Address full par ticular. Clientele, p. O. box lOsS. New York. FOR SALE In suburb of Portland, general store; clean stock, involve price: good btM ness ; none but principals meaning business) need address D 82, Oregon lan. FOR SALE By owner, a flrM-class poolroom, fruit, cigar and confertlonery store; a gooj raying buelnesa. Come and see it today. 27S 1st st. A MAN or woman with a Ifttle means and a little guniption would do Well to call a t Room 1 sTiO u Third s t . . that is. if thgy are not looking for a lazy man's job. CORNESl cash grocerj-. doing biu-tnes or f Hm) .5aily; owner must sell on au-oount of atck neea and will invoice the stock. Cmil room 623. Lumber Exchange. WANTED Fully equipped dyeing- and cleaning plant; state price; term and full particulars. Address E as. Ore gonlan. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and groceries One location for delicatessen. Will sell at Invoice or lump. See owner. 107 2d st. WANT I1W0 for the purpose of manu facturing an article of merit. Will aaslsrfl half Iniereat, N , Oregonlan. ADVERTISINO publication, half tnterem for ale. small Investment. exeUent returns guaranteed. Y Oregonlan. WANTED To lease new apartment-house or rooming-house: will pay cash for fur niture. Address M . Oregonlan. OROOERY STORE lesn si-k. Tw rent - 2 years lease( caxh trae. 273 Stark st. " AM looking fnr a business, f 1KH to S:iO)0 to Invesu B . Oregonlan. buy a few diamonds for cash; must be s wash, sc. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL. STOCK bought and toLu. - Alaska Feu A Coal Jf Campoe-I s) Gts Bumr ...in.p C-- GoLd Creek M. A M lifd " United Wire, ess trar.wferab..Chep Z Col an 1 ireWss (transfer t,e ... .i Clark "Vv iriaa trakMTeraD e i l- Burttngam Tei. Typewriter 4tranfrab.e Snap ormaa-Am'r!iaa ConVo ....... .4 !" w 2j Jvwt. Home Tel. tut .......... 11 12.V Firie!tly Crpper H liMPf FreeUnd O-n 12 S tri Mammoth Met.) t"d 5- M . m i r. g Mt I'- 'l 2" - NMlnai C t ir .12, &uo OOk i M:.:r.f) We can name yu a wpeila,:y attrsr-tio price n United ir prererred ;-. transfer guaranteed. if ika Monds. Don't fall to se um arojt WE WANT OFFERING Or A Lsfca Pet. A Coal. Comtock Go.de n Gate. B r. v 1 1 ie Pu t Co. American T41exrapboct. United Wlrels v 4rcil ire .ess (Canadian). See us about ar.v.sf'x-a be? r TOO buy. F. J. CATTERLIN A CO., Chamber of Commerce. PORTI-AND PUSINES CHANE CO.. FINE RooMlNG-HoCf ES. rooms on North Ctn st.; et transient traie tn the city ; ateam heat, new furni ture, etc.; 3tt-ear yet. Only f "..'-. 1 rmi, on H M-mo st.. lurnuN and rent-U In housekeepi&c ult-e. nuthirg to do but In cullet lf-.e rent ; BvW cemr SIOO per month. Wtll svll at les than Cuet a year ago. Only S21&U. Terms, i-rwjnsa, r.ew bri- k hou steam treat, etc.; aik)i rented; r ly tl"ck off of Vajn lrgon st. ; clear f L2i per month. only 22 -room house, near Portland Hotel. Only two. it these don't suit too, come In and see our lit. PORTLAND BUSINESS CHANCE CO., Room 10. 27 o 1 Uashirrtoo St. A 4722- Main 7wj6. BIO BARGAIN If taken at once rMckneea compels me to sell out; Invoice If you de sire; creamery and confectionery store, good stock and fixtures; three-year less; good business, fine location; will lnve;-e J j(HH. Th la place would make fine deli catessen stand, already equipped for pur pose; man and wife couid do fine. $104 cash will take It. You are dealing direct with owner. Inquire 247 Yamhill. Cen tral Creamery. No trifle re or agents need apply. LOOK I X1 FOR A BUSINESS? Have some of the best paying busi ness propositions on this Coast; Hotels and restaurants, rooming-houses, confec tioneries and grocery stores on busiest streets at invoice; general merchandise and shoe stocks In good towns. Call r write to Goluschmldt'a Agency. 2&2 1 Washington st- i "ART OF FINANCIERINO." Showing hr.w business men may raise cap ital for business) projects without retune to brokers or promoter. Valuaole tooklet free. Ruasnese A Finance Pub. Co. lie Nassau at.. Nw York. FOR SALE A general merchandise busi ness In Eastern Oregon, average business, $b&.000 to 0.000 pwr annum; will Invoice about $20,000; will take part in Income bearing real estate; good res son for sell ing. Address William Brown. Imperial Hotel Cigar Store. MOVINO PICTURE! SHOW in one of the largest towns In Western or-gon: owner wants partner to act as cashier and w til ell half-interest ; making big money ; owns building on leased ground; seating capacity 1411. can be increased. Particulars room &2-'i. Lumber Kxchar.se. FERRY proposition for sale. I will j,ay fr one-ha if for free transportation f -r self and family. You rsn ba've nil you make from the public TM Is gawd. Wl I E purdy Investment Company. lUmi 3d at, GROCERY Store, close In. on the Wl Side; sales SllO p-r day ; rent $W. in cluding 3 living rooms: Sl.0 for toe na ture and Invoice stock aout K. A. Beard A Co.. R2 Washington at room 215. Main 41-mJl ROOMING-HOUSES AND HOTELS. Large or small, fine furniture, good leases, low rent, from t to 7s rooms. modrrn. RAINES. GREENWOOD A CO., 21 Board of Trad. A LL N E W FURNITURE. 1 4 -room hous-, good location, rooms all rented; can clear 44 a month and have S rooms for yourself; rent 4u; price 10; selling on account of sickness. Phone Main 4338. LAUNDRY Controlling Interest in a good paying plant In Oregon, doing $2-1 and over a wnek; would take 9 0 ceh to handle. For particulars address H bZ. Oregonlan. WOULD like to bear of stock for sale In any enterprise where an Investment of several tnouaana dollars would be safe. L. arbyshlre. Box 1410 C, Rochester, START a factory or a outness without deisy in a oisirict tnst is growing rapklly and that w ill develop faster thsn any other in n cny ; your opr-rtunity is now bcr don't mias It. A h3. Oregoaiian. FOR SALE Restaurant, best location, cotm ter. tables, ail furniture new. 2 -year ieasf. privilege or renewal; 4AMI wilt han.ile it. partners don't agree. E b2. ONLY up-to-date clothing store in best pay roll iown in an i ncion : pou.a tlon; I4mK clear profits smallest In past S years. Nothing less than oolisr conatUered. j ot, oregonlan. MAN with 420. to go In with me on a good proposition, migni oniy use :oo : 1k itl mate business, no lake. Call 751 Van couver eve. -a notei proposition; new brick build ing, modern conventenre. well furnished. reajwr.a rl rm it.nlv X X." wli.... Newberg. Or. WE have a splendid proposition In a roxm ing-house. A -kx! twn not fsr f rm j'ortiana. win E Puray lnesiment Com pany. 2."OS 3d st- MILLINERY business, good location, fine new natures, clean, salable sto k. less than invoice ; about $ I.Vni; part cash or real estate. J 62 Oregonlan. INVESTIGATE this bargain; saloon. 2-year lase, corner; business established ; $ lH cah. balance terms. Address T b. ore gonlan. BARBER SHOP A modern equipped shop. lo a tea In business district ; cwn-r not a , barber and can't attend to the business; Investigate. G WO. Oregonlan. WANTED A nceponslble tenant for a new brick. 40 -room lodg.ng-house. to be erect ed at once In business center. See E J. Gelser. 221 Morrison st. MAIL ORDER business Pays several thou sand dollars annually; new Improved plnn; 2." to 41'H) necessary. J. A P. Lackey. -232 La Salle St., Chicago. - GOOD cabinetmakers and Inside men want ed; some money required. Good, steady position to right parties. Mney secured. A 46. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter, furniture of 5 rooms, doing a flue burn nes; lae for one year, rent 444: alt for SOO; going East. X tL Oregonlan. WANTED Party with few thousand dollars to take part Interest in bearing sppl or chard paying 12 per cent neu Y bo, Ore gon tan. 8NAP For I or I persona, to run restau rant. Ice cream and d-h. stessen. at sea side town, modern building, cheap rent. J 17. Oregonlan. PROMOTER, with money antf equipment, wit! finance a good invention. Promuier. H. 24. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 3-chalr barber shop in town of 2uoo. Eastern Oregon; investigate. L W2. Oregonlan. HARDWARE store, centrally located, doing Increasing bueinesa. Particulars room fr.-, Loin ber EXchana e. PARTNER wanted. lady or gemleman. travel with, mo v ;ug pictures. D 4 7, Ore gonlan. RESPONSIBLE party wanted to take Inter est In elegant dancing .roj sitlon. suitable for 5-rent pavilion. L VI. Oreaonian. CASH grocery; valley town of 24 OS; doing good bua.neas: se.l for i:ue. Box Hi BrownsviUe. Or. . TAHvOR SHOP. In good central business lo cation for sale at on.e account of IcaWng city. Inquire 3-2 Alder st. PKoDL'CB commission. Safe, reliable busi ness. Iartner wsnted with f ref-r-ences required. Call 24 Stark st. CWAK and -onfe-tionery store for sale rooms In rear; rent It. 4 Front st- 42 BUYS a Kxaaway Beach lot; $2 down. 43 per rmnth. n- ir.teret c j rw.n 414 Lumber Exchange, Second acd fiu-'a. BCINtM CHA.XCEA MKS. LENT'S AGENCY RorM;Ni-H' -USES. liEVL KTATE. 2--' - -j as.- ir.f.on. riDi 4-e-e7. If ou are w -..s.g t't a rocuir.g-bwus tn ee near p.-rUaii. I can io.u o right. -all a&d be convinced, tuu axrangea to au.L EXTRA NlE. 23 rooms, new good grae of ca-fets and furniture, i- yer lae rnt ih ist a cko cian pa e an i mk a One bocn; price re ju.ed t 4-a. vai.y 9" cascv. GOT'D TRASSITTN'T. 24 romi, vtraa tirai, iet 1-wat "on foT rumrwrci! trs'.e; tvuJ to C.tAT 4 1-. prlt 4 iov, aer t-r;r.. a. MONTHLY PROFIT. Ton can i r d- n $'.f and gt your ewn lime on : u.an at 4 per .r-t la ter i , tf.:m at., - irw far you one of toe bet eiuif;e 1 r ..r.f-houi in the ci'.y ; new brtta buiMca. ; r: e u. APAj.TW k.t. Kftnt'y funiur.-! a:-erimetit-aue. pext.y rumished. c .-- - - g f J mueia; g-"! tfa but.l.ng. pr.oe 4V'-. Iaaj casn w wl 1 1. l ll-.WIN'l AND APARTEXT. R5 r-.mv new Ot'.-H bui.d;r g. reer1ng 4-nri t r. ! y ; c Ra rtr.i in the city j ran hanjlre tf-is. frie Oio.c. RVi.D THEi-H. Rromlng-houe. :o rwn nicely f or rtBnei , rent a snap 4 -.. on 5th et.. r-ar Ham n ; ff imiture aesr.y new . rM 4 !. our pric 47iv. csvn, teUa monibiy. A bantam MAN I' FACT! "RING BUSINEsM. N'lc fct..ry. wittout oj-p-s-i-j . cwner Is irk and tntit go ai. --xe 4 Pr ibonTh: see us I- partM.axs; fwov C4 required EST ARUSH F1I flUSINEXS, Young, actlst partner wsnted f-r teter wt in the bttt retA.1 busincs m tne cay clearing f "-o per nnth. K cask re quited; trial tln bw :re buy Uig. oKuOKHI STORK Nice, cW-in to-k. fine f'aturea. eetaS liari! 1H 3r-ar: owner wanfe to retire; Will gie teaski on stre acd 4 Jlvibg rwoms; prue 420. GRUSSI 7 A DOW, 21 T Board of Trade Bl-g.. 4tn and Oak. NOW Is the time to buy a good rooming house; we have several bargains that will b"ar the closest investigation; here are few among numerous others; 17-room bous. good money-maker. $ '4 27-room hnuM, god o-attoa .... 1 . 7 v 4 2 l-rornu houM. ery desirable ..... l.soe 22-rcim bouse. w.il furnished, a saap 1.400 (4-room house. fairly well fur nished, a barga.n 1.400 44 rooms, bK-riy f urnlshed. stee.m hea. hot and cold water In ewry room 14.040 Or will sell H Interest to right party. We hae several country ho it-Is, also country sorea We have several good paying restaurants. It will be our pleas ure to show you the-. C. 8. ARNOLD & CO.. Hotel Brokers. 21 Morrison st. AN EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. IT'S A GOOD ONE 22 rooms, new, modern brlrk bull-ling; STEAM It EAT, HOT AND COLD RUN NING WATER !n ery room; this is a money-maker and right In the CENTKit OF TOWN; one of trie best for transient and reguinr roomers; ALWAYS FILL; price fur quf'-k sle. l'u. DIETZ-MI EI.LEK n . 21-14-17 Abington B.dg. PORTIANIl PI SINESS (WXCB CO. TOUAV S li t S I N ES S HANC ES. Rowling aibybv. Only alle s in the city ; no competition, good lesse; nt'er) In g'-d sr.ape; clearing from ilJu to ;er n-mU. Kjuiy 4U2ou. SAL 'N. Flrst-st saloon; bouks now seiow a clear ing of '-." per month; pol tabic, fine bag r. -I f rt urt. f t. : y JT'X). PORTLAND Bt MNES CRANCK CO.. liwum 15. 27 Wshif rton st. A 47X2- Main 7. 10. FOR HALE All or controlling Interest In an old and established mercantlWi busi ness tn Portland; retailing and Jobbing; well org an la-d . any thoreuirh bunn-ti man ran handle; will take from 4 lS.OoO to fSO.OoO; gtd rem estate considered; 4d per cent n.-t proot guaranted; good rea sons for se: ail ; np,:i ant must m f u it Information, w ;th reference. Address W 41, Oregonlan. SELL or exchange; well. furnished 4 -room hou for lot; vslue. 7oO; wei;-furn!hd housekeeping rooms for lot; talue, 7&e; elejtnntly furn.sned 2 4-ri-xn house for modwrn bungalow and good lot; value 4i04- List your houses to sell or trade w.t to Mrs. Kooots. ji Staxk. TRANSFER, feed ar.4 building material bul-r-. bH.g etai ,ihed. d-iri bunwe f 4"v -O monthly; or.-rs retirir.g from busi ne and wteti to v;-. of tneir plant in Working ociWr. I'artl.uiaua room 42 V. I riint ber Eaohangw. FOR HALE Half Interest tn real estste buln-ss witn large ht of property; 4-,"0 per montl rsu .easily b nu). lif.je money w m bsndle tbia. 2S Washing ton at. Room 414. SALOON MAN. ATTKNTIi 4 Saloon s-r:ug Rrsi-ciasa rommeretsl Iunh. doing r.r e buin-ss. must be s-id qui' k on acouni of )-atn. Snap at flv4 cash. H 42. oregonisn. 922 hUtS cm n bus:r.es paylrg M pr mnth net; in-ee. cation will prove it perfectly safe !ne.mnt; Imposs'b'e to See; niy earhang for a-r or hois and 1H. II. l-andis. 2'S A.der t. room T. PARTNER wanted for strictly cask business, oarer alone sr. I pre'rs .-sly partner 10 keeping hired bep; f- O rej j . red and w 1,1 isy energetic man $Jv mooih. Paxticu'.are. 2-H Stark t. A FINK opportunity for n party who has property suitable for factory site, to trade same for Interest in established plant. Present Quarters too small to handle busi news. A b. oregonlan. HI'NTKR A CRANK Investment brokerav lirosd et.. Newark. N- J Road anj stock lues underwritten and sold. ynn rates formed, mining, oil and in lua trial nterprLM-s fintn-el No advance fea. W A TKI If et parn-r to invest $.- to flr.e estab.Ljshed business, profits 114 monthly ; mon-y fu y secured. Parttcuuam. 621 S Wash., near 17th. W A NT ED Part y with some capital to as sist In handling best hydrautic placer in Oregon; wul bring large returns soon. T fed, Oregonlan. LOCATION for confectionery and Ice cream parlor, or one already established. In small town, southern Oregon preferred ; state about what prloe. V ftl. Oregonlan. SOLID cash bustnews. owner can't depend on hired help; will lake partnur. ta.-b hUo the bu"ti:e and auaraiitee ffl!to moo inly. Particulars room Lumlwr Exchange. EXPERIENCED hotel man with f;en wishes partner to Invest equal amount In a Seat t proposition ; lady preferred. Address E 42. Oregonlan. WILL sell new furnished hotel. 24 room, modem, account cf sickness; rent 434 per month. For particulars address ownr Hotel Wlllsmina, Wiiiamina. or. 4VSTORY brick hotel, rooms, all f urnisti'1 ; g'd tow n : omer J'; building, .t sn4 furn'ture Kfes for f5.vo casli; worth 410 ouO W it", oregonlan. t ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping com p'e; nets k per cer.t on cost. 412 ltn. A MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Telephone and oitter bonds b-iusbt and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 12 Ablagton. WILL sell hair Interest of a good psying business for $l;0. Will Invoice 14204. Hae other bus mesa N 4 2. Oregonlan. $7V WI1L buv ha.f internet in wood yard business on East Side. g4 location, or will sell. AD Ptf. Or-.nian. LFSS than h;f pn, fiims a so complete "'"i"" P'riurv ou-.uu eic Mtt'i ashing 17lh. WANTED I'arte.er Ut t-air.g little buinssi; or.ly inall capital required. C. S, larker Hil.st.ro. Or. O- BARREL four mi:i. 25 oii from Port land; water ad e.ec'.ric; 4Oot). ami, or trale. Lock Boji 2 New berg. Or. FOR SALE on easy terms. S tenner's esndy factory ; cheap rent. inquire at Satn L, 1-eary. BARPER enop for saue. Call Hotel fioyt. Join and liuyt. J FOR 1444 business card; ie. 4 Sc. Roee City Primary 12 Ad at. near Taur. A GCmi corner aalooe for sale cheap, port land Brewing Co.. 2 Jt a and Lpeaur PARTNER to manage bualnsw; fJi-A rrrm month. y; tnvestmnt 44io. T 0. oregonlan. PARTY with to flooo will eysnsldsr ! uaee proposition. Y 7. Ore son tan HALF Interest tn saloon, $225; laeetisatA G 2. r-contan A a mN. on good rnir ; 2 yearn lenee. cheap. AD 57. orgo.an. POOI,KO.i center t twn; rnt, good trai. Z. 2 Stark C orMT.M CHANCKA. LF AMR and ni'uree. g "-M !o-s'.ia en Me rison st Aiiurcss B Vi. urtias. RIG MONET-MaVC R, t4 rooms. r:sbt in tr-e hrti of the e:te. on Wasning'on at ; K li Y IaW 11 K n T and Weil farnishe!, clears :ie p r monlU "f eafcsws.. can U band:d on trjr easy terms, be sure and se ISts earl), as It is aa s-sowiient bay, sS for tiAM&t end regu.ar rm i . !; MK14-MI 4.U.KH ". Sl-l-lZ Ab.4.git,a L.dg. LMEHY CTAhl.K for sale; t w ..ti to -.: no Un ery bus.neae at v.atsaente r 12 bad hursts, a .. 2 w -. 4 sadd..e and ever thing pr s.nis to a Of si - --ass Jt-ry. u.-i liry I ru. n btwevu -... land and Astoria, ft' p-( .as- ba.am to s.t bU) -r . UW1 irans.it t rade . Oble- for . litis; going anal '''" bos 2 41. Clatskanle. -r CAKI'K.NTKII ihp, lnc(ot), r-- rtt nsr is 1. , iitfi..i I,. Mfk fc! retire; tnluds more tha 4ai a Mrtti manmarittMj oQl.e rhalrs. taa s prch sats Just . iri ;.s iri. w it a a dl of raw matrr.a.. jint. w - s. J Monday or Tuo.io . c r w 1 mo, --d It IS a rellx m .- p tZ'-u t all All Chamber Comntie f .1 IS bU S I -I VERT rt'IN est barn in city. b .Muir-nra- fee busnnessx king Ssse, t- wr. tor.. -r 9 ' o will se.l fr 4!2o..: c Eul: Inwst ttient Co., v4 Oar.il. gr b.:g. toToltK Kl II Fll SALE u" onpllrl. on -a r 1 . n r . etose In. en Improved, wei) itatM 1 oaO . aa rtrhtnt bxation. n store wn:u lu Mo, ks in either dire, t ion . ' tne s-.ert and good future; 4".... hand es building atld lot onr. i2 11' Kir b.dg 22 KJV.S good brlrk ..d .M-!iun, su-ry room fiini-.l and in t. f-on-tnion, stam nat, running water llrwuf!tut. rtt sp h-nt ; iupoj,;hl. to nnd an tl.iug baiter, price gl'.o. with urnti W uul s-a pay for Iteeir. Call ill vtauiU.r of Com merce. I WANT a g fd, a. h-r. energetic man aa part nr In my real sta!e rit. to wa.t on rue tomers afid.Au. Mlr.) ; a g.--l woikr can make frotu flTt t f2aj ntorTly. .all on my ag-nt for partlculara, roen 2-i. Lum ber Earhai.ge MEAT MARKET tomnjele. long established, no opp..sition. in. im.Us bors. wagon, part cash, balsnco lime. Owner J wuu-her. A 04. Oregonlan. Mam CASH. CAHII. CASH. If "-u want to se. your business qul'-k for cash, or want a re. ai-.e irtner dt-n't forg.V o rail at 24 Mark at. We S-t quuk results. Ilusineae aarl-t:y conndentlat NTFD A sober, rentable partner to a. let in a well-setabllshed rsal estate buslnetss, best of references; n;i te, b a god man the buneaa; Iltt'e money re quired Call 417 Board of Trade. IS ROOMS, elegant furniture, low rent. h-t West Side location; owner old and rtlr Ins. don not need monev : will e-tl -n very aasy terms; price 440. Call ftl Cham bar Com msree HK SHOP Only one in valley town of !: good buainesw, stock of iHr; two marhinra, I wis, etc. all for ; Ce.l or write. J. H. Moores. Brownsville, or. EMPLOY YOU It H E LF. Be your o n b-w. l.i aeeuree nice buinea, pnihg t-r--posf i.-n. hc Ooid sc hmiut. i 'Ui, Washington st ANY honest rr -an get ln an established reai estate vrT.ce by caoing at Lumber Kachang. itg the bs.p we want, not the money. lLXANCLAJ. MONEY sold oa installment plea; eo&sdew. Hal. .n security but your s.sr . boat gstm for vaiiroad. streetcar easpieyee, siavbasics and etners F. A NkWTOM. Bechaann Bldg. Xbee V ashlegte MONstY advanced salaried people and oth er s upon their own names snaout secer liy; cneapaat ratoa. ssmssc pameate. of fices in ee principal clUee; a a j nurssif BK-a by iu.ii any leims fits. loUIA.N, all Laaisar -sis,e Bldgv Oa Improved cny property ee for beitdteg puiyosst; 4 to 4 fears time. liL-are rs Vaymsnt prlstlegse, luustj adteecsd as vuxumg rogresaea a be 4m sad airk sis OOO en improwel city ee fa ran property bui.ding or asaa.l luana et loesst raise, large loans a apeca-iy. J Li McAvave Ce. 414-IJ-14 usr.it.asr Lidg 41SO-MI To loan on cr. pr..-rty at T per ceaL C L lkAMM.h-.Kjl. ftO" Cbamtrar of t uiitliirr. TO LOAN Large an 4 sme I amount en gsd ral estate sw. urity at kw rae of l.trest. C. y. II. user A Co. rvwsa 41 Mu.kry l!dg., 4 and Mofr tax n eta. W k ran piece erst mortgage butidtng loans of 4100 ur 42 at T ibd 4 s r oat Co lumbia Trust Hoard of Trade b.dg. $200,000 TO LOAN, large tattv. bnu tag loa-ta. low eat rai 412 Failing bldg. W. a Aae.a. 114 km) TO loan en city realty at 0 per cent Iniefv-ai; citergoa roub.a Cu r, 44 Cnamber of Commerce. MONEY la loan at reasonable from 4MI up. aae Puaa 2a Aider at Vis- leaa moaey on d .em on as sag ewey at reevsonable luierssi fur mOUa cr abort lime A a M- lveiovnga ja a.ara gee Waanlngton at. LUTING Itockaway Beach k:s at 2u. i do a n, f i pr month, no Interest. Is better than k-anu.g n-ouey at 3o pr cer.i. C. J. Owen A Co.. 414 Lumber Eaikang. IMMEDIATE LOANS from 44 to 4ASS oa ail securitiea K. 1 bwstrauu A Co.. room 4. W eaning ton blag. pooae Mete i. Loan g on reel es'a'.e and all kinds of per sonal a--curi.y. W . A. llat.ea, rwn la W aaDlCg: jci bldg. Main TACoMA Home Telephone bond cert in cat es. eou.a pay ;i can ta for a lew. C a A. ure goman. MONKY loand on real estate mortgagee ae coo tract a W. H N uon. 44s 4arlK eidg 1 BUY bank account a. bonds, mortgagee, etc. Thomas McCuaker. 2 00 Coucn btug. f241.uoO TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty. Thomas McCuaker. 2o Cou.h blag. MORTO AG AC LOANS. AND T PAvK CACNT LoLle SALOMON. SUA 1 AjHAk nr. McMY to loan oa real estate sa urity Losj eaneon broa. 1V auerlova b.ug. LOW rates: we loan money oa d : am aa as nnd jvwairy. Mara A Ailovh. T 44 s MONEY loaned og real esvz.ta security k.uu.ty Uuiifflf&i Co.. ioa Garlingvr bldg. Moaey to loan. fLei and seewnd mortgagee purchased- aV L, Detereaux. Foaion t.ag. Bute funds loaned. 4 per cent. W. a Tham es, a La La agent. Muluwauia Ca. eg c. C PRIVATE money loaned on real e-eta-e mortgagee. H- Mlley. room So oerlmger. $iN TO L A N. 4 per rnt. on improved property. X 11, orgalen. MoNEY to wn, r.y amount, 4 is par cent. Fraxy A Sella. 12 frtb at. LOANS or reel, persona, chattel or coiuate.-. at security C W Pa. let t, ao psatoa e.gg MON ET co loan on mortgage, in sums to suit, up to 4-4e p at. orgobi. To aoen 41444 at 0 per cent; beet sesrvniy. N Ol. Oregonlan. $120 to lB en first murtgwge. 1'sstcXer VA Abtrgtsi bJg. LA HOB front rom. asu)iabJj for two; phono large yard. 2-3 12t st. 4eUlCst loses on BjI Bsurttiee a w sting. 44 Waaa.r-gton b.ag. Pauee Main 4LoA l"Nt to Waa on improve rMy peeper te Wm Ma-Master. 4V Worcsalsr bla A LOAM roc tan asking. Bwlarr ee sOalai The Loan Ca. 41S Leausa bldg MFY to 1 est roaj tetaUa. G ruber ara Aord est TraUe s.ig. Ft N A CI A L kiam se '4$4444$e M.NEY FOR r-li OH ON HURT if y a e4 rei csa aa want te 4vs rew -'iat.s w " acAs- as? tssA ' - HKRK 14 THR M.AC make a swa wn y .- j. ' ax- j :ait.t..- isiithaut eio.-age eceipta. KXe tttauraece sv-s va aa taaeas.e o:auraa al A c t First sad w ovd wrtsea ae 4 eeatrartav cvBifst" ie m m..sm-4 w th c t: tse r'M tosr.-txg ao-asvey ai raot-el.4 rataa u 1 -asy -tm Ur.i w,4 a h aKia.aM4a;. Iwe ca a srt&s to repay la - a asr K.tg.y assay y-s a-e.ia at ta .ase as4 beet rete la la cc A ea:ae etT- : y ee64saUa. 14.1 or ixe. U. 1 tAL ).rAia; e rniOKfRAOO CO. R a l. huu .4 h.i4 , si 4-4 at. Jes444l4 412 oa c:. g. We are tba s.y varaAj In the rlty ef ret-tw ou itr. Md btur 1 ae la a the 4 u; wf t,Tga m.- as j . t arr.- t..sh. (UC a ssa-sW. SslVlaiSS Iss.Jts. tic Loa-i-e .f 4 to :JO aray be sHt as frv.m us on e--tt a4e aa4 U a er y emAU cusl to t.m UTwsr ew . r att aeau r u jtieer.( ta. 4'ajabee.is u sua sal st en-i peyssssst p an bacludes an es 4eeesa. , i-a.-aw taaast swl la 4s. .wr oAtca : ie tAS- -e a -agt c:M.ias a a a eu4 we4 aa-4 iu4 Oil, ,aaiii4H, AaLITON CREDIT CCX tLJ Dskaaa .g. MuNLY UUMt! kJN C VI Lai La Mu iv i k hi.Nk kivS, Call a.nu La FOAt A v. M U-i.l 14L. LOAX lN luU SALAKY. CU4vAll.-r AND lir-f 1 LACI TO lUl.u.V aiNtll. A RiKLt lk.LV '.'RITT aTVAvii 1 i J Aiiit IK Hl.l( 1 OSTT, CALL 1 I.Lt 111 N WIabV 1ATA tllvlir t O,. IAIUNu tU.li. HOI 4.H e A M. 4 P. M. Wrta. AND ATX I N TIL P. M. CHATTEL UlAM II moot Uaj oa .aaa furwttwrw, oaw rsceipuw b wrw-a. in sufaxs skA a.arice aaa an aoca o eecarttee sVa.W EH A LOAN A at 1 A 4A IS Aal TO LOAN Plenty ef tnoasy to isaa at auaA f 4er et on r eau estate e. ur iiy. .D. p. at ALL CO. lue io a bibs ioe Aug. KMPLOYcTn LOAN Cx.. 421 AblagteA U44. sicsy wo li.wai mast p.A. WB BUY foreign saoae , uaaaaisa, Oi u 1 rwet ge'o dast. Title La a la A Co. A W aaawmg we MoNfclY to loan en improved city prop eit, furnitufe, jsws.iy, nur.a, Dt 4i K4l bwbUU lv l'il.. Aaa.y b.ug. li A V li cur.t build .tg moerm e-room t tae. tvntiact prUe f 1oj, un f u. a lot In Motile toa ; Krt Wura 4-a. b aaata SIUlw. a ye at a. 4 per -nt. eae.ient party. A N. bs-axe. Vu sia and a loth at-. Lake M.-V. car. W ANTED Loan of $13.oxaj on reaj setate ad industrial proposition. tea estate worth 4u.O"v. ls) bonus that will inter eat ou. suisti. p vj Bog 42a i-.w WANTED tend so tdl vision et profit o f .c I . yo. W me d L- propoatt.ua ; giviat no laaa. faaa, let me aho at N in. -liy . bib .ww WANTED oa esy aTe of well Ira- proved la fed. cloae to g -o-l town, sa ee.e x rou for i .ana . latereet aaa tsxma. AK lea. Cfiu&ua. W AN 1 ED A l a of for 2 or 4 years et e per ent a -o rs r-e a. lead. tl In cu.tttsiioa A Aw P. Ol a ma a. i;Q w nt1, g lo y years en bous) end lot. E- (O. near MwiriaoO. P 4. Oce g ooiafl W 1 l.L pay 1 o per rent for 4--o on a l?a-t Z land at car station, fur 2 ea 4o CoOco.d Aildg . A and tolsa. IU. gte tw for loan ef 02o for snontna. ee.u'ltjF axd cbslltta. 1 vw, oi t tan. 4 7 "O oa mmall modern b vi.se .and 3 lta. I-r 4 eta. 0 per cehL o Coikvrd B.d W ANTED 4lKL years. per rtil. S-- eur.iy mfom. pTopeaty Woftn A4 ivt. KJt If iiLUA WANTED To borrow Xe on firt las rral caiate sm.fii). a a good fete of 1 lil Y aw. Oraoaus WANTEl le fr I yare et 4 per et; aoi ti esuriiy g:saav Addrsee All 44, oittuaa W ANTEla ajatost. llavo 4 lotas lv we aa -"" Irut4ti !..!' y t HBt ssies Jjg ywr at e -r ctt, A J PI. 1 " W AM 4.ia .Va r . a.ua of pr ty I a.aa 1'hug private parthse, 4 t 4 yeatf et 1 ne taua. $3Ke rot k. sc eve-t, en 4V.reege !ty licit a. Y so. $io WANTED for eo das: ce4 r-ereoeaj actif it j. tro&us And lcleau L 47. oe- ir.ua W E w aat T per rr.i money foe building per t jsts sna 01 :r r.. st scot t gage es or ty l..uy laveetmeat to. urtingr b.Ug. WE eaa 1 -ace prat mortgage atv4 bu::3'-ag Co.ombln Treat . AAosvrd ef 1 ts4 SKIg. $oo or leee war. td on improved property, guo4 security. I t-oe Ma. a 4iii. W TKl A l ea of l:Aes en tmoroveA ral Mtats wort a A p 4 J. Orua!aa. $ Kno L A N w nt4 on bouse nnd 3 lota. s per ctL 1 . namoer cotimar. ' R leee wasted ea ltnpnv4 city property; esx-unty a-I AH 7. tr(s:ia $200 WANTED for to dare, personal se curity; i:tri f-ay 11 a-i. Oregon ian. rriLAVONAI. t.VTHUSlASTIct A meeasge from the V o a pblioaonhy OO "kalDitaiaam " Hit ttrer a. 1'sy ct. ie ltnivsuUuua. ropna bip. Altaie r j.rli ua . .at Aaa-c.etlon vf viregon. ioaigut Aiaay b.dg. WaNTKD to vneei a respectable working ladr. la lj yers of age; one w bo de sires n home and e good umyfanc hue band can nnd same by slilresing V vt. L'sB Baaeett a. the Ortglaal Native Herne for ruaumatm. eo&s.peiion, as teoiete mi bo w w. s au SkTUiggumm Ulisl eh-lllA H. SKIP, nsaial ar. a. .sniJt. 212 A-iaay blCg M 2dA. LUw a. U lit a Is. M. Woa mm- .1,. LOST pewere restored ey Ar. tnrens- Nerve Toalo Isb.eta. Sic boa, kyaMu pfaar Bba:y. See AAarrison sc. bac ate gad 44 n. ktlXul D A marveiloua euro for weakneea la men; returned if It faits. prc gl X. - rtwta 00 aiissy ldg. W ANTEI To meet honorable lad law end gDi.mrt of respoostbt age; object ttm- nnioo). e , reg eaian. EtJYPTlAN perua-e. egrapt:ofca y gd; gam. f-sr ic 1 re m roeer.c a ifa,a; bsntn. Port, an 4. Mm Court w rig h t skm and ae meats, fa'-iai deformation corre tic aurgayy. 1 4 4 iiwar bog ADA1.KA bLuvloil. a vary pioaaant a s - :m rs&.uy iwr ismaia t l . Uui bl'IRlTl'AL meotirg toCght. Ai'sky fclJa, J4 and Morr . Sieoicg aud w ntiaa oeatuxaa bnswwrad free. Ul'MN ESn man; 4t. w oetk 4 - YOvw. nowd Iran y . r-.i.:.. efc I. al. La ue. 1 w.edo. ou.o. Ai-a 4. .or.. Woman Whater yowr a.insat. can Dr ewetciiu4a. prompt r..aA. aaA4s uA l,o Ad at- llsa 4 7 7S MAHKY Kl Jt-h.g Hat ef re PoMl ant fra-s. so a m a ;vr Log. t. 1 wU. Asg 7. GfeetaAva, lu. MlOMsTJTT price paid for fombwri sag cwt beA INwrtiend haaaar. e-JOw Memaon L l-A HAMSMiS. rrtar ar 4 eep treat ar ae tat. l.nca l. A2Jk U ae. St. Mrw M U li. 4. S A .fxifar e,dg A4 A4T4. pAi iriC latreslecaag Oeb rwr aLeia ye.se; m.f loe -ye la aa A liKr'INtu m:(J4i-is4 gnt!oiaa. rea e..r. ls u 1 t ta j r ,o-r t in f.oA aj loui'. ae td bat ia. snssaa. .-ed tu 1 aat -f rrtb sv .n t-t e rti miJl.-44 it fc s- .-n m-aa . nn'n, u -r. r l . si y,t ma :tiaivov feU prikU.is iw r.rst a-seer A 1 letters air. i aLJff!il ,a ir :ie s or caii a JUiaeee swatiel X i ( r g o ,4a 4iK IN k-I . acetaaK ,Mh4 w jitia fesn tse iits a.t b o.' L.e u .ocTto b-Ts-1 ti...tn. sa tiwa M to t- w .i4 i w.is a true w-n-aa ef tir:.rg rbss-r . s Im auaa 4 a 4 W a.s arsai aaJ sx. la. atan!.t, rv4re.e lfhsMe4. J 4a 4 o .aiv. UKNTUsAX of 4e. wv.h aaeena. w -sha ie snewt g iw4 )ca a an .) C t-na S to . .r wiaaa wua et mot t baa te eai.utesi, lad s mmt hae sisra z. U ;.a la uina . luM s ' g f wll a 45t. mm and e n Bit.a w 1.. t. . atr. ve-- t ; .aut g . V4 Tu. w goo a a t yr i.re w ort n tbt prce? Ne dautt. f-r Sa ae I ;t. a Sbs.ee ea men and et.a str-ag ac.4 coel a.) i a ,- e4 J t f 4sisu ftr at ( -rai t arv s a Ir. v ectf. Fi w&t aad M 1 .swa f sa 1 siuaas. or. s4 luA-tlSit tr .r e4 Bevse. !! .t 0t1e . cerew vs.maiss, aisws a irwe sa4 ajerotas e.swA r by sasMl r-a ta. essa. sweet aa-s Uk m;m, i-. n wa a last l . t a at- -e coC C'as k.s aaisif ear. 4 bee nsu Mm. I4ae 41 avA. AIA KOlit. ft t HUAvOK bT. reitaeae ahig Sfc-eeiA..st. t m . sa. o r u s 'ae ea 4 fg ..ts ren:4, la r4r .ag. misi oT ag aad 4f etatt gy Uwrl, largaal ats4 et ha.r g oda ie o--e W st et tst pr icq, I arua Lretd l.aeder. 44 e and Ader lR M1HT LW !al lte ef os i. u, aaa u ;uftA Ilsp.tsl, t.s d ihi.aiMi e.c.a-e. . hospital a vsnR4it ti, ae r'xa ge t-r saimnat.csi. afta:a 7. A .411 44 iuaeaotb b.. aia aj Aaaeay. Wt I.D e tnarry tf suMed s iatr menial pef, cue taic.es aaadrvJ 44tf.mriia tnsrtM( l-ei. Itxxti a -1 e.T, ritb, pMr. out. a o.d. I to 1 eet at. is, t a ' li a. u.a. -'4 soeaA free. O. 24. Guaaae, To.ado. cnio- tAHTKKN lady 4: years 0.4. in bo mess, I, aa anjws;tlaaos o4 booret.e go- suan 0 K4it ne .te -r gd j-nivu. ah w .l aat Avar; pe txU.ers. AJaixw L pe. BKHN'Kt, sttrecu mi'.J. iV, des-.ro ewny mrriss sitA mmn 4 .. u. OfumUfTi I r oaJ or bus.ne maa of .!.. n:in.st f I'dsti'l, g-e ,ri-rt inr, v-o-Wsntla. lei'S e a. Sawttlc, W aab. UK. A LIC It A- OH 14 F TT'tists ef women aad bildrea Ne rharae fr cotasuitat.oe Keoru lu. Grac 4 T ba:er bidg , Vk asking ten aod Pea a stn Mam iw:4 A ftooX. MRS STEVENS. 14 yoare ivrvand le2lrg I a.sr ia aad cairtjsnL, ie lahit.g rr s-n-p.e mttOs bow to toad your cwa Oes tir; get hr riew bok. P mtTy Made Aeey. 244 - WmOI.I, our. Tin. GENTLEMAN Z good appearancw. woe! 4 1-be to meet a snge or w idowd lad v. Se from ; te le yeete, with roomtr-g or ea apart ment -house , am a t rust uituy manager, sui merry. P 41. Oregon. an. ALICE ltae Inveetlgated K. baway lskacb aju )os. 4e oua, A irg Bi wib, go tni- asst. twiog a..4 by C. J. C weg C . 14 UnWf At rvaage. and nod tbecn worts ae t.mee 4-- b. wAlK Ask yor drug cist for Cblcbeeter U.ooc4 1'tatd pj.ia. 4 ur 24 years aawae as tbt beat, aafeet Heitela Taae ne other ' fc;(bsstr Dlemood lAravad lL ere sold b drwg a is is eer where. IF yosj are ruinni from any form of rhsumst ism. k .dttc y trouble or bat a ache aia Ubvumvi. li w ill ut you y or aa .e t W oooavrd A CAawke eawd b a. dm ore li og t o. KANCII EH. 40 years old. Worth 44 S Busi Aa rlty. WoumI Eke te met lady of cash ratbi ma t f imun.tlir to . . ae et- j-ct-).s te wdo ot good (Aaracisr. Y i. utegutlsa. ATT I'ATil N PL-perfiuowe ba r ao-- by le a.-:tlc a- J . cote, la4y oi'atjs, phja.. -st.s" per-. ..-. ift'H Ji st. rar kr Si eioT. 4tel.lsbe4 1W4. ttKA D T i l Haea ywr 4 bate snade '; W-w -r.ae. ote o . tisst -r g f'otbste ttr.t.r. tnms r.g apha!ty. 1. - .oa .en.t.g Z2l sei .. r-'ti 27. V t- I H A 1 I - cose. 1 c y f un4 for loee . y pa- p.. e. ee sea. 3"S to ae c. t trvat.; y 2k. ie ee f. e ; ctrcu'ar I Or. I Mt.aal Aa to; icg l4!tu, A .e A - - y b. us 1R plEItt E. sr-eaJt( e.l itrvgw.arn.se vm so bjaeara A..a bldg. A N ..l.y g-nt.ennsB Sim waa vg 4 I ke to nai aa y w wi:h o-ai . . t t c-- i4n ---.p, -r.4 if s..ts4. so- y t.na;.a-. L sei. oi la Tll.lAl widow tfM.r d.spostat ffona Aeal. w ou.d i-ke a. i wait, iaa.w of wl.-lo-d. t4iie.a os 4 4. o4et aweU aoc.y. X . A.taonea. Ay S twaa swus lr reet. au eeisi 4i ae a. ia bsofss yasr e:Aj ias-4 t-cesas A 4ol4-ae aytaed o. f-t seeed I ro.it oa. s as 4 s ussMnae. t aiw UtatiM v o . a e mate. MAKKl a 4T retoe. baat r -a rsr-r ; in oor. pa:s-4. 1 J -.a, $ war , e "d W. n.wu . ;e s-W . snl loo. 1L. Av. L,e, tsrt.aer. TtitR rHTt nk v iu runic. $A i.la ri-r tro. aal tiai bitk ac4 TV c-er I r f. raal, 1. o. U4 ell, ben Ktat.'.a.'a. tel. OR- W ALK EH. areiaJlat. quirks ere d in' of mw. b.od end aa - a dies a as a. arss. u.a-'rt. a a ol a m ;atla. h-Cai. b.a 4 der aad p. lew 1 A I let at Po t la .4, ur. MDM lilA'IKilA LA I L7 ITU end aaaustanta. tub aad aew ba a. maaaage, t r .a tt4U&ta 4.4 n W aak ao.a 2e A. 24. u;a LI-DERLY ledy wiaee te s-t avruainted ariin e-der.y gei.ssanaa sub snaA-a. , otber r4 auau. Object anettiaao&y. A A. Orua.aa yyi X U P ace weere stwial stient.on is giseg recnode.tng ef bats by up-to eat e 1 1 tn-mera Avug . .sk Cor m t M li.oe y. eel Mart ison S14 Awarioauabidg . LA D Y ef 44 from the East, with eosnsy means, wishes to torrejoi. 4 e ub go I n.ao otsr l ar.n huino and mseas. oijl matrtmon y . M 47. otf cisn. M HfC HKXNKTT butler Afasraj dMdauad f r a at a. 1 toe -or-g 1 . BUslNcNg $UsUCCT04tY. Mlaa O. Got LD. 404 Morrn. c-r 7 k. As ui4ma ar.4 ktifs p.tsur. end t iaa.g. K- II. Cv IXi A Cm.. ACCot NTANT4V O'mimi v 41. louuiy 4VC4 Mtvii-a. Aodt.cg. InsasR -gailtg a4 st ea t 'a lag. A. 4 s orvee.or 1ma 1 .&e Maia eoo7. bM ALL accounts kept gc.4 aud.ted es prtonrol ao.vutiiAt.ii arcnitevt a nexoents a s , ia -1 . cfcarseo rtsem a 0.0. Jtddraee iio a X ksu, LMtt4i.s4 W . A pTooostsi. en 1 n : r. g seciMsta, eaem Is .a 4J4 eas ay ere. 34 WeaAirigUa at. rOHTLAND ANALYTICAL LAl oAtATvltY a. X Wot.eetar bdg-. 4-4 ead oava M- selHk PAt L Hll MEL. elyot. Go.4 HuNTaNA A if A Y I'rMvil Laboratory end o-aai.t-g work. ;ae MsrrUos St.. 44 If hll-l-tLU iM)-at-as. 7 14 Chamber of CorassH Mam alee, A AoAi. gv T JEFFRE1. g Feete b. g . U yeere prwet.. ia if. ysre A.assaa. tat s NS n A-M l NS bave reiw4 saw ag.e I sxas-e.A Aaard of Tted b g CLA HlXiK li. oILhtitr. 2xd 2-.; 1 his irrf of Uou.rv. kteia 1 1 1 a 2.4. DM H.t.TCMhK. ne paia.a fxr syeeia.et. l'aa a. 1 of the feet e it tw ut utff ef Ir-f et 1 io . -mLf asa act . ri'la .a esci coricg axg a 4x4 ia.sl aa J a a-g aaait. As- A.kawy 4.g. Male SlaJ WM 1 M ELI At a4 Foee tewt?. the a.y a"e--f " i--fcy-i:g la t '.e .iy. I arur Ail it,:t.r t g W. aasr. 24 ead A.Csg t-oe Ma.a lal. MleO fc.ru I. WAM fb fi-im and sn l rur.st uit 14. AVi Ussbft.a A Ck tvawdr sr. 4 Pee :-: g s M li. M l. rok--a 42P F iedaor s .s I Ma s 3s. 4 tM I ( t.rT cr.aa. erirg e a.p Mfa. 1 1 eu i..ha4 A- . c -a. it.aeeO at-r. IIIMMM 1UK4CIOKY. Ar-4aieirte, 1 1 s ee a Has a,p . arc hitsrtsv t A -tr . a b.s. u ; Cl. we b-ef u.n. a ca. sake ) avoasj. W p Y Ni'T t-t Vaasy u-. ul .a'ie wfc? Cae- :s c.e--l. mm j aa,l .aid t ea- 1 1 a; vet n.en. le fc4 & Ms. a 2. luK car t - iar ir.g .tlk, e ill c..nt'r.ae -a aa u4. at 1 st a t ('..). J, Hl? !f Jt Co, st '. -e.se a PJ fra:et r a;i ci : s r. stc. K 4., 4. A 4-4. 4 erpea rs isig. Atf'-S WvaOe fr.W . a sa C-l- r g t W... N-- aat n g w 1U I t. ae nasi 1. ;.a. We c stsi A 1. e o, s-arsl law. I lass . a mi .-. Z- 'l r ..r .s T IjI 'lv. y "l N'i A Sb.ss.o W.r. ;a I .- 1".' orm h t- ..g , 1'unaA, 4 'as, s.ttti ruaa ut. f --la. 7W 4r , laansAssg. Lli HAUUM 1 ANClNvl AC A DEW A. i(-iumi r Alarr.t Its. . Tth at 4 .. m- e.- e tea.feg t a -.g sadai . ve leg;-ea Arsjf j. ass..;u-. M'ii.itt e t ' -t j, a Ls e.s bw. S V Mw. 4TNc4N a K KIN 1t.. a evaros. 4ar. i sh lr"sU. serial" ua. s;abJ.s-o4 . aa ear X a ..a s n..a. 4t. 414 lass- I'siA ik.i,4. Ca. Lai AC B 1 rat ry kihmI of Paarswacy. Sag 4 St.. 1 r : ar 4, or. OAeevrbr M4 PACIFIC KLNTl:IC At NG1 N 1 K U IN v4 CVA- 44.iora . r s.t ee ea.a. 2-2 ad eg. Inve la. AN T broker who ra:e to hand b.els of n sre-ri -rs t -o e .l i osie adlr n-e at portiar 1 li i-l. p.-r t;ar.4. -r , t-o 1 w t.l r r.v 1 v.muLkaii kala', May 1 . . G. Lxkautxl. Iralssse aad llndtngw. CHAS. L M A STICK A --. 54 Front, leather of every J a. 1 ni tub, t;a m;ra And.tra. J. A PTROM H1U1m:K UATHilH CO. I Ub :! 1 is2-e. 1 ks Frtti et. Leon Msssra. La W N M"i i(j atarpari saturactioa Soarant-ed 17o N lti- Main 11.4 Marklserr. lt"E ir.a.-nwi Con.j .tg !nta ; : s: t a sirotg Machinery t a., aoa. aat IIACTT VOM.'MIKK tX' . 12S $: ! 4a A S.A ihrj. oa the eiL I'ttClgL ea Saturdays, regular 2c ssg mual.. IO and 1 : . Kct.i'l I S!u.ea, lc; e t o a o( i i..i l 2 t-.T tttu a yrt sk 14 At-Usieon Mu. l, I a 44 at k.MIL T HIllJH n N. t achor. .f So.ta A 4. So P.r.s .4 ATsta 4k M C. "t. tss-'rej of y.ana. at Ma - 740 i-4,.xei 0d Asr I -by lt It H N MHkl r, 'l l-i; ta-ra a.g . TV.l'd a, i Wa!.::oa ut Ftioee. wjt.ia, Ma.a S. rwa. k. ICCA. rwAwta. CM4a eaad tAeaw IvAsatl a m., .: te. i.rtn m a. g ax waea a--- 4 ..ie L or 24 ax4 Ta ..e. Pa an 1 sag and Pi l't It K lead and e l us-d. terms v.fr roas t.jiMe. 11. t vvc 4 al lellc.'j. 44 P. fm.JMlNMA t., wa.j yaAe. yeunt ir g. t.t :;. a : hg T:fc ai.4 AAar. I'slesi naasl P'pn ie AtasMvaeyWt K. C V IWnKT. earsi.e and Toro ra pet tan; lt.'l.itaM ass ex. I a wm. J. J. ili44UAEU. tse.s.tMi a4 1 li 1: pa ki.j n amjiilt I a v ,.i t o at 1 ort.ac-e 4 .ft .to .-2 -i 4 W or-ore:r b.k W AkklV 4. atrw(tsei t. etraat jiaetr-g B. m oae .ism r as a ; 4 U.wUr aa Aiearaurmata. Klv liAKl S 01.ILL. iaisst New 1 exyiee of da.r-ty C . ' X A -Wr . oe aru DAVIS SAI K A Ua t tj , ltea4 nf ae AV4 au le it.14 .a a k.a&d swiast THAI Mol.L Mi ll t . oa 2 j t Aejasy at Lt-4) yKowt.4 EaoJ aaJaev llial UTAH aim. . srssra Urex4 - atsis c 4.a e4 Alert. at Loiae. Mgr. 1I1I0 Jsmee I MaistaU Mfg. Co.. rew r ' 0.4 a'wataMt oit .i sla. s lore sad 4D.e Caiuiwa. e Ct-tti b ea. Maa rToA keblsre pi siya AlJo tra e cy aa a4 s.l air groca p. la. C Co.. 2il h'-ST a st. ltk pixuaa ao7. Ft"1 T Kt A KLElrEK, r H.N A Tne iagt s ca-ttaarn in t be V -ereet . &t h ard E ert t or a, 1'bc.Ls Pr la bla tl htr 42k. ltvaae A 114 T'VK connected ax 4 repereA. Main &114L 4114 Front. Woe-age naasl Trwfee-. C. O PICK Trnefr ar.4 S'.oregs Co . eSTice sr 4 commtviit.os fur- st ry t-i s. a w reue . eiata's tr ; rxrr ar 4 rr i rof taaUe f. v utb.fs N W cx.r Si sr4 I r.a i l'tans and femtur ac.4 pexAed tor sfe MtS. Ma.n oAA A IV we 0E.:or TRANSFFR OA, Cee.erel trs r.err rrtt.g and et -rare : safes, ptarna and fu-r Hure moe4 s4 facArod fe e- 1 it. r. a t a 4, st. brt Erect e.4 let Tm.w, l,sa Maia 47 or A 247. VAN ItoHN TKANaFER CO. FVrr ture a-4 p;ano w.iTg a rectalty. 4042 U r. 1 bone A 14. feaa IklA TwrklsAA rValka. . Tl I'KlhH bwtKe Is iTfnr'iQ bK"g : aadlsw Caa Bita a -m Ma .n ibh A ikA Y y pew rtt era. W K ARK te ea-aar4re tcsr ifce Isngsse tyr 'iitr "-. .srt c b :i,s C ; gr; ell anakso a.t tr.f-e Tt-a T)(asn-r Ava clxaid. 17 sstitf.a aft. ft 1 r I A L nces. n.. sna a -s rst : a' 4, ro pe;red p la C. Co . , gtatk Mam leer. ConO WOOD. "fT WOC'D, ILAl W Wa e:l rt'14. Ml. aSCtBJ and SalYeoe prrF - all g-acos . f w or. j ft- fot. 4ag is a -as re4 la ax.y jr';tr. 1 st im-.i g. a ar 4 o t-. a eso- n j iruit.t r. oi -r .(.ttf s'a aa babe-4 cut tn e dry p a-wi aad bse 4wr bett e tier aaae4 K r ' ?,-,r T -t s - uo W r ,7 j 1: v I v 11 H FTFJ. CCMrgVY. ar1 at : 7 Aveet s1eiia at. I kes stast 7A. tA ia Uitbrx s era at MA'-a Tabor IC oikvan wyinax yaNK-- 1 r. 1 A lv - 1 . ; vorv y-t Tl 4V4. : a l hit avANK.S A I-1 ' I , lrt'f : . a FT a a ; 1: n 1 L a ii i. c;t i s t r 1 t UN :Tv ;. 7T' - AVI a J 4 k CIST lhL."T rut) t v nr. In AiCvlMa, AA J- Ait 1 AJosi T AlLTA. Il'H.I K Mla.Nl U. I.t. g'sin. f r. . U.Kta.. - r r-4 ae B iC Marwaii a and 1asaUry . It. M iKltH IUI.Ka CJ, -1 AtAsny sc 1'hut.s Mia 32