THE SUNDAY OREftOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY. 1G. 1D00. EARTHQUflKELJARS NORTHERN STATES MILLIONAIRE AND HIS WIFE WHOSE FOBTTJNE FAILED TO SAVE CHESTER JOED AN. ML III CAR HURT' GOOD AND HONEST CLOTHE MAKING Last Coach of Alton Train Rolls Down Embankment. Shock Most Severe in North Dakota, Also Felt in Mon tana and Canada. TWO WOMEN FATALLY HURT S EUT SLIGHT DAMAGE DONE Many People Paiiic-StrU- ken, and Articles Hurled From Shelves and Walls Walls in Helena Are Cracked. GLENDIVE, Mont.. May 15 At 9:18 o'clock this evening Glendive felt a very perceptible seismic disturbance. A num ber of men gathered in the Masonic Temple rushed from the building, believ ing it was about to fall. In many houses dishes rattled In the pantries. The tirst shook lasted Prob ably two or three seconds, with unusually rapid vibrations. The shock was felt at Forsyth and at Dickinson. N. D.. where It Is reported to have been very severe. Train dispatchers at Dickinson, X. .. were frightened from their posts. The town of Glasgow, on the Great Xorthern, was badly shaken. CANADA FliELS TEMBLOR, TOO Over Thirty Towns Iteport Shock of Some Severity. WIX.XIPHU, Man.. May 15. A some what severe earth tremor was felt in "Winnipeg tonight at 10:17 o'clock. last ing about seconds. The movement was from north to south. The shock was also ,flt at Swift Current. Sask.. and at Ianglgan. S.-tsk.. .V miles west. Reports from VVeyhurn and Moose Jaw state that the tremor was sufficient to Fhake articles from walls. Over 30 points reported the shock up to midnight. .UEAT FALLS KEPORTS JARS Mnx'k Throughout Northern Counties Ioes Little Damage. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. May IS. A dis tinct earthquake shock was felt here this evening at 9:15 o'clock, and It mas also felt at Choteau. Havre. Wagner and other points at the same time, showing that it prevailed generally over Northern Montana. While no serious damage was done, the shock was sufficiently strong to throw things from shelves in stores and there was some breakage - of glass ware. (jl'AKK WRECKS HELENA WALL Knock Throws Down Stone Structure Ten Keet High. HEIN'A. Mont.. May V,. At 9:15 o'cloc tonight an earthquake shock last ing several seconds was felt here. The on!y damage reported is that at the resi dence of Herman. Paul, where the front retaining will of the house was thrown down by the bhock. The wall was ten feet . .ligh and two feet thick. OFFICIALS ARE DEPOSED (Continued Prom First Page.) tlon to Mayor Heylman. the deposed members of Kstacadu's city government re: Councilmen B. S. Boswell. C K. Howe. William L'ale. A. Hazens and J. K. Lovelace. COURT RESTORES JOHNSON .Reinstates "Estaeada Recorder, Oust ed by Action of Council. OREGON" CITY. yjr.. May IS. (Special.) A. N. Johnson, who was ousted from his office of Recorder of the City of Ks tacada by the Council of that town two weeks ago. was today restored to his of fice by circuit Judge Campbell, who holds that the Council is not clothed with power to remove the Recorder, but that such action can be done only through the recalL Not only was restitution of the office made to Johnson, but the Mayor and Council will not be permitted to In terfere with the discharge of bis duties. Judge M. L. Pipes and Alex Sweek ap peared for Johnson ana State Senator Hedges and City Attorney Bartlett. of Mitacada. represent Mayor Heylman and the Councilmen. Johnson belongs to what Is known as the Reed faction, and there has for sev eral years been bitter strife between the adherents of Reed, wuo was formerly Mayor, and Heylman. wno now holds the office of Mayor. Though the Mayor and Councilmen are all anti-Reed. Johnson is not in harmony with the administra tion and its policies, and this has been the cause of disagreeable feeling. This recall election." said Mayor Heylman. "Is all a farce. Councilmen Havens and Boswell have served in the Council less than six months and cannot be recalled, and the only men subject to a retail election are tiowe and Lovelace. 1 was not elected by the people and Councilman Dale resigned two weeks ago." LEGISLATORS IN TREMBLE Continued From First rase) effect of thj enactment of the measure which bears his name. He has exhibited no r;ard whatever for the consumer. Al! his concrn has been on behalf of the producer, aad those producers who in r. Jntimite terms with Mr. Aldrich and his irtenaa nave been granted an ample de cree ji protection. All of which might have been expected, for Mr. Aldrich owes nothing to the people: his position and lii power- were given him by interests demand protection, regardless of the interests ot the people, and Mr. Aldncb, in the tariff tight, lui been loyal to those wno made him what he is. If the President signs the Payne-Akirlch om ana ma: Dill bclore Its tinal passage is not amended to meet the general de mands of the people, the slaughter of Kepuolican Congressmen will be heavy In November. l!lu. The greatest losses will be usLained throughout tile Middle West: there will oe some losses in the Pacific Ctoast end Rocky Mountain country as welL But the Democrats need to gain only 2 Congressional districts out of 1U1 lo giva thera control of the House, In rludijg control of !! committee. And there is little doubt that they ran make the necessary gains in the states' of the Mississippi Valley. Noted Yale Tackle Dead. C1TV OF MEXICO.--May IS. Lfcnc Mur ray, an American, aged Si. probably the most famous tackle on tl.e Yale football team of the lata 90s, died, stjddenly toJay. BOSTON', May 14. (Special.) Chester Jordan has been convicted of murder In the first degree for the killing of his wife at Boston. Jordan is a brother of Mrs. Jesse Uvermore. wife of tne wealthy specu lator, and it was the Llvermore millions which backed the defense of the murderer. Mrs. Uvermore was present when the verdict was ren dered and was deeply affected. ST. PAUL IS AHEAD Files Maps of Road Before Great Northern. ON ROAD TO BOUNDARY Lines) in Flathead Counlrr Con flict at Many Points and Courts Will Thresh Out Eight St. Paul Leads Throughout. KAL.TSPELL, Mont.. May IS. The con test which for the past few weeks has so strenuously engaged the surveying crews of both the Chicago. Milwaukee A ruget Sound and the Great Northern railways has drawn to a close with the filing this morning of final maps of defi nite location of both companies covering the remaining distance to the Interna tional boundary. The Milwaukee people filed their man SO minutes ahead of the Great Northern. Throughout the contest they have main tained the lead and now claim to have the route secured from Coram along the North Fork River to the Canadian boun dary, a distance of over i miles. At places the maps Khow lines as following the same course and many-points mirk where they cross or continue side by side. The contest will now shift to the courts. here a number of condemnation suits Instituted by both sides will be threshed out. The first Great Northern summons Is returnable May 3i md the first Mil waukee suit will probably open on Mav SI. TAFT HONORED BY G. A. R. PRESIDENT MADE MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED SOCIETY". Ceremony Take Place In White House and Is Attended by Many Notable Persons. WASHINGTON. May IS. President Taft. In the presence of a distinguished gathering of Civil War veterans, was mustered in today as an honorary member of the Associated Society of Karnsworth Post. U. A. R., of Mount Vernon. New York. The ceremonies were conducted by General Horace Porter, of New York, in the east room of the White House. President Roosevelt was made a member of the society soon after he became President. In addition to mem bership of Karnsworth Post, there were present today representatives of John A. Dix Post and of Lloyd Aspinwall Post, of New York, as well as promi nent members of the G. A. R. In Wash ington. A few years ago when Grand Army ranks began to thin from death, a movement was started to organise as sociate societies of such persons as de sired to help to keep up the famous organization. Many of the larger posts now have associate societies. STOP ONE KIND OF GRAFT STATE TO SAVE CANDIDATES FROM BEING PREYED VPO.N. Levying of Contributions by Frater nal Societies and Churches Eorbidden. MADISON. Wis.. May IX .especial. r-onncai candidates will no longer be easy prey for churches and fraternal or ganization., if a bill Introduced by As semblyman Kay Is enacted. In the In vestigation into Senator Stephenson's primary campaign it developed that h naa oeen asked to contribute to a (cod ing denominational school and that in consequence the head of this Institution mouga si nrst inclined to favor a rival candidate, had been weaned over in fh. Stephenson side, though It was admitted mat no corrupt means had been em employed. It was pointed out. however. In that connection that churches and religious organizations, as well as fraternal in surance societies, made It a practice to harass candidates during csmpaign time. The feeling is quite general the mil is too arastic and that it will pass In an amended form admits of no doubt as the Legislature, particularly the Ben- ale, seem determined to prevent a in currence of a JSO.Oo campaign for a J. jou job. TYRO KNIGHTS INITIATED Clark County Pythlans Enter De cree of D. O. K. K. VANCOUVER. Wash, May 11. Ope- . ., ,,.,.,7; v rlal. Between So and members of Kl Mabarras Temple No. 1. Dramatic order or Knights of Knorassan. reached the city from Spokane this morning and spent the day In meeting the local Knights of Pythias, on most of whom they pinned red tags bearing the in s rlptlon "Tyro." They are here to conrer the D. O. K. K. degree upon a class of to candidates. There was a grand Illuminated pa rade through the principal business stteets of the city, beginning In the evening. Following-the parade all the Knights assembled In the L O. O. F. Hall, where the candidates were Ini tiated into the mysteries of the D. O. K. K. degree. After the -Tyros" were put through their various stunts a ban quet was served at the Hotel St. Klmo. The class of "novices" was composed of members of the K. P. lodges In Van couver. Portland. Rldgefleld. Kalama. Kelso. Castle Rock. Camas and Golden dale. All told there were in, the rlty some 150 visiting Knights of Pythlaa from the lodges in the surrounding towns. WATER WAS TOO COLD WILLIAM ERNST TOOK SPLASH TO DEATH; CHANGED MIND. Waved Dramatic Farewell From Steel Bridge, but Welcomed Lire Line Thrown by Fireman.' low In funds and despondent' over his private affairs. William KL Kmst, a mill hand at the Portland Flouting Mill, at tempted suicide last night by Jumping Into the Willamette River from the foot walk of the Steel bridge about 11 o'clock. He was rescued by the prompt action of Fireman Ginn. who threw him a life line and a life preserver. The chin waters must have changed Krnat's men tal anguish to active repentance for his iur i no moment n irurn he water he began to .roar as loudly is his lunaca would make noise and trabbed greedily at the lifeline the nre nan cast to him. The -- -i. - - ..... .. - " j m num ber of people on the bridge at the time nil F!ni.l wKa k. - .1 1 . . v. v--h unnmins. gave k rather dramatic leave-taking of the rorld. He mounted the guard rail and aving ha hands to the paaert- said. "Goodby. I'm done for this world "and am going to commit suicide." With t hr k r-v - 1 went down Into the water, M feet below. 1 1 1 a oig splash. Krnst scrambled up the steps leading 1 ttlA flUll W. W V- . i . . . to - . -- - iiiaurnni, but glsd he was alive. Patrolman Ponrs was notified and took him into custody. Dripping with water, the would-be sui cide was taken to tr. ciiv tii - lockwd up fur the n'eht .. being drunk. Trusties wrapped him in blanket and hum his dry. " Ernst said he would not tr it that way. as the water . . . ..nta:. . cold. He la about 45 years old and K.a been llvlrax at Mrs. Gustafson's lodlng house, at SCS Russell street. He -would give the police no Inkling of his personal TRAIN HOLDUP NETS $20,000 (Continued rora First Pas out. The Injured in the collision were as follows: I Wlnans, Lansing. Mich., slight cot on head. Mabel Bodini. ColfAg. Wash., bruised nose. Mrs. D. R- Sullivan. Columbia Fails. Mont., cut on eye. Mrs. H. A. Rice. Elk. Wi,h, bruised on cheek. Thomas R- Hayes. Wallaceburg. Ont, left leg bruised. Thomas Williams. No. J1J Adams treet, Spokane, bruised side. Mrs. Wtlll.ims. slightly bruised. Gustlne Tolaspo. laborer. Montana, cut over eye. Sam Nyberg. Bonner's Ferry. Idaho, bruised on chest. B. If. Harmon. 1I1J Sprague street. Spoksne. bruised thigh. Karl Rledelsherger. 1415 Third ave nue. Spokane, cut on eye. W. D. Grlpple. Whlteflsh. Mont. Great Northern storekeeper, cut on head. rnmir.inUn! f th H"-Hl? n N -r1. will haul doafi hta tnifn Piturday. T rnntmind mill tm iiamd o. ?r to Joph H. Mir Is certain if von take Hood's P This great medicine cures those eruptions, pimples and boils that appear at all seasous; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; -adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu matism and catan-h; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. Sarsataba Fcr those who prefer coedlerne la tab let form. Hood's tarsaparllla is bow put up In rboeo. lated taoleta called rarsaxab. as well as la the nseal liquid form, r-armetabe have identicai'y the Sams curative properties as tbe liquid form. areu reey of dose, convenience, ecooomy. no lo by evsp oratlon. break see. or leakage. I mcxiste or promptly by mail. C L Hood Cos. Lowell. Me. Thlrt)-ne I'aeM-ngrrs Are Srrkolj Injured as Ixxal Train Plunge From Halls Without Ap parent Cause. KANSAS CITT. Mar 15. Two persona are ezpected to die and Si others are ' more or less seriously Injured ss a re sult of local hlcago A Alton passenger train No. 14 being, derailed two miles east of Odessa. Mo., today. only the engine remained on the track. The tender, combination baggage and passenger car ami two passenger coaches were derailed. The coupling of the rear coai h broke and It rolled down the em bankment, turning completely over. It waa In thla car that the serious Injuries occurred, and none ot Its occupants es caped unhurt. Miss Jennie iwmsl.lson and Myrtle Mr. Nee. both of Odessa, are In a critical condition, and tlielr recovery Is de spaired of. Many of the others are bruised and In ternally Injured, but physicians say they have an even chance to live. So far no explanation of the wreck has been found, it has been If-amed that the front wheels of the tender were the first lo leave the rails, and then the trucks were thrown off by them, but an exam ination of the track shows nothing to Indh-ate why the tender mas derailed Chief Engineer W. B. Taylor, of Chicago, and other officials of tne road will hold an Investigation tomorrow-. 19 II CRT IN BHIDGK WRECK New llarrlman-Wabash Train Uocs Through Weak Structure. KANSAS CITY. May IX It to h-lleved that none of the 13 persona Injured will die aa a result of the wreck of the Ruf. falo- "olorsdo Lamlled pawenger train, westbound, near Randolph. Mo., six miins northeast of Kansas fity. last night. The train, which was Wahaali No. . one of the first through trains to be tised lit the combination I'nlon I'aclric-Wabash transcontinental service, recently Inaugu rated, crashed Into a steel trver br taiga, spanning what Is known as -th Itusn River, a creek, one mile north of Ran dolph. The first passenger coach was thrown off the track and stopped, and tlila a!ne saved It and tlie cars following. With the first creaking of the structure. Kit glneer Cau-liale sad his fireman. Ira both of Moberly. Mo.. juiut-d and es caped with severe bruises. In the first passenger coach eight passengers Mere In jured more or leas seriously, and the )) others In the remslnder of t lie train mere shaken up. The esp.Tss msw nef and his assistant and tit wail cWrks. with the exception of v. .U. Whitehead, of St. Iuula. climbed from their rrs and escaped with slight hurts. Whltniiead was precipitated Into the Hater, but soon reached the bank. He was badly tliougn nut s-rlotisly hurt. John Lit. a brake man from Kansas City, was the most se. riousty Injured, but It Is believed lie Kill recover. BEATEN BUT DEFIANT FRENCH STRIKERS PROCLAIM REVOLUTIONARY AIM. While Postal Employes Rapidly Re sume Work, Radicals Con tlnue Struggle. PA Rid, May IS. A tone of defiance and osperatlon marked the meeting of strik ers tonight which, d'wolta the steady return of I lie postal employes to work, voted to keep up 'the struggle to ths bitter end. al the same lime calling on all comrades In Franca to strike on Mon day. Several speakers baldly declared that the movemeut was now purely revolu tionary. The meeting ended with an ac companiment of many shouts of Iong live the revolutionary strike." M. Pauron. one of the postal leaders. Issued a warning that all pwtal em ployes who refuse to stop work on Motf day would later pay dearly for It. Ths Federation of Hulltllng Workmen tonight voted again to strike, leaving the dale to a committee. Notwithstand ing the support promised from this and oilier quarters, the general opinion is that the situation will be normal Mon day unless the various labor organisa tions enter on sympathetic strike. Ths Cabinet today approved the dis missal of U additional postal employes accused of inciting to revolt. The text. of a new bill definitely regulating- the right of stale employes to form associations, but specifically exclud ing the right to strike, will at once be submitted to Parliament. Moreover, the Cabinet has agreed to ask the Senate to proceed to the rorsldi-ratlon of the work men's pension bill early In June. According lo official statistics, xn post men in Paris returned to work today. This haves !X7 still on strike out or a total of M.asi. There are fearer than men out In ths provineea. Pathfinder leaves Walla Walla. WALLA WAI.U, Wash.. May li Th pathfinder car for Ih New Tork to. Seattle automobile race left here at II o'clock this morning. It Is the Intention to make the next stop at North Vsklma. EDoodl Sjj-sarxirilla. Mrt. r k ay i "TS ttsti I 4o anJ t ltii! Willi. - ttaawai a.nnat tt 4-at t u si psTuir an4 it-. itlU Uapp HrttRl ft Ih In 4n it tw4a br mo a l rm g jk. a. el cty-vrtsl tssp raw UaftflA to 4 AVei .ftji fM tv- ' TyW, liar: I (to. k.r asf f. U-at fn fa SalemWoofcnMlIsClofhmo Co. CRA-HLliSaT' CL0TE1IERS, FURNISHERS, TAILORS seioti and stark BRIEF ROMANCE ENDED ALHKKT CHALIVAT blTKNEU BY HIS INDIAN nilID. Mrs. Clara Colby. Ills Mot hrr-la-Law. Stakes Hint tosji nt for llnl After He Makes Scrnr. Married but a few brief weeks lo the lady ot his choir. ho la a fuil-blood-J Indian girl. Albert tialivat. a young F"renrh Irapper. bas found that his ro manee la not the smooth. oyous life he had tma1ned. and last night was turned out of the fearfy Home of h l mother-tTi-iaw. Mrs. Clara H. tViiby. although she staked him to 3a eents that be might not have to slaap la lit rain. Worse even than beirat turne4 ut was the declaration of his bride that she does not like him sny more, and is 111 no longer live with him. Cr.allrat la the young fellow who gained notoriety some xreeas ago by bis plan of crossing lbs continent from the (. Iiirnui Hiver to Hudson's Hay in a canoe. Hi. only afterward he gained more r xo riety by his .ilrlwlnd courtship and m amass of Miss Tlnka Latnunl. an In dian girl who is the wsd of Mrs. Hare H. rviby. Ths couple went to house keeping la a little home at Mount tvott. but the bark didn't sail smoothly. There bare been rumors of more than verbal encounters between Ue two, and It la even hinted that tbe young woman on one occasion was mors than a matra for her husband. Uast ntght Cballvat made a scene at the home of bis mother-in-law In the helllng-Hlrsch building, on Washington street. It la said he had been drinking and had attacked Mrs. Colby when she Interfered with his at tempt to do barm to bis wife, lie made s great deal of noise about It alt. and a crowd gath ered, bearing screams and loud talking. tiergeant Klenleo quieted the man af ter be bad been appealed to lo protect the women, and took him to the pot ire station. Mrs. Colby ssked that he be released, which was done on his prom ise to return to his Mount fteott. home, tie went back to his wife, however, and plesded for sdmlselon. saying he had no place to sleep. Then hla mother-in-law gave htm te cent tt teth Strictly Mannish Garments Black and "White Stripes and Gray Effects i Women's Tailored Suits R. M. GRAY If you wotold have clothes of abso lutely correct fashion, faultlessly tailored garments that fit perfectly, ones that will give you long service. you will surely please yourself by coming here for a Salem Woolen Mills Suit at $12.50 to $25. FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN If you do, you will never have occasion to regTet buy ing your clothing here. We say this because it is this noted clothing that is making us so many permanent customers. women mere firm la their refusal t. W-t him come In. Mrs. Challvat aas her husband has threatened to take her life, and she l-tl him to go bs-i to hr ft.r-mother. C'hallvat followed, and made the ren last night. Mne will be sent aaav where she will not have to live with him. Newr rt-lHsul for iinraatrr. VAXCtll'VKH. W.h-. ?HaT j ,br,. rial eVbool Ilstrtr No. . will, li in cludes the city of Vancouver, will build a new three-. to: y hrirk school bull.llng In ArnaJa I'ark. one or the new addi tions lo the citr. Ti-.e bon.ti to r.i.e money for the new rrurtur wer ..1J today to the Male of Washington by I he school trustees St .r cent. The new building wi:l t, lo. alej n Twenty, elslft street, will occupy Iwo blocks and the street running bnsreen ths blo.hs. snd will cost la the aeigti-brt.o-1 .f f li ea Wc are pleased to announce that wc have appointed MESSRS. McCARGAR, BATES U LIVELY General Agents for Oregon for THE TITLE GUARANTY & SURETY COMPANY and that they are prepared to issue all kinds of surety bonds . very promptly fRAN'TOX, HA. May. Iw. Ws bare J'i't Issued bond te J tv" s..o.r and asaoeiatss te complete "e 1-acine Railway a b'avlsatlea rnMtr 4-ml rallraad fcy Jsoe U ISIS. This bund ts g'va oa lh larreet eeatral that has ever been l.t ia Ofr MVARuAH BATtJl UVILT. MORRISON AT FOURTH CHILD EATS MATCHES; DIES TsWraMiM t.lrl round IVrad la Hex! Xttl Moraine. M.nsiiriKI.n. Or, May li tpe. "'al- The S-vear-old daughter Of K gene Terry, living at Allegany on Coos Klver. wss found dead In bd yesterday. 1 rhild having died after eating off the heada of sulphur matches, a Cor oner's Inquest snd sutopsy developed the cause of the child a death. Car Collision Kills rm-Ma'or. XIKMPHia Tn, May Ik R. J. Rawiinga. eg. Mayor of tenn. a suhurb of Ihla cllv. waa killed and half a doscn others Injured today when an Ki Knd sr collided with a street- M. M TOWN'S HKVn superintendent of A4