The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 16, 1909, Image 1

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Pages 1 to 12
72 Pages
Eyes of Business Men
Opened by Journey.
Lesson in Street Work Will Be
Profited By Here.
l'ortland Citizens IX-clare Six nays'
Journey Into Washington Will
Result in Closer Trade and
Social Bonds.
Chairmen who served during th
trip: Monday. A. H. Levera: Tuea.
day. H. C. Campbell; Wxlnndir,
George Unrn. Jr.; Thursday. A.
H. Averlll: Prldar. J. K. Gill; Satur
day. Edward Ehnnin.
Those who delivered addressee
a Ion a tha route traversed: II. k
Arnold. A. H Averlll, O. R. Ball. H.
8. Butterfleld. H. C. Campbell. Sam
uel Connell. A. D. Charlton. A. H.
Devers. W. H. Dunkley. A- H. Ellera.
Edward Ehrman. F. H. Fogarty. J.
K- Oill. W. B. Olafke. O. P. Hender
aon. Paul r Haaa. George W. Hon.
C. 8. Jackson. H I). Kllham. Oeorg
I-awrrnce, Jr.. Htnejr O. Bryan.
Edgar B. Piper. O. B. Prael. H. A.
Sarrent and B. C. Waaserman.
Elated by the success of their six
days' journey, enthused by the cordial
ity shown them and the possibilities
discovered for closer trade relations,
and determined to .make Portland the
equal of other large cities of the North
west in points In which It Is lacking,
the 75 members "6'f"itKS""ly6rlIand busi
ness men's excursion reached home at
6:20 last night from their tour of 1050
miles throughout Southwestern. Cen
tral and Southern Washington.
In all that portion of Washington
that is or should be tributary to Port
land as a Jobbing center the excursion
ists found the communities interested
in building up closer relations with
this city. They declared themselves
willing to meet Portland jobbers and
wholesalers half way in overcoming
any difficulties that may exist In the
matter of freight rates or other con
tingencies that now prevent Portland
from getting what justly belongs to
the city.
Behind In Good Streets.
This trip under the auspices of the
Commercial Club promises to be pro
ductive also of one important result
aside from the improvement of busi
ness relations. The Portland business
men who made the trip had their eyes
opened to what other large cities of
the Northwest are doing In the way of
street Improvements.. They were forced
to admit that both Tacoma and Seattle
are ahead of Portland in the number
of miles of hard-surfaced street pave
ments, and each haa returned to this
city determined to give his best of
forts toward making Portland tha
equal. If not the superior, of Its neigh
boring communities in this respect.
Will Start Camaign Here.
Toward the close of the Journey plans
were formulated for the Commercial
Club to make an active campaign for
better and more street pavements. A
committee will be appointed with A.
H. Devera at the head, which will take
up the subject with the City Council
and urge Improvements of this char
acter to an extent that will place Port
land In the front rank as a city of
good streets.
The men who will actively partici
pate in the arguments that will be made
to the City Council have not yet been
(elected, and It has not yet been de
termined whether the matter will be
presented before or after the city elec
tion. The men who were on the ex-
IConcluded on Page 8.)
ra r r T T T - . ron tr,. Wltlntll.aM ..v..,.ewd est fag- ,
I Briagisg the Continent's Leaalaa Willamette Uk,. ...
I Cities Cher, T.gether. k "a. Bal H. T7. A. did.,,. Wba, r- lew , tbow. Tbewe. T.. Tr., Ibm. . "
the Bridge He Wants. Mr. tM A SkeW... I. stvecy l-e- ear t As.tauM l a We Deem,
----- - -- 'ssssr..,. ........... owe Mewey Mwew- e o. o o...... . r - t , , e
Wife of ex-Legislator Goes to Door
to Find Child and Note Asking
Her to Be Good to It.
With a complete outfit of well-made
clothes of excellent quality and an ex
planatory note written In a refined hand,
a little baby girl was left last night on
the doorstep of E. J. Jaeger, of SM Mult
nomah street, a well-known local Jeweler
and a member of the last Legislature.
The doorbell at the Jaeger residence
rang about a quarter past nine last night,
and Mrs. Jaeger, who was up stairs
writing a letter, went to the door to
discover the little one lying in an open
suitcase packed with infant's clothes
cooing happily over her bottle.
No one was in view, but a note,
evidently written by a peraon of intelli
gent, was found with the clothing. The
note read:
"My rear Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger Won't
you take my baby rather than one from
an Institution? I've been told that you
could give her a better home than I
ever can ard I don't live here. The baby
is healthy, but the change to the bottle
was hard on her. Give her a name and
be good to my baby girl."
The note was unsigned and Included a
formula for the food that has been given
the child. Everything aa clesn and
Ir. Jaegnr says the baby Is a pretty,
bright, blue-eyed" child. Mr. and Mrs.
Jaeger are childless and cay they In
tend to sdott the baby.
Capture of Desperate Thug Hourly
Expected at Drain.
DRAIN. Or.. May 15. Special y Sur
rounded by a-mej Sheriff's deputies and
farm-rs In a wood a short distance north
of here, the armed highwayman who
shot at one woman and killed her horse
after ineffectually trying to bold up an
other near Kugene Thursday, again faces
capture or death.
The posse in pursuit of the desperado
caught sight of him at Uuak this eve
ning. As soon as he saw them he ran
and took refuge In the woods, where be
was soon hidden from view.
Sheriff Down, of Eugene, who Is per
sonally In charge of the pursuers, made
an effort to drive him forth, but could
not Jo so. and so deployed his forces
to surround the puux. and wait for morn
ing. Unles? the n an hall slip through tha
cordon under cover of darkness again,
as he Old before, his capture seems cer
tain. It is thought not unlikely, from
the desperation with which he has acted
heretofore, that he may show fight.
California Girl Refuses to Accept
Ruling or French Conn.
ROME. May 15. (Special.) Princess
Robert de Broglle, the California girl
who recently obtained a divorce In
Paris with alimony of 1 60 a month for
a time and then 130 a month, writes as
follows: . .
"1 refuse to accept the Judgment ren
dered by the French courts allowing
150 francs a month for my little glrL
It Is scandalous. Since I left Paris I
have been touring Spain, Monte Carlo
and Italy, and have only Just received
the news that my father died In Chi
cago leaving a large fortune. With
my portion I will light the case against
the Broglles in order that my little
girl shall have a pension sufficient to
live upon. I am singing In Italy this
summer. Then I shall leave for Amer
ica to arrange matters under my fa
ther's will."
Princess Robert de Broglle's name
was Estelle Alexander. Her first hus
band was Sidney Yelit. The De Brog
lle family is credited with having rev
enues amounting to f 400,000 a year.
Steel-Laying Gang Reaches IX-pot-Train
Service Wednesday.
(Special.) The railroad track was
completed to the depot site at Klam
ath falls today, and the ballasting
crew Is following closely behind the
steel gang. The laying , of the track
through the yard was watched by a
large part of the population of the
Gateway city.
Wednesday regular train service will
be established over the new line.
Only One Exempt fr!m
Effect of Recall.
First Mayor Gets Revenge for
Defeat Three Years Ago.
City Recorder Jnhnwn Alone I
Spared by Election In Which Ad
ministration la Charged With
Misappropriation of Fond.
.With the exception f x. N Johnson.
City Recorder, who was affiliated with
the prevailing faction, all the municipal
officers of the town of E.ta.-ada were
recalled yesterday In a apecl.l election
held for that purpose. This was the
second recall election held in the state
since the adoption of the recall amend
ment to the state constitution by the
people at the June election la.t year.
Only a few weeks ago the people of
Junction city Invoked the recall again. t
their Mayor. C. T. Huston, who was re
placed by a vote of about fonr to one.
The recall election held m Katacada
yesterday and ita reaults were the reault
of a flght of long standing between two
factions headed by the deposed Mayor.
Ir. V. A. Heylman. and J. W. Heed.
Mayor-elect, who was named to succeed
Heylman. City Recorder Johnson Is said
to be affiliated with the Reed forces and
the displaced city officials will carry Into
the courts tue question of the legality of
the special recall election which was
called at the instance of Johnson.
Heylman People Inactive.
It was because the Hevlmao ri.
questioned the legality of the proceed -
" sver. that the majority
against them In yesterday s election was
so pronounced. For the same reason
they declare they took no part in yes
terday's election.
Maladministration of municipal affairs
was he general charge preferred against
the deposed officials by the petitioners
for the recsll election. ne charges
against the ex-officials was reduced to
the following allegations, whioh
printed on the official ballot In tha eleo-
Charges Against Officials.
first T he r have eondoet... .... -
v. ii i) . a
the business affaire of the cliy in an ua
aetlsfaclory manner, diverting tha different
city funds and applying them unlawfully to
the payment of certain not In tha
ciau for which aald fund waa creat.d.
tfecond They have repudiated tha city's
Indebtedness by their refusal la provide for
and pay tha interest on such bonda.
Third They have -and atlll continue to
pend the clty'a fund. In a manner not ap
proved of by your petitioners
Fourth U, their aria and arbitrary man
ner they have involved tha rlty la auch a
manner that your petitioner willeve
involve tha city la ro.Hr litigation.
Reed Regains Ixwcr.
The recall brings J. W. Reed, the first
Mayor of Eatacada. back Into power,
from which he waa overthrown In the
election rhree years ago. soon after his
connect, on with the Illegal voting at Bell
wood, when It was alleged he colomxed
men aw the Sell wood Hotel to vote the
precinct we" He was beaten by Dr.
Havllai.d. but the power behind the op
position at that time was Dr. W. A.
Heylman. who has been deposed from
power by Mr. Reed. Dr. Heylman baa
a rival bank at Eatarada, while Mr. Reed
represents the opposition bank.
Vote on Officers,
The detailed vote la annenriad l.
each Instance the man credited with
tne m vote was the successful
choice of the Reed faction, while tha
low man was the official against whom
the recall was invoked: Maine
. Heylman ; Councilman, first ward.
I- E- Hflflla . R 8. Hoswell 0; Heeond
ward. A. K. Snarks 57. C K. Una.
Third ward. Charles tshutter 15. Wil
liam Dale t: Fourth ward. Al Lindsey
. A. llaiena l; Fifth ward. W. D.
Henthnrn 57, J. f. Lovelace I. In addl-
C'lnb Formed al Crelghfon I'nlvrrslt
Lives and Tlirlvea on
New Food.
OMAHA. May 15. (Special.) Omaha
goes the vegetable food faddlet one bet
ter, and furnlahes th proof that a man
can live on hay and enjoy the beat of
There are college men In town to
prove the assertion. At Crelghton
t'nlver.lty there are clubs galore, and
among them Is one known as the "Al
falfa Hay" club, with Si members, and
one of the purposes of the organisation
Is to demonstrate the very Important
fart that alfalfa la a human food prod
uct, as well as food for animals The
young men are working In the Interest
of science and at the same time they
are dally furnishing evidence that grass
ery palatable when properly treated.
"The alfalfa leaves, with a small por
tion of the upper parts of the stalks,
are ground together.
The Weal bee.
YrKTPRti Y'K slamtmum temperature. t
degrees; minimum.
T L A Yn Shower. uih to meet wlada
I t !-.
Turkish tlevernor preenl. maaaeee of
'hrtsftan. bt forcing command" of
trwy to give up orders from capital, I. pas a.
l"Tln'-- de II TO. II rejee. lniwv Beamed
by rer-h court sncl will tie f.vlun. .ft
bv fainer to light fur nv.r eiton l.
page I.
X atlas at
Tart m.da asaoeiat mem bet of orand Army
Kenton I. pe 3
Interstate t.mmtelon ri i-wm till .uw 1
taking effort of epofcan rat decision.
Hacrtloa 1. page a
Wiaeorsln proposes to forbid contribution.
by rsndldates to rhurrhee and aecral
societies. bectlon 1. page X.
Itepuhliran. fear defeat In lulo a. rsault of
failure to taduc: arlff awtioa 1. page 1.
Taft hears how Humphrey consigned him
to perdition and feJoe Jok. fraction 1.
page .
Insurance companle In tndlana etna be
cause prue-ulel under anti-trust law.
Kectlon 1. page X.
Nebraska atudents vrove alfalfa to make
good human too.. bactlos 1. page I.
earthquake In Montana causes panic an
d'-s anm damage. Heciioa I. page 3
Coast league scores; Portland 1. Vernon 4;
Krancls.-o S. Oakland I; Ss.rsmenta
X. Los Allg.lea O. ee lion 4. t'aa a
Tale sains track meet uh Harvard and
oreaks three records Keotloa I. psge in
N,,r;'B ,"" "hT n postponed Bgn, wa
anFsflsml. Seetion s. page ft
Putlm.n gains advantage la ees foe rrsek
championship. Hecllon . page .
Many angler whip trout streams Bear
Tort land Section 4. paso 4
Colts nod Vancouver la en bsssball town.
eeetloa 4. pg 4.
Nor-hnreetern league scores: Portland 1.
Tacoo-.a S. Aberdeen I Vunui.r O;
Spokane t. Seattle 1. Section a oee. a
Kugene High S-rhool aim trarfe gaest from
l. pas I 'J.
Suit In seeur possession of coo Rav Btall"
road begins si Marshlleld Monday. Sec
tion 1. page 7.
gtala Oti Insists all tag meaaars ahol
b referred to people. Section I. page a.
ul-lde part believed to be uncovered by
death of woman In Seattle. Bactma L.
peg T.
Governor Hay hurrlee home, but ends e
legislative report waiting for him. e-
peg v
Tseoma prepare te receive Japanese aall-
ora. eertlna I. pag T.
ommerctml nod Maria.
Hawaiian produce to be marketed her on
large seals. Sacltnn 4. pass II.
Heari.h ton f Chicago a bast market.
Hecllon 4. page 11.
Btoek speculator In waiting attitude.
Hecllon 4. page l ' -Money
continues to Dew to New Turk a-cw
tl'Hi 4. !. II. "'
Oerman ship famaasoa added to the lis
' raln carriers en rout, or Ueted for
tha Columbia Hirer. Section I. page li.
rertlaad and brlally.
rorlaad escurel..nlea re-orn grest:r impressed
by rltte vl.ued. fWtioa I. page 1.
Chorus of to Hawaiian stngee to accompany
float In Rosa festival para-l. aectka
1. pace II.
BuMnesa men give Impeeeesone of Weehlnstoa
trip. He. t K,n . pag. s .
Youth la denied license to wed girl of la.
Hertloa . paga I.
Mm, c. lfc lrga droiat divorce stilt end telle
pathetic mtAjry of Suarned Ufa. Beetle.
I. paga II.
Omrt agsrn upholds petitions for eaese bna.4
and lighting meaeurea Soetea 1 page 1 X
Report on byarsnt tsonlry stolen from Chief
CajapheU'e orrtce. eectina z. page IS
Paclne Cowee tn grip of sewer trust that ev -sets
eaortkltant I rU at eeetloa A. paga 1 1.
'hat Aoduhoa swtetr la dar-g la ..,
r.d vnington for protsv-iiua of atrw
boctnr i. p.. it. .
fatten Kallas). granted tears rroMitg for
eonatrurtloaj w.-ra. r-ecr 1.41 1. fge 9
lr1'e of floor advances Jo rente barrel la
Portland, aectuat . pes II
Estacada offldala without eseepftoa, re
called by voters Heclloa I. page L
Reel Ks4a4e aad Itatlalag.
Caatera publlreilona nmmmt on Port land
pros oses hvjc-iios 4. page T
Raaideoee banding la Irvtngtoa Involve
outlay In year. section I
paga 7.
Buildings under way will keep Portland
contractor busy . for nnaa y snoaiha
Heetloa 4. paga a. "'"
Preliminary work under way on bulllira
at Rest Stark streei aad Orand aveaaa.
Republicans Look for
Defeat in 1910. .
Standpatters Care Naught for
Party Disaster. -
Calculate That Ibernavrrala Can Do
Nothing With Tariff While Sen
ate Ilrmtlle flat Itcvolt
Would Come n itlC.
Ingtrm. May U -There I wMeapread fear
among Republicans In both branch of
fongrva thaa- th neat House of K .-.-resent.
live.. Will he Hrmorr.Hr If th.
rsvne-Aldrlrh larlfT Mil bacornaa a law
In anything e ),. ,,,,, mhmp, Th,
bill low before the (senate does not In
dleate a sincere effort on the part of the
Republican leader to carry out the
fledges made to the people In the cam
paign last Fall: It la not what the public
wa led to expect. This fact alone gives
eoncjrn to those Republican a ho had
hoped for continued party auoree.
who beiieve In an honest revision of the
tariff along th ,b demanded by the
peopl at large.
8onve of -hoe Republicans who stand
by Mr. A Id rich are frank enough to ad
mit on the quiet that the next House lg
likely Vt be Democratic. "Hut what of
Itr- -hey a.k. -if Democrats do
carry the House they ran t again re
vise :h tariff for the rVnale la aauely
Republican and will be to the end of
Una Administration, with a Republican
Senate and a Republican ITestrient. no
Democratic plan of tart IT revision ran be
written Into the atatutea.
Can"! Get Control of Senate.
o far a It goes, this Idea la correct.
even tnougn the Democrats should cap
ture the next House of Representative,
they would be powerless to do anything
of a partisan nafure. In the present Sen
ate the Republican have a majority of
ST. rhere are only Ren a tors whose)
terms expire In lll and six of them are
1 emo.-mle. Aaaummg the I einoca l
should elect all of the an new senators,
which -a altogether out of the question,
hey w,juld still lark three of a majority
of the Senate.
It may be a. Id that If half the Repub
lican Senators whose auccessora are to be
chosen next year are replaced by Demo
crats a combination might be formed be
tween Demociata and progreealve Ragujb
llcana to rush through the Senate a
tariff bill sent over by the Ihr.aiatle
House. Rut it must be recalled that Mr.
Aklrii-h and Ma machine will stltl be In
control of the ' Senal committee on
flnan.-e In the next Congreaa. ber-auaaj
senate committees are permanent, and
that comnwttee could smother any Demo
cratic tariff bill that might pass a Demo
cratic House
Another thing to be considered la the
probable Inability of the Iemcx-rats to
unite on any tariff scheme which would
be aceeplable to even the Republican In
surgents la the Senate. And. after a. I
e's. im therw any probability that lrea.
dent Taft would sign a (Jemocratle tarts
May Elect Icrnocrat la I tit..
The danger of Inaing the nest Hmw
of Retwweantatlvea va admittedly grwwt.
but It Is bothering many Republicans
largely because of what they believe
would likely follow. If public sentiment
Is thoroughly are seed over the fayne
Ablnrn bill to such an extent aa to elect
a Democratic House next year it may
reawaken two year later and punish the
R-fuhllcen party by electing an entire
Ikrroocratle Congress and a IWmorratlc
fresllc-nl- And a surprisingly large num
ber of Re-vubllcana are todse
alarmed for fear Just this result win coom
Mr. Aldrtrh- In shaolne the teeter it
before the Hervelc. has shown not the
slightest regrq mr in probable poiitb-al
Vera M. Riddle and Charles M. Die
I .rave Clerk's Office Foaling,
bnt I'accnta Are Relieved.
Charlie M. Die. Hit, rUat Fine
street, must wait nearly a yv-.r before
he ran wed Vera M. Kiddle, notwith
standing that the nrl la ready to be
married now. and that every one la
both fami:ies favor tha match.
Rut the girl la only 14 years old. fa
der the Oregon law. no County Clerk Is
permitted to Issue a marriage 1 Ice n so
to any on under It. vl la 1 years
Accompanied by their respective
mamaa. the two children went to the
Courthouse yesterday for a llcenee.
They had already prepared a little home
and the parents had given them pres
ents and pre-vered to make the wed
ding a memorable event. Th. ob)ee
lion had once been made by ibe girl a
parents that she wee too young te mar
ry, but the persistence of the young
people had their arguments.
Ieputy County Clerk Rose mad out
the ma rr lag license for the happy pelr.
Hut when he learned the bride-elect s
age he had to withhold It.
-No girl unoer It ran be married In
Oregon." be advised the horror-stricken
Th g.rl did a little hurried figuring
"Then we'll have ta wait lev, month."
she said. "I was 14 April I."
At that the respective mothers looked
just a little bit relieved aa they ea
rorted their pouting children away
from, the Courthouse.
! 1'illr.burg Millionaires Get on Wrong
elde of Wheat Market.
ClltCAtJO. Vay li. Hpedl a "little
"er- in wheat that a coterie of Ittte
burg steel r lillonalie took last Oct.iber
appear llk-lr to coat thorn an Immense
sum -f mon-y before the last dav or the
freeent month shall have paaeed Into
j history. Like a number of Wall Street
millionaire, they locked horn with
James A. fallen on the May wheat !eL.
The IMttsbcrrer sold wheat sl-ore.
millions of bushels of It. while the price
wsa hovering around the tl mark. Fri
day It ilnee! at tl.ZK and the os that th
I'lttao-jrgers are facing as a result of
their venture Is arte a bushel at thi writ
ing. Tbey r-j said to be ft.Uuu os bushels
shot. --
At "he time the ordinances were passed,
thrlr aur-porters declared that the city's
share would be about S per cent of the
gma receipts, according to which the
clty'a share of the Increase should bars
been tit. 4:1.
Chicago Dora Not Get Expected Per
centage of Traction Karainc.
CHIOAtRX May 1A Special Figure
showing how the city's U per cent of
the net receipts from the traction com
panies does not Increase In proportion to
the Increase In the companies' receipts
were produced In the certificate of earn
ings .if the Chlcsgo Railway Company
for February and March, tiled wuh the
controller. For two months tne com
pany's receipt from fares showed an In
crease of Irat .;-e over the same rnor.ihs
of lv The rtty'e Increase on the net
receipts amounted to tr.l.
Is Oaenf Committee That W ill Make
Campaign on Tammany.
NHW TORK. MaTlI-TVtrporattow law.
yera and men well known In the financial
world are Included In a new committee
of Ks. appointed by the Republican Hob
of New York, to conduct an all-Summer
fight preparatory la the cwnrpaLga
agsJnet Tammany la th municipal ttec
tiona next Fall.
The committeemen are m a ard H Har
Hmen. Paul Morton. Jacob H. Sch'.ff.
Vroeiiu-- V snder hill and Henry W
Many Injured In I'rmnai Uanla Town
Daring storm.
,r""f. Pa.. Vsr 11 -A Urge number
"f persona were hurt, none fatally, when
temne elertrw-al etortn broke ever thlg
city ton'ght and blew doen the mam
tent or t-rue itrethers circ-us A panic en -
ewoo. wnea tne tent coliapeed
BOOTY. IS S20.000
Great Northern Mail
Car Looted.
Engine Backed Into Train and
Passengers Are Injured.
Twe Masked Meat Tarn the Trick
Within a Fv- Mltca of r-pokane.
Near Scene of Recent Hold-l p
of Northern I'ac-lf Ic Train.
"""KAXE. Wash.. May It fireat
Northern passenger train No. t was
held up by two masked robhers be
tween Mead and Colbert shortly before
midnight la.t nlgbt- The mallear and
the engine were detached and taken
by the robbers three miles east of Hill.
v"rd- where the malls were rifled. The
engine waa then reversed and sent back
down th track, where It crashed Into
the standing train.
VVhcn the collision occurred a num.
ber of i he passengers. It Is reported.
Were Injured. A butry call was sent
lo Hlllyard for doctors, who wer
rushed to the scene In a special train
carrying the orrlcer.
The train was left standing several
miles from a telegraph station, where
one of the trainmen was sent to notify
the Hpokens ornce of the hold-up.
According to the report at Hlllyard.
the robbers have obtained tstoly
amounting to more than S 30. OAs front
the mallear.
Two Men Drop Into Cab.
The train waa running at a fast rata
at Davis' brickyard. 14 miles east of
Spokane, when two masked robhers
crawled down from the tender and with
drawn revolvers ordered the engineer.
William Miller, la stop the train.
When Miller obeyed, he and the fire
man. John R. Hall, were ordered from
the cab and were commanded to un
couple the mallear from the train.
When this waa done the two
I boarded the engine and went fltlng
down the track at a rapid race.
The train waa In charge of R. F. Rob
ertson, conductor. He hurried from tha
car when the train atopped. but was
kept twrek by the shots from the revolv
ers of the robbers. , w ho stood gusrd
while the enainemcn were uncoupling
the mallear. The conductor arnt word
to the nearest telegraph elation of tha
Itwae Valclly formed.
The Sheriff, office was Informed. X
fese w aa hastily gathered and started to
he scene In a epeclal train within an
hour after the robbery occurred. A sec
ond special wss sent out afterward whs
mere effieers.
Chref or Police Ryan and a poese week
out from Hlllyard to waf-h toe road
east of the town, and at an early hour
Ihla morning every avenue of ewewpw
leading to opoksae is believed to be cut
f'onr Cars Damaged.
believed four of the care wer
badly damaged, aa orders wer sent
here to have extra baggage, mall,
smoker and expreea car walling when
the train reached Spokane.
The robbers are believed to be tha
aame two men who held up the North
ern Pacific train near Trent. Wasfu. Is
weeks ago.
After the bandits rifled the mallear
they reversed the engine and the loco
motive and cars ran bark wild, crash
ing Into the remainder of th train
smashing he coarhe so badly that near
mall, eapreag and day cars were ordered