The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 09, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 42

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Permits Are Issued for 101
New Buildings.
TO COST OVER $200,000
East Side Continues to Build Large
Number of Residences, There
Having Been 2S8 Erected
in Month of April.
The month of. May made a good start
last week in the number and amount of
building permits issued. There were 101
permits issued In the week up to Friday
afternoon, carrying valuations of $234. S.
As usual, the laTe majority of permits
were taken out for K&st Side dwellings.
According to tigures compiled by the Ore
gon Real Estate Company, there were 2SS
permits taken out in April for East Side
residences and 21 for business hou9?a. The
report from the Building Inspector's of
fice shows the permits issued by days as
Ma; S.
Kant 61t St.. between East Stark and
Burnoide. W H. Wood; buiUipr. Bame; erect
1-story frame dwelling. J w0.
I'll Oak st.. between Front, and First,
Metropolitan Printing Company; builder, H.
Ulsze; repair 1-story bick store. $lOi.
East liiM st.. bet wet-n Knst Ash and East
piim. W. II. Hnrlhntt; builder, same; erect
1-stnry frame Rarape. $fiV
Corbet t st.. between Hamilton and Sey
mour. Mrs. O. Schmttt: builder. Ernest
Stetn; errt m-utory frame dwelling. 1WH.
'Js Firt st. between Jefferson and io
lumbta. A. H. Hirrell; builder. B. A. Cris
min; repair 1-story frame su re. $25.
Division St.. between Kaat I'rtth and East
l"Hth. O. K. Oesme; builder, eame; erect
story frame dwelling, $1.K.
Clackamas St., between East- 27th ano
Eh st 28th. F. J- McSlmtko; buHder. C. C.
White: erect l'-story frame dwelling. $.G0.
Mkbiean ave.. between Hum bolt and
Blandlna. A P. Hill; bu'ldcr. same; erect 1
stoiy frame dwelling. $1!M0.
East 13th st., between Schuyler and Han
cock. Capt. Thos. Popham; builders. Stokes
& Keller; erect 2-story frame dwelling. $42iK).
East 24th st.. between East Ankeny and.
Eat Burnslde. B. M. Garrahan; builders.
Stokes & Zeller: erect 2-story frame flats,
$ttrr.o. L ,
East 17th st., between Killinftsworth and
Jarrett. Peter Behrenst; builder, same,
erect 1 H -stbry frame dwelling. $150O.
Oreonwood St.. between Clinton and Ells
worth. R. E. Blaco; builder same; erect
1- storv frame dwelling. $irno.
(ireenwood st.. between Clinton and Ells
worth. R. E. Blaoo; builder, same; erect 1
atory frame dwelling. $150O.
Borthwlek St.. between Beech and Falling,
C. Brown; builder. C. O- Norback: erect
2- story frame dwelling. $2300.
lth St.. cor. Thompson. M. J. Delanunt:
builder same; erect 2- story frame dwelling.
East 21st st., between Ivon and Clinton.
Wm M. Oreen; builder, same; erect 2-story
frame dwelling. $1100.
East 22d street, near Insley ave.. William
Strauss; builder same; erect 1-story frame
storehouse. $75. . ,
Poplar St., between Hazel and Hawthorne.
John L.ockhart; builder, same; erect 2-story
lram dwellinR. S550O.
Elliott ave.. between Hazel and East Har
rison. John Iockhart; builder same; erect 2
story frame dwelling. $4.iOO.
Tillamook st., between East SSth and
East aoth, John TjOckhart; builder, same;
erect 2-story frame dwelling. $M800.
East 15th St., between East Burnslde and
East Ankeny, M- Durktn; builder. W. H.
I.oh Kamn Co., erect 2-story frame
dwelling. $11HH.
Eat 17th st.. between Thompson and
Brazee. Mrs. T. Hyams; builder. K. B- Rice:
erect 2-storv frame dwel ling. $."230.
Franklin St.. between East 2Bth and 2Sth.
Robert V. Crawford; builder. J. W. Joly;
erect 1-storv frame dwelling. $1750.
Miller ave.. between East 7th and East
0th. Mrs. Alice URaut; builder, J. G.
Flouk; erect 1-story frame dwelling. $S00.
May 4.
East ftoth St., between Klickitat and Siskl
vou. Sophia P. Thompson: builder. E. E.
Metsper; erect 2-story frame dwelling. $170O.
East Ittth st.. between A ins worth and
Howe. Henry Mattman; builder, same; erect
1 - story frome dwelling. $1500.
Dakota St.. between Wisconsin and Vir
ginia. Mrs. Thos. Crane: builder, same; re
pair 1-storv frame dwelling. $.V0.
R East SUh st., cor. East Ankeny, A. H.
Johnson, M- t. ; builder Pan Zeller; repair
2- storv frame dwelling. $10oO.
East 32d st., between Grant and Harrison,
J. N. Atterbury: builder, same; erect 1
storv frame dwelling. $1500.
East USth st.. bo t ween East Stark and
Pine. C. A. Elmnren; builder, E. Tundquist;
erect 2-story frame dwelling. $1800.
East 14th st., between Tillamook and
Thompson. J. J. Armstrong; builder, same;
erect 2-story frame dwell.'ng. $3500.
East 41st St., between livision and Ivon.
Tl S. Hurlbert; builder, same; erect 1-story
frame dwelling. $10O0.
East o"th st.. between Mill and Harrison,
F. S Pierce; builder. R. S. Hurlbert; erect
1-sto'rv frome dwelling, $1000.
Fifth st.. .between Stark and Oak. Markus
Fried & Co. ; builder. Max 1-ystrup; erect
6-storv brick warehouse, $.".0,000.
305 1st it., between Mill and Montgom
ery. Mr. Nudleman; builder, D. Gurlen;
repair 1 -story frame tore, $50.
Currv st., between Corbet t and Water. J.
F. Ryan, builder. Ed Ryan; erect 2-story
frame dwellinR. $18;o.
East 54th st.. between Lincoln and Haw
thorne; A. T... Buchtel ; builder, same; erect
1-storv frame dwelling, $1 SOO.
East 0th st.. between Alberta and Web
ster; W. B. Crewdson; builder,, same; erect
1 -story frame dwelling. $1500-
East ?'M st., near Sandy road, Bert E.
Bolcr; builder, same; erect "1-story frame
dwelling, fisoo.
East 30th st.. between Stephens and Har
rison. Louts Out h ; builder, same; erect 2
siorv frame dwelllnir. $1800.
East 30th st.. between Stephen and-Har-rison,
l-outs Outh; builder, same; creet 2
ttorv frame dwelling $1800.
East 17th st.. cor. Main. J. H. Rlnehart ;
builders. Brook & Downing; erect 2-story
frame flats, $4000.
May 5.
, Revere st.. between Horatio and William
ette boulevard. W. Brown ; builder, eame;
erect 1 -story frame d wet Hug. $4m.
East Harrison st.. between Grand ave. and
East nth. WollVnberjror A Stevens: builder.
F. . Leo; erect 2-story frame double house,
Capitol ave.. between Falling and Shaver
streets. J. B. I.ovfgren; builder, same; erect
2-story frame dwelling. $3000
Went ave.. between O. R. . X. track and
Holltday five., S. V. Fisher; builder. Gordon
Pearson; erect 1-story framo dwelling,
Morris st.. between Alblna ave. and Mis
sissippi ave., Mr. Kelly; builder. Jas. A.
Ke'ly: repair l-a-story frame dwelling. $750.
Orejron st.. between East 2ith and East
!Wtth, Margaret lnmlap: builder. Jackson &
"Mavrose; erect 2-story frame dwelling.
East Lincoln st.. between East 37th and
Fast Mh. T. H. Powell; builder, same;
ereel l-s'ory frame dwelling, $1300.
East Lincoln st., between East 37th and
East 3Stb. T. H. Powell; builder, same;
erect 1-story frame dwelling. $1300.
Omaha st.. bet ween Kil lines worth and
Church. F. W. Miller; builder. Frtnk Hol
ton ; erect 1-story frame dwelling. SIOOO.
f.Hrpld ave.. between Holmau and High
land. W. C. North; builder. 11 . E. ravis;
erect 2-story frame dwelling. $33O0.
Denver ave.. between Burton and Aains
worth. E. A. Flh; builder, same; erect 1
story frame dwelling. $1200.
Michigan ave.. near Simpson; erect 1
story trani dwelling. fJOO.
Fast Taylor st., between East 10th and
East 201 h. W. M. Cllne; builder, same; erect
2-story frame dwelling $20OO.
East 2Sth St.. between Francis and Bis
mark, R. Frnzer; builder, same; erect 1
storv frame dwelling, $tHi.
Srt4 I'pshur si., bet weei- 25th and 2rtth,
Winehardt estate; builder. George Lang
ford : erect retaining wall. JR'JOO.
Maegley st.. bet ween Mallory and Gar
field ave.. Theo. Srhtell; builder. J. Schlewe;
ereet 1-story frame barn. $25o.
Junior st.. between 14th and 15th, Go.
Reeves; builder, same; erect 1 la-story frame
dwelling, $IS50.
Commercial St.. between Russell nd
Knott. W. Hays: builder, i H. Allton; erect
2-tory ftamo dwellinR. $20rtO
East tth st.. between Brainard and Hum-,
boidt. Mae Hitchcock; builder. M. X. Hitch
cock: erect 1-story frame dwelling. $2000.
East 4Hth st.. between Belmont and East
Morrison. Thorvel Sorensen ; builder, same ;
r ?nalr 2 -story frame stor and dwelling,
East 20th st.. between Oolrg and Brain
ard. R. O. "Nieholsen; buihlei' same; erect
1- story frame dwelling. $100.
May 6.
Will'ame ave., between Graham and Stan
ton sts.. A. R- Zeller: bnlder, same; erect
2- story frame store. $6000.
KUllngHwort h ave.. cor. Missouri ave.,
C A. Lindqurst; builder, C. .T. Crosby; erect
2-story frame Ft ore and flats. $45o6.
Wilbur st., between Ainsworth and Hol
nuii. E. L- Cooper; builder. C J. Crosby;
erect 1-story frame dwelling, $1900.
Mississippi ave.. between Blandina and
Humboldt. L. L. Ray; builder. C. J. Crosby;
erect 1 V -story frame dwelling. $20K).
101 fith St.. North, cor. Flanders. H. W
Monaster and A. K. Wheeler; builder. J. W.
Thurman; repair 2-story frame saloon. $50.
Hunt St.. cor. Buirage. Harold Swain;
bui der, same; erect 1-story frame dwelling,
401 Skldmore St.. cor. 8th. K. E. Young;
builder, A. S. Young; repair 1-story frame
dwelling. $50.
East 45th st.. cor. Madison. F. A. Daley;
builder, same; erect 1-srorv frame garage,
East Ankeny St., between East 81 st and
East 82d. William A. Taylor; builder, same;
erect 1 -story frame dwelling. S150O.
E. Ankeny st., between East Slst and
East 82d ; Wm. A. Taylor, builder, same;
erect 1-story frame dwelling. $1500.
East Alder at., between East 3Sth and
East 39th. E. W. Reder; builder, same;
erect l-story frame dwelling. $150.
Lincoln St., between 30th and 37 th, E
W. Reder; builder, same; ci ect 1-story
frame dwelling. $1500.
Wasco st.. between East 2lth and 27th.
W: H. Loucks; builder. H. Schemerhorn ;
erect 1-story frame dwelling. 15oO.
Everett st cor. 11th. The Royal Bakery
Co.; builders. Bingham & McClellan; exca
vate tasement, $2O00.
Leo ave., between 13th and 15th sts., E.
O. Locke; builder, J. C- Locke; erect 1
story frame dwelling. $1500.
East Everett st., . between B2d and 53d.
WHIam Otterstrom; builder, same; erect
1-story frame dwelling, $00.
Brown st.. between 6 th and 8th. J. W.
Holmes; builder, same; erect 1-story frame
dwelling. S300.
East 75th St.. between Freemont and
Klickitat, Gregory Investment Company;
builders, same; erect 1-story. frame dwelling,
East 72d st., between Klickitat and Free
mont. (Ireeory Investment Company; build
ers, same ; erect 1 -story frame dwelling,
East Slst st., between Klickitat and Sis
kiyou. Gregory Investment Company ; build
ers, same; erect one-story frame dwelling,
$ 1 soo.
East S7th St., corner Grant.. S. W. Ram
seyer ; builder, same; erect 1 V& -story frame
dwelling. $1500.
Fifteenth st.. between Alder and Wash
ington. Mr. Leadbetter; builder, A. C. John
son ; repair 2-story frame stable, $206..
EaBt 24th St., corner Weidler, V. A. Bil
lion ; builder, same; erect 2-story frame
dwelling, $3300.
GJ-enn ave., between Sumner and Emerson;
E E. Gragln; builder. E. E. Raddlng; erect
1-story frame dwelling, $20.00.
May 7.
Russell st., between Williams and Rodney
aves.. A. F. Green; builder, same; erect
1-story fram-e store, $200.
Hancok st., between East 19th and East
20th. H. R. Albee; builder, G. S. Harris;
repair 2-story frame dwelling, $300.
East 50th St.. between Salmon and Madi
son, Portland Realty & Trust Co.; builders,
A. W. Powers & Son ; erect 1-story frame
dwelling. $1S00.
East 67th st.. between Flanders and Ev
erett, F. L. Ellsworth ; builder, same ; erect
1- story frame dwelling. $1200.
East 18th st.. between Brainard and Go
ing. R. L. Walker; builder, J. L. Angell;
erect 1 Vi -story frame dwelling. $"2000.
East 2 2d St.. between Alberta and
Brainard, J. L. Angell: builder, same; erect
li-story frame dwelling, $2000.
Willams ave., between Beech and Falling.
Casper Weigant; builder, same; rect 1-story
frame store, $2000.
Ellsworth st., between East 39th and East
41st., George West & Son ; builders, same;
erect 2-story frame dwelling, $4000.
Powell st., between Mary and 13th, Mrs.
F. A. Blanck: builder, John Hifft; repair
14 -story frame dwelling. $200.
Sixth St., between Mill and Market, Sam
McKey ; builder. James Hyland ; repair
2- story frame dwelling. $250.
East 28th st., between Morrison and Alder,
Mrs. H. J. Wells; builder, H. J. Wells; erect
1-story frame dwelling. $2600.
Stockton st., between Oberlin and Daw
son, J. I. Nash ; builder, Nash Bros. ; erect
1-story frame dwelling. $1600.
Salmon st.. between Park and West Park,
Arlington Club : builder. Hurley-Mason Co. ;
erect 4-story concrete club building, $10,000;
permit for basement and first floor.
Caruthers st., between 1st and Front,
Episcopal Church ; builder. W. A. M. Beck;
repair 2-story frame dwelling. $5000.
Crystal Springs Addition Is
Placed on Market.
Victim of Shooting Not Incliped to
Prosecute Shooter, '
Search for Con Enwright, a teamster
who shot and everly wooinded William
M. Iverson, a fellow teamster at the
Union Meat Company's place on the
Peninsula Friday, has been dropped.
Iverson, who will recover, said yester
day morning: at the Good Samaritan
Hospital that he would refuse to prose
cute his assailant. For that reason
Sheriff Stevens decided that it would be
useless to spend further time looking;
for the fugitive.
The wounded man takes all the blame
of the affair on his own shoulders. He
said repeatedly yesterday that he had
precipitated the quarrel that led to
the shooting; and that he was not in
clined to blame Enwright. Enwrigrht
was still missing; from his accustomed
haunts yesterday and is believed to
have left the county.
A few bargains In second-hand autos
at H. I. Keats Auto Cos garage, corner
Seventh and Burnslde.
Streets to Be Opened Which WiH
Furnish Better Means of Com
munication With City
and Other Suburbs.
The most important announcement
made for the East Side the. past week is
that part of the Crystal Springs farm,
belonging 'to the Ladd estate, lying on
Milwaukie road, has been platted, and
will be handled by the Columbia Trust
Company. This farm comprises 437 acres,
but for the present only that part be
tween Milwaukie road and the Southern
Pacific Railroad, consisting of 700 lots,
has been platted. Streets are to be grad
ed, water mains put down and sidewalks
laid. For most of the distance the Sell
wood carline runs on the west side of the
tract to Bybee avenue, when it turns
west to the Portland Crematorium.-
Breaking- up of this part of the Crys
tal Springs farm means much for the
South East Side. It will mean that a
large reinforcing water main must' be
laid from Mount Tabor for this district,
as the present 10-inch pipe that runs to
Sellwobd cannot now supply that district
and there is water shortage in the Sum
mer months. With this tract on the mar
ket there will be more force back of this
movement to get another main, at least
12 inches at the end at Sellwood and
starting at 20 inches at Powell Valley
road. Such a main, it is estimated, will
furnish an ample supply for several years
to come for the Sellwood and Midway
district and intervening territory.
Opening of the streets in the Ladd farm
paralleling the Milwaukie road will be a
great gain, for this district is "bottled
up" and restricted to the single street of
Milwaukie to get into Portland. Between
the farm and the Boise tract effort is
being made to open East Seventeenth and
other streets, but particularly East Sev
enteenth, through Midway. So far lit
tle progress has been made. But when it
Is known that East Seventeenth street
will be opened through the Ladd farm
there may be -less opposition, as by open
ing it a street parallel to Milwaukie road
will be opened to Sellwood.
At present the building area south
toward Sellwood for some ways is be
tween Milwaukie road and the river, ex
cept at Midway, where tracts have been
platted and sold eastward. That the plat
ting of the farm will stimulate growth in
that part of the city is generally be
lieved. At Wfodstock. ohe of the oWer suburbs
of the East Side in the southeast, a
splendid building movement ,1s going for
ward. Situated on elevated ground, over
looking Portland and the Willamette
River, some of the most attractive homes
have been built on the west side of the
hill. J. R. Gilstrap. who has lived at
Woodstock for a number of years, says
the present progressive movement Is
more pronounced there than ever before.
An attractive new Methodist Church
has Just been completed on Woodstock
avenue at a cost of $5200 without the fur
niture, which will cost about $1000. The
general plan of the new building is mod
ern. Rev. Mr. Vooa is the pastor. He
has been on that charge for two years.
Ho early saw need of a modern church.
Predication of the church will be held
Sunday, May 23.
Hoi la clay Addition Sales.
Ellen Edmonston sold to Minnie G.
Brown lot 1, block 52, Holladay Addi
tion, for $8000. Harvey Wells bought of
tona!d MeRae lot 8, block 80, Holladay
HOME of 5, 10 or 20 acres, where all kinds of fruit ean
be grown to perfection, such as apples, pears, plums,
peaches and all small fruits and berries.
1200 acres of the Home Ranch of Ex-Gov. Gooding,
adjoining the Townsite of Gooding, on the Main Line of
the Oregon Short Line and the junction of the Idaho
Southern, whieh serves the great Twin Falls North Side
.. Tract, will be offered for sale to Home-Makers only.
17, 1909 "
This land will be sold on easy terms to the man who
will improve it and build a home. Not a single tract of!
this land will be sold to the speculator, but only to the
man who is willing to enter into a contract to cultivate it
and build a home thereon within a year, and not more
thsn 20 acres will be sold to any one person. . .
These tracts will be sold at prices ranging from $360
per acre for those adjoining the townsite to $200 per acre
for those more remote. None of this land is more than
one-half mile from the Idaho Southern Railroad, now
being operated, and which will soon be turned into an
electric line. '
A large portion of this ranch has been in alfalfa for .
the past 10, 15 and 20 years and is now in cultivation to
sugar beets, alfalfa and grain.
Easy terms will be given, one-fifth cash at time of
purchase and balance in ten annual payments, with inter
est at rate of 6 per cent. f
A deposit of $100 must be made with the Gooding
Townsire Company before, noon of the 17th of Ma by
those desiring to participate in this drawing. If no selec
tion is made money will be refunded.
im & wjctz& si r
i lie tLnreat I
of the I
Oregon has no considerable manufacturing center outside of Portland. Somewhere within the next
five years such a city is bound to rise. The location of such a community is decided naturally. It requires
certain definite features which absolutely must be present. They are desirable manufacturing sites, deep
water shipping facilities and the presence of railroads that will adequately serve the interests of the big
industries. Destiny has decided that a manufacturing city shall have these essentials, and, consequently,
Destiny has selected BURLINGTON, for BURLINGTON has all of them in abundance. If these facts are
not already apparent to you, they will immediately become so if you will take a trip to BURLINGTON
today over the UNITED RAILWAYS. ,
TIME This Beautiful Picture Free I 1 SEE
SCHEDULE Mail Coupon
I the improvements that are I
m . , , being made,1 the buildings,
lnie Jrtla1Ddffor COUPON that are being erected, the
6 15 A M to 11 -15 A M I'UU.FU.N woj.k railroad com.
and hourly from 1 P. M. to uPon receipt of this coupon, either by mail or in ea8L9be:-
person, the Buth Trust Company , room 3, Chamber S2LiffSLv
Trains leave BURLING- of Commerce, will mail or present to you a magmfi- from the hillsides, the mag-
TON for Portland hourly cent panoramic view, showing BURLINGTON and nificent natural park, and
from 7:45 A. M. to 11.-15 its inspiring scenic environment. Sign your name scores of attractive places
adTh??rly from 1 and address below. to stroll and lunch through
f. M. to 7 P. M. , - the woods and gullies.
. ., Name.., r. ..-.,w.-.:.,.-. ...........
ROUND TRIP 25c round TRIP 25c
For business opportunity, tHe location of a home, small investment,
or a suburban residence, it remains for somebody to name a more
desirable location than the townsite of BURLINGTON, thirty minutes
from Portland on the UNITED RAILWAYS.
Room 3
Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Or.
"The Pasadena of Oregon''
3500 ACRES, with no rock, gravel, white soil or hillsides to contend
against, but only slightly rolling land, with deep, dark soil, and platted
into tracts of V2 to 20 acres each, with a completed road to each tract
Located 40 minutes out on the Fourth-street Railway, five trains each way per day.
A few acres here, developed in fruit, English walnuts or vegetables will insure a handsome revenue and
will provide a honiesite with all the advantages of a GREATER PORTLAND.
Buy now, while original prices prevail. The local development would warrant an advance in prices even
now. .
Our prices range from 3IOO to $250 per acre.
Ten per cent cash, balance to suit purchaser.
Call and arrange to go with us, without expense to you, and examine this property, and determine for
yourself as to its worth. . v , '1