THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, 31 AY 9, 1909. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OHEnOXUN TELEPHONES. Pac. States. Homo. Counting-Room ........Mala 707 A 05 City Circulation Main 7070 A S095 Managing Editor Main 7070 A 609S Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 095 Coraposlnir-Koom ......Main 7070 A 600S City Editor Main 7070 A 095 6upt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6085 AMT8EMEST8. SrxOALOW THEATER !2th and Mor rison) Baker Stock Company In "Merely Mary Ann." Matinee 2:16; tonight at 8:13. R.FI?:UM THEATER (Morrison, between eixtn and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville. Matinee at 2:15; tonight at 8:15. G1AND THEATER (Washington, bstween S nin- anl Park) Vaudeville da luxe. 2. JO. 7:30 and P. M """M TdFATER (Fourth and Stark) 30 p m ' vaudeville. S:M. 7:30 and "?rlc J,ATER (Seventh a Alder) "5,k t ompany in "Ten .Vlghta In a Barroom. Matinee at 2:13; tonight at BT.vfr- i"BATERMoving-plcture show oclock; U nd evenln. to 10:30 Dphiso the past week a number of wealthy tlmbermen have been inspecting the Hazel Fern Farm," which is now Being platted into lots and blocks, known ae Laurelhurst." and which will be protected with high-class building restric tions, with a view of building homes there, as It is the only large tract where good-size plots of ground can be had for hne residences, garages and gardens. The .waU,tlf,lJ' homes ' Mr. Reed, formerly the Wiberg place, and Mr. Haak, on the uir,e roaa. nave proven very at tractive to these wealthy tlmbermen. Th " oiocKs In "Iaurelhursf will make the finest residence sites about the city, as many of them are 220 feet in elevation, and are higher than the tower i uregonlan building. Intending purchasers will do well to call on the iureiiiursi company, whose temporary office is with Charles K. Henry & So'i 250 Stark street, Portland, Or. How to Plan Your Vacation Ttavn you planned your vacation? If not, go to ""I nunc AJDrary ror suggestions. In patent-room at the end of the hall may be found a large collection of illus trated folders. train schedules, time tables, lists of hotels and boarding-houses, and other material that will help you to plan your trip. In the circulating de partment are descriptive books of travel which will give a foretaste of the pleas ures of vacation. In the reference de partment are maps. Baedekers and other Kuiae. 'dooks. in view of the great in terest being taken in poultry throughout the county, a chicken bulletin has been posted in the circulating department, and the LJbrary has purchased many books upon the chicken Industry. The attention of the young people is particularly called U this collection. Empire Day Concert. At a meeting of the British societies held In the Com mercial Club last night final arrange ments were made for the annual concert of the societies In commemoration of Queen Victoria's birthday. This year the concert will be held In the Exposition building, and the fact that Mrs. Walter lteed, Miss Lawler and F. T. Crowther all take part in the programme Insures a concert as good, if not better, than in former years. The "Welch Glee Club will also sing a few glees. Refreshment will be served and boo'.hs erected by the dif ferent societies and tickets Including con cert and refreshments are on sale by the secretaries of the different societies. Capitol. Hill This beautiful tract is conceded by all who see It to be the pret tiest and best of all the additions platted In the city, it Is on the "West Side, within the city limits, on the Oregon Electric Railroad, only 15 minutes' ride from Front and Jefferson streets, and 5-cent carfare; no draw-bridges to cross, no delay in going or coming. We are grading all the streets, laying sidewalks and will have water piped to all lots within 90 days, remember all lots are full size, 50x100, and now Is the time to buv while thev -v cheap; come out today. Agents on the. grouna; run particulars of Clohessy & Smith, 401 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. Phoplx'8 Forltm Tonight. Dr. Jonah B. Wise will address the People's Forum tonight; hie subject being "Schools." After the address of Rabbi "Wise, the usual discussion will be participated In by those attending the Forum. Next Sun day's subject probably will be the local political situation. Meetings are held in Belling-Hirsch building, Tenth and Wash ington streets, at 8 P. M. Everybody in vited. Exhibition at Art Museum. The an nual public school exhibition of elemen tary drawing, manual training of the grades and Washington High School, together with work from the Portland School of Trades, will be held at the Museum of Arts, Fifth and Taylor streets, opening tomorrow and continuing all week. School teachers and pupils will be admitted fi-ee each afternoon from 1 until 6 o'clock. The Old Alder Restaurant has re opened at 266 Alder street, between Third and Fourth streets, under the former management. Our patrons and the pub lic are cordially invited. We make a spe cialty of our "home-made pastry and cof fee. Give us a call. Launch Sacrificed. 16-horsepower, 4 cylinder Palmer engine, quarter-oak deck, lectric fixtures, brass trimmings, accom modates 15 passengers; boathouse and complete equipment cost K500; 1230 cash takes it. Tabor 431. B 20S0. The British Benevolent Society will hold Its annual meeting on "Wednesday, 12th inet.. at 8 P. M., in St. Stephens Parish House, Thirteenth any Clay. All British-born persons are cordially invited to attend. Bjsoinnino May 1 we will reduce the price of all our Australian coal to $3.50 per ton delivered; 50 cents per ton reduc tion on five-ton lots. Pacific Coast Coal Co., 249 Wash. Phones Main 229. A 2293. House-Cleanino Time Is the Time to have your, mattresses renovated and re turned the tame day. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 226-228 Front street. J4500. 'Buys for part cash or trade store building and full lot now paying 10 per cent on investment. Only prospective buyers need apply. AH 79, Oregonian. William Klumpp, engraver and sta tioner is now located in the Merchants Trust building, southwest corner Wash ington and Sixth streets. Sewed Soles. 75 Cents Best Oak Leather. While you wait, or sent for. Jacob Schwlnd, S67 Stark, near Park. Phone Main 7359. A 3212. William Klumpp, engraver and sta tioner, is now located in the Merchants Trust building, southwest corner Wash ington and tfixth streets.. FjI'gens F. Rice, formerly with the KKgert. Young Co.. Is now associated with the Knight Shoe Co., Washington street, near Second. For Rent. Store In brick building op posite Commercial Club building. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay building. Third and Stark streets. Ert Cordwood and slabwootl. sawed or four-foot; prompt delivery. Steel Bridge Fuel Company. Phones: Bast 424. C 1773. A-l Draughtsman Wanted by D. I Williams, architect, S25 Chamber of Com merce. Osteopathic physician. Arnold Llndsav, 306 Tllford. 10th. Morrison. A 4163, M 735"). John M. Mann, printer, 6S Fourth St., between Oak and Tine. Both rhones 40SS. One Dollar Guaranteed Fountain Ikn. Moffett. the stationer. 111 Sixth st. I". EL Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co., 1S5 First. Phones Main 1334. A 1334. Buttons Covered to order at 46 Eighth street North. Phone Main 6535. Dr. M. F. FKnton. dentist, has re turned and resumed practice. See Cadwell, fractional acres today, V' mile north of Lents Station. .. Swain, dentist. 311 Ptkum bide. Father Sues Daughter. Father and daughter are parties to a suit filed with the State Circuit Court, yesterday. Andrew Gordon, a real estate dealer, asks the court to issue a decree relieving him from the necessity of paying his 15-year-old daughter the sum of J75 a month which was awarded her mother as alimony be fore the mother's death in 1907. Gordon says that the alimony claim hanging over his head puts a cloud on all his property and for that reason he wishes it annulled. His wife, Blanche Gordon, on securing a divorce in 1904, was awarded J2200 and the $75 a month as permanent alimony for support of herself and daughter, it is Gordon's present contention that the death of his divorced wife relieved him for the payment of alimony and that the daughter has not legal claim to the sum named. Presbyterians Will Meet. Arrange ments are being made by the Presbyterian Brotherhood for a convention to be held in Portland, June 8-9. during the Rose Festival. The convention will be attended by well-known- Presbyterians from all parts of the country, who will come here from the general assembly, which meets in Denver. May 30, and it is expected that a great impetus to Presbyterian Church work as well as the brotherhood movement will come as a result of the meeting. Conventions of the organiza tion are to be held also in Spokane, San Francisco and S?atle, during next month. Dr. William Hiram Foulkes is chairman of the local committee. 9uf.s Husband for Support. Clara Campbell brought action with the Circuit Court yesterday afternoon to compel her husband, John Carter Campbell to pay her $50 a month for the support of her self and 14-months-old baby. She says that he conducted himself in such a man ner during April that she was compelled to leave home. Since then he has failed and refused to contribute towards her support, she says. Saying plainly in her complaint that she does not wish a divorce she asks support money and an allowance of $200 to pay for bringing suit. I Want the Best buy to be had in the district bounded by Washington, Jeffer son, Fifth and the river. MustIutve at least 50 feet of ground. I will be glad to pay for inside information, providing sale Is consummated, which no doubt It will be if you can submit an exceptional buv Prefer something unimproved or with old buildings that can be torn down. Own ers or agents answer AL 72, Oregonian.1 many - Grounds for Divorce. Mrs. Mable A. Blue in applying to the Circuit Court for a divorce from Walter A. Blue, yesterday, set out that her husband told her she must get a divorce or he would. &he says he Is a particularly mean man. Enumerating his accomplishments she says he is mean, stingy, keeps late hours and treats her with a total lack jof respect or consideration. Bot Pleads Guiltt. Perry Morse, a 15-year-old boy charged with sending an obscene postcard through the malls. pleaded guilty in the United States Court yesterday and sentence was suspended. The boy asserted that he did not know he was doing wrong when he sent the card. Young Morse was to have been tried by jury this week. Patterson Trial Set. A plea of "not guilty" was entered in the United States Court yesterday by Charles A. Patterson, of Portland, to the charge of "perjury and the trial was set for May 19. Patterson is accused of perjury in connection with obtaining a patent on a harness buckle. Council of Jewish Women. The Bible class meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held next Wednesday, at 2:30 P. M., in the vestry-room of Temple Beth Israel. The subject will be "Philo sophy of the Old Testament." Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will preside. Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Seventh and ifamhill Morning, Rev. N. A. Baker, "The Promise of the Cities of Men." Evening, Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., the first of a series of four addresses upon "Greater Portland and the Proposed New Charter.'" James Cini, 3S6 Wash. St., only a few days more to buy genuine coral cameos and tortoise shell goods at greatly-reduced prices. Brandes' Grill, 103 Sixth, serves a fine 50-cent, French dinner, all day. Dr. R. Neubauer has returne-1 office 711V4 Union avenue North. WORK OF VISITING NURSES Reports Rendered at Regular Month ly Meeting of Association. Regular monthly meeting of the "Visit ing Nurses' Association was held Tues day In the rooms in. the Medical build ing. The nurses' report for the month of April showed 22 new cases and a total of 253 visits. The report of the committee on tuber culous save account of five patients at the Open-Air Sanatorium being cared for out of the Christmas stamp fund. Two of these patients are boys under 17. It is possible to send only hopeful cases to the Sanatorium. Two cases in advanced stages of the disease are being cared for at St. Vincent's Sanatorium, one a girl of 18 and the other a babe 2 months old. In addition, the nurse is caring for sev eral in their own homes. The association finds it necessary to deal with the hopeless and helpless vic tims of drug habits, and the past month was obliged to refer to the county one who has been a confirmed drug-user for 12 years. Such cases belong in the coun ty hospital, and the attention of the nurse can result in no permanent good. The various committees were announced with the following chairmen: Supply committee, Mrs. R. B. Lameon; visiting committee, Mrs. Hamilton Brook; nurse committee, Mrs. W. B. Ayer; tuberculo sis committee, Mrs. S. Frank; Christmas stamp committee, Mrs. Julius Louisson; housing committee, Mrs. B. H. Trumbull; entertainment committee, Mrs. John Kol lock; finance committee, William D. Wheelwright; press committee, Mrs. Fv J. Bailey. A special committee, with Mrs. George as chairman, was appointed to co-operate with the Oregon State Congress of Mothers in presenting a course of lessons on emergency nursing at Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. The lessons will include demonstrations by trained nurses and lectures by specialists. LAURELHURST LOTS. Kirst Offered at Very Low Prices. "Laurel hurst," which was well and formerly known as "Hazel Fern Farm Is being platted Into lots and blocks, no lot less than 50x100 feet In size. The Laurelhurst Company will place these beautiful sites on the market at extremely low prices, and on very at tractive terms. Several hundred lots will be at prices ranging from $600 to $1000. The building restrictions will be higher on the most desirable part of "Laurelhurst," and the prices will be in accordance with the choice location. It will pay every Intending lot-buyer or home-builder to wait until this tract is platted and ready for sale, about the first of June, before buying elsewhere. This will be sold . by the Laurelhurst Company, whose temporary office is with Charles K. Henry & Son, 250 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. WE'HAVE MOVED To 144-146 Fourth, opposite Honeyman Hardware Co. We have no connection with any other stores. Goodyear Shoe Company. SARGENT'S PERKINS GRILL French dinner today. 5:30 to 8:30. 91. Music A la carte specialty. rflH DIA f QUALITY Hi Makes You Remember Our lly Jk Mk. -$S& S3S.OO A Beauty for the Price. S32.50 Genuine Ituby and Fine Diamond. SCHOOLS TO 8E LEASED PRIVATE PARTIES TO CONDUCT SUMMER NORMALS. Institutions Will Cruse in June With $6500 Unpaid Claims State Will Not Pay. SALEM, Or.. May S. (Special.) At a meeting of the Board of Normal School Regents, in the office of the Governor today, it was decided that if formal application shall be made, which is ex pected, the normal school buildings at Ashland, Weston and Monmouth will be leased this year for Summer normal school purposes. It was further decided that the board should have nothing to do with the con duct or management of the schools other than as a lessor, and that no con tributions or donations will be received by the board. The schools will close in June with about $6500 in unpaid claims contracted prior to the act of the Leg islature cutting off state support, and these unpaid bills will not be paid un less they shall be paid by private per sons. The amount includes about $3000 for teachers' salaries and other expenses at Ashland for the months of January and February, 1909, and about $3500 at Weston for the same items of expense. All claims for 1908 either have been paid or will be paid in the near future. It was the sense of the board that, in asmuch as the. Legislature has done away with the normals as state insti tutions, the buildings should not be leased as private normals beyond the 'period of the 1909 Summer term. Governor Benson, State Superintend ent Ackerman, Regents B. Hofer, w. B. Ayer and C. E. Spence were present. President R. C. French and Mr. Rich mond were present from Weston, and F. H. Carter from Ashland. Monmouth was not represented.. Under the laws of the state, any teacher, in writing for a state certifi cate, is given a credit of 30 months teaching experience for a normal school diploma, and the question will be up to the State Board of Education as to whether the private normals which Ashland. Weston and Monmouth propose to conduct properly come under the head of chartered educational insti tutions. Should the board decide against the teachers holding diplomas from the private normals, it is possible the matter "will go to the courts for ad justment. RECALL NOTICES POSTED Eslacada to Hold Special Election on Saturday, May 15. ESTACADA, Or., May 8. (Special.) The recall notices against Mayor W. A. Heilman and the entire City Council were posted by City , Recorder A. N. Johnson today. Also announcement that a special election will be held Satur day, May 15. The petitioners name as their candidates: Mayor J. W. Reed, Councilmen, L. E. Bilfils, A. E. Sparks, Charles Shutter, Al. Lindsey, W. D. Henthorn. The present officers are: Mayor, W. A. Heilman; Councilmen, William Dale, J. F. Lovelace, Al. Havens, B. O. Bosweli, C. F. Howe. Two new lawyers have been called' into the case. Judge Alex. M. Sweek has retained Judge M. L. Pipes to as sist him, while City Attorney Bartlett has retained J. E. Hedges to assist him. A FIIMEHOME. We have for sale one ofthe most at tractive homes on East Sixteenth street, eight rooms and bath, modern improve ments, fine grounds. This is for sale at the low price of $10,000, and is easily worth $12,000. For particulars inquire of CHARLES K. HENRY & SON. 250 Stark Street. Portland, Oregon. , WHEREJT0 DINE. AH the delicacies of tne season at tbe Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near FUta, A special 50c chicken dinner today at Hall's Restaurant, 330 Washington street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune. Columbia Bldg., Main. A 1635. Sunday Dinner at the Louvre, $1.00 A special Sunday dinner will be served at the Louvre, corner Fourth and Alder sts., for $1, from 5. to 9 P. M. Music. LATEST SHEET MUSIC 5, lO and IS Cent. Popular, classical and folios. The E. P. Chariton & Co.. 288-290 Washington St. Ask anybody about Rockaway Beach $0 lots, $6 down, $5 per month; no inter est. C. J. Owen & Co., 414 Lumber Ex. MONDS We just bought the biggest snap in dia monds ever offered in this city. The owners were from the Bast and needed tbe money, but tt had to be m eaah deal no time. We had the eaah, and we got the diamonds. Every stone is wteel white, and we can give you positively the best values ever of fered in Portland. If you want a; e ni a, see these and compare with your --Blue White" dia monds. It will pay you to invest in a stone now if you ever intend buying one. Come in and look at this lot any way. We're glad to show them to you. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers THE LARGE STORE, 830.00 Fine White Diamond. 266 Morrison St., Jnat West ol Third. Your New Umbrella Buy it from us we make them biggest stock on the Coast every known style we guarantee them perfect. ' $1.00 umbrella good wearer looks line for the money men's have the J " "l ' uwv uanuie nangs on tne arm nicely ladles' have a pretty line of handles see them. 7.lln'e i r.r ...1 . . . c ti.uv uniuiKims very auraDie rainproof has brass ends on ribs will " i ' i l improvement. we have this rust-proof frame in all jiuo a.L popular prices. Directoire Umbrellas. The newest the only large assort ment a good one $2.00 silk ones $3.00 "P all colors we sell the handles separate oOc up attached while you wait. MEREDITH'S UMBRELLA FACTORY 312 Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. TEETH Without Plates. PAINLESS AXIJ HIGH -CLASS DENTISTRY, Crown and Bridge Work s Specialty POPULAR PRICES. 22k Gold Crown $3 60 22K. Gold Crown Molar $5 00 Good Rubber Plate $5.00 Best Rubber Plate J8 00 Gold Fillings. $100 Bridge Work $3.00 Silver Fillings i 00 Extracting, Painless ......$ .50 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 10 YRS. Union Painless Dentists CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS. Phones, Malm 5930, A 2132. HEILIG THEATER FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 15 "TOODLES . IN HOLLAND i Big Musical Comedy by the TRAVELERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Prices, 25 Cents to $1.00. Sale Opens Wednesday, May 12, at 10 o'Clock. CLARK'S CRriSE OK THE "ARABIC" 16,000 tons. One, lance, unusually steady KODND the WORLD From New York October 16. 1909, neartv four months, costing only $650 AND UP, in cluding all expense alloat and ashore. SPECIAL FEATURES Madeira, Ejrypt, India, Ceylon, Burma, Java, Borneo, rhillFp p ine, Japan. An unusual chance to visit unusually attractive placet. 12th Annual Orient Cruise, Feb. S, '10, 900 up. Spring and Summer Tours to Europe S70 up. FRANK: O. CLARK, TIMES BLDG.. 2f. Y. DO NOT DELAY Have the matter of a suit able memorial attended to. We carry the largest and most artistic stock, to select from, and a call at our show room will surprise you with our work and low prices. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS FOI HTH ST. Opposite City Hall. THE PORTLAND SHOE REPAIR CO. S9 Yamhill, brtntfn Third and Fourth. Bauer & Stooper, Props. Phone Main 7655. Shoes called for and delivered free Work Dona While MEN'S You Wait IS Av f&u y - s 1 ss . f 1 f . You'll think especially well of our $35, $40 and $50. An examination of your eyes NOW may be the means of detecting eye strain, thns saving yon many future years of misery. We make no extra charge for our new WIESBADEN METHOD, and give you glasses that will relieve your trouble, at a low, reasonable price. Established 1896. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218 -21 KalliBK BldK., Corner Third and Washington, Second Kloor. Take Elevator. HOW IS Tnnn t i iiikt Are you proud of it ? If fiot, reseed it with R. R's., Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed. This special mixture of ours, makes those green velvety lawns so much desired. Main 5956 Phone Home A 3811 169 Second, near Morrison. J FOREIGN BOOKS We carry German Text-Books. Ger man Fiction and Novels, German Mag azines; also JTrench Text-Books and Novels, and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kinds of books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 First Street. chwab Printing Co., STAR. STREET liV SEED&fLOffltVP Youprobably don't claim to be an expert judge of clothes values; but you'll find that isn't necessary in a store where you only have good values to judge of. "We want your attention to the suits we sell at $18, $20, $25 and $30. The better judge you are, the more you'll ap preciate the values. THE FAMOUS SOLID OAK AND MAHOGANY DESKS KILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. FIFTH AND OAK STS. Baby Week at We are showing the finest line of Baby Clothes in the city. Everything for babies in both stamped and ready-to-wear goods reduced 20 per cent, for this week only. Infants' Dresses, regular 75c, at.... 60 Infants' Dresses, regular $1.50, at. 1.30 Infants' Dresses, regnlar $2.00, at sj1.60 Infants' Dresses, regular $2.50, at '. Jj52.00 Infants' Bootees, regular 35c, at 28 Infants' Bootees, regular 50c, at 40 Infants' Bootees, regular $1.25, at $1.00 We are also carrying a complete line of Ruben's Infant Shirts in wool and silk. Call and inspect our goods. Needle Craft Shop Don't Forget Our Removal Sale A. Few Fixtures Left at Absolute Cost - Special Prices on Art Domes and All Electrical Supplies Out-of-Town Business Solicited WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS No. 61 Sixth Street. Phones, Main 1696, A 1696. Portland, Oregon. EXCURSION!1 HLEL TO- CASCADE LOCKS ' ON STR. BAILEY GATZERT Every Sunday at 9:00 A. M. Returns at 5 :30 P. M. Fare Round Trip $1.00 Office and Dock, foot Alder Street. Phones Main 914 or A 5112. PIPE REPAIRING Of every deacription by mail. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial coloring. gig feichel A Co., 92 3d at., Fortiand. very fine lines at the Needle Craft 147 6th Street, Between ALDER and MORRISON Zj Boren Ave. SEATTLE Absolutely Fire-Proof Enropeaa Plan Catted Wlrelaai Statioa Tne Highest Grade Erery Moderm Convenience Centrally located and commanding a view of the Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and Fuset Sound. Auto-'Bus meets trains and boats on direct carllne to the A.-T.-P Exposition J. S. McTERNAN. Manager. The von Gillrrmnn School COR AM DRIVING. ORIENTAL BUILDING. The Finest Boirdinz Stable In Portlaad. Phones Main A. 413&. 8iIlIIa i JS IpS