THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, .MAY V, 1909. It BUSINESS CHANCES. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. bAttUAl.N'. Owner leaving city Friday, must sell fur niture and furnishings of his elegantly fur nished flat at oncp, ft rooms, 5 of which are completely furnished; fine corner loca tion, and all modern conveniences; very reasonable rent; hurry If you want the biggest bargain ever offered; price $250 DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. THE GIBSON PARLORS. 2 Union Ave. North. Tf you want a roomIng-iiouse this Is a bar-rain, M rooms, always full; income about $1500 per month; nice dining-room; this is a snap and will not last long; sea us for further particulars. THE -WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 621 Corbet t Bldg. FOR SALE. Hotel of 5 rooms, in one of the largest towns in Oretion; old established, and headquarters fur traveling; men. Owikt Is leaving the country and must sell. Lease runs for two years; net rent $80 per month; ttiOOO required. Particulars, room 523 Lumber Exchange. SALKS managers wanted for a new and Ftriklng article that costs bo little and saves o much that it lands your man on the spot; managers nnutst have desk, room, f-.ttmlle agents and" --ll the trade; small capital nneded. hut is quickly returned; a new plan. Write EDWARD KIMPTON CO.. Bo John St.. New York: City. HALF interest manufacturing business; an established concern, unable to supply de mand for Its output, requires $5500 for development; this amount secures a hall interest in a safe, profitable business THE AMES- MKKC-'iNJ ILE AGENCY, 416 Abington Bldg. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Owner wants partner to take half interest; has more business than he" can manage alone and. prefers interested party to hired help. This is bona fide and will stand investiga tion. Particulars, room 623 Lumber Ex change. SPLENDID opportunity In a real estate and loaning business ; a man with some cash can buy half interest with guaran teed salary. Doing away with salesman. Reason for selling; Interest; $300 to $500 monthly Income. When answering give full particulars. E 73, Oregonian. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas. railway stock and bond issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis Samuel Graham & Co., New York: Life bldg., Montreal, Canada. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. To get this nice, clean rooming-house, 24 rooms, steam heat, full of good class of permanent roomers; will sell on terms or trade for real estate; price $1800. Call 280 Washington, Room 407. FOR SALE States of Washington, Idaho end Montana; for White's Patent Mop, Pail and Wringer; new and a great seller; used in every home, store and puolic building. Over 10O.OOO sold -in East. Ad dress P. O. Box 432. Arleta. Or. PARTNER wanted in well-established and paying business to do office work; this will pay you $200 per month ; will teach, vou the business. Call room 315 Lum ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. HUNTER & CRANE, investment brokers, 8t)l Broad St., Newark. N. J-, bond and stock issues underwritten and sold; syndi cates formed, mining, oil and industrial enterprises financed; no advance fees. RESTAURANT doing business of $30 to $40 daily; owner has other business to attend to and wants to well; three years' lease of premises; $N00 required. Call room 523, Lumber Exchange. YOU CAN GET action on all mining and litdustrial stocks nnd bonds througn head quarters at Catterlin & Co., suite 3 Cham ler of Commerce. We buy, sell or trade. Call or write. PARTNER in a cash business that will make you $50 per week; trial given before you Invest a oent; $400 required. Gall room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark st. STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, in dustrial, or railway company wanted for suk; commission basis. Address, full par ticulars. Clientele, P. O. box 1088, New York, HOTEL man wants a partner; will pay a salary of $1-5 per month to you as manager, besides .profits; will clear you $L'oo per month. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bJdg., 2d and Stark sts. FOR QUICK RETURNS list any business for sale or trade with BUSINESS IN VESTMENT CO., 20S Fenton bldg. phone Main 7373. BAKERY and confectionery for sale; good location, cheap rent, long lease ; good cash business; no delivery. F 67. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Leading moving picture the ater, in good, thriving town in California; population 13.000; money maker; good reasons for selling. Box 972, Chlco, Cal. WA NTED a groceryman or general mer chandise man with a small stock to lo cate In good suburban town; will give good lease. AL 70, Oregonian, FOR SALE One of the best equipped drug stores in the best town In the Willamette Valley; do not reply unless you mean business. V 80, Oregonian. IF YOU will erect the bultding- my client will buy the lot and lease it to you for a long term; will Invest up to $130,000. THOMAS M'CL'SKKK, 203 Couch vBldg. RELIABLE real estate man, alone, wants partner to show land, etc.; pay energetic man at least $150 month; little money re quired. Particulars 248 Stark st. DAIRY LUNCH restaurant clearing $500 per month ; "bear closest investigation ; has long lease. Particulars, room 315 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. THIS IS A SNAP. Good restaurant with a long lease on a bufy st. ; owner must leave city. AD T2, Oregonian. POOLROOM in center of business district; lease, low rent; good in every way. 272 Stark st. , FOR SALE Light manufacturing plant; c ro wded with o r ders ; terms. L 6, O re gonlan WANTED A practical mattress-maker as partner, of good habits and a little money. Apply 266 Stark st. WILL exchange gold mining stock in com pany of merit for what have you ? AE 69. Oregonian. WANTED A partner, contracting. building and real estate. $230 required. X 66, Ore gonian. FOR SALE on easy terms, Stenner's candy factory ; cheap rent. Inquire at Sam L. Beary. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and old. Fletcher In v. Co., 123 Abington. THE furniture and three-year lease of a 32 room hotel for sale; a bargain at $So0. Phone A 543S, Room 425 Worcester "Bldg. FRUIT and. confectionery store. partner wanted," pays big, little money required. Call 24S Stark st. LESS than half price, films, also complete motion picture outfit, etc. 526 Washing ton, near 17th. PROMOTER, with money and equipment, will finance a good invention. Promoter, H. 24, Oregonian. fit BARREL flour mill, 25 miles from Port land; water and electric; $8500; sale or trade. Lock Box 2S. Newberg, Or. SMALL, good paying restaurant for sale; price $700. including rent for May. A 75. Oregonian FOR SALE Interest in machine shop and foundry: doing a good business; $2000 ; will bear investigation. AK 67, Oregonian. MODERN rooming-house. 8 rooms, 4 rooms routed, f urnitut e nearly new. $475, no agents. AK 93. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale. Call Hotel Hoyt. 10th and Hoyt. $2 FOR 1000 business cards; 100, 50c Rose City Primary 192 3d St.. near Taylor. TAILOR SHOP Good running order to sell on account of dobu 495 Washington. FOR SALE Feed store, all or half interest, buyer to handle office work. 374 Water st. HAVB J0O and services to invest in small business. Mala 5oS9. REAL ESTATE partner wanted, good list? fine opening. 27 2 Stark st, BUNGALOW to trade for grocery store 72 Stark st. " . GOOD restaurant for sale cheap; good loca tion. 2N E. Morrison st. $ 1 2.Vt PARTS' E.R .wanted for merchandise bustnii. Call 24 SU SLark st. .GROCERY for sale, doing good safe business extra good. Call 248 Stark st. BUSINESS CHANCES. - ART OF FINANCIERING. Showing how business men may raise capital for business project without re course to brokers or promoters. Valuable Booklet Free. BUSINESS & FINANCE P U B. CO., 110 Nassau st.. New York. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 52 rooms, corner brick building, newly and eiegantiy furnished with golden oak furni ture. Axminster and Brussels carpets, steam heat, clearing $200 per month net. long lease at only $200 per month. Ste this and you will look no further, as it is the best buy in the city at the price. $4500. DEVLIN" & FIREBAL'GH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. 53-ROOM hotel; strictly first-class; good hotel town, S. p. R R-; 8-year lease; $5000. Money-making grocery, city, $3500. Confectionery; very choice; $1000. Nobody sick. EC KM AN, 814 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE General mdse. business, about $8000 stock; in near-by y)n; this store is In good working order and a fine op portunity for an active merchant; will sell or rent the building: located on one of the best corners of the town. For in formation address 773 Multnomah. City. CORNER cash grocery, doing business of $100 per day; owner must sell on account of sickness. This place will be sold at Invoice, and is in a very desirable loca tion ; trial given before Investing. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. BRICK PLANT FOR SALE. Well-equipped stiff-mud wire-cut brick plant, capacity 30.000 to 40.000 brick per day; can be seen in operation at 38th and Sandy road. For particulars address Theo. Jensen, 2o-S Failing bldg., Portland. Or. PARTNER In real estate office that is well established; will make you $200 per month ; $250 required, just to cover the furniture; experience not necessary. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and - Stark sts. I W'ANT a good, sober. Industrious man as partner in my real estate office, to Bhow property and help with clerical work; an energetic man can make $150 to $200 per month. Call on my agent for particulars. Room 623 Lumber Exchange. LIGHT MANUFACTURING. -Partner in an old established business; this will clear $250 per month; man must be sober and honest; experience not necessary. Call room 315' Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED An all around mechanic to take charge of a manufacturing plant In suc cessful operation; product already intro duced and orders being received daily; must invest some money in corporation; fair wages paid. Address p. O. Box 669. FOR SALE 2300 shares, Coeur d'Alene Gold Crag mining stock, for 7 cents a share if taken at once. This stock has been recently selling at 25 cents a share. Address Cap. Peters, Forest Grove, Or. PROSPEROUS retail shoe store on prominent corner two main thoroughfares; center East Side business section; good trade now, ex cellent future prospects; price only $3500; owner going abroad. D 73, Oregonian. $3500 Will give $100 month income, money placed in old established business; no serv ices required; a rare opportunity; will bear close investigation. Address or call 320 Bankers Trust, Tacoma, Wash. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR TRADE. Three elegant propositions, low -rent, long lease, center of city, 27 to 34 rooms, for farm, acreage, city property. Call today. 721 Board of Trade. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store; owner wishes to leave city, and will sell stock at invoice; 4 living rooms; good place for man and wife; rent, $12 per mo. Call room 623 Lumber Exchange. SHOOTING GALLERY Owner wants party to take half interest, as work Is too much for on-e; taking in $100 per week; $400 required. Call room 523 Lumber Ex change. GROCERY Store, fine location, doing $40 per day; this is a nice, clean stock; owner go ing into other business; will sell at In voice; investigate. Young, 512 Gerlinger bldg. 10 SHARES of Bonville Publishing Company at a snap; also 10,000 shares of Gold Creek M. & M. to sell at a bargain if taken right away. See Catterlin & Co., 3 Cham ber of Commerce. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and soft drinks; place clearing over $150 per month, with Jiving rooms. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. . 50 PER CENT. Does this interest you? We will guar antee the above In 1" year ; lots $75 ; terms of $5 per month. 519 Swetland bldg. THE BEST IN THE CITY. 10-room houe. new furniture, beauti ful location, rent $40; price $S0O. Main 4338. $1000 TO $40,000 will pay 3 for 1 ir dlcate now forming to buy a fli of acreage for platting. D 79, nian. S for 1 Inn avn. uue piece urego- FOR SALE Hotel Stevenson. 21 rooms; kitchen, dining-room, furnished complete; bar in connection; at county seat Skamania Co. C. W. Udell, Stevenson, Wash. 10-ROOM rooming-house; best location clearing $GO monthly; will Dell at bargain If taken now. Inquire 123 14th St., cor. Wrash. WANTED Good live man, well recom mended, can secure Interest in manufac turers office, experience not required. Ap ply 513 Abington bldg. TWO very desirable bungalows, just com pleted; price $2350 each; $70O cash, bal ance in monthly Installments. These are snaps. AJ 76, Oregonian. I HAVE quarter block In business center will lease for term of years to anyone who will erect building. THOMAS M'CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. LIQUOR STORE and saloon, doing fine bllSinftn nn A nf th hat Xrxfa tlir.. In v. city; if you are in the market. look at this ono. K. & W., 26 Hamilton bldg. A WE'L-ESTABLISHED restaurant doing an excellent business ; long lease ; low rent. For sale at a sacrifice; owner going East. Call 124 W. Park. WANTED Experienced man or woman with small capital, as partner for experienced woman with capital, to start delicatessen in A-l location. AB SO, Oregonian. CASH GROCERIES W-s have several, rang ing In price from $500 to $1750. Call and get particulars at 523 Lumber Exchange. STRAIGHT BUSINESS. Grocery store at Invoice. Sales $55, rent $33 month, including 5-room modern fiat. T 68, Oregonian. PRODUCE) commission, safe, reliable busi ness; partner wanted with $1500; references required. Call 248 Stark st. FOR EXCHANGE A fine music business for land in Oregon or California. Call at SS North 3d and Flanders. PARTNER in well-located restaurant; have other business to look after. Call at - 92 6th st. MILLINERY establishment for sale; well-established trade: a snap; owner leaving city. G 73, Oregonian. 60-ROOM house, all full, furnace heat, clearing $250 per month. $4800; cash; a snap. X 72, Oregonian. BAKERY, for sale cheap. In country; all cash trade, no competition. M 70, Ore gonian. ONE-HALF interest In real estate business; chance; office central location; $230 cash. O 7X Oregonian. ONE-HALF interest in best-paying busi ness in city. Price $2100 cacih. AG 75, Oregonian. WANTED A good sawmill, 20M to 30M ca pacity per day. Address p. W. P. & K. X Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. CONTRACTOR and builder wants partner; $500 up; Coast references. AE 7, Ore gonian. WANTED Two $500 Omaha Home Tele phone bonds In exchange for one $1000 will give bonus. AE 73, Oregonian. MILLINERY store for sale or trade for real estate. Price can be arranged to suit. AE 74, Oregonian. SMALL foundry and machine shop for sale near Portland. C 70, Oregonian. ' GENTLEMAN to learn chlropodv and go in as partner. 250 Alder. Room 8. BARBER SHOP or location for sale. Call today, 1S3 Columbia st. GROCERY store, best corner in town, cash trade, clean stock. 272 Stark st. SAL(ON Partner wanted; pays big. little cah required. Call 248 tark st. WANTED Lady partner in restaurant. $35 buys bait interest. AK 83, Oregoaiao. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTEL FOR LEASE. The Hotel Hermiston will be leased on - most liberal terms to right party. The , hotel and furniture are comparatively new. A large dining-room, office, sample room, 20 bedrooms and large dormitory, etc. Hermiston is the metropolis of the Government Umatilla irrigation project, and Is growing rapidly. Address MAXWELL LAND & IRRIGATION CO.. HERMISTON. -OREGON. $2800 FINE 24-room house, can be used for either roomers or boarders, modern, clean, up to date, fine income over ex penses, A-l location, tease. $4-000 Fine apartment-house, all rented. $9000 70-room house in choice part of town, steam heat, modern all thiough, every rcom rented. $SO0 13-room house, A-l location, good income, nice home, cheap. $1000 18 rooms, choice location, part cash, part exchange acreage. Call 307 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? 20-room apartment-house, finely furnished in oeat part or city and doing a fine busi ness; net profit for part, month was $125. Will trade for house and lot of equal value. Better investigate this at once. DEVLIN & FIREBAL'GH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE. LEADING- HQTEL AT LONG BEACH, WASH. Over 15 per cent profit on investment; a bargain; hotel, dining-room and saloon, arranged so that they can be rented sep arately; net profits about $1800 a season; everything In running shape; choicest Mock on the beach ; price, $ 11,000. Ad dress P. O. Box 93, Long Beach, Wash. BARBER SHOP for sale or will trade for miprovea property or timber land; this shop is nrst-class in -every particular, with baths and 6 chairs. In a good town, do ing good business, long lease, cheap rent and fine location; will give trial; good reasons for selling; don't ask unless you, have something good or mean business. Address C 72, Oregonian. X HAVB nothing for sale for something, and you can make monev nut nf it t nun convince you. Requires all your time. If jvu nave ianeu in tne past, by misrepre sentations, try this and in doing so. gain thereby. $350 wanted. Have you got it? Ca 11 Will E- Purdy Investment Com cany. 250 3d st. . A BEAUTIFUL bungalow on the Easi Side; 5 rooms and bath, beamed ceiling In the dining-room, cement basement and fur- . acre or grouna, magnificent view, 1 block frona the carline ; owner leaving the CltV. must sail nl nnpo A T T T -goniau. SIX HUNDRED FEET WIDE. Enormous copper vein discovered ; being developed night and day; your opportunity at last to turn dimes into dollars; write quick for facts. BIG VEIN COPPE5R COMPANY. One West 34th St., New York City. $2500 BUYS cash business paying $300 per month net; investigation will prove it perfectly safe Investment ; Impossible to lose; may exchange for acreage or house and lot. H. Land is. 250 Alder at.. Room 7. WANTED A good man with some money for a ground-floor proposition; will double in 90 days. COME TO THE OFFICE. 7 and 8 Com'l Club Bldg., 5th and OAk Sts. MODERN dental office, outfit and two op erating rooms, all new within 5 years; will sell at catalogue prices and stay with purchaser until August 1, 1909; reason , for selling, leaving state. 614 Oregonian bldg. THE best little drugstore In city; fine corner, very low rental; postal substation; no com petition; established trade and getting bet ter every day; a sure money-maker for a druggist; $2500 takes It. AB 79, Ore gonian. ROOMS! ROOMS! ROOMS! 7 rooms, nicely furnished; full all the time; owner going to Alaska; these rooms are close In ; come and see for yourself. Room 200. Rothchild Bldg. 4th and Wash Sts. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property, a millinery stock, also hosiery, underwear and notions; will sell for invoice price; cause, ill health. Address box 87, Rainier. Or. IF YOU want to double your money In 90 days. Investigate our proposition. COME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY, 7 and S Com'l Club Bldg., 5th and Oak Sts. IN 90 days you can double your money: in vestigate. COME TO THE OFFICE NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY", 7 and 8 Com'l Club Bldg., 5th and Oak Sts. GROCERY STORE doing good business; will sell stock, fixtures and delivery outfit for $1350. or invoice. Rent $15 per month with lease. Romlg & Abbott, 326 Wash ington st. HALF interest In fine restaurant, central location; on account of other Interests owner wants partner who can take in the cash and look after the business. For par ticulara see C. S. Woods, 411 Corbett bldg GOOD PAYINO RESTAURANT. Centrally located; will sell one-half In terest as I have other business interests to look after; a golden opportunity to right party. Address AB 88. Oregonian. BAKERY Delicatessen; If you want some thing good, taking in more taan $J5 daily, for Just a little money, do not fail to see this. For particulars call 013 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT. Restaurant, centrally located, doing a' fine business; my time is taken up with other business. For further Information address X 80. Oregonian. POOLROOMS AND CIGAR STANDS Best location in city, low rent and lease; little cash will handle. Anything you want in this line call today 721 Board of Trade ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 201-2 Merchants Trust Bldg.. 328 Washington, S. W. Cor. Sixth St. WANTED Party to open barber shop, also cafe In connection, new Seward Hotel When completed will be swelleet hotel in city. Seward. 455 Alder. WANTED Office man with capital to take interest in well-established fuel business will stand investigation. Address AB 83 Oregonian. 10 SHARES of Campbell's Automatic Gas Burner stock for sale. Make me an ofTer Will do business if reasonable, i, 767 Ore gonian. IF YOU can loan employer $1200 on good security and have business tact, you can get a good permanent situation. AC 81. Oregonian. MEAT MARKET, long established, owner no butcher, $500; includes horse, wagon guarantee $125 month; Investigate thor oughly. Main 570S. HAVE $300 Portland Home Telephone bonds; no stock ; will take $270. 602 Swetland bldg. phone Main 8582. THE only bakery and confectionery in town close to Portland. $700. Inquire 20O Commonwealth bldg. ICE CREAM, confectionery, cigar, pool room business, $20 per day; snap if sold at once, phone Main 2199. DELICATESSEN in desirable locality, doing . business of $20 per day; fully equipped. j Particulars, room 523 Lumber Exchange, MACHINE SHOP partner wanted ; machinist preferred. Particulars, room 523 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY, confectionery and cigar store fine location, low rent, owner leaving city." deal with owner and save commission. 307 3d st $2000 CASH will buy interest in most profitable business connected with mov Ing pictures. N 78, Oregonian. FOR SALE Small grocery and lunch coun ter. West Side; good ice cream corner Main 7998. RELIABLE man desires partnership in established-legitimate business. S 74. Oreeo nlan. A COMMERCIAL hotel furniture and lease for sale, in Willamette Valley: no agents Box 399. Cottage Grove, Or. SALOON on good corner; 3 -years lease. cheap. AD 57, Oregonian. A GOOD comer saloon for sale cheap Port land Brewing Co.. 20th and Upshur.' STEAM cleaning and dye works. East Side stand investigation. F 69. Oregonian. " FINE city location for practical druggist or grocer with $1500 604 Dekum. CIGAR STAND, lease, good location, quick sale, $250. 272 Stark st. M FIRST-CLASS, well located hardware atore for sale. Call 1019 Board of Trade. SMALL restaurant and lease, good business. AJ bl, Oregonian. BCSENKSS CHANCES. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS? We have the swelleet, best money-making groceries In town; will sell at invoice price; big money-making confectionery store on busiest street in city; will invoice; some fine propositions on swell hotels, restau rants and rooming-houses; we want you to investigate through Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 Washington st. 22 ROOMS, good brick, everything made as good as new, good new furniture, low rent and a good lease; located on West Side, convenient to business; running full all the time; owner must sell on account of sickness and will make easy terms; clears more than $175 per month; will pay for itself; in 8 months; no reasonable offer refused. Call 513 Chamber of Com merce. CARPENTER SHOP We can show you a . fine place, with a great deal of excellent material, also $300 worth of made-up goods which, with the material, is worth, more than $400; owner is old, sick and un able to work, and must sell; will sell right now for $250. This is a big opportunity, as will appear by a thorough Inspection. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce, IF TOTJ WANT TO BUY" OR SELL A BUSI NESS CALL ON W. H. DUDLEY & CO.. 311 STEARNS BLDG., COR. 6TH AND MORRISON. MAIN 3039. ENTIRE or part interest abstract plant, in surance and loan agency, town 10 OftO, county 35,000. Address Box 397, Eugene. Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. BIDS FOR BONDS INVITED. Notice le- hereby given, that the Common ( Council of the city of Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of coupon bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, or any part thereof, up to the hour of 6 o'clock P. M.. of June 10, 1909. Said bonds shall be in denominations of one thousand dollars each, drawing Interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, payable eemi-annually, principal and Interest payable in United States gold coin at soma place to be agreed upon be tween said city and the purchaser, and shall be due in 20 years after their date, redeemable after 10 years from said date. Said bonds are eold under and by virtue of the authority of the charter of said city. adopted December 14. 1907, to gether with additional authority con ferred by a special election held in said city on April 24, 1909. All bids for said bonds should be sealed, directed to the Recorder of said city and shall have plainly indorsed thereon the words "Bids for Joseph Water Bonde." The right is reserved by the Common Council of said city to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council. Dated Joseph, Or.. May- 3. 1909. Augustine White. Recorder of the City of Joseph. NOTICE, SALE OF BONDS Sealed bids will be received by the Treasurer of Clarke County, Washington, up to Saturday, May 15. 1909. at 10 o'clock A. M.. for the pur chase of bonds of School District No. 6, Clarke County. Washington for th pur pose of funding warrant indebtedness and building a new schoolhouse. Amount of bonds, $35,000, payable 20 years after date, with interest not to exceed 6 per cent per annum, payable annually. Bonds to be issued In denominations of $1000 each. The District reserves the right to re deem all or any of said bonds at any time after five years from date thereof. Principal and interest to be paid at the office of the County Treasurer In Van couver. Clarke County. Washington. Bid ders are required to name the price and rate of interest at which they will pur chase said bonds and to furnish same. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Blda to be in closed in sealed envelopes and frnarked "Proposal for bids for School District No. 6." Dated this 21st day of April, 1009. FRANK EICHENLAUB. Treasurer of Clarke County, Washington. 1EALED BIDS will be received at the School Clerk's office. City Hall, up to 12 o'clock noon on Frlflay, May 14, 1908, for the construction of the Glencoe School building, etc ; separate bids will be re ceived as follows, viz.: 1st, plumbing and drainage; 2d, painting, etc; 3d, glass and glazing; 4th, the balance of all the work shown on the plans and mentioned in the specifications will be done under one contract. Plans and specifications for the same can be seen at the architect's office, 334 East Third street. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the pro posal must accompany each bid. The board af directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. T. J. Jones, architect. GRAIN DOCK. FOR RENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 4 o'clock P. M., May 10, 1909, for the lease of all or part of the up per -deck of the new St. John city dock, di mensions 120x540 feet, 440 feet ' inclosed; 14 feet floor to beams. Bids to be accom panied by certified check in the amount of $500, payable to the city of St. John, Or., conditioned that the bidder shall within 30 days from the acceptance of his bid and conditions enter into in good faith arrange ments for use and occupancy of said dock. Right reserved to reject any and all bids and read vert I se for same. Address A. M. Esson, Recorder of the city of St. John Or SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned, at his office at the County Courthouse, until 10 A. M. June 9th, 1909, for the sale of the County Poor Farm, situated on the Canyon road, and adjoin ing the western boundary line of the City of Portland, containing 202 acres, about 177 acres lying north of the Canyon road and about 25 acres' lying south of the Canyon road. Bids should state the price offered per acre, with the terms desired, and will be received for that portion lying north and south of the Canyon road sep arately, or for the whole tract. The coun ty reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. S. Fields, County Clerk. OFFICE of Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or., May 7, 19o9 Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock P. M.. June 4, 1909. and then publicly opened for the ex tension of branch water and sewer lines and board walke at Fort Stevens, Or. Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full information furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for construction," and addressed to the Constructing Quarter master. Fort Stevens, Or. Miaee Han eo uB- PROSPECTUS PREPARED. On scientific principle. If you wish your business attractively written to merit pub lic response, the facts must be clearly and scientifically arranged in terse and forcible language. We are expert specialists NATIONAL, ORGANIZATION COMPANY. P. O. Box 630. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Paeiflo Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade FINANCIAL. Honay to Lean. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder St. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on real estate security. Loewenson Broa, 105 Sherlock bldg. $7000 TO LOAN on West Side real, estate; private party. A 79. Oregonian. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jeweiry. Marx A Bloch, 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on real estate security. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerlinger bldg. Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. JE. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 c C LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collator al security. C. W- Pallet t, 304 Fenton bldg. QUICK losns on all securities 8. W. King 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY to loan on improved city property. Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester blk. PARTY wants to loan $3000 in amounts. M 71, Oregonian. MONEY loaned on real estate mortcam n contracta W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bids l LOAN for the asking, salary or chatet The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate HAVB client with $500 to loan. C. E. jatner. 430 Worcester bldg. MONEY to loam on real estate. 824 Board of Trade -bldg. $1200 TO loan on first mortgage. Fletcher, 225 ANY amount, on gilt-edge inside property at 7 MONEY to loan on real estate security: tin hnium Untn I FUY bank accounts, bonds, mortgages, etc FINAJSCIAX. Money to JLomn. . $$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY ON SHORT NOTICE. If you need ready cash and want to bor row privateiy w Uncut delay or red tape methods HERE IS THE PLACE to make a loan on your jewelry, diamonds, pianos and furniture (without removal). Storage receipts, life insurance policies, and on all valuable collaterals. WE BUI First and second mortgages and contracts. This company is organized with Eastern, capital for the purpoo of loaning money at reasonable rates to those whom banks will not accommodate. You can arrange to repay in weekly or monthly eay pay ments at the lowest and best rates In the city. All business strictly confidential. Call or nhi.rirt liin '?nsi ! U. S. REAL ESTATE Ac BROKERAGE CO. wm J.a .Hamilton Blag., 131 3d st. $$$$$$$$ HUTTON CREDIT CO., " 512 Dekum bldg. We are the only company In the city of Portland organized under the laws of the State of Oregon loaning money on furni ture, pianos . without rmovaij. warehouse receipts, etc. Loans of $10 to $100. may be obtained from us on short notice and at a very small cost to the' borrower on our new monthly installment plan. Payments to uit your convenience. Our equal payment plan includes all ex penses. No charges taken out in advance. Our offices are equipped to handle a large clientage with strict privacy and without embarrassment. - BUTTON CREDIT CO.. ' 512 Dekum bldg. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! ' LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. . f CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON YOUR SALARY. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No SECURITY. EVERY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. CALL, TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO., 3u8 FAILING BLDG. HOURS 8 A, M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance pol icies, salaries, and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. 416 Abington Bldg. MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary; best s stem for railroad, streetcar employee, mechanics and others. F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 2Su Washington St. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur ity ; cheapest rates, easiest payments ; of fices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. 1QLA1AN, aii Lumber Exchange Bldg. On improved city property or for building purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progreuas. Tna Equitabie. 2d and Stark a is TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 0 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL CO. 809-310 Abington Bldg. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bldg. Money on installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds ana Jewelry at reasonable imprest for long or snort time. A & M- Deiovajte, Jewelers, 2U Washington C $500,000 on improved city or farm property, building or smail loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. 11. McKiui. Co.. 514-15-16 Gerlinger bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan on A-l real estate security in amount as follows : $12,uuo, $5000, $20UO. 150O, $1200, $1000, $oOU, $5U0. Inquire at 515 Gerlinger bldg. TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good real estate security at low rate of interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 6 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. TO loan on city property at 8 per cent, amounts varying from $-00 to $1500. Ben Kiesland, 410 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty; furniture, jeweiry, norses, mort gages bought. E. Pierce, 31o Alisky bldg. LOANS on real estate and ail kinds of per sonal eecurity. W. A. Haia-way, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 3U2. IMMEDIATE LOANS from $5 to $500 on all securities. kC I. Eckerson & Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655. WBt BUY foreign money, gold dust,- Title Guarantee, Oregon Trust bank account. Lewis St Co.. 251 Washington st. MONEY to loan by private party on Im proved property ; no commission. AG 74f Oregonian. $12,000 TO LOAN on city property at 7 per cent. C. . L. Bamberger, DOS Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. GENTLEMAN in touch with capital, wishes to know of first-class proposition where large sum is wanted. AG 78, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS at CURRENT RATES. STRONG it CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 605 Concord Bldg $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. lieck. S12 i' ailing bldg. Loans Wanted. WANTED $2500 at 8 per cent on a good 61 -acre farm, near Portland, for 3 or 5 years; best of security. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. $5000 WANTED by private party on new, modem 4-flat building, income $105 per month, 3 to 5 years, 8 per cent. 1 AB 86, Oregonian. f WISH to borrow $1200 for 3 years, first mortgage real estate security. Address Chas. Cassel, 461 E. Burnside st., or call after 6 P. M. WANTED $4000 for one to three years; ample improved real estate security. In quire Dieiz-Mueller Co., 316 Abington bldg. IF YOU can loan employer $1200 on good se curity and have business tact, you can get a good permanent situation. AC bl, Oregonian. $12,500 for 3 months, good personal se curity and liberal bonus. AG 80. Orego nian. LOA.N WANTED I have Improved farm worth $6000 to secure $2000 for 2 years at 8 per cent; no agents. AG 77. Oregonian. WE want 7 per cent money for building pur poses and other first mortgage security. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerlinger bldg. WANT to borrow $700 for 2 o 3 years on fine West Side residence property ; will pay 7 per cent. Address X 81, Oregonian. WANTED $1500 at 8 per cent on Improved quarter block in choice residence locality, value $3500. AH 82, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $800 on house and 2 lots, city property, 2 years, 8 per cent interest; no agents. AE 89, Oregonian. WANTED $10C0 loan on house and lots worth $2650; East Side. 737 Chamber" Com merce. GILT-EDGE. 3-year mortgage for sale. $800 ; 7 per cent per annum. 413 Sacra mento st. and Union av. 6 AND 7 per cent mortgage loans on city property; no commission, sol it loom, 63a Chamber commerce. WANTED A loan of $2000 on a 6-room new house in Holladay Park. A 76, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Mortgage of $2250, 7 per cent, 3 years, property worth $4500. S 77, Ore gonian. WANTED $17,000 at 6 per cent; No. 1 security given; no agents; commission. A 80. Oregonian. $5000 Portland Home Telephone bonds for sale. Make offer. AL 79. Oregonian. WANTED $1600 on improved city property worth $5000; no agents. V 70, Oregonian. PEKtfONAL. LADY 27, worth $20,000, would marry; strictly confidential. R,, box 35, Cor. League. Toledo, O. HAVE on tried Mrs. Bennett's pies and butter finger doughnuts? CORNS, bunions, moles, . warts, removed by Dr. Nelson. 250 Alder. Main 7366. MARRIED women send 2c stamp valuable information- Lock-box 32o. Portland. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people: circu'ar 10c 229 1st st BALM OF FIGS for all female disease. 660 Glisan st. Main 9215. Agents wanted. HIGHEST price paid for combings end cut fcair Portland Bazaar, 409 Morrison ftKSO.NAL MARRIAGEABLE ladies and gentlemen, ail ages, want correspondents; many wealthy; why live alone? Send us only 25c (.silver or stamps) tor 35 complete names and ad dresses of either sex so you can write di rect without further charges. Your money refunded if dissatisfied. Guarantee Bureau, Box oUL, Portland, Or. - IS your life worth the price? No doubt, for Sexine Pills mak weak men and women strong, and cost only $1 a boS of 20 days' treatment, or $5 for 6 boxes, with full guarantee for all forms of nerve weak ness. Address or call. The J. A. Clemen son Drug Co.. cor. Front and Morrison ts., Portland, Or. SWEDISH trained nurse, liaising lore gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 1 1 th st. one door from Eut Aaltcay car. Phone East 240. Horn B lbuft. DR MARY LEWIS. Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats women and children exclusively; hospital accommodations; no charge for examination. Main 4047, A 2411. 504 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdressing. manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of h'iir goods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. WOULD you marry if suited? Matrimonial - paper, containing hundreds advertisements . marriageable people from all sections, . Tlch, poor, young, old. Protestants. Catho lics, mailed sealed free, O. M. Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. WORKING man. about 40. good habits, health and looks, desires acquaintance of working girl. 25 oi 30 years old. who is all alone; object marriage, if suited; cor respondence strictly confidential. AK 64, Oregonian. LADIES Ask your druggists for Chlch esters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known a s the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other Chichesters. Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. MADAM A. A. LUCKEY. face and scalp treatments. Full line of electric treat ments, bath and massage; positive results in mental healing. 401-2-3 Columbia bldg., W'est Park and Washington. Main 201L DR. ALICE A- GRIFF. Diseases of . women and calldren. ' No charge for consultation. Room iu. Grand Theater bldg., Washington and Park sls. Main 3928, A 5007. A STRANGER of good appearance would oe pleased to meet a lew jadies matri monially inclined; give full description; all . correspondence confidential. V 7b, Oregonian. READ THIS Have your old hats made over; low prices; order work; cleaning feathers, tinting, trimming a specialty; high-class designing, 227 Wash., Room ATTENTION Superfluous hair, moles, etc.. re. moved by the electric needle; permanent cure; lady operator: nhvsicians' references: parlors. 170 loth st.. near Morrison. Phone Al. tt7. istabllsbed 1894. YOUNG MAN of good appearance wishes to meet young lady or widow between 20 and 21; give phone number; strictly confi dential; object matrimony. P 75, Orego nian. INK, INK Make it yourself ; easily made and Inexpensive; black, red, green, yel low, etc.; directions 25c. The Frederick Co., 388 Benton st., Portland. WANTED Room and board in widow' fam ily; have some furniture; refined widower as witn Doy o; shipping clerk in Mfg. Co. G 71, Oregonian. DR. WALKER, specialist, quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin diseases, sores, uiosrs, swollen glands, kidney, blad- aer ana pnes. isi 1st St., Porta ana, or. MARRIAGE paper, highest character; incor porated; 13th year; 5000 members; paper sealed; send 10c. R.' E. Love, box 16U0, Denver, Colo. H. S. S. Return papers found In suit case aeuverea ny mistake rrom Co i man dock. Seattle, and no further questions will be atitea. DESIRABLE) company found for lonely people, either sex; 500 to select from; photos on file; circular 10c. Portland In troducing Bureau. 316 Alisky bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. SI. 50 month keeps your clothed cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u9 Stark. Alice Boothby Institute of Electrical Heal ing. All diseases of men, women and chil dren treated. Suite 15 the Milner bldg., 350 Morrison st. Phone A 2578. FOUNDS Place where special attention is given remodeling of hats by up-to-date trimmers. English Correct Millinery, 331 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. Mm Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformation corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. ALFALFA BLOSSOM, a very pleasant and effective remedy for female trouble. Lady physician. Room 17 Hamilton bldg. USE Bassett's, the Original Native H-arbs for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tablets for 25c. in black boxes, at all druggists. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual scientist. 312 Alisky bldg. M. 2835. Daily 9 A- M. to 8 P. M. Wed. meeting at 8. MARRY RICH Big list of descriptions and photos sent free, sealed. Address Standard Cor. Club, Box 607, Gray slake, 111. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum; prompt relief, confidentiaL - 170 3d st. Main 8770. DR. PIERCE, epeclalhit, diseases of women; all Irregularities corrected, drugless system, no exposure. Call or write 316 Alisky bldg! LOST powers restored oy Dr. T-orens Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy, 28U Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 5th, EL1SE M. BEUTZ.EN Beauty parlors. No. 406 Merchants Trust Bldg., 6th and Wash ington sts. Formerly with L. 6. Frakes. 6EXOID A marvellous cure for weakness in men; money returned if it fails; nrice $1. T. J. Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg. MISS GEORGIA LA PETITE and assistants, tub and shower baths, massage, electric treatments. 320 Wash., suite 303. M. 6020 EGYPTIAN perfume; exceptionally good; sample 10c. The Frederick Co., 388 Ben ton, Portlan d. LEOLA CHAMBERS, manicuring and scalp treatments. Room 5, 323 Wash. st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M D. Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. M 3473. LADY S barber shop now open at 183 Co lumbia at., in depot building. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS &, CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6507. As sayers and Analysts. Welle & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and acKayers. 2u4 Washing torn st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 50b0. PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work, lho Morrison at,. Attorneys at Law. H. H. RIDDELL. atty-at-law, 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3531. 6. T. JEFFREYS. 2o8 Fenton bldg.. 15 years practice in Oregon, 8 years Ala&ka. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471 A 4544. Chiropody. DR. FLETCHER, the painless foot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without danger of infection; lady assistant; up-to-date mani curing and shampooing and facial and scalp massage. 305 Alisky bldg. Main 8762. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger biig., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. MISS ETHEL WARD, chiropodist and mani curist. Suite 14, 386 Washington. A 4005, Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HIIL , room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. Tilford bldg., R. 2o4. 10th and Mor. Carpet Cleaning: (Sanitary). J. Hunter &' Co., maitressea and feathers ren ovated, carpets refitted, etc, M. 214, A 4415. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rag rupa woven. Northwest Rug Wort, 153 Union ave. East 3580. B 1280. Collections. We collect everywhere; general law. Inter- state Adjustment Co., 5vl Gerlinger bldg. CommtsMion Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com-, mission merchants: Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Court Reporter. GEORGE H. Dl'FUR, 608 Corbett bldg. Offi cial reporter 11th Judicial Diet. M. 3004, ,, SUN SOON H VI B CO. Silks, mattings, ruflw, fancy goods. 70 6ttu Dancing. Ringler's Academy. Absolute sat Iff act toe or money refunded. Lessons 50c. 3? E, Mar. Educational ENGINEERING Civil, eiectncal, mechantw al. survey, assay, cyanide; established 1864. Van der Naillon School, 51st and Tele ' graph. Oakland. CaL LACE'S Preparatory School of Pharmacy, 14$ 2d st.. Portland, Or. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Peed Stores. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce- ment. shlnglea. 294 Grand ave. E 482. Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny st. Phone Main 2402. DR. E. W. HAGYARD. graduate Ontario Veterinary College; office Exposition bldg., 19th and Wash. Main 1077; Res. Main 122. - In vestments. NOTICE. If you have oil shares In any company -operating in the California oil fields, write me Immediately. I leave for a visit to ' these fields in a few days, and will give you valuable information on my return re garding your stock. Address AM 72, Ore-J gonian. Leather and findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mf rs. findings. , " J. A STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 1S9 Front st. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete Installations. strong Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th. 53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot. Mining. ANOTHER very rich gold discovery. Sure to make big dividends for investors; absolute . ground floor offering on limited allotment of treasury stock. Write for free infor mation today. Old Glory Mining Com pany. Grants Pass. Or. Musical. SPECIAL on Saturdays, regular 25c sheet music, 10 and 15c; Kohler's Studies, 15c; new stock of violins 1-3 off regular prices. H. Anderson Music Co., 190 3d st. ' - EMIL THIELHORX, violin teacher. pupU of Sevcik. A 4160. Pine 334. Main 3045. M. C. Smith, teacher of piano, 432 Salmon st. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. . Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg., Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349. res. E. 102$. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. B. BEACH & CO., pioneer paint store glaes and glazing, 135 1st st. Main 1334. . . RASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils,., glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Painting and Paperhanglnr. . H. P. CHRISTENSEN CO., wall paper, paint ing, tinting, decorating. 7th and Alder. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R.. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMER. pension and patent at- ' torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. ' Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at ' Portland. Office 402-3-4 Worcester block- -, WARREN Construction Co., street paving1; side walks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex. Public Stenographer. D. S. DUFUR, 405 Abington bldg. Phones " Main 5037. A 5336: residence, B 1584. MISS R. I. YOUNG, 436 Chamber of Com merce. Phones, Main 6259, A 262L Restaurants. . RICHARD S GRILL, latest New York style of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor. Park. - DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Dlebold 66 3d st. Bargains in 2d-hand safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safe at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase co., 6th and HovL n Lutke, Mgr. " THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store 'and office' fixtures. 28 Couch st. Main 2703. Roofing. OLYMPIC Roofing Co., 820 Cham, of Com i damp-proofing and repairing. M. 3010, A 4226 Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P r C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407." Stove. STOVES connected and repaired. 614 Front. Main 1110. Signs, FOSTER Ac KLEISER, SIGNS. The largest sign-makers in the North-, west, , 5th and Everett sts. Phone Private exchange 5. Home A 1155. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick warehouse,, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for' valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. .Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1996. OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed ,for snipment. 209 Oak st., bet. Front and 1st. . Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 1984, Main 1618. , , Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonian bldg.; ladies, days, men nights. Main 1938, A 1938. Typewriters. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type- writer concern on this Coast; Investigate ; . ail makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex-, change. 287 Washington st. SPECIAL prices: all makes rented, sold, re-f paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 140T. , Wood and CoaL CORD WOOD, SHORT WOOD, SLAB 1 WOOD. We sell FULL MEASURE and deliver . promptly all grades of wood for fuel, any . length stfeks delivered In any quantity. Best old growth fir. oak and ash; alsor' second growths and other cheaper grades. Si a b wood cut in a dry log mill and bo., never been water-soaked. Knots for furnace use WESTERN LUMBER & FUEL COMPANY. . Woodyard at 287 East Morrison st. P hose East 26, B 1026. H Lumber yard at Monta villa. Tabor 16. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. ' TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK I NO . BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; CAFKTY DEPOSIT VAULTS. sssasseBSBii-B-ssss G3106.0 -BBS--SS----MeSS--BBB----