The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 25, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Complete Hooseff urmshiers
aurnd Eoterior Decorators
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Wearing Apparel-
i " : : i .- : 1
i . i .
In thc?j we are showing a wide selec
tion of distinctive styles in mull, ba
tiste and Persian lawn, richly orna
mented with the newest and dain
tiest hand ' embroideries and inser
tion of Irish and Cluny lace. Smart
Empire Gowns the hipless models
are shown in light blue, pink, white
and lavender. Our" excellent display
of Lingerie Dressesand the individ
uality of every style commands the
attention of womenofgood taste
Priced from $6.95 up. 1
mnairt Tailored Smmfc
Including also the three-piece styles in all the latest fabrics
plain and fancy weaves. The newest shades of imported
French serges black and white checks and Sicilians, with
superior quality peau de cygne linings. In the two-piece suits
the prices range from $25.00 to $50.00. The three-piece
styles from $50.00 up.
The Cloak and Suit Section announces their first complete
showing of these strictly-tailored skirts. Some styles aro
plain trimmed with self-fold and pearl buttons. Other models
are plain gored with insertions of embroidery. These new
garments priced from $5.50 up. t
Waslh Suits
In the new long, graceful waist line effects
cleverly trimmed with piped straps and
buttons. Also strictly tailored garments in
all -the popular colors pink, blue, natural,
lavender, coral and white. These practical
garments are perfectly finished and the
varied assortment of attractive stvlesin
sures pleasing selection and perfect fit. In
price these suits range" from ?6.0Q to
$25.0O. The Cloak and Suit Section
Main Floor.
Qoldeim Oak Rockers Specially Priced
Eight designs in the golden oak will be marked considerably less than regular value in
Monday s and Tuesday's special sale. They are all attractive and comfortable pieces high
and low back styles-saddle-seat pattems-with plain and fancy back panels and artisticallv
turaed posts, legs and arm supports. The variety displayed in these eight designs will
enable satisfactory selection to be made of a comfortable and attractive rocker
al 5l 11' SPf ?a &t, So 2? f7'00 ak docker, special at . .
fl'ifl Oak Rocker, special at $3.75 $6.25 Oak Rocker, special at
7 S ollk SL ?' SPGC a a! S5i5 $a0 ak Hocke1' special at '.
$.o0 Oak Rocker, special at $4.35 $8.40 Oak Rocker special at
aggestioos From tlbe
Drapesry Deipairtmeot
A" extensive showing of newest drapery materials suit
able for bungalow, cottage and Summer home.
Bungalow Cloths for windows and doors in all shades
fast colors from 60 to $1.75 yard.
Fancy Nets, in white, ivory and Arabian tints, for odd
size windows from 35 to $1.25 yard.
Scotch Madras, in white, ecru and other shades fast
colors from 50 to $1.75 yard.
Plain Nets, in all tints and widths from 45 to $2.00 yd.
Fancy Edgings, Insertions and Galoons to match all Nets
from 2 to $2.00 yard.
Mew Dresser
Desigos io tlhe
Malhogaimy and
Golden Oak
The finest in workmanship, material
and - finish in the medium grade
dressers and chiffoniers that we
have ever displayed on our floors.
These new and stylish bedroom
pieces are all shown in the popular
and practical dull finish in. the mahogany and golden oak.
Plainness of design is strongly featured in this line. Drawer
fronts and tops are perfectly matched. Base fronts in square
and oval shapes. Drawers all fitted with the artistic wood
knobs. Dressers and Chiffoniers in patterns to match. In
V JVe- are SnowiriS a very attractive Dresser at
Jjsis.uu; Chiffonier to match at $31.00
; ' I
dS offered in this two-
hogany. These are all indium ST tZnd ' he ak and the ma"
wide lower shelves and magazine teTdons To 1 wers-some designs having extra
ineXe "
fl3 gi& in golden SfcgSS ' $? ble in mahogany-special . .$21.50
$22.50 Table in golden oak-spec al $15 M lt m 6 ? gany-special . .$23.50
$22.50 Table in mahogany-special $lS.SS ? T?h e S oaksP 1 - 923.75
$48.00 Table in golden D!ijlf .70" aksPeciaL $25-5
1 I " - .
k Special Sale
Go -Car lbs
ill SSWIW'pC Twelve samPle patterns selected
fpll!llflll!ll from our last season's line 'of
iMPiBttJ Children's Veliicles the go-cart
and folding go-cart models all
Mj stvIes in the ood and reed
Vlll-" Dodies dependable in gear and
XLQ construction. These we have
marked at such an unusual reduction from the regular as to
prove opportune to those who are prepared to make selection
at this time. Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
16.00 Folding Go-Cart, with enameled wood body parasol
$9.90 Folding Go-Cart with enameled wood body special. $6.75
$17.00 Go-Cart with upholstered seat and back special '. 9.50
$29.00 Go-Cart, with green fiber body and parasol special . . '. $950
119.50 Folding Go-Cart, with enameled wood body and uphol
stered in leather cloth ; parasol-special . . $9 75
$21.00 Folding Go-Cart with enameled wood body and uphol-
stered in leather cloth; parasol special ; ...$10 95
$40.00 Red Go-Cart upholstered in tan corduroy special '. $15.50
$40.00 Go-Cart with white enameled wood body and parasol
special SIR -
$34.00 Go-Cart with black enameled wood body 'ami parasol '
spei'ial 4 $17 00
$34.00 Go-Cart. with brown enameled body and parasol i special 81775
$3d.00 Go-Cart with black enameled body and parasol-special $18.75
offers Sthf RfTTSday S Speial SellinS the Carpet Dept.
o IZa r! standa.rd room size the seamless Brussels Rug
a good quality ru& in a variety of designs and color combina
tions rarely obtainable in tins class of goods. These ruS are
woven without seams and are well adapted to dinin-room
and chamber use. Sell regularly for $20 00 "
Mew Domestic Sewing Machine
IveerySic7e tTUl -nently the machine for the home
r "e Sini?le machle in wh eh you secure in a prac
tical raanner carefully studied out for simplieitv-for home useLX
two stitches-the chain and the lock stitches. In the steel used the nre
naX 1"' th.e fmty and adjuatabil tv of all moving
parts the New Domestic" stands alone. The line of these machines
shown m the Basement. Priced from $38.50 up. machines
Lawn Mowers Froro 33.5Q Up
In our line of Lawn Mowers we are showing the latest im
proved machines, with both the'plain and bali bearings per
fect cutters and easy-running 12-in., 14-in., 16-in. and 18-in
sizes high and low wheels. We ftffer a high-grade ball
bearing mower with high wheels and 16-inch cutter at $7.00.
The Basement Dept.
'pMMM Specials aim DrapOTy
vj i w . Am- m m i Ai
up-- -
Art Burlap in all colors 36 inches
wide special, varrl 10c
i, 1 ' - i .
Figured Taffeta 32 inches wide in rle-
.-Miciun. jjaiimns ana colors
quantities of from 3 yards to 18
yards regular 40c quality spe-
J alU. UC
, , . y hcib, an iiu.e, lvorv ana Arabian
colors 50 inches wide regular 75c to $1.25 values
special, per yard... 50
Bed Set Organdies in white, 54 in. and 72 in. wide
$1.00 and $1.25 values special, per yard.. 50
Imported Art Cretonne 32 in. wide--$l.2o values
quantities of from 6 yds. to 15 yds. special, yard. . 60
Scotch Madras 50 in. wide $1.25 to $1.50 values
lengths of from 5 yds. to 11 yds. special, per yd. . . 75f
aiseinnieot Speeasils
oodaiy - Tuesday
A. few items that will interest thrifty housekeepers:
Two sizes in wood Towel Rollers sp'l, 9 and 15
Self-wringing Hop special ....35
"Glass King" Wash Board special 3J
"Brass King".Wash Board special 39
The "Valley" Folding Clothes Rack 4-ft.
size special 55
Tlie "Valley" Folding Clothes Hack 5-ft.
size special . 67
Collapsible Clothes-Do'ing Rack special S1.25
F'olding "Wash Bench special ; $1.75
eCiraiy Ref rigeraiiboirs
Modern thought along sanitary lines and domestic science
are so emphasizing the important relation between pure food
and health that the McCray Refrigerator of 1909, which em
bodies all the latest improvements,- would hardly be recog
nized as of the same genus as the old-fashioned zinc-lined
"ice box." The McCray is the modem residence refrigerator
a high-class machine for the home being used today in
America's finest and most modern residences. Exterior case
work compares with that of the best.
"!TJl!LU'2nr - McCray patents-a principle that
rv,v,v,, ojoicm u.l veuuiation ana lood preservation We itp Tm-f
aerents of iht IVIV-rVav T?
f;;(Tflvo, - . :J vxuKit, caiven ror specially-constructed McCray Re
frigerators for residence and other purposes.
ryr-r if
New Styles Brass and
flroo Beds aod Cralbs
Displayed in our line of Brass Beds are a number of
the newest styles the plain square Mission effects and
the heavy round tube styles with large pst vases.
These handsome designs are shown in the favored satin
finish. In the Iron Beds are shown several new pat
terns in the rich Vernis Martin finish and also in the
popular combination of cream and gold. Many new
and attractive ornamental features are shown in these.
In both the Brass and Iron Cribs are to be seen the
same features in design and finish as in the larjrer beds.