TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, ATTTT O? -innr f ' : :L Aristocrats Are Coming 14th AND WASHINGTON PHONES MAIN I; A 1123 HEILIG Many Splendid Animals Entered for Dog Show Entries Close Tuesday. THREE NIGHTS ' - BEGINSINO TONIGHT 12th and PboQM Main 117 A 5360 Morrison streets THEATRE THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE SEASON PORT! STrl. Co. (Isr.) Lnwe. PORTTJLWS PASHIONABI.B POPIXAH-PRICE PUTHOCSB. "om- o the Incomparable Baker Stock Com p nay. JUULESMURRY. ALL WEEK, COMMENCING SUNDAY MATINEE, TODAY, APRIL 25, 1909 PRESENTS . IN WM. C. DEMILLES AND MARGARET TURN BULL'S NORMAN SACKET-T ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL COMEDIES FIRST TIME HERE IN MANY YEARS III I I i ti .wx i-i j ii tv 's k.4 'N fa m n t is i: fflsHHfSB wm THE - F---- -rb-d pggxnr; r a iiaaaaa I If 111 -1 qi ' O . I Ik . v'. 1 jfcfeiZ IJ I P.1- v,irriT'Tr'"'wT"rrr v, crcssz-y .kz?z?s h J ' v 1 " II J J . sMzy I Y I L " w W$ J . 'c :::5 - rf 2ssfZ: wwsp sstj-Ly 3i ,JZ"" v 5 CiKa J -7 Krl i-, ?VV 1 ' iv a f v - " -Kf"s x- .y-r,. ,,. - Interest among dog fanciers continues xo increase as the dates of the approach ing annual bench show of the Portland Kennel Club draw near, and many splendid specimens of thoroughbred dogs re being entered at the dTflco of the club at First and Washington streets. The date of the closing of entries' is Tuesday next, April 27, and no entries can be accepted after that date. It ' is important that all fanciers who intend showing their dogs in this year's show enter their dogs on or before Tuesday night. Fro1" Present appearances the entry list will be a large one, as not only many local dogs are being entered daily, but a number from California. Washing ton and British Columbia will also be on hand when the doors open May 5. The Tacoma show will open Wednes day and the entry list is large. As it is Tacoma'a initial show, much interest is being taken by all dog owners and lovers there to make it a big success. A num ber of Portland dogs will be shown there under the charge of Charles Campion, the well-known professional handler, and several Portland fanciers will visit the show to watch their favorites try for the Youthful Musical Genius Has Won Fame on Two Continents Mischa Elman. Russian Violinist, Plays With Uncanny Grace and Com manding Strength Will Appear Here in Concert May 10. "bluee." John Bradsrjaw, of San Fran cisco, will Judge all classes at Tacoma and will judge terrriers and some other breeds, including bulldogs, here, and Major J. M. Taylor, of New York, will Judge all sporting classes. The list of cups and special trqphies which will be offered at the' local bTiow comprises numerous and costly cups and will be ag handsome a lot of prizes as j s r v- ill iwri Ti ilMii dgM lilii imiii In i MISCHA ELMAN, VIOLINIST ? THE3 season of fcig musical events will formally close on Monday, May 10, with the appearance at the Hcilig Theater of the wonderful Russian violinist Mischa KlniHii. Of few years, slight stature and an almost uncanny grace, Elman is not only th sensation of two continents as a master of the violin, but as a colossus in the world of music as well. Before the magic that ho has in his fingers one stands nlmoot speechless. In the short rtnlA Af lit .. . . L-mi . . . v. i.iuiicint career 110 has I' had nearly all the adjectives heaped at nis ieet. ana all that is left for those who come, after the Gotham critics is but repetition. Klman has a broad, full. deep, sonorous tone of cello-like quality that puts him in a class by himself, and he is so young and can have felt so little of the great ' passions' of life, yet still the shadow of them, and their exaltation, are all pic tured In his playing. And last of all he has the Insight and depth and breadth of interpretation that are really more mar velous thun all else. It will be the musi cal event of many seasons, this concert by the sensation of the year. It is Port land's first opportunity to hoar him. Mall orders .will be received until May 6, if sent 1 wlta chuck or money order to Lois Steera- Wynn Coma.l. 50s Columbia building. The regular seat sale opens Friday morn ing. May 7, at the Heilig box-office. JOANOFARC By GRADUATING CLASS Of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY At Heilig Theater, 14th and Wash. Wednesday Evening, April 28 50 cents to all parts of Theater. Heats may be reserved, beginning Monday. April 26. MAIL ORDERS From Portland and out of town will be Died In order of their re ceipt and filled before the regular box-office sale opens. FOR Ml ELMAN SGHA VIOLINIST, rhe Musical Sensation of the Century. Heilig Theater Monday, May 10th Prices Lower Floor, 2.50; Balcony, $2.00. $1.50. 1.00: Gallery, no reserves, 1.00; Boxes, $15.00. Address letters and make checks pay able to Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, 308 Columbia Bld(. "The Oaks" Will Open May 29th All persons wishing to secul-e con cessions for the coming-season will apply at "The Oaks" between 10 A M. and 4 P. M. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT and POWER CO. GREAT AMERICAN PLAY LASS MilS SAME MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION THAT PLAYED ONE SOLID YEAR AT THE HUDSON ; THEATER. NEW YORK PRICES Lower Floor 1.50. $1.00 Balcony $1.00, 75c, 50c; Gallery 50c SEATS NOW SELLING AT THEATER PRIVATE SECRETARY A,""t London by the famou. ,ctor. Beerbohm Tree Keen in wit. humorous line., character, and .itu.tton. A play every theatergoer .hould be familiar with. Staged under direction of Donald Bowie. MEXT WEEK-WHEM KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER hav ever been offered In the Pacific Northwest. BASEBALL Recreation Park, Corner Vaughn and Twenty.faurth St.. . LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND April 22, 23, 24, 25k I Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.: Sunday. 2:30 P. M. Aamisslon Bleachers, 26c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes. 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, '25c Ladles' Day Krldaj-. wBy" "nder I2 'ree to bleachers Boy Bandit Jailed for Life. GREAT FALLS. Mont., April 24. Harry x NEXT rFRIDAY,SATURDAY- SUNDAYNIGHTS April 30-May 1, 2 SATURDAY AFTERNOON SUNDAY AFTERNOON S CONCERTS S 2 Annual Sp ring ical Festival Mus CHICAGO SYMPHONY 60 ORCHESTRA 60 Adolph Rosenbecker. Conductor. PORTLAND FESTIVAL CHORUS 300 VOICES 300 W.. H. Boyer. Director. 4 CELEBRATED VOCALISTS t 10 INSTRUMENTAL SOLOISTS 10 And tbe World-Famoo. IHanlat, MYRTLE ELYYN ' COMBINED Chorus and Orchestra Heard at Each Concert. FRIDAY NIGHT, "nail Brlsht Abode," Tannhan.er SATURDAY AFTERNOON, "Ssncius" from Gounod's Mass. SATURDAY NIGHT, "The Golden Lrcnd." SUNDAY AFTERNOON, "The Holy City." SUNDAY NIGHT, "Stabat Mater." COMPLETE PROGRAM ON OTHER PAGE THIS PAPER SEATS NOW SELLING at EILERS PIANO HOUSE Box Office open from 10 A, M. to 9 P. M. PRICES: Lower Floor Balcony .... . l-60.. 1. 7Be . .-H.50, Jl .00 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED From In and Out of Town. Address letters and make orteck. na money order, payable to W T P.nrle. at Btler. piano Houm. Rheama. the 16-year-old Great Northern tram robber, was" sentenced to life Im prisonment here yesterdav. Three youth. ful companions. Albert Howard, "William Smith and George Creswell, were each Riven six years in the penitentiary. Rheams killed William Dempsey. a pas I senaer. In hnu... i ------ uy ucac nere a year ago. Only Sid Door Trade Xow. ROANOKB. V... April 24 Saloon,, in GRAND VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE Week Starting Monday Matinee APRIL. 28, 1S09 Quaker City Four The Singing Blacksmiths. Frank Bush "The World's Greatest Story Teller." Bonnie Gaylor The .Girl From Posey County. Nita Allen & Co. ' Will Cressy's Playlet, "Car 2, Stateroom 1." Lewis & Young Singing and Dancing Comedians Harry McDuffee Illustrated Song. Grandascope Latest French Motion Pictures. Matinee every day at 2:30, ad mission 15 cents. Evening performances at 7:30, and 9 :15 ; admission 15 and 25 cents. Box Seats, 50 cents. PHONES A 1026 Main 4685 LYRIC THEATER SEVENTH AND ALDER STS- PRICES lO. 20. 30 Cents Week Starting Sunday Matinee April 25th, 1909 The LYRIC STOCK Co. IN MTU OF. CAROLINA A RURAL COMEDY DRAMA MATINEES: SUNDAY, TUESDAYTHURSDAY and SATURDAY n!ek- "At the Old Cross Roads" Roanoke with more than one door must either closo the front entrance or shut up shop. Judge Spates, o the Corpor ation Court, made this announcement yostirday to applicants for licenses. DAILY MATIXEE-lSe. 25c, 50c. (Su.day- .ad Holiday, Msfct Price.) liin Phones Main 6 and A 1020 Startlni ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Monday Matinee, April 26 THE f.RU:iviT inuv ivrv RUSSELL BROTHERS Assisted by TVORA BOSFAXT! KUSSKLI. aa the Ballet Dancer In th, Joll, Comedietta, " "OUR SERVANT GIRLS FIYE JUGGLING NORMANS FREDERICK ALLEN & CO. Who tMth...hloB in Club In "HIS PHANTOM SWEETHEART" REAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY ANDY RICE By McGlnni. and Clifton. In Humorous Monologus. FRANCINI -OLLOM S & PAGE DELMORE SISTERS Europe", Great Tourbllllon Mualclan. . POPUlrnrunmInTa,lCal "n1 ORPHECM ORCHESTRA. OKPHKCM PICTURES. PtT.tlG'ADat 1 wv- . - EVENING PRICES 15c, 25c, 5Qc75 DAILY MATIXKE ISt, S5c, 5Qc. SMaday, ,,d Holiday. MBht Prlcea J PANTAGES THEATER BILL CHANGES MONDAY ADVANCED YAUDEYILLE; STARS OF ALL NATIONS Week Ending Today: Rafayette's acrobatic dogs; Morgan and McGar- eir S1slnn" and dancing girls; Chartres Sisters; Harland and Rollmson; Scott and Wilson; Jean Wilson, and the Pantagescope. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY OF ' RIVOLI i Sensational European Character Change Artist, presenting "A Scan dal in a Restaurant" and impersonations of famous musicians. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION THE FOUR DORDEENS Wonderful Acrobats, performing daring acrobatic stunts and sensa tional double summersaults. QUIGG G NICKERSON Novelty Musical Artists. ALTON 6 OLIVER In the Dramatic Playlet, "A Sacrifice.' DAWSON G WHITFIELD Talked-About Comedians. JEAN WILSON Illustrated Song. SIGNOR JOSEPH ST. CLAIR Harp Soloist. THE PANTAGESCOPE Presenting Latest Comedy Pictures. THE PANTAGES ORCHESTRA, ALWAYS A FEATURE Evening Prices: 15c. 25c; box seats 50c. Daily Matinees, any seat 15c. STAR THEATER ONE DIME GREAT SHOW IN A REAL, THEATER ONE DIME BRAND NEW BILL TODAY THE LOST SHEEP Story of a repentant daugh- ter. A FAITHFUL FOOL " Love In ancient days. PAUL DECIDES TO MARRY A Laughable Comedy. . SIX ' GREAT PICTURES LEGEND OF THE FOR-GET-ME-NOT Romeo Up to Date. SENTENCED TO DEATH Hours previous to execu- tlon. THE MAGIC EGG Mysterious and comicaL Mr. Dow Brink, the Charming Balladist Five Singing and Talking Songs Five New Songs ' BAKE THAT CHICKEN PIE WHAT WILL THE ANSWER BE? THE LIARS ON MY FATHER'S FARM FRIEDA HOUSECLEANING TIME - Five New Songs Complete Change of Pictures Every Wednesday LA.