SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 - " xsggg ! VOL. XXVIII - ' i PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 2. moQ : ' NO. 17. We Can Foolish YoMt Home mw Mai V Wlk I rllr f - vr! i 4. 11. R ' You Want to See a Hoosier Cabinet Owrttliuxl, wus, bj Hoortd Mrs. Co. t.5ee are 80 many good things about It that we can only hint in an adver t sement. T'or Instance, there is the flour bin, the sugar bin, spice cabinets aluminum work table, bread and cake box. roomy cupboards and drawers and any number of other things needed in a real work-savlnr kitchen cabinet you really ought to see this cabinet era Direct Action - "ifv i u i in' i , one extra large burner and three regular size burners of the new and improved drilled type and can be instantly re moved without taking- out a bolt or acr'w- Made of the best material, perfectly constructed, well finished and fully warranted. QB5T GADSBYS' PRICKS. : ysw ' m swung rw Majestic Ranges With Gas Attachment The illustration shows a Majestic Range supplemented by a gas at tachment which can be suspended from any Majestic Range with lit tle trouble. This arrangement adds but 16 inches to the width of the Range, gas connections included. The Attachment Sells for $22.50. at Gadsbys' The production . of this practical ' and inexpensive attachment for the Majestic Range is but an other evidence of the efforts that are exerted to make the pos session of a Ma jestic Range not only advantage ous, but highly convenient. A Gadsby Sale of Go-Cart A' Gadsby Sale of Go-Carts. We have on sale for the com ing week over 35 samples of reed and collapsible go-carts on which substantial savings may be made. Priced from $5.00 up. Credit when de sired. $35 RANGE FOR $27.50 Steel Range, with high closet and duplex grate, spring-balanced oven door. This is a heavy, substantial and durable range made of the best qual ity cold-rolled steel ; adapted for coal or wood; oven thor oughly braced and bolted; asbestos-lined throughout; nickel-trimmed, section-plate top; Gadsbys' price $27.50 Gas Ranges DIRECT ACTION OAS RANGE Elevated oven and broiler and warming oven. A very attractive rajige, well built, desirable satisfactory. Has one extra , large burner, three regular size and one simmering burn er. Fully warranted. Con nected free of charge. "We show on our floors all tho leading makes and latest style gas ranges. Our prices are guaranteed as low as you can obtain from any dealer or corporation in the city. All gas ranges connected free WaPmil F-S htMPm ' rSi .' This Elegant Dining From Goods as Low in Prir WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO BE HERE' a cent tn the bank. You only need to be employed You in Sti H Z.".89 you ""d. You don't have to have Income may warrant or require. The money you waste 1 hrHit J 1 ng to,W for th home outfit as your ?Lt '??n,e " your own. and when T "Se payments T?' over ,K wt .S!1 Juf a5 welJ apply on tne Payment that if you haven't the flat we'll help3 yu get that! wSnyiog, BUY MISSION FURNITURE NOW BUY NOW 20 DISCOUNT Jrl i-f T i IT T ""i" i I ' f ---t r-iiiiiiisir- i ' " f r "'NtTHi M W M :. . i solid quartered oak frame, loose Z&m,:jr-'u .Trfyti. 1,..-., . J" ""f ;iMrV 'VSs!. t -i ''-1 cushions and adjustable back, sold and " '":-," M '-'-nw .mA ,ittrt1, , , - .... . ,.T ; A Special Sale This Week ON EVERY PIECE See Windows IN OUR STORE ODD ROLLS NEWEST CARPETS A 1 CiREAT V. All nt Carpets are of standard grade and de pendable quality the patterns and colo rings are new and pleasing and the fact that these are odd rolls does not detract from their value to you, as we have enough of EACH pattern to c a r pet one or more rooms. brusski.s CARPETS Odd rolls of Brussels Carpet, with or without b o r ders, as de "stred; good range of bright, attractive floral and convention al designs, suit able for rooms, rugs, halls. The quality that 6ells regula r 1 y at $1.25 a yard; on sale this week. yd.... 856 VELVET CAKPETS We point to this as one of the most notable Carpet offerings of the season an opportun 1 t y iwr you 10 select n rnnd HnrnhlA vaia , oest colorings ,nhesatavdardd money saving; on sale, yard XllL U usual "'"erlnff comprises a finest Axminster Carpets-a carpet Gadsbys Morris Chair Made throughout of solid oak beautifully quarter - sawed and nnghly polished: has full spring seat and can be adjusted to five different positions: the cushions are reversible and come in se lected patterns of velour. Gadsbvs' Price S9.75 Just as Comfortable as It Looks You will bejt;ed a third more at other stores. It is made of selected wood, gold en or weathered finish ; the 6-foot size; at Gadsbvs' for $8.90 This Dresser, finished in a rich golden oak color, with French beveled plate xmiiror; Gadsbys' price only $9.50 fj !i Jk REAL ESTATE DRAMATIC AND FINANCIAL REDUCTIONS ata' pceai'lnean'anctl number of odd rolls and of the that is noted rv.i- it fiiT - v,ery $35 Sideboard $25 8" If lw W Siili' Vr . WOKS'. French Beveled Mirror, beauti fully carved top. drawer lined for silverware; regular price SS. Gadsbys" price -: ofk Others as low as XiillgloO GADSBY'S 1909 WHITE ENAMEL REFRIGERATOR v - i IS,'? J A...V.i( ..V;ldV.:- These Refrigerators are solid a8'V. finish golden oak. with white enamel cleanable shelves and are charcoal lined: all sizes' Oadsbys" prices from $10 up. Call and see them. This Dresser for $9.50 4 I " w