If You Have umival Values Honseho Furaifiire in .;.A -v.-1 '- j j DR. B. IS. WRIGHT. Any Trouble With Your Teeth A e invite you to call and let us examine them. We ' will tell you exactly what is needed and the cost. Our estimates will be based only on the best possible work obtainable. SECURE THE BEST DENTIST in your community. Your teeth are vour best friends and they are entitled to the best possible treatment. Our work 'is conducted skillfully, centlv and painlessly. CALL AT ONCE. EXAMINATION FREE. Good Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate $5.00 Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate $8.00 Best Celluloid Plates $7.00 PAINLESS DENTIST 3421a Washington Street, Corner Seventh OFFICE HOURS-8 A. M. to 5 P. M. SUNDAYS-9 A. M to 12 M Phono M.in 2119-Fourte.n Year. ia Portland " M KICKING IS CHARGE M. F. Donahae Sued for Di vorce by Unhappy Wife. married here in PnrM,. , j v,clu0l .8, FOUR MORE WIVES ARE SAD Desertion Alleged and Various Other Unpleasant Traits That Make Mar rled Mfe Impossible for Them. Other New. of Courts. tw'I' Emma donahae. wife of M. F Donaha.. . who served as chief of de " emTVot LeW" 8nd ClarlcBxpo: she !1 y WantS a dvorce. but "he i petitioned the Circuit Court yes terday for an lnjunctIon him from calling upon her pending the outcome of the proceedings. She like! Vision heaVy a"m0nV and " 41- ,S' , Property valued at $15,000. Cruelty and drunkenness, are the charges Mrs. Donahae directs at w husband. Since their marrfage It Arll iT'wh'K- tUt th ' 2mJ Jlf. . wnen ne reached the stae-e nf h !if V feet to Painful advantal 4L asT'", domesic Affairs w her 300 suit money. ioo a month alimony 0 a month additional for the care nf their minor child, and one-third of a, the r,unhaPPy wife who applied to trffn mma Warren. She says she has ren Kery ay to P,Pase War! Waah WhrVhe carried at Vancouver Mash., in December of 1906. When he expressed a desire for an infant! she got one from a haby home, during fig absence on a trip, the stork having ?hTwarren TV a regular vl-TtaHon'X X.a.ren '""'sehold. He didn't like Vith Ch'Ld nd " she to it back be K. Sh" trX han1 to please serted herrKn,Ztl,e fact and d serted her in November of 1907. Shortlv fr vhat ,"" chlld arrived at the ho and she asks its custody. nome W. K. Hilller is resisting the efforts of Jeanette Hilller to get a dlw.! He thinks he has grievances of hi, ?oWrnb,SUff,r,ien.t t0 P-creantChe divorce un i'""1' S'nCe the, sub come up. In a cross complaint, filed yester- 'v'l nTf hl,m""' down as husband No. 3 and describes how she continually Ka," husband, who dS His praises are sun day and night un til the presant husband says life is un rrd,Urae WUh ncr and her pet sub ject. They were wedded at Madison AY is., in the Fall of 190B Madison. "I'd rather die than live with vou " s the way Dora Ann Bruce expressed her,elf recently to her husband ch Bruce, who was trying to effect a "re": oncillation. At least that is whit Bruce says in a suit for divorce wMch lie commenced yesterday. He adds that " ' 8aid Bh wouldn't so much as live fn the same house with him. she is far from being a man hater, at that hi avers, and insists in his complaint that her fondness for other men and her in discreet manner of exhibiting that af fection is really what caused him to de cide on getting a divorce. They were i? Relg says J" M- Rei has de serted her. She wants a divorce and the custody of their little son. They W.?Hre.,maJried ln Porand In June. 1903. adJe1deeVer,tlon ,a aesed to have oc curred In July, 1906. Gas Company Is Sued. . Ten thousand dollars damages from bT'S?1 GaS c"nany is aked .ho pierson. a former employe of he f-Ti" o,atio.n- "e brsht suit in the State Circuit Court, yesterday, set ting out that because of the company's carelessness he has been rendered a Pl 'Z "fe- While en8ed in re pair work on the roof of a small build- xT'L. ; comPany's plant, in North feia,l! everal months ago. he al g es hat he was ordered to approach nan. ?8 rf ln OFder to secure nails The edge gave way and he was precipitated to the ground, breaking an arm and suffering internal injuries which have permanently incapacitated nim from manual labor. W'J8 B?r.?ardof the ldfl- Wortman & King suit department, returned last night from a four weeks' trip East, in the in terest of her department. "OPTOMETRIST" Means n Pmran I.lrrnurd tTnler the o Thl. State to Test Eye! MlRbt and Ktt blasaea. r - I Comparison with other glasses only serves tr amru n f vujua- size the quality that pronounces Thompson 's glasses distinctive and pre-eminent. iTthe ?fiTilesre to ,,se tn,s "e fctate guarantee to you of thorV?S?J?" cmpetency and au I ?J T KVt?v.correct errors of refrac tion by the proper glasses. Remember, the word "Op-tom-et-rut." it will safeguard y?u against incompetents an? fakers wh Kre reith.er caPable nor author ized by law to test your sight or prescribe glasses. . s r You owe It to yourself to get ?Jd, on the ilew optometry llw recently passed by the state for you and your family's protection Uon 1 Cye ""ackery and imposi- THOMPSON Morn.ort Optometrist. Speetallat ln Sight Tenting and Spectacle riiiina;. Corbett BIdg. Fifth and O J n noor Morrison. JgAYOCEAN . A rock-crusher that wii crush 250 tons of rock every day See back page of Section Tour. Ig3 It washes while you Im rinse and hans out The only place in Portland where you can buy on r uouauic pnucs, i ne piace wnere the credit system is the result of thirty years' experience The 'SSS5 alwas trae if you will come just once. The place where you can get your money back if you are not satisfied is Edwards Company' J Store Pays for Itself many times over by the saving on the clothes, washes entirely without rubbing;.' Point by point, the new Cof field has been perfected, until today it far exceeds anything you think possible. It not onJy can wash and dbes wash, but it gets the clothes cleaner, whiter than any woman can by hand. You turn the faucet, it does the wash ing. Will keep you busy merely rinsing and hanging out, it washes so quickly, so many pieces at a timet And the last piece is washed with the same energy, the same strength, is as thoroughly cleansed as the first. It gets your entire washing spotless. Let us send you oneoday and do youl next washing for you. If it doesn't da all we claim for it, we'll .take it out and it will not cost you a centl The Coffield. made of ealvanized iron, lasts a lifetime; requires only a small - amount of -water; it has a wonderful capac- . --y and washes entirely without rubbing; its motor is enclosed and protected. Let us do your next wash and show you. PRICES OK WASHERS SIO.OO to 829.70. v THREE YEARS' WORK The makers of National Stoves and Ranges have tried to sell us their goods for three years. 6 ua .h.ave want5 to buy their line for more than three years. stnroWTnty.Per ent difference in price stood in the way. fThC mak,e.rs have finally come to our terms, making us a jobbers discount and we are now able to offer at retail a high-grade line at a low-grade price! We sell you a stove or range at the price most dealers pay. SANITARY COUCHES $4.75 The kind where the links do not come apart or break, ample ln size and as good as any every way. in DAVENPORTS $6.75 Most comfortable and durable these goods supplant all low priced upholstered couches and davenports. We also carry pads and couch covers for these. wideTd TFelo 3 feet MISSION ROCKERS We' have these mission styles in two finishes, early Knglish and golden seats. wood. imitation leather and real leather. Ask to see. No. 206 A very large piece, loose leather cushion and leather baLk $14.40 isfep om raw GAS RANGES We have in stock a most com plete line of all kinds of gas cooking apparatus. Two- burner Gas Plates 'f tc" 33.60 Three-burner Gas Plates -Mt5 to S4.50 Model Gas Cooker. 3 - top burners, 16-ln. oven with broiler SIO SO No. 812 Gas Stove, top 17x25 two large New Process Burn ers, 1-Inch supply pipe, 18-inch oven with improved oven burn er 312.50 No. 922 Gas Stove, top 17 x '5 two large New Process burners' oven 18 inches wide, with im proved burner, broiler. . S16.25 No. 923 Same style, three-burn-er toP S18.50 No. U29 Full size, top 20 x 25, three large, one giant burner: oven broiler 18 inches wide, adjustable needle valves, stands 4 inches high S2S.OO Direct Action Ranges, S27.90 to S48.60 Garland Ranges. $30.00 to S40.00. Acorn $35. lO. SUNNY COOK STOVES The best quality, low-priced goods ever offered In Portland. Special intro ductory prices this week. Just like il lustration. No. 714 For wood, four 7-inch lids, oven 14x15. Regular price J9.50. spe cial $7.70 No. S-16 For wood, four 8-inch lids oven 16x16. Regular price 12.75. Spe cial S9.SO No. S-18 For wood, four 8-inch lids, oven 18xlS. Regular price 15.0.. Sne clal $11. OO PACIFIC CHIEF RXGF.S. AS GOUU AS AW MIT MALLEABLE, $31. 50 to $40.50. GUT NEW HAMMOCKS This year, as before, we are show ing the well-known Palmer Ham mocks in endless variety of weaves and c olorings. They are priced $1.75 to S6.50. ' GASOLINE STOVES In various styles, but the one here shown is the most popular. Two-burner style, as shown $3.25 k .1 MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES We now have Monarch Hotel J.anges. Boarding - House Ranges and Plenty of Combination Gas and Wood Rarfges. This Is the only range to buy if ou want the best you can geu J be price Is no more than some ask for very ordinary goods. MONARCH RANGES ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE, HAVE POLISHED TOPS, OVEN THERMOMETERS. DUPLEX DRAFTS. AND MANY OTHER FEATURES. PRICED S57.00 TO S130.00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK A neat Child's Iron Crib with wire spring, 44 inches long and 24 inches wide. in assorted colors. 16.5.1 value : $4. 85 MIRRORS THIS CHAIR $1.25 Golden oak frames, and early English mission frames, with or without hooks. Special prices tnls week. All are heavy French plate. Size. Regular. 9x12, plain $ .85 9x12, bevel.... 1.00 12x20, plain 1.85 12x20. bevel.... 2.60. Special 9 .55 A box- seat Mission Diner, well braced Tmmmi., and made of ST ft O rt o-r vo heavy stock, f J .inis price is just half, what it' is worth. . 31 l.SO 1.75 HAT RACKS WITH HOOKS AND MIRRORS. Size. . Regular. Special JUxio S3.00 3.35 " h-' X-r feh ..,'.?.?.' ?U-i A'-'U --hi THIS GO-CART $7.20 Kaotly as illustrated, a licht tveight. flat - foldine- tio - Cart, with hood, rubber tires and re clining back, well finished. If this Is too high we have others as low as $2.-45 We can put rubber tires on the old go-cart. REAL LOW PRICES thorn sell good SALE MUSLIN CURTAINS 14x24 4.50 Seventy pairs Muslin Curtains. L-f dse 2V yards long, fine vutuuuiB, vaiuij b&c, sale.... ruf- fnr The tables we sell stand the racket. If iney aon i. our policy is to repair n-t?e. it is cneaper for us to tables than to repair them. No. 39 is a six-foot solid oak Extension Table, top 30 x 40 closed. Reduced $7.50 85.60 i?1 ls a Bolid oak. six - foot Extension Table. golden finish, lop 42 x 42 when closed. Reduced 10.50 to $7.45 No. 172, as Illustrate.!, Is a six-foot round pedestal Extension Table, grained oak or maple top, 42 Inches in diameter, $15.00 value for $9.90 No. 450 A polished, quartered oak Exten tension Table, square top. 44x44. heavy 4 inch legs, was 20. Sale price. .. $12.75 l-S..';fl.HV''',J'J' ' 15c to 35c v-flCSC- MATTINHs SEWING MACHINES $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 00 DOWN 50c a Week mm ism YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD : . xj illli ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT TO INVEST There Is no Investment with the possibilities of stock- in this company. NO TAXES "l&ztfS?' m INSURANCE ' f UY BEFORE THE ADVANCE KV VOLFR 7 ."U I"frm"",n- 38-329 L,ber Exchange Bid. ax good PLnnfr nro nrHr" TWO STORES FOR RENT Seventeenth and Washington Sts. We can arrange space to suit tenants, stores m Bushmark buUding, at 17th and Washington streets. Modern glass front; running water, full basement. Apply to I. Gevurtz & Sons, 173-5 -First street.' REFRIGERATORS The best patterns are always sold first, and when they are gone no more can be had until next season. It is poor policy to put off buying your re frigerator until the last minute. BIG SPECIAL THIS WEEK Remember this is not the tiny size you generally see advertised, it Is 23 inches wide. 44 Inches hish. 16 inches deep. Ice capacity 4a lbs. Regular price $12.35, at this sale only ......... $9.90 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HARTMAjNT & THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE ac- invite vour eral bankins: count. To this end, they offer the advantage of re liable, careful and modern methods. VhUmtUdPenenaZZiabiHtt