The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 25, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 35

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I i L i
stUactlon Tnlvet whol'lT"'1 ' 'l" '-the Satisfaction o each 30(1 ery customer who has visited our store. Sold it to our own
essu'S its zs:: -we again to thank the public for so giy respondins to ur caii: ana we fMi "roud th- -
CLOSEOUT ,STRfe,?,,,,U,," andcnti-. e last piece was sold; that we had positively refused to
LLUi11 JUT OUR STOCK TO DEALERS, and that our friends who have stood so nobly by us for years were to receive the henefit of ,r i o.. . u j
not know us cried: "Fake- Fake- Fake!" and predicted that after.we had gathered in a.l themoney we could 1? by
reopening with a grand reorganization sale or something of the sort. But for once 5 y me PUD11C Y
.1 ini
Have miscalculated, and those who have had confidence in us, those who have believed in us, have won the Drize have come and houcrht anH ,- , j
And a word to those who still think that this sale is a fake, that the sale is not genuine: We simply Jt Don't "Se lur
agree with you, there are many fake sales Yes there are some even in the furniture business. If you still doubt us, we'll make you another prorJs and keep k asth
fully as all others. Our sales have been so large for the past two weeks that by the first of the month we will vacate and give up for good one of our
Does this look like a fake? Does this look as if we meant business? As if we meant to go, and go for good? Does this look road to von tW t? v,
fnSya:uyOUDoTdPete? BeTne Pt " T T " T
interest you. Don t delay. .Be one of the first Monday morning and get the best, as others have done before you. Store will open promptly
O11 DCoTn 5 M:rCW H WiI! again ask yOQ t0 make selections carefully, as positively no goods will be exchanged".
O. D. Come one, come all, and share in the profits of this great sale. - '
No goods charged or sent out C.
184-186 First Street, B
Between Yamhill and Taylor
Squabble at Hermiston to Be
Taken Into Courts.
Questions or Kiglit to Membership in
Association Split Organization
Into Two Factions- Fight
of Long Standing.
1IUKMISTON. Or., April 24. (Spe
cial.) That the courts of the state -will
noon be called upon to settle the fac
tional figrht In the Umatilla Water
I'sers' Association now seems evident.
The differences between the members
of the two factions had almost been
forgotten until they were revived by
the recent ruling of Secretary Balling
er. and only the declsion'of the courts
can now settle the matter to the satis
faction of either side.
The factions are composed on the
one side of the Maxwell Land & Irri
gation Company people and their
friends and on the other of the Skinner-Newport
people. The trouble Is
of Ions standing: and dates back to
the time when the board managers of
the Water Users' Association refused
to receive as members of the associa
tion certain persons who were under
resitract to purchase land of the Max
well Land & Irrigation Company and
Uij Northern 1'acific Railway Com
pany. The refusal of membership In
the association to these men was al
leged to be based on the ground that
there was no Indication that these sup
posed intending purchasers had any
intention of paying for their water
rights, while the association was com
pelled by the Government to guaran
tee the payment of the water rights
of each of its members.. The board of
managers was enabled to so rule by
a strict construction of that part of
the by-laws of the organization which
says "only those who are owners of
land or occupants of public lands or
have Initiated a right to acquire the
same, shall be qualified to own the
shares of this association."
At the last annual meeting In Janu
ary the Maxwell people sought to get
revenge for this seeming discrimina
tion against them by attempting to
prevent from voting a number of the
opposition faction who. they alleged,
had not paid their last assesment. It
T. Irwin; as chairman of the meeting,
ruled with the Maxwell people, but he
was overruled and the so-called "old"
board sustained and re-elected.
In the face of this action, Irwin de
clared the election illegal and insisted
that what Is now known as the "new"
board had been elected.
As the "old" board was In posses
sion of all the records and as the Gov
ernment's -attorney on the project was
believed to be unfriendly to the "old"
board. It refused to allow the attorney
to submit the rival claims to the, De
partment for a decision, feeling that
it would be sure to get the worst of
the recommendations from the attor
ney. The "new" board, however, hastened
to have the attorney submit its con
tentions to the Department. Evident
ly particular stress was placed upon
the rejection of membership in the as
sociation to those persons who had en
tered Into , contract to purchase land
of the Maxwell Company and of the
May Is the date. For full particulars
apply at local office," 143 Third stree.
Seattle Anxious to Try Conclusions
With Tscoma Team Port
land at Spokane.
SEATTLE, Wash.. April 24. (Spe
cial.) The first week of the North
western League pennant race proved
the truth of the prediction that Seattle.
Portland, Tacoma. Spokane. Aberdeen
and Vancouver would see close and ex
citing baseball battles this season. The
league looms strong on the baseball
map. will G. MaoRae gives facts and
figures which show conclusively how
ridiculous it is for the National Asso
ciation to insist in classifying the
.orthwest as a "B" organization while
the Coast League struts around as
double "A." The time Is coming, how
ever, when things will be different.
While the fortunes of the various
clubs In the Northwestern League have
varied In the eight games already
played there has been no occasion to
look upon any one club as outclassed.
Take the first three" games played in
Seattle as an example. Seattle won all
three of them and then bumped twice
In succession.. Much as the local fans
wanted their crowd to win, there was
not one who was so prejudiced as t;
say that Portland did not run shoulder
for shoulder with the locals, and then
came the turn that - put Portland on
Portland will play Its last game In
Seattle tomorrow afternoon, and then
leave for Spokane, where the opening
battle between .Casey's Colta and Bob
Brown's Indians -will take place Monday
With the passing of Portland from
the local arena, the Tacoma Tigers win
make their appearance, under the lead
ership of Runs Hall. Under last year's
schedule the first game would be played
Tuesday, but now the system in vogue
makes it Monday Instead. Portland
played nine games, but the series in
cluded the opener on Saturday and Sun
day following,-in addition to th seven
games which end with tomorrow aft
ernoon's contest.
The Vancouver Champions, who have
been playing in Tacoma, will go home
Sunday evening, and. open Monday as
the big bug of the league, with the
Aberdeen Black Cats for opponents.
Under the guidance of Manager Row
land, Aberdeen made a great stand
against the greatly strengthened Spo
kane club, and as Vancouver played
championship ball in the City of Desti
ny during the opening week, the series
In the metropolis of British Columbia
this coming week should be a warm
Spokane is well fortified at all points,
and the team which takes a aeries from
them will have to hustle all the time.
They will find, however, srong oppo
nents in Portland. The club Is strong In
the box and fields welL Add to this a
formidable batting list and it is easily
seen that Spokane is in for a week of
hard-fought battles. 1
It is an open secret that Tacoma
would rather beat Seattle under the
leadership of Lynch than any other
team ln the league. It -would do the
heart of George Shreeder good to rub
It into his . former captain good and
plenty. On the other hand. Lynch will
take delight in making things warm
for the representatives of his former
With one exception the games be
tween Tacoma and Vancouver were
close score affairs. This naturally leads
to the supposition that when Tacoma
and Seattle come together there will be
ComDletinir Na.tnre'a nrnrV
the pictures of the machinery
that is doing it are on the hack
page of Section Tour.
something doing. In the present case
there is personal Interest In the clash,
and both teams will work for all they
are worth.
Since their incorporation the Kimherley
mines have produ-e.i 12 tons ofadlamonds
valued at J5.000.000.000.
Latest style pumps a.t Rosenthal's.
Double Disc
Records for May.
' Cylinder Records
for May.
The Best List Yet. Come and
Hear Them At
353 Washington Street
'Watch the Movement Down the River."
See Harborton Today. See Page 10, Sec. 4.
C. Gee Wo
Tnla a-reat Ctalnaa
doctor la wall kaowa
throat-neat the
Korthwaat aacauaa
of hti wondarfnl
H'i3 and la today fcar
ioH aided by all Ma
patlonta aa tha
ytim Vln . -.
- v. iBur -who powarrut 7hlnaae
roota. herba and bark, that are antlraly
unknown to tha medical aelenee of thle
country. with the,, harmloa. ram.dlaa
ho suarantaea to euro catarrh, aathraa
luna: trouble. rtieumatiain. nervonanasa!
atomach. liver and kidney trouble,
private diaeaaea of men and women.
Patlenta outside of city writ, foa
blanks and circulars, incloaa to stamp.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
164 First St.. Near Morrlaoa,
Portland. Or.
areata of
rr. Sanderson's Compound
?i?vl? and Cotton Root Pills:
the best and only reliable rinw
5H ! R K E I'lA H1TIKS.
, . . VI.1"" J""" oDstinate cases
... . uuis. x-rice 12 per box. or
3 for o; mailed In plain wrapper. Ad-
W oodard. Clarke & Co.. 4th and Wash!
l-lll. la Re4 ..d 4.. Id mealUcW
I oUcd with Flu. Rlbboa. Vj
I ?.k " Ur. But of T..r M
Van kunni u Bat &af Kt. d.u.w.
It is anticipated that the anti-opium cru
sade In l-hlna will he the means t.f op.nlnc
u a new market for American tobacco.