THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND , APRIL 25, 1909. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF CUT GLASS SALE MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OREGONUN TELEPHONES. Home. A 605 A 6096 A 6095 A 609 5 A 609 5 A 6095 A 6095 city Circulation Main 7070 Managing Editor ...Main 7070 Sunday Editor I "Main 7070 Bunt. K ,n5i Maln 7079 Bupt. Buildings Main 7070 ILJU KVER INTEXD BUTlsro CUT GLASS, XOW IS THE TIMES. ..WE MAVE JUST KECEIVED direct from the factory the larerest shipment of cut glass ever purchased by us ' lne largest MOHE CUT GLASS than we fijrured on. in fnof wr AMUSEMENTS. "w'i?. "THEATER (Fourteenth and Sir.StonJTonl,tht at S:13- Norman Mackett and company In "Classmates. " rtan1!, T"EATER 12th and Mor PrimiT s Sto.Tk Co"Pany In "The L . J? Secretary." Matinee 2:15 P. M.t tonight at 8:is o'clock. TShKZ THEATER (Morrison, between ., and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville. - Matinee at 2:13; tonight at 8:15. GeJTRr:Wa',hmtn. between 2-i iVl Park) Vaudeville de luxe. 7:30 and 9 P. M A2F-8 THEATER (Fourth and Stark) slab P. M?" vaudevllle' 2:30. 1:30 arid ISrfe T,HEATER (Seventh and Alder) Carolt C SomDany in "The Kills of oJrf r.,lBa- Tonight at 8:15. e'verv Tf?-?ATEil Movlng-plctun. show oclock " nd ven'n-. to 10:30 Circlb Hous Annual Mebtino. The Mount Tabor Home Training Circle field liT a"nuaJ mating Friday afternoon In the West-avenue Bchoolhouse. with Mrs ,H- Tato Presiding, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year . 1 resident. Mrs. Frank C. Kelsay; vice pr,sldent. Mrs. W. A. Laidiaw; secretary. lrs. c. G. Adams; treasurer, Mrs. W I Mount; librarian, Mre. H. E Harris-.nen,bers-at-large. Mrs. J. C. B. King and Mrs W. fc. Chase. At the meeting- prac tically all the teachers of the West-ave-miu schoolhouse were present, and ar rangements were made to hold a public reception In this building next Thursday afternoon between 1:30 and 3 P. M at which time the school work prepared for the educational exhibit for the Alaska-Yukon-Paclnc Exposition, will be dis played. It will afford parents and others at Mount Tabor an opportunity to see this work of the Mount Tabor school be fore It Is packed for shipment to Seattle Teachers and members of the Mount Tabor Home Training Circle will be at the schoolhouse to receive the public. People' a Forum Tonight. State Sena- -u.iiiisiiaiii ana i nomas A Devlin J will discuss local politics at 8 o'clock4 "is i-eopie s t'orum. The dis cussion will be In the nature of a debate, Mr. Nottingham championing the Initia tive and referendum, the primary law and Statement No. 1, and. It Is supposed, con demning the so-called assembly plan that nominated the Simon ticket. Mr. Devlin will present the assembly plan and ln cldently will probably have something to aay about the initiative and referendum and the other reforms In this state. It Is rxpected that there will be sufficient time left for the usual open discussion follow ing the main speakers of the evening. The Forum meets in the Selling-Hirsch build, ing, Tenth and Washington streets. Next Sunday ex-United States District Attorney W C. Bristol will be the speaker. Shakbppkark Recital.. In honor of the 3-l5th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth a .recital was given Friday night In the Sellwood Baptist Church to a large and pleased audlenne, under the auspices of the Sellwood Shakespeare Club. C- C. Chapman delivered an appropriate ad dress; "Othello" and "Richard III," selec tions were recited by Claude Hicks. J. D. . Stevens, a well-known Shakespearean stu dent gave several selections with fine effect. Including "Essays on Shakespeare," by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and. readings from "Macbeth." He also gave the grave scene from "Hamlet." Excellent music was provided for the evening under the charge of Mrs. Mallett. Fvner A.L, op W. S. Touno. The funeral of W. S. Young, who died at his home, 4!2 Mississippi avenue, April 22. was held yesterday forenoon from his late home. Services at the grave. In Lone. Fir Ceme tery, were under the auspices of Harmony Lodge. I. O. O. F.. and Knights and Ladles of Security. Mr. Young had lived In Lower Alblna for the past 20 years, and Is survived by a widow and several children. Great Rnvrvxt. Planned. A movement has been started by pastors of East Side churches to hold a great revival some where on Hawthorne avenue June 1S-27. It is planned to secure the services of Dr. John Davis, a noted Eastern evange list. It Is probable that all of the churches on the East Side and many on the West Side will Join In the meetings. . Knight Shoe Company will be closed Monday on account of arranging their new store, at Second and Washington streets. Both stores open Tuesday; big cash sale at old store. Watch Monday evening's and Tuesday morning's papers for advertisement. Council, op Jewish Women. The regular meeting of the Bible Study Class will be held next Wednesday at 2:30, P. M.. In the vestry of Temple Beth Israel. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will have "Elijah" for his subject. Strangers welcome. Hawaiian Pineapple. All-week special sale ending Saturday, May 1. Hawaiian extra pineapple, 2Vjs, per doz., J2.25; Hawaiian extra pineapple, 2s, each, 20c. D. C. Burns Company, 20S-210 Third street, between Taylor and Salmon. Warehousb Room for Rent. All or part of two floors, 50x100 feet; central location. In brick building on United Railroad tracks. Inquire I. F. Powers' Furniture Company. 190 First street. Mat Dat at Library. May day will be celebrated In the children's room next Saturday at 3 o'clock. Miss Grace De Graff will tell the story of "Robin Hood" and May day In "Merrle England." House-Cleanino Time Is the Time to have your mattresses renovated and re turned the tame day. Main 474. A 1374. Portland. Curled Hair Factory, H Metzger. 226-28 Front street. ' illjau Klumpp, engraver and sta tioner is now located In the Merchants Trust building, southwest corner Wash ington ana blxtn streets. Sewed Soles, 75 Cents. Best Oak Leather. While you wait, or sent for Jacob Schwlnd, 867 Stark, near Park! Phone Main 7369. A 2211 . Rev. Victor Mokoex, the New Thought evangelist lecturer. In Selllng-Hirsch hall. Tenth and Washington, every Sunday "iftiii. r ree. e Bargain.-Ten acres of Newtons and Spltxenbergs, three miles west of town. Hood River; house; water rights. D 3?' Oregonian. e ' Dry Cordwood and slabwood. sawed or four-foot; prompt delivery. Steel Bridge Fuel Company. Phones: East 424. C 1773 For Salb.-3000, par value, Portland Home Telephone bonds, with 10 shares stock; cheap, sacrifice. A J 35, Oregonian. Dr. Le Rot Smith, osteopath graduate 1V.. post graduate 1907. at Kirksville. Mo . removed to 317-1S Swetland building. For SALE.Handsome houseboats- fully equipped, with mooring rights. F A Spencer, manager, Allen & Lewis. ' For Sale, at a sacrifice, southwest cor ner Glbbs and Corbett streets; highly Im proved. 205 Ablngton bldg. For Rent. Store in brick building 310 Oak street, near Sixth street. A JH Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg. ' ' Wanted. Office boy, over 14 yearn old good chance for advancement. AM 8S ureKonmn. Cordwood. Best quality; for prices phone Steel Bridge Fuel Co., E. 424, C 1773. Osteopathic physician. Arnold Lindsay 20S Tilford, 10th, Morrison. A 4163. M 7350. 40 head of horses for sale at auction t'nion Stock Yards, at 1 o'clock, 26th. For Sale. A new, modern home; full lot. Nob Hill district. Phone A 5691. One Dollar Fountain Pens, guaran teed. Moffett's, 111 Sixth street. Dr. M. F. Kenton, dentist, has re turned and resumed practice. e Dr. Swain, dentist. 311 D'kum bide Houseboat lor sale. Alain 2506. IT IS AIL OP THE VERY LATEST CUT. Nappies, extra fine cut at Eight-Inch Bowls im ieam oeis...... Comports Water Bottles ..".". vaaseesr Pltchers Sugar and Cream Sets. EVERY PIECE OF CUT GLASS IN . THE HOUSE MARKED DOWN Eight-Inch Bowl, 82.75 DON'T MISS this chance to lay In a supply of cut glass Watch Our Window Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. T A I 1 ms. w-a w- Mia MORRISON ST., BET Funeral op Mrs. jp. J. G arrow. The funeral of Mrs. Garrow. wife of E. J. Garrow, was held Wednesday with solemn services at the Holy Redeemer Church, North Piedmont, and the Interment was at Vancouver. The funeral services were conducted In the morning in the chapel, the beautiful ceremonies of the Catholic ritual being carried out. &Jomn requiem high mass was sung by Rev. B. K. Cantwell. assisted by Rev. Fathers G. P. Butler, S. J., and W. Deeny, S. J., deacon and subdeacon. Father Wagner was master of ceremonies. The solemn Gregorian requiem was chanted with the most touching effect by the school chil dren, assisted by Edward Klank and Mrs. M. Keating. At the close of the mass Rev. Father Cantwell delivered the ser mon. Members of the Sanctuary Society were present. At the grave Rev. Father Verwllghen assisted Rev. Father Cantwell at the final services. Besides the husband, three sons and one daughter survive. Mrs. Garrow was highly respected In the parish. United Cliibs to Meet. The United East Side Push Clubs, by invitation of the Sunnyslde Push Club, will hold a maps meeting, at g o'clock tomorrow night. In the hall on Marguerite and Hawthorne avenues. This will be the first meeting since the new officers were elected. The public In general and all civic nnrn nida tions are Invited. Richard W. Montague will deliever a shortf address on , the "CoTrTrln1rtTi ChniBi. " T 1 . rrn. rf-. Munly will talk about bridges across the w uiameiie niver ana otner arrairs in Which the V.o ct QM la Inlaraffta TV, water and park questions will . also be discussed. - tJ-T" 1 OTJ T3dtwid A n T 1 ..iT Tn on . P r-,-w to determine the cause of delay in erect ing the new Madison-street bridge, the Bast Harrison-Street Improvement .Club, at its meeting yesterday, passed a resolu tion cmnnwirlnir tha nroxlHont thn club to appoint three delegates to co- uperaie wild, otner improvement CIUD3 In the matter. The resolution recounts the steps taken and Is an endeavor to fix responsibility for the delay in proceeding to Immediate construction, now that bonds for the bridge have been sold. fine programme was given by Glencoe school Tuesday afternoon. Every num ber was excellent and the audience was very appreciative. The children were assisted by Claire Montelth, Mrs. Helen Brigham Gregg, Earl c snarp and Dr. Emll Enna. The"solo numbers, were especially fine. A 9 'per cent net Investment In a half block, with a four-story brick building. In central location on West Side, under a 20 year guaranteed lease; full Information and details given by F. W, Torgler, 106 Sherlock building. Arrested for Speeding Automobiles. Charles C. Woodstock and H. L. Chapln were arrested yesieraay anernoun lor breaking the automobile speed ordinance. Both were released for a hearing Monday. How to get to Wild Pigeon Springs, if interested: Address 248 Ash street and we will send you dlscrlptlve catalogue. Main or A 2632. Bran ides' Grill, 103 Sixth, serves seven course French dinner for 50 cents. TO INVESTORS. Manufacturers, Merchants Jobbers. and We have a number of very attractive buys. One on Thirteenth. Street, Very centrally located, that Is a decided bargain: will prove to any intending pur chaser that this will prove a big money maker. Quarter Block On Sixth street, good improvements, new and modern, paying 6 per cent net, clear of Insurance and taxes. Single Corner On Sixth street, free of leases, ready to build on; a very attractive buy; old Im provements pay running expenses; price only $45,000. Park-Street Property. We have a full lot. 50x100, on Park street, the best buy in the city, at only $18,000. , Fine Suburban Home. Owner leaving city; charming house, furnished or unfurnished; cultivated grounds; beautiful shade trees, shrubs and flowers; abundance of fruit; stable; Improved streets, cement sidewalk; large or small tract; choicest neighborhood; block from car. Price and terms reason able. S 1-2-Acre Tract Fronting on the river, with dockage and trackage, very desirable mill or factory site, only $45,000: See us If you want bargains In good Inside property. We make a specialty of selling strictly on the commission basis, no two prices, as we sell at the owner's price, he paying the commission and thereby knowing that he Is not being speculated upon, and the buyer knows that he is not being taken advantage of. - Riverfront Property Manufacturers or millmen wanting a fine site having river and rail trans portation will find It to their advantage to call upon us, as we' have one tract of 1000 or 1200 feet of river frontage, with deep water, and extending back to the track. Have another tract with 900 feet front age, with deep water, extending back to rail and electric lines, and with a large amount of land. Also 350 feet of river frontage, deep water, with trackage facilities; very de sirable for manufacturing plant or mill. See us If you want factory sites, mlli sites or business locations In the City of Portland. CHARLES K. HENRT & SON. 250 Stark Street. Portland, Oregon. Tract Includes Two Claims The Ladd farm, sold Friday for ap proximately $2,000,000, was composed of two donation claims. The major part was comprised In the Quinn donation claim which, contained 320 acres and ..-S1.25 ...2.75 mm 5- - ? : : : : : : : : : : : P:g8 2.50 Set Cream and Sugar. S2.75 for set of six Wetter Glasses. . J circlem and Opticians. THIRD AND FOURTH. which was mortgaged for $1500 to F N. Blanchet. the deeds later being con veyed to W. & Ladd. Eighty acres of the tract were owned by Mary Quinn who claimed that her father had mortgaged them without her consent or permission. it T00DLES IN HOLLAND' Rehearsals Progressing for Play to Be Given by Traveling Men. Rehearsals for 'Tnnfli.. 1. tth.. the commercial travelers' hlo- nnii comedy, are going on each night at 60 H oeventn street, -where Tommy Getz Is traing almost 60 local amateurs In songs, dances and big specialties, which T.,, P " of th0 show. Toodles. tha4- , wnot- wltn Pu8 Pumkin goes for a trip to Holland. will be cnnyd Bby Patsy' the greatest child actress In America, who will be here from New York. an Quimby will appear as Van Dyke Brown, an artist. Charles Rlng IZT;, ,well;kMW" commercial traveler, will play Doctor Schopkopf. the man ager of the Pink Sanitarium for Palo Drummers. Sherma Dana plays Lady Bountiful, Mary Cardiff appears as Samantha Flycash and Eddie Weln stein as Patrick Levy. The following young ladles will be seen In "Dietch ..and "Look t for the Traveling Man: Misses Dorothy Nash, Florence Dana, Bessie Bowles, Alice Warner Francis Rutherford, Mamie Hurst Lil lian Carpenter, Hallie Dalziel,, Agnes Glenn. Ivy Carter, Genevieve Jamison; t-mma ft. Mack, Lena and Lllah Beck ett. Dorothy Malchester and Sylvia Bagley. ' . A SUBURBAN HOME. $2e00 $200 Down and Montli Montavllla. $20 a A most Artiati fltr a . , , " - yum coiiaee, lust finished, and rr. . . JU8t tuiB, very larErn Ta'ka a"i urpassed vlew of mountains, .lane M-V car. eret off vm and Hlbbard street, walk five blocks. eTst TO dark PrVAn pnrtan.n ln "d undW, 00,r , AUttlll XaMAA. WHEREJTO DINE. t5J2S SSSSSrtflS: pBr,av8ata 1 ments for ladles. 806 Wash . Castilllan Grill. 427 Washington street. Chicken tamnleo nj "ireet. Spanish dinner; 5 t; 8 pT m!. i8P xiA..."PS!lal 600 cl"''cken dinner today at Hall s Restaurant. 330 Washington street. THE ROSECARNIVAL. ' Special engraved invitations may be ltHren aVMe'er & bank's, Kiiham btationery Company and- Hotel PerKins lT?JZ7;S?CUr one' sisn yur "am and send it to your friend. Be a real Booster." See window displays. 14 PER CENT NET. New, up-to-date apartment house corner, near Thirteenth and Taylor: rents $890. Price, $50,000. Terms. E. J. DALY, 222 Falling Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg.. Main. A 1635. Brownsville 8; Lebanon 5. LEBANON. Or., April 2i (Special fJntS"e $ e'eated Lebanon In a hard fought baseball game in this city this afternoon by a score of 8 to 5. Batteriest Brownsville, Owen, Coshow and Wayne Coshow; Lebanon, Graves and Sturtevant. LATEST SHEET MT7SIO R, 10 and 15 Cents. Popular, classical and folios. Tbo TP t Charlton & Co. 288-290 Washington stl CARD OS-THANKS. We desire to express our eratltnil. to all the friends who so klndfy asMst! 5 ,' "g ,the slck"ess and death or our beloved son and brother. Charles Hoover. MRS. F. HOOVER - AND FAMILY. Envtman Kodaka and Films. Blumauer Photo Supply Co.. Ill 6th st. Pacific Tent and Awning; Co. Total Eclipse Awnings. 27 No. First. MRS. MARGI'ERITB E. HUM. Hananise for Women and Children. Graduat e of T a vr ( - f i . v. i . Philadelnnm 1 Special In Paralysis, Sprains, Fractnres and Dislocations; Also Rheu- matlsm and I.umhngo. WILL GO TO YOUR RESIDENCE. At Home Monday. Wednesday, Friday 075V4 '.. Everett Street, ' Phone B 2494. Removal Notice The Portland Marble WnrV have re moved tn 9Rlort OUCCfc, UUUU31 lO V Hall. J PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS THE PORTLAND SHOE REPAIR CO. S Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. ?Jie& Stocper, Props. Phona Main 7655. Shoes called lor and delivered free To Work Dona WhiL "MEN'sS You Wait TofeJnTSed0tiCl esPeally the suits and overcoats we offer at $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and 9vnn- Ur - .1 - rn53iM m-f ; possible merit m BANK AND OFFICE FURNI TUEE in mahogany, oak and steel. CUTLER DESKS the only solid oak desk. WABASH FILING CABINETS High quality, moderate cost. VIKING BOOKCASES N o n - binding disappearing doors.. KEE LOX CARBON AND RIBBONS Absolutely the best obtain able. THE "DICK" STEEL SAFE-CABINET S Fireproof; less than one' fourth weight and cost of an iron safe. ATTORNEYS' SPECIAL' FIL ING CABINETS A combination of all you 'need. Name the item that interests you and we will send cata logue describing same fully. PRINTING, BINDING, ENGRAVING We make special bound and loose-leaf books as you de sire them, and do high-quality lithographing and steel die embossing at reasonable prices. "Everything for the Office" 17 illiom Stationery & ivtiiiaiii Printing Co. Fifth and Oak Streets. Your New Umbrella Buy it from us we make them biggest stock on tne uoast--every known style we guarantee them perfect. $L00 umbrella good wearer' looks tine for the money men's have the popular hook handle hangs on the arm nicely- ladles' have a pretty line of handles see them. Men's $1.50 umbrellas very durable rainproof has brass ends on riba will not rust a great improvement. .we have this rust-pfoof frame In all the better lines at popular prices. Directoire Umbrellas. The newest the "only large assort ment a good one $2.00 silk ones S3 00 up all colors we sell the handles separate oOc up attached while you wait. MEREDITH'S UMBRELLA FACTORY 312 Washington, bet. 5th ant6th. t ll ill t The is the giving of values; the kind of values you want; value is something you ap preciate; worth of your money; satis faction made certain. It brings lots of trade here, and it keeps what comes. It ? 1 t0 et yu'rs; if it: does, the merit of the goods, the method of selling them, will keep it. 1 t. a clothes At $3Q.OO weaves connnea exclusively w wwr., wing iiite mem elsewhere. 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 i - Ticket, for May Festival A GLORIOUS' TRIBUTE TO THE . J ,y - Vt Jr l- '" "'JlJ-7 f MM. Nn I JILIJIHH""!"" MYRTLE ELVYN The World-Famous Pianist who will he heard with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at the May festival April 30th, May 1st and 2d, ha chosen the Kim! ball Fiano, because of its pure, refined, powerful tone Be cause it meets her requirements in every way. Over 190,000 Kimball Pianos are now in the homes of Amer ica s music-lovers. What greater proof could be required of the superior merits of the Kimball? We Are Exclusive Western Repre- sentatives of the Kimball Piano The House of Highest Quality 353 Washington Street W. W1U Exhibit at th. A-Y- Expwution. Seattto, June X to October 15. TEETH Without Fbtft. PAINLESS AND HIGH-CLASS EiTISTRV. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty , POPULAR PRICES. 22k Gold Crown J3 60 22K Gold Crown Molar $5 00 Good Rubber Plate $5 00 Best Rubber Plate $8 00 Gold Killings $100 Bridge Work. Is.00 Silver Fillings $i 0o Extracting. Painless.... $ .50 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 10 YRS, Union Painless Dentists CORMER FIRST A1VU MORRISON STREETS. . Phones, Main 5030, A 2133. The von Gillmann School FOR RIDING AND DRIVING. ORIENTAL BUILDING. The Klneat BardlnK Stable In Portland. Phones Main 2594, A 4136. Keystone . of This G Store ' A'icac"'- m to $50.00 well Now On Sale at Our Store KIMBALL PIANO Biggest, Busiest and Best WHEN YOU REQUIRE GLASSES of any description, come to us. WhyT Rpranco are reasonable oecause ifl price. We have the best and most up-to-date method of eye-testing. We give you the cor rect lenses in a stylish nosepiece, one that will stay put. Established 1896. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218-219 Failing Building, Cor. Third and Washington, 2d Floor. Take Elevator. nis case tne utmost show you the best to A. B. Steinbach NO PAIN NO PAIN No More Fear of the Dental Chair Nor a High Dental Bill ' Continued Low Rates for this Month The teeth we are making with out the old and clumsy plates are proving a winner, at a price that yon will agree is satisfac tory to you. It is what you want. No trouble to answer questions. WHY PAY MORE? Full Set, that fit S5.00 Gold Crown, 22-K S3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K S3.50 Gold Fillings $1.00 Silver Fillings 50 If you are nrrvom or hare heart trouble, the Elertro PiUnlei.. SjMr-m will do ta work when others fall. AU work warranted ten years. Bank Reference. Open Evenings and Sundays. Lady Attendant. ELECTRO PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Klfth and Washington, Across from Perkins Hotel. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 306 12T1I STREET. O ABJLAN D. The Great Technical School offers the most complete and practical tfalnlnr in civil. Electrical. Mining; and Mechanical Engineering;. Mechanical and Architectural drawing Steam and Gas En gineering New Maciiine shops Mechanical and Electrical Laboratories New Steam I lan t Affiliated with Engineering and Con struction Co.. and graduates go immediately Into engineering work at good wag.. Write ror Catalogue. Address, l'oly trclmlc Col lege of Engineering. Oept. E, uoa l:;th Street. Oakland. ('al. The only College In America that employs lis own graduates. THE PERRY HOTEL fl. Madison St, ZW Boren Ave. SEATTLE Absolutely Fire-Proof "5-" is :i?iiK-.; ?t i mmmm Europeaa .V Plan United Wlralesi Station Tde Bltfbest Grade Erery Modern CoBTealeact Centrally located and commanding a view of thl Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier anc rugst bound. Auto-'Rus meets trains and boata J. S. McTERNAN. Manacar AYOCEAN Turn to the back page of Section Four and learn of the making of a great Beach Resort. riIE REPAIRING Of every description by mail. Imlier, brier anil meerveihaum. Artificial coloring. Slg sl. hel & Co.. Bi 3d aL, Portland.