The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 25, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 28

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l . mimmm
CONTINTED from third page
attention. The great Chicago orchestra
will be under the direction of Adolph
Rosenbecker, as formerly, and the solo
ists will be Atda Hemml, soprano; Miss
Frahm. contralto; David B. Duggan,
tenor, and Frank Arthur Prelsch, basso.
The chorus will consist of 300 voices, un
der the direction of W. H. Boyer. There
are ten instrumental soloists In the or
chestra, the most prominent being Franz
Wagner, 'cellist, and Guy Woodward,
solo violinist and concert master. Among
the big- numbers to be given will be "Hall
Bright Abode." from "Tannhauser" ;
"Sanctus," from Gounod's "St Cecllle
Mass"; Sullivan's Golden Legend,"
Gaul's "Hnly City" and Rossini's "Stahat
Mater." These concerts are confidently
expected to surpass any previous musical
events In the city's history.
Dr. and Mrs. O. P. 8. Plummer have
announced the engagement of their
daughter Marion to Mr. John Harold
Povey. The wedding is to take place
May 5.
The Indian dancers of the recent
Kirmess are to be honor guests tomor
row night at the last meeting of the
Monday Night Dancing Club. The
matrons and girls of the Spanish dance
will give a progressive dinner this week,
different courses being served at the vari
ous residences, while several men of the
dance will convey the guests to and from
the homes in their motor cars.
The Monday Musical Club gave a card
party, preceded by an Informal musical
on Monday afternoon at Christensen's
Hall. The musical programme waa
changed at the eleventh hour, owing to
the illness of Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed
and Miss Millie Perkins, and the two
soloists were Miss Alice Juston and John
Claire Monteith.
Mrs. Frederick Dedo Keuttner and Mrs.
Frederick Leineiweber were the hostesses
at a pfetty card party of 17 tables of
five hundred on Friday afternoon at the
Portland Heights Club. The assistants
were Mrs. Warren Keeler and Miss
A bal masque cotillion was given by i
Miss Lulie Hall Friday evening at Mur
lark Hall for the members of the younger
et from 12 to 17 years of age. The cos
tumes were extremely pretty and the
german figures both intricate and pic
turesque. A number of the fancy dress
cos turns worn were purchased by the
parents of the children while abroad. The
patronesses were Mrs. T. B, Wilcox. Mrs.
. E. Robertson. Mrs. A. U Maxwell.
Mrs. R. R. Hoge and Mrs. Samuel Mears,
while the favors were distributed by Miss
'ald Hart. Miss Margaret Beuhner.
Miss Gene Brownley and Miss Nan Rob
ertson. NANCY LEE.
The last regular meeting of the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy was held at the
hospitable home of Mrs. Sylvia McGuire
and proved one, of the most interesting
and juccessful ever held by the chap
ter. There were present ladies from the
different club organizations of the city
A most interesting programme was ren
dered and at the singing of "Dixie" the
visitors mingled their enthusiasm with
that of the Daughters. The numbers
were as follows: Roll call, responses.
Heroines of the South;" address of wel
come. Mrs. Allen, president: report of
the chapter's work, Mrs. McGuire, dele
gate: "Dixie:" "A Pen Picture of the
Old South." Mrs. Taylor; "A Love Song "
Mrs. Nanie Duff Silver; "Appomattax
Mrs. Stovall; "Old Black Joe," Mrs"
Marshall. The hostess then served de
licious refresnments. during which an
Impromptu programme was given. Mrs
Abigail Scott Dunlway paid a beautlfui
tribute to the South. Mrs. Craig, former
president, gave a reading, as did Mrs Mc
Guire and Mrs. Kiggins. Mrs. Sarah
Evans gave a delightful talk to the
chapter. The Daughters of the Con
federacy will hold their next regular
meeting Thursday afternoon. April 29, at
2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Klzer. 428 Colum
bia, apartment 3. Take Montgomery
street car.
Nine pupils of Frederick W. Goodrich
gave a very successful recital at Ellers'
Hall on Saturday last. The audience
was large and appreciative. The prin
cipal item on the programme was a suite
for two pianos by the Russian composer
Arensky. This number was beautifully
rendered by Hasel Daley and Elaine
Clouse. Hazel Dailey gave a splendid
performance of Raffs "Cahoucha Ca
price and Liszt's "Rigoletto" para
phrase The first movement of Beetho
ven s Sonata Pathetlque" was played
by Elaine Clouse. who also gave Ruben
stein s Kammenol Ostrow." Elolse
m -?,P "Andante and Rondo"
jL a0hT and a Paraphrase by
KUhe. Mendelssohn's "Fantasia Op 16 "
W" p'ayed.w,th much care and expres
'n y Mildred Raymond. A quaint
and much-appreciated number was the
"Gavotte Marttale" (Dolmetch). playel
S rac Kan- other solo were given
by Helen Curtis. Lena White, Bessie Ed
wards and Andrew Kan. All these play-
t"il0Mr.d v1dences f technical ability
ana facility In memorizing.
tert..'"" F!let and Veva Magera en
tertained a party of friends at the home
of their parents. Judge and Mrs. J E
in '?i T vEMt A"h' Frlda evening!
April 1. In honor of Mrs. Percy Cotter
"J?" r- Prfslve whist was
the leading feature of the evening's en
tertainment. Piano selection, and local
solo, were rendered by Misses Eva
oSS" 'idr,ed Warren and
- ,noms artistically dec-
f ,.tl . h lar8 Pots f ferns, wild
currants and trilllums. Dainty refresh-
?.".,". WBre 8erVed' The following
guest were present: Mrs. Percy Cot
ter. Mr and Mrs. Fred Mundell. Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Averill. Mr. and Mrs Wills
Laurence, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Magers
Misses Eva Graves. Beatrice Mills Ina
Toombs. Mildred Warren. Ethel Clark
Fleta and Veva Mager,. Messrs Er"nest
Dyer, Laurence Wooster. George Roth
Floyd Patton. Milton WerschkulandMr
maJIa T,-Pr1"" were awarded to Miss
Mildred -Warren and Beatrice Mills. Fred
Mundell and George Roth.
h-Vr'1 M,nday afternoon members of
the Clary Club assembled at the home
.trth1 K PW'n' 960 East
street, the occasion for the gathering
P 'iv BurDrl8 Party in honor of Mrs
Powell's wedding anniversary. The
f Clary CIub evote their
1k, t0, 9ubJects that improve home life
embracing such themes as religion Ut
erature and domestic science. It Is not
customary for nv- 8 not
bor- w ""'t man mem
ber, to be present at any of the meetings
Iah-ea,8i0n..a Part:. .' sex
J" " l" nospuamy. Daintv re-
fresnments were served and a. a token
of their esteem r- v. .
-- ....n,K azaiea. Those pres
ent were Mesdames C. W. Hine. H C
Cameron. E. L. Barnes, J. F Robin-'
son. Zimmermsn r. 'cC'' "P-
The musical A
Tuesday. The members served dnintv re
freshment, at the close of the following
programme, each numbe- being ehu
L . cbiio. rantasle on Freis
'Smith) Mrs. J. M. Branch; 'trio. "The
T .i . w-- Mr- P"ce. Miss
- " xsympns and Fawns
(Banberg), Miss Leal; violin (a) "Lee
Adieu" (Larasate), (b) "Serenade"
(Pyerne). Herr Arthur Wunderwold:
"Nlghta" (Landon Ronald), Miss Lusan
Jones; obllgato (Herr Hanleln); cello
adante from "Goldermann" (Herr Han
leln); "In my Garden" and "My Valen
tine" (rose songs from Gaynor); bolero
from "Lucilean" Vespers, Mme. d'Auria;
chorus, "Awakening of Mow" (Rennick)
chorus Woman's Club.
The "postponed meeting of the Ladles'
Aid Society of the First Congregational
Church was held In the church parlors
Wednesday, April 21. Branches of cherry
blossoms and white and purple lilacs
decorated the platform. After a short
business session the meeting was given
into the hands of Mrs. W. D. Palmer,
who, as chairman of the literary com
mittee, had prepared an excellent pro
gramme. The first number was a duet,
piano and violin, by Mesdames John
Flanders Beaumont and Estella C. Berry,
which was heartily encored. Mrs. D. S.
Williams gave recitations from popular
authors. Vocal solos were rendered by
Miss Leah Slusser. accompanied by her
sister. Miss Slusser. Dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostesses,
Mesdames Palmer, Northup, Little,
Knight. Parker, Prehn, Morse, Nothnagle
and Miss Anr.a McDonald.
Mrs. George Baker gave a delightful
Informal Five Hundred party on Wed
nesday afternoon in honor of her
daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Skinner, who
left the same evening with her husband
to make their home In San Jose, Cal.
Those present were: Mrs. J. H. Abrey,
Mrs. H. B. Louridge, Mrs. J. B. Tan
ner, Mrs. F. G. Driver, Mrs. F. L.
Litherland, Mrs. F. Walker, Mrs. A. R.
Draper. Mrs. Carl . Llebe, Mrs. A. Crof
ton, Mrs. H. G. Krundreb, Mrs. A. Gor
don. Mrs. Charles Jennings, Jr., Mrs.
Frank Motter, Mrs. D. G. Tomaslnl,
Mrs. Toft. Mrs. H. M. Grant, Mrs. H.
Fredrich, Mrs. B. Hagedorn, Mrs.
Cather, Mrs. J. D. Robinson, Mrs. Good
win, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Hous
ton, Mrs. Genoway, Mrs. H. W. Foster,
Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. Dr. Schnauffer. Miss
Hagedorn, Miss Hageman, Miss Amy
home of Mrs. J. A. Dunn, 1111 Belmont
street. She was assisted by Mrs. L.
Bracy and Mrs. F. M. Buechel. The
xuni I'liso wus won py .vi . j. j&nney, ine
second by Mrs. F. M. Buechel, while
Mrs. Captain Bailey carried away the
consolation nrlcp Tho ti ka
club are: President. Mrs. Janney; secre
tary. Mrs. Atkinson; treasurer, Miss
Gerstll; Mesdames Bailey, Baker, Bracy,
Duecnei, uunn, jacKson, Riley, Roy and
Reinstein. The substitutes for the af
ternoon were Miss Jackson, Mrs. C. O."
McClaran and Mrs. Mabel McClaran.
The TumiIbv Aff
llghtfully entertained April 20 by Mrs.
W. J. Vincent. Roll-call was responded
to by quotations from Disraeli's "Endy-
mion. i ne programme, as follows, was
in the hands of thA hnttaw rn4-AmnA
rary French Literature. Mrs. G. M. Glin'es;
eneicn oi ciacKmore and Cratk, Mrs. L.
M. Davis; review of "Lorna Doone," Mrs.
A. A. Bailey; "William Wilkle Collins,"
Mrs. J. D. Hayes; "Minor Authors of the
Victorian Age." Mrs. A. J. Stiles. In the
aosence or tne president, Mrs. A. A.
Bailey presided. Mrs. W. J. Vincent will
again entertain the club on April 27, 335
Sherman street.
The Hidalgo Girls gave a box party
Saturday afternoon, April 17, at the Bun
galow Theater in. honor of Miss Clare
Connell and Miss Irma Austin. Mrs. J.
H. Williams and Mrs. H. H. Austin
acted as chaperons. The two girls hon
ored were recently pledged members of
the club, and after an elaborate dinner
at the home of Miss Florence Blumen
auer, their Initiation gave the girls a Kav
evening. Those of the club are: Misses
Gladys Crockett, Florence Blumenauer,
Margaret Hart, Irene Collins, Grace Co
vell, Clare Connell. Irma Austin and
Jean Auld.
The Polnsetta Five Hundred Club was
entertained on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Max Abst, 63 East
Thirteenth street. Those present, were
Mrs. Ida Hardman, Mrs. Emma Mllburn,
Mrs. Cora Haughey, Mrs. Ida Anderson,
Mrs. Grace Spang, Mrs. Lillian Dalziel,
Mrs. Gertriirli nnivor Xfo tji -v. -wr
-. - ... , - laiiLiio
nedy, Mrs. Harriette Hemmeter, Mrs.
i-ipna. tiii, airs. Marie Abst and Mrs.
Effle Walker. The day prizes were
awarded to MVs. clrtvnAn ri it, i
Mrs. Ida Anderson. This being the end
ot a series or meetings, a trophv was
won by Mrs. Harriette Hemmeter with
a score of 26,930.
The MftccsbAA diVH of t .i
Of the World held It rom.lsr mi.l ..I
the residence of Mrs. B. E. Kloinsmit'i
270 East Twenty-fourth street. After a
short business session refreshments ere
oci .ra oy me nostess, assisted by her
daughter, Mrs. Wilson. Those present
were Mesdames Klelnsmith, Wilson, For
ges, Hyde, Allen, Moore, Guerm, Spanner,
MoTarthv. Mnrvh rl-K. . 1 lr -
" . - . . ' ... . 1 1 ... . t a lies,
Bowman. Beaushene, Swan, McFadden
The first launch nartv of ih
was given by Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kel
logg Saturdav flftArnnnn Anrll I'r
their new launch Corlnne. Those Includ
ed in the party were Mr. and Mrs. Kel
logg, Mesdames Herschler, Hayes. Morrl-
""any, r-erguson, Briggs, Watson
miuuo mm mo misses rorinne Kel
logg. Lettv TJohv T.llH.n xr-i.- a...
Akers, Marie Bisby and Marian Brlggs.
A luncheon waa served.
A very pleasant rn rt-w was riy it.
P. A. Jones at his home, 541 Borthwlck
eirrci., inursoay evening in honor of his
birthday. Supper was trved, after whli h
music and games wern
present were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gill. Mr.
ana mra. J. uia. Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Jones. Miss Lou Allen, Miss Rita A'len
and Charles Barton.
Marguerite Camp 1440, Royal Neighbors
of America, gave the second of a series
of five hundred parties in its hall. Savoy
building, Tuesday afternoon, April 20. A
neat sum, which will be used for the
benefit of a sick neighbor, was netted.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Nellie Hubbard
and Mrs. Agnes J. Culpan.
Suits, Gowns
Waists, Etc.
This Week
Drake & Swan Co.
415 Wash. St.. Cor. 11th.
bridge's father, Henry D. Ott, by the
v. suvers, or the Christian
Church. Mr. Van Antwerp Is a young
business man. TUv win . i .
Miwp LUCir
home in the college city.
A nrettv weddlnc r..-. ...--. . ii.. i
. - - "o , . v u tuo iiuine
of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. H. Rovig
8eattle, on the evening of April 19. when
Miss Mary Louise Chiville. of Port'ar.d
became the wife of Attorncv Chester a!
9tudebaker. of PhAhnMa txtu
i o3ii. Kjniy
relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs.
wuouoAor win reside in unenalls.-
' Wllklnaon-Ijoniscjl.
OmTAr 1 1. 1 - .
onouii anil miss iviaDei
Jjoulaell were married Wednesday, April
21, in the reception room of the White
Temple, by Dr. : J. Whltcomb Brougher.
Bert Orrell and Miss Agnes McGloin
were married Thursday in the recep
tion T-OOTYl n f t 1 TXTK4 1 . . .
. .. llo iciiitiie, ity XJT.
J. Whltcomb Brougher.
An item of interest to a number of
Portland people appeared In a recent Is
sue of the Chicago Tribune, announcing
the marriage In that cr.y on April 7 of
Miss Lois McCoy, daushter of Mrs Ra
cine McCoy, of Portlanl, to Mr. Walter
Irving Kennedy, of Medina, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cortman announce the
engagement of their daughter, Clara, to
Lee Kemp, of Portland. Reception will
be held Sunday, April 25, at the resi
dence of Mrs. L. Ruvensky, 541 Second
street, from 2:30 to 5 P. M.
Knight Shoe Company will be closed all
day Monday, arranging for big sale- at
old stand and opening of new store, at
Second and Washington streets.
Mrs. M. Browning announces the en
gagement of her dausrhtr, Grace to
James L. Dorney, of this c'.ty. The wed
ding will take place In May.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shlvely announce
the engagement of their eldest daughter
Kathryne Genevieve, to John C. McCue'
of Portland. ,
Irvlngton Tennis Clubhouse for danc
ing or social parties. Apply to Mr.
Rowe, Lumbermens National Bank.
Young women who are interested in
birds will have a rare treat this after
noon at the Y. W. C. A. William L.
Flnley. president of the Audubon Society
has been secured to give his popular ad
dress on "Our Common Birds." The lec
ture is illustrated by chpice stereopticon
views owned by Mr. Finley. The musical
programme will consist of the vocal duet
by Miss Lottie Hampton and Miss Hazel
Hardie; and a contralto solo by Miss
Gusta Olsen. This lecture Is open to all
young women.
The Daughters of the Confederacy will
give a benefit tea at Sherman-Clay Hall
Monday evening, April 26, at 8:30 o'clock
to which the public Is cordially invited'
An attractive programme of music and
recitations has been prepared, as follows-
Monday Special.
Zh iL ir, I J TS y mn7 Whe" yU mar save it? The new Golden Eagle is the
Ll L "T where "regular" prices are utterly unknown. It sells everything at special
ZZ LTht6' :i SCtULal The WeU Satisfied customers and The rapidTy
workin! n3rwe TST? T' Ur C,a thal this is - fading place for
workmg people. We of fer for Monday hundreds of special bargain,, among them the following:
Bargain Store
. J
Sale of Sailor
Hours, 9 A. M. to 11 A. M.; posi
tively at no other time. 500 ladies'
and misses' plain and fancy sail
ors, in all styles and col- QO
ors; choice vOC
Kegular 25c pure silk Taffeta
itibbons, all colors, the
For the
Working People
Ladies' regular 25c "Wash Q
Belts, embroidered effects . . C
Ladies ' regular 75c Elastic A 7
Belts, all colors tC
Ladies' fine Tailored
Waists, values $3.50 ......
All day Monday.
Ladies ' Lingerie "Waists, fl "1 qq
vals. to $3.50, all styles. .P10
Enough to last all day.
Men's Suits at
Owing to the immediate demand
of our Ladies' Suit Department
for more floor space, we are go
ing to sacrifice the entire stock of
men's Tailored Suits. About 300
men's suits, values up to $25.00,
will be offered Mon- T IT
day at H 1
Don't overlook this great sav
ing opportunity.
Sale Hours JS:
hrr,eniT St!k f miUinery consist of trimmed and tailored
fpH ? numbennS 800 styles and colors will be of
fb.t one-quarter of the actual value.
:Q T " - ara a?am at 3 I MM lasting two hours
each. Positively no hats will be sold at the price outside the
hours mentioned. Anv h0 v ine
j Li Llir: lillllNK. V H I UOO M 0
, v-, . . II
up to $15.00, choice.
Sale of Ladies' Suits
le Hours iVV; t
Positively no other time.
300 Ladies' up-to-date tailored suits, choice of
any m the house, values up to $25.00
Sale of Ladies' Suits
C I U A. M. (nil A
uoic noursap.jL VoVp. M:
' Positively no other time. ,
2o0 Ladies Tailored Suits in all the latest
shades, choice of any suit in the house, values
up to $3d.00
styles and
Two Lots of Silk
Sale continues all day Monday.
LOT 1 Ladies' heavy "taffeta silk
Petticoats, values up P qq
to $10.00, choice ..pD,OZJ
LOT 2 Ladies' pure silk Petti
coats, values up to A 1 C
$8.50, choice S?4.iy
Ladies' Ribbed
Union Suits
Sleeveless Vests and Umbrella
Pants, combined in one; r
75c value 1 Ht C
All day Mondav.
Ladies' regular 35c sleeve-. QO
less Vests
Ladies' ribbed sleeveless Q
Vests, 15c value
Children's regular 25c
School Hose, fast black
All day Monday.
Ladies' 3 5 c Value
Lace Hose
In openwork effects, all " A
colors; all day Monday... ArC
Become Agents for Warner's Corsets
Discard Other Brands at Sacrifice
afirSiSsx-w for th iebrated s Rust
have about 600 other veU-knnnr vLFje? gdS;
j j, vaiues up to QZ7C
500 Lingerie Waists at
58c Each
Our New York buyer has bought 500 Lingerie Waists at an
enormous sacrifice to the manufacturer. These are in three-
quarter sleeve effects, but will be worn much this O
Knight Shoe Company will be closed all
day Monday, arranging for big sale at
old stand and opening of new store, at
Second and Washington streets.
The Irvlngton Tennis Club will have
an informal "at home" at the club
house next W ftl npyHuv tk. i .i
. - ' icaiucuia
of Irvlngton and Holladay are invited
A beautiful wedding ceremony was per
formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W
H. Zeigler, 8S8 Belmont tret. Wednesday
evening, April 14. when Merit: A Ray
mond, of this city, was married to Miss
Anna M. Fox. of Grind Rapids. Mich.,
the ceremony being performed by Rev
W A. Waitt. The was attired In
a beautiful white prinoes, gown and car
ried a. bouquet of lilies oi the valley. The
wedding march from "LohetiRrin'- was
KrlJ M1SS Bdlth l'ltsu. tx lend of
both bride and groom. After the cere
mony a delightful wedding ..upper was
served, the dinlng-roombeing attractively
raifd, ln Oregon grapj and sweet
llnly relat!ve" ana sever, in)mflte
friends were present. M.- and Mrs Rav
Rw wi" reside at Tiventy-ninth and
Belmont street after May 15.
wTaf1s?m?nts.nava been maJe with
Harriett Meta, World's Famous Beauty
Specialist of Paris, London and Syra
cuse N. Y. to furnish free particulars
to all readers of The Portland Ore
gonian In regard to what Is believed
to be the most remarkable method of
removing wrinkles which has ever been
rs-i'tl j1?18!. ha,a ,been awarded nine
Gold Medals by Paris, London. Brussels
ome, and other International Exposi
tions on her great Beauty discoveries.
iJP- .It"011 government has honored
ner with a Patent on her wonderful
new process for removing wrinkles
tten,T8,are also now pending be
Waeshinegton.4ted StaUS GoVerame"t "
Mile. Meta Is. herself, a living exam
ple of the great power of her remark-
nnlft Kon 1 1 1 ir .i i .
: ...onin uiHcovenes. nv
, many she Is considered the most beau-
tlful woman ln all Parts
I Sh tnnlr ka. .
. . , . ' wnnxiea out In
three nights by her new discovery over
three years ago. after her face massage
1n",i3trap8- and "Naming pota tf
all failed to remove them, and her skin
today is still soft and smooth; her facS
BnVKS? V,2ii,hi? ha5.n "-e'wrlnkfes!
But best of all. her discovery not only
succeeded In her own case, but it seems
to have worked even more astonishing
results ln the cases of others. "lnB
Mrs. Mary J Davis, of East St. Louis
111., says: "My wrinkles were very
Van An twerp-Ott.
Z l wsdJnK took place In
GroX?.Sunday evenlng when Miss
Bessl L. Ott and William D. Van An
twerp, were married at th. home of the
fmt1tnd of ,on standing, so you can
two,my.Surprise when. after only
r,Wr,-PPU??tlonTs- thev entirely disap
C?f3 d;, Mr- H, K- Haskell, of 2503
n L'? San Francisco, Cal.. writes:
nTami 0 years old. consequently my
wrinkles were of long standing, and I
thmnKtnoushtU J"68lble to erasS
ref WtVo ?Zti, Whe.n fvle,w my changed
JmiTT ?fcln ihe mJ"or- I can scarcely
the transformation that hai
RiWhVh; Mrs- M' A- Edwards, of
than Bl$- ,9- 8ay8: "l .Iook younger
wani d,d 25 years ago." Mrs. Nellie
V,,,03;1, .f Brohlyn. N. Y.. writes:
Your treatment has removed every
mark and blemish from my face" and
filled out the hollow places, giving it a
most natural tone." 8 "8 11 a
-? vther Beauty Specialist, living or
dead has ever been honored by gold
medals from International Expositions,
and patronized by Countesses and
ladies of high title and rank to the
same extent that Harriett Meta has
wiU neve,r again have the oppor
tunity of consulting a Beauty Special-H-ri?UM
world-wide reputation as
Harriett Meta. Therefore, be sure to
cut out and use the below Free Coupon
. today. You need send no money, not
I even a postage stamp, but merely en-
close the following coupon ln a letter
' addressed to Harriett Meta, Syracuse
i Is. Y.. and you will receive an answer
' n a plain sealed envelope.
PerCy Co"er. of Salem. Or has
been a guest of the Mlss.,s Fl.tJ and i Vera
Magers, TOO East Ash street, the past
Mrs. S. Uri. of San Francisco, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Fred Bauer of
328 Tenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Walter Tilford have
returned to their home, after a stay of
seven months ln Los Anceles.
Mrs. S. J. Stewart has returned from
the Bast, where she visited her mother
and relatives, and will reside at 347 Stan
ton street.
Dr. and Mrs. Byron E. Miller will
leave May 3 for a month's trip through
California, visiting at Sacramento. San
Francisco, San Jose. Monterey. Santa
Cruz and other coast resorts. rr Mil
ler will take his automobile and attend
a medical meeting at San Jose.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGinn left
last evening on a trip to the pleasure
resorts along the coast of Southern
Mrs. H. T. Bingham left last week
for Mexico, where she will Join her
daughter Miss Lee Bingham for a trip
to the East.
William Klumpp. engraver and sta
tioner. IS nOW Im'ntinl In 1 1 i.i Xtd-Ua....
j Trust building, southwest corner Wa.-Oi-I
ington and Sixth stret ts.
For Removing-Wrinkles
inject in or under the skin hut tri i mms pots, nomine to
use in the privacy of he?' own ondeB1J?,tW Vlat a?y ladycan
-oa toaay. Address Harriett Meta. Suite Tllm". Syracuse? N.Y.
Portland Oreeonian
Do -o fail to cnt out thu eelo.e It with 7. letter.
( ,. V
22 YY," Sr der ln Painless Den
tal Work in Portland.
Now is the Best Time of the Year to
Have Your Teeth Out and Your
Bridge or Plate Work Done
go laWZ? nT8' contracting a cold and having sore gums. Then
have tw? JM? ntal Company, which is the best place In the city to
have this kind of work done, as they have a large staff of skilled dent
ists, who have made this work a specialty for the past 22 years.
j Is a splendid guarantee of our efficiency and fair treatment of our pa-
Te-ih V lno.rouSnly "oed the problem of Extracting and Filling
Teeth without causing the slightest pain to the patient, and you can have
any number of teeth extracted without feeling the slightest twinge of
pain or suffering any bad after effects.
22-carat Sold or Porcelain
Crown for . KO
22-carat Bridge Teeth "(guar-
roa,teed "aCh 3.00
Gold or Enamel Fillings
each ; i on
Silver Fillings, each lo
Inlay Firtlngs of all kinds.
each 50
Good Rubber Plates, each! ! ! ssoo
The Best Red Rubber Plates
each S7.50
AH Instruments Thoroughly
Another feature of this office
there's no danger ,pf infectious dis
ease. Every instrument is carefully
steriliztd by an expert attendant
every time it Is used.
Without Plate.
We Attach a Bridge
Which works perfectly and chews
Y JL food 8 well as the natural
teeth- A well-made Dridge is one
or the greatest blessings it is
possible for a skilled dentist to
provide his patient. A wen-placed
bridge lasts a lifetime and never
causes annoyance of any kind.
Drop in and let us tell you
what ls-needed. Tou can have the
work done to suit your conven
ience and picketbook. Our terms
ire the most reasonable in Port
land, considering the high-grade
work always supplied.
Out-of-Town People
Should remember that our force M
so arranged that WE CAN no
necessary. POSITIVrlv PA1NIF4
r.brides aro ordered. WE RE
no uncertainty but SPECIALISTS
who do the most scientific and care
ful work.
f our efficiency and permanence in
h,ne8;''; iFew .rfIce! n the Union
have attained the volume of work
and extenslveness of organization to
warrant Incorporation.- It is an as
surance to patrons that the offices
will be continued, so that they may
have their work not only done to
Say but five or ten years from now
as the case may be. It makes the
guarantee of this dental organiza-
... juoi w uai 11 says.
DR. W. A. WISE, President and Manager.
THE FAILING BUILDING. Third anr! WarMn rftnn C OFFICE botibo
aUiugtuu Jli. Phm.. 10 f. Sunfavs 9 to 1
. " "0-s- All Work Guaranteed