The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 25, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 27

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    fcroidered In Easter Ultes. Duchess lace
formed the emolre yoke and !...,. j
. long tulle veil wu coroneted by orange
blowoma worn by Mrs. Houghton at her
wedding The bride wore a diamond
brooch given by Mr. Dolph, and carried
long-stemmed Easter lilies. Miss Claire
Houghton wore an empire gown of chif
fon embroidered In yellow and gold, while
the two brunettes of the bridal cortege.
Miss Harel Dolph and Miss Grace War
ren, were attired In dewdrop net built
ever princess foundations of satin, the
todlce lncrusted with opalescent beads,
and a suggestion of yellow satin. The
two blondes. Miss Use Koehler and Miss
Nan Robertson, wore the same type of
(town, but combined with a mauve tint of
Katin. They also carried Easter lilies.
Miss Houghton presented her maids with
sold necklaces with an enamel and pearl
"drop In an Easter lily design, while the
room's gifts to the ushers were pearl
cuff links. George Warren was the best
man, and the ushers were Tom Robert
Bon. Raymond "Wilcox, Charles Holbrook
vnd Edward Falling. A large reception
t the Houghton residence supplemented
the ceremony. The presents were un
usually handsome, consisting of many
objects d"art. beautiful Turkish rugs,
great quantities of silver and linen. Mrs.
Houghton and Miss Claire presented all
of the flat silver of Paul Revere pattern
find an elaborate tea service, while ail of
he large silver of same design was given
y the various members of the Dolph
family. . Many lovely gowns were worn.
Following l a few of those of the Imme
diate family:
Mrs. Richard Nixon, who was the hand
some Miss Agnes Dolph, appeared in a
beautiful decollete gown of shell pink
satin almost completely enveloped with
rare old rose point lace.
Mrs. J. Wesley Lrfidd wore a gown she j
had embroidered In Japan, a delicate
shade of blue crepe, with sprays of hy
drangeas, while the bodice was patlletted
with silver.
Mrs. Houghton wore a mauve satin,
with much duchess lace about the cor
shcp. and a diamond pendant.
Mrs. Cyrus A. Dolph was distinguished
In cloth of silver and rose point, and
ehe wore a nerlTlace of diamonds.
Miss Olga von Dcstlnon was In a black
sequin decollete gown, and Mrs. Robert
Howard. Jr., in her wedding gown, with
which she carried an arm bouquet of
Tresldent Carnot buds.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph left for a month's
tour of California, and upon returning
will occupy a cottage at 830 Raleigh
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burpee, the latter
Misn iMcy Failing, are receiving con
gratulations over the birth of a eon.
This is one of the few grandsons In the
Falling family, which boasts of so many
girls. Mrs. J?urpee Is one of the eight
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Fall
ing, Harry Falling being the only son.
Mrs. R. I .pa Barnes, Mrs. Ralph W.
Woyt, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and Mrs. E.
E. Lytla are to act as' the patronesses for
a dancing and card party which Is to be
given by the American Instlute of Bank
ing on Thursday evening. May 6, at the
Masonic Temple.
. 'I
Miss Helen Teal, of Hood River, who
came down for the Klrmess. and to visit
with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Teal, has
Teturned. Mrs. Teal Is at present visiting
Mrs. F. A. Helm, of Corvallls.
Dr. and Mrs. Char lee Chamberlain and
their two children have returned from a
four months" visit to their former home
In Natchez, Miss. Accompanying them
' Wfrt was Mrs. Ker, & sister of Senator
FSeorge Chamberlain, and the mother of
John Ker.
Henry F. Conner Is recuperating at
Paso Robles. Cal., from an attack of
Tha third and last of the Assemblies
was the most successful of the trio, the
cotillion lending a novel touch. Chrlsten
en's Hall was chosen for the event, and
attractively arranged with a variety of
flowers, woodland ferns, potted plants,
carnations, palms and American beauties.
Roderick Macleay led the german and In
troduced many new figures. The playing
f the music from the Marsovlan, Indian,
Spanish and Fluffy Ruffle dances of the
recent Klrmess added a degree of In
formality which was much appreciated.
The favors were attractive, white para
noia tied, with scarlet ribbon, silver pic
ture frames, canes, briar wood pipes, cig
arettes, silver pencils, key rings, leather
traveling case tags, necklaces, potnsettas,
boxes of chocolates and bon bons In
papier mache cases representing differ
ent fruits. Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. Beebe
and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis presided over
one favor table and Mrs. W. J. Bums and
Mrs. W. B. Ayer the other.
Among a few of the many handsome
gowns seen at the Assembly was that of
Mrs. Zera Snow, a white chiffon hand
painted In pastel shades of roses; Mrs. L.
Allen Dewls, a dlrectolre gown of oyster
gray crepe, with touches of cherry red
velvet; Miss Margaret Montgomery, the
gown she wore at Miss Ethel Roose
velt's ball at the White House, a white
atln with a tunic of spangled silver net
with Napoleonic wreaths of embossed
pink baby roses. .
Mrs. Walter F. Burrell was in white
atln with a cape of Japanese embroid
ered crepe of a Nile green shade; Miss
Isabella McGunnegie, of Vancouver Bar
racks. In an empire gown of white chif
fon with a broad Persian border; Mrs.
J. K. Kolloch. In blue satin; Miss Caro
line Burns, pink satin with silver lace;
Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, black velvet with
Carickmacross lace and diamonds; Mrs.
"W. B. Ayer, white satin trimmed with
cloth of gold; Mrs. Thomas Kerr, ivory
chiffon worn with a turquoise necklace -Mrs.
Frank Branch vKiley, Nile green
aatln with American beauty roses; Mrs.
C. F. Beebe, white lace and diamonds'
Mrs. David C. Lewis, pink satin worn
with a diamond pendant; Miss Leslie
Fmlth, yellow chiffoh cut on empire lines
Mrs. Guy Talbot, lavender with necklace
of amethysts; Mrs. F. S. Kelly, yellow
poplin trimmed with rose point; Mrs. W.
fi. Biddle, sheath gown of satin of a
prune shade worn with cut jet orna
ments; Miss Josephine Smith, apricot
satin with a suggestion black and gold;
Baroness von Blltzen, In a girlish frock
I of pale blue chiffon and bridesmaid buds,
and Mrs. John E. Cronan In a trousseau
COBtUme Of m. t nrn imlc ... -. ...
-- uuaua SHLin
the bodice lncrusted with a heavy silver
Mrs. fiolftmnn iijiHa i
' ' tukri iniuru 111 1 Ul III-
allT TUSSdaV aftArnnnn -nHtl i
" -... hi (. o in ner
apartments at the Nortonia. There were
.....ow ia.uieB. na me prizes were won by
Mrs. Ben Neustadter. Miss Ella Hirsch
and Mrs. Emanuel Meyer.
The wedding of Miss Ellen Lancaster
King and Cleveland C. Cats took place
in the presence of the Immediate family
munu, itLot weea at 7:30 A M
at Trinitv rhuivh t a -i.r
rison officiating A ft. .. "
a trip to California, Mr. and Mrs. Cate
"i w i . no noiei Portland.
The last of the Scottish Rite parties
was largely attended1 on Friday evening
street, in ad
dition to dancing there were many tables
. of bridge. The patronesses were Mrs
Robert Lutke, Mrs. B. C. Jorgensen, Mrs
F. W. Graves. Mrs. C. 8. Hosner. Mrs
H. K. Brown. Mrs. A.
J- Blaeslng. Mrs. D. L. Povey' Mrs. H.
nura, airm. ueorge B. Cellars
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Flynn and the
Misses Mamie. Helen and Irene Flynn
spent several days of last week In Albany
visiiins jur. ana Mrs. John R.
Flynn. who are the parents of a small
girl, born about four weeks ago. Mrs.
Flynn was formerly Miss Cecile Stevens!
a OL xaeieiiB xtku gin,
Mrs. L. L. McArthur will return this
week after a two months' visit with her
fjlstar, Mrs. William Markiand Molson, at
Montreal. Mrs. McArthur's visit was oc
casioned by the severe Illness of Mr. Mol
son, who has been In poor health for
several months. Mr. and Mrs. Molson
resided In Portland ior many years and
afterwards lived at their country home
In Polk County.
Mrs. E. H. French, who has been a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
H- Flynn, returned to iier home in The
Dalles Thursday night.
Miss Hazel McNair. a popular student
of the University of Oregon, visited here
during the week and attended the As
sembly on Thursday evening. Miss Mc
Nair Is a Tillamook girl, and a sophmore
at Eugene. She Is a member of the Beta
Epstlon sorority.
Mrs. Carll D. Lewis, of Seattle, who
was called to Portland by the death of
her father, the late Colonel W. H. Jor
dan, Sr., has been quarantined at the
mother's Willamette Heights residence,
owing to an attack of measles which her
small son, Daniel, contracted the day
after their arrival.
On Wednesday at the golf links the
finals for Mrs. William MacMasters' cup
were played, resulting in Mrs. Peter
Kerr's favor, she having defeated Mrs.
. B. Ayer by one hole. At the con
clusion Mrs. MacMaster entertained tht
Players at tea, which was served on the
ganery of the club. Present were Mrs.
Thomas Kerr. Mrs. T. R. Wfli -vf
Richard Koehler, Mrs. W. J. Burns, Mrs
David T. Honpyman. Mrs. L. Allen Lewis
MIps Carrie Flanders. Miss Sally Lewis
iwiss omyser. Miss Lisa Wood, Miss Var
Jorle Barrows, of St. Paul: Mr wn
Gilbert. Miss Lizzie Myrict and Mrs.
Fenoer, of Scotland.
Mrs. J. N. Teal jnd Ruth Tui .nant
the past week at the Hotel Wa fiwir.
Hood River, where they were joined'
uver ine ween end by Miss Genevieve
Thompson and Miss Barbara fmlcer
Before returning home they will spend
n. aay wun air. and Mrs. Carroll Hurl
burt at their apple ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis. Sr. nf
Saginaw, Mich., have returned to the
Ji.asi alter a brief visit with their
son, C. H. Davis. Jr.. a popular bache
lor, who has recently taken up his resi
dence here. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were
guests of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett In
her box the opening night of the Kir-mess.
For this season of the "year there
las been an unusual hiatus to the sea
hore. Amonsr those coins- rtn-arr. h
past week were Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
. wucox, Aliss Claire and Teddy Wil-
O X . WhO Went to tio!r -KTnv T
residence. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flelsch
ner, and their two children, who were
at me aoutn Beach. Mrs. E. B. Piper.
David and John Plner who nr,n.
their cottage at Seaside, and Mr. and
inrs. inaries ttrlggs and Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel A. Herinsr. who vora -...-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Malarkeys Seaside
v.iiBc. air. ana airs. Cecil riuer
leave today for a several days' sojourn
at Hotel Moore.
Miss Mae Hirsch and Mix Clemo-r.-
tlne Hirsch have cards out for a bridge
party on Saturday afternoon, which Is
complimentary to the brides-elect. Miss
Helen Roeenfeld and Miss Ruby Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Cnr-rnll TTn.-l'Kt,.- r -vr t
Leslie Knapp) came down from their
Hood River ranch for the Klrmess and
remained over for the Dolph-Houghton
wedding and the Assembly, returning
Patterson TvfTlT-i enr 1f -k- -rr w
On Thursdav n thA oiiAjar t..i. y..
sell, who will sail shortly after their ar
rival ior Europe, where he will meet and
return home with Mrs. Russell and Miss
jvatnerme Russell, who have been tour
ing the Continent for some months.
Mr. and Mrs. J Cmih mor,.t.
dinner hosts Thursday evening, enter
taining for Mrs. Flanders' sister. Miss
Madge Houston, of Seattle.
In honor of a nvAnt hi. nf tr
- . , uii n. iitUTl-
son McElrov Munppr mts -cm
C l ..... -u A 1VJ 1 1 ITn
Tongue) Miss Becky Biddle gave a
luncheon Monday at the Hotel Nortonia,
which included Miss Genevieve Thomp
son, Miss Berti Baar, Miss Barbara
kroner, miss Leslie Smith, Miss Mllla
Wessinger and Miss Olive Failing.
Mrs. J. W. Conk win -
Wednesday afternoon r ,- s.i..j
Heights residence for the women of Trin
ity Church.
Miss Vlda Rnnl la nml.. -u
- " -s wio ween
at the Coast, the guest of Mrs. Harlow
Mrs. J. R MnnlvAmAnr 13-'
- r,".... J DaiUHDB VOH
Wltzleben. and Miss Mary Montgomery.
joiurnea irom Seattle, where they
went for the Cnlt-Minr,- .
ncuumg. uirs.
Walter F. Rurrelt xti . .
- - - o xvittrgarec
Montgomery, from Seattle went over to
' mey were guests of an
KiiMii iiavai orticer and his wife, whom
the MnntpntnArva rr n
o,uiu&u. jvirs. xsur-
rell and Miss Montgomery returned on
auaj lur me -ABSemDly.
Mr. and Mrs Pati at ttt, 1 1 ,
' uuur, wno
have been in Southern California since
ituiuiuy, rave returned and are at the
nuuari Curtis.
At a tea given by Mrs. Frank Dooley
on Wednesday the nnnmmMMAH4.
made of the engagement of Miss Mar-
wuey to jonn Francis Dalv, who
recently came from the East, and who
Is president of the Title Trust Com
pany. Miss WTl1ey Is a daughter of Mrs
Third Floor Washington Blag..
I'onrth and Washington.
Rnrtnnan Rlrtn Watfi St Rat 1th I Rfh
Walking Kids
Genuine English Cape Walking
Gloves, $1.50 value SI. 15
Genuine Hassan Cape, with lat
est wide silk embroidery. pr....1.7K
New Tailored Chamois Gloves
guaranteed to wash. 1.60
value, pair 81.25
.asmSa f -a--HaasBawiMBHHBsa-w-wiisa------
Black Silk Hose
The finest collection of
black embroidered silk
hose we have ever dis
played at the price. In
neat, dainty designs.
$1.50, $1.95 and $2.95 per
Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts.
Neckwear for the Fastidious
Hand made, Irish, real Val.
and Olnny Jabots, $2 to $3.50.
Hand made, Irish, real Val.
and Gluny Dntch Collars,
$2.50 to $5.00.
Austrian Lace Dutch Col
lar, the new sailor effect,
from $5 to $10.
rnoon and
Wearing Apparel and
C. F. BrrK, Mgr.
J. R. Wiley and the late Captain Joseph
Wiley, and a granddaughter of Mrs. W.
P. Burke, one of the Oregon pioneers.
June 2 has been set as the date of the
wedding. Mrs. Samuel Archer will en
tertain with bridge this week for Miss
Wiley, and Mrs. J. D. Leonard will give
a luncheon.
The Dutch Consul. J. W. Matthes, and
Mrs. Matthes, are spending a few days
at the Hotel Empress In Victoria, B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson spent
several days last week at their ranch In
Lafayette, Or.
Miss Paulina Fithlan has returned from
an Interesting and extended Continental
Mrs. Herbert Irwin left on Thursday
for a trip to California.
Mrs. Alma Hcwe and Miss Hester Howe
have returned to their Hood River ranch
after a several months' tour of Cali
fornia. Mrs. Katherlne Daly gave a luncheon
Friday afternoon In the Portland Grill
for Mrs. Charles Lee Boss and the girls
who assisted her at the St. Ann's charity
card party. The guests were Mrs.
Charles Lee Boss. Mrs. B. 8. Pagen.
Miss Mamie Helen Flynn. Miss Mary
Cronan. Mies Pearl Jennings, Miss Viola
Barenstecker, Miss Irene Flynn and Mlsa
Grace Jennings.
The five concerts to be given by the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra In conjunc
tion with the Portland Festival Chorus
and a number of distinguished soloists
commencing April 30, are attracting wide
Our styles have never been so beautiful nor the variety of models so reat Tor ,Tamr,i. ,
of a tailored suit, a one-piece frock with coat to match, a c"a? street dreSs, 5 ? . ' coa? aVana ice
one shown in different designs, enabling you to find just the in-dividual becoming style" you krf looking for n "
Silk Dresses at $25
Dnrim tbi. k w will make a feature of Silk Dre.ees at the above ric.
They are Tery pretty and practical, and e.ery coatomer wiU BreSw pU.S
n?re ifpw i ,CmeB 80ft teffeta 8Uka of yariou'9 Patterns, with yoke of
Sw!? , which, is novel yoke effect, with button trimmings. 7
There are many other pretty dresses in this collection, and all are rv v
. ceptional values at $25.00. a ar8 very ox
Spring Coats and Wraps
Braid and Silk Coats 320 to S50
sStX IJSsS ' 1,6118:111116 brald knCe len f" ?20; longer
Pongee Coats $15 to $40
l0elelh. -d Pe coats, and we
garments and we will store them until wanted. y fur
A Word About Fur Remodeling "In the Largest Fur Factory in the West"
Our reputation for the repairing and remodeling of fur garments of all Vinri,
has been so well and widely established that it does not necSat nia
ing upon the subject. necessitate our enlarg-
the fur season opens, when it will cost you a great deal more. AU fuTs Jemod
CHAGRITw!118 SUmm6r m0nth3 WE W1LL ST0RFfURrSE TOT
Exclusive Designs in
Ladies' Silk, Satin and
Pongee Parasols
to Match the Silk Gowns
All Moderately Priced
(Concluded on Paf. 4.) I ilvt f
271 1-2 Morrisoa Street
Portland Oregon
enhances the beauty of the flowers displayed. We represent the
Jirkins Studio. Product, irns, fountains, sundials, benches, etc.
St J.C.EnglishCompany
128 Park Street
145-147 SECOND. BET
are the colors most
wanted now, and we
have them trimmed or
untrimmed, all at the
usual moderate Ham
burger prices. Correct
shapes and correct
trimmings. Many
charming new styles
planned especially for
Monday's selling. Un
trimmed at 75,
98S $1.50 and up
wards. Trimmed at
1 2 .95, $3.95,
specYalTal6 NoS :S GdS Deartment alwa8 will be found
New Brassieres, from 50e up, just in.
New Brassieres, bust supporters and close-fitting co'rset covers
in one garment, made of fine batiste and lace-trimmed; lightly boned
down the front to give a smooth surface. All gizes; from 50c up
A large assortment of plain and fancy shirtwaists of fine lawn
lace or embroidery-trimmed; all sizes. Regular prices from 50c'
up your choice at half price.
M. Hansen, conducting Ladies' Furnishing Goods Department."
"If Seeking the Newest, You 11 Find It at the Style St
?ePiet,ello "s tWWcetocaUuponus. No danger overstepnin cd ,i
tne otvie Store. Ihe wiHf.awato U!.t(., r .l r i . buying at
" . uLwiiuuicaa ui i iif srvi mivirAi. . i i i -a
have built our nrosoertv. ' l ,CIU1 DuvlnS" a gen
erous price-making have built our prosperty.
ii an.
11 iv
Charge Acconnt
A more dainty essentially feminine frock could not
be selected than one of these Summery dresses. In
sheer lawn, yoke and bretelles of fine val. lace and
tucks. Front paneled, with deep C1 f ff
headed flounce at bottom .... plUUU
We also have more elaborate ones in French novelty
mulls, batiste hand-braided linens, mousse- tor
lines with coquettish tunics, values up to pO3
Tailored Liien Waists
Plain tailored Waists are largely taking the place of
the lingerie ones. These new specially priced ones
are of the finest Irish linen, beautifully tailored, broad
and narrow tucks, fine pearl buttons. O p- r
Gibson back O.DU
Separate Serge Skirts
Every Summer wardrobe needs one or more of these
cream skirts. These new models are full gored,
trimmed with satin or self -buttons and ?Q ff
narrow bandings, in mohair or serge pOV"U
Extra good quality hard finished serge (1 A
skirts, button trimmed full length of front V vl
Very dressy ones with buttons bpth sides J A
of front and side gores, empire belt P A 4"
, Alteration Free
Where garments require extra fitting we offer you
rree tfte expert tailoring ot our alteration department.
You are privileged to open a charge account, ,
remitting in weekly, semi-monthly or monthly
payments, as convenient
Nfi rn
The Store Where Your Credit Is Good