TnE SUNP AX. OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. APRIL 25, 1909. AGENTS FOR yiiKim m mansion aic AG ENTS FOR Thomson's and Warner's Corsets We will simnlv n. fmu words tva o -n innv . . . carpenters mn have rom to work-uTt toST there is o t wKE, , ff -?PS or store- service. Any discourtesies should be reported to Mr McAUen P CXtra frCe f Clerk3' thuS ms3 Pmpt nets? STbS ?SS7bS Tff hSS'teSTi 25XS" HTi5,a?d -cured the mar. in a dry goods store SAVE THIS I a'' FOR IuS RETeSenCE BaT3 ever show e ,7 W ! t x - x-'. i a -I- -v? "ill rc c.wo i . --il l cy vi T --. -if. V AIIW: iisi Infantry, who has been stationed in Ma nila, is planning to return to Portland in June, coming home via Egypt and Europe. In London Mr. Dolph will visit his eister, Mrs. Lewis Thornton, who was the. attractive Ruth Dolph. Mrs. Thorn ton has but recently returned to her Lon don home, at Ashley Oarden, West minster,, after some months spent at her villa in France. At Mrs. David T. Honeyman's sug gestion a number of the Klrmess dancers contributed toward the purchasing of a present for Mies Lila Agnew Stewart, for whose remarkable executive ability tha sucess of the Kirmess is in a great measure due. The selection was a hand some hand-wrought necklace, in carved gold, the design representing mistletoe and berries being formed of pearls. With a surplus amount a large shopping bag of pig skin was also selected for the pop ular director. . . Seldom has there been a prettier wed ding in Portland than that of Miss Eflie Houghton and Marlon Dolph, whose mar riage was solemnized by Rev. William Hiram Foulkes on Wednesday evening in the presence rf nn o tBmiin A , - - --- . kj. r.T. i anveilll hundred friends in fViA xri i-.-i . . - ... ..w ' L vHuj i"rinn Church. The wedding had been originally miuiou xor jister weeK, Though the Kir mess date conflicted. The' Easter idea, however, was faithfully carried out, this oemg me aominant note in the decora tions for the church and house, though at the latter place were many varieties of flowers, which were sent the bride. Miss Houghton was gowned In a sheath creation of Japanese crepe, heavily em- AHRIKP respite has leen enjoyed after .the. strenuoslty of Kirmess week, though the Dolph-Houghton wedding and the Assembly on Wednesday nd Thursday, respectively, were among the large affairs of me season. Much gratification has been expressed relative to the handsome amount realized by the Kirmess. The termination at the Hotel Portland grill Saturday night presented a brilliant scene, each dance being repre sented, a grand march led by the king. Thomas Scott Brooke, making a spec tacular finale. Large supper parties were given by Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett for. the Marsovlans. Thomas Scott Brooke and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox and Raymond Wilcox, the latter for the Span ish dancers. The 40 guests in the latter party in their striking costumes sat at an enormous table, laden with hundreds of scarlet and yellow variegated tulips. On dlt, the iirst night of tha Kirmess a well-known benedict, whose wife ap peared in the minuet, was so agreeably disappointed that he sat through the en tire performance in one of the front rows totally oblivious to the fact that he had forgotten fo remove his top hat. The selection of Frank Branch Riley as the official announcer of the voting contest was a happy inspiration and not a little of the credit for amassing the remarkable sum derived is due to the spontaneous wit and originality displayed by Mr. Riley in his efforts to stimulate rivalry among the vote speculators. Miss Henrietta Failing and Miss May Failing left last week for St. Paul, where they will visit with Major and Mrs. H. C. Cabell, going from there to New York, ,and sailing for Europe on May 26. Fred Greenwood leaves tonight for San Francisco and will return In about three weeks to spend the Summer In Portland and on Pugot Sound. While In San Fran cisco he will make arrangements to ship to Portland his 40-foot motor boat, which Is a perfectly appointed craft and Is large enough for sea cruises. A feature of .its equipment -Is a specially constructed miniature piano. While in Portland Mr. Greenwood has made his home at the attractive bungalow at 7S6 Glisan street with J: D. Carson, William Moore and Siegfried I'nander. On Thursday even ing Mr. Greenwood entertained Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis at dinner at the bungalow and on Friday evening had as dinner guests at the Portland Hotel Ash ley Vantine, George Trowbridge. J. I. Carson and Henry Teal. . Friends of Miss Marion Jackson will be interested in learning that in addi tion to her talent for miniature paint ing, and other accomplishments, she has recently had a song published In New York, which has enjoyed such a sale that the publishers have decided upon a sec ond edition. The song will be introduced in one of the New York musical reviews Miss Jackson is still assiduously devot ing herself to her art, and Is planning to devote the Summer to landscape paint ing. The wedding of Lieutenant Reece Jackson to the handsome Miss Van Erman, of Baltimore, is to take plaoe on April 27, at St. Bartholomew Church New York. One of the ushers will be Captain W. H. Jordan, Jr.. who is now stationed at Governors Island. New York Felicitations are being offered Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Wlnslow. the latter Miss Allie Sibson, over the arrival of a daugh ter last Sunday. Baroness von Witzleben, was the motif for a dinner party Thursday evening of 18 covers, with Mrs. J. B. Montgomery as the hostess. The dinner was given at the Portland Hotel grill, the guests going later to the assembly. Favors were rib bons of red. white and black satin, the German colors. The Baroness, who is to remain another fortnight with the Mont gomerys, is a young girl with an in genuous ' and enthusiastic manner a capable equestrienne, and an accom plished linguist. At the dinner for the Baroness were Miss Isabel McGunnegele, of Vancouver Barracks: Miss Use Koehler, Miss Lisa Wood. Miss Margaret Montgomery. Miss Caroline Bums. Miss Beckv Biddle. Miss Marjorie Barrows. Colonel McGunegle. Ij. S. A.. Thomas Scott Brooke, Roderick Macleay, Frank Wilder, Kenneth Beebe Kurt Koehler, Hawley Hoffman and El liott Corbett. ' The famous comediennes, Lillian Rus sell and Fanny Rice, friends of years standing, were in Portland last week and were Jointly entertained at an informal musical on Tuesday afternoon, which was f'X.1 y EmU Enna 1n "a studio. While here. Miss Russell remained on her private car, which was filled' with flowers sent by Portland admirers. ' Lieutenant Cyrus A. Dolph. of the 26th SoUxfJifta 1879 351 Washing ton Street For. Monday We Offer aim Assorltmnicinil o(F Sfaricttly . Tai2or- At 14 Off Am OjpportainiElly It ' Buiy HigSa Class Gaomemiita . at Very Moder ate Prices.' Nona Reserved By Telephone 13 ji Suit Department As this Department will be af fected by the alterations more than any other as the staircase and elevator run directly through it all question of profit will be eliminated, as the stock must be moved. Now is your opportunity to secure a handsome Suit, for street wear or the home; also chil dren' Wash Suits and Ladies' Wash Suits, Skirts and Petticoats. Wrappers and Wash Dresses at 67 and 87tf Extra Specials 300 ladies' sampleTSuits in lawn, mull, linen and duck; all colors and tha latest styles. Prices will range from $2.50 to $750. The garments are manufacturers' samples, secured for 60 cents on the dollar, and will be closed out for less than makers' cost. Children's Wash Dresses are includ ed in this lot. Visit this store Mon day. Millinery Owing to the fact that the millinery market is glutted with millinery, w-e were fortunate in securing the great est bargains ever offered. The very latest in Sailor Hats the Mermaid, the Peerless and Crown, in all colors. and styles selling snecial at the low price of. $3.00 We are offering a beautiful range of the newest and most stylish Trimmed Hats all styles, shapes and colors. An opening special at Sjso.OO Some very handsome Pattern Hats for less than half the price you pay eisewnere. Men's Section Pf Men's four-ply Linen Stand-Up Collars, 2 styles, all sizes except 16o. Extra special values in Socks at 5c, 9c, 12y2c, in black, tan, fancy stripes; brown mixed and white foot. LT7 Men's soft Golf Shirts, the cele brated Mt. Hood, in madras and leno; light and dark col ors; the regular 75c and $1.00 grades, yours for 47c. The remnants of fancv nercain Shirts, in sizes ldU and 17 only; worth from $l"to $1.50. C?f- Men's extra fine white cambric Hand kerchiefs, 14 and lo-inch hem stitched. where. You pay 10c every- QC Boys' heavy blue with bib; vears. denim all sizes Overalls, up to 15 Extra Special Values In Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs, l and upwards; Collars, Ruchings, Handbags, Combs, Barettes, Laces, Ribbons, Notions, Silk and Kid Gloves. The above items are simply an index of the thousands of bargains that are being offered during the alterations. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF NO SPECTACULAR BAITS HERE $1.38 19c Ladies' Combina nation f! n r s o t Cover and skirt and drawers th circular style. The garments should be seen to be fully appre- cauea. Hats and Caps for boys and eirls. in whit nnd all colors; the regular 50c values. This is a snap not to be had every day. "1 Olor YARD, India Linon, - 40 inches wide. OC;n YARD, the dainty GJK Fiaxon 38-inch. 1 Of YARD Duct Suiting, -' cream, figured and checks. f YARD, best Calicoes and Apron Ginghams. 1 YD., Amoskeag Dress v-r- Ginghams, 34-inch. -1 Cfp YARD, Imperial Gala tea Cloth, new styles. Extra special values on 28-in. In dia Linons, at" 7c, 8c, 10c, 120 and 15o yard. . 1 Ladies' plain blTc Hose silk finish: nnnhln will you 1 Cf Ladies' Vests, lisle V finish, no eleeves; Richelieu rib, taped neck and armholes; all sizes, standard 15c value. CHp The finest range of. Corset Covers ever shown at the price ; worth from 75c to 90c. In dotted swiss, check, nainsook and fine cambric, all elegantly trimmed in fine laces and embroideries. Ck f Ladies ' cambric Corset Covers, 4 rows lace yoke and armholes; our very best 35c grade; other houses get 50c for them. &1 "lO Ladies' white J?."1-15 tailored VaMta, plaited front, laun dered collar and cuffs; also plaited back. 17c sole, spliced heel and. toe; it wear better than the article get elsewhere for 25c. "'- Ladies' fancy Polka Dot Hose; colors, blub. black, tan, white dots, also black embroidered, also black and tan lace. OCp APRONS, APRONS, Aprons, immense great range of ladies', cooks', waiters' and carpenters'. Not one worth less than 35c. Some are worth 50c. OCp Boys' Blouse Waists with soft collars; also ruffled front; large sailor collar; colors dark and light; ages from 3 to 13 years. 12V2C com. 38c YARD, Madras W a i r t. infra arA Shirtings, 30 inches wide. 25c Curtain Ends, samples, some in pairs to match. IV2 to iy8 yards long; in white, cream and -Arabian; values up to ouo eacn. White Swiss Ruffled Curtains fUZ. t,Aa standard width; the regular 50c value. Yours for 38c pair. Extra special values at 65c, 98c. f,1-29 ?A $1.47 Come in dots, stripes, floral de signs. All are swiss. fvi "1 C(f" 3 special numbers A in Lace Curtains, full 3 yards long and 60 inches wide; flowered and plain fishnet centers. This range is well worth $2.50 pair. Now is the time to pre pare for your Summer outing by securing one of the sample Camp ing Blankets. 65c up to... 1.95 Ladies' lisle Vests, Ions: sleeves. 1sa no sleeves; trimmed with Val enciennes and Cluny, Torchon and insertion; also pants, tight-fitting, ankle and knee length ; also umbrella shape, 3 ineh lace trimming. O - Boys' Balbriggan Shirts, short and long sleeves; drawers to the knee or ankle; also in whit and in all size Yours while they last at 25c. C)42r Tte greatest range -jy- of ladies' white Waists, in batiste, mull, nain sook and India linon, elabo rately trimmed in lace and fine embroidery; short and long sleeves. Values range from $1.50 to $2.50. Lor new Scotch lawns, T 1 6 V f ioral effects YD., lovely range sheer Lawns, new styles. SPECIAL OFFER: lOc You Cannot Afford to Pass Us On table linens, blankets, quilts or curtains. We have everything in table linens, ranging from $2.50 down to 25c a yard. Everything in lace curtains, ranging from 35c a pair and upwards. Every price and quality in napkins, towels, sheets and pillowcases. Feather pillows or floss cushions, comfort ers, down qnilts, couch covers and portieres. We are HEADQUARTERS for the wide-awake cash buyer, and everybody knows it, particularly the practical housekeeper, . who knows a bargain when she sees it. During the sale we will give with a $1.00 purchase or over a year's subesription to "Paris Modes," a handsomely illustrated' monthly fashion magazine, FREE FOR THE ASKING. We do" this in order to introduce the "Paris" Patterns the best made. Established 1884 BOTH PHONES McAl it. McDonnell 25 Years on the Corner of 3d and'l Morrison. Popular-Price Dry Goods Storer Noted for Best Goods and Lowest Prices. COR. THIRD AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND ,OR. mgerte 4ress!ts Nothing infore dainty tlian our Lingerie .Dresses for afternoon, evening and. general Summer wear. Made of sneer muslin, mull, batiste, all over embroidery, witb. trimmings of Val enciennes, Insb and Venise lace, and inserts of batiste embroidery. Some bave deft toucbes of bandsome ribbon bows or sasbes. Colors are wbite, wbite witb blue em broidsry, plain blue, pink, lavender and cbampagne. $5-$16 $15 - $25 AND UP TO $58.00 Co. The House of Tone" 392 Washington Street raiaj Jfgi ii tii J 1 fit 1 1 iv;;m'CTiiiiiririrrrrtfH AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS, FLORISTS 287 Morrison St. lhe A. W. bchmale Co. 229-231 First Street Booksellers and Stationers Complete lin of Stationery, Blank Books, Inks and Pencils, Kilea, Ofice Supplies, Walleta and Leather- Goods, Fountain Pens, etc. , Come and see our Post Cards. GOWN AND COATMAKERS 504-505-506-507 Marquam Building i