f J 1 1 BCSINKSS CHANCES. STOCKS. United wireless (transferable). Clark wireless. T. & T. Campbell's Auto Gaa Burner. Bonvllla Publishing Co. Burllngame Tel. Typewriter. Alaska Pet. & Coal. Fidelity Copper. Comstock Golden Gate. Can save you dollars and dollars on any of the above stocks. Write us for prices. We handle all active mining; and industrial stocks. F. J. CATTERLIN & CO.. 3 Chamber of Commerce GOOD BUSINESS CHANCES. IH.iO for ground building; and business or a Hood, money-making bakery In good suburb of Portland; $loo0 cash will han dle. Have a good money-making rl-room rooming-house and will take 2ft.-.o in a mall farm or good timber claim; will land your closest Investigation. isnoo, on easy terms, for one of the best road-houses with saloon, clearing over saooo every year. Have also a few first-class . money making flouring mills, from 145O0 up. If you wish to exchange properties for business or vice versa, see F. FUCHS. 221 Mi Morrison St. PRINOIPAI, AND 10 PER CENT DIVIDENDS GUARANTEED. You will lind an investment of remark able advantage in the shares of a Mag azine Publishing Company guaranteeing return of principal and at least 10 per cent annual dividends. Magazine lias 9O0.000 rural circulation, Is In Its lutb. year. 0 years under present ownership, well-known throughout the United Stales and now showing earnings as high as 43 per cent on entire capital. Write for com plete Information, references and copy of magazine, mailed free. Address K. O. Raich, 138 Dearborn avenue, Chicago. 111. MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSE, 62 rooms, corner brick building newly and elegantly furnished with golden oak furniture, Axminster and Brussels carpets; steam heat, clearing $200 pi r month net; long lease at only $200 per month. See this and you will look no further, as It Is the best buy In the city at the price, $4500. DEVLIN & FlREBAl'OH, 610-611-512 Swetland BIdg. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES It you want a nice clean place, one that the price is right, see us; oldest estab lished business chance line in city. T-room, rent $;), price $ nno in-room, rent 40, price r.V 25-room, rent 60. price 12. 12-room. rent 40, price s&o II. W. GARLAND & CO.. 1U1 Fourth St. AN energetic, well-established real estate man, owning several thousand dollars' worth of city property, wants a good, re liable man to Join him in the business for the purpose of buying; and selling; must have at least $3uoO; am not H.--l:lnir anything for an interest in the office; prefer a man under 43 years: references. AE 40. Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise tore. the largest In good river town; well-established trade of years' standing; brightest, busiest and mvt attractive business In the Willamette Val ley: cheapest transportation; store anU warehouse rent $9 a month; average sales $40 dally: Jooon. i.j caeh M'DOWHLL & KLINK. 422 Board of Trade Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES lO well furnished housekeeping rooms, only $.'.30; elegantlv furnished ll-room house, full of roomer's and boarders, only $1000: finest 26-room boarding-house in city, bargain this week Money-maker. 27 rooms, all full; snap It taken at once. Mrs. Koontz. 243 Stark t 12-ROOM HOUSE. All housekeeping suites, furnace, electric lights, gas, etc. Rent only $33 per month. I rice gjou. 60B Johnson st. between 14th and 15th. FOR RENT Park Hotel. 40 rooms; newly nnlshed and furnished; located facing new depot and depot park. Address Eugene. Or., or call at Imperial Hotel. Portland. Saturday. Sunday or Monday. Geo. T. ,., CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. and lnlusfinl stocks, worth .7.noo, ran be had for $2000 cash if taken on or before Tuesday, April 27; must have money; a sovereign for a pennv: who'll take itt Address S 30. Oregonlan. WANTED A good factory site close In. by a large corporation established and doing a nne business: present Quarters too small owner must take stock in company: prop erty secured and good Interest guaran teed. Y 4. Orcgonian. PtinTU1 ck for sale; invoice about J.1..UU. will give lease on building; only furniture store In Woodland. Wash., thriv ing town in Lewis River Valley, on N. p. Jt. K.. 20 ml lea north of Vancouver. S. O. Lane. Woodland. Wash. BAKERY, confectionery. Ice cream parlor, news stand, the swellest on the east aide or the river, doing business of $1200 per nthJ U you men business. come around. Y 45. Oregonlan. BANKRUPT SALE. First-class cement-brick machine, with iln KrTHs' 100 fet deeP water front, at P. di. 80 per cent of value will buy It. 620 Corbett bldg. GOOD paying restaurant, down town- SCll at Once: romn un.l ...... 1, n . must fully equipped hotel, dining-room and res L .1r,an 1.a,,e cheaP tf taken qjiick; doing Ul 84 .t U Hamilton bldg WANTED An energetic man to act as con USV. representative In an excavation pro ject; something new; fortune for right man; little money required. Call "is Commercial blk. er; also MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Pays several thousand dollars annually; new. Improved ""oVf-lV0 S'?, necessary. J. ife P Sack- AUTHORS seeking a publisher should com municate lth theCochrane Publishing lompany. 477 Tribune bldg-. New York WB have a good ferry proposition for sale well patronized and a good money-maker: ?k Lrt"roe,k?ma11 amount of cash. Room 15 at 250 Vs 3d St. ". ro,c1ery ln 0"d Valley town of 1800. for $1430. or half Interest for $800- a splendid opportunity. Address Box 1T' Brownsville. Or. No agents. ' UNITED WIRELESS and Almeda Con.- bar gain for cash or exchange for good lot or G3S4?UAS"23S4 Commercial bl- Main GOOD ROOMING HOUSE . 9 rooms, 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, fur niture very nice; rent $45; price $500 cash. I'hone Main 4338. v-u. SODA and bottling works, with latest ma chinery for sale or exchange. H 43 Ore gonian. HOME BAKERY, lunch counter for sale !J?,: KO"'1, reason 'or selling. Phone Voodlawn Sol. -muu 9 - SALE 3-year lease 3d and Morrison for any small business. Call 22U MorU rlson st. trunk factorv. MOIV 'ft,.toi,i easy ,erms' Stenner's candy Boa.y: aP rcnt- Inlu'fe at Sam ll F?akeS ULEmT,Qrr".L a"d restaurant. $400 will i. A u;,mu" ' city at once. 4 years' lease, $15 a month, p 33,. Oregonlan. WANTED Stock of merchandise 30OO or fPT.a',d- "i cah' balance Hood Riv fruit lands. R 29. Oregonlan. "iver $2300 WILL buy manufacturing plant cana OrVo'ntr"1"5 t inVeaT PARTNERSHIP ln good-paying little busl- ROOMING-HOUSE, on Washington street for sale or trade, easy terms. 7xt Commerce. FOR SALE Well-located exclusive millinery .Tng,l,cTa"obregon,;annr: FOR RENT Store, corner 17th and IT hSTt? f,1od ror any kind of business Apply 646 Alberta st. phone 2264. MANUFACTURING plant for sale or . change; can show big returns on small Investment. G 45, Oregonlan. "ma" P A Y I N a Mfrs. Agency, at Invoice. WW Payne. 1210 Williams ave. FOR SALE Small grocery, good corner lo- -l.....t uu.nness. Ma n 7oa TKLWytal d '"""on. B 8S N. oth Cigar stora and shin parlor for aJa. 1 " ' ' 1 1 1 - - . , -M M, ! ' BUSINESS CHANCES. f BUSINESS CHANCKS. . f I ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 201-2 Merchants Trust Bldg.. ,326 Washington, S. W. Cor. Sixth St. YOUR MONEY IS ALIVE. In the ROOMING-HOUSE business; something always coming In; no Inactive or dead capital, and the profits are large, ranging from 25 to 60 per cent, besides the chance of reselling your place at a large advance over cost price, a. very common occurrence. BUY NOW DON'T DELAY. And vou will get both kinds of profits, for business Is getting better every day. with a good Summer ahead of you. and the house are selling . fast." We have others, but look over the following selec tions, then see us. MODERN APARTMENTS 62 rooms. 19 furnished with the best that the market affords, the others rented unfurnished at $15 a mor.lh: rent of premises very reasonable good lease; best close.ln location; profits now $200 a month and this can be doubled by furnishing the remainder of building; price $4000. ANOTHER ONE. ' tifl rooms, like the above, completely fur ..od ceit four rooms: will sell for T Vn.r iak P114 trade, real estate up to 3oO0, balance part cash, part tine. 28-ROOM BARGAIN. on on,1 Hoor- brick building, business center: well furnished; rent $125. lease Jryer8: receipts $275; price $2U00, very NEW. AND A PAYER, ax rooms, fine new building, steam heat. Turnished with velvet and Brussels car pets; rent only $130. with lease a vears; has cleared $130 every month sinca It was opened; price $3800. DO YOU KNOW A SNAP? 1" rooms. 2 blocks of Portland Hotel, mostly hardwood furniture. Brussels car pets, all clean and in fine condition; gas and electric lights: rooms all full, bring ing in $180 a month; cheap rent. You et this Monday for $775 cash. 11 ROOMS $475. L.ea.r 14tJ1 and Washington sts., well fur nished; all rooms rented at good prices and paying $53 above all expenses; cheup buy Como Kk: it you want a fine ANOTHER ONE 9 ROOMS o,,?,'8 above,- furnished in magohany. 2"a,r.ter,'d oak; SWELL PLACE in evtf; way; price cut to $800 for quick; sale. wk" ROOMS. ONLY $525. ehrU -P. 2. blo1cks of Portland Hotel; cheap rent; furniture fair; price only $52s! CALL BEFORE YOU BUY. Wo have Li Ah "iv?"?. be arranged on any. 01 and 202 Merchants Trust Bldg 326 Washington St. " LAfc-MMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells flarB Bldg.. Portland. Or., has quit the Motion Picture Trust. The trust did not elves ' 'h06" W8 reeled It ou ! w ek Th.8,, ThKS1?w World" this nroteeti 'fV' Kr5bbe a". but gave no Mn? o;,.,1',w"ed exchanges are sup , ,',u8t fi'ms to saloons, who are running free shows In competition with houses paying the trust license. That's the protection we get! There are twelve i niVndc.mOVlnK P'cture show" in the s,tate": MOO yearly from each would make the Patents Co. mighty We are independent. Don't support Oc topus exchanges. No more license We w- McCullagh. Manager. . , BAKER. ATTENTION ontml0!? b,akery and confectionary, only one in a live town of 1500. 2 hours from Portland, boat or rail six trains and six boats dally; has a largV DaVron iouOn,yaIeat 'BS80V0U,h!.ua thlrd bKlK.y& ov'nlreeitcinBa -bakery, portable -'sheVf on, etc., stock of candles, clears and tobaccos, show cases. tables, chaJ?sT stoves, range and household goods- ownr how bank book to convince b5yer ?he lAoulreN'oa1"'81 never offeredefore? inquire 2Q9 Commonwealth bldg. s?,N"S. FURNISHING STORE. on?Tma,i!r searatel" VZ" bU"ding can be d separately I rice most reasonable and rea son for selling is on account of owner I. i,1.th;j"tato- Jnald Macleod Co-T 309 Co cord. 2d and Stark sts. SPLENDID rooming-house at very chean furniture. Including plano;busiP w'orVh opP-rtunity Be with this that Is 6teayn.bidgPer mn'h 8 1000 - 311 - NEW BUILDING. Will be read about August- about in rooms. See us for terms ' 40 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, B. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sts WANT BUSINESS IN COUNTRY Have a splendid 78-acre farm close to m S '","" 1Hm'Le ,rora lemTar's" nrst-class land and buildings; will ex change my equity in It of $6000 for a good country business. Ask my agent. F. FUCHS. 221 M, Mom' I?6 MAKE money; $50 starts an Independent business; the American razor-honing and safety-blade sharpening machine earns$2 an hour; easy to handle; no experience c3e;y-ro.rc"h,PcaargtoCUla" Son rRoh ?RA,NE. Investment brokers. Br.,d - Newark. N. J.; bond and Sie? nder"rltten and sold, syn- enterrir?r"a' minlnf' " a"d industrial enterprises financed; no advance fees. AN,i?r.?ortunlty open for a short time in a platting proposition; need co-operative f .complete organization? gooS AEd3o:"0r'onlanUrS " 8d: tlfate. R0W0arN0-,V0 1 to and cold Wet KiTie- 7 i 1" DeBl aistrlct vv est bide; making good Income; best of reasons for selling; if interested lnvesti gate. Call 26 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d "t. t . r FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS. Lot 50x100. 29th and Belmont, good loca tion for grocery store, meat or bakery. $20ob cash. K 35. Oregonlan. y YOUNG man. capable of doing some offlcs .W.rk' t? take part Interest In well is! tabllshed business; $7O0 required SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second l't ataMPahlnr-44583g1-i:la LUmber E". WANTED Partner with $500 cash to en gage in manufacture of useful articles Boufan8811""' lar8e Pr0fl"- W a" Ore: SJfJ?orst,aurant for saIe by owner; good location, low rent, small expenses and Oregon' 1050 W"1 tatC A 34. FOR SALE at a bargain, paying; hotel busi mo'n ? UVe t0wn; "P'endld aXg prop osition for person with theij- own help Address. News. Wlnlock. Wash. RESTAURANT to rent. i the best family Sonlan!" C 2 re1ulre- W 34, Ore- .EXPHA:5,GE nne rnuslo business for land in Oregon or California. Call at SS North 3d and Flanders. GROCERY on East Side, doing good nayinr business; all fresh stock: food location' bargain. Address G 29. Oreionlan ' MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK'! .oMelePv.?eh"ndr other bonda koughMnd sold. rletcher Inv. Co 125 Abington. PIi?,:iITER' w,th oney and equipment H"124fl"Sregonlatn00d lDyetlon. BshRo?ESwWanr,'te S'pTr! ber. Gates block, the Dalles! Or FOR SALE Old established transfer bo-! r,eSS T00" iow?' Team i" SoS o?ndl" tlon. Address AJ 33, Oregonlan. 9-ROOM rooming-house for sale, doing fine rtreet8"" P " taken "' "3 14th CLHAN stock groceries, best location in cltv cajsh business; will sell half Interest Tor li tor cash. AK 88, Oregonlan. or " PARTNER ln shooting gallery; best payinc Proposition ln the rltv. i,ma necessary. 24 N. 3d St. " """ not MIn?onP avT" sre'turant ' ! cheap. 109 PROSPEROUS weekly paper. Southern Ore gon, for sale chean. AE 77n rv,' - v.-UUltt '2?P.hVILv.L reCUr6 S J"terest ln old-estab- . vivgunian EtISOX moving picture machine; only uaed few times: rhnn m a t it -v , y u,ea . v . vi egonian. VftKJJFr:To bny SIna,, d"'catessen store In KOOd lorn T inn a -v v ug, uri THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. APEIL MRS. LENTS AGENCY. Rooming-houses, all sizes and pricest 43uVi .Washington. -2-room corner. 4 . blocks' from the post office. $1200 handles this. Price $22o0. 22 rooms.- 2 blocks from Washington, good brick building. Price $1200. $500 cash. 0 rooms 1 bloofc from Washington St., makes a lovely home, snap at $450. $1500 CASH Handles one of the beat rooming-houses ln the city, new brick building. 42 rooms, actually clearing $300 monthly books are open for inspection. Can clear $4oo this Summer. Kent only $210 with " a 4-year lease. Price $45oo. APARTMENT HOUSE. In best possible location, close ln. always full and very low terms. This is an unusually good buy. It pays 20 per cent. . Ask us. BLAIR & HAYS. Phone A or Main 3236. 420 Com. Club Bldg. "ART OF FINANCIERING." Showing how business men may raise cap ital for business projects without recourse to brokers or promoters VALUABLE BOOKLET FREE. Business & Finance Pub. Co. 119 Nassau st.. New York. APARTMENTS. 22 rooms, on corner 3 blocks north of Wash ington St., west of ltkh, good lease, rent eajy; at a bargain; $1100; terms of $700 down, balance to suit. See this today, as It will not last at the above price: good fur niture. Cm show you this up to 3 P. M Phone Main 3970 for Monday. Main 4458, LOOKING for a paying business? We can fhow you a good one; no fake or get-rich-qulck proposition; inspection solic ited; swell grocery store, high-class trade, fine location., at invoice; no bonus; also some of the best hotels, rooming and apartment houses in Portland. Investors looking for a paying proposition see Goldschmidt, 2031i "Washington St. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 27 rooms, elegantly furnished, with hlgh Rrade carpets- and furniture; furnace heat, electric lights, hot and cold running water in all rooms; beautiful location near High School; sure Income of $125 per month above expenses. Price $3200 DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE Ladles' cloak, suit and milli nery store In a very good town of 14.0110 In one of the choicest locations- now doing business of about $30,000 per annum; can be doubled by adding a line of ladles' furnishing and dry goods; good reasons for selling. Address AG 31, Oregonlan. BY OWNER. Sawmill or grocery Sawmill 12.000 ca pacity, or grocery store, clean stock, good location; must seil one or the other, cheap Cannot depend on help. AL 38, Oregonlan. HAVE a paying wholesale business, incorpo rated for $Ko.oo. fully paid up. Will trade stock for real estate or cash. This Is a business proposition: no agents. If you have city property for trade, address J 48. Ore gonlan. $850 rooming-house; sro. -2 well-furnished rooms, brick bide,, good location: kjase; terms or trade for lots; owner has other business cause of sacrifice; see this today. Call at 308 An keny st. , WANTED An A-l salesman for sellinir signs to merchants and manufacturers; good permanent position. Including sal ary and expenses to one that can make good. Address Coast Sign Mfg. Co., San Francisco. TRANSFER BUSINESS. ' Halt interest in a first-class business that is clearing over $4U0 per month; will trade for good land or city property. Call or STJ?.- l.T'Jawre?ce & Co- 31r Lumber exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. SHOE BUSINESS. One of the best shoe businesses in a Rustling Willamette Valley town of 10.000. . .??.21'00(Lper yar; will invoice $9000 to $10,000. This will bear the closest ln vestlgatlon. 627 Corbett bldg. NEW brick hotel, bar in connection, fur nilned complete less than a year aeo; has J70 steady boarders. mostly high-clans mechanics; this house Is now netting $500 per month; $10,000 will handle It. SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second Street. STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, In dustrial or railway company wanted for sale; commission basis. Address full par ticulars, Clientele, p. o. box 1088, New York. DRUGGIST Best little drugstore ln Portland ln rapidly growing district, long lease small expense, no competition, $2U00 cash will handle It. Get busy if you want it. . N 2a Oregonlan. MANUF ACTURING Owner busy overseeing the men at work, wants reliable partner to attend office, etc.; established 6 years doing good profitable business. Call 248 U Stark st. $5000 TO ir..00l to Invest In some good paying retail business, or would Join es tablished real estate firm; state what you Ironfaii" tlm money' K 40 ro- W AN TED Information regarding good bus iness for sale; not particular about char acter, size or location: prefer to deal with owner; give price and full description. Address L P.. box 984H, Rochester. N Y PARTNER In a. first-class cash business, doing $100 par week; it you are looking for something good, call and see us. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. fel and stark sts. SECOND man. married, wanted on farm car 7 v. . urTa ouiier, rruit and vejte- s.bJtesi6frrBpio88i.uxlay- btwen ia and 3- C"cfer ,l3?NESS w,th I'vlns" rooms; will ju tne place ror a man and wife. Call room 315 Lumber Ex- p" o-itu DiarK sts. ROOMING-HOUSE, ten rooms; clears $o5 "a month: mut he .oirl this week- worth IiWi goes for $450: x.tsft e.h- bargain In town. O 44. 'nneni., ' 1 8POrEInpenln8r for mture woman in . " "l man io.oou lnhabl- gonian "me capital "quired. G 38. Ore- MSoVTor,iR,ET abL'"h? 'or years; ness; part cash, bl'lance tim'.. p'Sone E CJSIUBS:JSri 'J location, with lota in . X n.im maae-up furniture will sacrifice for Just $250. This to worth attention. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce! 28doi?M. 'dBVn.f.-.' P Washington st.. i.i i saia at a sac rifice on account of sickness. New Occi dental Hotel. 130 First st. -ccl- PheTbeEvliakaPaXt -"terest In one of be sober and steTdy '$SOoequlred: mH"t SPENCER 4 CO., 102 Second St. MERCHANTS If you want to yu"r Z u,!c5f?T Sh. or want a "relb"e omrK ex. WiN.TD A Partner with moderate can Oa,4e.lnoretgab,,'an.ed FOR. RENT Most beautiful dining-room ln city; man and wife preferred; to the right parties, rent no ohieot xi a Xl-:.ru5nc M u. vregunian GBOCERY STORE If you want a good gro-IVJ-Jl'l ."t?b"hed onWest Side ofme ..... v...nt,,,n, ,n Boara ot Trade B'VRrstERc1sOP- cha1- 8 bath. on 3d st. Pir-st class, modern, cheap. Sell on ac count of other -business. T 32. Oregonlan. POOL-ROOM Low rent and expenses: iea.- mooa trace and a money-maker. 272 stark HOTEL of SO rooms, furnished. W M I & Son. Hoaulam. Wash. Lamb BUTTER and egg route for sale. $330. Sell wood lo5. CONFECTIONERY ciKar and pool-room- very low rent; lease: rood lomttnn oto i. - H SI SALOON partner wanted; para big little fash rftniiir-r1 ro n oiot . r , . DiurK si. RA"K"RR on Vtroa H vant 1. - eit tp.. .CDirr or ... ... -J -i - - jriiviio jaain Z35fl. I1.NAC1AL. Money to Loan. M0.oE,TVoo0a.atS"0abl"at', ,n 248 Alder Stl'" "-awrence CO.. WILL LOAN $5000 or less on real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. I HAVE $o00 to loan. Miller. 430 Wor- TO LOAN $2000. Inquire room 40 Washing ton bldg. I BUY hank accounts, bonrls. mortfrages -- Thomas McCusker, 205 Couch bldg! i j srxzsaui.scE-. i ki k km itiukr tauv Money to JLcaa. MOEY FOB EVERYBODY Of? SHORT NOTICE. If you need ready cash and want to bor row privately without delay or red tape methods HERE IS THE PLACE to make a loan on your Jewelry, diamonds pianos and furniture (without removal) btorage receipts, horses and wagons, and on all valuable collaterals. , WE BUY First and second mortgages and contracts. . lhls company Is organized with Eastern capital for the purpose of loaning money at reasonable rates to those whom banks . win not accommodate. You can arrange to repay in weekly or monthly easy pay menu at the lowest and best rates ln the clly. AH business jstrlctly confidential. Call or phone Main 20S4. TJ. S. REAL ESTATE 4i BROKERAGE CO. Room 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d st. $$ HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 612 Dekum bldg. We are the only company ln the city ot Portland organized under the laws ot the State of Oregon loaning money on furni ture pianos (without removal), warehouse receipts, etc. Loans ot $10 to $100. may be obtained rrom us on short notice and at a very small cost to the borrower on our new monthly installment plan. Payments to e-ult your convenience. Our equal payment plan Includes all ex--penses. No charges taken out ln advance. Our offices are equipped to handle a large clientage with strict privacy and without embarrassment. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum bldg. i 1 I ' ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 J ; BALAR LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. . $10 To $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE. TO . BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO.. . --. aos PA 1 LING BLDG. iAJi i n i n 1 1 1 1 1 $25,000 TO loan on first mortgage security. s.a whole at 6 per cent on approved West tv-de Property, or will loan part on East or west Side residence property or for build ing purposes at . 7 per cent. W. M. Conk V,? Oo.. Inc., 407 Wells-Farco bldg. A 1747. Main 2S59. MONEY sold on Installment plan: confiden- tlal: On napiiHt. , . . . . z. , . system for railroad, streetcar employes, mechanics and others . F. A NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg.. 28x1 Washington St. - . CHATTEL LOANS, installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance pol cleaV.J.alar,es and kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & Jllfl. CO.. 418 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers Unon their rtwn . ...r. , . . - -- "-" nuuiiui secur ity, cheapest rates, easiest payments; of fices In OU principal cities; save yours If money hv ..itin. . .- , . ' -; . TOLMAN. ail Lumber Exchange Bldg. 0Vrropre'.? c.',yEp!;perry..or-;. payment privileges; money advanced as Zud I sntIrkPstsreSea" Tn EuU,ll1' 2 , . . TO LOAN. Plenty or money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. KDW. P. MALL CO. 30U-310 Abington Bldg. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 Abington bldg. j wu iusiuwo plan. I HAVE on hand several sums of money. iioui to uuu, to loan on im- bldg "y propel'ty- 10 Failing WE loan money on diamonds ana lewelrr at reasonablo interest for long of short Washington sM" 1Jelova- Jwei.r 2UD $500,000 on improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest ra.tes: roEW?a.n-,n Spe?,ia-Uy - J u McKinzie Co.. 514-lo-le Gerlinger bldg. "'2?,i, TC? LOAN. large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. ll 312 Falling bldg. -"s. w. u. tleclt. IFi Y?.U want a loan, see the w. R. Halz- X:, t1"-). .abstractors, 327-8 Cor bett bldg. LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per sonal security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. MORTGAGE LOANS at CURRENT RATES. FINANCIAL AUKNTS, OU5 Concord Bldg. WANTED To buy Home Telephone Pueet ionian. ' """" i"';e!'- re- WK BUY. foreign money, gold dust. Title vs.ruu iru5i oank accounts. Lewis &. Co.. 251 Washington st. $100,000 to loan in sums ot $1000 or more to suit. 6 to 7 per cent 00 improved realty M. Q. Griffin, SOU Stark. oVy. chain, of C. MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty or farms; mortgages bought hi Pierce. 316 Allsky bldg 8 MTrade bhig0an 824 Board ot Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PKH t-K-Ni-r State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. U Thom as. Slate aaent. Multnnm.h ,1. . u. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coliat.r al security. C. W. pailett. au4 Fenton bldg. QUICK losns on all securities S. W Kinir 46 Washington bldg. Phone Main 61O0. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester blk. MONEY to loan, any amount, a to S oer cent. Frary at Seltz. 132 5th st. MONEY loaned on real estate mortsages or contracts, w. H. Nunn. 441 Sherlock bid" A LOAN for the asking, salary or chateL The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. "amlm'" PRIVATE money loaned on real estate j . mum yjt tiernnger. LOV rates; we loan money on diamonds and tewelrv I'ar. jfc. 1 1 1 v. . . - i t -in st. MAY ALLEN Communicate with AN 33 Ore 1 gonlan. ' Loans Wanted. W ANTED At efnee. $2000 loan on property value $0000: 25oo loan on property value $Ui00; 3 to 5 years; will pay 7 per Cfcnt. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO 508 Gerlinger Bldg. LE,T.the W" R' HalI11P Co. (Inc.). abstract ors, loan your money; they are careful and conservative; references first-class. 327 323 Corbett bldg. TO CLOSE an estat. account of $,-,4 ( against Title nimi-unte. 1- oi..!o sale. Inquire ot Attorney. 410 Falling $2i,T,f?''i?),Wan,,e1 erect residence on well located lot close In; will give mort- ABVVrSan'? hUSB and l'- Add 6?nS Jo?Af, wanted on Improved property 100x100. large residence. x 15 o"L 320Owai!.te, on 2 new houses in choice Sunny-side district; principals only. L. 39 Ore gonian. , ' urB 822eiT?Rt4. rnonths. on good personal so- ionVsTn oonus. E 4U, Ore- WANTED $1200 at 8 per cent on Improved r?.en nro"?rty near Union avenue. blna; principals only. B 44 Oregonlan. L wanted- w)0. 5 years at 6 per cent, on business property worth $13,000 w as Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow. $2.V)0 fox one vear fdT8e?"rily' ." Py 10 PeTcen! intef: $1610 TWO years at 7 per cent. Improved gonlan?'8' """" mort""' 37. Ore- $2000 LOAN wanted for 2 or more years 7 per cent, on prominent avenue, ad 30 Oregonlan. onbfd' 20U' ln,ulre roora n Washlng- WANTED Loan of $2. -,00 on real estate worth $0000. AC 35. Oregonlan. estate WT.ED7T borrow" 300 torT months or year; A-l security. C 30. Oregonlan. WANT $4500 building loan. 7 peTTent-e7t . ... vicgnnian. W.ANT.ErT,") Prlva,e money; ample .ecur lty; inside property. E 3. Oregonlan. " WANTED $5O0 of private party, good se curity, no agents. 513 AInsworth a.v. 1909. IS your life' worth the price? No doubt, for exlne Pills make weak men and women strong, and cost only $1 a box of 20 days' treatment, or $3 for 8 boxes, with full guarantee for .all forms of nerve weak ness. Address or call. The J. w Clemen- l?? oruf, Co- cor- Front and Morrison sts., Portland. Or. "E .FALLS CITY HOME HOSPITAL." beautifully situated in quiet mountain '." novr open for occupancy and es pecially solicits cases that dread the pub- lie. institutions of large cities; also tnose tn need of rest and recreation; competent c j1!? and everything homelike. Particulars, address Mrs. Halsey, Matron, Falls City. Oregon. tSSe?.lilnWOI"th, ,ne Price? No doubt, for bexine Pills make weak men and women strong, and cobi only $1 a box of 20 davs' treatment, or $5 for S boxes, with full guarantee for all forms of nerve weak ness. Address or call. The J. A. Clemen son Drug Co.. cor. Front and Morrison sts.. Portland, Or. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM. Diseases of men, women and children treated and cured. We make a specialty of surgery and diseases of women; ma ternity cases given special attention; eye, ear, nose asd throat department. Raleigh bldg.. ccr. Bth. and Washington sts. DR MARY LEWIS. Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats women and children exclusively; hospital accommodations; no charga for examination. Main 4047, A 2411. BOO Commonwealth bldg., Ulb. and Ankeny. AZA HOLMES R1BBECKK. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small- fiox pits removed; hairdressing. manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, urand Leader. 5th and Alder. SWEDISH trained nurse, llelslngfore gradu ate, cures rheumatUm. stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes, f Eut 11th st one door from East Aakeay car. Phons East .260. Home B 1803. MADAM A. A. LUCKEY. face and scalp treatments. Full Hue of electric treat ments, bath and massage; positive results in mental healing. 4U1-X-3 Columbia, bldg.. West Park and Washington. Main 2011. ATTENTION Superfluous hair, moles, etc., re moved by the electric needle; permanent cure; lady operator; physicians' references; parlors, 1I0V loth st., near Morrison. Phone M. 0207, Established 1SD4. MRS. STEVENS, palmistry and clairvoy ance taught; get her new book. Palmistry Made Easy; learn her simple method how to read your own destiny. 343 Yam hill, cor. 7th st. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room lo. Grand Theater bldg.. Washington and Park, sis. Main S82S. A 5007. LADIES Ask your Orugg.sts for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years knowa as the Dt. safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pine are sold by druggists everywhere. MARRIAGE paper, highest character: In corporated; 13th year; 5'H)0 members; pa per sealed; send 10c. R. E. Love. Box 1UO0, Denver. Colo. ABOUT YOUR HAIR The Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair to Its natural color, pro motes the growth and eradicates dandruff. Paris Hair Store, Soe Wash. st.. sole agents. FOUND Place where special attention is given remodeling of hats by up-to-date trimmers. English Correct Millinery. 331 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods; $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J Pierce. 316 Alhsky bldg.. 2B5 Morrison. DRESS suits for rent, an sizes. $1.50 month - keeps your- clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u0 Stark. MARRY 300 ladies . want husbands, some beautiful, some wealthy; one may be your affinity; photos, sealed, free. Box 8, Roundlake, 111. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FREE. $5 life reading free; send date birth and 2..C cover charges. Prof. Samrl, P.0. box 573, San Francisco, Cal. V LADIES Those swell-looking eye glasses you see worn all over town are from Thompson, the slxht expert. 2d tloor Cor bett bldg., oth and Morrison. GENTLEMAN of 40, now East, wishes ac quaintance Christian lady. 25 or 30; ob ject matrimony; one without money pre ferred. J 42. Oregonlan. CORRESPONDENCE solicited from those aTflicted with gall and kidney stones, by one who has been cured by Nature's own remedy. J. A. Beueler, Knappa, Oregon. MARRIAGE LIST 83 select names and ad dressee, many wealthy, either sex, -any age. Send 25c. No further charges. Guarantee Bureau. Box 301. Portland. Or. WANTED To hear from John Brown or his family, who came to Portland about 30 years ago from Knox County, Tennes see. Addiv-ss O 3.6, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN of good standing, excellent habits, like acquaintance respectable lady, 27 to 35, some means; object matrimony. Box 500, Aberdeen. Wash. GEORGIB LAPETITE. Electric Institute 320ti Wash. st.. suit 303; rheumatism and nervousness cured, scalp specialist, mani curing. Main 0020. Alice Boothby Institute of Electrical Heal ing. Atl diseases of men, women and chil dren treated. Suite 13 the Milner bldg.. 35014 Morrison st. Phone A 237s. NICELY furnished 10-room house, filled with - nice class of roomers; bargain if taken at once; modern and close ln. L 46. Oregonian. . GENTLEMAN 25 would appreciate ac quaintance of affectionate young lady object matrimony. D 47. Oregonian. LEOLA CHAMBERS, shampooing, manirur ln. facial massage, scalp treatments. Main 4.29. 407 Buchanan bldg.. 2S6V Wash. Mme Court wrlght. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformation corrected plas tic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M 042 FROM our mine to you; gonulne turquoise brooch, ring or pin. $1. Address p. O. Box 421. Los Angeles, Cal. MARRY RICH Rig list of descriptions and photos sent free, eealed. Address Standard Cor. Club. Box 607, Grayslake. 111. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum; prompt relief, confidential. 170H 3d St. Main 8770. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist 312 Allsky bldg. M 2S30. Wednesday evening meeting at 8. LADIES' health Is wealth: secure Dr. Coonley's Remedies, U18 East eith st. Sellwood 1033. HONORABLE elderly gentleman desires ac quaintance respectable woman; object, matrimony. AK 37. Oregonian. WANTED To meet honorable Indies and gentlemen of responsible age; object mat rimony. S 7o. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN 4 years, wants room and board In quiet family, breakfast, 2 meals, walking distance. AK S5, Oregonlan AN attractive elderly lady wishes to meet gentleman the same age with means: object matrimony. N" 38. Oregonlan GET a business of your own. I will rive you a $60 course in advertising for $. Par- iriji. Aouress il (ioodnongh bid. DR PIERCE, e-peciallst, diseases of women; all irregularities corrected, drugless system no exposure. Call or write 318 Alisky bldg! LOST powers restored 07 Or. Mnnr Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy. 28U Morrison St.. bet. 4tU and Ota. WILL elderly lady who received instruction to write to W 20, answer to this? H 30 Oregonian. REFINED man of 34. painter and musician . would like to meet some young houeekeeuer B 34. Oregonian. BEXOID A marvellous cure for weakness In men; money returned if It falls; price $1. T. J. Pierce. 31tf Allsky bids. USE Bassett's. the Original Native Harbs for rheumatism, constipation; 00 tablets for 25c. ln black boxes, at all druggists. YOUNG gentleman of means would like to meet young lady of some means. AC 38. Oregonian. LADY of means, 47, would marrv; confiden tial. D. Box 35, Corr. League, Toledo. Ohio. MISS ALICE DUPUIS, alcohol Room 3, 343 Morrison st. massage. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mra M. p Hill. 33Q Fllecner bldg. Maa! PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely aini. people: circular 10o. L'2'.Hy 1st st BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 7J. Gllsa st. Main D218. Agent. wanTed. Hh1ESI.r'CpaJM for -rnblngs and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 400 1, Morrison! LADY correspondents between the ages of 18 and 30 years of axe wanted by a gen tleman In comfortable circumstances re siding ln the Hawaiian Islands and who will visit Oregon during the Summer months; object matrimony if suited; no objections to widows; agents and trlners not wanted; all answers regarded as confidential. AH 82. Oregonlan. MARRIED women send lo stsmp, valuable Information free. Lock box 320. Portland CORNS, bunions, moles, warts removed by Dr. Nelson, 250 Alder. Main 7;!tf. YOUNG man with house In city wants wife. K 4i, Oregonlan. PRIVATE detective at your service. AH 3, Oregonian. SPEC IAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the fechool Clerk's office. City Hall, up to O P. M., on Tuesday. May 4. 10:t. for the following school buildings, viz: Tha Glen coe school, additions to the Albina Home stead, and the Davis school building Sep arate bids will be received for the dif ferent parts of the work as follows: First, plumbing and drainage. Se-ond. glass and Klazina. Third nginiin. .. . . T; . .. the balance- of all the work "spec'lfled and shown on plans to be done under one con tract. Plans and specifications for same t.an.bS.seen Bt th architect's office. 334 i.ast Third street. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany each proposal. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any T. J. JONES. Architect. April 20. 10O9. GRAIN DOCK FOR RENT Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 4 o'clock P. M. May lo 10O9 for the lease of all or part of the up per deck of the new St. John city dock di mensions 120x54X feet. 440 feet inclosed: it oor to beams. Bids to be actxjm- pan ed by certified check in the amount of rayable to the -city of StsjJohn. Or . conditioned that the bidder shall within it S yj... om the acceptance or his bid and conditions enter Into in $ood faith arrange ments for use and occupancy of said dock. Right reserved to reject any snd all bi-Is and readvertlse for same. Adrtres A M isaon. Recorder of the city of St- John Or" S.rLE.?.'da W,'U be reived at the office -er. City Hall. Portland. Ore- ?, '. , ,. ' tnursday. May ti. p.toii. for furnishing fuel to the various schools strict No. 1. Multnomah Fl"'1 Oregon, for the ensuing school year. Copy of specifications can be had upon application. R- H. THOMAS. Clerk. WANTED Correspondence with parti Masters' Notice. FRENCH SHIP "Berongere." A Cavelan n"oa-''nrrt.f.ram P"""'": neither the master vessel ? imBS'd r"-""'Rneo of above-named L b" responsible ror anv debts that may he contracted by the crew TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO. Miscellaneous. TemA.eUAL M,EKTING of the Columblsn Cemetery Aa-oclation mill lw held at ?ref,1V Hai'' Woodlawn. Monday May Clerk ' " 3 P- M- U' J' i'ieckenstein5! AlSh,.t1c,"'.con,rectors. engineers, get Pselflo Builder c Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade LOST AND FOUND. LOST r ox terrier, white with olack spot on rignt hip and a hart-shaped black Pot 2n. rlBht "houlder; name "Spot " strayed from owner on 5th. below Wash ington st.; liberal reward. Phone C 1SJ7 or call 907 Corbel t bldg. " FOUND Where harr mattresses are reno vated. returned same day. 228 Front Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger LOST Sunday. Llewellyn dog, setter, dap pled. 12 months old; black ears, tan col Ltli. aaBwara to Chicken. Reward. Main 5509. THE milk man who enticed tha tan and white pointer dog from E. Htli and 1 der is known; a prompt return will avoid trouble. phone B 1617. FOUND At Massey's, place to have mat tresses made over and returned same day V,"h.,.'ierins of ul1 kinds. 230 6th. Phone LOST Friday, on car from ball grounds, a small silver purse; initials M. D .; reward Ieturn to Orejonlan. LOST Gold locket, monogram "G B " one side; suitable reward. 112 E. 10th st. city "--. 1-OVT Large, heavy lemon and white pointer dog; round leather collar; name Lm.,n r,. ward. Marsh Printing Co.. Front and Vash. LOST Female collie, light sable, large white, collar, wnite nose and tip of tali, heavy coat; anewers to "Dixie"; reward. Main 2'.tu4. LOST -Y-eiiow bull terrier pup 18 months old; reward. Call Tabor ai5. FOUND Bicycle: owner call Fulltlove's Bar ber Shop. Failing bldg. LOST Liver and white pointer doK. oa4 Ore gon St. E 3007. LOST Coat and vest, containing watch and valuable papers; reward. lw 'r2 4th st. O-sT Pair of gold-rlmmed s.ectacle, on Morrison or Third et. Main lt-3. LO!iT Lady's gold watch, silver chain; keep sake; liberal reward, p 35. Oregonian. BL-6INLS3 DiiiiXTORS. Accoruion t'laltutg. Miss 0. UOULD, 333 Morrison, cor. 7th Ac cordlun and knlte pleating and pinking. Accounta.ni. 3. H. COLL1S A CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. iVi"'1' lnv'lln and Systematizing. 24 W orcester 11. oca. Phone Mala 0oT Assayers and Analysts' Wells & ProeDs'.el, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers 204 'S Washinmon si PALL BALMiL. assay er and analyst. Uolil dust boughu 201 Alcer su MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. PiS,TV;A-ND ANALYTICAL LABOKATOkT. Worcester blag.. 8d and oak. M. isso. Attorneys at Law. H. H. RIDDELL. auy-at-law. 73 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 4Tti4. A 3531. 8. T. JEFFREYS. 208 Featon Didg.. lo years' . . w 0 Ytf&x-S Alaska. EMMONS A EMMONS have removed law unices to MQ8-W13 Board of Traue blig. CLARENCE H. GILBERT. 21.5-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4544. Bookkeepers. tXPERTINO. opening and closing of books. W III keep small sets of books. Th. Jouan nesen, 213 Gerliuger bldg Carpet cleaning (Sanitary ). WHY NOT ? Let Massey do your carpet work; car pets cleaned, sewed and laid by expert carpet men. 230 tith. Main 3370. J. Hunter & Co.. mattresses and leathers ren ovated. carpets relitted. etc. M. 214. A 441S. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING CO.. "blue iagon service." Phone Main 3534. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial ra tyn woven. Northwest Rug Works 153 Union ave. East 33SO, B 1280 Chiropody. DR. FLETCHER, the painless foot specialist treats all ills of the leet without dttiiB,-r of infection; lady assistant; up-to-date mani curing and shampooing and tacial and scalD maeeage. 3Q5 Aliaky bldg. Main 8ibz. WM ESTELLB and Flossie Deveay. the only ecleniino chiropodlslsi in the city. Parlors o2 Gerlinger bidg.. s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp Mra Dunton. TUford b:dg., K 204. loth & Mor Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M p Hill room 330 Flledner blug. Phone Main S4T3! MANICURING and chiropody parlors for. msrly 583 Wash.. 3sH W'ash.. ro'm 14 X'oultry. 5.-f w hatch'P from S. C. Rhode Island Beds heavy Winter layers; $l.ij roTtinc fertility guaranteed. Yakima PouItrV Ranch. Box A. Mabtos, Wah. 1 y es w.-io V.1 V.1 . I" "Position under a llb- f-T franchise of installing a water svs iomJ?ithe.i!OW"n pt Cathlamet. Wash., and operating the same. Address nil cummun lcatlons to Theo. M. Nassa. Clerk Collections. WE collect everywhere; general law. Inter state Adjustment Co.. 501 Gerlintfer bldg. CommiKsion Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock biog.. Portland. Court Reporters. GEORGE H. DUKUR. tiOS Corbett bidg. Ottl cial reporter 11th Judicial Dist. M 3o04. SUN SOON HU1E CO. Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 fth. Dancing. PROF. WAL. WlI.l.SON'S DANC1NO School. Sunin.er oi.eiiini; cids-s. 25c per les ion, inclu.iuifc; iudy and sei.lieman teacti e.'s; pna;e l.&fuiis every morning, aiter nijn and evening. 3S0'j k'a.-:h. si., be'. W Park and loin sis. l'lume M. 70.11. A 5tS37. Educational. h.NOlNEhKlXG Civil !:oi!trif-il rr-v. al. survey, assay, cyanioe; established 18t4, van ut-r Nml.on School.- 51.1 and Tele graph. Oakland, Cal. LACK'S rreparatory Bchoo. of Pharmacy. 148 2d St.. Portland. Or. teed stores. ZiOLEH & MlsNER. hay, grain, feed, ce nient. sn inn lea. 2j4 Grand ate. K. 4S2. Harness and Saddlery. R-M-PItlCE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny St. Phone Main 24o2. Horse DR. E. w. HAGYAKD. graduate Ontarle e.cilnary Coi.ege; otlire Kxposition o.ds. lata and Wash. Main lu77; Kenc. Main 12!! Leather and findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps mfrs. findings. J. A. STROU BRIDGE- LEATHtR CO Es tablished 1858 Ism Front st. Machinery. ICE macnines. Complete Installations troi.n Maehlneiy Co., Spoaans. Hi Messengers. HASTY Mc.Sbfc.NGEK CO.. 1'S 5th. Malay 3. A 2133. Jonm.ie cn the spot. SATURDAY Is always our bargain day and goods are sold very low ; we havs Just received a iaigu stock of - nne vio lins wliicu. olter you at 1-3 of regular price; sheet music trout 5c and uu w Anderson Mumc Co., 10 3d al. THE Hawaiian Orchestra, now playing at lite Perkins . Hou I. be at liotriy ti opt any eiita&emcius- for any social Values alio uaucii.i; ullt-r April 8. Prof Di Nape. 271 ilh. I'hone A 3743. PROF. BLACKSTONE. teacher of piano inpo oi-aii. hai-mouy and clioir director mL-o piano tuiiui!,-; telelenco (iviu. Al dress l'ostofi:iL-e. EMIL rHlELBOllN. vioiin tractier. uumi of Sevcik A 4100. Pino 334. Main 305. M. C. Smith, teacher ol piano. 452 Salmon. St. Main 7340. lieginnent a pee laity. Moaiuueuls. Otto Schurmann, monumental and building work. 2U4 Third st. l'notie Main 2224. Osteopathic Physicians. UU. R. B. NJRTUUUP. 4 15-10-1 4 btikuiii bldg.. Thud and Wasuuigltm sto. Phone, oitice. Main 34J. res. lu. 1023. Paints. Oils and iiluss. F. E. BEACH & CO.. pioneer paint ntoro glass and glazing. 133 ist st. Main 1334. BASMLSSEX & Co.. joboe.-. paints oi. s glaiM. nun and poors. Cor. 2d and Taylor Painting and 1'aperUunging. H. P. CHiHSXliNi.N Co., wan paper paint ing. Unuiis. uocoiaLiia. 7tn saiu Aliier. Patent arid 1 eiisniu" Attorneys. R. C. C. WKUiHT, doniestio and foreign paw ts; lull liibement Lurn. 004 Dekum. en J. J. Hilts 11 EiMEK, pension and patent at, torney. rooms ..u-21 Laooe biujf. 1'avinic. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO at Purtlanu. onice 40-3-4 W orcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street pavlntr sidewalks and crossinga 314 Lumber iiij Public Stenographer. D. S. DUFIJlt. 4u5 Abington bldg. Phones Main 5037. A 5330; residence u 1584. DOCIA V. W1LL1TS. 5vi Ewetiand bldg 6tn and W iun. Puoue Main 3148. "- WORK, cuiled tor. adveriiau and circular le L l- rs a claily. i liui.c- .lan 8148. ICcsiaunuils. RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York stvlaa ot dainty dishes. 300 Aider, cor. Park. THE MCSLER SAFE CO., I08 2d su Salsa at lac lory prices. Secoud-hanu aalea. Davis uAjt; Lock co.. Dieooid salsa. 3d st. Bargain in 2u-naau -1 f tl ' blioit Case. Bank aud Store fixtures. THE LLTKtl MFG. CO.. blanch Grand Baplua snowcas Co.. wu aaa ztoyt, n Luike, Mgr. THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co.. new and Old show-cases, cauiuets. store and office lixtures. 2s Couch st. Main 2703. signs. FOSTEH t KLE1SEK, SIGNS. The tarsest slgn-nmkers In IDs North west, run and Kverutl ts. Phons Private Kacnaiizs 55. Home A 1155. Roofing. OLYMPIC Roorir.K Co.. S-'-'O Cham, ot Com., uanip-inootiiij and repairing. M Solo. A 424 STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110 B14 Front Rubber Ftumpi. ALSO trade checks and all oftice goods. P D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both cbonas 1407. Storage and Transfer. - PICK. Transfer and Storage Co.. office and commodious four-story brick wars house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d as 4 Pine ts. Planus and furniture moved aa4 packed for shipping. Main 500. A 1MM. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General tiaisinr'.at; and storsKs: safea, pianos and fuiuuu.c moved snd packed fo? shipment. 2os ji.k rt.. bet. Front and 1st. lei.plione Main 44 t-r A 2247. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano niuving a specialty. 40-42 2J st. Phons A lto.4. Mala 1618. Turkish itatna. TURKISH baths, 3v0 Oregonlan bldg.; ladles days, men E. grits. Mam 1D38. A 183s. Typewriters. WK ARB the exchange for the lsrgest type writer concern on thie Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The 'I'ypewrltsz tictaii. 287 V, Uaslnngtoa st. SPECIAL prices: alt .naKrs rented, sold, rs paired. P. D. C Co.. 231 Stark. Mam 147. Veterinary College. Bulletin San Francaco Veterinary College now ready: mailed. Dr. C. Keane. 1818 Market. Wood and Coal. CORD WOOD. SHORT WOOD. SLAB Wood. We se:l FULL lli-.ASl'RK and dellvel promptly all grides of wood for fuel, an ler.Kin stli ka dt-livered in any quantity. Best old erottin lir. oak ana ush; also sec-lid grov-t.-i and oilier cheaper grades. Siabw.i.i.l cut in a dry- log mill and hal never been ater-soakr d. Knots tor iumace ue. WESTERN LLMtlKR Ac FUEL COMPANY. Woooyard at 27 East Morrison at. Phones East 20. B lu20. Lumber yard at Montavtlia. Tabor 19. BEST new-cut cordwood; heavy live tim ber; prompt delivery. For prices phons Steel Bridtto Fuel Co. E 424. C 1773. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BASK COK. 8TH AND WASHINGTON STS 1KANSAC1S A GENEKAL BANKIVU BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL HE,.iN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OI THti UNITED STATES AND EUROPE)- 4 PER CENT INTEREST i-AID ON BAV ING3 ACCOUNTS SAFETY DaPollj