V TTIE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. rORTLAXD, APRIL 25, 1900. ' 5 REAL BSTATT5 DEALERS. . FOR MIX-KElt. ESTATE. I o., . . . . F. Abraham, 205 Ablnston bid. Main 23. Adrewi,F.v. Co. M. 8349. BO Hamilton oi Baker. Alfred A., lis Abing-on bldg geek William O.. 812 Falling bldg B.rr.ii A. H Co., 202-3 McKay bW Raal estate. Insurance, mortgage loans, etc? Brubakar Benedlct.502 McKay bl. M. 049 T!!J?ln,Hrl9.,r' 832 Cham bar Commerce, took. B. a Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C E. Co.. Board of Trada bid. Jennings Co.. Main las. 208 Oregonlan. Lee. ML E., room 411 Corbett bid. -Parrlsh. Watktns Co.. 230 Aider at. Richardson. A. B.. 221 com. Club bid. Sharkey. J. p. & Co., mi4 Blxh at The Oregon Real Estste Co., Grand ave.' and Multnomah at (Holladay Addition.) waA-r-J'''.--0 S0 Lumb'- Exchange bid. WALKER. R. .. 604 Corbett bids. White. B. F.. 227 y, Washington at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $125,000 100x100. 4-storv brick; revenue $t!5"0 per year: this Is good. 125,000 lot on Third St.; income $6000; great future ao.0O0 100x100, Washington St.; in come $5000. $42.500 2 -story brick. 1st at.; present income $3600. $20,000 100x100. Grand tva; some In t come; good future. 112.500 Corner Grand ave. and Main at. $14.000 2 blpcks in Sellwood. 3 acrea waterfront; this is a bargain. $10.S0O 100x100 on Tt. R.. North Port land; cheapest to be had In that neigh borhood. . J4OO0 100x100. 25th. near Nlcolal. $6000 House and lot on Harrison st. $300 per acre, r,0 acrea near Linnton road and United Ry. THOMAS M'CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. I.OT BARGAINS. 11200 50xlo0, corner E. 20th and Tag rt: easy terms. 1350 33 l-3xtl6 2-3, E. Washington, near E. 19th; very easy terms. SHOO 33 1-3x100. on H. Salmon st.. near 46th; easy monthly payments. $1650 KixloO, corner lot, E. Yamhill and 25th; easy terms. $1050-. 3 lots, on E. 32d, near Knott; easy terms. HOUSES. $2600 6-room house, ' 100x100. corner Ea&t 14th and Ivon; easy terms. $23o0 7-room house, li Slat, near An eny; half cash. 83400 6-room house, nearly new, $85 B. Yamhill. $:l60o New ft-room house. East Yamhill, near 23d; easy imis. K. W. TORGI.BK. 103 Sherlock Bid. 1800 DOWN, balance $16 per month, brand new .room modern house, with large attic; everything up to date; electric light and gas. fine bathroom, graveled streets, cement sidewalks, on 37th st., south of Hawthorns; Improvements all paid; 210; you can t beat It for $2500. Moore Hall. 61 Ablngton bldg., phone Main $02. Res. phone Tabor 511. 12 ACRES TO PLAT. Surrounded by lots worth $350 to $1000. on main street Into Portland, streets on two sides macadamised, two large schools within 4 blocks, a fortune for you If you have few thousand dollars. AYLSWORTH-EPTON CO.. 2012 Base Line. Phone Tabor 570. . NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Fine strictly r.ew 7-room house, full lot. furnace and fireplace, cove ceiling, paneled dining-room, two dens, attic all celled, hard wood floors; a fine home, on Wasco street price 87000: 82fioo cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW, - 817 Board of Trade Building. FOR SALE By owner, a beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, beam ceilings, panel dining-room, large reception hall and seats; this Is one of the finest ' houses In this locality: also 8-room Colonial bunga low of the same class. Call Woodlawn 488, or take Alberta car and call 1041 Vernon avenue. Both these on easy terma CIRCUMSTANCES DEMAND SALE. New bungalow, modern throughout: ce ment basement and walks, street improve ments, large lot: located E. Taylor, be tween 86th and 40th, facing south; terms; owner on grounds Sunday, 10 to 5. Phone Sunday. E 139H; after Sunday, Main 4tto2 or A 3602. H. M. Hanein, owner. No agents. AT, do you want a lot for a home or In vestment? If you do. investigate Capitol Hill, on the Oregon Electric line. 12 min utes' ride from Jefferson st. depot; rich soil, healthy location; magntflcent view. BrSIXESS INVESTMENT CO., 208 Fenton Bldg. Phone M 7375. WEST SIDE FLATS. Nice, clean and new, well-tenanted and always so; this Is paying well and the rent can be increased; this place is close In, la a bargain: not for trlflers. HENKLB & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. EAST BURNSIDE DISTRICT We have a number of nice homes for sale in this district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 13 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 8690. A 2653. 7-ROOM dwelling, furnace, etc., -west of but close to Ladd Hazel Fern farm, just sold, and to be made the finest resi dence district In city; reasonable; apply to owner on premises. 923 East Everett st. Phong East 472S. 8 BUNGALOWS In Woodlawn. finished and sold for $1500 each, one has resold for $1S50; we have a new one now ready for occupancy, price $1500; fine outlook, only $200 down. Jas. O. Logan, 323 Vs Wash, st., room 404. Main 7061. 9, SALE A fine tblock corner 3d and Clackamas; two lota Saratoga Addition; two lots Union ave. North, near Portland boule vard; no telephone Information. O'BRIEN REALTY CO., McKay Bldg. A GOOD BUY. $8950 for a modern S-room house In easy walking distance: no better chance for large family to pay off home with carfares F. FUCHS, 221 ,j Morrison St. 100x100. RIVERDALE. near Durham's; se lect neighborhood: only $750: $250 cash, balance 5 years; cheapest property In thai section. Thomas McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. -ROOM modern house with large fractional lot. Holladay's; easy walk to West side would rent $23 per month; price reduced to $8200: some terms; bargain. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. COZY home for small family; 4-room house: not quite completed; on excellent 50x100 lot: convenient to streetcar; for $750: $350 down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morri son st. NOB HILL HOME. Th. An,.. V. 1 .tt- ., .... .. . . . itt in iinw exclusive district for sale; good reasons why this very de sirable property Is now first offered 482 - "-HH'tl V.UIIllllCII.'V, $10.000 Fine large modern residence In Holladay Addition, corner lot fiHrlnn !laI.k Cook Company, room 6, Board of "" xiug. J'uoin Main 0407. A 3252. FOR SALE By owner, 2 fine, level, cleared lots in Council Crest; fine Investment: owner leaving Portland; $200 cheaper than LOT 100x100 situated high and sightly. I blocks from new ItlcH aohn.. ...- facing, sewer In and paid for; a bar- -ROOM new. modern cottage, bath, den and eleCtrIC lights. COncret huaamAnt ..! lot. In good residence district, 1 V4 block tnt. au oo. urcgonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Rest r.l,hwi,. 7-roora house. 50x100 lot; fine view $4000 ;ni. Milton W. Seaman, 421 Mohawk uivig. Jiain lwou, A 30J4. ISTH AND TAMHILL. hea-nlfi t, - corner lot, 50x100; can be bought very - j - . v. gun, ioore jfc Hal 1 618 Ablngton bldg., phone Main 802. W.HAI,i5.v,y.ou to lraJe Col"" "so equity In $1500 lot near new Trn- bi- irt-i School and carllne? Owner, 1153 Wtlllama A GOOD RtTT -room modern house on 50x1 20-ft lot with 20-ft. alley. In Holladay Park Addi tion, i-none owner. East 1235. -rv,,u.Ta. neai come in ernon ; 50-ft. east .tui. jnu una snaae; S12'H will buv It, but It must be caeth or nearly so. 432 v. niiiuct ui i-uiiimerce. FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. A beauty; 100x104. corner; a bargain for cash. Owner. Tabor 616. ALAMEDA PARK Large corner lot; agent's price $1500, owner's price 81"O0 all Improvements: terms. Woodlawn 22l! GBARHART PARK 7-room furnished house and 2 lots. Inquire of Mr Haber shaw. :3 Sherlock bldg. HAVE 3-acre tract In I.a .Grande to ex change tor lots on East time. 0 47 Oregonlan. ' BY OWNER Corner. SJx1O0. In Swlnton. on Columbia boulevard. AD 39, Oregonlan. YOCR OWN OFFER. On 1st, between. Hall and Lincoln. 90 ft. front. 108 ft. deep. 120 back ; this prop erty la located in a fine spot for busi ness: If you have any anticipation of buying good West tilde property tKis will suit most any one; don't miss a good buy. Another good buy at cor. of 2d and .Everett: 2-story brick 60x5, bringing good Income. ANOTHER On Hawthorne ave.. East Side. 75x100. 4 stories, a large up-to-date danoe hall, 4 offices; Income of $200 per month; new building. ALSO One fine corner lot cor. of Grand ave. and E. Couch, 50x90; a splendid busi ness corner; only few steps from Burn side St.. making It an exceptionally good buy; any one seeking good investment will be benefitted by looking Into this. Call us up and get our prices. Tabor 1147. Open Sundays. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 37th and Hawthorne Ave. DO YOU know a bargain when yon see It? Do. you want something that will con tinue to grow Into money? Are you look ing for a home? Here is a piece of good old mother earth. .100x110 feet square, with a nice east front, fine lawn and or namental bushes, good garden spot, up-to-date 5-room house, with hall, hot and cold water, full cement basement; also a nice, roomy barn, on the alley; Just the thing to keep bossy or the horse and buggy in; 24.V) rash; terms If desired. DAVIS, 104 Killingsworth Ave. $500 DOWN, balance $25 per month, elegant 2-story modern house, just finished; re ception hall, parlor, dining-room and large kitchen: model pantry ; 3 large, light bedrooms, with closet In each room; bath room; electric light and gas, furnace, ce ment cellar and cement walks, in flrst- ciass neighborhood; $3150; will rent for more than the monthly payments; we only advertise extra good bargains. Moore A- Hall, 512 Ablngton bldg., phono Main 802. NEW R. R. BRIDGE. Have V block 2 blocks from river next to approach street; we can sell this 4 block at $10,000 less than asked for ad jacent property. The wise Investor can double his money In the next 2 years; we cannot offer this but short time at the cheap price; will be good for apartment, factory, stores or fiats. HEILMAN &. LATHROP, 516 Ablngton Bldg. EAST 32D STREET. Just north of Hawthorne avenue; a fine new 6-room house. Just completed, mod ern, fireplace, etc.. east front, over a full lot; Improved street, cement and parked walks, all paid; 84150; terms; come see It Sunday. Call at 943 Hawthorne, corner 32d for key; something doing out the avenue now. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. NEW 7-ROOM HOME. Near Hawthorne car. 20 minutes ride from Grand ave.; modern and complete, best of plumbing and fixtures, full ce ment basement, gaa and electricity; price 83O00; terms $350 cash, balance monthly. Just your chance; call at once. HEILMAN & LATHROP. 616 Ablngton Bldg. CStgn of the Horseshoe.) H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MAIN 8609, A 2653. WE will mention a few choice buys in homes: o-room Rouse, entirely new style, 83250, terms; 6-room perfect beauty, $2400, terms; 4-room, $1850, cloee In, $250 caen, bal. $16 per month; 8-rocm house, large lot, $700, $150 cash. COWPERTHWAIT & CHRISTENS EN, Real Estate, 49th and- Hawthorne ave., Portland, Or. FOR SALE At a bargain by owner, two nanoBomeiy nnisnea o-room houses; mod ern in every respect, with paneled, work in reception hall and dining-room, built in eideboarda, cabinet kitchens: evervthlnir for comfort; in desirable residence dis trict; bet. two car lines; In neighborhood of new High School building. Call 226 Mason st Phone Woodlawn 1571. IRVINGTON HOME. Fine 8-room house, full lot. Improved street, cement walk, furnace, full cement basement, nice -den, sleeping porch; 6 fine fruit trees, on Multnomah street; a bar gain, 85600; good terms If desired. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Building. THREE ACRES. All choice land; nearly all cultivated; near Courtney Station on Oregon City carllne; $1600. HENKLE A HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. $1400 BUYS new 5-room modern cottage. Must be sold at once for cash or aa good as cash. Plastered, tinted, porcelain bath, toilet, hot and cold water, electric light fixtures In, beautiful lawn and rosea1. Take Mt. Scott car. get off at Millard avenue, see Joe Nash in office. 267 KIndorf st. HAWTHORNE AVE. 66 2-8x100 corner. 1 block north of the ave.. fine building site, cement walks, etc. Remember the hard surfar-e Is now going on the avenue; S1350; $500 down, balance easy. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. FIRLAND ACRES. Vt. acres, acres and acres; beautiful building sites, close to carllne; Just the Place for a nice suburban home; prices are low; terms are easy. C. B. Lucas, 408 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE by owner, new six-room modern house, close in. panel wainscoting, beam ceiling and china closet in dining-room, tiling wainscoting in bath and kitchen, walls tinted. Call B 1972. Price $2700; terms. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, up-to-date, bungalow for sale by owner; located in best part of Irvington, 5 rooms, east facing; a tine home and excellent investment, $5000: terms. S 81, Oregonlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. That handsome bungalow. 483 East 11th st. North; will take vacant lot as part payment: $2000 cash, balance to suit. In quire 368 Victoria st. CORNER 20TH AND EAST ANKENY. Swell 8-room house; furnace, fireplace, etc.; everything modern; $5300. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. 50x60 EAST 27TH, between Yamhill and Taylor, $1300 40x100, East Yamhill, near I7th, $1300; 50x60. cor: East Yamhill and 27th, cast frontage. $1650. Phone Main WEST PIEDMONT. See the lot. 00x100, Kerbs' and Jarrett sts., 2 blocks north of Killingsworth, then see me. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. HOUSE and 2 lots on Base Line, Montavtlla. 2 blocks east of carllne; fruit and berrjas. Call at 2 Union ave. North. Phone East 1749. $1500 By owner. cah or terms: lot 50x100, on Williams ave. and Killingsworth, Pied mont. Call B. D. Heitachmldt. A 2408. 414 7th st. WE nave customers for vacant lote and good modern residences. logan & Mcdonald, 303 Board of Trade. UNIVERSITY PARK, four best lots In, block 139. Foes st., at a sacrifice If taken quick. Owner leaving city. Address 609 Laurel st. 6-ROOM house, full lot. Richmond; small fruit and garden; 1 blocks to car; cheap for cash. Owner. 1238 Ivon. CHOICE lot. 50x100, $550: cement walks and curb; Bull Run water; restricted district; easy payments. M 45, Oregonlan. 81O0 DOWN, $20 per month. 6-room modern bouse, price $2300. close to car. P. B Hol llday, Mann's- station, Woodstock car. MODERN 7-room house In Sunnvslde, al most new, 1 block from carllne, lot 60x 100. Phone Tabor 464. CHOICE lot on Tth st.. near Alberta, for sale by owner. $750 cash. T 87. Orego nlan. NEAR Steel bridge, walking distance; nice homes from $3750 to $4500. LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. FOR SALE A 5-room cottage, on the Brooklyn carllne, $1300: part down and terms easy. Phone evenings Main 7840. LOTS 6 down. $5 monthly. Owner must aao" rlflce. 250 Alder at., rooto 7. A GOOD 7-room house and lot In Sunny-side- $2700. Phone Tabor 1407. MODERN 7-room house. 4 lots, fine chicken park: only $2200. Box 422. Arleta. Or. 825 CASH. 85 monthly for lot In Elberta. Owner, E 44, Ore&onian- TEN lots, beautiful for large home. Phone tiellwood 3$. THIS NEW. COZY MODERN BUNGALOW. Completely furnished; owner leaving city, must sell immediately at a sacrifice; phone us between 9:30 A. M. and noon today and get full descriptions, so that you can see tnla place today. Only one person can buy It. Mill it be you? Located on 32d art... one block from excellent car service. In delight ful neighborhood; every requirement for a delightful home and a fine Investment; can be purchased with or without furnishings; price $3000, $900 cash, balance monthly payments. $2500. 8400 Cash. "5-room cottage and nve-sixtha of an acre; lots of fruit trees; 25 minutes from this office, on good car service; one block from car; this is a snap; tell us what you want; we have It. . CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark erts. MAGNIFICENT IRVINGTON HOME. CHEAP. Owner wants money for his business; win sell -with fine new home, 60x100 or 150 on one of the prettiest corners of Irvington; large living-room; big fireplace, den with fireplace; large bedroom, with individual closets: other bedroom has al cove closet; outside sleeping-room, re ceding bed: also additional sleeping-porch; paneled dining-room; new Idea kitchen: basement light as day: with fruit-room and laundry; all conveniences; must be seen to be appreciated. Phone Sunday Last or R 1SB4. HEILMAN A 'LATHROP, 615-516 Ablngton Bldg. GOOD WEST BUYS. Walking Distance from Business Center. $260 Fractional lot. very desirable for flats. $4250 40x100 on Hoyt St., for flats. $4500 50x200 and new modern 6-room house, gas and electric fixtures, bath, fur nace, cement basement, on 19th St.; easy terms. $t300 50x100 on 11th fit.: pays fair rate of interest on Investment. $6000 Fine quarter block on Union avi. FRED C. KING. 50$ Commercial block. 2d and Wash. Sts. IRVINGTON' DISTRICT. ioP" Hancck, near East 28th. south front! 3 00x00 feet, all existing Improvements paid, street to be paved this Summer; high and sightly; only $1700; $170 cah. $10 per month. 6 per cent Interest. First come first served. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. MANDY LANE. A few choice lots left a trhort distance from the new City Park at Mt. Tabor, end of Hawthome-ave. carllne; prices $400 to $450; $5 down, $5 per month. Alao 7 lots 50x100. good for garden or chickens, full of bearing prune tres. two blocks from car. close In. $1400. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cow perthwalt & Chrlotensen, 49th and Haw thorne ave. Tabor 620. ONE ACRE. SUBURBAN HOMES. Near station on Oregon City carline, all in bearing fruits and berries', neat cot tage; hard-finished pantry; porches: good $500a a" outbulldin8s; good buy at HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. NEW, modern, 6-room bungalow, very large lot. wide porches, cement floors in base ment and very best furnace; without ques tion the finest view in or around Port land, 1 block to car, 15 minutes out; this Is something above the ordinary; It is strictly high-class and exclusive: very ucn cholce locations to be had: price 38O0; terms on part. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. CHOICE PROPERTY. Two modern 6-room houses on a fine corner in central East Side; handy to Washington High School: one of tne finest locations, easy walking distance to busi ness. No better rental property. Don't guess at this. Let us show you. HENKLE & HARRISON, 611 Gerlinger Bldg. CLOSE-IN WALKING DISTANCE. Large, new modern home; large recep tion hall, living-room 20x14, with fire place: paneled dining-room; fine fixtures, working pass pantry, large basement, fine south-facing porch; 4 bedrooms, with fin ished attic; will sell this less than cost. If you want" something fine this will suit. HEILMAN & LATHROP. 616 Ablngton Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, new. modern 7-roora up-to-date house facing carllne. will be sacrificed, owner leaving city, for $6500; 4 bedrooms and bath, living-room dining room, reception hall and kitchen." In best block on Heights: fine lawn, bank and flowers; cheap at $80O0. $4000 cash, bal ance 3 years. Address owner, H 41, Ore gonlan. , 6-ROOM modern house, electricity and gas. furnace, with hot water coil, porch light gas range shades, linoleum, gas water heater, full basement, laundry tubs, lovely view, on carline: Willamette Heights: must be sold Immediately: $1700 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, 1004 Thurman. IMPROVED LOTS CHEAP. 2 60x100. with walk and curb, city water, improved street; all paid; good chance for future increase In price, and nice place for home. Price is $375 each. J,ImB,'5 cash- balance monthly. Call 616 Ablngton bldg. MT TABOR, WEST AVE. 5 lots fronting on West ave. (nearly an acre), highly improved, some fruit trees prettiest building site in this district; fine )'otw.:,oawsnapwner.e """"S" "re doing." for $3000. part rash. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce IPEAL' LOCATION FOR A HOME $1800 Tract 1O0 by 150 feet, on East 31st street and Francis ave; one of the finest homesites on the East Side see Compton. 100 Ablngton bldg., or 1002 Glad stone ave.. W-W carllne. IRVINGTON LOTS. f!50.!? 5.lots on 3tn and Thompson fVCoT"51?2' 27th- near Tillamook. $1300 50x100. Weldler and 26m J2N00 10'lxlOO, Weldler and 20th ' ELCH, 625 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM cottage; full lor. near E. Ankenv carllne: $140O: easy payments: 4-room cottage; lot E. Taylor, $1800; easy pay ments. MUTUAL REALTY CO.. 303 Vs Washington St., Room 6. FOR SALE By owner, nice 7-room house on corner lot; Improved street; good neighborhood; furnace, fireplace aas price $3500; $300 cash, balance easy terms. 434 Marguerite ave. Phone Ta bor J 651. FINE INVESTMENT H1"0.0 80x100 on 5th st.. near Hall. 3 elegant houses Included: fine enough for Nob Hill: income $120 per '"ink of the location and Its pos sibilities. Brong-Steele Co., 110 2d st. EAST SIDE PROPERTY property see1" 4 buy F Bel1 East SIde J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. WANTED To sell a $2000 mortgage, se cured on Improved property worth $4000- x'-ton 7 V,f,r S?nt ln,re": fine Insurance $.000: will discount some. Culver 6"3 Chamber of Commerce. ' IF sou want to buy a home or real estate ?t ay .kJnd see the W- R- Halzlip Co (Inc.) Abstractors: they will treat you right preferences first-class. 327-328 Cbr- FOR SALEt Piedmont, choice 100x100. on 80 foot street; also 100x100 In Woodmere. Hat tie J. Webster. Phone East 6278 ONE lot and partly furnished house for sale, cash or terms. 87 Jessup st.. Riverside Station. Phone Woodlawn 692. Klver"lua $1500 Five-room cottage. E. 9th near Fall ing, bteelsmlth & Marshall. 604 Board of Trade. 6-ROOM modern residence, near "3d and Washington; price reasonable. A 35. Ore gonian. IF YOU want something good, see that cor East" 266Bt 13'h Tajnhi11, then Phne IRVINGTON HOME, going at $4500; 7 rooms "beautiful yard, near two carllnes- fine neighborhood; terms. C 40, Oregonian. SEASIDE: Full lot, Hermosa Park- ocean front, board sidewalk. Phone Woodlawn A FINE business lot "of 2 acres at Tlgard vllle depot, $435 will secure it. Phone East 5919. 357 E- 12th St. BT OWNER. 5-room modern cottage, 264 East 41st st., near Hawthorne: a bargain if sold soon. Phone Tabor 1731. VERNON lot on lth. 150 ft from car, at $100 cash, $15 monthly. Owner, E -43 Oregonlan. BY owner, 50x100 E. 19th and Weldler sts. Phone East 2500. . ROSE CITY PARK, choice lot. near carllne ior sale cheap. AE 35, Oregonlan. FOB 8AL1S-REAL ESTATE. 1 FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. Too c., T . - "i. .tu.ucj ur 1 o . These are all fine locations and we are selling them cheap.' Holladay lot, 1st lot east of 804 Wasco; fractional, but we will sell very cheap. IRVINGTON LOTS. Elevated Broadway lot. 3d one west of 24th: cement walk, paved street. ooThird lot south of Thompson on E. 23d;, facing west; has cement walk sewer? water piped Into the yard. Third, 4th and 5th south of Hancock, facing West: these lots will be soon In finest part of Irvington. Piedmont, corner a. E. J arret and Halght; this is a fine corner, suitable for fine home. N E. cor. E. Salmon and E. 18th: walking distance; streets paved; fine for bungalow. Beautiful U block on Going and Rodney: this section rapidly increasing In value; we can sell this cheaper than any i be tween Williams and Union. Don't ask about these till you have looked at them. HEILMAN & LATHROP, 616 Ablngton Bldg. NEW 6-ROOM HOME. $2450. Best of everything, brown shingled ex terior, metallic painted roof; 3 bedrooms, with fine closets: bath; fixtures the best; cement basement, sidewalk and curb; graded street, city water; all paid; near best car service; 12 minutes' rido from bridge; lot 5Oxl00 or luOxlotl; $500 cash will handle, balance monthly; call at onA HKlf.MlM JF- T ITUltf.n (Sign of the Horseshoe. 516 Ablngton Bldg. IRVINGTON. $5oo 8-room house, 2 stories and attic; cement basement, two toilets, big bathroom, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, walls tinted furnace, heater. Not jet two years old. Large lot. Every modern convenience. Terms. This is your opportunity grasp it. BLAIR fc HAYS. Phone A or Main 3236. 426 Com. Club Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT Iff? A fine lot. 50x100. on Hawthorne ave.. 50; a swell spot for a home and the best buy on the avenue. Another fine modern 6-room house on East 35th. price $2150; $200 down, bal ance to suit. ALSO 4 fine bungalows ranging in prices from $2100 to $3500: small cash payments. Another swell home for 1800; strictly modern in every respect. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO.. 37th and Hawthorne Ave. $500 BELOW VALUE. 6-room house, 2 stories and attic; hard wood floors, concrete basement, bath, toilet, sleeping porch and all other modern im provements. This house is as big as the average 8-room house. Price. $3200; easy terms. BLAIR & HAYS. Phone A or Main 3236. 426 Com. Club Bldg. EAST BURNSIDE DISTRICT Swell 8-room house, less than a year old. on East Couch St., near 20th; has fur. nace. fireplace. full cement taaemra'.l everything up to date; S5500. , H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 8699, A 2653. EAST BURNSIDE ST. Just beyond he Ladd farm, which you know is going to he platted at once. I have for sale a 6-room house and 50x100 corner lot. with barn, which I can sell for $1300 on terms; also another near for 811O0; now watch this property go un in price. " J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE By owner. 2-story 6-room mod ern house, 1 block south of Hawthorne ave.. on 37th st. ; full-sized basement, ce ment washtubs. first-class plumbing, elec tric lights; piped for gas and furnace; price $4000: very easy terms. Inquire 332 Sherlock bldg. Phone M 1003. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Six lots in SWIFT TOWNSITB to build on. and the price is oh. I hate to tell you. it's so cheap I'm ashamed well, I will, $2100. Now don't let your money He "in a savings bank when It can work like thto. C 42, Oregonlan. FIRLAND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, reception hall, basement, bath, pantry, built-in china .closet, back and front porches, comer lot. 100x100, cement walks; this ts a bargain; price S2600. terms. C. B. LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. UNION AVENUE. $75O0. worth $10.OO0; fine business corner. 105x104. with splen did 2-story store bulldine- thrown in: va cant lots worth more than asked for wnoie; nrst in the field gets It. Call on J. D. Kennedy, 836 Union avenue North. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING. $400 to $600 each; have a few residence lots on the East Side that are decided bargains at these prices; will not last long. See Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg.. or J.002 Gladstone ave. FOR SALE by owner. modern 6-room -"'- ' .cv.cHL.u., oain, sta tionery tubs, full cement basement, gas "and electrlcitv. nl. . in etc; walking distance. Inquire ' 435 E 7th st. N.. cos. Tillamook. s00 sacrifice price for quick sale, 20 acres finest fruit land, opposite Hood River: rapidly developing section on s p - j. cneeny. 344 Wash lngton. FOR SALE One of the most heniitir.il to. cated residence lots in city; fine view of n-iruor ana mountains; close in, build ing restrictions: bargain if taken at once. AF 3d. Oregonian. ANOTHER TTI-VP: RTTV Fine 6-room house on Irving st.. near 22d st.: modern and complete; $5500 if inncn at rate, xsrong-steeie Co., 110 2d st. BUNGALOWS on easy payments In excel lent locations: close to good car service. Be your own landlord. Some flue building lots on East Side Call 26 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d St. ' $2400 Lot 100x100. 7-room hnn..i.. plumbing basement, dining-room ' pan eled, with fireplace: half cash, balance Cafl East" 834CKS Irm W" FOR SALE Choice residence in central Last Portland; up to date in every par ticular and in good condition , for either a home or an investment. V TAKE MOUNT TAROR cat? 4 acre with neat o-room house, bearing fruit trees, well fenced, city water; very iow price or inoo: easy terms, ber of Commerce. 432 Cham- IRVINGTON Cheapest pair lots near Knott st.: east front, only 812.-0 each for two days Hi!" L "-rajs. jas. -. Logan, 326U FOR SALE Chicken ranch of 4 lots and smau house, near car; price $1300: $100 secures this rare bargain. Perdew & nocne. Arieta station. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished, near Hawthorne 1 c T' ' Bargain 11 sold "at once. Call B MY Installment contract cn fine nark lot t.,r in B.x. race; only sao reeded. D 40. O!-f0B're 0n 6"cent -'"'llne: good house; LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. TWO lots. $45 cash, $10 monthly; bullt- uij -wt.i,Mi, jubi ine piace to get a start Purse. 818 Chamber of Comnferce NEW 8-room' modern house, center hall Sh?'e Irvington" location. 75x100 ft. $7600. F 45. Oregonlan. CORNER Broadway and East 7th. 40xG5; iiooo " V? resinctinns; wanting distance. . 1 , 1 1 tun n,' r commerce. 25x100 BUSINESS lot on Alberta St.. near .-wi, ii vnii or lerms. uwner E 4 Oregonlan. A BARGAIN New 4-room house and 2 lots- " "xl" "f uws as part payment Phone owner. Tabor 908. MODERN five-room house, bath, bnsemont and fine car service. $2400; terms like rent East 291. A NEW bungalow at a bargain. Apply over look Land Co.. Front and Burnslde sts. $1250 Fractional corner lot, close In East 81de. Phone East S157. ' E'at $3500 Corner Second and Weldler- Just fin ishing; six rooms. Owner, Ea-st 2227. IRVINGTON Lot BOxlOO. all improvement, paid. Terms. Y 40, Oregonian. TWO cottages at Newport. Or. Terms given Address Sarah Rockenflelrt, Newport, Or. $3600 8-ROOM house in Highland LIND & HIGLEY. 182 Third St. NEW modern Nob Hill home, west of 3d st. O 35, Oregonlan. FOR SALE -rom noise at 742 E Main sear 22d; hot water heat. Phone E 131L RESIDENCE PROPERTY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $16.000 8 rooms, first-class throughout; 7oxh)0. with unobstructed view. $4750 New home of 8 rooniB, and sightly lot 100x100. $4500 Attractive 6-room house, with cor ner lot; house fully modern. IRVINGTON. $10,000 8 rooms, 19th. near Tillamook. IO.00O 8 rooms. Halsey st. 9SOO 8 rooms, Tillamook St. RStK 8 rooms. Twenty-second st, 7000 6 rooms, Rroadway st. 6500 8 rooms. Tillamook st. WOO T rooms. North Fourteenth st. 6500 8 rooms, Broadway st. 5750 7 rooms, Broadwav st. 3500 S rooms. Twenty-eighth st. NOB HILL. $11, 5O0 Less than cost; 8 rooms, full mod ern; N. 22d St. PIEDMONT. $4500 6 rooms, fully modern, furnace and fireplace; corner lot, 76xliV. ROSE CITY PARK. $3200 Swell, new, modern, 6-room bunga low; make us an offer on first payment; this is one of the prettiest little homes in this tract: fireplace, built-in buffet, window sealsi and bookcases, tinted throughout, kitch en and bedrooms enameled, cement side walks and curb, lawn, rose, everything complete. ' ROSSMERia -v $3000 Swell bungalow of 6 rooms, full lot 50x100; living-room has beamed eolllnff. with fireplace and built-in bookrase-s: dining room paneled and hss built-in buffet: all the little ornamental details so much sought .iter by "home-lovers" a bargain. We have a fine list of houses in all parts of the city. s-p us. 6WERT-HBA D-LF.MCKB. 146t4 Fifth St. 9. INTEREST NO TAXES $10 CASH. Owner Is up against tt and will let two Keautlful east-front lots in one of the swell residence districts go at these remarkable terms. All the Improvements are paid for Including cement walks and curbs, water to the lot, etc. A building restriction pro tects the home-builder. These lots are located in the path- of progress, and are a sure Investment and no IXTERST to pay. J. C.STRUBLE. 432 Chamber of Commerce. J4OO0 The best buy on the East Side; 8-room modern house, on carllne; gas and elec tricity, paneled dtnlnr-mnm full .-A........ basement, full plumbing, everything in the best of shape; I can prove to your satis- lacnon tnat this property cannot be dupli cated for the money; on East Gltsan near 30th. Don't try to imagine what this, is. but let me take you out and show you. Ross. 408 Gerlinger bldg. WINDSOR HEIGHTS. Overlooking Hawthorne ave.. with a T,!pT!.b. vlew of rit and mountains; lots 50x100. $400 and up: easy terms; come out Sunday; only 9 minutes from Haw thorne and Grand aves: take Mount Scott car and get off at Section Line road BRI7T1AKFP -S'- RtrvcTtlp-p Offices on the ground, and 502 McKay Bldg. TAKE a look at Windsor Heights; 9-minute rlil A An Ka-i II . l . uuiuu 1 1 1 a w Li1t.11 u ave. ; see the work that Is goim? on now, streets halnv rr " n r r. 1 .1 - . . , -" ' u nnu it- w nouses unuer wav; lots 50x100, $400 and up: easy term's: ijte jtount cott car Sunday and get oft at Section Line road and you are on the croainHa Y3 K.. 1, c n , . ...... . ........... ' ' . "t. - oc Dvneuici. uincea on the grounds, and 502 McKay bldg. IliDO VERT desirable .lot. Gantenbeln ave.. 2 blocks to very heart of business district. Williams ave.. and Russell sts.. 25 per cent advance within 6 months: all Improvements In and paid. Wake up. See A. H. BIRRELL CO., McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. 6-ROOM house on Marguerite ave (same as m E. 33th). lot 50x103, 3 fruit trees, berries and roses, built for a home, fine plumb ing, piped for furnace: good neighborhood: lo-minute ride. Price and terms reason able. See It today. Take Hawthorne ave ear: go south to 431, or write M 44, Ore gon laJl. AN ELEGANT piece of acreage; 4 acres cleared. 2 acres in timber; just what vou wart; all level, fine building place. few blocks from Tlgard station, on the electric line. Price. $1275: easy terms. HEN-KLE A HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. A FINE LITTLE COUNTRY PLACE. A short distance from Center Station, on the Oregon City line: small house, barn, chicken-house, etc.; 2000 strawberry plants, 300 grape vines, potatoes planted. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. $3500 T-room, 2-story bungalow, every con venience, including furnace and very fine fireplace; cobble-stone veranda and extra large plate glass; $1000 cash: lot 5Oxl00. on Going st. CHAPIN HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. LOW prices for quick sales; lot 40x1)10. 120 feet from Alberta car. in good residence district: owner must sell: price 45 If eold this week. We have bargains in all kinds of real estate. Come and eee us. BARTLETT REALTY CO.. 612 Commercial Bldg. HERK'S A SNAP 5-room and bath. new. modern story and a half house loo feet from Alberta carllne in Vernon, $2800, $(loo cash and balance in monthly payments to suit purchaser. Here's a bargain for the party who does thlnge quick. Charles Bur rowes. 611 Corbett building. IRVINGTON BUILDING SITE. k Southeast corner lot. ROxlOO: all Improve ments are in; 1 block from car; $1P0: you cannot duplicate this In Irvington; terms If desired. j.k W. M. CONKLTN CO.. JNC 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. 6-ROOM dwelling at a sacrifice. Corner E Salmon and 15th. Lot 50x100. Strictly mod ern and tn first-class condition. Price $rtftoO. Terms. See saleetnan. American Trust Com pany. 200 Chamber of Commerce. Don't phone. IRVINGTON $10,000. Swell ft-room house, en carllne; every thing strictly modern. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 8699, A 2653. A PLASTERED HOUSE. $1200 4 rooms and only 40 feet from Alberta street car. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of. Commerce and 27th and Alberta. DON'T HESITATE New Irvington home sac rificed; 7 rooms, cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, plate glass, 60-foot east facing lot, paved streets; $0500. G 37, Ore gonlan. 12-ROOM home on Nob Hill; lot Is 60x100 choice location on Glisan street: a very fine buy, either for a home or Investment price $8000. For Information, call on owner' 409 Failing bldg. ' ANOTHER FINE BUY. Fine 6-room house on Irving st.. near C2d St.; modern and complete; $5500 if t-iken at once. Brong-Steele Co.. 110 2d st $25.000 The northeast quarter block of 16th and Savier sts.. lOOxloo. Speaks for Itself Improved. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. NICE 6-room house in Irvington, $3000; $500 cash, balance like rent: fruit trees, roses etc.; cheapest snap In city. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. FOR SALE 6-room house, corner, in Irv ington. $:t00; $1000 will handle it. bal ance $25 per month, 6 per cent: no agents. W 43, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CORNER THAT NETS 9 P C CAN BE HANDLED FOR $8000 " Three-story, N. 16th st.. cloe In. Farrcll Cigar Factory. 202 "4 Washington st. FOR SALE 75x100 on Columbia boulevard Swinton, $1250. I3S6 cash, balance pay able at $21.60 per month. Address box M 40. Oregonlan. CORNER LOT $3t0. Fine corner lot Sc.xloo adjoins Elmhurst Tills is a bargain. $120 cash, $10 per month" Call 519 Swetland bldgt ' 6-ROOM cottage. Sell wood; first-class plumbing, electric lights, ipen fireplace, toilet and bath, modern: easy terms It. W. Stevens. Woodard. Clarke A Co FOR SALE Strictly .high-class. 7-room all modern house in nice locality, for sale cheap by owner; terms to suit. 307 Fail ing bldg.. IRVINGTON Lots $900 uj-.. corners 100x100 $2000 up. A. Backus. 18th and Brazee sts.i Irvington. 8-ROOM house, 60x100 lot, Sunnyslde. very reasonable; easy terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS Go tn. the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct ot owners and save commissions. 05 Ablngton bldg. ONE or two beautiful lots, N. W. corner Webster and Montana, convenient to new "high schooL 160x150. on west slope Mount Tabor: very choice, sightly and handy. Henkle & Har rison. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. IRVINGTON Going to sell; make me an of fer : corner lot, 12th and Tillamook; asking $2150. G 36, Oregonlan. 10 ACRES close to Burlington, on the new United Railway line, tor $15o0; a snap to quick buyer. Owner, AN 38, Oregonian. NORTHWEST TIMBER CO.. 620 LUMBER EXCHANGE HIM.. PHONE Mltv .1711 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE AT PORT TOWN SEND. WASH. $2O0O. Vs cash. 200x100. 7-room house, modern. under high cultivation. 18 apple trees. 35 fruit trees, prunes, peaches, cherries, pears and quinces. 20o berrr bushes, rich soil: fruit and vegetables plenty; 10 minutes walk to P. O., Court house and school: fine view of moun tains, valleys, etc.. city water. If you are interested in this proposition, call at office and we will give you more particu lars, as this must be sold. $1000 cash. 1-acre chicken ranch, all level, fenced, plenty of water; 4 mile to school and store, on Base Line, and car; o-room house and barn; also out houses. SPECIAL. it, prr arr'' " acre" ot farming land, live stream, plenty of game, in Crook county: deed and title; t, cash required. 100 cash, will buy 120-acre dalrv ncn- with good farmhouse and barn, on the R. R. and steamboat navigation; plenty of water; some Umber: good un able land. ES2T,HWKST TIMBER CO.. 520 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 57SU. FI.NkB bu.s.l!?s" ,ot- East Side, close tn. rent aDout $10n per month, onlv $13,000. bine new. modern S-room house. East SLih 'a"t.iR distance, all Improvements p i?, ,or: a-00: good terms. ,., J '""V n-jw. modern bungalows. West tn -''SO: good terms. tine V block. E. 27th st.. a snap: $2750. r tne. new. modern 7-room house. East Taylor, only $4500; easv terms. 5 and 10-acre tracts on installments: f,0T,t carline. These range from $100 to 1360 per acre; investigate. .oJ'"." tract. 1 50 acres. 10 in cultivation. 100 bearing fruit trees, 75 voung choice apple trees not bearing. 1.00O.00O feet of timber. 7 miles from boat landing and R. It. town: $3000; will trade for good house and lot. CH ARLESON it- CO.. 411 Commercial block. Phono Main S963. A MODEL HOME IN THE COUNTRY. 10 acres, all under high state of culti- inciuoing l acres of straw berries fthis year st their best), all va rieties of berries; all kinds of fruit trees now 3 years old, some- will be In bearing this year: fine new, 6-room house with tn v n i-nn n.- tx-ati,,- o.am , non ana reaay tor the most critical to move In and commence living at any time f t II'IY ff TJ 1 , 1 . . , i - 332 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. 3 -excellent 5-acre tracts with improve ments on Base Line road : tine buvs. S acres close in. Woodstock line". 1 .- acres on Section Line road. 22 acres on Base Line road. 30 acres on Base Line road, improved. Any of these will show a big advance before Fall. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., Suite 508 Gerlinger Bldg. Fire Insurance. IRVINGTON Lot between Thompson and Tillamook, on Bth St.. Price. $1700. Rose city Lot 1 j blocks from car. Price. $450. $250 cash, balance easy terms. Vernon Lot ' ' blocks rmm w . . .i - 80x100. Price $1050; $250 cash," balance nun Lilly. Albina Heights On 12th st.. bet. Al berta and Humboldt sts. Trice. $700. Willamette Boulevard and Delaware avp- A fine corner. Price, $2300. $1500 cash. If you don't find what you want, call ' Auiiigion mag. ana ask for it. Largo 8-room house, close in. brick baee- t,tcm iiooi, iMuunry tuos, rurttace. - fireplaces, modern plumbing. 2 toilets. 2 ...... .u,la, .. ...un uuia, oesi enamel nam. eieolrlc light, elegant fixtures, lot 60x100 beautiful lawn and shrubbery: Sf675, terms, $37. Hi cash, balance 7 per cent. This house is Of the hest IVlKRihla ntrimMU. I.. wired- ...n(hl. . .... . .'. j -ioui. me pruL-env in strictly first-class shape. Reaiiv to move p:,ttl In Ul n: .,... ...i.. , nunc i-tia.nl o.iuo or can room l ttrt.j.lp MH . - - . SHE OUR LIST. If you want a home or a building lot don't worry, but call or telenhoi-t to , for our list of proierty; let us find what you Want: that is what we ara for-- it ....... have got a lot we will build for you- we make a specialty of high-claw residences- est or East Side. Consult us before you ' j . iuuh 9 paper. W. M. CONKL1N & CO.. INC. 407 Wells-Fargo lildg. A 1741. Main 28.59. INCOMTC PRnpcnTv Invest 7to In a 2-story house, close in: the rent will nav th. hHi,n,.. u .t home or an A-l Investment; too good to 1' . moit nut ,ui ll. BLAIR H IV9 Phone A or Main ::2.'io. 426 Commercial t-iuo building. E.-lULtiatl WALNUTS W ... , . , . - -. unci pianiora In Oregon. We have the only planted ---- -- w v. vjui properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill. 5-acre i.rwC?2,V.1?laPtod' 10rt ca"h- 15 Tor month. CUT RCH T.I. MiTTurtro . . A . Lumber Exchange bid., 2d and Stark sts A REAL BARGAIN. jn.,nAn east front lot. near fine homes on 4.,th st hslf block north of Rose Cltv Park carline: $750 asked for lots In same block; Improvements paid; no better buy In Portland for the money. See it and oe pieasea: soo cash, balance $15 ' SANDY ROAD REALTY CO., 52d and- Sandy Road. Phone C 2177. WINDSOR HEIGHTS. 9-mlnute ride along beautiful Hawthorn ave. : take Mount Scolt car ami get ot at section Line road: don't delay, make ut B.-iviTiion ftunoay; lot 50x100; $4i) and up; easy terms; streets graded t city grade free of expense to the buyer BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. ou" 502 McKay Bldg. $7500 A fine. new. modern 11-room man won near East 30th and Hawthorne sts. corner lot. t-jxIOO: everything in fine trim large rooms, fireplace, furnace. 2 toilets nice high concrete basement... southeas fr-Of-if. onn Klni.1, . ,1.. must be sold at once: Immediate posses- T. nl r- rimger Co.. room i- jtuiKey Ding., id and Morrleon sts. LEE ROW PARK. LOTS Graded streets cement sidewalks, cement cuii nun water. iTUTa advance 2. per cent May 1. 19u9 . SMITH 4 STEARNS, 305 Ablngton bldg.. Main 7Wj7. A 3128. Of floe opened Sunday from 10 till 4. HOMES. $2050 fl-room new Oneen Ann. .! dark fir finish: lot 50x75, In good lawn and roses: on East 29th at., near si c ,i M. T. cars; $1000 down and S15 ' per month. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR SITE. 10Oxl2S. on west slope and near car line: streets Improved. This Is one of the finest view sites to be had: will sell on easy terms or trade for small house. HENKLE & HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. 100 FEET from East Morrison and 60 feet on East ISth st. This Is a snap at $415o. 50x11-0 on Monroe st.. Just nit Union ave The ca.-h will secure It this week $20O less than going price for lote In that localltv STO.VB. 603 Commercial Bldg. $4000. A good 6-room house, partly furnished. 4 lots 115x14,, ft., all in bearing fruit attl garden; good car service on 1 linn. this property before you buy. Phone' Main S!,7i Steelsmlth &. Marshall. B04 Board of Trade. $to CA.-,H buys this nice little home, balance $10 per month. Three-room cottage one-half block from car. Lot 40x100. This can be made a beauty. See Salesman Amerlasn Trust C.impany, 200 Chamber of Commerce Don't phone. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 448$. Kinnev - Stampher, 631-532 Lumber Exchange 5 LOTS for $100 on the new electric line only 30 minutes from the city; biggest bar gain ever offered in Portland. Owner, AN 37. Oregonian. NICE lot on Porter st.. between Corbett and Hood: fine view; $3000. " ana LIND i HIGLEY. US Third St. FOR SALE Small house and lot In Ke-n Park. $600. A bargain. Terms. G ruber 824 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON LOT Will sell at bargain flg ure If taken this week; fine location beau tiful view. S 35. Oregonian. ' CAN you beat It? loo. six-room burgalow lot 50xloo; terms. Other good buys. Phone Woodlawn 1360. FOR SALE Fine 7-room. all modern house nice locality on East Side; for sale cheat) by owner; terms. 307 Falling bldg. CHOICE VACANT PROPERTY. 5oo 100x100. Williams ave.. between Broadway and Hancock. $42O0 60x100, corner 25th and Haw thorne ave. 3150 I'OxloO. facing Williams avenue. Walnut Park. $3150 100x100, corner 27th and East Morrison. 835O0 210x100. South Portland, $.15ti0 SOxlOO. corner 4th and Hooker streets. $SI0 62tixl00. East Tenth street. M)0 60x20. across from Crematory, as Sellwood carline. $500 50x100. near Sellwood rarltne. $UO0 Quarter block. In same locality. 530 Two lots on East 17th st. North, very good terms. $4-00 50xlo0, in Highland Park, very good terms. $60050x118. 43d, and East Madison St.. good terms. $SO0 60x100. 21st St.. bet. Holladay an Pacific. $ooo 83x150. corner Crook and Lino sts.; Ideal view. PENINSULA LOTS. $3000 6 lots, on Pippin st. $2ooo t lots. Arbor Lodge, street Im provement included. $33ni lot tn Portsmouth. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133- First Street. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW Of the most modern txpe; large living room, with fireplace; dining-room. be;m celling and paneled: piped for stoiam haa:, gas and electric lights: large closets to all bedrooms, built-in cupboards, splendM bathroom. ith neat plumbing: rooms ail tinted, hand-palmed friexe. inlaid lino leum in kitchen, bathroom and pantrv; shades on all windows; best of hardware used; large grounds: the view is unsur passed: handy to car. We are proud to show this one; can make terms, and will take vacant lot. - HENKLE HARRISON. Ml Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. IF you ana looking for a business location don't fall to Investigate those business lots In Windsor Heights, located on Di vision st. and 4Tth, tsth and 43th; S40' easy terms; no store within a half mile in any direction, yet It is all built up soTId back and front of Windsor Heights; don't misi this splendid opportunity; you will double your money in a year: take Mount Scott car and get off at Sctlon Line road and you are right there. Brnbaker Benedict. Offices on the grounds, and 502 McKay bldg. $S30 for 30x425 feet close In on FCast Side. We have this xdece of ground, includ ing a basement already dug; lies nr.s tin fully improved street about five block! south of Inman-Poulsen mill. This locu tion is high and dry. Certainly a bargain. Be In a hurrv. as it must be sold at once. DA M M K I E R INVESTMENT CO. . 321 Board of Trade Building. GOLLY! WHAT A SNAP! X210O v. ill buy a thorottRhly modern 5 rnom bungalow on the West Side Don't fiddle around now and let the other fel low get It; ask about It. BLAIR HAYS. 421 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone A or Main 3236. A GOOD BUY. Corner lot, 2-story frame building, fur nished, coiner Base Line and Hibbard t., end of M-V car. A good place for busi ness. For price and terms sec Equity Investment Co., 5os Gerlinger bldg $.,!, , o b-room. 2-story house. In good con dition, on lot SOxllO. 15 minutes' walk trom Steel bridge, bet, the Union ave. and Williams ave. cars; cement walk and good street: Improvements in and paid; good lawn and young fruit trees; best buy in vicinity. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of commerce. $575 GENUINE SNAP. Lots 50x100. near Thompson st ; nil rock, gravel or brush: will bring $7O0 in less than Uiree months. Anyone in mar ket for nice residence site should see this: $100 cash, balance $10 per month: Improvements paid. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO.. 52d and Sandy Road. Phone C 2177. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. Look this beautiful tine-room bungalow over before purchasing: strictly modern ta every respect, with fireplace, large porch, beamed celling. Dutch kitchen. Isundty traye. for $2"--0; terms can be arrange-L 12.R Taylor .t.. between 40th and 41st. Plionc Eaet lu'.'O. THE BEST ACREAGE IN THE COUNTY. At Lents, lies level, water at :;0 feet. 3i mile to school, telephone service. 6 blocks to car: $:)5n and up; 10 per cent cash, balance monthly. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 chamber of Commerce Main 1652. A 4770. HO W E'S ADD. $r,no -Ret. E. 39th and 41st. Division and o E. Grant. 45 lots, all Improvements $..o in and paid, cement sidewalks. 21 each, blocks to Waverly-Richmond car line and new Richmond schoolhouse, A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202-203 McKay Bldg. STORE BUILDING FOR SALE. New ready for occupancy; an A-l loca tion. Division and 49th Ms.; no other store W'ithln t mile in any direction: faverab.e terms; act quick. OWNER. 502 McKiy bldg. THE greatest ofTcr ever made In Irvington. 5 choice lots. $150o each, one-third cash, balance 1 . 2. 3 years, 6 per cent; all im provements in and paid; come out and see them at once. Irvington. Broadway cars, corner 15th and Halsey ets. E. 8!tL C lon.l. Dolen & Herdman. ACRE TRACT. 350 feet frontage on improved road, lnkide 3-mile circle; choice garden land: price 51 4 00; terms. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 50 2 McKay Bldg,. S MODERN houses. Montavilla. 6. 7 and 8 rooms. H40O. $1750 and $.'foo: Urge lots; small cash payments. Mav terms; near streetcars. Fred T. Huntress, fv'.o Lumr-r Exchange. Phone Main SWT.",. Call up res idence at Montavilla Sundas. Tabor 375. BY OWNER New modern 5-room cottage. fu'1-slze lot. ni'-e yard, choice roses, splen did location, finely finished Inside, near Hawthorne ave.. beautiful little home at a bargain; terms or cash. Phone Tabor 62S. SNAP Vccar.t lot In Esst Portland s-ultah;e for an apartment-house: 1 block from car. J31O0. Terms. See Su'esman American Trnt Company. 2lK Chamber of Commerce. Don't phone. NEW COTTAGE. Of 5 rooms, modern, cement basement with one or two-thirds of an acre; Im proved land; Mt. Scott car. Firland Sta tion. Owner. 631 Worcester bldg, or Phone Tabor 12-iS. LOTS $25 TO $100. Rosary, new West Side Addition. IS minutes from Washington st.. overlooking City park: 215 lots sold yesterday; will sell few more at these prices. Nation! Realty : Trust Co.. 32-', Washington St. MT. TABOR HOME Large lot. lrult tres and berries. chicken-ouie and garden. 7 room house, attic and basements, modern Improvements. 1811 East Morrison, near 7oth st. , THREE ACRES, all clear, rich black soil. 2 blocks from station. Salem Electric line, for $7ao: easv terms. HENKLE & HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. A BLOCK of 10 lots, on 39th st.. near Divi sion St., fine high lots and in good locality. Price S4Xi0, part cash. W. H. LANG. 414 Ablngton bldg. NICE o-room house and 75x100 on 46th ne;ir Hawthorne ave.; $2100; $600 cash, balance $10 per month. LIND HIGLEY. 132 Third St. DO NOT PAY RENT. $500 for 2 nice lots; $50 cash. $10 a month takes them. F. FUCHS. 221 'i Morrison St. FOR SALE Up-to-date, all mod-em 7-room house in nice residence district; for s-!e . cheap by owner; terms to suit. 307 Fail ing bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Large 3-story house, full baflrment. fur nace bent, close in. $6000. Terms. Phone Main 433S. FOR quick resuLts mall us list of vour prop erty for sale. Fidelity Reallv Co., 61 "Worcester Bldg. Phone A assi. 6-ROOM house. 632 7th. head of Sheridan St.. $200; easy Installments. Gold schmtdt's Agency, 253 1, Washington St. FOR SALE by owner, two choice lots in St. John: no agent. M 868. Oregonian. WAVERl-EIOH. two lots. 25th and Frank lin: small payments. W 44. Oregonian. $1550 CASH Choice quarter. N. W. cor. 12t and Going sts. Phone East 46S3. IRVINGTON Corner. MxlX, clo-se In; 8175t Terms. Y 41, Oregonlas