THE SUNDAY OltEGONIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 25. 1009. Do You Want? 52500 -50100, new 6-room house, 2 blocks from carline, on East. Side; loOO down, t20 per month. S26SO 100x100, pood 7-room house, large barn, chickenhouse; 1 block from carline. S4500 50x100, on Northrup St., near 2:M st. No restrictions. 4750 100x100, corner, on Portland Heights. SSOOO Full lot. 7-room house, on VVeldler st.. near E. 9th. One block iron) carline. SSOOO Full lot, east facing, with up-Jo-data bungalow, on E. 17th st,Irv . Ington. SSOOO 50x100, with 8-room house, on Hast Ankeny, bet. JO, 13th and 14th. S5350 L-ot 50x103. new 6-room house, sleeping porch; Clackamas sL, near 26th st. SBTSO Very sifrhtlv corner, 100x100. on Willamette lleljrlits. 8500-lOOxir.O. Kant "list st., Irv- Ipg'on; all improvements pnid for. 6000 100x100. on Kast 9th st., Hol laday Add.; improvements all in, TSOO 7".xlO0. on Schuyler st.. near 21st, with modern 7-room house. Are you looking for a home in a high--laa neighborhood? Easy terms. One of the best quarter blocks, with handsome, residence, on Kast Side, walking distance, part of property can be Improvad with flats that will bring In excellent returns on invest ment. Geo. D. Schalk 264 STARK STREET. Ml 893. X 2.102 SO Acres Six Miles South of Courthouse 40 under cultivation; 10 acres of tim ber; new house, cost 1200; full cement basement; good, new barn, cost J1200; concrete foundation: woodshed 20x30 new chicken-house 16x20, sided with rustic: implement shed 60x18. sided with rustic: hogpen 16x24: all buildings painted: all lenced with Pittsburg woven welded wire fence; cross-fenced into 6 and 7-acre fields. This place is a genuine snap, and if you are interest ed, come in and we will show it to you. Price 275 per acre. Bolds - Wallace Co. 517 Board of Trade. Third and Sheridan Sts. North-west comer Third and Sheri dan streets, iiOxlOli feet, with pood 6-room house; must be sold at once. Second and Clay Streets Southeast corner of Second and Clay streets, 100x100 feel, well im proved. Fourteenth and Couch Sts. 100x100 feet, southwest comer of abore streets. Wakefield, Fries 6 Co. 220 Stark Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $12,500 A large house, 12 rooms and quar ter block; view of city, mountains and river. D. E. KEASEY & CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce. And 20th Street, Portland Heights Both Phones. GENUINE BARGAINS A highly Improved farm, best or soil: two miles of the most nro fVllevV" colleKe tow"n In Willamette Quarter , i n i , . iw11? A0? rnore than what 1 can seli .v wwnri neeus monev. A timber proposition that excels any thlnsr on -Paolfir. .....J ."y . , - - v. . . .i u eaienas -two miles on railroad survey and driving - . ujiij wiin ine Buyer. MH. A. I.ARRY, no naxhiiKtou bid. Washington County Farm SO acres, R0 aeres under cultivation, fine bottom land, balance timber fenced and cross fenced, pood new house, painted: barn and other out buildings; fi miles .from good R R station. 3 miles to' R. R. spur near school and church, all rami Implements and stock; 14500. terms; on account of death in family owner must sell. tHITTEXnKJf AM OTTO 2S Stark St, Koora IT. $11,000 Owner will aell very attractive modern ",lm residence, very best residence locality, close in; house has every modern convenience, hot water heatiim. hardwood floors, plate frluss windows, buffet kitchen separate toilet and hath; Imrd-surface pavement on street. Fart cash, balance per cent. Only those wanting fine E.-ist ride notne will be interested. Call S)9-10 Board of Trade bldR. Owner Going East Will sacrifice 314 acres of choice sub irrigated land. J.ake County; S9 per ere: worth 25. R. R. survey through it; 1000 will handle this, balance easy 2J6 Failing bldg. Do you want a quarter block close in on the Bast Side, I'nlon avenue, close to Holladuy? A very fine residence and barn. Price. $12,000. In a few years . you can't buy one lot for that. TheDunn-LawrenceCo. S4H Alder St. STORE TO RENT New. modern. 2SxlOO store with short or long lerm lease. No. 106 nth st., be-tm-ten Washington and Stark. Apply at RELJABL.B IX5AN OFFICER U Third St. Acreage Bargain 1 " " ' L X TODAY. 1 NEW TflhAV I ... JONESMORE Is an addition where you can see the value MOW Graded streets, electric lights, Bull Run water, Complete abstract, warranty deed, Size of lots are 50x100. The price $400 to $600 Take Montavilla car. Agent at tract. GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. OS EL AW ON UNION AVE.. BETWEEN AL BERTA AND KILLINGS WORTH. Two blocks wide, running from Union avenue to Ninth street. Graded streets, cement sidewalks. Best car service in the city. Reached bv Wnodl awn. Tin inn aira nue, Alberta and Williams-avenue or " U " cars ; during the rush hours cars are one ana one-halt minutes apart. Lots $400 and up. For sale by GODDARD WIEDRICK Owners. 110 Second Street. S2S50 Mousre bargain 39th and Clinton corner lot, duiireiow style, nearly new; fine yard and listed at actual cost for quick sale. You can not equal this for the price in Port land. Call before 9:30 and after 4:30 P. M.: S750 down hfllflnpa cquu At HK.Atilii 21 acres at Jennn station - running water; in crop and best lo cated in county; suitable for garden or chickens; $425 per acre, easy terms. ACRE Arm 10 acres at Jenne station reaciy ior planting and Is lo- 1'Oti ACRES at Eagle Creek, on O. W. p.; ""'u. wim upwards or i:.uio cord3 of wood. Land is first-class soil. Terms and part city property. $S0 per acre. ACREAGE One acre at Grays Cross ing: 1 (1 f fi 1 home, .Hu f j-.-w lunn . . SO-ACRE garden farm on Columbia jutci. i n u nines oi city limits; 9400 per acre; ten years' time, with small payment. FREDERICK G. FORBES CO. REALTY. 21R Commercial Block. 3d nod Washing ton. Portland, Or. R. M. Wilbur has returned from Southern Califor nia and offers for sale 200 feet on the east side of East Third street between East Davis and East Ever ett streets ; also 100x100, southwest corner of East 3d and East Couch streets; also 100x100, northwest corner of East Third and East Couch streets. Temporary office with O'Brien Realty Co., 301 McKay Building, cor ner of 3d and Stark streets, until May 1st; afterward at 306 Chamber of Commerce, WE WOULD CALL YOUR ATTENTION To the fact that we have listed with us exclusively some of the best Investments nvuuauit;, audi hs Warehouse and Manufacturing Property wiin trackage or river frontage. Also some of the choicest buys in business proiierty in the city up to $150,000. If you have in mind a nice business location or an investment, it behooves you to avail yourself of our exclusive listings. ' . CHAPIN6HERL0Wy 332 Chamber of Commerce. WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE 100x300 feet, on 22d and York streets. Has 4go feet of tracxage. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. Phones Main 3349 and A 3329. $1600 GASH 6-Room Modern House - 50x100 FEET IXT. 1' blocks from Hawthorne carline, west of 35ih st. Balance terms. FLETCHER, 225 Ablngton bldg. !l I I I 4UUAI, lin An r. M u m w- mm. I - ' HUUD Kllltll ORCHARD LAND BARGAINS 5 ACHES first-class apple land: 4 miles from town; all under cultivation; 3 acres in New-towns and Spitzenbergs. On main county road: small house. Price. $2600; S1UOO CASH. H ACRES. 2 miles out; 6 acres in com mercial orchard, fine condition; 2 acres strawberries; good 5-room frame house. Price. 95000; CASH. JO ACHES, very best woll; 2 acres in bearing orchard; netted $600 last year; 7 acres in 2 and 4-year-old commercial orchard; within one mile of high school; price $4000; 80O CASH. 2 ACRES, on the East Side. 6 mile from Hood River; fine deep clay loam Soil: 12 acres Under rillttvatinn nnH planted to standard variety of apples, mostly Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. o years, old. Good frame house, barn and other buildings. Abundance of free water irora creek. Price $7000. TERMS. 30 A CHIOS, every foot of which is A ino. i apple land: to acres under culti vation; 8 acres in 4-year-old commer cial orchard; one mile from high school. Price. $8500. 9J.70O CASH, ao ACRES, all cleared and in high state of cultivation; 6 miles from town; East- Side district; on county road. About 16 acres in commercial orchard of Yellow Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. Balance of place in meadow and gar den. Good 7-room frame house, hot water tanks, bath and telephone; barn and all outbuildings. Free water for irrigation, must be seen to be appre ciated. Price, $15,000. 4o ACRES, good orchard land, miles out; a acres standard orchard; pro duced 2000 boxes last year; buildings worth $2000. Horses, cows, implements and tools all go. Pays good interest on $20,000. BS ACRES 2 miles out, half under cultivation, some orchard, buildings, creek; beautiful view; suitable to cut up into small tracts. Price, $11,000. 80 ACRES, about 6 miles southeast of town; ngnt clearing; 60 acres of this Is n ideal orcnard tract. Price, $2500. 120 ACRES. 5 miles out; good 6-room house: small orchard; 80 acres of this lies fine for orchard. Price, $5500. S2O0O CASH. Leading; Dealers. Mala OfYlev Branch Office Kvt-etland Rldg Hood River, Portland. Or. N Oresron YAMLAN To the farmer who wants a farm com plete in every detail or to the investor who can handle an ideal platting proposi tion, we offer for sale 370 acres of the choicest land in Yamhill County. This property is only 30 miles from Portland, adjoining the thriving town of Yamhill, and i mile from R. R. station. If put on the market in 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts, a handsome profit can be realized, as no better soil can be found in Oregon. "This is the original home of the Ulg Red Apple" and lies in the heart of. the famous walnut belt. We Eolicit the closest investigation. For further information see , MALL 8 VON BORSTEL 104 Second Bt.. Lumber Exchange Bldg. Oregon Street irtH-ul (in Corner on OREGON ST.. lllllX I Mil between Union ave. and the lUVaiUU river: wllh thr.. hnn. bringing '$70 per month ; J21.S00. UK 1 AAnl An Corner between Oregon, lUuXllHI Holladay ave.. Union ave. AU VA&UV and river; $17,300. Must sell one of the above: . thev urn both gilt edge; both sure money-makers; taae your cnoice. OWNER 672 Weidler. Phone C 1401. $115,000 $115,000 Full. lot. S-story building renting $600 per month. Seventh St., near Hotel Portland and Marquam building, in line or- progress and vicinity new sky scrapers. $115,000 $115,000 JACKSON & nr.F.RITO, ' 346 Stark St. Portland Heights $6000 100x100, 6-room house, on Daven port street. D. E. KEASEY & CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce, And 20th Street, Portland Heights Both Phones. WE BITII.D ARTISTIC HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS LET US BUILD -OA B FOR YOU. Butterworth Stephenson Co., Inc. Designers and Bolldei-n of Artistic Homes, 35 Lafayette Illdtc, Oth aad Washington WEST SIDE A BEAUTIr-I'I, HOUSE ON ESY' HO.VTHLY PAYMENTS. Your choice of those new, 'modern six-room houses, N. W. cor. 27th and Savler sts., near Forestry Park- gas electricity, fireplaces, furnaces, fuli cement basements. Price $4260: S400 down, 40 per month. F1DEIJTY TRUST COMPAJTY (Owner) 01 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Main 447. Mortgage Loans on . Improved City Property At Current Rates. Building Loans. Installment Lotas, Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Block.' READ THIS! 6-room modem house, cor ner lot, for sale. Apply to owner on premises, 674 Schuyler st., corner 19th. w NOT? BESTBUYSOfi EAST SIDE EAST NINTH AND EVERETT STS. 100x100 Price, $5250 100x100, on the N. B. corner E. 9th and Iaat Kverett sts. E. 9TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price. -1500 100x100. on the S. E. corner East 9th ! and Kast Klanrlera ctrcnlo 1 E. 10TH AND E. EVERETT STS. 100x100 Price, 5230 100x100. on the N. w. corner East 10th and tast Everett sts. E. 10TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $4500 100x100, on the 8. W. corner East 10th and Kst Flanders sts. E. 10TH AND E. GLISAN STS. 100x130 Price, $6500 VXtxUO. on the S.. W. corner East loth and Kast GUsan sts. E. 10TH AND E. EVERETT STS. 100x100 Price, $50OO v 100x100. on the N. E. corner East 10th and East Everett sts. E. 10TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, S4750 100X100 On til A S C. -Cnx 1AIL and .ast Flanders sts. E. 11TH AND E. EVEHTITT STS 100x100 Price, $5000 IOOx'IOO on tViA -M w u- . 11.1 and East Everett sts. - E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $4750 100x100. nn th a TV XT' .v and. East Flanders' sts". E. 10TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $4750 IOOxI'jO. on tha XT TTi r.nA. u--.-. ivm ana .n. Flanders sta. EAST 10TH AND E. GLISAN STS. 100x130 Price, $5500 and East Glisan sts. EAST 11TH AND FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $4750 100x100. on tbo KJ w mm.. c- ' " ... ti uaai lllll ana rast Flanaers sts. EAST 11TH AND E. GLISAN STS. 100x130 Price, $6500 100x130 fin Ih. w -nt ill and East Glisan sts. E. 11TH AND E. EVERETT STS. 100x100 Price, $5000 100x100. on tbe N. E. corner East 11th and East Everett sts. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price. $4750 100x1-10. on the B. E. corner East 11th and East Flanders sts. E. 12TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $5000 100x100. on the 3. W. corner East 12th and East Flanders sts. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. 100x100 Price, $4750 100x100. on the X. J5. corner East 11th and ".ast Flanders sts. TERMS, HALF DOWN, INTEREST 6 PER CENT ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second 6t.. Lumber Exchange Bldg. Portland Heights $3350 5-room cottage, lot 50x100, good view; on carline. D. E. KEASEY & CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce, And 20th Street, Portland Heights Both Phones. For Sale Pine lots In Hermosa Park, Not mild eat lots, but lots that are Improved, have water, electricity, sewers and walks and Improve ments like a city lot. Yon do not "y y more for these Iota than wild cat lots, for these lots are priced exceedingly low and are situated In a swell, desirable lo cation. Inquire of Alex Gilbert 6 Son SEASIDE, OREGON. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch, $10 per acre all fenced, all tillable, subslanti "improve ments, in Uougrlas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying- diffference. ACKSO,r DEERING, Phone Main 345. 24a Stark St. FOR LEASE ?reJ"8tory fcricfc warehouse, 60x200 feet iU Sv- sswSu cornor 13tli WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. S29 Stark St. 4 ACRES, V MILE POWEiL VALLEY ROAD. J300 crsh, per year. Acreage near' this trict selling- for double the price we ask for this t-act. THORNTON'S REALTY' dt BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 313 McKay Bide. ALL GOOD BUYS finn Sevent"-st. lot near-Morrl- I I J UUUnon. 8-story building renting V IS00 month ground alone worth the money. A9 RnnPu11 lot with two-story Wr OUU brick. Front near Alder, a splendid property paying, under lease, $300 per month. Terms. $15 nnnWnole block, Portland UUUHeiKhts. magnificent view, good surroundings and an aristocratic home site. $1 R nnflTnat 1500-acre stock ranch 01 J UUUln Douglas Co., or will trade for Portland property. 1519 nnn6-foot lot- north front, VI. UUU Johnson street, with large dwelling exceptionally well built and a fine residence or can be transformed into flats or apartments. $1fl finnModern dwelling, ill oon WIU UUU veniences. full lot splendid ly located on Nob Hill near -4lll. A. splendid Inline. Nice quarter block. 17th and Kast Washington. Corner lot. 22d and Reed streets. United Railway trackage a desirable fac tory site. Full lot and new dwelling. Aspen St.. at head of stena $8000 $7000 $6300 $5000 $4000 $3750 $1200 $1200 $1100 from Thurman, beautiful:' view. See it Sunday, then BW US. 8-room dwelling with acre and half ground, fruit and splendid rural view. Very easy terms and a SNAP. Doa't miss it. A cozy 6 - room modern dwelling, 737 East Madison. If in want of a home you will buy it. Corner and three dwellings. 812 Water, paying well, but must sell. Make offer. 60-foot "lot, East 8th. near Brooklyn a fine building site near car. Bunch 15 lots. Glen Haven Park, near Gregory Heights, naif the price surrounding property. Make an offer. A Portland Heights lot. 17th street, we think will appeal "7 C fl 3, choice lots Peninsular Ad IIUU dition .near Swift townslte. Easy terms. $7fin Vul lot- Florida street. 60 PIUU feet east of Virginia nothing there eo cheap. SrUU sula Station, on Pippin st. RIVER SUMMER HOME Delightfully located tract above Van couver on Columbia near Btddle Farm; station near; good auto road and boats can land at tract. Get busy. TO TRADE So-avCr cnolc Irrigated land, valued ferencer c0ttasr9- wm P8 casb dlf- JACKSON 6 DEER1NG Phoaes Mil. 345, A S457. 24a Stark St. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. 13500 -Three lots on Ravensvlew Drive, Portland Heights, northern view. 4KOO 34 ft. fronting on Lucretia st. Sooo 100x100 feet, corner Front and Meade sts. 6S2r100 x 100 feet- corner. 27th and Thurman sts. Has a future. C0R00 65x100 ft.. Johnson, near 20th st. V7000 150x100 ft.. Guild St.. bet. Thur man and Vaughn sts. 7.-.oo 100x100 ft.. 19th and Elm sts. S,O0 57 ft. fronting on Trinity place. .Vo 100x100 ft., with 8-room resi dence. East Sth and Hassalo sts. $10,00050x100 ft., with 8-room resi dence, 24th st.. south "of Northrup St.. in best neighborhood. K 10,ono 50x100 feet, with residence, r landers St.. near 22d st. 30,OO0 50x 100 ft., with 6 modern flats. 1 block from City Hall. Good Income. Easy terms. F. V. ANDREWS & CO, Hamilton Building, 131 Third St. Telephones Main 3349 or A 3329 Portland Heights $4250 A nice little 5-rooni cottage, on the corner, with a beautiful view of the city; a nice little home for yon. D. E. KEASEY & CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce. And 20th Street, Portland Heights Both Phones. For Rent A swell Place of twenty-nine rooms, new and up to date In every respect. A fine money maker, as It is In the very best location In Seaside. Inquire -of Alex 'Gilbert & Son SKA SIDE, OREGON. NOB HILL HOME JOHNSON ST.. NEAR TWENTY-THIRD Commodious 9-room house in perfect condition; reception hall, front and back parlors, fireplace, fine basement and heater. All rooms light and cheer ful and supplied with everv modern convenience. Full lot and room for g-arage. Owner leaving and anxious to sell. A rare opportunity to secure a fine home in the most desirable portion of the city. Bee us for price and terms. STRONG CO., Flnanclnl Agents, COS Concord Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS lowest rntes and terms to suit; spe cial rates and favorable terms on larss loans on business properties. Konds Loaned for lTivatr Investors A. H. BIRRELL CO. 3U2 McKay UidK- 3d stark. LIVERY BARN Best proposition In city, new, modern brick; best equipment; fine location; good business and long lease; very low rent; 7500 will handle. Investi gate this. It is a snap. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO. BUS Gerllnger Bids;. 25Acres--$2500 15 acres meadow, 10 acres prune orchard, 6 miles of Vancouver, Wash. You can get excellent terms. THORNTON'S REALTY A BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 312 McKay Bids;. $8500 West Side Property Full lot with 6-room house and two flats; income J per month: halt eauh. D. MILLER, 419 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T PAY RENT WHEX $10 A MONTH AVI 1,1. BCY A IIOMK. I am going: to veil (if takn Im mediately my beautiful 5-room oot taire, modern throughout, with ntre laxge bedrooms, nice clothes closets, larne reception hall. tine porcelain bath, large living and dining-rooms with openings; fine kitchen with pan try; porcelain sink with back: ele gant gas.- electric and combination fixtures; nice front and rear porches; cement walks and stops; well built floors and walls; cement buoment; house practically new; beautiful ter raced lawrs and shrubbery, and best of all. is located In the best neighbor hood In the city; clous In on Hunny side carline; fur the next few davs my price will be SS00; onlv $700 down and balance 910 pr month. . c1' ee my agent at Cor bet t bldg. Near Hawthorne Ave. Modei-ii 6-room hunsatow. 3 lares bedrooms, nlcs Clot hen clnnota mrgn reception hall, porcelain bath. miIi bowl and medicine chMl. Uilng and dining-rooms with crpenlnga. bulll-ln china closols and window seats, wonit lift. flna Dutch kitchen, porcelain sink with back, gas and lertrlc fixtures elegant drop light, nice front and porches with lights, cement steps and walks, well-built doubts floors and walls, cement basement; new house nice terraced lawns and rood neigh borhood; lot 60x100 ft. Price J32F,i toOO down and 2S per month; will take good vacant lot for first pay ment Call at 111 East Lincoln st., Ket oft Hawthorne Iva. ear at 37th and go south, or 605 Corbett bldg. Beautiful Bungalow A new. modern. 6-room, 2-story bungalow on the Kast side: well lo cated in a good district, with elec tric car service; lot full 50lO0 ft., all graded and terraced; a well-built house with larg rooms, fine paneled staircase, cement basement partly floored. with wash trays; piped throughout for furnace, plastered with two coats and tinted walls; tiled kitchen and bathroom; best of plumb ing throughout; house Is all finished in slash grain Or and nrst-class work manship. Price 8200; J000 down and ?25 per month. Call at office and see photo. 60S Corbett bldg. " Central Albina Fine 8-room house, .close in, on Im proved street and In swell part of iw,n. n5ar 8 good canines: tins lot 40x1 0 feat. 3 large bedrooms and nice children's room. plastered throughout and walls tinted; fine bath room, kitchen and pantry; living and dining-rooms with openings; built-in china closet: good full basement with stationary wash trays; nice front and rear porches and a fine lawn with shrubbery. This elegant home, near schools and churches, for $4000 and only J500 down. Call and we' win show you the place. CWt be dupll- Corbett bldg" Pr'C' "ked- Room 805 RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett Bids'. INVESTMENTS $ 8 S11 S11 $12 $12 S16 $16 $22 $20 S28 $30 $35 $55 $75 ooc 000 500 500 4 hou.ies and quarter block Kelly st.. rented 58 per month. 4 houses. 100x106. on 2d ut paying si per cent. .v-room hotel, leased for 8 years ai per munth. Corner. 60x100. on Krnr.r at 2 houses. 2 stores ? flit.'' win pay li per cent. 500 woxlOfi. 4 cottages. Fourth and Caruthers: KAmm lni-nm. i . 1 r 500 Corner. trfVxlOO. 4 fine fiats on nun St.. close In. nav-lnc- over 10 per cent. 500 500 000 500 000 000 8 new fiats. 60xW0. close in iSast Side, paying over 11 per corner, MxlOft. North Ifitl si. J stores, ; rooms, pay ins: nearly 9 per cent on iii vestment. TOt EOxlOO, 13th and Taylor iwo Kiioa nouses: some In come. 4-story brick, on Front st. leased and paya & .per cent iwtxion. 14th St.. near Clisan some income: half cash. 6 fine fiats. Mill St.. 5 mlmrtes' ww IK from Dostofrloe: rn -Jl.Ol. 000 000 n fiats and fine corner. 70x10ft on bth st.. navinar over 7 ner i. Fine 4-story brick, corner, oi Tth St.. paying over 7 per cent Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Rnlldlnsr. Portland Heights $8000 6-room house and quarter-block vitn a splendid view; nice yard. D. E. KEASEY & CO., . 14 Chamber of Commerce. And 20th Street. Portland Height Both Phones. Most Beautiful Quarter Block South-west corner of "Sth and Raleigh streets for sale. Look at this and then call on R. M. Wilbur Trmporarr Office WKh O'Rriea Realty ' 301 McKay RldK., 3d and Stark Sta., mm aiay l, afterward at SOU Cham ber of Commerce. VAI.IIABI.K QUARTER BLOCK OX V A S H I .V t T O i STKKKT paying- over 7 per cent net; also two other smaller pieces on same street. Some good downtown business property Improved and unimproved. Quarter block on ork and 21st sts., with railroad facilities, for sale or will lease. Residence property in all parts of city, improved and unimproved. DONALD MACLEOD CO 3 Oil Concord Hlock, , Second and Stark. 2 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION Right at station, with best of car serv ice. A place to make a beautiful subur ban home; Kf takes It. fjuo down, bal ance eaty terms. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY 4H Alder St. FOR SALE "HALCYON LODGE," Seaside cot tape of the late C. W Knowles. iUanr house, grounds, wide verandas, fireplace, bath, steel range furniture, dishes, linen. Address ' MRS. C. XV. KNOWLES, Seaside, Oregon. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive downtown residence district. The most perfectly improved. ASPHALT STREETS Complete water and sewer systems. CEMENT WALKS Nice and unique park system; shade tren in front of eery lot. Wide avenues, with 11-foot alleys o every block. A reaHonable building restriction. Only liO minutes' walk to business' district of city. Many new homes; now bnildinsr. DON'T FAIL TO SEE LADD'S ADDITION! When Looking for a Homesite. Liberal terms to homebuilders. Terms, if wanted; 10 ner cent cash. 1 per cent month, 6 per cent interest. Abstract showing perfect title: full warranty deed given. For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Coneord Bldg. ALSO Agents on Ground 5 -Acre Tract CI1 COO Bounded by K. Gli ,,J''OUU san ou the south, on PeV tne ast bv 40th st., Va3U on the west, fibers lane. Cuts lots. 50x100, allowing for streets; 500 feet east Hazel Fern farm. Ladd property, just sold for $2,000,000. See A. H. BIRRELL CO. Third and Stark Streets. ,' $2500 ino x 100. with S-rooni house lnree barn, on West Side, half block from carline. is a snap. GEO. D. SCHALK. Main a2. A 333. B4 Starlc St. I'nn si.-k 30 acres, north hanb Columbia River one mile from Camas, i -j miles from Vancouver: fine spring on land suit able for plattincr or eariv fruits if aken at once will sell for fS5 per acre Kasy terms. AMKH1CAN TECHNIC I. BOOK CO SOS 'rnr- Bids., Seattle. WEST SIDE KxcluMve Keridoni-x rlstri-t. 8 v-ry dsirablA residence lots, unob structed view liBrhor. mountains and cltv urroundd by fine home. ;t Morks to w" carline, nesr Cornell road and 20th st. Sae SMITH & EVERETT 308-310 Fulling; Bldg. S Acres On carline, west of 4fhb street, suit able for plattincr. SMITH & EVERETT, 309-310 Failing Building. $1000 Gash Your Own Terms On tho balance. A modern B room resi dence on Rodney st Don't buy without seeing this ore. It's the home you are looking lor. THORNTON'S REALTY A BIM.XESS EXCHANGE. 312 McKay Kids. $3650 For Irvington Home Cohdislincr of a modern 7-room house with beautiful lawn and fruit trees; close In. 1. MILI.EK. 41 Chamber of Commerce. Buy a Home in Govell Huy it now. before the Sprinir advanre in prices, -where you can Ket land l the acre as cheap and convenient to this car as you can buy in town by the lot. THE DLNN-LAAVItENCE CO, -MS Alder St. FOB SALE REAL ESTATB. TWO lots In Gearhart Park.; terms or cash. J- A. Rowe. of Lumberman's National Bank. MOIKRN 7-room home. clo?e to Steel brldKe; on easy terms; full Information at 410 Kallinir bldg. HACKES on But Line road; 1400 par LIND & HIGI.ET. 13S Third St. TWO lots at Curtis and Bryant sts. In Arbor J .Oder for sale on terms or caxli. V. A. Bowe. care Lumberman National Bank. SNAP ?"m00. owner. 7-room modrn bom, . large lot. corner, near car; tr.tto down, bal ance to suit. Tabor 5;t.t. IRVINGTON lot. surrounded bv beautiful homes. East 51st; JOOl. K -47. Ora ffonlan. 'iR "ALE -room hrlcb and shinirl bouse, modern and up to dale; -will mo.l on lime. 792 Clackamas st. MAONmrENT Holladay Addition home. 8 rooms, lot 75x1oo feet, near irvington car- ' line; JEKHJO. F 46, Oregonian. 1