Southern Worn .jAre Very Inferior at Heart mM h,?on1 2aTO' Successful Writer of Articles. Talks of Her Psychological Work and Enthuses on Boundless Possibili- wreai BT LEONE CASS BAER. RECENTLY" I spent an Interesting half hour with a charming woman, Anne Shannon Monroe, a writer who is dping things in the world of men and letters. Miss Monroe seems to be one- of the favored few who have been alIe to gauge to a certainty the edi torial pulse, and success in literary lines has been hers in various ways. ' Her name is a familiar one in numerous prominent papers and magazines. Irately she has completed a series of articles for the Delineator, and full page contributions for the Ladles Home Jour nal. The series of articles for the De lineator, averaging about 2000 words eHch. was written and accepted within a period of three nionthe.- Her contri butions to the Ladies' Home Journal es pecially have attracted much favorable attention, and Miss Monroe has been the recipient of many communications from thinking men and women, relative to her work, including & personal letter from Edward Bok. editor of the Ladies Home Journal, in which he speaks in warmest admiration of her ability. Personally Miss Monroe Possesses the marked characteristics of a Southerner, emphasized in her coloring and features and repeated to a degree in her magnetic olce. Her literary ability i8 inherited from a lengthy line of ancestors. She ou a sreet-el"anddaughter of George Shannon, who was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. . I came directly to the point" by asking Miss Monroe to tell me something rela tive to her psychological writings, and more especially of her recently accepted articles which are attracting attenUon on every side. with XSJ wers a man that 1 mIht t , . "er Braue "Press the admiration Mta- mP th9 brai" of a said MUis Monroe earnestly, her big. dark h-iB l." f clear through mine, and at th. i.eSe'.V69 ,n a doubla bow knot at the back of my skull. Miss Monroe's I La, .Bf Very nlcest Possession, but I don t think she knows it. i.T!'h-braln of a woman. she resumed. is the very finest . thing men have created; it beat, their railroads and sky! crapers. their flying machine, and wire less telegraphs. And the funny Zt dvnyni, knW th8 powor of thislittle Son - ,ey .haVe be6n aU thes genera tions developing; or rather. It Is not so rSe? iTr ' ' --"ructe'd reeeuer and transmitter for all th a-n'o" f,the unlv- Men-s'bralnl ren ot nearly so acute; their education nd a,LW?i'.t"nded t0 Pclallzatlonrtney had the living to make, that was about vnhV Pl0matlsts managers pracfical ay in the world under the heaw hn Hcap of the uneven chance. They ve ?n?nTryriifnedth15; a" b tTemX! ciunery of life; that one thing men mn. .bett6r than women and men ,.i'.: nnen they do thev iVf" .dk,c,r,rr they .pos6es? the V WMn'd8s8 S" her chair . i afaJnst the arms of voL0' coantlnn0. 1W' -"-ovulated herlvtnVtrmX the Wrld w,th magazine, of this ordtr recently l been aiong a line intended to show w men how silly it Is to shv at th. how easy it I, t ,y tne PaP-' i, . y lfc 18 to make a bucpmb living, and of business with atl t,?f the few ropes necessary. The tnin th.y have to learn In order to compel with men are as nothing to the thin i men must learn to compete with ouuing10aUtrke,lOW y0U ca't continue umng a tree back, year after vear pruning and nipping off the branches' without producing a mightv tTrrH trunk growth, one that wl f outclass the unp,ru??'1 tree. Women have been unt etdheaCK andKthe1- branching nipped until they are about the sturdiest thing; 7Tbraln' y sPeaklngin modern clvlUz! backs tw,lnan WOrk " wlth ch"- backs, tingling nerves, throbbing heads 7."", a ,nan would be in bed with a trained nurse at his bedside. Theyan think out ways of accomplishing an nS bfe Th?.11" glVen U UP 'mpossi . V. fy have hud to depend on in sight and psychic help to know thinjr so they are trained in this power, wnfch to the greatest power there Is. It , constant tapping of the .source of a knowledge. A woman Is never beaten Just because facts seem to eaV sohor psychic n.e .. .. -bor Is a ciass" haV6n 1 learned thte-not Asked if she intended to contlnn. her writing along these e, S Monroes laughing reply was chafac! teristlc: "Oh. yes; I have only beKU yet; got a little of the ground scratched, that is alL' s " Her other work at present Is largely descriptive articles of Northwest cenlc beauties for Eastern magazines f L--"- I'fn ; ."Vjit : :lf i- , . - & y-Jt . t v t .." i ,.. i . I 1. JNorcnwest. p 11 1 if r m ' III m i . : ::::. ..:::: -::.-...-.: hi 1- - 1. - - - III l f ...... ' -. I II Miss Monroe considers Crater Lake National Park, one of the wonder spots ? Jhe. wor,d- She spent a month there last Fall and has written several sto res and articles, based on the expe nric From a pecuniary standpoint Miss Monroe s writings have "made good." About a year ago she purchased "on faith" an artistic little bungalow home In Woodstock, and recently the deed became her own, through the results, of her literary earnings. Miss Monroe's method of work is In teresting. She rises before 6, break fasts alone, and goes directly to her big, handsome study, where she spends the entire forenoon writing. Her com posing Is mostly all done on her type writer and she seldom has to revise any of her work. She Is busy every minute of her day, and fairly radiates energy and the joy of living. Creative work occupies the best hours of every day in her week, and she is alto gether too busy to be active In either club or society matters. . As I was bidding- Miss Monroe goody, after a delightful half hour's chat, she suddenly cried enthusiastically : "Why, do you know, the Northwest is -Jnst full of material for splendid magazine arti cles; I wish I were ten people, I could still be busy every moment and not begin to do the subject justice or sup ply the demand that exists to a large extent now. and that a little Judicious baiting could create." Mothers' Day In California. . SACRAMENTO, April 24. Governor Gillett issued an unofficial proclamation today setting apart Sunday, May 9, to be observed as "Mother's Day." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Effect November 1, 1908, DaMj or bunday. Per Una. One time , 120 Came ad two consecutive time ! !s2o featne ad three connecutlve time Isoo Same ad nix or seven connecutlve times 66o Biz words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, .and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times Ue one-time rata applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other ciaasitlca tlons excepting the following: situations Wanted. Male. Kituutlons Wanted. Female. For Kent, Rooms, Private families. Kooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms. Private Families. The rate on the above classification is 7 cents a line each Insertion. Space in the "New Today" columns Is poured by measure only 14 lines to th men. A receipt will be erven for aU pnld-ln-advance advertising. The Oreonian will not undertake to correct errors or refund money unless this receipt Is returned. 7 TO OUT-OFVTOWN PATRONS The Ore-"i!?".- Wl11 r"eive ePT by mall, provided .jlflclent remittance for a detinite number or sues Is sent. Acknowledgment of suca remittance will be forwarded promptly 'n,, ho oll)- address Is required, use regular form dven. and count this as part l dj 11,wm to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-od-dresxed stamped envelopes are furnished. .''n .cnar,Ke. !k advertisements the ',r" .w"' lwba,d on the actual number of lines anpearlnic in the paper, regardless of the number of words Iri each line. MEKTiyQ NOTICES. DON'T MISS THE HOMESTEADERS Ave hundred party "Wednesday evening. April 2S. Pavoy bldg.. K. Bumuide and Grind ave cream and caks. rausio and 5aneln. Ad mission 15c. COMMITTSB. PROSPECT CO., No. 140. W. O. XV will ive its regular dance Thursday ev'pnlne April 2. at W. O. w. HalI. 128 11th . I Admission. 23c. Fox Orchestra. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD 816 B A T will give dance In Western Academy Hali' Second and Morrison street. Wednesday S'oln'ta. APrW GOd mU"i0 AdmuSon ARBTITTJS CIRCLE, women of Woodcraft, will give a whist party FTiday evenini April 30, in the W. O. W. Temple. 12S 11th lng AdmlBsion. ls: refreshments and danc- THra LADIES' AUXILIARY, A. O. H Division 2. will entertain with cards and dancing Monday evening, April 26. In W. O W. Hall, 12 Eleventh street. " ,r1DI'rIT StTMSHIN-E CLtTB will lve their flvs hundred social Wednesday after- 5rnp,nA.P,and28Granath:vl: ' " ALL members W. O. W. are invited to t?-n J,Prosp?.ct Camp in a social visit to W oodlawn Camp Tuesday evening. April 27. 1809- J- J. JENNINGS, P. c. MARGUERITE CAMP NO. 1440 R x S A., will give a benefit 600 party In' the ftaVOThH.U"d.av .and Burnside "s'centa evening. April 29. Admission PROSPECT COMPANY, NO. - 140 W o l-il 11th st. Come and bring your friends Come one. corns aU. Fox orchestra. THE SUNDAY MEETTNO NOTICES. t P1 GEXERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE O- F All members will meet at the . . !,wt,TemDle. First and Alder streets, at 12:30 P. M. to conduct the tuneral or Brother James E. Walters, labs a member of Mountain View Lodge No. 4, Macleod. Alberta. Services at Holman's chapel. 1 P,'-5!fu. ,fntcrrnmt Greenwood Cemetery. All Oddfellows are invited. J. C. JAMESON, Seo. INDUSTRT LODGE NO. 8. A. O. XJ. W. Officers and members are requested to at tend the funeral of our late brother, 8. A Jameson, from Ounnlng's Chapel. East Sixth and Alder, today (Sunday) at 2 P. M. E. W. CROSBY. Master Workman. F. A. BROWN, Recorder. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1. I. O. O. F. All members and visitors rectuestod' to meat at Temple. 0:30 o'clock. Sunday even ing. April 25, for the purpose of attending church services at Centenary M. E. Church corner T-'n t pn n ,t ir,, 1.- . . . . . . 7:80 o'clock. E. E. SHARON. Bcrlbe. Slemben and visitors will please' meet 'at uiiuajr evening at 1 :a o'clock for the purpose of attending services held --- ---- - - j m. . - iiuitu wraer r.aat Ninth and East Pine streets. W. w. TERRY. Secretary. HASSALO LODGE. NO. IS. I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at our hall this (Sunday) evening, at 6:30. to accompany Canton. No. 1. Patriarchs Militant- to Cen tenary Church, E. 9th and E. Pine sts. . F. COZENS, Secretary. . PflTJW Vr im-r. . - . . THE MACCABEES, win give a military . 7. . " "w 1 uursaay evening. April 28. K. of P. Hall. 11th and Alder stl! Prizes, good music. Admission 15 cents. MT. HOOD CIRCLE, WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT announce their whist and dance next Hall, 121 East 6th street. Good' music: ooa iioor; delicious refresihrnents. DIED. HOOVER In this city, at 874 Holladay avenue. April 21. Charles Hoover, aged 1 years 4 monthni days. eon of the late Lorenzo Hoover and Frances Bowers Hoover. Wllkesbarre and Warren County. Pennsylvania papers please copy. LOEB-In this city. April 24. at the family residence. 431 Benton St.. Caroline Loeb. aged t5 years. 7 months and 23 days. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. J0101 At residence. 635 East 9th st uma A. jonnson, Deiovea wife of Tedman Johnson and mother of Theo 7?.r& 9.V Jeo'8e S.. M. .. Edward J., Otto W. Johnson, and slater of Karl Odefirard. She also leaves a daughter-in-law and a grandson. Funeral will take place from residence today (Sunday). April 25. at 1:30 P. M-. thence to the Nor wegian Lutheran Synod Church, corner East 10th and Grant sts.. at a P M where services will be held. Friends re spectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. HOrGAJ" FuneraI services of the late Mary .r..., iv years, will taKe place from the family residence, 4:i0 Stark st Monday, April , at 8:45 A. M., thence to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis sts , where services will be held at 8 A. M. Friends and acquaintances respectfully . Invited to attend. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. JAMESON At his residence. 634 Grand avenue. April 22. Samuel Alexander Jameson, aged 48 years 7 months 25 days. Beloved husband of Mrs. Laura E. Jame son. Funeral will take place from F. S. Dunntng's parlors. East Alder and East Sixth streets, today (Sunday) at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully invited. Inter ment Rose City Cemetery. BLODGETT At his residence. 44 8 East Salmon street, April 23. James Blodgett. aged 67 years 2 months 12 days. Funeral win take place from F. m. Dunnlng's parlors. East Alder and East Sixth streets. Monday, April 26, at 2PM Friends respectfully invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CATCHING At residence. 875 East Couch street, April 23. Vivian Catching, aged 11 years 10 months. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services today at 2 P. M. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. KIMBALL April 24, at 727 Vancouver ave.. Dora, aged 4 years. 5 months, 6 days be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H P Kim ball. Funeral services from above' resi dence today (Sunday). April 23, at 2 P M Interment Rose City Cemetery. Frienda In vited. WICKER In this city. Reutfon Mark Wick er, aged 6 yeara 6 months. Funeral will be held from residence, 849 Vancouver ave., at 10 A. M. today. Interment Rose City Cemetery. CAMPBELL The funeral services of Alex ander Campbell will be held at the Forbes Presbyterian Church, corner Sollwood st and Gantenbeln ave.. at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends invited. Interment River View Ceoneiery. 6TOBER The funeral services of Mary E. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stober. will be held at Greenwood Cemetery on the arrival of the funeral, which will leave the residence. Till Raleigh at., at 2 P M. today (Sunday). Dunning;, McEntee ft GUbauch. Fimr.i Directors, 7th and Pine. PhonT jdata 5m Lady Assistant. Office of County t"rone,. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral fUrert ors. 220 8d St. Lady assistant. Phone m! 6o , LEir SON. Sd and Madlsoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main -0. A 1689 ZEo'!;I-R-BYRNE3 co- Funeral Dlreet ors. 272 Knsseli. East 1083. Lady assUtant. SV DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant, phone East 62. McBNTEE-ERICSON CO. fndrrtakxn, lady assistant. 409 Aldrr. M 61887 ' NEW TODAY. I never use the word "snap" in my ads to convey the rrfteanlng of "bargain." It la Bf.d, mSc'ihat. 11 has lost significance. Hut the other day in a suburban real estate shack I saw "ginger snap" used effectively, some- ftP'eleii to the shack, here are FOR SALE at Mt. Tabor, modern 7-room house, with furnace and cement base ment: easy payments. By R. L. ZeUer. 704 East Ankeny. Phone B 2083 SBsi2B.PRS ?Ien'i'l -ean lot. Inquire 2818 '' Phon MaJn and A A BARGAIN IN AN on aiow Best arranged and most picturesque in Irvington. Situated on two sight ly lots, with hard-surface pavement all in. Five rooms on main floor; billiard-room and sleeping porch on second floor; hardwood floor and tile bath. Don't fail to see this. 494 EAST TWENTIETH NORTH. "Will show house by appointment. C 1372.' 34" I jU "eet Hce0i " VT . grand and unob- . . , structed view atreeta Improved; finest surroundings. ' Goldsmith 6 Co. 105 Sherlock Bldg . Third and Oak Sts. APARTMENT SITE Quarter block. Nob Hill; -would make an ideal apartment-house or flat site and would yield an enormous income on the amount invested. Price, $18 OOu 1RD t HIGLEV, 132 Third Street. irving't OREGOXIAX, PORTLAJTP. APRIL 23, NEW TODAY. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Monday, Wednesday, Friday EACH DAY AT IOA.M. nit5,WiI,8" ,nn.e ""ortment of fur BRARV riTvix., of PARLOR T,I. AUtHEN and OFFICE TPTJKNlTITRii MAHOGANY. GOl OT" A iS TERHID OAK. MISSIONS WAUJTJ-f itf ?J3? -,cal;peU' ru3 "noleunilarieabla tit ,VLranSea' dlshe!!' kitchen uteneila! gas stoves, ranftes and plates, boddlna pictures, curtains, portiares. etc. J. T. WILSOX. Auctioneer. Residence Sale MONDAY. 2 P. M. 344 E. Second, North, Corner of 1 lir (-n weidler Street Hfwil I?ce?d 'nstructlons from Mr. f?"rgt,t 1 wlu 8011 th furniture of his ' X ' . ... 'kJilK - an ioilows: ROTK ERH BOARD. EXTENSION TAb'tJ" CHAIRS. H ALlfTREE and HAIR MATTRESSKS; ilEJ-fE5tiIiJBkENOLEUM KITC- TERMS CASk, NO RESERVE. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, THURSDAY At 10 A.M. At the Portland Auction House 211 First Street fS r? Bt.m dlsPIng of this larire stock of furniture, consisting of a LARGE line of INEW pictures, BEAUTIFUL bronze and brass bric-a-brac, rockers, chairs, center tables, iron beds, springs dressers, kitchen treasurers and tables! linoleum, new art squares and rugs books, curtains, portieres; everything In the household line. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Residence Sale WEDNESDAY, 2 P. M. 628 Second Street Having received Instructions from Mr A- It'i'1athy win 8,5:1 the furniture of 5rroom '"me, as follows: 2 larao GOLDEN QUARTERED OAK rockers, center tables, pood couch and cover, art ?.q1lW:S3Jady s desK' -Portiers. OIL S15! KARPATHY). booksf ?o5 PHONOGRAPH with 30 RECORDS (some COST $3), extension table, dininsr chairs to match and BUFFET, lace cur tains. Iron beds. OSTERMOOR mat tr'5si olrdseye maple dressers, maple chiffoniers. shades. dishes. glassware, etc. linoleum Onlaid), STEEL RANGE, kitchen TREiURE, GAS PLATE. ' TERA1S CASH. NO RESERVE J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. ??OTE We are still seUlns; at retail at THE DOLLAR STORE: must close out this otock by May 1. "Buy now or you will do left' Spot cash raid for furni ture. Call Main 1626, A . Special Residence Sale THURSDAY, APRIL 29th At 2 P.M. On the Premises, 529 1-2 Couch Between 15th and 16th Sts. On account of departure and by In structions from Mr. Smith, owner, we will sell at public sale the furnishing of this neatly furnished flat, comprisinsr "par lor chairs, rocker3 and Morris chairs in designs of the PERIOD, floo? coverings in pretty pattern squares and SELECT CARP3TS, desirable lace curtains, por tieres and hangings, CHOICE dining room pulte, comorislng dining- table, chairs and sideboard en suite; roll ton desk, chalra, etc. The usual select bed room furnishings. Including: bedding- and bed linen, sanitary beds, chiffoniers. lresser3. etc. The kitchen includes Jewell . steel range, linoleum, dishes, glassware, utensils etc I feo. ftaktr- a, Cot ON TUESDAY NEXT . T.yT??,n8tructed t0 sen by auction at BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE the follow ing consigned household goods, furniture, carpets and rugs, Including costly elec tric and gas chandeliers and fixtures suitable for large dining-room; hand some and modern dining-room furniture In genuine oak, Turkish rockers In real leather, mission rockers and stands, par lor deak, velour couches, velvet and Ax mlnster rugs 9x12, Vienna chairs. Royal Wilton carpets in good condition, hall tree, pretty Iron beds, complete with springs and pillows and bed ding; "cabinet folding beds, oak dressers and chiffoniers, handsome MAHOGANY DAVENPORT IN FRENCH TAPESTRY, cost 125; lace curtains, STEEL RANGE, gas range, heating stoves and kitchen outfit. All clean and iro-to-datn eonria ON VIEW MONDAY SALE TUESDAY JMlAl Al 111 A. m. ON THURSDAY NEXT We hall sell a quantity of household buous iiom street ana unnyside Sat urday 10 A. M. Full particulars later. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. 7J-"lt A 11 new f.tmlt.iMk I 1.1 J !. at private sale and oil second-hand goods NOB HILL HOME $7500 Beautiful new 7-room house, thoroughly Al, hardwood floors handsome fireplace, etc $4250 Full level lot, fine outlook and surroundings. E. J. D ALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Platting Proposition ?i,acres-J..If you have the money to maka good on this there is J2U0.009 in it. We can prove it simply by showing It. JESSE HOBSON 603 Corbett Bldg. $1900 ,iS,rif1d ?HL' moder. 6-room. concrete .l ? a.nd, trame cottage at Portsmouth on tat. John car. 500 cash down. BAGLEY, 14 Conch Bids;. GKORGIi BLAta, rTBHC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branch.! ) 823 Worcester Bide Phones, Main 8371. A 4013. SEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY Mall 6 Von Borstel EAST MORRISON STREET That flnA Vii.l.... - . " .i. VL tur"'r. iwiuw, sit uated rn the southwest comer of Kait Morrison and Kast First sts." being ai. "lJy """th of the new East Bide pa.I engr depot. For price and terms sot Tub. , GOOD INVESTMENT Price, $5200 Annual Rent, $528. Lot lOCxlOO xnH ..v.i. i . " WUIAUIO UUUH or 11 rooms, one cottagre of & rooms, situated 2, "th St.. between lieaoon and PowaU eta. A good buy. Bee It. Terms. KEARNEY STREET ana one s-room house, one 8 rooni house and two 6-room Mats, sit uated southeast corner 17th and Kearney sts. Income. $147.60 per month. Por price and terms see us. EAST PINE. NEAR GRAND AVE. Price, $650O KAyRA Hl.ta . 1. A. . . . Pin mt n.l t f i rt . V? There are some improvements on - uruipng in a lair Incoma. Wa can arrange terms. GRAND AVENUE Six Four-Room Flats Price, $1G,500 lttivUl or. I .1. fl. A . . , ' M..B, rwms eaco, rent Ins; for tlOO per month; situated on the northeast corner E. Irving; st. and Grand ave. This is one of the best buys on brand avenue, being: near tho entrance of tha new mIaaI Km! A BEAUTIFUIi BUILDINQ' SITE HALSEY STREET T -rT 17v1wv AM .1. . i . . 1- v iui ooulu w pbi. corner or Zlflt nnrl T-t nls.v ot. l.' - . J ".-- UIH.O Mill terms sea ua. E. FIRST AND E WARnn sts Price, $4500 Tt KiVrlnn - r, .v.. ...v. . -. " v.. w.u dvu . . i. -k uvi iter u i E. FJrst and Wasco streets. Terms. EAST MORRISON ST: Price, $3600 Ttt KW"IAft on n 1 . . 1136 E. Morrison street. Terms. Mall 6 Von Borstel 104 Second St.. Lumber Exchange Bldg;. APARTMENT SITES SIXTEEXTH A n MnvrinrirD- 110x100 on S. W. cor. To appreciate the value of this beautiful site It will be nerAdcin rv fn. ..a.. . i . i . It is right at the terminus of the M.-G. line and overlooks the entire city. Here you have the view without the climb, and oniy 20 minutes walk to the heart pf the city. There Is positively nothing - . av ... i.i 1 culiic i:iLy. FIFTH AMI MONTGOMERY. IOOtIAA nn (3 -K7 ... . , ' ' . . 11 i . wun renxai tK?0me i 0 Per rno- Tho Prle of ", ;t'i'v' " ' present rental. makes it attractive as a holding- In vestment. Kee us for price and terms STRONG A CO, Finmni-I.I Agenta, 6QS Vomcord Bids;. Portland Heights $4500 Sightly quarter block, 17th and Spring ; improved streets. D. E. KEASEY & CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce, And 20th Street, Portland Heights Both Phones. $6950 will buy a snlendirl 7 large sleeping-porch. Grounds 7Bxl00. In the choice section of Irvington. u"n uvee out or city and will sell this place for J2000 cash, terms on bal ance very reasonable. This Is a bar gain, and lf not sold by May 1 will be taken off the market and leased for two years. If you wmnt a home, do not overlook this place. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 302. A 2302. 204 Stark St. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to hy- GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DEblRABLK residence property or the city. BEKIXO IS BELIBVIKG BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and tne im provements going on. Tfie Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. A SNAP aNortn'rup"1 rOIa " Price $8000 Goldsmith & Co. Room 105 Sherlock BldK . Third and Oak Sts. $2500 w store and 3 living-rooms well built, good corner lot 50x100. and fYesh grocery stock. In that part of the city where there is more bufiding "of homes than nnv nthap tka i . . . I,."ra ' ... - " ' s ii nesired. THE SPA1VTON CO.. 270 Stark St. IDEAL LOCATIONS. ah under cultivation 9 llltl- m-odoern house. cost J2400: new barn. 55x80; creek runnine l,O,i'!rhpIace.:,A0 mUe" from Court? 6 ACHES Good soli, sightly view all fenced and cleared, highly lmDroveri tt Price 2850 hflf ycash, bai ance 5 years. ' A. A. CLARK, 81 Board of Trade Bldg. $35,000 Platting proposition, directly on 6-cent fare. Can more than double cost. K 45 Oregonian. ' SOMKTIIINO PROFESSIONAL MONEY MAKERS SHOILU NOT OVERLOOK 9425. per acre for as fine land as there is in Oregon, on Columbia Boule- wnf 1e mlJe fr0nl Roae City Park. Will make a beautiful home and If run as a vegetable farm, will be a gold TnLVi y?lu ?hef Is than 48 acres In the tract. F. FICHS. 221V4 Mon-l.o. St. KITW TODAY. GrandViewAcres Is not "boomed" property. If you buy Jiere you get something that will never tj lower in prlro, with a good assurance ? r."-"'n iu Pr cent profit If you should acslre. in the near future, to dis pose ot some or all of your holdings, insre is nothing, better around the city r.?.Jl?llJ .tr .w,th a "mall expense In planting the little tract to cherries and oerries you ran have an Income that every year will amount to the prefcent 5 t . lh" ,nnu- You ca 00 ,h's and not i n t Orfnra ..r I . y. H . irL.. ; ' ' ".M .iiir uuy Bvw-auon. nat is n.ore enthusing than the fact of .22 Z?nhiP ot a " "" right In t"er ot a tn-eat and growing city? heW ?iT" V";y ek wll 1111 a traw of in P?iJ: W. cherry trees on one acre tri fe3 lf up ,to thK r"-"l of some tres IIhT J on-.wIen lp fu" hearing, would b;S.,iI-l'00 l" ono -ason. Why not buy ne of those beautltul 2-arre tracts, all In cu tlvation. only one mil outside hiin- Y put it In shape to hTin" ,fncom at o"-e. revel In the luxuries of a fhrrv nvKa - i ?dif.r ia. wh'le, ,a'nd en when wanted for city lota resllae the high values that are sure to come before vour declining ye.irs.' Remember, we will take th greatest delight in showing you the finest little -.creage homes around the city and at iprlces as low as lots further from the center of the city. Remember Grand View T Z i. wesr siae on n table land that commands the most delightful landscape view under the sun. a soil un surpased for the purposes above men tioned. Our auto !s at your service and we will call at your home after dinner and -vneel you out over the finest drive in the county and back in one hour, tf yon .lo not linger too long on the prem ises. Think of a 2H-acre cherry orchard bringing you 16000 annually, or that which will make 15 lots to bring you In the near future $1000 each, or HS.O00, simply because you used good judgment as well as took our advice and bought good prop erty that was not "boomed." SEE TUB OWNERS. 501-503 Corbett Bldg. JESSE HOBSON. Selling Agent. NOB HILL Quarter Block on Johnson st., -west of 22d. One fine 12-room house and room for two more build ings or a fine apartment site. Terms. Only $19,500 BURNEY & BURNEY Boom 15, 270i "Wash. st. Main 7995. A 4722. Your last Chance Business Property $20,000 60-ft. frontage on Burn side street, near 7th. with build- iub-i. rents per cent, in- skyscrapers, a snap. m line with Goldsmith 6 Co. Room 106 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak Sts. Third Street Quarter block with two-story brick block. CAN YOU BEAT IT? Price $55,000 Goldsmith & Co. 'Room 105 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak Sts. FINE INCOME PROPERTY Near the Depot, $75,000 Investigate This. Quarter Block Close to Burnside On lltb. street. A fine Investment, $40,000 New flats, close to Steel bridge. 12 per cent income; rent I1&9.50. $1500 LIND & HIGLEY 132 Third Street. BEST River Front Residence Property 2Va acres. 15 minutes from busi ness section; can be subdivided. A.-F. SWENSSON 6 CO. 2531a Washington Street. S3400 Don't Miss Thi Opportunity ??0i ell-arranged 7-room house. J?"" ?Aots- barn. garden and fruit; i.ast-12th st.. North; block from car line; convenient to new High School. 1 erms. I. MILLER, 41. Chamber of Commerce.. 5 ACRES .22 feet rom carline. for few days at 1250 per acre. Small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. Inquire of r. R. Wheeler. Wheeler Station. 40 min utes out on Fourth-street railway, or TH1C SHAW-FEAR COMPAXV, iMSVfr Slarlt St. 3V2 Acres on Salem Electric Ry. 10 miles from town; all under cultiva uon and on two county roads and R. D. A place to make a beautiful suburban home for the price of a lot in town. Only J900 for the piece. THE UIXX-LAWREXCE CO, S4S Alder Street. RARE OPPORTUNITY Buy an acre one mile from Monta villa on Baseline for S0. This is less San haif real value. R. BUBTlKOi'tiR. 53 iiaJnuua, " NEW TODAY. Taylor Street $35,000 Full lot, bet. 6th and 7tTv across street from new Ilei lig Theater. Washington St. $27,500 80x100, Dear 19th. 3 sales aggregating over $125,000 made on upper "Washington st. during the last few days. Very little left. market. Glisan Street Corner 13th, $25,000 Corner 14th, $1900 Fractional corner, 8th and Flanders $1(000 Upshur Street $23,500 Quarter block, on track. Kings Heights $11,000 85x1 00. Apartment house site, 150 feet from Washington st., in most aristocratic residence dis trict, close in. 7th and Madison $16,000 Fractional corner. Morrison Street $45,000 Quarter block, near Iligh School. Fifteenth Street Trackage Quarter block, near Gli san, $31,000 150x100, near Northrup, $45000 South Portland Waterfront 400 ft. waterfront, West Side approach Sellwood ferry, on S. P. R. R. track. $12,500 Also 650 feet on rail ana water, South Portland. Will lease for term of years. . E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Blcljj. POIK COUNTY FARMS rf!iACRES3. miIes FaIls CitV- S mile Dallas, on main road. 1 milo BridReporc stauon. school and church. 6-room house, barn, small orchard commem-lnpr to bear! 6 acres hops, 2S acres plow land. 4 acres umber, balanco open land; all good soil. Kfuiy (2). 57 ACRES within 4 miles of Dallas, ha a brand new 9-room house, luree porch Sn, t.' slJes nnl back, built on a beauti ful knoll, well linlshed and palmed, vrv attractive: lino larse new barn, -we'll palntel. 32 acres of ricii bottom land unaer plow; 25 apres of fine upland, lies nicely, 5 or 6 acres of it under plow, balance younk oak timber, easily cleared the upland is line orchnr.l land. A beautiful home for only $4w0. 130 ACRES 1 miles north of Dallas; 1X acres plow, small stream runs through place: jenced into 10 enclosures; can have running water in nearly all of them; tood 7-room house. Rood barn, pranary. milk house; all fine potato, clover or iimcthv land; fine dairy ranch, a line home. Prl e $ioi0. one-half cash. 3 to o years' lime at 7 per cent on balance. 30 ACRES 1 mile out of city. 10 acre 3-year-old cherry trees, mixed fruits for home uso. set between rows with fit raw berries, gooseberries and raspberries: uuai o-rouin cottage. Darn: well fenced; iiuiii:iirri gi a. iiitie piace. win be worm Jkiio in less than two years Now 3V00. time. H. G. CAMPBELL DALLAS. OR. NOB HILL RESIDENCE Owincr to circumstance owner offers at a sacrltice his home, built less than two years ago at an outlay of J20.OJ0 and pro nounced by connoisseurs as most artistio In design and Interior appointments. Double floors of oak and beech, silk tapestries. 2 fireplaces. 3 toilets and baths, music loom, iarge billiard parlor oj.en in out upon a spacious veranda and other distinguishing features. 60LDSCHMIDTS AGENCY Washington, corner Third. A FINE HOME CHEAP Corner lot, 100x100: Improved street, cement walks: SM-oom modern house. Btone foundation, hot water heating, Has. electric lights, conservatory, barn, fruit; East Side. F". M. BATCHEKIR, 215 Coach Bulldlns. Now or Never One 5-acre tract in Newhurst Park the last in the addition. $1300. R. BUETIKOFER, 265 Salmon.