The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 18, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 42

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Value of Building Permits
Runs Over $1 ,200,000.
Half Month Almost Equals Record
Total Made In 1007, and
Tends to Prove Year Will
Take Top Place.
Building operations as shown by the
number and amounts of permits issued
mo far this month promise to verify the
prediction made frequently that the pres
ent year Is to'' produce the high-water
mark in the annals of the city. During;
the past week there were 119 permits Is
sued, carrying; valuations of $SSO,4SO, and
for the 17 days of April totals of 307 per
mits and H.2K1.905 In estimated cost of
f . ? --Tw
new buildings. The total in valuations
conies within $300,000 of the record month
of April, 1907, and exceeds the month of
April Inst year by over $300,000.
The largest amounts for which permits
were Issued last week were for the Knott
street school, $52,000; Central Christian
Church. $46,000; brick work, Y. M. C. A.
building. $34,000, and Olds, Wortman &
King department store. $500,000. This last
permit is for the big building that Is to
occupy the ground known locally as the
lYnnoyer block, excavation for which is
approaching completion. By days the per
mits Issued last week were as follows:
April IX.
Emerson street between East Sixth and
Kast Seventh C. F. Swank; builder same;
erect one-stnry frame dwelling; $1000.
Florida street' between Virginia and Ma
cadam H. W. Johns; builder same; erect
one-story frame dwelling; $50.
Bancroft avenue between Third and
Fourth streets Mlis Nina Woodcock;
builder same; erect one-story frame dwell
ing; $3000.
Second street between Stark and Oak
Mr. Cook: builder Yuen Wa; repair three
story brick building: $300.
Burnside street between Second and Third
. Fred Krltz; builder Joseph Strejc; repair
thvee-story brick saloon; $400.
Brown street between East Sixth and
Grand avenue T. J. Short; builder same;
enect one-story frame dwelling; $1000.
Mllwaukle street between South avenue
and Yukon Clay Roberts; builder B. F.
Bunnell; erect one-story frame dwelling;
(1800. '
Alnsworth avenue between Gay and Oma
ha w. S. McHugh; builder same; erect one
story frame dwelling; $200.
East Main street between East Twentieth
and East Twenty-first Oscar Bruin; builder
Uenrge W. Oliver; erect Hi-story frame
dwelling; $2500.
, East Forty-fourth street between Thomp
son and Brazee Beacon Investment Co.;
builder B. T. Allyn; erect one-story frame
dwelling: $2000.
East 1 orty-,fourth stnaet between Thomp
son and Braxee Beacon Investment Co.;
builder B. T. Allyn; erect one-story frame
dwelling: $2000.
Olvlftton street between East Forty-eighth
and East Forty-ninth A. Highland; build
er lime: erect one-story frame shed; $100.
East Eighteenth street between Brases
and Knott CI. A. Cooper; builder I. M.
Palmer; erect two-story frame dwelling;
Kant Seventeenth street between Wasco
and Multnomah V. H. Meagley; builder
Palmer & Sprague; erect lVs-story frame
dwelling; $S0.
IHvtRion street between East Fortieth aitd
East Forty-first J. H. Nash; builder same;
eneot two-story frame store and dwelling;
Simpson street between Mississippi avenue
and Alhlna James R. Neer: builder same;
erect two-story frame dwelling; $1800.
Webster street between Albina avenue and
Kerby street Thomas Ray; builder X. M.
Hall; repair one-story frame dwelling; $160.
East Morrison street between East Ninth
and East Tenth Knight Packing Co.; erect
2-story frame factory; $lsno.
Russell street between Albina and Borth
wlrk H. Kill; builder Curtis & Adams',
erert one-story frame dwelling; $400.
East Twenty-nit street between Wygsnt
and Going J. L.. Angel ; builder same;
erect two-story frame dwelling; 93000.
East Brosdway street between East Four
teenth and East Fifteenth Mrs. Aug. Dip
pel; builders Sylvester A Fowler; erect two
story franw dwelling; $3500.
East Thirty-third street between Stephens
and Market W. T. Harlow; builder A. P.
Smith; erect three two-story frame dwell
ings, each $2000: $6000.
Alder street between Sixth and Seventh
P. R., t,. A P. Co.; builders Hurley-Mason
Co.; erect concrete footings for nine-story
building: IMioo.
F.HSt Harrison street between East Forty
seventh and East Forty-eighth J. D. Sower
hy; builder same; erect one-story frame
dwelling; $1200.
Penn strert between Gay and Delaware
Bahlke V O'N'ell: builders same; erect two
story frame bunkers; $500.
East Twenty-eighth street between Emer
son and Klllingsworth Joe Negretto; bulld
$lS0am' rect on-story frame dwelling;
Kremsnl street between Grand avenua
and East Seventh H. V Gerts; builder H
It. Eckert: repair onestory frame dwelling:
r.ast Eighteenth street between Thompson
and Brazee E. L. Sanborn; builder same;
erect one-story frame dwelling; $2500.
April 13.
435 Going street corner East Seventh J.
Reudy: builder same; erect one-story con
crete garage; $200.
Knott street corner Rodney avenue City
of Cortland. School District No. 1; builder
M.; erect two-story' frame
school; $rt,ooo.
East Twentieth s:reet between Alberta
and Sumner J. E. Beech builder same;
erect IH-story frams dwelling: $2500
Vanhouten street bt-tween Cecelia and Ed
waror0" T. Johnson: builder same; re
pair 1U -story frame dwelling; $1000
it,'. Ar." ?'n5h "ir'et between Rhine and
Frankfort A. L. A J N. Cottardi; bulld-
"Jiso"1"1 repair tw-"ry frame dwelling:
East Twelfth street corner Stark C. E
?-0oWn; bulldor ". excavate basement;
East Seventh street between Holman
Mgnolla-A. R. Sekat,: build? m,'",1
erect one-story frame dwelling; $oo '
Plarkstona street between York and Raert
Hannah M. Zan; builders Green " Green
erect one-story frame shed; $'50
East Twentieth street corner Salmon
Central Christian Church; builder H Bit
ham; erect one-story stone church- i4S oiwi
Dekum avenue between Wllllnm.
couver George Smith; builder J. c w in
field : erect lM-story frame dweiiir... .;V-
tV'aahlnctoa street between sixteenth and
r, 1 1 i - ti.iM-.inin..t. - T ; , f" H m .,. " " jf l-P'll'"J))i,,l U'.HJl
Seventeenth Mrs. Cora B. Palter; builder
- mmcaii; erect iwo-sxory rrame gar
age; $SO00.
Schuyler street between Twenty-first and
Twenty-second C. V. Cooper; builder P. A.
( arlander; repair two-story frame dwelling;
East Twentieth street between Hawthorne
and Madison Erme M. Johnson; builder
George Ollllham; erect one-story frame
garage; (250.
Amherst street between McKenna and
Montelth E. E. Satchwell; builder O. E.
Devereaux; erect one-story frame dwelling;
East Fifty-seven tli street between Sandy
Road and Stanton street Charles B. Mer
rick ;. builder George Rurauuen; erect two
story frame dwelling; $3000.
Jessup street corner Detroit W. M. Smith;
builder same; erect one-story frame dwell
ing; $1000.
Commercial street corner Ivy E. Hubbell:
builder name: erect 1 V -story frame dwell
ing; $1400.
21 Rhine street between E. Fifteenth and
Sixteenth E. Jacks; builder same; erect
one-story frame, shop; $100.
East Yamhill street between Thirty-ninth
and Fortieth E. A. Scruggs; builder W. C.
Repass; erect one-story frame dwelling;
Derby street between Pippin and Farra
rut Walter Dyer; builder same; erect two
story frame dwelling: $3500.
Omaha street corner Klllingsworth avenue
N. Mayer: builder .1. D. Harms: erect
one-story frame dwelling; $1700.
17 Jessup street corner Patton avenue
M. Rostvold: builder same; repair ore-story
frame dwelling; $100.
East Salmon street corner Twenty-fifth
Mr. Gademtky; builder Warren Emerlck;
erect two-story frame dwelling: $2400.
East Salmon street comer Twenty-flfth-r-Mr.
Powell: builder Warren Emerlck; erect
two-story frame dwelling; $2400.
April 14.
Hall street, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Mrs. Margaret Bartsch; builder
P. G. Kester: erect two-story frame dwell
ing: $4000.
Grand avenue between I von and TMvl-
M-HNM 4. JV P v V
slon; l.uigl Boltano; builder -J. W. Phenicle
erect two-story frame dwelling; $1200.
Grand avenue between Ivon and Division;
Luigl Boitano: builder J. W. Phenicle:
erect two-story frame dwelling; $1200.
Seventh street between Hall and Col
lege; H. Mitchell: builder same: repair
story and a half frame dwelling; $50.
88 Third street between Stark and Oak;
Sweny; .builder Carlson & Kallstrom; re
pair two-story orick store: $200.
Hood street between Custer and Canb
r.. .i. riarris; Duliaer i
fram-3 dwelling: $300.
erect one-sto'
Broadway street between F.uit Tvmk.
third and East Twenty-fourth: Adolph Ol
son; builders McHolland Bros; erect two
story frame dwelling': $8500.
Willamette boulevard -between Xenyer and
Gay; M. Peterson; builder same; erect one
story frame dwelling; $1000.
Milwaukee street between Brooklyn and
Franklin; H. Baumhoer: builder C- Wyss:
erect two-story frame store and dwelling;
East Twentv-foiirth street hmaun Sum
ner and Alberta; W. H. Vrooman; builder
same; erect one-story frame dwelling:
$1500. ,
East Tamhlll street' - between ' lCnjtt
Twenty-seventh and East Twenty-eighth;
H. Gordon: builder same: erect two-
story frame dwelling; $4500.
cast main street between Esst Forty
fifth and East Forty-sixth; M. E. Meyser;
builder J. p. Preston; erect one-story frame
dwelling; $1800.
Stanton avenue between Williams and
Rodney; William Cebell; builder same;
erect two-story frame apartment house;
East Broadway street between Second
and Third; B. T. Soden: builder G. JI.
Wells; repair two-story frame dwelling;
$1000. ..
Sixth street between Taylor and "Yam
hill; Y. M. C. A.; builder H. Reimers;
erect 8-story concrete office; $34,000. (Per
mit for brickwork only.)
East Eighteenth between Klllingsworth
and Jarrett: John Traut; builder F. Rlepl;
erect one-story frame dwelling; $200.
East Sherman street between East Thlrtv
sixth and East Thirty-seventh: George A.
Ross: builder same; erect one-story frame
dwelling; $1400.
East Sherman street between East Thirty
sixth and East Thirty-seventh; George A.
Ross: builder same; erect one-story frams
dwelling; $1400.
East Sherman street between East Thirty
sixth and East Thirty-Seventh; George A.
Ross; builder same; erect one-story frame
building; $1400.
East Thirty-eighth street between Avon
and Grant; George A. Ross; builder same;
erect one-story frame dwelling; $1430. .
162-164 Second street between Kamnill
and Morrison; Davenport estate: builder
Has. Hyland; repair three-story orlck of
fice; $500.
Ybrk street between Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-fifth : Portland Wood Pipe Com
pany ; builders same; erect one-story frame
boiler and engine house; $1000.
Maryland avenue between Falling and
Shaver: G. KUnglell; builder Fines & Kleler;
erect story and a half frame dwelling;
April 15.
East Sixth atreet corner Beech; Ander
son A Bush builders and owners; two-story
frame dwelling; $3000.
Cleveland between Beech and Falling;
J. V. Peterson; George Schneider . builder;
two-story frame dwelling; $2000.
Bowman between Multnomah and ElevJ
enth: G. Stoller owner; Wyss & Crolln
builders; one-story frame dwelling; $1750.
East Sixteenth between Sumner and Em
erson; I. A. James owner; Rosco Chapman
builder; twostory frame dwelling; $1100.
Patton Road corner Lamson; Stella Hart
builder and owner; one-story dwelling:
$1500. "
Eleventh between Alder and Washington;
Hlng Sing Woon owner; two-story frame
laundry; $200.
East Eighth between Nehalem and Miller;
Miss E. L. Randall owner and builder; one
story frame dwelling; $100.
Alnsworth between Williams and Cleve
land; Del W. Kuhn builder and owner;
one-story concrete garage; $200.
East Seventeenth North between Knott
and Stanton; Mrs. S. A. Morgan owner;
G. C. Manning' builder; two-story frame
dwelling; $3500.
Second street between Morrison and Yam
hill; Davenport estate owner; H. Hlrsh
berger builder; repair three-story brick
office; $150.
Nartilla between Main and Madison; Mrs.
Homer Duhrkoop owner; Sohnett & Wol
lette builders; two-story frame flat; $7000
Council Crest: Thompson Scenic Railway
Company owner; merry-go-round; $4000
seventy-second between Gllsan and Stark
J. S. Guild builder and owner; alter one
story frame dwelling; $76. '
Fifth between Alder and Washington
T. J. Honeyman owner; M. A. Fields
builder: alter five-story brick store; $100
Stanton between Mississippi and Albina-'
John Donovan owner and builder: ont-itnrv
frame dwelling: $1000. story
Garneld between Portland boulevard and
Dekum; T. R. Ratcllffe builder and owner'
oae-story frame dwelling; $1700.
East Forty-third between Hawthorne and
Madison; James Coumps owner; T. J. Stew
art builder; two-story frame flats; $$000.
April 1.
Twelfth between Mill and Montgomery
Mrs. N. A. Earlln owner; James Hyland
builder; alter two-story frame dwelling; J50
Rodney between Maegly and Alberta -Mrs.
B. J. Guerln owner; M. J. Gueriii
builder; two-story frame dwelling; $1500
East Fourteenth between Bybee and
Rural; A. M. Johnson owner and builder-one-story
frame dwelling: $500.
East Eighty-first between East Gllsan and
Oregon; C. A. Russell owner and 'miMer'
$300 n1 " on"9"ha'"',torr frame dwelling;
East Seventy-ninth between Going and
Bralnard; A. Fltzjohn owner and bulldur
one-story frame dwelling: $75.
. Hodge between Routlege and Houghton -l,aura
Bradley owner: J. P.- Kofold bulldor-two-story
frame dwelling; $200 0
East . Thirty-second Korth. , between Wy-
Brooklyn Conduit Completed
by Contractors.
Estimated Cost of $1,000,000 la
Placed on Whole 'Work, Which
Is Expected to Enhance Land
Valuations to Some Extent.
South ojl Division street the cost of
sewers and street improvements will go
above the Jl, 000.000 mark this year, and
this in a district that Heretofore had
not been considered progressive, com
pared to the North Hast Side. Already
the big Brdoklyn sewer system, cost
Ins 250,0C1, has been completed and
awaits the acceptance of the City En-
gineer and Executive Board. Follow-
in-? acceptance will come wholesale lat
eral contracts. These contracts will be
let in districts covering the settled porT
tlons. A number of streets will be
-linked tog-ether and the contract for
laying the laterals will be let to single
contractors. -Wastage and extra ex
pense will be avoided by this method,
and will admit of all the laterals being
put in nearly at the same time.
Cost of these laterals is estimated at
$250,000 additional to the cost of the main
conduits, but these sewers mean a 50 per
cent. Increase in the value of every
foot of territory south of Division street
as soon as completed, and every lot
owner can compute his share of this in
crease for himself. Lack of sewerage
accounts, so it is thought, for the very
moderate nrlcea -nmrift v ia i. i ,j -
' itiu in
-this portion of the city.
Bv the enrt'rte' . a at
East Ninth street across. Sullivan's
Gulch Will Ha JmnlAA,4 1, t . ...
....... , , v, vv v, f v 1 1 1 1 J Will
Pen a new street to Brooklyn from
nuuuiun.- inis mi is one of
the most important improvement under
taken outside of the bis sewer in that
portion of the city. The cost will be
"ui aiter me embankment has
been cnmnlAtAit a k ah . j i . i .
. . win do oi&ae
on Grand avenue across Sullivan's Gulch
. ouun as xne proceedings have been
completed. These turn flllo rin w
ably cost $60,000, as both are long era-
ul u &iii exits.
It is exrjecterl thai Ai'mnnf ,&aA. ...
be paved with a hard-surface improve
ment Dy xne en a or the year. Part of
the improvement is under contract and
work has been started. Belmont will
be paved to Francis avenue, and an ef
fort is being made to carry the Im
provement to the end of the Mount
Tabor car line, which will make it one
of the finest streets leading east from
the river.. That portion between East
Tenth and Nineteenth, streets is now be
ing Improved with asphalt so there will
be a uniform hard-surface to Francis
avenue this year.
MRntB.d Gl?,?,K,: D- c- w'nter owner; a.
fng; $800.y bullder: one-story frame dwell-
nSlf'l!'!? comer, Manhattan: D. M.
Holbrook builder and owner; repair one
story frame dwelling; $250. " n8
tj-?. eventeenth between Knott and
grH7 one-half story frame dweU-
East Thirty-third and East -Market- V tk
Hyatt owner; Routledge " hlpley builder?:
one-story frame dwelling; $2700 mlla7.
.... ..iron jqason and Skldmore;
ti ?i
on si ' i )
B t J I IrEty ll I 1 -
We will be on the ground all day. Take East Ankeny Rose City Park car to end of line Be
mwS'iJSSS salesman-Lots $10 and up $5 down -d 50 nth
GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., owner. Or, come to 418 Corbett Bid., any other day and we will
LflK JrOU OUt,
Lots 50x100
Streets Graded
Bull Run Water
Good Car Service .
Cement Sidewalks
Building Restrictions
In choosing a "Home Site" there are many things to consider. The most important are
location, surrounding homes, car service and nearness of same and improvements
C. Rademacher owner; John Irwin bulldor;
one-story frame dwelling; $200.
East Morrison between East Thlrtv-flrst
and East Thirty-second; R. Dudrow owntr,
Jones & Jensen builders; one-story frame
dwelling: $1780.
East Thirtieth between Alnsworth and
Rigger; Guy H. Jones builder and owner:
one-story frame dwelling; $1500.
S"hln,ton corner Eleventh: William
FMsnbank builder and owner; alter two
story frame store: $100.
East Fifty-third between East' Everett
and East Flanders; one-story frame dwell
ing; $1700.
Cbehalem avenue near Council Crest road;
John Belknap owner; E. .1. Sherman
builder: one and one-half-story frame
dwelling; $200.
East Twenty-third between Tillamook
Thompson; two-story frame dwelling;
Morrison between West Park and Tenth:
Portland Building Company owner; the
Trustee Company of Portland builders; five
story steel department store; $500,000.
, Ajjrll 17.
Stanton corner Mississippi avenue; Wil
liam Kowaheskl owner and builder: reDalr
one-story frame dwelling; $100.
Second oetween Onlr on T I n - t- n
'.' ' i " i . .jofnnnnv nwnr. u i , i . . . .
I Rosa Crrv il
v F-kX c h
XADDirrori, s '
Has all these and at our price it is the best buy either for YOUR home or
for investment. MERLOW is only about half way between
E. 28th Street and end of Rose City. Park carline
Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets
$"ooder: repa,r three-story frame dwelling;
East Nineteenth between Brazee and
Knott; Fields A Berkley owners: C W
eV-'oo bu",ers; two-story frame dwelling;
East Tenth North between Beech and
Jailing; Conrad Hinkle owner: Georg Ross
$150 . rpa,r one-story frame dwelling;
Council Crest; R. Sates and T. Nlsh
owners and builders; one-story refreshment
pavilion: $950.
Council Crest; A. Duchamp owner and
Builder; one-story (rams pavilion; $1500.
East Burnside corner East Seventh:
Thomas Mann owner and builder: two
story frsme dwelling; $1500.
East Seventeenth corner Siskiyou: Sum
ner Newell owner and builder; two-story
frame dwelling; $2000.
New Addition Ia Platted.
"Van W. Anderson has had a 10-acre
tract just west of . the Country Club
laid out into lots, and it will be known
as the Country Club Addition. Streets to De graded, water mains laid and
extensive improvements made.
, nrotner. f extensive improvements made.
On Saturday, April 24th, we are going to take the first 100 that
apphes to Oak Park, located on the Oregon Electric Railway, one
mile from Hillshoro, and pay their fare both ways.
Oak Park is laid out in tracts of from one to twenty acres.
If you are thinking of buying a small tract of good land, take
advantage of our free EXCURSION next Saturday. We know if you
want to buy a few acres of first-class land on an electric line, only
40 minutes' nde from Portland, you will buy in Oak Park, after see
ing the tract and Investigating our prices and terms.
If you would like to see Oak Park, bring the following coupon to
our office without delay. WE CAN TAKE ONLY 100.
Room 5, Lafayette Bldg., Sixth and Washington Streets.
I am wanting to buy a few acres of good land on an electric
line, close to Portland, and would like to see Oak Park.
"Watch the Movement Down the River."
Free Ride to Harborton Today. See Page 14.
ne -Third
Sold !
s w--