REALTY GOOD. IN EVERY DISTRICT Various Sections Seem Well Balanced for Purposes of Investment. FEW SALES OF "INSIDE" Market in Most Excellent Condition and AH Dealers Report Satisfac tory Business Houses to Rent Hard to Find. .BY JOHN J. HARRISON. I U a difficult matter to say offhand 3uwtwhat district of the city is.attract- lng the most attention fmm i . ora. Some big sales were made both in the North End and out Washington street during the week, and there is street talk that another quarter block in the central part of town Is soon to be announced, on which a big building Is to be erected. A a matter of fact, there are no more first-class sites in the strictly down-town district that are to be obtained. Some very desirable sites have poor improve ments, and these would be . taken at big prices and would be built upon with mod ern structures if it were possible to in duce owners In a .-t ... . v. . . Lnfortunately for the further building 1 np of the city, these holdings are in the : hands of non-progressive people, or are tled-up estates, that keep the ropertv oft the market. It has come to be not so much price as refusal to sell that holds back irnprovemnts along some of the principal streets. High rents provide good revenue to owners of the old-stvle buildings that are spotted here and there r-etween modern buildings, and while the presence of these structures mars the ap pearance of the principal streets, there seems to be little hope that some of them re not to remain as they are until the Present owners are called awav to that rity where treej, are paved with gold. City Grows North and South. Solution of the difficulty, however, ia Jn sight. One of these fine days dog-in-the manger owners will wake up to dis cover that the old business center has broken through the old lines and has taken In Stark. Oak and Pine in one di I ..?" Yamhill. Taylor and Salmon tn the other. These streets are certain to attract retail business, as thev alreadv are doing to a considerable extent, and then those who refuse to Join In beauti fying the city with modem buildings mav nnd that offers tor their property will fail short of what they are now. last week with a handsome advance in previous values for lots in that district ..mU nt F,ftn and Glanders sold for 00.000. Albert E. Johnson and asso elates made the purchase as an invest ment, although Mr. Johnson savs that If a suitable tenant can be found the syndi cate will erect a building, probably a warehouse or building for a wholesale concern. Out Washington street there continues to be great activity In the building of "i-..iiiriii.,uuera. Al lhe a modern building, and another Is started on ayne. The whole district Is becom ing a regular network of high-class apart ments, and the end is not yet The action of the Fire Commissioners lth i reference to the little theaters scat tered around town is believed to be the start toward doing away with wooden wVZ"L 'n'T"r- T" 'act that Calvin tlJll I ""cured a site for one new "i"ion. ii is an open se 1 Zl.l lat lpa"t tw" other sites aieN t-i.1 .v. . " Ior "reproof buildings to take the place of old buildings now in k-!; ;ort,nnd 18 considered one of the wnf.,m..0,inln the contry. but it is 7, bph,nd tne in the character of its theater buildings. Portland's Future Assured. Much significance attaches to the views fnThe Ore"' JV Ttn1aS ln an '"terv1ew a rltfS " a" Frida- Mr. Thomas is nf ?h rVr'a, one?F nd has seen much of the Coast in the interim of his resi dence on the Pacific. He says unhet -atingly that, after looking over Port land, he predicts that it is to be on ?!vthfP,lnClpal citles f the whole coCn! wti.t v, Pfertlcularly impressed with Tiefiv,.. .h8W " and ftom Portland Heights, where, surrounded with magnifi cent residences, he looked out over the city and pronounced It good Realty transfers again reached goodly Proportions last week. The total consid erations footed J606.342. the usual number .!f were corded giving nominal considerations. Building permits show a continuation of the remarkable records made in the last few months. There would seem to be no Indication that the building of resi dences to to fall off during the Summer, as architects are busy preparing planr for dwellings of all styles and degree cost. Among the realty dealers there Is a hetter feeling than ever before. Hardly an agency ln the city complains of lack I it , . i ...i , I , 'Vy - i tth Z I v v - ! - ' ' ' -it ( - - . t ; t if -,l i,1 u - i f tSt v Ht ' I 1 "W i v - t . HANDSOME HOUSES AT WALNUT PARK. J ...... . - mm of business, and soma of the leading men nicy nave more commissions then they can give proper attention to. A bifc dealer, who in not given to indulging in "hot alr"sald last week that he had been told by a. banker that there is on de posit in the bank with which he is con nected over $5,000,000 of Eastern capital sent here for investment in Portland realty. There ts no reason to doubt the remark, for whenever 'deals for large amounts are negotiated the money is forthcoming at once. Plenty of local capital is being employed, but outside moijey is being called upoip as well. Suburban Lots In Demand. Reports from agencies handling sub urban lots prove there Is no falling off in the sales of this class of investment In some of the recently platted tracts buy ers are taking over two up to five lots In one purchase. Indicating confidence In the tracts. Weekly report of sales are con clusive proof that these suburban dis tricts are soon to become thickly set tled and stretch the outlines of the city well out into new territory. The tone of the Portland market could not be better. There is no evidence of Inflated values, although there is decided strength. In no section of the city is there weakness, which proves that realty In any part of the city is a good purchase right now. What has happened in the past Is certain to happen again, so that any purchaser at present figures Is prac tically sure of getting an advance as the city grows. That the city grows is a self evident fact. The renting situation does not improve in the way of additional houses offered. ... -riinnj art inKan as soon as com- pleted. and the only ones obtainable are old houses badly In need of repair. EAST SIDE LOTS-SELL OVTSIDK MXDS BRING AX ACRE. $ 1000 No Falling Off in Transactions for in Platted Tracts Nor in Older Districts. F. B. Holbrook ha's purchased a 32 aere tract of the Egger Bros., west of west Irvimrton for Mil riv rf? j no tract will be platted. Manhattan Tnve.t. ment Company made the sale. Egger own 7 a dBiry ne" Woodlawn.nd Speth1endbUt " nounced. and the J t tjm I U ,s an" WiSTUJUS Vonla nge'-mTeeenng Alblna maTtorauire'dOPeArr Alblna and others are in prospect U Trammer has just sold to G. M 2: ZVLl ?' and 15. bl2k M. -aauion, for I2SO0. On ioi secured Is e,- , . 1Alr'V,P-, Ma" Co- "H lots 7, 8. 9 and Fowled7' erst"R Addition, to J. Nv! owler. for R. Hamburger, for 000 This property Is not improved at present". Th" on Lnion avenue and Ktast Glisan street. Pehl-la5? RMlty Company has sold to WalwnLtoT0'- a- ,0t Bfi2-Xl'0l o" East vashlngton and Bast Thirty-eighth winT. fr ,1J459- Two frame dw lings will be erected on thejot at. once. hlir ,h.,,li,,' ha" Pfrehaaed the east half of lots n and 12. block 105. West t or ?3700. On the lot is a two-story mod em seven-room residence. -J-- Zrgl?. rcpntly sold six acres 7MI TMaxy :,Se" to Fred A- Jacobs, of the Jacobs-Stine Company, on East Syend and ' Hassa'o streets, for S126. The owners will plat the land into town lots. C. K. Henry sold a five-acre tract in Flrwood in the vicinity of East Thirty first and Thompson streets for C W Gay to Dr. George W. Parrish, formerly of St. Louis, for $12,000. Dr. Parrish expects to erect a- handsome residence on the property. New York's latest novelties in fin footwear at Rosenthal's. - "Watch the Movement Down the River." Free Ride to Harborton THE SUNDAY QREGOXIAX, PORTLAyp, APRIL IS, t909 P LAN TJ EVV CHURCHES Several Additional Edifices for East Side. PEOPLE SHOW ENTHUSIASM Methodists and Catholics Have Ar ranged for Buildings of Imposing Dimensions to Meet Demand of Growing Congregations. Ground probably will be broken for the new Methodist church at Sunnyside within the next month. According to the report of the building committee subscriptions to the building fund are coming in in a most satisfactory man ner. The building committee is com posed of the following well-known men: Herbert Gordon, president; Dr. W ... j-im, vice-prpmneni; a. u. FTaley. f,re'V'eAPt0rtland Jrust Company, treas t : " V,Vey ,W- A- zoinRer, secre tary. J. Allen Harrison, Fred Oppen lander and J. F. Newell and Rev. w T Euster. the pastor, who is one of the well-known church builders of the country. Mr. Euster has effected a most thor ough organization of all the forcea of en, VJM t0 Stftrt Wlth- He haS ""t enthusiastic support from the entire membership, which means a great deal in financing so great an undertaking. Erection of this fine edifice means much for feunnyside and for Portland as it will be a model of church architec tural beauty. A n inn her nf-ne, . . ' " icoiucutvs are n e - I ing erected at Mount Tabor, and others lil'ti. . ? Piannea. The Mount Tabor Methodist people are preparing to erect, in the place of the present building on the Base Line road, a modern church .in 'i.i iSf. W,U Cost between 10.000 1 5.000. AirAaritr . j . . portion of the money has hAAn .k scribed and plans will be drawn In the near future Th i.-.J . . rv v i-'ii uuara ana HVXLI-J:.- McDoub.11. hope to i ZL unaer way in May. Also the Preshvtet-ior. r-i u. buuiui, located on Belmont street, is getting In shape year cnurcn aurlng the Ground has been broken for another magnificent church edifice, to be erected on East Pine street, between East Elev enth and East Twelfth streets, for St. Francis Catholic Church. Architect A II. Faber. who has been working on the Plans for this building, says the details have been completed and that the base "!.!nt T!" be constructed at once. Soon a26r Ft.her J- H- BIack- the rector returned from his trip to the Holv Land two years ago he commissioned the architect to prepare the plana for the nTuedlfiC6 that was to take the place of the frame church, that had become to small and unsuited for the growing congregation. ,He gathered manv ideas during his trip by inspecting churches and cathedrals, which will appear in time ln the new edifice. ,oTh? bul,dlnS -will be 96 feet wide by I ,4 '"f, .lonf. taking up practically all the half block on East Pine street. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, Founders, Machinists aud Boilermakers, Balldlng and Structural Work. WE 'MAKE Fire Hydrants, Log Hants, Cast Gear, Hydraulic Glanta, Water Gate, Lumber Truck, etf. Hawthorne Ave. and East Third PORTLAND, OR. BUNGALOWCRAFT KTi5f-".nd bo,k on Bungalow B. J,I" ,4r- PaB 8x11 inches, 5 J iy, "lutrted. large clear plans with 2.??rip,ions nd estimates. Rouses from 0 to $3000. Bungalow doors, windows, fixtures, etc., mantels, buffets, fireplace. The most complete and practical book on the subject: Indispensable to every home builder. Price $1 post paid TKE BTOGALOWTBAIT CO. Q3 t nam her nf Commerce. Ixs Angeles, CU 5 Today. See Page 14. Jl. 1018 Board of ine ground has been cleared of all buildings and some excavating lias been none, out now the work on the founda tion and basement will s;o forward ln earnest. Brick or stone will be used Ln l,oediBc' that matter having been decided on. The style will be German Gothic, and We M RAILWAY Announce the opening of the new Interurban Line between Portland and Burlington. Schedule commences Sun day, April 18. Cars leave Chamber of Commerce build ing at 6:15,7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 A. M.; 1 o'clock, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 P. M. Fourteen miles of beautiful river scenery, Columbia and Willamette rivers; overlook ing the mountains.'- Special Sunday rates. NEW CARS Stops at Cliff Inn, Whitwood Court, Glen Harbor, Linn ton, Harborton, Millers and Burlington. REE -TO TO TODAY VIA THE NEW UNITED RAILWAYS LINE and 1 to 6 P. M. Ask for ticket - 1 1 v'li l rtx l nillB. In addition to the scpnic beauty and the elose-in-on-the-West-Side lo cation ot this tract, mountain spring water is beine piped to everv lot. The new sub-station will furnish electricity for vour home and telephone lines are ready to he connected. " Lots $200 up Acres $350 up $10 Down and $10 per Month HEP ARB AGENTS Trade Bldg. Branch Offices at Harborton and Linnton w.ii be one of the mnt . . i iMiurcnes in Portland. A to the cost Father Black said that he and the building committee desire to keep out of debt as far as possible. However, the first cost probably will be at least $50,000. and -perhaps more. The interior decorations of the church will he a mat- ED RIDE TrNN yv TF8 ZSvV iP5!sv era WmJJ (I )) ff V at Dawson & Koberts, 272 Stark st. All the mountain peak.'?. The Columbia and Willamette Rivers. St. John. Vaneouvcr ani Portland. The streets we have lai.l out an.l are gradinc- hat perfect soil for gardening nnd'fruitraisins. How the streets fnllnw- Hi .,.,i.. n.. & HARDY llPi?fJyeJrB- Father Black said that be . . cnurcnes during liu trip in Eu rope where the work of decorating had -?nRO nK n tor a eentury. and had not bein completed. Architect Faber remarked that Interior decorations of HOME SITES ON ISE WILLAMETTE wirbo iTre e,,"Vninf than a horee on the banks of the river, hlh f u fl green lawns, gently sloping to the water; a perfect talVtSSSSSrT fine old trees' gentle' co1 breezC3 RIVER WOOD (The Old White House Property) combines all of these qualities, and besides, it is only 16 minutes ride from town, two stations on the property, and nearly every city convenience. J J BETTER NOT PUT IT OFF IF YOU ARE INTERESTED It Pays to Sec Us. CHAPIN & Phone Main 1652. The new electric line brings within 20 minutes' ride from city the BEAUTIFUL SCENIC DESIRABLE GLEN HARBOR Loi 50x100 and larger; from $225.00 to $500.00, with improvements TAT l"T 7 b"K i"staIle"3-- Restrictions. N-rSeSJSo Is Take electric car at 3d and JSfark sts. Sunday morning. Car stops at GLEN HARBOR GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO., 836-80 Chamber of Commerce Bide Phone A 1568. . . M. J. WALSH CO. i.'tw church might easily cost $100,000. There will bo a full basement In which will be located the social club rooms of the parish. The church will probably be ready for dedication within a year. HER LOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. LIGHT LUXURY In Colonial days candle sticks were prized for their utility and artistic lines. "We have embodied all their quaint beauty in these spe cially designed electric light supports. Where an atmosphere of subdued and unobtrusive ele gance is desired, we advise this artistic selection. Salesroom 311 STARK STREETSalcsroom,