' ...... SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 mam Magazine Section VOL. XXVIII. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 11, 1909. NO. 15. i ' . . . ' ' ' - t f(( j x I 4 $Y i , n - - . -vsrip. - II .J l1- Vf? fl PX jr7" Xw'-: ' Jit ; : V "vx 'U i . : jXX kO ,. -- , X0-. .XX,: V. ' . X i'iv7 - 1 f - 'HBHHPMpiiKSpl , '-' m 1 ? l"x v i 1 1 iBBilHBllM l l i;:1V-'-;',ti':: tt ' I . - ; f.j W- i 1vl easter ; .... 'XX t'rlK v 5: I r? ln the beauty 0 the lilies Christ wasbora across the sea, J "XXi IX 1 O O In the heauty oi the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transligures you and me. He died to make men holy, let us die to make them free. While God is.marching on. . X KA - .7 Photo by Geo.F.-Holmao ... J EH 103.0